FULL OUT Magazine

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FULL OUT First words to you


eing busy all day long at work and have spent all evening in the kitchen, cooking my favorite purée with potato, rosemary and gouda cheese, which is so delicious that my husband and my two lovely kids beg me to cook it for them on and on, which is, of course, a pleasure for me. Afterwards on a weekend I wish to spend some time in the suburb of Moscow to breathe in some fresh air and check out our house and my lovely garden full of orchid, lilies and thuyas. Meanwhile I have to look great and be perfectly dressed, you never know who you can bump into. Living with such a tempo of life where everything is so efficient, many women want to look adorable all the time wherever they are, whether it’s a work or a garden in front of a house. - That’s what all of my friends agree with. But being beautiful is a process that takes a lot of time: running-from-store-to-store shopping, always-forgetting appointment of facial in a beauty salon, being out of energies with a feet pain in the end of this day and with a conclusion that almost everything that you just have bought, doesn’t really match with each other, so you make a plan to have another “beauty-working” day in a following weekend. All the while the dream to be easily beautiful in a short period of time became an obsessional idea. Would it not be nice to have a place, where you can disappear from all problems and anxieties, where you could get trusted and professional advice about the last collection, trends of the season, even to get a suggestion on which length of skirt makes your legs longer and slender. A place to fall into a marvelous world of relaxation and wellness. A space where dreams and creativity blending with each other, become a one image, the image of you. You - real, relaxed, healthy, beautiful, stylish and happy, ready to do a successful step in life and to be a woman - gorgeous and beloved. Desperately browsing the streets of Moscow, I tried to find a place which could make my dream come true. Where in one store could be presented all kinds of beauty services from manicure to clothes shopping. Eventually, realized that there is no place like that, in time I came up with a way to change this illogical situation and open it myself...

FULL OUT is a place where creativity, individuality and professionalism meet each other, giving an individual approach to each client. While creating a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere, with the acknowledgement of the importance of each and every client. FULL OUT aims to give a wide range of services in beauty and fashion with a precise attention to each detail. Being the first concept store that combines three of the most important components of image structure: beauty, style and it’s sensation; all as a photo-shooting. We surround you with the greatest care, quality and inspiration, which entrusts a sense of style. Meanwhile the magazine becomes not just a concept store but a concept of life. It transmits stability, individuality and particular lifestyle. It is followed and solidified by the reality of human being and its unpredictable desire. Being a part of this world, means to live FULL OUT.


FULL OUT for you. 3


FULL OUT Fashion fades, only Style remains the same. Gabrielle Chanel Kerastase


t DAY in, DAY ou Nothing can stop you during this nice working day. Clear silhouette and clear lines. The perfection is in set terms D&G

Richmond Emma Cook


Emma Cook 5


FULL OUT Style is a simple way of saying complicated things Anna Wintour Richmond D&G

FREE and EASY Nothing is as important as your comfort. The softness of a textile, a loose and free outfit, warmth and happiness. When else can you calm down if not on a weekend

Moncler Emma Cook




FULL OUT Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess. Edna W. Chase Emma Cook




L’Oreal Professional

NIGHT duty It is your time to shine in the dead of night. Retro look combined with a rock and roll style. Silk, lace, paiettes and chiffon, define your preferences. 9

FULL OUT Fashionable news

Time to celebrate


eing on the way to one of the most colorful and cheerful nights of the year, it’s good to start thinking about a perfect timetable, in which to organize all important things, that have to be done. The preparation for the New Year starts two months ahead with a muse over celebration, gifts and of course New Year’s look. So FULL OUT does: a special holiday collection of hairdos and holiday garments is already prepared for you by the best stylists of the FULL OUT team. Silky elegant and delicate dresses with a combination of volumes and textural hair style: the trends of this New Year. Eclectic of sensuality and elegance will help you to be surprising, bright and shine wherever you are. It’s a perfect time to experiment new and unpredictable looks. Inspired by all this innovations, we want to start the celebration earlier and during the 31st of January every guest will be met with the usual smile, glass of Champaign and chocolates. We promise you a great start of the holiday and celebrating spirit during your commemorating transformation time in our concept store FULL OUT. 10

FULL OUT Fashionable news



he laundry method of down-jackets is one of the most common and confusing questions. But definitely not with the brand Moncler, because they have uploaded nice and understandable instructions about this on their website, no longer a time-taking process. The only thing you need to do is follow the manual.


FULL OUT Experience

The mysterious magic of oils


il’s benefits are obvious to all of us. We apply it to our skin, making the epidermis beautiful, we use it in food to add flavor to our culinary masterpieces, so I have been searching for the perfect oil to make the hair shiny and absolutely luxurious, however by using any of the natural oils my hair looked greasy instead of looking desirable, healthy and shiny. Once I overheard about a new revolutionary product developed by Kerastase Paris. Trusting this company, a glimmer of hope came to my mind and pushed me to make a little research about this innovation. ELIXIR ULTIME is a complex of four precious oils: Pracaxi (which has a rich conditioning property, increases brightness and smooths the hair), Argad ( famous for its nourishing benefits, one of the rarest oil in the world, rich of Vitamins A, D and E), Maize ( corn extract which provides a powerful

cocktail of emollient and anti-oxidant active ingredients, for incredible suppleness) and Camellia (extract from camellia flower being a great source of Vitamin F as well as Omega 3 and 9 and gives to the hair incredible shine, with smoothing and strengthening properties.) Its application is a simple process with four possible variations: before shampoo with a slow massage on your head to relax the scalp; before blow drying, in case of need of advanced nourishment; after blow dry, to add a smoothing effect for shiny, easier to style hair; or in daily usage, for extra control and hair nourishment during the day. Relying on my experience, the only thing you need is to choose when you think it is more comfortable for you to enrich yourself with precious prettiness and wellness to each and every strand of your hair. e


FULL OUT Beautyful news Rosy rose


herry red lips, pinky rouge and caramel-rosy eye shadow - these were the colors most used on the runways of this season. The face looked younger and healthier and the outfits nicer and sweeter with a romantic and gentle touch. To add a deeper and more sensual look you can use a black eye liner. The only trick is to pick a perfect tone of pink for the color of your eyes and skin.


FULL OUT Innovative news Advanced shopping


ometimes we want to know and be sure in advance where are we going and what it is for, especially with such a delicate issue such as your style and appearance. Being aware of this FULL OUT decided to give you a new approach to shopping and picking up your final selection to make your style research easier and your shopping faster. Visiting our web site you can find all available pieces in the fashion store, it’s price range and sizes available. What’s more incredible is that later you can make a reservation of available items that you would like to try and maybe buy later on. The structure is easy: you browse the www.fullout.com website in the fashion store section, make your choice and via an e-mail (choice@fullout.com) or with a phone call to the store, you give a number and the size you wear. During the next two days, they will be waiting for you to come and try them on.

Contact information: www.fullout.com choice@fullout.com - e-mail address for reservation your clothes. 7454506 - salon phone number


FULL OUT Innovative news

Say it out loud It’s time to reach perfection.


t is such a pleasure to work for you, that we, of course, desire to improve along the way, our workability and quality will make our service go smoothly and will make you appear splendid. So if you have tried any of our services or have bought something and have comment about your experience or any advice for us, we would be delighted to know. opinion@fullout.com - your point of view is the most valuable feedback for us. Thank you for being with us.


FULL OUT Rosemary dreams


ith the word rosemary come marvelous smell of food, rich flavor and beautiful aroma decoration of meals. It’s unbelievable, how much a small pinch of rosemary season can change the entire taste of any product and give it’s own smack, full of rich gustatory senses. But that’s not the only benefit that such a valuable herb has. Its health impact is surprisingly infinite, while cooking heavy meals, such as pork meat, the feeling of having eaten too much is easy to avoid by adding a little bit of rosemary oil and a bit of rosemary relish, which will normalize and stimulate digestion and relieve stomach cramps, meanwhile adding a great bitterish flavor and fresh coniferous smell. You can also steep rosemary leaves into boiling water, and have a great relaxing and calming, but simultaneously refreshing tea. This small and so useful seasoning preferably grows in Europe and America on a small pine-like evergreen shrub, a part of the Labiatea family that is related to mint. It’s saturated green needles have a plain and smooth surface with a white oily

sap full of vitamins and minerals. It’s health workability is well know since ancient times. In Ancient Greece this herb was used for rituals as well as a treatment tool. They relied on its ability to get rid of insomnia and stomach ache, to reduce nervous state and have a calming effect. Students used to sprig rosemary in their hair as a symbol of wisdom, to stimulate memory and attentiveness. Romans, who gave it its name, consider it a sacred herb. Later on, this plant was popular all over the world, for instance, was used in French hospitals to clean the air. In Britain it took an important place in textile design, being a symbol of fidelity. The Queen of Hungary used to add to her water some rosemary oil; a very popular cosmetic in the 16th and 17th century. Up to now this great herb has an important place in culinary, health and beauty industries. Because of its antiseptic and antispasmodic effect, rosemary essential oil can help with respiratory problems, such as allergies, cold, sore throat, 16

flu and even asthma. Applying a few drops of this oil to the hair before washing them, results in hair that grows longer and stronger, with a well groomed shine. A light massage of the scalp will stimulate hair follicles in regenerating system. Its aroma treatment isn’t less than its health one. Inhaling its smell, releases mind exhaustion and depression, bringing fresh mental energy and awakening new life spirit in the body. Its power full of vitamin E gives skin-protective effects and makes incredible anti-age changes. According to the Faculty of Medicine, University of Catania, in Italy, rosemary oil is able to prevent age-related skin damage, such as deep wrinkles. Their research confirms that rosemary extract helps to protect the individual components of skin cells, so make them stronger and therefore the skin look younger. Italian scientists also found a protective protein called HSP70, which protects from damages caused by stress, free radicals and other toxins in the skin, as well as being a great tool in toning and removing dryness of the skin. It’s ability to relieve headache, muscle pain, rheumatism and even arthritis, makes rosemary interesting for the spa industry. By massaging a problematic part


of the body, rosemary oil can influence not only the health of the skin but also the health in general and mental condition, all the while having relaxing and calming effect. Obviously after such a procedure anyone will be absolutely healthy, “new� and refreshed. Exactly the desire of each of us after a hard working week. e

In fact many skin care brands pay a lot of attention to this priceless herb. For instance YON-KA Paris worries not only about the quality and treatment capability of their cosmetics, which is very important for them, but also about a praiseworthy procedure with aroma treatment. Its cream, with rosemary extract as the main component, is capable of having a strong anti-age affect, stimulates cells to breathe and regenerate the skin, gives freshness and makes skin soft and silky. And of cause it also smells wonderful.

Art of cookery The classic combination of potato and rosemary can become even more sophisticated and tasteful. For this you will need: 6 medium oblong or yellow-fleshed potatoes (about 1.5 kg) Salt 1-1/2 cups (375 mL) Milk 1 tsp (5 mL) minced fresh rosemary (or 1/2 tsp/2 mL dried) 1/4 tsp (1 mL) pepper 1-1/4 cups (300 mL) shredded Canadian aged Provolone, Asiago or Gouda cheese. Peel potatoes and cut into chunks. In a pot, cover potatoes with cold water; bring to a boil over high heat. Season water with 1 tsp (5 mL) salt. Reduce heat and boil gently for about 15 min or until fork tender. Drain; return pot to low heat for 1 min to dry, shaking often. Meanwhile, in a saucepan or in a microwave-safe measuring cup, combine Milk, rosemary and pepper. Heat, uncovered, over medium heat on stove-top or on Medium (50%) power in microwave until steaming, for about 3 min. Preheat broiler. Butter 8 large ramekins or a shallow 8-cup (2 L) baking dish. Mash potatoes while gradually adding warmed Milk mixture. Mash in 1 cup (250 mL) of the cheese and 1/4 tsp (1 mL) salt, or to taste. Spread into ramekins or baking dish and sprinkle with remaining cheese. Broil for about 3 min or until cheese is browned. 17






TRANSFIGURATION Photo by Gregory fedorov









As I recall it my t-shirt soaked in sweat felt like I dove into a lake with my clothes on. I shut my lashes again and I see it all, as if my eyes were wide open. I dream of Paris and life somehow transfers to the “city of light.” Via Concorde? I am not sure. It’s one of those days when us people move like birds in search of one’s nesting: towards the ideal place to lay the eggs and presume an existence which will albeit only last a season. The same allowed lifeline fashion has before designers present their new incarnation. Dutifully I’m there too, as if I exist through this semi-annual repetition. Friends and faces pass before me. They look stranger in reality than in magazines. From afar, grungy Miss Day takes my picture. She waves a gloved hand as I draw one final salute. I wonder where she is heading. Seeing Her Majesty is a rare privilege indeed. A bunch of Boys-in-Margiela force the crowd in attendance. Everyone, myself included, fixes an admiring eye at them. What do I feel? A hint of envy for their youthful skin, their forceful vitality, their coveted invitation for being at the right place the right time. Or is it pure admiration? Time disappears fast and in less than a moment this wonderful frivolity will take the place of pride in memory. I might or might not be able to testify to that. Oh well… I walk through the hallway. A woman greets me, asks for my pass (how the hell does she know my name?) and tells me to follow her. She points to my seat and surprise; I am front row. “How weird!” I hear a voice behind me. I sit keeping my sweaty hands carefully placed on my knees. My camera is hanging from my neck and my bag rests against my tapping feet. On my right, Carine nods “Hello.” On my left Anna’s voice enquires after my mother. “She is fine,” I say and turn my head up to the ceiling counting to ten. Opposite, the seats are packed with mermaids and sirens that carry strange names: Daria, Coco, Raquel, Kinga, Lara, Natalia, Sasha, Hannelore….For a moment it feels like I only exist in a spell. How fortunate these women are, how beautiful and spotless, sitting there slapping bewitching smiles left, right and center. The lights go dim and Hussein’s voice announces: “The show is about to start.” In this dream I’m wearing red, my hair is long and I have the most perfect teeth. Hussein’s voice is up again informing us that the show is cancelled because “summer ain’t coming” God just told them via Skype “the world shall be stuck in winter for a while.” “So what are we gonna do now?” asks Carine. “Let’s be patient,” says Anna. Soon the room resembles a scene of a bloodless massacre. Something out of a picture by Delacroix. People cry invisible tears, a horde of women powder maniacally their noses or plug their eyebrows to oblivion. Anna’s hairdresser and his team retouch the hair as she is placing a phone-call to God demanding that he should at least change his mind for a season. He ought to have told her, for Couture’s sake. Carine is already out smoking “a la Française.” What a mess! So, no summer for a while… I make my way out with Jo Calderone’s arm wrapped around mine.

Source: fashionfiction.asvof.com/ 26

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