International Online Publication
Modern Beauty In Christian Living
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42 Jesus came through
2019 Fall/Winter Put Your Trust In God... Not Man!
The Birth
4 Generations
of Amazing P eople Who helped changed the world. Raychelle: Grandmother
Source -vs-
Jesus is the
Resources Amber: Mother
Elizabeth: Great-Grandmother
Ava: Daughter, Grand & Great-grand
things, people & places
Birth...” “A Time to give
4 Salvation Invitation
04 06
Dr. Carolyn Stephens There is a kind of strength...
Levels of Disfuntionality LaWanda (Lala) Johnson
08 nspirational Message 09 IPastor Charles Stanley nvitation To Christ 10 IPrayer Of Salvation Black History Tribute
12 Elizabeth Jackson, Creator
Ez Needle Multi Threader
Christian Magazine
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nhealthy Relationship Written by Terri A. Polk
ow Can I Overcome Anxiety?
(Matt. 6: 25– 34)
Darshell McAlpine-Grissom 281.826.9576
Featured Article
“Riches to Rags”
~ Interactive Hair Studio ~ Ez Needle Multi Threader ~ Ferrell’s Photography~ Opia Photography ~Mrs. Annie Price~
Suna Jackson
Cover Photo: Ferrell’s Photography
Put Your Trust In God... Not Man!
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The Birth
of Amazing P eople Who helped changed the world.
“Mindset 2Millions” p30
strength “There is a kind of
black woman.” that is almost frightening in a
“There is a kind of strength that is almost frightening in a black woman. It’s as if a steel rod runs right through the head down to the feet”-Maya Angelou
r. Carolyn Stephens has served as a Family Therapist in Atlanta Ga. For 10 years. 5 years ago she made the transition from private practice to community therapy to provide services for the underserved population. In doing so Dr. Carolyn now has a clientele base that is 98% African American women. All of the women that Dr. Carolyn provided therapy services for were assessed with duo diagnoses ranging from ADHD to Bipolar Disorder. During her research and observation she discovered that all of her clients were diagnosed with PTSD ( post traumatic stress disorder). Last year after battling with many personal losses in her own life and often times feeling isolated and unsupported she
Dr. Carolyn Stephens wss divinely inspired to create a project whereby Black Women could talk about their pain and trauma in a safe environment. Realizing that often times when stories about Black Women were told they were often told in a negative light and Dr. Carolyn wanted women to engage in a project that would highlight their strengths and not their weaknesses. So with the help of Darshell McAlpine CEO of Boss Lady Press and 13 of the most courageous women across the country the book " I Am A Black Woman" was birthed. Dr. Carolyn also felt that Black Women needed the support of other women so for 9 months these beautiful courageous women put their pain on paper and formed a sisterhood that has now sparked a growing movement. Dr. Carolyn often says " It was through my own pain of being rejected, abused, violated and divorced that I
discovered my divine mandate in life which is to empower other women so they could identify their beauty and strength" Dr. Carolyn will spearhead 2 compilation book projects entitled " I Am A Black Woman- Next Level and " I Am A Black Man- Ascension Of the Kings" in the spring of 2020. These projects she believes will bring healing to the African American community through the stories of pain, courage, resilience and change that these men and women will write about in the books.
Book purchase go to Speaking engagements : Dr. Carolyn Stephens please write to
Celebrating 8 Years of Service
“Serving the Lord and His people through Outreach Publication”
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2019 Fall/Winter 2019 Fall/Winter
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Who helped changed the world. Who helped changed the world.
Birth... Birth...”” “A Time to “A give Time to give Ecclesiates 3:2
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Educate • Enlighten • Encourage
“Levels o
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aWanda (“Lala”) Johnson was norn and raised in NYC. As Oprah Winfrey said in the color purple as she played the part of Sophia .., A girl child aint safe in a house full of men...I had to fight all my life...I had to fight my uncle’s but I aint never thought I had to fight in my own house!” -Sophia from the “ Color Purple”
This quote from the movie the “ Color Purple, is certainly describes LaWanda Johnson’s life. LaWanda was the only girl amongst her sibling brothers At the age of 4 her own father took her mothers life. LaWanda lived with high levels of dysfunctionality for the greater part of her life as she writes “ I was a virgin, Although Uncle Joe had put his fingers in multiple times it was still hard for him to gain access. Living through the brutal murder of her mother then being shifted around from house to house amongst family members only to be molested by other family members. Lala soon found herself a teen mom
and in a relationship that resulted in years and years of abuse and violence. After years of living life as a domestic violence victim Lala decided to no longer be a victim and be a survivor. Utilizing all of the strength she finally broke free from years of being tortured and discovered herself and her inner beauty. Now a resident of Atlanta Georgia Lawanda is an author and an emerging voice within the community as she advocates for the rights of Domestic Violence survivors through her own grassroots organization called WOO ( Women Overcoming Obstacles).
“Riches To Rags!� S
una Jackson was born in Akron, Oh the youngest of three girls. Her parents relocated to Atlanta, Ga when Suna was 9 years old. That's when she found out her world wasn't as perfect as she thought it was. As the old saying goes, "Rags To Riches"......well, Suna found herself and her family going from "Riches To Rags! Suna, quickly found herself learning the true meaning of being dysfunctional. From her father molesting her to her favorite
uncle doing the same thing. Suna, grew up to become a stripper, and if that wasn't enough, she had to continue to fight men off in her career choice, not realizing that she would go on to be in a cycle of sex trafficking and being kidnapped. Suna, gave her life to God at an early age and went on to have three beautiful children. She is now an Ordained Minister and is now fighting to get her voice heard for Sex Trafficking, and is an advocate for Lupus Awareness. Suna is also an Author, Actress, Master Stylist and a MUA.
Celebrating Black History Thank you for your Service!
What the Bible Says About Spiritual Growth 2 Pet. 1: 2– 12 Charles Stanley
Christian life is to allow Jesus to live His life in and through us. Not many people can say that on the day they were saved, someone explained the steps to spiritual growth. Unfortunately, some believers never hear how to develop in their relationship with the Lord. Since none of us matures as a Christian without taking action, Peter instructs believers, “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Pet. 3: 18). Then how are we to grow? Second Peter 1: 3 promises, “His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness.” It is God who transforms us into His image, but it is our responsibility to implement all that He teaches us. Second Peter 1: 5– 7 continues, “For this very reason also, applying all diligence, in your faith supply moral excellence, and in your moral excellence, knowledge, and in your knowledge, self-control, and in your self-control, perseverance, and in your perseverance, godliness, and in your godliness, brotherly kindness, and in your brotherly kindness, love.” The Bible gives us powerful principles about how to do so: First, we are responsible for renewing our minds (Rom. 12: 2). Though God saves us and gives us a new spirit, it is our duty to control our thoughts and focus our minds on what honors Him, so that our minds can be transformed. Therefore, we must meditate on the Word, considering what it means and applying the truth we
discover to our lives— because that is how the Holy Spirit changes us and we obtain “the mind of Christ” (1 Cor. 2: 16). Second, we must be ready to admit our failures and assume responsibility for them. When we deny our sins, we delay our spiritual growth. But when we confess our transgressions, the opposite happens— we mature because we admit our dependence upon God. John tells us, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1: 9). The third step naturally follows the second— after confession should come repentance. This is more than acknowledging wrongdoing or promising to try harder. Repentance means that we commit to making an about-face and heading in the opposite direction from our sin. Paul taught, “Repent and turn to God, performing deeds appropriate to rep entance” (Acts 26: 20). Instead of behavior that is unbecoming to a believer, the fruit of the Spirit is produced in us—“ love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control” (Gal. 5: 22, 23). God’s ultimate goal is for all believers to become more Christ-like. That happens only when, through faith, we obey His commands and implement His principles. And soon our relationship with Him begins to deepen in ways we never thought possible.
To live th l i f e i s t o a e C h ri st ia n l l ow Je s u s to live Hi s life in and thr ough us.
You Can Receive Jesus Christ Right Now by Faith - Through Prayer:
Dear God in heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to You that I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and the life that I have lived; I need your forgiveness. I believe that your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the cross at Calvary and died for my sins, and I am now willing to turn from my sin. You said in Your Holy Word, Romans 10:9 that if we confess the Lord our God and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, we shall be saved. Right now I confess Jesus as the Lord of my soul. With my heart, I believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. This very moment I accept Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior and according to His Word, right now I am saved. Thank you Jesus, for your unlimited grace which has saved me from my sins. I thank you Jesus that your grace never leads to license, but rather it always leads to repentance. Therefore Lord Jesus, transform my life so that I may bring glory and honor to you alone and not to myself. Thank you Jesus for dying for me and giving me eternal life! Amen. Can you think of anything more wonderful that could happen to you than receiving Christ? “As soon as you can, find a Bible believing and Bible teaching Church so that you can begin to hear and study the Word of God. Remember, Faith comes by hearing the Word of God.” Paul D. Landrew Put Your Trust In God... Not Man!
Dr. Paul D. Landrew, Senior Pastor/Teacher Loving Word Fellowship Church 170 Rittenhouse Houston, TX 77076 Pastor Bennett T. Cortez Greater Faith Baptist Church 9235 West Montgomery rd. Houston, TX 77088 Pastor John Adolph Antioch Missionary Baptist Church 3920 West Cardinal Drive Beaumont, TX 77705 Pastor Roland Booker Just Church Ministry 13547 Bammel North Houston Houston, TX 77066 Senior Pastor C. David Harrison First Baptist Church Heights 201 East 9th Street Houston, TX 77007 Pastor Keion Henderson Lighthouse Church 6650 Rankin Rd, Humble, TX 77396
Dr. Charles Stanley First Baptist Atlanta 4400 North Preachtree Rd. Atlanta, GA 30338 Pastor Raynard Hillis Double Rock Baptist Church 1595 Shafter Ave San Francisco, California 94124 Pastor Paul Cannings Living Word Fellowship Church 7350 West. T.C. Jester Blvd Houston, tx 77088 Pastor Ralph Douglas West The Church Without Walls 5725 Queenston Houston, TX 77084 Pastor Henry Thomas True Fellowship Baptist Church 3115 N. Fry Katy, TX 77449 Pastor Andy Woods Sugar Land Bible Church 401 Matlage Way Sugar Land TX, 77478
What The Bible Says About Our Greatest Salvation “Christ took our punishment and died in our place. Since our attempts at righteousness will not satisfy God, Christ clothed us in His righteousness in such away that when God, the Father, looks upon us, He does not see our sin; He sees only the righteousness of His Son, Jesus Christ.” L. Moyer Hebrews 2:1-4 -What has been the greatest moment of your life? For some people, the answer might be their wedding day, the birth of a child, or an important promotion. But for believers, the best experience is salvation, when their eternal destiny was changed. New Christians often have a fervor to share their faith. In time, however, many find their hearts cooling as they focus less on their relationship with Jesus Christ. Hebrews 2:1 instructs, Therefore we must give the most earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away. “Salvation is God’s amazing solution to man’s sinful condition: it is His gift of rescue - through the death of Jesus- from the penalty of our transgressions.” Charles Stanley
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Relationships Unhealthy Unhealthy
Terrie Ann Polk was born in Mobile, Al.
errie is the oldest child of Gilbert & Elaine Polk and she has 4 sisters. Terrie is the Mother of 3 Chrystal, Darius, & Jermaine. Terrie has spent half her life in domestic violence and unhealthy relationships. This pain has pushed me into my purpose and doing what I love helping other and advocating for injustice. God is Daily restoring to me the years that were loss in those unhealthy relationships. One night I went to a church service and heard a woman talk about how her husband had hit her and kicked her. She said he burst her eardrum and she got my attention understanding that I was in a domestic violence marriage. I went home and told my husband that he had to go. He said I will go tomorrow, and I said not. you will go tonight. From that day forward I received the Lord and did not look back. All those years and tears. I was able to move on, heal and help others.
And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you. Joel 2:25 “I want� to encourage woman and young girls and to teach the younger women the signs and let them know how valuable that the really are. People need to know that love never hurts. My goal is to help others understand their worth and who and who’s they are. Polk is the founder of No More Tears nonprofit that was birth in tears to Minister and to help hurting people. The goal is to inspire those who have endured domestic violence, trauma, and pain. Polk also has a ministry for youth girls called the loving Me Movement. The purpose of the loving Me Movement to uplift, encourage, and inspire the youth.
Modern Beauty In Christian Living
Put Your Trust In God... Not Man!
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Did you Know? The only faith founded on a relationship is Christianity. We’re promised, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you” (James 4:8). Yes, this means we open our hearts to the Father, who knows everything about us. Our sins are uncovered, our anxieties are revealed, and our faults are open to His view. But we can trust the Lord with the deep places of hurt within us. Remember, “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds” (Ps. 147:3). This is where true restoration can occur.
Stanley, Charles F.. Emotions: Confront the Lies. Conquer with Truth. . Howard Books. Kindle Edition.
Exposed “It is a deep sense of being
and found lacking that is at the
by Charles Stanley
root of our fears.”
STARTING WITH FEAR Of course you may be wondering why I begin with the emotion of fear when there are so many others. It is because I believe that the origin of every other negative response we face is some kind of anxiety. After all, fear is an uneasy feeling of dread—like an alarm that goes off inside of us, warning us that something bad is going to happen. It can be caused by a perceived threat or can occur when we lose control in a particular situation. When this apprehension persists over a long period of time, we subconsciously build up defenses around those weaknesses or vulnerable areas. And the safeguards
we construct, unfortunately, cause other problems to arise. For example, if as children we experienced times when there wasn’t enough money to buy the necessities of life or we faced times of deprivation, we may have an ingrained fear of going hungry that drives us. So we attempt to safeguard ourselves by attaining possessions, which we believe will protect us from starvation. But as we grow, something happens within us. Eventually, our motivation is not just focused on putting food on the table and fulfilling basic needs, but about amassing material goods in order to satisfy our desires for significance and achievement— the deeper hungers of our soul. The wealth we acquire becomes
our security, identity, and sole goal in life. Before we know it, our lives are defined by greed and are empty of the meaning God has for us. The fear of going hungry is still there, buried far beneath destructive layers of our own defenses, continually driving us in the wrong direction. Of course, this is a rather simplistic explanation of how a fear can form the basis of our other painful feelings, but you can see how it can occur. And it illustrates an important principle: When we think about the adverse emotions we experience in specific areas of our lives—such as finances, relationships, and concerns about the future—and we examine their deepest roots, most often we find that anxiety forms the foundation of those destructive feelings. For
example: • As we saw, greed is based on the fear of not having or being enough or of missing out on something important. • Rejection and loneliness are both rooted in the concern that we will not be accepted—that we will be abandoned or forsaken. • Guilt is apprehension that our sinful behavior and wrongdoing will be discovered or that we will be punished. • Pride is founded on the trepidation that we will be found unworthy or incapable. • Discouragement is a fear that hope is lost or that failure is the only possible outcome, and it is caused by a lack of confidence or a sense of inadequacy. • Despair is based on worries of what’s occurred in the past or what might happen and how our losses, experiences, feelings of unworthiness, and mistakes impact our future. • Jealousy is the dread that we will lose what we desire or that we will not measure up when compared to others. • Anger is caused by the apprehension that we may not get our way, are being treated disrespectfully, or that someone who has wronged us will not be chastised adequately. • Indecision is the paralysis caused when we worry that we will make the wrong choice. Do you struggle with any of these? Can you see how fear is the basis of the negative emotions we all feel? So much of the agony we experience in life is caused by our anxieties. It is the enemy’s most effective tool for tempting us to sin, prolonging our bondage, and keeping us
separated from God. As we saw in the first chapter, one of the first emotions mentioned in the Bible is fear. I believe that it was not only the result of the fall but also how the serpent was able to influence Eve. Look at the biblical account: The serpent . . . said to the woman, “Indeed, has God said, ‘You shall not eat from any tree of the garden’?” The woman said to the serpent, “From the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat; but from the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, God has said, ‘You shall not eat from it or touch it, or you will die.’ ” The serpent said to the woman, “You surely will not die! For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took from its fruit and ate; and she gave also to her husband with her, and he ate. (Gen. 3:1–6) How did the serpent use fear to tempt Eve? By planting the seed of doubt in her mind about the Lord’s intentions and character. There had to have been questions that arose in her mind after that interaction. Perhaps she wondered, Could it be that God is really keeping something from me? Why wouldn’t He want me to be like Him—knowing good and evil? This tree looks fine, it doesn’t make sense that I can’t have some of this fruit. What is He hiding from me? The result
was that Eve began to distrust the Father’s command and feared missing out on becoming “like God” (Gen. 3:5). So she reached out and took fruit from the only tree in the entire garden that was forbidden to her. The same happens to us. After all, aren’t those some of the questions we ask? Why did the Lord allow this to happen to me? Why isn’t He giving me the desires of my heart? Will I ever get what I want? We’re worried we won’t receive what we yearn for, so we rush ahead and take it for ourselves. And like Adam and Eve, we find ourselves even worse off— wounded, separated from the true desire of our hearts, and with deeper grief than we could have imagined. As we saw previously, when God walked through the garden after the fall and called for Adam and Eve, they hid from Him because they were afraid of how He would react to their disobedience, lack of covering, and broken relationship. Recall how Adam replied: “I heard the sound of You in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid myself ” (Gen. 3:10).
Stanley, Charles F.. Emotions: Confront the Lies. Conquer with Truth. . Howard Books. Kindle Edition.
How Can I Overcome Anxiety? (Matt. 6: 25– 34)
God did not design you to be anxious or nervous. In His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus told the crowds, “Do not worry then, saying, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear for clothing?’… Do not worry about tomorrow” (Matt. 6: 31, 34). At some point, all of us have worried about the basics of life. Most of our anxieties involve fundamental things: where we live, what food we buy, what clothes to wear, what friends
worry and doubt His goodness, you will never have the peace He wants you to experience. Do you take time to acknowledge Him as your Provider? Your answer has everything to do with your anxiety level. Have you ever watched a mouse running inside a wheel? The faster he runs, the faster the wheel moves— but he doesn’t make the slightest progress. He does not even have the sense to get off the wheel. This is exactly what anxiety does to you. As fearful thoughts fill your mind, you begin to run faster, trying harder to meet the demands of others or to prevent an uncertain disaster. But you will never gain complete control over your circumstances because God is the One who is solely in control of all things. There is only one way to step off the wheel and that is by acknowledging the
“God assumes full responsibility for our needs when we obey Him.” we have, and what others think about us. In all these concerns, the issue is one of faith and trust in God. Do we really believe that He will do what He has promised to do in His Word? If you assume that you are the one who is in charge of your life, then you will battle anxiety and fear. However, if you understand the ways of the Lord, then you will know that He is in charge and that the sovereign God of the universe cares for you. If you
Lord’s ability to take care of every need you have. God created you. He knows your needs
and the deepest desires of your heart (Ps. 37: 4). He longs for you to end the anxiety cycle and let Him lead (Matt. 11: 28). First Peter 5: 6, 7 says, “Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time, casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.” The word “casting” is related to the Greek verb used in Luke 19: 35, when on Palm Sunday the people of Jerusalem threw their garments onto a colt for Jesus to ride. The word describes the same motion: a deliberate action of setting something down and leaving it there. Jesus wants you to give your cares over to Him and leave them with Him. You depend on Him for life itself, and you acknowledge this by saying, “Here, Jesus. Take my problems. You have the answers! I trust You to show me what to do and to take care of the consequences.”
“Trusting God means looking beyond what we can see to what God sees.” 19
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“Don’t Destroy Life... It might save Yours!”
Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our Own image.” Gen 1:26
The Birth Of Source: One of the most influential figures of the 20th century, Martin Luther King Jr. is best known for his nonviolent campaign against racism (for which he received the 1964 Peace Prize). His vision of society in which race was not important in how people were treated has inspired millions all over the world. MLK Jr. also played a key role in the advancement of civil rights using nonviolent civil disobedience based on his Christian beliefs and Gandhi’s philosophy. Source: A Roman Catholic nun and devoted missionary, Mother Teresa dedicated almost all her life to helping poor, ill, and disabled people and orphans. She founded the Missionaries of Charity, a Roman Catholic religious congregation which is now active in most countries of the world. The winner of the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize, Mother Teresa was canonized in 2016 (19 years after her death) by Pope Francis.
Source: The founder of Microsoft, the iconic technology company, Bill Gates has been the richest person in the world for more than two decades. Recently, though, he has been known more as a devoted philanthropist than a businessman. Gates made computers more accessible for all by spurring the rise of the home-computing market, and he is now determined to get everyone in the world access to the internet. He has been also working on projects focused on fighting global warming and gender inequality. William Shakespeare Source: Widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language, William Shakespeare influenced a number of writers as well as millions of readers all over the world through his work. In fact, he changed the world in several other ways, too. Shakespeare coined about 2,000 new words (many of which are still used), and he also inspired many other famous artists – from music composers to painters and film producers.
Amazing People Breadcrumb U.S. PRESIDENTS BARACK OBAMA BARACK OBAMA: LIFE BEFORE THE PRESIDENCY By Consulting Editor: Michael Nelson By Michael Nelson Photo: University of Chicago Barack Hussein Obama II was born on August 4, 1961, in Hawaii. His parents, who met as students at the University of Hawaii, were Ann Dunham, a white American from Kansas, and Barack Obama Sr., a black Kenyan studying in the United States. Obama’s father left the family when Obama was two and, after further studies at Harvard University, returned to Kenya, where he died in an automobile accident nineteen years later. After his parents divorced, Obama’s mother married another foreign student at the University of Hawaii, Lolo Soetoro of Indonesia. From age six through ten, Obama lived with his mother and stepfather in Indonesia, where he attended Catholic and Muslim schools. “I was raised as an Indonesian child and a Hawaiian child and as a black child and as a white child,” Obama later recalled. “And so what I benefited from is a multiplicity of cultures that all fed me.” Concerned for his education, Obama’s mother sent him back to Hawaii to live with her parents, Stanley and Madelyn Dunham, and to attend Hawaii’s prestigious Punahou School from fifth grade through graduation from high school. While Obama was in school, his mother divorced Soetoro, returned to Hawaii to study cultural anthropology at the university, and then went back to Indonesia to do field research. Living with his grandparents, Obama was a good but not outstanding student at Punahou. He played varsity basketball and, as he later admitted, “dabbled in drugs and alcohol,” including marijuana and cocaine. As for religion, Obama later wrote, because his parents and grandparents were nonbelievers, “I was not raised in a religious household.” Obama’s mother, who “to the end of her life [in 1995] would proudly proclaim herself an unreconstructed liberal,” deeply admired the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s and taught her son, he later wrote, that “To be black was to be the beneficiary of a great inheritance, a special destiny, glorious burdens that only we were strong enough to bear.” But, as culturally diverse as Hawaii was, its African American population was miniscule. With no father or other family members to serve as role models (his relationship with his white grandfather was difficult), Obama later reflected, “I was trying to raise myself to be a black man in America, and beyond the given of my appearance, no one around me seemed to know exactly what that meant.” Obama left Hawaii for college, enrolling first at Occidental College in Los Angeles for his freshman and sophomore years, and then at Columbia University in New York City. He read deeply and widely about political and international affairs, graduating from Columbia with a political science major in 1983. (A movie version of his Columbia years, Barry, was released in 2016.) After graduating from Columbia University in 1983, he worked as a community organizer in Chicago. In 1988, he enrolled in Harvard Law School, where he was the first black president of the Harvard Law
The Birth Of
Unlike most biographies, the Jesus Christ biography does not begin with His birth, or even with His conception. Jesus Christ’s biography can be understood more fully if we realize the Bible uses many names to refer to Jesus Christ. John referred to Jesus Christ as “the Word” when he wrote, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning” (John 1:1-2). This tells us that the Jesus Christ biography begins in eternity past - with God. The first recorded acts in Jesus Christ’s biography go back to creation. “Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made” (John 1:3). Although not mentioned by name, this Scripture tells us that He was there, and Scripture records God’s words as “Let US make man in OUR image, in OUR likeness. . .” (Genesis 1:26), indicating that the Father was not alone at the time of creation.
Birth: Some would think of a Jesus Christ biography in terms of His life here on earth. For that we must begin not at His birth but at His conception, for both of these events were unlike any other in history. The earthly life of Jesus is the only one that begins with a spiritual conception, with no man present. This conception was foretold by the angel Gabriel in Luke 1:26-35. His birth was the only one to ever open a womb, since He was born of a young Jewish virgin. Because of a government census His mother, Mary, and His stepfather, Joseph, had to travel to Bethlehem. This is where Jesus was born in a lowly stable. His birth was announced by angels to shepherds, and by a special star to wise men in a far country. At eight days of age, he was dedicated in the Temple according to Jewish custom. Childhood: At an early age, Jesus and his family fled to Egypt because an angel warned Joseph in a dream of impending danger. When they returned from Egypt, they settled in Galilee, in the town of Nazareth. At the age of twelve, Jesus traveled to Jerusalem with Mary and Joseph to celebrate the Feast of the Passover. When His parents could not find Him in their group of relatives and friends on the return trip, they returned to Jerusalem and “After three days they found Him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. Everyone who heard Him was amazed at His understanding and His answers. When His parents saw Him, they were astonished. His mother said to Him, ‘Son, why have you treated us like this? Your father and I have been anxiously searching for you.’ ‘Why were you searching for me?’ he asked. ‘Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?’ “(Luke 2:46-49). After that, He returned to Nazareth with them, was obedient, and continued to grow “in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.” (Luke 2:52) Adult/ Public Ministry: At approximately 30 years of age, Jesus entered into the public awareness. John the Baptist had preached of the coming Messiah, preparing the way for Jesus’ ministry. John baptized Jesus, and as Jesus prayed at the time of His baptism, “heaven was opened and the Holy Spirit descended on Him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: ‘You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.’” (Luke 3:21-22). After this, Jesus went into the wilderness for a time of fasting and prayer in preparation for His ministry. Then the devil came to Him and tempted Him. Rather than succumbing to the temptations, Jesus answered with Scripture, setting a pattern for His followers to handle temptations for ages to come. Jesus began to preach a message of repentance, and from among His followers hand-picked twelve men with whom He worked most closely, teaching them even more intensely than to the multitudes. These men have come to be known as the twelve disciples, or the apostles. The teaching and preaching of Jesus convicted, challenged, or encouraged those who heard, while some were simply entertained and others were angered. Jesus performed many miracles of healing and restoration, as well as miracles designed to teach a lesson. A Jesus Christ biography is intensely interesting - and can be studied in depth in the pages of Scripture, especially the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. However, the primary reason for Jesus’ earthly life was “to seek and to save
that which was lost.” (Luke 19:10) Jesus sought the lost through His teaching and preaching. Then He provided the way of salvation from sin (the only way to Heaven) by way of the ultimate sacrifice, the one that only He could make - His crucifixion on Calvary, followed by His resurrection from the dead after three days. Thus He conquered death and the grave for all who would put their faith in Him.
Amazing People
Source: The South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, politician, philanthropist, and former President of South Africa (1994 to 1999), Nelson Mandela was truly a transformative force in the history of South Africa and the world. Despite having been imprisoned for almost 26 years, Mandela never lost faith in winning freedom for the South African people. His tireless work for the peaceful termination of the apartheid regime and democracy has inspired millions all over the world and earned him the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize.
Source: A renowned Austrian neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud changed the way we all think about ourselves through his unique research of the mysterious world of the subconscious. By introducing new techniques to probe the unconscious mind, Freud provided useful tools for understanding the secret desires of the masses.
Source: Nicknamed “The People’s Princess,” Princess Diana won hearts of millions of people all over the world through her hard charity work. She devoted much of her short life (she died in a car accident at the age of just 36) to helping poor people in developing countries. A leader of a Nobel Peace Prize-winning campaign to ban landmines, Princess Diana was involved with dozens of charities and non-profit organizations including the London’s Great Ormond Street Hospital, The Red Cross, and AIDS research.
Source: The 16th President of the US, Abraham Lincoln is known for many great things such as preserving the Union during the American Civil War, strengthening the federal government, and modernizing the American economy, but it was his anti-slavery efforts that earned him the reputation of a truly remarkable and inspirational historical figure. As a devoted emancipator of slaves, he created a legacy that endures.
Source: Also known as “the first lady of civil rights” and “the mother of the freedom movement,” Rosa Parks was a pioneer of civil rights in a racially segregated Alabama in 1950’s. In 1955, the African-American civil rights activist refused to give away her seat to a white passenger on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama, thereby, disobeying the bus driver’s orders. Her rebellious act triggered what later became known as the Montgomery Bus Boycott, one of the key events in the African-American Civil Rights Movement.
On June 5, 2019, six months after losing my mother I learned I had breast cancer. Stage 2b invasive ductal carcinoma. I lost my mother on December 12, 2018. I had also lost my father three years prior. I'm an only child, no brothers or sisters. I had taken care of both my parents for years. I was just beginning to reach a place of peace grappling with the recent loss of my mother when I learned I had breast cancer. I did not carry the breast cancer gene. I would be the first in my family. Which also had me feeling isolated. I kept thinking to myself what did I do wrong? Initially I blamed stress coupled with grief. Then I learned simply being a woman puts you at a greater risk and 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed in her lifetime. In May 2019 I went for my annual pap smear and my Gynecologist discovered a lump. On the day of my mammogram many angles and views were taken of my left breast. I was then told to sit and wait for an ultrasound. Suddenly my life flashed before me. I knew something was wrong. I went back to the dressing room to wait for my ultrasound. My nerves were torn to pieces. I couldn't sit. I stood in the mirror telling myself not to cry, not to obsess and not to worry. Once my ultrasound was complete they called my husband back, as the Doctor walked in I knew it was bad. He delivered the devastating news that he believed it appeared I had stage 2b breast cancer. I was frustrated. I was heartbroken! How could I tell my children who were 9, 10 and 14 as they were grieving their grandmother
that I had breast cancer. Suddenly my grief was placed on hold as my days were filled with fears of the unknown and tests. The MRI later revealed I had 4 lumps. All summer it felt like I was carrying a huge ton weight around. My left breast no longer felt a part of me. It had become a stranger as breast cancer invaded, but I went about my daily activities as normal and constantly prayed for peace. On August 5, 2019 I had a complete unilateral mastectomy of my left breast along with nine lymph nodes removed
from the armpit area. Out of nine lymph nodes only one contained cancer. The recovery is not quite what I expected but I'm healing well. I'm currently receiving occupational therapy for my arm and progressing day by day. It is a process! I have some soreness, numbness and fluid still. I have received good news. I don't need chemo but they do recommend five weeks of radiation and a pill for the next five years. To learn you have a disease such as cancer that has claimed the lives of so many, really forces you to put your life into a totally new perspective. I love deeply, hug longer and count my blessings every single second! Life is so precious.
self exam
“did a
and felt the lump.�
I 28 24
n early February of 2010, I had a bit of slight discomfort while brushing my arm up against my breast one day at work. I went into the restroom and did a self exam and felt the lump. I called my Dr and after 2 biopsies, 1 failed office biopsy, 1 ultrasound biopsy and genetic testing I was diagnosed with BRCA1 and triple negative tumor, stage 2, grade 3 in April. Just 3 months before my 42nd birthday. I must back up a bit because I feel this is very important.
In October, the year before my diagnosis, I started hormone replacement therapy. That lump was not noticeable in my self exams before hormone therapy or ever. Mind you, I did self breast exams like I was a crazy person (sometimes every week) because my Mom was BRCA1 and lost her fight at age 48 in 1998 so I'd been quite diligent for the past 12 yrs or so up to this point. I do truly feel as though the hormone replacement is what made this tumor grow so fast in just a few short months being that it was a positive hormone tumor. My opinion, may be right, probably wrong but that's what my gut has always told me. So, I had the bilateral mastectomy in April with expanders put in and set for reconstruction. While recuperating, I was tested for ovarian cancer and precancerous cells were found so a hysterectomy with staging was on the horizon. A few days after my birthday I went in to have what was left of my 'woman hood' stripped away.
I was bombarded with doctors of all kinds. My phone book was growing with numbers of breast surgeons, gynecological surgical oncologists, plastic surgeons, oncologists etc. Then after the hysterectomy came an appointment to put the port in. Whew! In September after I was fully healed I started chemotherapy. Chemotherapy symptoms are ugly as we on this page know all too well. The physical aspect of it drug me down spiritually and emotionally. I had to force myself to thank God every morning that I woke, even on the days that I wish I hadn't. Of course, I really didn't want to leave my teenage kids in this world without me here for them. I lacked energy, physical and emotional. I had pain in places I'd never imagined before. I just wanted to feel whole again. I wanted my energy back. I wanted my spirit back. I wanted my old life back. I wanted my breasts back. I wanted my ovaries back. Silly, I know, I didn't NEED them oh, and some hair on my head would've been fantastic too. I wanted my kids to not have to worry or stress anymore. I just wanted them happy and secure. Such an emotional roller coaster that this cancer puts us AND our loved ones through. There were times I'd go outside to scream and yell with what little energy I had because I tried not to cry around them. I found that this silliness helped but then I'd have to take a nap because just to get dressed up warm enough
to go yell in the snow wore me out, again, physically and emotionally. I wouldn't have been able to stay as strong as I did if it weren't for my 4 kids and a new man that had just came into my life at the time. What a way to start off a new relationship huh? 9 yrs later, another cancer diagnosis in fall of 2015 (unrelated to breast cancer) and he's still with me. How lucky am I? In April of 2020 I will be 10 yrs breast cancer free!!! 6 beautiful grand-babies have been born since my diagnosis. My kids are happy and healthy and life is pretty darn good. When it isn't going so great I tell myself that it could be worse. I could be sitting in that chemo chair again. I could not be here at all and missing out on my family. Then, I remind myself that a bad day isn't what a bad day was 10 yrs ago and I thank my Lord for that.
“Mindset 2Millions” Terri Coleman is from Griffin, GA which is a small town just south of the robust metropolitan city of Hot Atlanta.
erri is the oldest sister of two however, due to
such a close net upbringing with her family she has 3 other cousins that she refers to as ‘sister-cousins’. Right out of high school Terri joined the U.S. Army in pursuit of a career to lead her out of the small town living to bigger things and her journey would be nothing short of seeing how beating the odds is possible. Growing up in the projects of Heritage Heights to now living in a well affluent neighborhood in the Dallas-Ft. Worth metroplex came with overcoming the struggles of poor credit, repo’s, bankruptcy, foreclosure, job losses and too many collection bill accounts to name. Terri knew that the way to advance in life was through understanding real estate. It was in this field that she begin to rein in her talents and living the dream of “The Jefferson’s, moving on up”. The day she was foreclosed on her sparling 4000 sq ft home in Douglasville, GA made her realize that never again would she be put out of a home that she owned. It was in that moment that she started leaning about alternate financing options that had been known to many outside of her community and the expression ‘The secrets’ of wealth and finance started to all make sense to her. Now that she has lived the lessons of loss, devastation and sacrifice she is now coaching and speaking to women and men all of on how ‘The Secrets’ to regaining your life and not falling victim to a life of poverty and lack but seeing that there is so much abundance out there is un-imaginable to those who do not know of this alternate financing world. The reality is that more and more main stream financial institutions will turn to this method of financing meanwhile, this has hundreds of individuals just reaching out to her for coaching and financial assistance.
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Florita Bell Griffin, PhD Public Relations Officer and Author Agent ARC Communications, LLC Author and Creative Director of Little FlowerÂŽ For more information on the Little Flower Dolls and Little FlowerÂŽ please visit www. and
Written by Teesha Walker
As Christians, we are charged with taking care of our temples. Majority of us falter because we choose not to deny certain foods or we ignore limitations. This often leads to chronic diseases; namely Type 2 Diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes that occurs when our body’s blood glucose is too high. Blood glucose is our main source of energy and comes mainly from the food we consume. With type 2 diabetes, insulin, which is a hormone made in the pancreas has difficulty reaching our cells. Diabetes is more common in people of African American, Hispanic/Latino, Asian American and American Indian descent. Diabetes is considered a chronic illness because it can potentially cause long-lasting effects over time. There are 1.5 million Americans diagnosed with diabetes every year. Currently, there is no cure for diabetes but it can go into remission with significant weight loss, healthier eating choices and increased physical activity.
There are certain foods that can aid in helping a type 2 diabetic reach remission. Below are some great ideas for foods best for diabetes. Fruits: Cherries, grapefruits, apples, pears, strawberries, peaches and oranges are best because they have low glycemic indexes which decreases spikes in blood sugar. Nuts: Almonds, walnuts, cashews, peanuts and pistachios work wonders for diabetics. It’s best to choose the unsalted nuts. Beans: Black, garbanzo, kidney, lima, pinto and soy beans are great. Dried beans are a better choice than canned beans. Vegetables: Mushrooms, onions, garlic, eggplant, peppers and leafy greens are desirable. These veggies have almost nonexistent effects on blood glucose and are packed with fiber and phytochemicals. In closing, whether you have suffered with diabetes or your family is affected. There is no time like now to help transition your family into better eating habits.
(Romans 12:4,5)
Although I was created to be the
strongest section of the unit, I have to share myself with others, which at times they find themselves fighting against one another. My body is designed to stand tall and keep things together in order that it might become strong as a whole to build a kingdom of great things, yet it is weakening daily. Why does my body become weak daily? Because those who I share my body with such as the legs, arms, feet, mouth, eyes, hands, fingers, and so forth are fighting with one another daily. It makes me feel sad. It hurts me dearly. Only if they understood that they are all equally important to me, they would not be fighting. I sometimes find myself feeling sad and alone. So I often go to my Creator to find peace and pray for strength, in order that I might stay strong for the sake of those whom I share myself with. I’m even more sad because all that I am I am unable to keep the legs from hating on my feet. I’m unable to stop the eyes from rolling its components at my mouth and I’m tired of my mouth gossiping
about my hands. I just wish we all could get along. Although those who I share my body with are different from one another they still play an important role to my body. Each of us has been design and created with an individual gift, which if was not available it would cause the body to somewhat be handicap. If my hand isn’t functioning in its creation it slows me down, when I need to feed my stomach by use of my mouth, and if I’m unable to use my mouth then it will affect my body and it would become weak. Dear Lord, I pray for love and unity amongst the members of my body. My body is weakening daily and I’m tired of the fighting, slandering, gossiping, backbiting, belittling, and the ‘don’t care attitudes,’ that’s in the atmosphere. Lord, send a Spirit of love and unity, so that we as the Body of Christ will get along and respect one another. The Body of Christ is suffering. It’s at war with and against itself.
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