I BUY HOUSES - any condition. Cash. 404-2021006
1986 Eldorado, 86k miles, one owner, $7000. 770-367-8872
Necklace and earring set for sale. 770-6586553
200 rounds of 40 caliber ammo, $60. 404-7180867

1961 12 foot Star Craft boat, $800. 770-294-1557
Necklace and ring set for sale. 770-658-6553
General Home Maintenance: Plumbing, Painting, Carpentry, Roofing. Any type of remodels. References, Warranties. 678992-3512 or 770733-5673
Looking for a PRN and a weekend person to help take care of our special needs son in our home in Carrollton. Must be able to lift at least 80lbs, and have reliable transportation. Flexible hours available. Call Angie AFTER 5:00 pm @ 770301-2776.

Part-time work with full-time fun. Camp Blood is NOW accepting applications every Saturday @ 10 am sharp through September 14th. 2277 Whooping Creek Rd. Carrollton, 770-8542824 or 404-2916190 West GA. General Contractors—Roofing, Framing, Siding, Flooring & Remodeling. 678378-6713
Blackstone LP Pizza Oven, Used twice, includes stand, cover, accessory kit, $250. (Reg. $441) 561632-1531

Whirlpool stand up deep freezer, very good condition, $450. 470622-1909
Divorce $399.00, Kerry Baldwin, Attorney, 402 Adamson Square, Carrollton, 678390-5719, familylawandchildcustody.com
Circles of West
Georgia Thriving families
Thriving Communities: Recruiting NOW for our upcoming training class! Do you want a better life? Or knows someone who does? Eligibility Requires: Stable housing for 5-6 consecutive months
• Must be at least 18 Yrs old
• Drug-free for 6 months • No violent history on your record & no crimes against children. Benefits Available: 12 wk program; meets on Tuesday nights, 6 pm & includes dinner. 678.416.1122
Mr. Blue needs a loving home! He’s a Scott American Bulldog. Abt. 80 lbs. Housebroken Crate trained. Abt 5 yrs old. Neutered. Please msg, if interested. 770241-0525
FREE Kittens to good homes. Born July 11th, eating solid food. 2 black, 1 orange & 1 tan. Super sweet and fluffy. Raised around kids. Text: 678-7885433 for more info/pictures
16” electric chainsaw for sale. 770537-3270
Wanting to buy: older Pokemon cards, Marvel cards, Uncanny X-Men comics. Text me what you have. 770-8459759

Glock 9mm pistol, $450. 404-7180867
16ft stock trailer, $1250. 256-3102681
Chlorine tablets wanted. 770-5624600


A pretty 2 1/2-year-old Lab-mix female who loves playing fetch and is friendly with other dogs.
A wonderful 1 1/2-year-old male kitty whose fur is equal parts black and white.

• CAT LITTER • Clean Towels • Clean Flat Sheets • Clean Blankets • Clean Pet Toys
• Pillows of Any Kind
• Mattress Pads
• Sleeping Bags
Large/Down Comforters
CAN & DRY PET FOOD In original bag or container, within the expiration date (MUST HAVE EXPIRATION DATE LISTED)

Gentle 1-year-old brindle Anatolian Shepherd-mix male who enjoys hanging out with people.
A handsome 6-month-old orange tabby and white male kitty with gold eyes.

Litter Boxes or Scoops
Pet Carriers
the large amounts of cats/kittens we have due to the warm weather we are struggling to keep up with the demand of cat litter we are needing.
If you are able to donate please consider some of these options we love to use for our fur babies! For questions, call us at 770-214-3590.

Friendly and super smart young black and white Pit Bull-mix female who loves kids and people.
A playful 2-year-old tortoiseshell female with big light green eyes.

Playful sweet-natured white Bull Terrier-mix male who enjoys playing with all kinds of toys.
An elegant boy! An adult gray tabby with a white bib and little white paws.

Caregiver looking for private elderly care work, CPR Certified/References. 678-953-0283.

Six acres with cabin, Cleburne County, $85k. Call 770-8342700, leave message. Marble table, can be used as an island. $125. 470622-1909 I buy used/junk cars & trucks; 770-834-4398 or 678-778-6439.
Indoor/Outdoor heater, on tripod, can be put on wall. $175. 678628-2601
Harley Davidson Heritage Soft Tail, 16k miles, EC, $10,000. 770574-5553 Memories Turned into Treasures: Memory Bears/ Pillow. Call 770.301.5447 5000 Coleman generator for sale. 770-5373270 Your Yard is
Step stool, canes, adult walker, exercise machine for sale. 770-3244308 42” Yardman Riding Lawn Mower, good condition, $600. 678-6282601

Older wood dining table with leaf and 4 chairs, $65. 770-973-6325, leave msg
2008 Nissan Altima, runs good, good tires, $5000/ obo. 678-8368186

Dell laptop, $125. RCA Tablet, $75. 678-532-6060
Nice player piano, $300. 678532-6060
For sale: Love Seat, $140; Chandelier, $30; Treadmill, $190. 770-235-7891 Printers, $20/ea.; Trimmers, $15/ea; Window screens, 4 for $45. 770235-7891

Angle scrap blade for tractor, $200. 770-314-2027
Heavy Christmas tree stand, $30. 770-375-8245
Gravel driveway delivery and small dumbstruck, tractor and excavator service. Call 404-218-3397.

Hart 4 Hire Pressure Washing: House Wash, Roof Wash & Gutter Cleaning. Fireman. Please call 404-4962002 Yellowstone Roofing: Remodel, Repair & Decks. Licensed/Insured. FREE Estimates! Roger, 404-921-8595

VCR/DVD players, both in GC, $35/ea., couple of VCR’s, good condition, $25/ea. 770-7265222

Gutters Cleaning, New Gutter Installation, Roof Repairs. Insured. Call 770-633-8754
Wardlaw Tree Service: Full tree service, stump grinding. Wood chips, topsoil, gravel, fill dirt. Bobcat work. 770-258-4634 750 Honda motorcycle. Can be used for parts or restoring. 770834-3729
Boys Lawn Care. All lawn
es, landscaping, pressure
etc. Reasonable


Food & Other Assistance

Quotes. Call 678-2459810. 120 beanie babies for sale: all have tags, most in plastic cases, $3/ each or $275 for all. 678-787-5581
Tuesdays & Thursdays (for food), 10 am –12 noon. OPEN HANDS Financial Assistant via email or text only. Text, 470-729-1757 or email: openhandshelps@ gmail.com. 100 Bledsoe St, 30117

rocking chair, local artist made, $125. 770-3758245 leave message
AR 500 level 4 bullet proof Vest with high speed gear, triple mag pouches, $390. 678-787-4712
2018 Club Car golf cart, 48v, charger, front windshield, nice cart, $3200. 256310-2681
2006 Harley Davidson Fat Boy, one owner, garage kept, 22k miles, $7200. 404-456-1798
2010 Polaris Ranger Side by Side 400, windshield, top, dump bed, $6500. 770265-0170