Psalm of My Heart

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Psalm Of My Heart With Other Prayers and Reflections


Psalm of My Heart And Other Poems

Dedicated to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel This book of original poems and other reflections was put together in the Holy Face Studio of artist Mary Zore in the summer of 2007 Original poetry and Computer graphic illustrations Under copyright by Mary Zore Holy Face Studio Brookline, NH 03033

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Psalm of my Heart 2. To The Maker 3. Will You Be There? 4. A Refection on God’s Beauty 6. Thoughts of St. Augustine 7. To Our Lady of La Salette 8. Beyond These Horizons 10. A Rosaried River 11. Oremus 12. The Story of My Love 14. The Day of God’s truth 15. Spinning Sun Image 16. To The Holy Face 18. Meditation Teresa of Avila 19. Come! Creator God, Come! 20. Altars and Sacrifice 21. A Preparation for Winter 22. The Therese Window 24. Where Is The Mystery? 25. Pieces of Our Lives 26. Short Meditation by John of The Cross 27. A Christmas Litany of Praise


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Psalm of My heart (a prayer for humility) Bow down low, O heart-Before your God, For here is His house Mightier than the Sea of Stars Reaching further than the hand of time… Into you, Into your thoughts and deeds… Bow down low, O heart-That He may receive you, That He may lift you, That He may feed you, Clothe you, and teach you, Bow down low, O Heart FOR HERE IS YOUR GOD!

The Mighty Creator Who existed before all That saw you before you were formed That breathed His Life into you And sustains life in you. Here is your God! The Mighty One, All knowing, All Just, All Merciful… Bow down low, O heart-FOR HERE IS YOUR GOD

To The Maker Simple Graces Linen and laces Violets of Blue Baptized with dew And green rustling leaves Whispering, “Who?” Who is my Maker?

And what of the world

The De-lineator

I don’t see?

Of every line,

(I believe it is there,

Of every trace—

Even more beautiful)

The inventor of

O my soul, O creation

My face—

Bless the Lord and

The colorist of each


Unique being and place.

For His perfection O let it be…

Can it just be chance?

That Thou wouldst perfect

This multifluous

This little bit of earth,

Unknowably, infinitely

My Lord, My God, My Maker…. Amen.

Ever unexpectedly new World I see—


And Will You be There? And will you be there? When I am whited and lifted A laundered sheet to fly A lady of winded scents And daily sacraments? And will you be there? When I am buoyed and floated, A gull finding wind for ascent— A woman of robed seas And will you be there?

And miraculous

To hear the singing of


Stretched thin walls—

And will you be

And will you be there?


To witness the hand-flick

--To catch the fall

Of born orange match head

Of blown tall shadow--

O please be there— Eye and ear and touch, For the singleness Of such…


Reflection on God’s Beauty— Looking back— I wonder how I ever could have Left Your side To admire lesser things --Which only mirror A tiny bit of Your Beauty. Your Beauty is Resplendent, As heavenly bodies luxuriantly spread Across the dark blanket of night sky A Beauty As intimate As the babe pressed Against the Mother’s breast A Beauty Warm As the welcomed sun after winter A Beauty Splendid As snow crested peaks against Crystal blue skies A Beauty Glamorous As ice cloaked tree branches Glistening like diamonds A Beauty Luxurious As a silvery moon-lit garden

Than the scent of fresh mown hay A Beauty… Gay as yellow cowslips Pushing up through black bogs A Beauty Sentimental as roses, red and dewDrenched A Beauty Aromatic As incense around an altar A Beauty Amazing as a baby’s small fist And soft as a child’s first kiss A Beauty Compassionate Complete And all embracing As a wooden cross on Calvary The Beauty of my God Contains Surpasses Annihilates All Beauties My Lord! My God! My Everything!




Thoughts from a sermon by St. Augustine ---We cannot yet contemplate The fact that he was begotten by the Father before the dawn, so let us hold onto the fact That he was born of the Virgin in the night. ---We do not yet understand how His name endures before the the sun, so let us acknowledge His tabernacle placed in the sun. ---Since we do not, as yet, gaze upon the Only Son inseparably united with His Father, let us remember the Bridegroom coming out of His bridechamber‌ ---Since we are not yet ready For the banquet Of our Father, Let us acknowledge the manger of our Lord Jesus Christ. 6.

To Out Lady of La Salette In your beautiful peasants garb, Wreathed with roses round— White, for purity Red, for martyrdom Gold, for victory You came, like a beggar, Seated in a ball of light Your head held in your hands, Crying, you seem forsaken, alone, “… like a momma Beaten by her own children” You have fled to the mountains. You come to a place of stone. Two inconsequential children are chosen To share your sorrows, And bear a message to us all: You desire us to pray, And to keep holy the Lord’s Day. Not to swear, but instead to sacrifice and fast, Is what you ask. With rosaries we learn (At Fatima, and Lourdes) We can dry your tears. Oh, you came in tears Dear Lady of La Salette, Seeking soft ground So seeds of faith and hope can grow.

With hope we sing: “…Those who sow in tears, Will reap in reams…” 7.

BEYOND THESE HORIZONS The sun is setting on the old Ahead, beyond the fields, Beyond distant city walls is The secret knowing of your heart, Mary, That soon you shall see The Face of God! And a beginning is nigh, Already here, The wind blows softly, A soothing lullaby-Mary hums along, A favorite song Of her own childhood: “And He shall be called, ‘Emmanuel’, yes ‘Emmanuel’ Joseph is thoughtful. He looks straight ahead. Hoping to find the way. To shelter, and warmth and welcome. “No room”, “Not now…” “The stable is all I can give…” “God’s will, God’s will be done,” he says.


He has given Himself to you, --As a child. Impossible? Impossible? “With God, all things are possible” ALL things, Mary-You knew that more Than all of us. Mary, these words of hope You received and kept And pondered…these words Sustained you through pain, And trials, and Helped you believe that Water could become wine... Mary, be my mentor in faith, May the words that You received be mine as well: “All things are possible….” Even the conversion of my heart… even that… New horizons, bright new days, The road you are traveling leads Beyond Bethlehem to Jerusalem And beyond Jerusalem to Heaven !


A Rosaried River A sorrowful; fright God— Your love for me

That I have been abandoned by You.

Is like a Rosaried River

Then comes the

I float in a little boat


And You blow—and off I go

Darkness dispelled by light,

Through the changing mysteries.

Everything in correct order,

Some hold me— Like a summer garden holds birds

Everything by Love, made right.

And my heart sings happily,

O blow, blow, blow me Lord

“I am loved” “I am loved”

Down Your Rosaried River—

“God loves me.”

Then swallow, swallow,

Others, are like puzzles That I must work the answers to

swallow Me in Your Heart’s Sea.

And I may go A long time feeling Untouched by You— Still others, Lord, Are simple as death— An unmooned night When I am filled with 10.

A Prayer Asking For Mary’s Assistance To End Mankind’s History of Sinfulness.

Oremus (Let us pray) Pure and spotless Virgin, pray for us, that we may stop sinning, that we may sin no more, that we may persevere in our intention of making up for the great harm done by our sins. Your intercession will win us the grace of perfect friendship with God. Therefore, we shall be able to praise you for being, after your Son Jesus, the source of our salvation. Amen From “Imitation of Mary” Written by: Alexander De Rouville Revised and Edited by: Matthew J. O’Connell


1. Jesus Christ, Son of God Have mercy on me a sinner

The Story of My Love 2. Jesus Christ Son of God, Have mercy on me a sinner

I saw you, alone and afraid. So, I sought you with My Heart

A Good Samaritan,

In My Hand was My


promise and

For I found you amid

Many wounds I wore.

The carcasses of dead ones,

I used my sufferings

The victims of thieves.

to pour

Their weapons of lies

My ointment upon you.

Had taken your soul,

Frankincense, I became,

Like a wandering sheep

A perfumed ointment I AM.

Amid wolves you were.

I bound up your

I called to you there.


My voice was a whisper.

And gave you to eat

My song was soothing.

and drink

My words were

From My banquet table.


All your tears I dried,

Into the wilderness

And then I led you apart,

I led you.

Into a desert place

I guarded your passing.

And there I whispered to you

And there I told you--

The story of My Love,

The story of My Love

The story of My Love.

The story of My Love. 12.

3. Jesus Christ, Son of God, Have mercy on me a sinner As a Bridegroom, I have wooed you With My jewels. I enticed you, As I stood at the Entrance to your room. My eyes shinning like stars now, As my arms enfold you-In the silence I will wed you. In this emptiness I will purify you. Like gold that is melted, Like silver that is made to shine, I will come to perfect you, I will come to make you mine. And in the midst of Seeming darkness I will stoop to tell you—

The story of My Love The story of My Love 13.


Prayer For The Spirit of Truth)

New songs will be sung of Your Might and

The Day of God’s Truth

Your merciful Love. Our Hearts will be humble

Declare the Truth, O Lord. Proclaim Your handiwork! Show us our secret sins lord, The hidden sorrows that wither us From without and within.

and contrite, The sweet scent of contrition Rising like incense before Your Throne. Eternal One, Wise and wonderful beyond comprehension, Strike us with Your scepter of knowledge That all nakedness by exposed,

Like a Sun Transversing the sky Enlighten each according to His deeds.

And then clothe us In the colors of Your brilliant Light

Then the seed of evil will be exposed,

That we might be Dressed as the Princes and Princesses

Will wither, Will die. Spring will be declared in our lands. And our gardens will flourish.

Sons and Daughters of The Eternal Father, Our Sun. 14.

In this night we are waiting and watching For the hint of red Upon the hills I am longing for Your New Day. Let there be light! Amen

To The Holy Face A landscape of Love Is the Lord’s Face His eyes, Caverns of Knowledge Lakes of Acceptance Taking you in And Washing you In waters of compassion Gentle, Merciful Pools of Tender Repose— And the mouth of My Lord Is the Bridge of Love’s Wisdom Knowledge and Truth Passing through Like Living Waters In a rushing stream Clear, Refreshing Powerfully Re-creating Those that will bend to drink— And the Forehead of my Savior Holy Brow of Love Anointed, sublime 16.

Seat of Knowledge Throne of Understanding And the cheekbones Of my God, Are a chiseled beauty Refined, Resplendent, Kingly, Holy contours of Skin and bone, Royal and Majestic Holy Face of Jesus Garden of God’s Love, Word Enfleshed I Adore Thee I reverence Thee. Consume me, Ignite me. Captivate me May I recognize and Love Your Face In all Faces. AMEN

Let nothing trouble you. All is fleeting.

God alone is unchanging. Patience obtains Everything. Who possesses God wants Nothing God Alone Suffices Teresa of Avila


Come, Creator God, Come! ( A prayer poem for the outpouring of The Holy Spirit on Creation)

Our hearts are longing for

Chiseled into Charity

That awesome hour

Are sentences of grace, Incense of Purity and

When God Creator comes,

Burning flames of Faith—

Riding on a stallion great,

Holy Spirit,

And Reigning in the power

Come to us, Hover with Your wings.

Of earth,

Overshadowing our Hearts,

And Sea, And every living, beating heart—

Heal us from within! Create in us, O Lord, A heavenly dew and more,

Saturating ALL in Light,

Symphonic hymns of praise

Removing ALL that stains.

raise up


From our silent distant lands—

“Come Holy Ghost

Orchestrate our melodies!

Creator Blest And in our hearts

Hold us in Your Hands!

Take up Thy rest…” 19.

OF ALTARS AND SACRIFICE And is your bread Tossed out upon the water? Is your sacrifice Held up upon the altars? Empty handedness Seems to be my affliction, So, like a beggar I approach… And ask The Lord to accept my empty hand. Christ then, Becomes my refuge. My hope resting in His promise That His sacrifice will suffice For my lack… Perhaps we two will blend together! The humiliation of my own bareness FUSING ME TO HIS SIDE The branch into the living vine The Bridegroom UNITING-With His bride… 20.

In Preparation For Winter This gray day,

I resolve---

Why, even the sky’s face is

To hold summer deep within me,

Covered with a quiet cloth of gray non-color,

Like a time –release capsule

The autumn trees have fluttered their

So that I may digest slowly

Torn and battered leaf remnants

The easier clime of sun and beach

Like tired flags of burnt red,

And summer garden sweets—

Surrendered now to The early frosts of winter.

And finally, I resolve---

The weatherman said “snow for the weekend.”

To be God’s little pasture,

And so, inwardly I settle my soul

And give Him rest and repose.

And prepare, once more

To give Him drinks from my little pool,

For the colder months. I resolve---

And to anoint Him with sweet oil.

To continue to lift up my heart


everyday in praise—

I resolve—

As if there is no such thing as

To love my good neighbor, God

Icy winds battering upon my doors and windows.

As He has always loved me.


The Therese Window Therese, It was your ‘little way’ That seemed to Let the light shine through The haze of religiosity’s call for “Perfection” for the most hopelessly imperfect-Simplicity, you found, Was the antidote that even fools can apply To heal the little wounds of life. I remember that you wrote “The only beauty is ugliness” So that even broken pots and Scattered shards of irritations Yes, all the unavoidable Clanking beads of dissension, and cranky companions That can wear one down, Are woven into mysterious Symphonies fit for God’s ear By patience and love, Little Flower, Your high window of faith and love, Challenges me to review my


Old complexities, and smile more— And, for one so serious, this is not always so easy! But when I see life through My beautiful Therese Window-I see the immeasurable expanse of God’s Mercy Garden with Long straight paths of hope and love Strewn with rose petals, fragrant and unfading. So Lord, Whatever views the 'window of my today' holds, May my Therese Window, help me Find a path of light through any clouds.


“Where is the mystery?” In the storm’s release-Stallions galloping above, Dragons splashing in the deeps When Prince and Princess meet here He will rescue her from her foes Lightening flash will be His lance The wind, His charging steed! And when the battle is all over He will come to claim His bride, And off on morning’s dappled dawn, The two of them will ride… The storm-- it is this moment The bride—why, it is you! The Bridegroom-- it is Christ-The Ever Faithful, Ever True.


Out of the individual pieces of our lives (no matter how broken and torn) God can weave a masterpiece-We only have to give Him the pieces.


“The Virgin, weighed

with the Word of God,

comes down the road:

if only you'll


her.” St. John of the Cross

A Christmas Litany of Praise For the Christ Child This year’s Christmas reveals an Angel in a misty vision standing before me and smiling, with open beckoning arms Offering me a prayer-- a Litany to Praise His tiny feet. share,— of praises for the Christ Lovely feet, Child.

Praise His little face so new-so perfectly Formed, so soft and smooth, So shiny with a grace-filled joy, So lovely, in the fire-glow The Face of God we now behold. Praise His tiny fingers too, Wreathed round Mary’s finger in a tight hold—

That John did not merit to ‘unloose the sandals of’, and yet Mary kisses them now, (For she anointed them long before the Magdalene) And counts the toes. Oh, bless and praise thee, Little One, Child of straw and manger,

as little infant’s do.

Wrote commandments into stone.

Child wrapped tight in swaddling garb (Foreshadowing the sorrow of

What do they write now?

shrouds and tombs.)

Love, is carved there

Bless Him. Praise Him.

On fingertips

Life has been revealed in HIM Afresh, anew, Again.

Perfectly new, Yet old as the finger of God that

In this flesh of fairest form.


Artist: Mary Zore

HOLY FACE STUDIO 265 Rt. 13 North Brookline, NH

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