2001 Dodge Ram, 6 cylinder, 98k miles, $5000 OBO. 770-7147692
ING: PAY LESS FOR THE BEST 1st time treatment ~ $95; Monthly $45. Fleas & large homes extra. 770-834-7956.

For sale: Beads: ALL TYPES! For your crafts. Call 770-537-1329, for details.
1999 Buick Lesabre, must see to appreciate, $2800 OBO. Serious Sold As Is! 770.328.1268
Two DVD VCR combos, good condition, works/plays well, $25/ea.; 770.276.5222

Manual typewriter, w/case, $50. 470-279-1654
Mobile Homes for
in the Carrollton

2BR/2BA & 3BR/2BA, total electric,

from $900-$1300 per month. Sec. deposit equal to one months rent. No Pets. Contact Chris, 770.639.1920 for more infor mation. Four times monthly rent provable gross monthly income, year on job and clean rental history. Two VCR’s, GC, works well, $25/ ea. 770-276-5222
For sale: 2010 Polaris Ranger side x side 400, 4WD, 2WD, windshield, top, dump bed, $6500. Call 770-265-0170, for details.

For sale: Platinum ladies filigree antique, natural, three stone diamond ring, featuring a arthritis shank. If interested call 678-920-1299.
Divorce $399.00, Kerry Baldwin, Attorney, 402 Adamson Square, Carrollton, 678390-5719, familylawandchildcustody.com
Cuisinart smoker/ grill, Bluetooth, holds 40lbs of pellets, cover included, $300; charcoal grill w/cover, $75. B’don area, 615809-9502 or 615496-0037

“For piano moving, tuning, or repair. Call the man that knows how! 770-2896983” Gutters Cleaning, New Gutter Installation, Roof Repairs. Insured. Call 770-633-8754

Senior citizen mobile home community in country, in Alabama 55+, Must have transportation; $450 and up monthly. No deposit to fixed income. Call 256-568-3550.
Looking for a PRN / a weekend person to help take care of our special needs son in our home in C’ton. Flexible hours available. Call Angie AFTER 5:00 pm @ 770-301-2776.
Tallapoosa area. 678-8501723
For sale: new women’s 6x fuchsia evening gown. 770-4595515

Two DVD/VCR combos in GC, $25/ea; two VCR’s in GC, $25/ea. 770276-5222
Michael Kors purse, VGC and two new Vera Bradley purses, $20 each. 770214-7767

Motorized wheelchair, drive, used very little, $950. 770630-1687
White landscaping rocks for sale. Call Dewayne, 470-7533358
Looking for a used dog kennel for free or sale. 678-552-8561
2008 Ford Taurus, good condition, no oil leaks, cold AC, $2800 OBO. 770-5009240
pine slabs from circular sawmill. 770-

7’ patio heater, stainless/black, comes w/propane bottle, $125. 678-8368186

Antique wood chair, $25. 770375-8245 lve msg Free to a good home: Collie, rough, fixed, adult female, house broken. 470-445-4892 Looking for Pokémon cards, silver coins, Indian artifacts & arrowheads. 470-925-0077

sofa, huge, $3000 value, $800; washing machine, digital, needs book, $1300 value for $400. 678-517-8795

Assistance Tues./Thurs. (for
HANDS Financial Assistant via text 470-729-1757 or email: openhandshelps@ gmail.com.
