(Im)material Matters1 Liz Gálvez
I might begin by describing an (Im)material Space thus: An ephemeral space. 1 The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines ‘immaterial’ as ‘not consisting of matter.’ The term ‘(Im)material’ capitalizes on the potential relationship between material and seemingly immaterial matters, all the while acknowledging that immaterial matters, such as air, consist of material with immaterial qualities.
445 soy-wax and aggregate bricks. 450 lbs. of soy-wax. 1615 lbs. of gravel aggregate. 2 oz of aquamarine dye 16 oz of lavender fragrance oil 648 square feet of a 2 mil. thick plastic drop cloth. Total weigh of sculpture: 2065 lbs.
2 See the project description for the New York Earth Room and other works by Water de Maria. “The New York Earth Room.” Dia Art Foundation, accessed 27 October 2020, https:// www.diaart.org/visit/ visit-our-locations-sites/ walter-de-maria-thenew-york-earth-roomnew-york-united-states.
On the one hand, a quantitative 2 rather than formal account of matter is opportune in describing an ephemeral or phasechanging sculpture. And yet, the notation leaves much to be desired in describing the phase-change, oozy nature of the material. Should we think of wax as solid or liquid? In gallons or in pounds? Additionally, how do we begin to account for the metrics of energic entanglements? (I consumed 16 gallons of gasoline matter in transporting these matters 250 miles from Ann Arbor to Chicago).
(Im)material Matters