ELIZABETH OLIVER MARSH 20 Crescent Road • Middletown, RI 02482 • 401-924-4326 • ELIZABETHMARSH@ME.COM
AN D Q UALIFIC ATIO N S Rhode Island Department of Education
Feb 2012
Teaching License; Educator ID: 62358; Exp. 2015
Providence, Rhode Island Subject: Social Studies Grades: 5-12
Feb 2012
Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
June 2003
Virginia Department of Education
Richmond, Virginia
Teaching License; CP-0602749; Exp. 2014
Subject: Social Studies Grades: 6-12
MAY 2013
University of Connecticut
Dec 2003
Christopher Newport University
June 2002
Randolph-Macon College
Career Continuous License; Educator ID: 553982; Exp. 2111
Masters in Educational Technology Teacher Certification Program and Licensure Bachelor of Arts
St. Louis, Missouri Subject: Social Science Grades: 5-12
Storrs, Connecticut Newport News, Virginia Subject: Social Studies Grades: 6-12
Ashland, Virginia Major: History Minor: French
P RO FESSIO N AL E XPERIEN C E The Greene School, Expeditionary Learning School SY 20122013
Teacher: Grade 9 World History, Grade 10 United States History Co-authored case studies, interdisciplinary investigations and projects to connect students to real-world audiences and aid students in connecting multiple facets of their learning. Supported deliberate learning targets by coordinating meaningful fieldwork, including trips to historical recreation villages and local organic farms. Energized student motivation and engagement through high-level tasks and active roles in the classroom, from debates to developing innovations to address global challenges. Set clear expectations and effective follow-through for respect, responsibility, teamwork, and commitment to inquiry, critical thinking, and craftsmanship. Maintained communication and clear feedback with students about academic and work habit performance, digitally and in person. Utilized daily informal assessments to collect formative data, forming flexible student groupings based on current concept mastery to allow for more effective differentiation of instructional tasks and goals. Leveraged summative assessment data to ensure a sharp focus on student achievement and implemented remediation strategies (pre-assessment when possible and postassessment when necessary) to ensure optimal student learning.
American International School of Rotterdam Jan-Apr 2012
Jan 2011Dec 2011
West Greenwich, Rhode Island
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Educational Technology Remote Consultant Provided remote operational support for PowerSchool Student Information System. Advised and supported continuing IT Professional Development and school-wide technology challenges and initiatives.
Informational Technology Strategy Implementation Leader -‐ Advocated for investment in technology as a strategic initiative, identifying instructional technology as vital to providing relevant, meaningful learning experiences. Appointed as IT Strategy Implementation Leader, which included creating a vision, mission, and strategic plan to increase student enrollment through improved technology infrastructure, upgraded digital classrooms, and engaging instructional technology. Developed a school-wide ICT vision and wrote a business and investment plan to secure the confidence of and funding from the Board of Directors in support of the following initiatives: -‐ • Executed the strategic goal of upgrading our Student Information System (SIS) to PowerSchool in August 2011. Established school-wide policies, procedures, and standards for faculty and staff use, in support of the new SIS. Served as point of contact between Implementation Team and all stakeholders to minimize challenges in transitioning to a new SIS. Gathered and migrated school reference data into SIS. Coordinated and led faculty and staff training, assessing and adjusting its applicability as needed. -‐ • Implemented a 1:1 Laptop Pilot Program for the 2011-2012 school year. In preparation for launching a 1:1 program, attended the Lausanne Laptop Instituted in 2010, thoroughly researched cases of effective laptop programs, and liaised with local Apple education supplier. Secured funding to support a 1:1 program for Grade 6 for the 2011-12 school year and acquired the necessary resources, including the laptops, insurances and protective accessories. Built program to include student standards for laptop use, including ‘Technology Golden Rules’, and developed parent expectations for support. Created a ‘Laptop Kick-Off’ Workshop for parents and students, prior to distributing laptop packages, ensuring clear communication of expectations and program details. As a classroom teacher for Grade 6 students, provided in-class training and support for student use of laptops, including weekly lessons on essential skills and AISR’s Technology Golden Rules to ensure effective and ethical use of technology. Served as the point of contact for all 1:1 related questions and concerns. -‐ • Advocated for and successfully ensured the install of five multi-touch screens for use in elementary and secondary classrooms, intended to provide the tools for experimentation in digital content display and interactive teaching. Initiated this pilot program with the intention of creating five in-house experts to provide support for fellow teachers in anticipation of school-wide implementation, scheduled for 2012. -‐ • Streamlined internal communications by creating and maintaining a faculty website for the dissemination of vital information and maintaining an institution-wide digital calendaring system.
SY 20102011
July 2007DEC 2011
Educational Technology Integration and Professional Development Leader Collaborated with faculty, students, section leaders, and IT colleagues to support school-wide curriculum, instruction, and technology integration efforts and activities. Assisted students and faculty with information technology uses across the grades and disciplines by providing current information, skills, resources, and lessons. Held daily drop-in hours to provide for and encourage continued endeavors in digital learning through immediate troubleshooting. Led faculty in Instructional Technology Professional Development, delivering meaningful programs based on levels of comfort with technology, age-appropriate resources, and the unique needs of the international classroom. Successfully advocated for and implemented anti-plagiarism software, Turnitin, for use in secondary classrooms to develop better student writers and to empower teachers in addressing the challenges of assessing student work in the digital age. Provided the necessary support for Turnitin implementation through individual and grouped professional development sessions. Partnered with faculty to develop new instructional uses of digital tools and provided curriculum-specific support in the classroom, including push-in style lessons on technology skills. Co-developed skills-based rubrics with content teachers to further challenge students in digital creativity.
Teacher: Social Studies 6-7, English 6, Media and Publications Designed sound, dynamic curricula for the following courses: Social Studies 6 and 7, English 6, Media and Publications, and Yearbook. Identified key skills and content to develop units that ensured student mastery of expectations through authentic and meaningful assessments. Addressed the diverse needs of learners, including English Language Learners, through varied and engaging techniques, including use of technology, interactive activities, simulations, field trips, and differentiated lessons. Piloted a Humanities Program in the Middle School through an interdisciplinary approach to Grade 6 content. Developed cross-grade level reading groups to further challenge excelling readers. Built the Media and Publications curriculum to challenge students with thorough instruction in media concepts, design software, and ethical practices in media publication. Guided students in the publication of websites, short films, music videos, and the school’s yearbook, which served as assessments of and for learning. Initiated an Academy Awards-style Film Festival (the AIScaRs) to showcase original student films, which evolved into an annual creative event involving parents and members of the wider community. Collaborated with peers to create curricular connections and co-teaching opportunities with Science, English, Mathematics, and Music, as well as with younger and older age groups. Created and modeled a Learning Lab project to encourage peer observations, collaboration and reflective teaching habits.
Wahiawa Middle School
Wahiawa, Hawai’i
JAN 2006Feb 2007
Social Studies Teacher: Pacific Island Studies and History of Hawai’ian Kingdom, Grade 7
SEPT 2005JAN 2006
Social Studies Teacher, Special Education: Pacific Island Studies and History of Hawai’ian Kingdom, Grades 6-8
Planned long-range units and daily lessons based on Hawai’i Content and Performance Standards III. Developed a variety of resources to support state standards and used strategies including direct instruction, technology-centered units, discussion-based learning, and collaborative activities to deliver content. Provided hands-on experiences through simulations and local field trips. Defined success using performance rubrics and sample work to ensure students could achieve expectations. Required students to demonstrate mastery of standards using alternative and authentic assessments. Utilized the results of assessments to reflect upon and improve effectiveness of instruction. Assumed responsibilities of Special Educator, including differentiated instruction, effective classroom management, and appropriately modified assessment. Created Individual Education Plans, in accordance with IDEA, ADA, and federal standards for Special Education services. Maintained contacts with Department of Health, Child Protective Services, and local medical services to provide the best available support for learning.
Grafton High School SY 20042005
Yorktown, Virginia
Social Studies Teacher, World History I and II, Grades 9-10 Developed challenging units addressing Virginia Standards of Learning. Identified student needs and planned engaging lessons designed to build skill mastery and content knowledge. Enthusiastically motivated students to learn using reinforcement, respect, and high expectations. Used varied instructional strategies that promoted student learning. Provided a safe classroom environment, with clear procedures that allowed for minimal instructional time lost. Established clear work expectations matched to student capabilities and held students accountable for high quality performance and products. Utilized a variety of authentic assessment tools evaluate performance and to guide instructional decisions. Virginia Standards of Learning Assessment Scores: World History I: 96.7% passing. World History II: 97.7% passing.
A W ARD S , A C TIVITIES , S KILLS • AISR: Member of Strategic Planning Committee, Member of Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Team, Member of Governance Committee and Philosophy and Objectives Team, Rotating Chair of Social Studies Team during ECIS Accreditation, Middle School Student Council Sponsor, Soccer Coach, AISR Film Festival Coordinator • W ahiawa: Co-chair of Positive Behavioral Support Team, Leadership Team, School-Level Ambassador Kids Voting • Professional Development: ECIS Conference, Madrid, 2007; CEESA Conference, Istanbul, 2008; Jefferson Overseas Technology Institute (JOSTI), Fairfax, VA, 2008; JOSTI, Fairfax, VA, 2009; Lausanne Laptop Institute, Memphis, TN, 2010; NWEA’s Measures of Academic Achievement Training, Paris 2010 • Awards: ETS Praxis Recognition of Excellence (PLT: Grades 7-12; June 2006) • Computer Software and W eb-Based Programs: Microsoft Office, Apple iLife, Adobe Creative Suites: Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator; PowerSchool, Engrade, GoogleDocs, Jostens Yearbook Avenue, Studywiz, Turnitin.