For sale: Heavyduty elite fitness inversion table for back pain relief, $75. 678-3784439 Camper top, 5ft. W, 6 ft. L, white plastic, 8 windows, EC. Name your own price. 770-836-3992

For sale: Fuel head 20 gallon medical air compressor, very quite, 120V AC, new speed air dryer, 120V AC. Get both for $400. For more information, call 404-895-5648.

Awesome Christmas Gift!
8ft/3-Pc Slate Pool Table, Very Nice, $650. Text/ Call 770-8467528. Gravel driveway delivery and small dumbstruck, tractor and excavator service. Call 404-218-3397. For sale: MTD Gold hydro riding lawn mower, new battery, $400. 770-235-7032
Free to a good home: Collie, rough, fixed, adult female, house broken. 470-445-4892
Older wood dining table w/leaf & 4 chairs, $65/all. Call 770-973-6325, lve msg

Looking to buy a washing machine. Can be used. 470522-8606, leave msg New metal (3068) door w/frame and window unit for sale. Exc. Deal. 770-880-9194 I buy used/junk cars & trucks; 770-834-4398 or 678-778-6439. Junk Removal & Other Yard Work. 470-8793884

Cleaning Services: Residential & Commercial. Light Hauling. 678381-6588
Nice player piano, $300. 678-5326060
Wardlaw Tree Service: Full tree service, stump grinding. Wood chips, topsoil, gravel, fill dirt. Bobcat work. 770-258-4634
Buying unwanted junk cars, trucks, vans, ATV’s, motorcycles. We come to you. Call for your best offer. 770-328-6545
Sony DVD/VCR combo, GC, works well, $25/ cash; Sylvania DVD/VCR combo, $30/cash; two VCR’s, $25/ea. 770-276-5222
Looking for a small truck, cheap. Call Bobby, 404-6954400.
Kimball organ FREE to anyone interested. Needs electrical plug. You pick up. 770235-9379
Looking for someone to buy my trees, 12-16 acres; Mt. Zion area. Richard 352-547-9036
Bears/ Pillow. Call 770.301.5447

For sale: solid wood dining set, table and 5 chairs, $100. Text 404889-5494
In VILLA RICA ~ very nice mobile home for rent: 2BR/1 bath, central heat & air, washer & dryer, $900/mo. includes water & yard maintenance. No pets, No smoking. 404-748-1225
MERRY CHRISTMAS I BUY HOUSES - any condition. Cash. 404-2021006