M'Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine 2015 Spring/Summer Edition

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Local & International Publication

Modern Beauty In Christian Living Christian Magazine

Put Your Trust In God... Not Man!

2015 Spring | Summer Edition

“I am the Rose of Sharon, and the Lily of the valleys.” Songs 2:1 Inspire





Featured Articles





Flying Above The Rest


Hot or Cold?

CHIEF EDITOR Teesha Walker


Dr. Meme Brown, First Lady


Invitation To Christ

ADVERTISEMENT DIRECTOR Elizabeth Jackson Office: 832.722.2767 or Email: lizj.mbracingbeauty1@gmail.com


Cultural Art Enthusiast/ Writer


Black History 365


Kenneth E. Morris

Elizabeth Jackson, Publisher

Inspirational Message: A Fresh Start Prayer Of Salvation

Dr. Florita Bell Griffin Teesha Walker

You Are An Overcomer

ASSIST EDITOR Byron Jackson Jr.

PHOTOGRAPHERS GRAPHIC DESIGNER Ferrell Phelps Jr. Elizabeth Jackson Kenneth Grissom

STAFF WRITER Darshell McAlpine

Clifford J. Hatchett

Cover Photo by Ferrell Phelps Jr.




~ Interactive Hair Studio ~ Ismm~ Ferrell’s Photography Mrs. Annie Price ~ Pamela Survillion Alfred Moody: Double Take Fashion C. David Harrison, Pastor/ Professor Wardrobe by Double Take Fashion Alfred Moody, Owner

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The Death, Burial, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ The Day Sin Lost its Power


Christ’s life of perfect obedience to God’s will through His suffering, death and resurrection, God provided the only means of atonement for human sin, so that those who by faith accept this atonement may have eternal life, and all of creation may better understand the infinite and holy love of the Creator. This perfect atonement vindicates the righteousness of God’s law and the graciousness of His character; for it both condemns our sin and provides for our forgiveness. The death of Christ is substitutionary and expiatory, reconciling and transforming. The resurrection of Christ proclaims God’s triumph over the forces of evil, and for those who accept the atonement assures their final victory over sin and death. It declares the Lordship of Jesus Christ, before whom every knee in heaven and on earth will bow. (John 3:16; Isa. 53; 1 Peter 2:21, 22; 1 Cor. 15:3, 4, 20-22; 2 Cor. 5:14, 15, 19-21; Rom. 1:4; 3:25; 4:25; 8:3, 4; 1 John 2:2; 4:10; Col. 2:15; Phil. 2:6-11.)

Put Your Trust In God... Not Man!


M’Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine | Kenneth E. Morris

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Universal Elite Aerospace Written by Darshell McAlpine, Staff Executive writer

When Kenneth E. Morris went to the Navy, he had no idea what he was going to do with his life. He scored well on the Navy exam which opened up numerous career opportunities for him. As he sat down with Navy personnel to pick a career, he was shown jobs which included mechanic, cook, plumber or electrician and encouraged to select one of them. But Kenneth noticed another job and inquired about it. He was told that job involved flying but most of the people who tried it ended up failing. When he chose that very career, he was told he would never make it. Being a person who did not take kindly to being told what he could not accomplish, not only did he make it, he excelled at it, thus beginning a life-long passion for aviation.

Kenneth is a bit of a phenomenon since African American pilots are rare. Of the 72,000 registered pilots in the U.S. only 2,000 of them are African American. Kenneth will tell you that he never even considered a career in aviation. He was afraid of heights and had not been on an airplane until he was on his way to boot camp at the age of eighteen. Going to the military and aviation gave him the opportunity to see the world. It also helped him win a college scholarship which he used to earn a degree in Information Systems. After college, when his son’s mother became ill and he took on the responsibility of taking care of her, he wondered how he could combine his desire to help people with his love of aviation. In that moment, the idea for Universal Elite Aerospace became a reality.


Put Your Trust In God... Not Man!

M’Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine | Kenneth Morris

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Universal Elite Aerospace is an aviation S.T.E.M. (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) outreach program operating under Abundant Faith Ministries, formed to attract and increase interest in aviation in Houston’s urban communities. The focus is on enhancing the image and accessibility of aviation to the youth, teens and adults who would otherwise not be exposed to these opportunities. The program is housed at the Houston Hobby Airport at 1940 Air Terminal Museum and provides a place for children and adults to experience the joy of flying free of charge. As early as fifth grade, students of the program are introduced to flying and various other aviation careers. They are also challenged to develop some core strengths: • Positive Decision Making • Confidence • Respect for Others • Respect for Themselves • S.T.E.M. The program is producing impressive results. There is a full roster of public and private aviation events including tours and flights. Since November of 2013, they have worked with 4,400 students across the Houston area From the list of program graduates, five are attending flight school, five are attending airplane maintenance school and two are studying to be flight controllers. The program receives some donations but the majority of the expenses are paid for by Kenneth himself, proving this this is a real labor of love. When asked what he might do differently, Kenneth simply says “start the program sooner.” To donate or to learn more about the Universal Elite Aerospace program contact them at Universal Elite Aerospace by phone at 832-455-0063 or online at www.universalelite.org.

Put Your Trust In God... Not Man!


M’Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine | Elizabeth Jackson, Publisher

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Hot or Cold?

Elizabeth Jackson, Publisher Why did Jesus speak so strongly against lukewarm faith?


n Revelation 3:14-21, the Lord is describing the “lukewarm” attitude of those in the Church of Laodicea. Their deeds were a manifestation of their lukewarm hearts. Consumers appreciate beverages when they are either cold or hot. Similarly, the Lord would rather His people be either hot (spiritually on fire for Him) or cold (rejecting Him outright). The Laodicean’s understood the analogy because their city drinking water came from a spring six miles to the south via a city aqueduct, and it arrived to them lukewarm. It was not hot like the nearby hot springs that people bathed in for relaxation, nor was it refreshingly cold for drinking.


a person’s spiritual state of being. He said, “By their fruit you will recognize them” and “every good tree bears good fruit” (Matthew 7:16-17). Clearly, the deeds of the Laodiceans were not congruent with their salvation claims, because the deeds of the true believer will be consistently “hot,” reflecting the spiritual passion of a life transformed by the Holy Spirit. The lukewarm deeds, however—those done without joy, without love and without the fire of the Spirit—do more harm to the presumptuously watching world than the deeds done by those who are completely cold to the things of God. The lukewarm are those who claim to know God but live as though He doesn’t exist. They may be frequent church attendees church, but they possess a religious self-righteous complacent attitude, instead of displaying the life that is congruent with a personal relationship with God. They may be Christians, but their hearts are unchanged, and their hypocrisy is sickening to God, and are carnal at best.

The Lord rebukes and disciplines the believers in the church of Laodicea, commanding them to repent. He sees their lukewarm attitudes as “shameful nakedness” that needs to be clothed in the white garments of true righteousness. He urges them to be earnest, zealous, and to commit themselves totally to Him. But our Lord is gracious and long-suffering. He will always receive to Himself even the most lukewarm Christian who comes to Him in repentance.

of security and independence. The expression “I am rich, and have become wealthy” is a literary device that inverts the natural sequence for emphasis. Here it stresses that the wealth attained came though selfexertion. Spiritually, they had great needs. This self-sufficient attitude is a constant danger when Christians live lives of ease and enjoy prosperity. The believers in Laodicea, are an example for all Christians today. We should not become satisfied with the ways of this world; accepting all manner of ungodliness just so we don’t hear the words, “You can not judge me!” Believers, we are not judging if we are encouraging one another to move from ungodly acts to a repentance spirit through the Word of God (Galatians 6:1). There’s a different between holding one accountable and condemning one to hell. Effective, “hot” believers should not compromise the Word of God in order to fit into the system of this world. Either we are for God or against Him! Choose this day whom you going to serve. Based on Revelation 3:14-19, it is not just about Who serve, it’s also about how we serve Him. The Bible tells us that we are the salt of the earth, but if we lose our saltiness then we are no good, but for to be trampled under the feet of men. We either on fire for the Lord; demonstrating His works and will in our personal lives as well as inviting the lost to sit closer to the flames…Get on Fire for The LORD!” Charles Stanley

The letter to the church at Laodicea is the harshest of the seven letters to the churches of Asia Minor. By His indictment against their “deeds,” Jesus makes it clear that this is a decaying church. That is not to say that there were no true believers there, only that the church as a whole was spiritually uncommitted to her true purpose. Jesus The Laodiceans enjoyed material frequently equates deeds, or works, with prosperity that led to a false sense Elizabeth Jackson, Publisher Put Your Trust In God... Not Man!

M’Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine | Dr. MeMe Brown, First Lady

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A Fresh Start by Dr. MeMe Brown


aggage is defined as personal belongings packed in suitcases for traveling, past experiences or long-held ideas regarded as burdens and impediments. Too often we house our past hurts, disappointments and perceived failures in our hearts, minds, emotions and actions which then, is strongly regarded as burdens and ultimately impedes our progress. Because you so readily identify with each garment in the luggage you make excuses why each piece is a necessity. Not realizing what you have packed is not suitable for where you are going. Living out of your baggage will affect how you live your life today and how you treat the current people in your life based on the encounters of past individuals. Most often affecting the way you think of others and what you think about yourself. Whatever your past consist of, if observed correctly, it has the potential to fuel your purpose. “Isaiah 43:18”, forget about what happened don’t keep going on over old history. The first step to make a fresh start is to stop making excuses for past failures. Stop blaming others for your past mistakes.

Dr. MeMe Brown, First Lady

Stop seeing yourself as the victim. Always remember you control the way you respond to any ones actions. The place to start this process is with you, today begin taking responsibility for your own actions and be honest with you, because the problem and solution lay within your person. Secondly, make sure the people who feed your thoughts about your past are eliminated. Too often, most are unable to progress toward purpose because the wrong people are speaking into their life. Surround yourself with great minds, wise communicators and experienced mentors. There also should be association with those who can hold you accountable, coach you up Put Your Trust In God... Not Man!

and give good biblical counsel. Thirdly, you need to walk by faith, trusting that God has forgiven all of your past issues. If I stood before a judge facing the death penalty knowing that I was guilty, and he strikes the gavel and blurts NOT guilty, all charges have been dropped, you’re free to go on your own recognizance. I would be thankful and excited but I definitely would not tell the judge that’s okay I would rather remain incarcerated. Thanks but no thanks, I love being in prison. When you fail to accept the forgiveness of God, your saying thanks but no thanks… Lastly, there has to be a renewed mindset. Get rid of the shoulda, coulda, woulda speech. The most exhilarating thing about your past is just that, it is the past. Once you let go of your past, it doesn’t have a hold on you. The more you hold on to your past, the harder it is to dream and look forward to the future. Release and renew your thoughts and begin to believe in God’s word for the rest of your future. Your future is so much greater than your past will ever be. God has a plan for you so don’t allow your future to be crippled.



You Can Receive Jesus Christ Right Now by Faith - Through Prayer:

Dear God in heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to You that I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and the life that I have lived; I need your forgiveness. I believe that your only begotten Son Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the cross at Calvary and died for my sins, and I am now willing to turn from my sin. You said in Your Holy Word, Romans 10:9 that if we confess the Lord our God and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, we shall be saved. Right now I confess Jesus as the Lord of my soul. With my heart, I believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. This very moment I accept Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior and according to His Word, right now I am saved. Thank you Jesus, for your unlimited grace which has saved me from my sins. I thank you Jesus that your grace never leads to license, but rather it always leads to repentance. Therefore Lord Jesus, transform my life so that I may bring glory and honor to you alone and not to myself. Thank you Jesus for dying for me and giving me eternal life! Amen. Can you think of anything more wonderful that could happen to you than receiving Christ? “As soon as you can find a Bible believing and Bible teaching Church so that you can begin to hear and study the Word of God. Remember, Faith comes by hearing the Word of God.” Paul D. Landrew


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Pastor Henry Thomas True Fellowship Baptist Church 3115 N. Fry Katy, TX 77449

Pastor Bennett T. Cortez Greater Faith Baptist Church 9235 West Montgomery rd. Houston, TX 77088

Pastor Raynard Hillis Double Rock Baptist Church 1595 Shafter Ave San Francisco, California 94124

Pastor John Adolph Antioch Missionary Baptist Church 3920 West Cardinal Drive Beaumont, TX 77705

Pastor Demetrius Moffett First Church of God 911 Main Street Orange, TX 77630

Pastor Roland Booker Just Church Ministry 13547 Bammel North Houston Houston, Tx 77066

Pastor Ralph Douglas West The Church Without Walls 5725 Queenston Houston, TX 77084

Pastor Andy Woods Sugar Land Bible Church 401 Matlage Way Sugar Land TX, 77478

Pastor Charles Tompkins New Prairie View Baptist Church 4303 Seaky Rd. San Felipe, TX 77473

Pastor Charles Carter Jr. First St. Mark Baptist Church 2934 Brackenridge Houston, Tx 77016

David Harrison, Exe. Administrative Pastor First Baptist Church Heights 201 East 9th Street Houston, Texas 77007,

What The Bible Says About Our Greatest Salvation “Christ took our punishment and died in our place. Since our attempts at righteousness will not satisfy God, Christ clothed us in His righteousness in such away that when God, the Father, looks upon us, He does not see our sin; He sees only the righteousness of His Son, Jesus Christ.” L. Moyer Hebrews 2:1-4 -“What has been the greatest moment of your life? For some people, the answer might be their wedding day, the birth of a child, or an important promotion. But for believers, the best experience is salvation, when their eternal destiny was changed. New Christians often have a fervor to share their faith. In time, however, many find their hearts cooling as they focus less on their relationship with Jesus Christ.” Hebrews 2:1 instructs, “Therefore we must give the most earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away.” Salvation is God’s amazing solution to man’s sinful condition: it is His gift of rescue - through the death of Jesus- from the penalty of our transgressions.” Charles Stanley

Put Your Trust In God... Not Man


M’Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine |Dr. Florita Bell Griffin

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LITTLE FLOWER Written by Darshell McAlpine, Staff Executive writer

Dr. Florita Bell Griffin, Author


’Bracing Beauty sat down with Dr. Florita Bell Griffin, the Creative Director of ARC Communications, LLC, a visual arts communications and publishing company founded by her husband, Dr. Richard W. Griffin in 2010. She is also the real-life template of the fictional character “Little Flower”, the author of The Little Flower Vignettes – Story Behind The Story, and producer of Florita Bell Griffin’s Little Flower™ International Cultural Art Project. Dr. Griffin has a rich heritage of faith, activism, and education. Her father was a pastor, civil rights activist, and businessman and her mother was her first grade school


teacher. Imagine having to follow that legacy? But follow she has, no doubt making her parents proud and continuing a tradition of excellence. You only have to talk with Dr. Griffin for a few minutes before you are swept away by her incredible passion and philosophy of life, her unwavering love for God and her incredible gift of encouragement. Dr. Griffin was gracious enough to talk with us about her journey and how Little Flower was born. Q. What is Little Flower and how did you come up with that name? A. Little Flower is me. My dad wanted to name me PhoebeHannah after his favorite biblical characters but my

mom wanted to name me Florita. Thankfully, mom won! Florita means little flower in Spanish. My husband and I are art enthusiast and commissioned an art piece called Phoebe Hannah-Sunday Go To Meeting Clothes in 1993 which is a picture of me when I was nine years old. The painting inspired us to create the character. I was calling her Phoebe-Hannah but during a conversation with my husband about what to do with Phoebe-Hannah, my husband said to me “her name is not PhoebeHannah. It is Little Flower.” The painting inspired us to build a brand around her. The Little Flower Vignettes – Story Behind The Story is an adult book but from it came the Children of The World

Put Your Trust In God... Not Man!

M’Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine | Dr. Florita Bell Griffin

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Storybook and Educational Series based on the book. Little Flower uses storytelling and art to develop literacy and performance skills. We are not just focused on African American children but want to instill self-esteem, confidence, vision, diversity, and imagination in children around the world. Q. What do you mean when you say “around the world?” A. I have reached out to writers, artist and graphic designers all over the world and have collaborated with them locally and in places like Jamaica. Little Flower has been translated into French, Spanish, Mandarin-Chinese, and Portuguese. The characters are derived from art depicting children from countries like Japan, Tanzania and Rwanda. It really is an international project. Q. Tell me a story from the book? A. When I was in second grade I attended a school that was just experiencing desegregation. I was the only African American in my class and was told by my teacher that I knew too much to be in the second grade. I was completing my work faster than the other children and was made to do chores

while waiting on the other children to finish their work. This had the effect of dumbing me down. By third grade I had completely lost the educational abilities instilled by my mom in the first grade. I was making the grades but I wasn’t getting it. I struggled through school and did not grow out of the dumbing down until graduate school after praying and asking God to give me back what I had lost.

Q. This project isn’t just about the book. Talk about some other aspects of the project. A. It all started with the painting. That painting led to the book. The book led to the children series. The children series inspired the cartoon character. The children series also inspired the dolls which represent Little Flower and her friends from around the world. There is Little Flower music and even a Little Flower Minecraft. We will launch the Little Flower™ Children’s Education and Entertainment brand in summer 2015. Q. What have you learned as Little Flower has unfolded? A. This is a faith walk. I trust God with every part. When I had the idea for the graphic, God connected me with a graphic artist who designed the cartoon character. My niece inspired the idea of Little Flower friends. I didn’t know about the dolls or how to make dolls but God led me to an award winning doll-maker at the right time. As one idea came to life another one was birthed. I didn’t understand how everything would fit. It is like a maze but God shows me what to do at every step. I can’t wait until the next phase. Q. How can people connect with you? A. People can reach out to me at http://floritabellgriffin.com/.

Put Your Trust In God... Not Man!


M’Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine | Did You Know?

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The Reality of Being More Than a Conqueror in Life by Joyce Meyer

Romans 8:37 says that Christians are “more than conquerors” in this world. But do we really know what it means to be more than a conqueror? I know it took many years for me to learn what it means and how to live the victorious life Jesus died to give us as believers.


I remember many years when I went to church faithfully every week, yet my private life was pathetic. It was so frustrating because I really loved God and was a born-again believer, but I wasn’t experiencing victory over the problems in my life so that I could really live for God and help people. As I eventually grew in my personal relationship with Christ and spent time studying the Word, I came to understand what it means to be more than a conqueror and how I could get there. And if I can do it, so can you. To be more than a conqueror means that before you ever get a problem, you already know that whatever problem comes your way, you can overcome it through Christ. You live with confidence that God loves you no matter what and He will never leave you nor forsake you. And when you have this kind of relationship with Christ, you aren’t constantly afraid of bad news or of things that may happen that aren’t in your plan. When the unexpected happens or you’re disappointed, you won’t be devastated by it. See, when you get a revelation of who you are in Christ, you know that with Christ on the inside of you, there is nothing that can happen that’s more than you are because there’s nothing that’s too much for Him! (See 1 John 4:4.) It’s so important for us to get this truth down in your heart and see yourself as more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus. If not, then Satan will frustrate and confuse you and keep you from victory. And all the enemy wants to do is kill, steal and destroy what God wants us to have (see John 10:10). He wants to diminish you – make you small-minded and small in spirit so you’ll live a small, frustrated life


But we don’t have to live that way. Every person who confesses that Christ Jesus is Lord, repents of their sin and gives their heart to God is a child of God and belongs to Him. And in Christ, we are made right with God, we are His righteousness, and we have the power of Christ in us to live right. “ In Christ, we are made right with God, we are His righteousness, and we have the power of Christ in us to live right.” So as we spend time with God in prayer and studying the Bible, we can access the wisdom and strength we need to make right choices and behave right. It doesn’t happen all at once or overnight, but we will make progress every day that we seek God this way. I really want you to get this revelation of who you are in Christ as a born-again believer so you won’t be frustrated or discouraged or feel like you’re always under attack and just trying to get through the day. God has more for us than that! When you make a mistake and the devil comes and tells you “You’re no good,” you don’t have to take on the guilt and condemnation he wants to put on you. No! You can immediately confess your mistake to God, thank Him for forgiving you and cleansing you with the blood of Jesus, and move forward in the victory of His grace and forgiveness. I encourage you to learn who God really is. Get a deeper understanding of His character and His heart for you. Know that He loves you unconditionally. He is good. He wants to bless you and help you. When we know this truth, we don’t have to be tormented by doubts about whether God cares or whether He will take care of us. Whatever your situation is today, God knows about it. He sees you and hears the cry of your heart. And if you will give Him your problems and do what He tells you to do, you will access His overcoming love, grace and power and be more than a conqueror. Because in Christ, as He is, so are we in this world! This article is taken from Joyce’s four-CD series Bold, Confident and Fearless.


Put Your Trust In God... Not Man!

From The Editor


Did You Know?


n honor of celebrating Black History Month; I thought I would share some information that is proof we should celebrate every day of the year. Listed below are the inventors that were forward thinking pioneers and the product that better our lives on a daily basis. Enjoy! Lewis Latimer ~ created a filament system that extended the life of a light bulb from a feminutes to a few hours. Marie Van Brittman Brown ~ invented and patented the close - circuit television security system. George Crum ~ developed the tasty snack, the potato chip. Kenneth J. Dunkley ~ invented 3D viewing glasses that doesn’t require any lenses, mirrors or optical elements. Frederick McKinley Jones ~ invented the air cooling units for trucks to transport produce and frozen foods. Alfred L. Cralle ~ invented the ice cream scooper; it later patented on February 2, 1897. W. A. Martin ~ invented the door lock. Joseph N. Jackson ~ invented and patented the programmable remote control. Dr. William C. Davis ~ invented instant mashed potatoes in1959. Sarah Boone ~ patented an improvement to the ironing board on April 26, 1892. It improved the quality of ironing sleeves and the bodies of ladies garments. Alice Parker ~ invented and patented the gas heat furnace in 1919. Joseph Lee ~ invented the automatic bread making machine and also created use for day old breadcrumbs for various dishes including croquettes, batter for cakes, fried chops and fish. James E. West ~ invented the microphone. William H. Richardson ~ created amd patented the first reversible baby carriage. Alexander P. Ashbourne ~ invented the biscuit cutter. Henry T. Sampson ~ invented the cellular phone. George T. Sampson ~ invented and patented the automatic clothes dryer Osbourn Dorsey ~ invented the doorknob and doorstop in December 1878. Frederick J. Loudin ~ invented the key chain. Charles O. Bailiff ~ invented and patented the shampoo headrest on October 11,1898. Thomas A. Carrington ~ invented the stove. I am truly grateful for EVERY invention listed above. I implore any current genius Charles O. Bailiff and modern day inventor to stay encourage, learn from each failure and believe you have the power to change the world. Sarah Boone

George Crum

Alice Parker

Henery T Sampson

Put Your Trust In God... Not Man!

Kenneth J. Dunkley


M’Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine | Clifford Hatchett

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YOU ARE AN OVERCOMER Written by Darshell McAlpine, Staff Executive writer


not working, Cliff had to be strategic in order to finance it. He had only flown once and was not a fan of high altitudes so he had to conquer this fear. He also did not have anyone to reach out to who could help him down the path so he had to do all the research himself and find out what would work best for him. He started out on the journey with others and some joined him along the way but none was able to stay the course due to life circumstances. Nevertheless, Cliff would not be deterred. The FAA will normally issue a pilot’s license following 40 hours of flight instruction and receipt of a passing grade on a two part exam proctored by an FAA examiner. It is like a driving test for pilots with a lot more at stake. The average person is unable to obtain licensing before having completed time you lose sight of your passion 60 to 70 hours of flight instruction. or do not believe that you have what Cliff was able to obtain his license it takes to finish the race, think of with 45 hours of instruction, and Cliff who trusted God to reign over purposed planning enabled him to financial lack, fear and seemingly complete his coursework without impossible circumstances to become creating debt. a pilot. If God can do it for him, He To date, Cliff has flown the Piper will do it for you. Warrior, the Cessna 152, and the Put Your Trust In God... Not Man!

ou may have awaken this morning questioning whether or not you have what it takes to make it. There may not be much to encourage you right now and the media is full of stories that highlight the negative side of humanity, sometimes causing you to lose heart in your ability to overcome. This is not one of those stories. Clifford Hatchet or Cliff as he likes to be called, is just like you and me with many of the same concerns. He has a regular job, a family to support, responsibilities that require his attention and a generous helping of hardships. He also has dreams and goals that he wants to pursue. One of those dreams is becoming a Certified Flight Instructor (CFI). A few years ago, Clifford was in the process of looking for work and trying to maintain all of his responsibilities when he decided to start the journey towards this goal. Cliff developed his love of flying after playing a flight simulation game for which he had to rebuild his computer to allow the game to function properly. Although the game was similar to what he would later experience, the decision to fly could not be entered into lightly. He had to count the cost. Flight school can be expensive and since he was


Cessna 172. He still has to complete instrument rating licensing to fly in bad weather and his commercial pilots licensing which will enable him to work as a private pilot and charge for his services but he is well on his way. According to Clifford, it is his love of flying and his family that propels him to continue his flight training. From the first time he experienced flying on his own he was hooked. Like a musician or an athlete, the feeling derived from doing what one’s love is the motivation the propel him to keep flying. In addition, the joy he can provide his family by sharing this experience is unparalleled. Lastly, the sheer determination to always finish what he starts makes Cliff a prime example of how staying focused, having faith and perseverance will push you through adversity straight through to your goals. So the next

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M’Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine | Dr. Charles Stanley

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“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” The Lord invites us to partner with Him in expanding His kingdom. Even though He is the One who draws people to Himself and redeems them, He still leaves the proclamation of the message to us.” Charles Stanley


Answers to Life’s Questions How important is it to set goals? Phil. 3: 11– 14

Paul knew what it meant to set God-honoring goals. Philippians 3: 8– 11 describes not only where Paul had been, but also where he was going. Yes, he endured hardship. Yes, he experienced the joy of Christ. Yes, he had seen God use him— even from prison. Yet Paul understood that there was more of God to know , and so he set goals that would enable him and others to experience God at greater depths. So how did Paul set these goals and move forward with such decisiveness, shrugging off passivity and complacency with every step?

How can we follow his lead?

• Believe and meditate on the promises of God. Paul had full confidence that God’s indwelling Spirit would give him the resurrection power to live up to his God-given potential in every area of life ( Phil. 3: 11 ). • Have a consuming desire to achieve a precise goal. Paul had a clearly defined set of goals. He knew God had called Him to evangelize the lost ( Phil. 3: 13 ). • Have the courage to attempt, even at the risk of failure. Paul didn’t let his weaknesses or fears deter him. He understood that God used his weaknesses and fears to keep him dependent on and strengthened by Christ ( Phil. 3: 12 ). • Choose determination. Paul faced more opposition than most of us can imagine . Yet he remained committed to whatever God told him was necessary to fulfill his goals ( Phil. 3: 14 ). • Be persistent. Persistence means we’re still going when

everyone else has stopped. Paul had days, just like the rest of us, when he only inched forward. We won’t always sprint toward our goal; some days it will be all we can do just to keep pressing on. However, we must not give up. Paul stayed on track with God’s plan, and the Lord gave him the strength he needed to accomplish every task. • Stand firm in faith. Though Paul was tested and tried, his faith remained strong because it was not based on human ability. It was founded in the sovereign and infinite ability of God. Therefore, there was no way for him to fail. God would grant victory. All Paul had to do was believe in the One who sent him. • Humble yourself. Paul writes, “Not that I have already obtained it or have already become perfect ” ( Phil. 3: 12 ).Paul did not “rest on his laurels” because he knew he hadn’t yet

Put Your Trust In God... Not Man!

arrived. Neither have we. • Let go of the past. Clinging to bitterness, an unforgiving spirit, and old mistakes will always keep us from achieving our God-given potential ( Phil. 3: 13 ). Evaluate your own goals and ask God how they fit into the greater goal of knowing Him. As He reveals His plans for you for this day, this year, this life on earth, don’t let anything or anyone stamp out the zeal that rises in you.

Stanley, Charles F. (2009-03-17). The Charles F. Stanley Life Principles Bible, NASB (Kindle Locations 84853-84857). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition.


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