Pro Landscaper April 2016

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April 2016









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April 2016 | Volume 6, Issue 4

April 2016



Welcome to April 2016 Welcome to the April issue of Pro Landscaper. Landscaping’s busy period has well and truly kicked in now and show season also starts with RHS Flower Show Cardiff this month – good luck to everyone involved in creating and building show gardens this year. We have had some great feedback about the new look magazine since last month, thanks

Eljays44 Ltd 3 Churchill Court, 112 The Street, Rustington, West Sussex BN16 3DA Tel: 01903 777 570 EDITORIAL Editorial Director – Lisa Wilkinson Tel: 01903 777 579 Deputy Editor – Iszara Morgan Tel: 01903 777 574 Editorial Assistant – Fay Tate Tel: 01903 777 574 Editorial Assistant – Nina Mason Tel: 01903 777 570 Production Editor – Susie Duff Tel: 01903 777 578 Subeditor – Toby Wilsdon Tel: 01903 777 578 Subeditor – Charlotte Cook Tel: 01903 777 594

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to all who corresponded or called to give us their thoughts – it seems to have gone down well and we have much more in the pipeline so continue reading as we want to keep you as up to date as possible on all things landscape. It seems incredible, but the last month has also been spent planning the next FutureScape event in November. Can you believe it’s now in its fifth year? We hope to celebrate this anniversary in a big way and although it may seem very early, please do put Tuesday 15 November 2016 in your diary now – it promises to be a fabulous day. We will be releasing more details soon so keep your eyes peeled. Congratulations to all those winners of the APL Awards in March, the ceremony was a great celebration – see our feature on page 8. We also have a few new faces and features that you should

ADVERTISING Business Development Manager – Jamie Wilkinson Tel: 01903 777 588 Sales Manager – Luke Chaplin Tel: 01903 777 584 Sales Manager – Darren Shelton Tel: 01903 777 583 Sales Executive – Ben Cumberland Tel: 01903 777 571 Sales Executive – Laura Harris Tel: 01903 777 580 Horticulture Careers – Amber Bernabe Tel: 01903 777 581 Managing Director – Jim Wilkinson Tel: 01903 777 589 MARKETING AND CIRCULATION Tel: 01903 777 570






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definitely check out this month. On page 81 we introduce Lee Heykoop, a landscape architect with a particular interest in planting; Tim O’Hare joins us for an update on using soils in new build projects and Peter Cunliffe from Northumbrian Landscaping reviews the re-release of Christopher Lloyd’s classic book, The Well-Tempered Garden. We can’t go without mentioning this month’s Let’s Hear it From with Marcus Watson of Ground Control – how many people can say they’ve interviewed Captain America? It was all for a great cause – read more on page 25. Have a great month everyone…


Design – Kara Thomas Amy Downes Printed by Pensord Press Ltd, Gwent, UK Published by ©Eljays44 Ltd – Connecting Horticulture Pro Landscaper’s content is available for licensing overseas. Contact jamie.wilkinson@


Pro Landscaper is proud to be an affiliate member of BALI

The Association of

Professional Landscapers

Pro Landscaper is proud to be an associate member of The APL

Pro Landscaper is published 12 times per year by Eljays44 Ltd. The 2015 subscription price is £95.00. Subscription records are maintained at Eljays44 Ltd, 3 Churchill Court, 112 The Street, Rustington, West Sussex BN16 3DA, UK. Articles and information contained in this publication are the copyright of Eljays44 Ltd and may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publishers. The publishers cannot accept responsibility for loss of, or damage to, uncommissioned photographs or manuscripts. Whilst every effort has been made to maintain the integrity of our advertisers, we accept no responsibility for any problem, complaints, or subsequent litigation arising from readers’ responses to advertisements in the magazine. We also wish to emphasise that views expressed by editorial contributors are not necessarily those of the publishers. Reproduction of any part of this magazine is strictly forbidden.

MANAGEMENT Managing Director Jim Wilkinson Director Lisa Wilkinson Business Development Manager Jamie Wilkinson Managing Editor Joe Wilkinson

Subscription enquiries Tel: 01903 777 581

Pro Landscaper / April 2016


17/03/2016 14:55


April 2016 INFORM


Agenda Are we doing enough to celebrate Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown?


Concept to Delivery


APL Awards


All the winners from the glittering APL Awards




A roundup of industry news over the past month


Capability Brown Festival 2016 Pro Landscaper’s Nina Mason speaks to Ceryl Evans, director of the Capability Brown festival, about the year of celebrations








The latest news from BALI, efig, the APL, the Parks Alliance, RHS and SGD





With the European Union referendum looming, Phil Jones discusses the effect Brexit could have on the landscape industry



On Guard Health and safety is easily ignored. This is not an option, says Angus Lindsay


Pro Landscaper / April 2016

Contents.indd 4

Work, Rest And Play Appletons gives an outdated farmhouse garden a contemporary makeover, including children’s play area and space for entertaining guests

Global Village Andrew Wilson reports back on the 20th annual seminar of the Garden and Landscape Design Association in Dublin

Wonder Walls Peter Reader Landscapes and Belderbos Landscapes transform an overgrown garden in north London into a modern ‘grown-up’ space

Marcus Watson of Ground Control

View From The Top




Photography tips Making the most of the view you’ve created


Just Add Water Fairwater’s Martin Kelley advises on suitable water features for themed environments


Wildflowers The benefits of wildflower seed and turf


Life/Style Patricia Fox


Award-Winning Tom Massey SGD award winner Tom Massey showcases his winning projects

Fluid Lines Laura Anstiss creates a functional space in the style of an English country garden using level changes and water to give the impression of greater size

Walpole Park A 17th century estate turned 20th century park in Ealing is restored by Gavin Jones

Do You CDM?


Let’s Hear It From


Pay to Play?

CDM 2015 is a legal requirement, so why are so many businesses still not complying, asks David Dodd

30 Under 30 This month we ask: “What would your advice be to young people new to the industry?”

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Pay-for-play parks are divisive and iniquitous, says Lesley Malone

Association News


April 2016





Hardwood Decking

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CONTRIBUTORS Phil Jones MD of ISS Facility Services Landscaping Andrew Wilson Garden designer and lecturer Angus Lindsay Head of fleet at The Landscape Group Lesley Malone Freelance writer and photographer





Nursery News


Plantsman’s Plot A selection of plants and trees from the country’s top growers


FactFile Bernhard’s Nurseries




Ultimate Orchids Orchids have rapidly become the ‘go to’ plant for homes and offices. Ian Drummond talks us through his top six


Soil Standards Tim O’Hare explores how topsoil is used in new build developments

Contents.indd 5

Andy McIndoe Leading horticulturist

Reclaimed Lighting

Ian Drummond Creative director of Indoor Garden Design

Team Building

What I’m Reading Christopher Lloyd’s The WellTempered Garden is a favourite of Peter Cunliffe from Northumbrian Landscaping

Wet Feet


Lee Heykoop Horticultural officer at The Royal Parks

Privacy can be an issue in densely packed new builds. Janine Pattison examines the implications

Mike Long, one of Pro Landscaper’s 30 Under 30, discusses the importance of building a good team

Andy McIndoe recommends plants that tolerate and thrive in damp conditions


Privacy and Screening

Robert Webber looks at the benefits of salvaged lighting

From The Negative When planting public parks you should start from what you don’t want says Lee Heykoop



Come Fly With Me With RHS Chelsea Flower Show around the corner, Jamie Butterworth talks us through the tree selection process for show gardens



Jamie Butterworth Plant manager at Hortus Loci

Waterworks With water features becoming more prominent in our cities, Anji Connell looks at some international examples

News bites from some of the UK’s leading nurseries

David Dodd Landscaper and lecturer

Battery Powered Kit

101 Look Out For Chartered Landscape Architect, Amanda Price of MHP Design

103 Three Peakers Ride Again

Anji Connell Interior architect and landscape designer Janine Pattison Garden designer and horticulturist Robert Webber Founder of Scenic Lighting Mike Long Owner of Genesis Landscapes

Cycling for Perennial’s HortAid 2016

Pro Landscaper / April 2016


17/03/2016 15:54




Portrait of Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown, c.1770-75, by Richard Cosway (17421821)/Private Collection/Bridgeman Images

Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown was born in 1716 and changed the face of 18th century England, designing country estates and mansions, moving hills, digging lakes and serpentine rivers, and creating parklands on an immense scale. It is believed that his nickname Capability derived from the way he described his landscapes as having ‘great capabilities’. His style derived from the two principles of comfort and elegance. He believed that there was a determination that everything should work and that a landscape should provide for every need of the great house but landscapes also had to cohere and look elegant.

Noel Farrer

Simon Scott

President of the Landscape Institute

Marketing director of Haddonstone Ltd

I think we have made a tremendous start in celebrating Capability Brown. The Capability Brown Festival 2016 marks the 300th anniversary of his birth and is the first ever nationwide celebration of his works. It unites 21 partners and is the largest festival of its kind to date. The Landscape Institute manages the festival and we want to put Brown on the map, celebrating his legacy as the grandfather of landscape architecture and the impact he made on the English landscape. The festival team is already doing much to get the word out, including making a five minute film, commissioning an education pack to use in schools and funding a series of projects specifically designed to target new audiences.

Although there seems to be plenty to celebrate Capability Brown throughout his tercentenary year, it doesn’t appear as though enough is being done to continue to commemorate Brown beyond 2016. He changed the face of landscape design in England and beyond, creating an idealised countryside of lakes, trees and rolling parkland. Such locations would provide a beautiful backdrop for a more permanent ornament to remember Brown and his influence on the landscape. Haddonstone commissioned a bust based on the famous 1773 Nathaniel Dance portrait, to provide landscapes, parks and gardens, as well as private clients, the chance to celebrate Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown for many years to come.


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Pro Landscaper / April 2016

Ian Drummond Creative director of Indoor Garden Design Capability Brown was a visionary of 18th century horticulture – I don’t imagine there is a landscape architect or designer who has not been inspired by his work. It is the ambition within his designs that make his work so remarkable. His signature was to create landscapes that looked natural, but were more perfect than nature could ever be. He sculpted vast, undulating lawns, studded with trees chosen for the way the colours changed through the seasons, sloping gently down to great lakes, believing that water was important to create a peaceful place where people could relax. How right he was and how right we are to continue to celebrate his legacy. This summer I’ll be taking the IGD team to see some of his gardens.

Jimmy Gilchrist Managing director of GP Plantscape Capability Brown was undoubtedly one of the most influential landscape designers in British history. However, as we celebrate the 300th anniversary of his birth, he remains largely unknown to those outside the industry. It’s hard to believe that the Capability Brown Festival 2016 is the first ever celebration of his works, given the grand scale and durability of his creations, but although well overdue the events of the celebration will go some way to raising the profile of this incredible visionary. Is it

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enough? It’s a start, with ambitious objectives that I hope will stimulate investment in an ongoing celebration of a remarkable man and his landscapes beyond 2016.

Justin Paxman Managing director at Paxman Landscapes Whether we celebrate it enough or not, we should, at the very least, acknowledge the impact that Capability Brown has on our landscaping projects today. His work was about creating a landscape of elegant comfort, with a cohesion of elements and blend of levels, aspects and vistas. Every day, our landscaping team focuses on place making, just as Brown did. He offered the full landscaping service from design to project management and construction, just as we do. A modern landscaper doesn’t just create a garden – he creates an outdoor living experience or a public open space, maximised for enjoyment, beauty and purpose. And that is indeed thanks to Capability Brown’s vision of shaping Britain’s gardens and landscapes.

Tom Harfleet RHS Chelsea Flower Show manager The Times had a double page spread about Capability Brown and how they have £1 million worth of funding. When you think about it, is it enough? No. How do you find that money when

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there are so many other great initiatives going on? I don’t know. But should we be looking back when we have so much in front of us? It’s great and he did amazing things but I think a lot of his gardens are already landmarks and are being celebrated. He’s one of the most famous garden designers that has ever lived but does that mean we need to spend all that money on his 300th birthday, especially when we have all those other problems? I’m not saying that we shouldn’t spend money on it, I just think there are better things we could be spending £1 million on.

Bob Field BALI national chairman

Had Capability Brown been working today, BALI would have been pushing hard for our members to be used for his projects. BALI’s membership journal, Landscape News, has a feature on the man and his work, our north west region has a speaker, Elaine Taylor, talking on the subject in March at a BALI Trade Event at Myerscough College, and the north Thames region is visiting Blenheim Palace for a tour and talk in March – ‘Capability Brown: Visionary or Vandal?’ by Karen Wiseman, head of education at Blenheim. Across the country there are talks, tours and even grand balls, so everyone should be able to find something to appreciate Capability. Are we doing enough? Probably.

Ceryl Evans Capability Brown festival director I don’t think enough has been done to celebrate Capability Brown in the past. Last year, we asked site visitors what they could tell us about him. “Something to do with gardening?” was the slightly hesitant answer. This is what the Capability Brown Festival 2016 wants to change. The tercentenary of Brown’s birth has made sites think about how to interpret a landscape without spoiling the very views that people want to see. Sites are talking about their Brown landscapes and actively encouraging visitors to explore them, and this will continue past this year. Our festival is just the beginning of giving Brown the celebration he deserves. 1 Blenheim Palace ©VisitEngland an Blenheim Palace 2 Harewood, Yorkshire ©Harewood House Trust, Amanda Bond 3 Burghley House and Parkland © VisitEngland and Verity Milligan 4 Visitors on the Wilderness at Prior Park Landscape Garden, Bath, Somerset, © National Trust Images, Arnhel de Serra




17/03/2016 12:03


APL AWARDS 2016 In front of a 300 strong audience, Frogheath Landscapes was crowned Supreme Winner at the APL Awards, sponsored by Bradstone, which took place at The Brewery in London on 4 March 2016. The Sussex-based company took the overall award for its project, which involved landscaping the gardens surrounding a rare timber and brick 16th century sheep barn in the Brede Valley. The project, also the winner of the Project Value over £250,000 category, included features such as a formal lawn punctuated with clipped Quercus ilex and exuberant borders, secluded areas enclosed with stilted hornbeam hedges, a walled potager with a contemporary fruit arbour, dipping pond and rustic raised beds. Frogheath Landscapes also created an orchard under planter with a wildflower meadow and gentle walk route through a nuttery of local filberts and Kentish cobs. To promote sustainability all bricks, tiles and Yorkstone are

Raoul Curtis-Machin


Pro Landscaper / April 2016

APL Awards.indd 8

Frogheath Landscapes – Supreme Winners

reclaimed, all lighting LED and a rainwater harvester provides irrigation. The judges commented: “It is a fabulous piece of landscaping work that has exquisite detailing especially within the planting. It is simply stunning, fitting the house and its surroundings perfectly.” Other category winners included Arun Landscapes, RG Landscape & Construction Ltd, James Bird Landscapes, Timotay Landscapes, Big Fish Landscapes, Planet 14 Landscapes and Landform Consultants.

RDC Landscapes team

©Marian Boswall Landscape Architects

Frogheath Landscapes takes the title at APL Awards 2016, and a host of landscapers and suppliers are honoured for some truly outstanding work

Awards new for 2016 were presented to suppliers, where the winners were Coles Nurseries, Palmstead Nurseries, Chessington Garden Centre, Green-tech and 2 Circles. Will Burberry from Gardenscapes, who won the APL WorldSkills competition, also received a special award. Hosted by landscaper and horticulturist Chris Collins and HTA head of horticulture Raoul Curtis-Machin, the awards celebrated the high standards of landscaping achieved by members

and demonstrates the APL’s commitment to quality landscaping. Chris also provided the audience with an entertaining tour of his horticultural exploits in Cameroon and Japan. The awards concluded with a rallying call from APL chairman, Mark Gregory. He recognised the work that is being done by the APL to raise standards through WorldSkills, APL Masterclasses, Landscape Apprenticeships and Cluster Meetings and encouraged all to get involved and make the most of these opportunities. This year’s judges were Richard Barnard from Hillier Landscapes (chair), Chris Young, RHS editor of The Garden Magazine, Steve Shore from Shore Landscapes, Bob Sweet – ex-RHS head of garden judging, Robin Templar Williams from Robin Williams and Associates and Phil Tremayne – APL national account manager. The APL would like to thank all sponsors: headline sponsor Bradstone, Andersplus, Classiflora Zelari, Easigrass, Green-tech, Platipus, Renson and Sovereign Turf, for helping to make the awards a great success.

Chris Collins entertains

Timotay L

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THE WINNERS 2016 SUPREME AWARD SPONSORED BY BRADSTONE • Supreme Award, sponsored by Bradstone • Winner – Frogheath Landscapes – Brede

RG Landscape & Construction Ltd – Project under £20,000

AWARD WINNERS • Project Value under £20,000 • Winner – RG Landscape & Construction Ltd • Highly Commended – Silva’s Gardens • Commended – Walmsley Shaw • Commended – MJM Landscape • Commended – Lloyd’s Gardens of London Ltd

Silvas Gardens team with certificates

• Project Value £20,000 - £35,000 • Winner – Arun Landscapes

• Commended – Frogheath Landscapes • Commended – TT Group (Landscape Innovation Ltd) • Commended – Silva’s Gardens • Commended – Genesis Construction and Landscapes Ltd • Commended – The Garden Builders • Project Value £100,000 - £250,000, sponsored by Anders Plus • Winner – Arun Landscapes • Highly Commended – Walmsley Shaw • Highly Commended – The Team Landscapers • Highly Commended – Timotay Landscapes Ltd • Highly Commended – Outdoor Creations • Highly Commended – Arbour Design & Build • Commended – Silva’s Gardens • Commended – Garden House Design • Project Value over £250,000, sponsored by Platipus • Winner – Frogheath Landscapes • Highly Commended – Arun Landscapes • Garden Feature, sponsored by Easigrass • Winner – Big Fish Landscapes Ltd

Landform Consultants – £35,000 - £60,000 Winner

• Highly Commended – Silva’s Gardens • Commended – Conquest • Hard Landscaping • Project Value under £35,000 £60,000, sponsored by Green-tech • Winner – Landform Consultants • Highly Commended – Greenscapes • Highly Commended – RDC Landscapes • Commended – Frogheath Landscapes • Commended – Garden Art Designs

Perennial’s Kate O’Shea

Carol Paris

Timotay Landscapes Ltd – Community Garden Large Winner

APL Awards.indd 9

• Project Value £60,000 - £100,000, sponsored by Sovereign Turf

• Winner – James Bird Landscapes • Highly Commended – The Garden Builders

• Innovation, sponsored by Easigrass • Winner – Planet 14 Landscapes Ltd

• Commended – VandenbergHilder Landscape Design and Construction • Commended – Paxman Landscapes • Commended – Conquest Hard Landscaping • Soft Landscaping, sponsored by Classiflora Zelari • Winner – Big Fish Landscapes Ltd

• Highly Commended – Landform Consultants • Overall Design and Build, sponsored by Renson • Winner – RG Landscape & Construction Ltd • Highly Commended – Dorney Court Kitchen Garden • Commended – Garden Art Designs • APL Worldskills Winner • Will Burberry, Gardenscapes

• Supplier Awards • Grower – North and Midlands • Winner – Coles Nurseries • Grower – South • Winner – Palmstead Nurseries • Retailer • Winner – Chessington Garden Centre

• Community Garden • Winner – Timotay Landscapes Ltd • Highly Commended – Landform Consultants • Commended – Garden Box Landscape & Design • Commended – Big Fish Landscapes Ltd • Commended – 4th corner landscaping • Hard Landscaping, sponsored by Bradstone • Winner – Arun Landscapes • Highly Commended – Aura Landscapes

• Manufacturer • Winner – Green-tech

• Service Provider • Winner – 2 Circles

Pro Landscaper / April 2016


17/03/2016 11:40


NEWS SHED Noel Farrer responds to NHS England’s Healthy New Towns Programme Noel Farrer, Landscape Institute (LI) president, has responded to the NHS England announcement on the Healthy New Towns programme. He said: “Today’s NHS England announcement on the Healthy New Towns programme is an important development for improving public health. “Treating ill health is overstretching the public purse so finding ways of reducing demand on health services through prevention beyond more traditional programmes can only be encouraged. “The Landscape Institute has championed the role green

infrastructure can play in tackling ill health. We believe significant improvements in health and wellbeing can be achieved by integrating nature into the fabric of our towns and cities. “Although it is a good initiative, it’s just the start and we need the approach to be extended to those places outside of the programme. “A more creative, collaborative approach to the planning, design and management of our towns and cities will result in urban landscapes that are rich, varied and truly multifunctional.”

Idverde UK grows again and takes the lead for excellence in green services Idverde has concluded the acquisition of the holding company of Quadron Services from its private shareholders. All of the Quadron senior management team will remain in key positions in the newly consolidated structure. Following the acquisition of The Landscape Group in March last year, this second acquisition takes idverde’s turnover in the UK to £90 million. The transaction reinforces the group’s geographical networks in the UK and strengthens its commercial position in key locations including Greater London and Birmingham.

The company’s reputation for quality is also enhanced through this merger, as evidenced by the BALI Awards for idverde UK (trading as The Landscape Group) and Quadron in 2015. Nick Temple-Heald, chief executive of idverde UK said: “Bringing together Quadron and The Landscape Group as sister companies within idverde UK is the perfect outcome of our plan to grow the idverde UK business.”

Botanic Garden curator wins RHS Award

Nick Wray, curator of the University of Bristol Botanic Garden, has been awarded the RHS Associate of Honour for his distinguished service to horticulture. The award recognises Nick’s more than 30 years’ work at the garden and his role creating the new botanic garden at The Holmes. He said: “I am delighted and honoured to accept this award. I had always wanted to be a horticulturist and work with plants.

“I enjoy exciting people about plants, their beauty, diversity and their place in a complex web of living things. I have been particularly fortunate in being able to work with some inspirational people throughout my working life including the fantastic team at the Botanic Garden.”

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NEWS.indd 10

16/03/2016 15:35


STIHL searches for green-fingered community heroes STIHL is searching for Great Britain’s ‘Local Community Heroes’ to recognise and reward people who have given back to their neighbourhood through landscaping, gardening, clearing or cultivating. The winner will receive £2,500 worth of STIHL Cordless System products and six finalists will win a STIHL FSA 90 cordless brushcutter with a battery and charger.

Garden Bridge plans progress

The Garden Bridge Trust has received approval from Lambeth Council for meeting a further five planning conditions relating to noise and vibration mitigation, details of materials and counterterrorism measures. The trust has refined plans to reduce the impact of construction with noise levels at nearby homes to be at the level of normal speech

between two people standing one metre apart. Other conditions have led to improvements such as a reduction in deliveries made by road with greater use of the river, maintaining a width of 8m on Queen’s Walk and construction taking only 32 weeks. Bee Emmott, executive director of the Garden Bridge Trust said: “We are making strong progress on the project with 80% of the Lambeth conditions signed off and over £145m raised towards building the bridge. It’s a really exciting time for the project with real momentum building. We can’t wait to begin construction this summer.”

Writtle College student wins Young Horticulturist of the Year regional final

Robin Lennie, managing director of STIHL GB, said: “We know there are thousands of people around the country spending endless hours of their own time planting, landscaping, recycling and cleaning. “We hope that the public takes the time to nominate these special people who take such pride in their communities.” Entries close Tuesday 31 May.

Writtle College student Fern Champney has won the eastern regional final of the Young Horticulturist of the Year. The event was held on 25 February at the Blacksmiths Cottage Nursery in Norfolk. Fern, who is in her first year of a bachelors degree in horticulture, will go on to the grand final at the Glasnevin National Botanic Garden, Dublin on 7 May with seven other finalists from across the UK. The 22-year-old from Writtle, near Chelmsford said: “I was

“ 17457_BA_ProLandscaper_Contractors_185x55_adverts_v1.indd 1 NEWS.indd 11

Campaign for National Parks launches survey

The Campaign for National Parks (CNP) has launched a survey asking what people value about national parks and what ideas they have for their future. Fiona Howie, Campaign for National Parks’ chief executive said: “We are proud to stand up for national parks but in our hearts we know they can be even better.”

IFLA student competition and charrette now open

Entries are being accepted for the student competition and charrette at the IFLA World Congress in Turin from 20-22 April. The congress has chosen ‘Tasting the Landscape’ as its topic. The charrette will be held from 16 to 19 April in Turin, where students will visit a site in the Barca Bertolla area. ifla o

Adam Frost to design UK garden at Antalya Expo 2016 quite nervous before the event as I’ve never been this far in the competition before. I was shocked at how many questions I knew the answers to and I am excited for my first trip to Ireland to compete in the national final.”

Adam Frost is designing a garden that will feature at the Antalya Expo 2016, which runs from April to October. The theme is ‘One big family of gardeners’ and aims to promote UK garden tourism, horticulture training and expertise. e o or r

BALI membership represents

a statement of pride and commitment to the landscape industry at the highest level” CONTRACTORS

Brian Herbert, Outdoor Options BALI Registered Contractor




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INFORM The Landscape Group awarded maintenance contract for Coronation Street set The Landscape Group (TLG) has been awarded a contract to maintain areas around ITV’s Coronation Street set. In addition to the upkeep of Trafford Wharf Road, the initial one-year contract starting with immediate effect requires the maintenance of a small part of the set and increases the service provide by TLG in the Media City area. The contract involves maintaining all the external areas and also the very important trees

outside Audrey’s Salon and the large conifer in the rear garden of the Websters’ House. Tasks include weed spray and hard standing, shrub cutting back, spring and summer fertiliser, grass cut and collect and maintaining the height of climbers. TLG’s contract manager Martin Neighbour said: “We are hoping that working together we can improve the overall planting to site and to improve the aesthetics for visitors.”

British Sugar TOPSOIL loved by customers, survey reveals The UK’s largest topsoil supplier, British Sugar TOPSOIL has carried out a survey that reveals the brand is loved by its customers. Customers cited product quality, value for money and customer service as the top three factors affecting their purchasing decisions. A total of 269 customers were approached, 25% responded to the survey, giving an 81% rating for customer service. Andy Spetch, TOPSOIL manager, said: “The TOPSOIL sales team does an incredible job

of promoting the many physical, environmental and commercial benefits that come from choosing our topsoil products. “They understand the science behind the soil, the process of manufacture, the stringent quality control and analysis required and the many applications for which it is best suited. And by taking ownership of their individual customers’ projects, each team member ensures the right product is specified and that it arrives when and where it’s needed.”

Trentham Estate awarded Gold by VisitEngland The Trentham Estate in Staffordshire has been awarded a Gold accolade by VisitEngland after achieving top marks. The Gold Accolade has been awarded to just 19 attractions including Chester Zoo, The Tower of London and Blists Hill Victorian Town. It recognises the high standard achieved as part of VisitEngland’s Visitor Attraction Quality Scheme, which involves a scoring system based on an annual unannounced assessment by VisitEngland. Mike Herbert, director of the Trentham Estate and regional director of St. Mowden Properties PLC, said: “Our Gold VisitEngland

Accolade is a wonderful testament to the passion and hard work of all our staff at The Trentham Estate. “We have so many people to thank for this. The award is something the people of Stoke-onTrent and Staffordshire can be proud of too as they are the ones who have taken the estate and Trentham Gardens to heart.”

ARE YOU GOING? APRIL 14 APL Spring Seminar Tendercare, Middlesex 15-17 RHS Flower Show Cardiff Bute Park, Cardiff Castle

22 efig Awards 2016 America Square Conference Centre, London DATE FOR THE DIARY TUES 15 NOVEMBER

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Pro Landscaper / April 2016

NEWS.indd 12


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Previously we have featured our beautiful new Curve garden shelter, that will hopefully inspire you to think of installing these in your clients’ spring garden projects. The Curve has created quite a stir since its launch earlier this year. The garden shelter with its generous interior space is big enough to set up a dining area leaving plenty of room for a chill out zone as well. However, if space is at a premium, or maybe you have something more along the lines of a courtyard space to get creative with, then don’t despair. Your clients may not have to miss out on the pleasures of the outdoor room that many people find such a desirable idea these days, that sought after area for quality lifestyle activities; entertaining, partying or simply just relaxing in. Please allow me to introduce you to what I describe as the Curve’s little sister, the equally stylish Demi Curve. She smaller than ‘big sister’, but perfectly formed, with a footprint of approximately 3.1m wide x 2.7m deep and 2.2m high, just right for the urban garden or courtyard, although still large enough to house a comfortably sized sofa and chairs set with a low table, just right for relaxing in. Alternatively swap those for a dining table and chairs and it will make a delightful al fresco area for summer feasting. And like the larger Curve, the Demi Curve also has the additional protection of polycarbonate sheets, that cover the panels to give a little extra shelter from showers and the wind.

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17/03/2016 09:49

CAPABILITY BROWN Pro Landscaper’s Nina Mason spoke to Ceryl Evans, the Capability Brown Festival 2016 director, about how she came to be involved in the celebrations, the main aims of the events and the ongoing influence of England’s greatest gardener


What work were you involved in prior to becoming festival director? I’m a social history curator by training and a medievalist, so the 18th century is contemporary for me. I’ve spent a lot of my career trying to get people to engage with history and that’s what appealed to me about the idea of a festival – taking someone who’s well known, but who no one knows much about and trying to get people to realise the sheer enormity of what he did.

How has the Heritage Lottery Fund grant been used? As well as covering core costs, including the four-strong team based at the Landscape Institute, we’re supporting around 50 sites with

small amounts of funding that will enable them to try something a bit different, such as hosting exhibitions. Many of the sites are inexperienced at opening to the public, so we’re creating skill sharing events to help bolster sites’ ability to open up, not just this year but going forward. We’re commissioning an Owners’ Manual and Volunteer Tool Kit, which hopefully will be more

BROWN PLANNED FOR SUSTAINABILITY, WHICH IS KEY; THINKING ABOUT THINGS AS A WHOLE RATHER THAN JUST IN PARTS useful and engaging than the title suggests. We’re also using the money to build a legacy, partly by commissioning a five minute film as a quick introduction to Capability Brown that will continue to be available after the festival.

Title image: Wrest Park bridge. © English Heritage

What are the key parts of the festival to look forward to? I could get into terrible trouble if I choose favourites to be honest. I think it’s people going out and seeing a Brown landscape for the first time, with somebody explaining that it didn’t look like that until Brown transformed it, and that yes, it’s beautiful, but it’s also practical.

Wrest Park. ©VisitEngland, English Heritage and Wrest Park

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What are you hoping people will take away from the events? A big part of why we got the HLF funding is to attract new visitors. Yes, there are plenty of events for those who are already interested,

©Lucy Ray

Did you know much about Capability Brown beforehand? To be honest with you, no. One of the things I’ve discovered is that you’ve got a period of about 150 years in which Brown falls that no one really knows much about. So there’s no point trying to talk about Capability Brown in terms of historical period, no one is interested in that. But they are interested in larger than life characters, which Brown must have been to achieve what he did.

but this is all about drawing people in using different methods. There are several experiments going on to see what works at different sites. It’s a mixture of clever marketing as well as the actual events. We’d love for the nation to become obsessed by Brown. Is Capability Brown’s work still relevant today? Definitely, in many different ways. It’s internationally renowned; garden tourism is one of the biggest drivers in any tourist market, particularly for England, so people obviously appreciate them. And yes, it was created for rich people in the 18th century to fit the economic parameters of the time, but these days it still provides a lot for the economy. Basically, Brown planned for sustainability, which is key. Thinking about things as a whole rather than just in parts is something that a lot of people could learn from today. For more information, visit Pro Landscaper / April 2016 15

17/03/2016 15:20


T: (01707) 261 370 E: ads.indd 167

17/03/2016 09:50



BALI briefing BALI National Landscape Awards – call for entries The BALI National Landscape Awards are 40 years old in 2016 and the call for entries is now out. All full BALI members, i.e. BALI Registered Contractors and Designers, Affiliates and International Members are eligible to enter so visit the BALI Awards website at today to see the list of categories and the entry

deadlines, including the Early Bird dates, which save you money on your entry fee. BALI’s new technical officer Richard Gardiner, past BALI National Chairman and managing director of Norris and Gardiner, now part of the Gavin Jones Group, has taken on the role of technical officer at BALI.

efig outline Anniversary awards dinner The next big event in the efig calendar is the Gala Awards Dinner on 22 April, when the association’s worthy award winners will be celebrated. It will be a joint celebration as the dinner will also be the

Association News.indd 17

first opportunity for members to celebrate our 15th anniversary year. As a result, the theme of the Gala Dinner will be an indoor garden party. With 37 entries for this year’s awards in various categories, it should be a spectacular evening. If you’d like to come, you can see the invitation with the cost and the menu choice on our website. Special guests Jim and Lisa Wilkinson will do us the honour of presenting the

No stranger to the operations at Landscape House, since serving as National Chairman Richard has continued to be involved with BALI’s development and has recently undertaken a complete review of the association’s vetting and Quality Standards Review (QSR) processes. Whilst providing technical advice over the telephone, his focus will be on ensuring new members’ vetting continues to be rigorous, evidencebased and aligned to ISO 9001. He will be visiting existing members to carry out their regular QSR and offering business support and guidance.

Richard will also be attending BALI Regional meetings in the coming weeks to explain the new QSR process. Richard can be contacted at ri ar ar i er ali or

awards in a repeat of last year’s ceremony.

resume of research into the benefits of plants over the 15 years of efig’s existence.

Indoor garden party As mentioned, we will be embracing our 15th anniversary in the spirit of an indoor garden party. Enjoy the outdoors inside – something interior landscapers are well renowned for – to get in the garden party spirit. Beautiful plants, banners, lanterns, flower or balloon adorned decorations and more await guests. The evening will be kicked off with an introduction by one of our ex-chairmen, Kenneth Freeman. Kenneth, who is director of innovation at Ambius, will give a short

BALI Affiliates Forum – 19 April If you haven’t booked your place at this spring’s Affiliates Forum yet, do it now. Affiliates chairman Simon Hedley of Boughton Loam has organised an interesting day for BALI Affiliate members, including presentations on transport legislation and logistics, as well as getting the most from exhibiting. The forum is an opportunity for BALI supplier members to chew the fat and compare notes so book now by emailing: e il ee e ali or ali or

15 years of research This will also be the basis of the 15 year book that we will produce later in the year. Every day there are new articles published about the benefits of nature and biophilia to our health and wellbeing. This is even more important if you are confined to an indoor space in your working hours. The book will address this and become a go-to reference. It will include research synopses, guest articles and interviews to er a ll verview r est friends – plants. More information on this to come later in the year. e o

Pro Landscaper / April 2016 17

17/03/2016 12:14


2016 APL apprenticeship programme open The APL Apprenticeship Programme is open to all APL members and nonmembers, delivering high quality, industry-led learning for up to 12 apprentices.

Following a successful 2015, the 2016 programme – starting in September – will provide a total of seven highly intensive five-day bootcamps over a 20 month period. These bootcamps will be industry-led, ensuring you see a marked improvement in your employee. Delivered in purpose built facilities at Myerscough College, the delivery team will put your employee through their paces. Apprentices are

Parks Alliance



Pro Landscaper / April 2016

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One of the report’s recommendations was for teams to involve more people and the Parks Alliance has already established a project that will provide a model for establishing a

©Philippa Willetts

Reports rethink parks The National Endowment for Science Technology and the Arts (NESTA) recently published a report entitled ‘Learning to Rethink Parks’, which will make an important contribution to creating and maintaining future parks. There is no single solution to parks funding. There are local lessons, some of which will be more generally applicable, but governance, leadership and collaboration are key.

Outdoor Spaces and technical lead for Landscape WorldSkills National Competition), Nick Atkinson (Myerscough College, work-based landscape team leader and assessor) and James Fare (Myerscough College, work-based landscape assessor). The team brings experience, learning and expertise together to deliver the programme. Places for the 2016 programme are limited. If d li e t find t m re a t the 2016 APL Apprenticeship Programme, please register with Penny Evans, APL Academy and careers manager, on 07739 325 408 or email: penny.evans@

wider connected community network of those who support the aims of the alliance. We will reveal its findings soon. The House of Lords National Policy for the Built Environment committee published its report in February. The report referenced the Parks Alliance’s evidence highlighting that green infrastructure provides a ‘good return’ on investment but that this is not embodied in developers’ or planners’ decision making. The alliance supports the committee’s call on the government to support initiatives such as health impact assessments being integrated into developments. Parks and open spaces provide significant physical

and mental health benefits, as exemplified by the committee’s praise for the Olympic Park and Village as a good example of an accessible and inclusive neighbourhood. Getting green infrastructure right is key for successful public projects. Manor Fields Park in Sheffield for instance is integral to new housing developments by providing flood relief for the surrounding housing through a sustainable drainage system. Follow us on twitter @ParksAllianceUK

©Andrew Gill

APL update

also supported in the workplace by delivery team visits that will assess work provided by the apprentice and observe on-site jobs. If you have an employee who is showing promise, the apprenticeship programme could secure their commitment to your company. By investing in that talent now, you are securing your business’s future. If you are hiring now, the apprenticeship programme will provide the new recruit with great insight and practical experience, meaning they can do more for you, more quickly. The delivery team is made up of Jody Lidgard, (Bespoke

17/03/2016 12:14


Step into the world of science and technology at RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2016

RHS report World’s biggest and best gardening library hosts new programme of displays r the ver ďŹ rst time the S indle i rar will e sta in a ll r ramme dis la s its hist ric c llecti ns

isit rs will have the chance t see artw r s s and rare man scri ts hese will incl de e isite l ral ill strati ns r m s me the inest n rser catal es ever r d ced earl rints and s n r ses n a a ilit r wn s tercentenar ear the th cent r landsca e architect s never e re dis la ed acc nt will als e n sh w

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s ecial dis la ventr niversit n h w t trans rm r arden int a reen m r s or o ers o s New talent to blossom at RHS Malvern Spring Festival c min talents will e iven a lat rm t sh wcase their s ills at this ear s S alvern S rin estival a he h el lar estival Gardens cate r will ret rn r its third ear t er amate r arden desi ners and an ne with a assi n r ardenin the chance t ild a sh w arden ll win the theme idden Gems desi ners will have the reed m and rt nit t e ress themselves thr h the medi m lants and ardens

The SGD Awards 2016 categories

SGD bulletin Launching the SGD Awards 2016 he SG wards are en r entries with several new cate ries this ear incl din Garden and ealin r earnin Garden and s me irst time award s ns rs incl din rne menit rett avin and ill ard innin an SG ward is h el ene icial e lained ames ass n SG

Association News.indd 19

nternati nal ward lic r mmercial td r S ace 3 ar e esidential Garden 4 edi m esidential Garden 5 Small esidential Garden 6 Garden ewel 7 Garden 8 i deas Small d et 9 ealin r earnin Garden *NEW* 10 t re esi ner 11 lantin esi n 12 ardsca e 13 ist ric Garden est rati n 14 a er andsca es 15 St dent esi n ward mmercial 16 St dent esi n ward mestic 17 esi nin r mm nit S ace 18 he i etime chievement ward 19 he e le s h ice ward 20 he d es ward 21 he Grand ward 1 2

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Pro Landscaper / April 2016 19

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“Broaden your horizons and don’t shut any doors” The best advice anyone has ever given me was ‘broaden your horizons and don’t shut any doors’. That was early in my career when my portfolio only consisted of a few paper based projects. So I took on a project to design the branding for an incredible new breast cancer awareness charity called CoppaFeel. This success continued the following year when they asked me to design and build their first show garden at the RHS Hampton Court Flower Show, where we won a gold medal. I soon learned that you never know where the next project will come from and you should always present yourself and your business as well as you possibly can, seizing great opportunities you meet with along the way.


“Show drive and a passion to succeed” There are three main attributes that I believe will help anyone succeed within our sector and I try to demonstrate these every day with my work colleagues, customers and suppliers. They are loyalty, commitment and a strong work ethic. One of the most fulfilling parts of my career has been the ability to support, mentor and develop people who have the potential to grow. If I had to offer one piece of advice it would be to show drive and a passion to succeed and develop within your team. There is currently a lack of a clear pathway into grounds maintenance, but with these qualities you will soon see that the opportunities really are out there.


“Be aware of the opportunities that are available” The one thing I really like about working in this industry is that it continues to evolve, so if I had one piece of advice for young people it would be to be aware of the opportunities that are available. For example, in the past year there has been a surge in popularity for green roofs and this will continue to develop and open up even more new exciting opportunities for young people entering this market. Keep abreast of these developing trends and what customers want. It will benefit you and the company you work for.

Pro Landscaper’s ’30 under 30: The Next Generation’ initiative was launched last year to celebrate those under the age of 30 who have already made an impact in the industry and to encourage more young people to get involved in horticulture. As we prepare to accept applications for the 2016 scheme in mid-spring, we are asking our inaugural 30 under 30s a different question each month about their thoughts and experiences


Pro Landscaper / April 2016

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“Be the apprentice everyone wants on their team” If I could offer one piece of advice it would be to aim high. Luckily for us, our trade is a creative one and we get the chance to show off our talent in televised flower shows and in magazines like Pro Landscaper. There aren’t many plumbers or plasterers who can get widespread appreciation for their skills or come home after a hard day’s work and see their efforts recognised on the BBC’s coverage of RHS Chelsea. My advice is to work for a reputable company and be the apprentice everyone wants on their team. Be the person who wants to do the overtime, to learn the skills and put in the hard graft. It’s a tough job but with enthusiasm and ambition the possibilities will be endless.





“Be brave, make mistakes”

“Say yes to everything available and really embrace it”

Be brave, make mistakes. When I joined the arboriculture industry aged 16, one of my colleagues said to me: “Don’t ever be afraid to make mistakes.” I didn’t realise at the time how scared I was of messing something up but I look back and think, why didn’t I just try it? I now believe that a mistake is only a mistake if you make it twice. That frame of mind has stuck with me whenever I do something challenging. Take reasonable risks here and there, ask silly questions and most of all, make mistakes. You will grow and learn much faster if you have the courage to make decisions, admit mistakes, then consider the circumstances and the consequences.

Make the most of all the training offered to you. Say yes to everything available and really embrace it to better yourself. Information and knowledge is power so you need to learn from the experienced. Watch and listen to your colleagues, be enthusiastic, ask them questions and soak up the information. Try to learn at least one new thing each day. Ask if you’re unsure and push yourself to try new things. Challenges are there to be overcome and will really build your confidence, even if the thought is terrifying to start with. The more you know, the better you will be at your job and the further up the career ladder you’ll be able to progress. Take every chance you get!


30 under 30.indd 21

Pro Landscaper / April 2016 21

17/03/2016 11:35

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14/03/2016 15:15 11:13 15/03/2016


Let’s Hear it From



Pro Landscaper recently visited the offices of Ground Control Ltd in Billericay. Our visit, on World Cancer Day, highlighted the fun and dedication of the team who were dressed in support of this worthwhile cause. Superhero Captain America (AKA Marcus Watson, managing director) told us about the company, its ethos and where the company is headed


Let's Hear it From.indd 25

Marcus, how did you get involved in landscaping? This is my first job within the landscape industry. I came upon Ground Control through a mutual introduction. I was between jobs at the time, and had tried and failed to acquire my previous business. Through contacts I made during that process, a suggestion was made for me to call Simon (Morrish, Chief Executive of Ground Control) as it was thought Pro Landscaper / April 2016 25

17/03/2016 12:38


we would get on well. We met and I immediately loved the company. At that time (August 2011) it was a relatively small business. I felt it was a match made in heaven. This is a great company, with a great feel, and an ethos that you work hard and play hard. My background isn’t in horticulture but it’s very much in customer service and the people industry. We don’t have a fancy product or gadget that simply sells itself, so we surround ourselves with fabulous people. How is the business structured? It’s split between grounds maintenance, landscape construction, arboriculture (rail, amenity, utilities), and winter maintenance. There are four divisional heads and the six traditional support functions. Our service is incredibly important, of course, because at the end of the day that’s what the customer buys, but also crucial is the way in which


you deliver that service – in the right place, at the right time, with the right tools and the right people. When you multiply that simple process by hundreds of thousands of visits per year, just in one service line alone, it becomes incredibly complex; we saw that pretty early on and invested heavily in our systems. What’s the turnover of the company in terms of percentage? It is probably around 40% grounds maintenance, 30% construction, and arb (which is growing significantly) and winter maintenance covers the remaining 30%. Is the maintenance side of the business still heavily driven by price? Yes, it is a very competitive market. But all of them are. That’s the reality of the marketplace. Price is the core driver for the majority of our customers, although we’re starting to see an element of customers talking about sustainability and enquiring how they can invest in their infrastructure, too. Where do you sit in the marketplace, price-wise? We are very competitive. If you look at some of the tenders where at best you’re talking about 50/50 price/ quality, we have to be. But the key is to win on price and then make sure you do a great job for the customer, so that the upfront investment you make to win the business, you don’t need to repeat every year. If you can keep clients happy through the quality of your delivery, then the investment is a wise one. If you want to cut corners from day one to try and recover the investment, then you’re less likely to retain that relationship. We win on price and retain on quality.


Pro Landscaper / April 2016

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How many members of staff do you have? It fluctuates with the seasons. The number of people who depend on us for their livelihood is probably around 3,000, with about 100 people based at our head office and central operations centre. It works for us to have all our operations centrally managed. But at the same time, our delivery must be local everywhere across the UK.

OUR PEOPLE HAVE TO STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD, BE SUPER COMPETENT, AND BE A SAFE PAIR OF HANDS Is purchasing other businesses something that’s on the agenda? We have done it in the past and we may acquire businesses in the future, but we don’t have a strategic acquisition objective. We have bought companies where there’s a skill set that we want to acquire or where we wish to enter a new market but, for us, acquisition is not a vehicle for growth, we much prefer to grow organically, develop client relationships and build on that by delivering great quality so they never leave us. Where do you see the growth coming from? We’ve experienced an explosive growth in arb and we are still growing well across the board. With the huge and exciting framework we run with Network Rail, it’s where our growth is. I think it is important for our business to have a balanced view. We’re happy to have multiple services to offer our clients in the external space. Some of the new services we’re looking at are pest control and roofing. These lend themselves nicely to an external environment offering and roofing fits our operational model as well. Many of our customers have large property portfolios and we’ll be looking to meet their roofing needs through our sister company, Survey Roofing Group. Do you have partnerships where facilities companies have the internal contract? Yes, quite a lot. We wouldn’t work with some companies, not because we dislike them, it just doesn’t make business sense for either organisation. We’ve got a clear view of who our

17/03/2016 12:38



core facilities management customers are: companies who are integrators of specialist services. We love working with them. They’re great customers because they surround themselves with specialists. Where companies have a strategic intent to self-deliver all services, then it doesn’t make sense to work together. What methods of training do you offer your employees? We have our own university – the University of Ground Control. We have in the region of 150 courses, which are delivered through a

Let's Hear it From.indd 27

combination of external partners and internally through our own specialist trainers. Our training is accredited by the likes of Lantra and City & Guilds so we’re not only teaching people, we’re assessing their learning against externally recognised standards. That’s the beauty of being an accredited training provider. We also work with other organisations such as EUSR (Energy and Utilities Skills Register), SPA (Safety Passport Alliance), Pro Trainings and the British Red Cross. We invest heavily in training because you cannot get away from the fact that we are a people business. Our people have to stand out from the crowd, be super competent, and be a safe pair of hands. The University of Ground Control helps us do that across the board. For example, for the apprentice or new starter who has few or no sector qualifications, we start with the basics such as H&S, 1 MD Marcus Watson 2 The Ground Control team – dressed in support of a worthwhile cause on World Cancer Day 3 Head office, Billericay




• 2015 UK Customer Experience Awards Finalists • 2015 Countywide Business Award Excellent Customer Service • 2015 Essex Business Excellence Awards Overall Winner of Essex Business of the Year • 2015 Essex Business Excellence Awards Winner of Best Growing Busines: Large Company • 2015 BALI Award Landscaping Construction (non domestic) £300k-£1.5m • 2015 BALI Award Landscaping Principal Award: Community & Schools Redevelopment • 2015 BALI Award Landscaping Restoration & Regeneration Scheme 1 • 2015 BALI Award Landscaping Restoration & Regeneration Scheme 2 • 2015 BALI Award Landscaping Green Roof Installations & Roof gardens • 2015 BALI Award Landscaping Employer of the Year • 2015 ROSPA Gold Medal Occupational Health & Safety • 2015 London in Bloom Grounds Maintenance National Maritime and Tower of London • 2015 London in Bloom Conservation Area Award George Spicer Open Space

Pro Landscaper / April 2016 27

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manual handling, technical competencies etc. If you’re a more experienced professional, you might like to attend our Lantra-accredited invasive species course which, incidentally, has been really popular with our staff. We also provide management training. Our courses are clearly important to our success, but we found our customers like them too. And so we make them available to our customers as well. Training is a huge investment, but it would cost us more not to do it. We take people straight from colleges such as Writtle and put them through our own programmes. When Jay,

AS AN INDUSTRY, WE KEEP BRITAIN NEAT AND TIDY. FRANKLY, THE UK WOULD LOOK UGLY WITHOUT US (now our winter maintenance director) joined Ground Control after university, he was given a lawn mower at the Tower of London, one of our customers. He rose through the ranks and now he’s a director of one of our four business units. Training our staff works and we’ve got bags of talented people. Are the university courses mandatory? There are some that are mandatory, others are developmental and some elective. For example, you need certain qualifications to work on a railway site and so these will be mandatory for our rail staff. Invasive species training, is developmental (although I think I might make it mandatory for our field staff!). What are your views about the future of the industry? Well, it looks like the French are invading. Joking aside, they’re buying businesses in our market sector, which to some extent confirms that the UK is a great place to do business. Whilst we’ve seen a few businesses come up for sale, I don’t believe there is going to be a massive market consolidation, particularly at the larger end. I just 28

Pro Landscaper / April 2016

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don’t think it is needed: we’ve got companies in the UK that are sufficiently large and capable to take on the largest projects and contracts and deliver a cost-effective service. We’ve got companies, like Ground Control, that can deliver a maintenance service for customers with thousands of sites nationally. You’ve got companies that can deliver the revamp and regeneration of entire neighbourhoods in London. That’s why, in my view, there is no market imperative to consolidate. We’re not fussed either way. Do you think the market sees the value of maintenance? I think the market does see the value of what we do. As an industry, we probably beat ourselves up a bit too much. When I take visitors round to Historic Scotland sites or the Tower of London, they don’t say: “This looks like a cheap service.” They are blown away. Without the services that our industry provides, trains would run late because of leaves on the track, power cuts would be more frequent as trees fall on power lines. We allow our customers to do their jobs more effectively. As an industry, we keep Britain neat and tidy. Frankly, the UK would look ugly without us. Does Ground Control get involved with industry associations? Yes, we do like to get involved. If you do, then you get noticed and you get prizes. As you would expect, we get heavily involved with BALI. But we also like to mingle with associations and companies in the broader service sector.

Last year, we wanted to showcase who we were to the wider service sector industry, so we put ourselves forward for a number of awards and won 13. In one award, we were only finalists but it still felt like a victory. It was such a morale boost because the organisations we were pitted against weren’t our traditional competitors: they were companies such as Lexus, Euro Tunnel and Green Flag. I felt that actually gave us a new dimension. What do you do to relax? I’m not sure I do! I love my family, my wife and my children; I have 11-year-old twin girls. After a long week of ignoring them all, I enjoy nothing more than to spend a bit of time with them. I live in digs in Essex during the week and I go back to Surrey to see my family at the weekend. I think I switch off at the weekends but my wife says not. Thing is: I’m a part owner in the business and when you’re in that position, you don’t want to switch off. The emergency hotline is still connected to my mobile number. Truth is I don’t want to give it up, as it allows me to keep my finger on the pulse! 1 Ground Control’s recent BALI principal award win

CONTACT Ground Control Ltd Kingfisher House, Radford Way, Billericay, Essex CM12 0EQ Tel: 01277 650 697 Email: Web:

17/03/2016 12:39

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Follow Makita UK 11/01/2016 09:05 14:27 16/03/2016


What would be the effects on the landscaping industry of Brexit? It is a complicated equation worthy of careful consideration, says Phil Jones How would Brexit affect the horticultural industry and more specifically, the landscape industry? Even before David Cameron announced the 23 June referendum in late February, there had inevitably been many and varied views expressed about how British business in general would be affected if the UK were to leave the EU. On the one hand, there is the argument that Brexit will herald a period of significantly boosted growth, as the UK breaks free of the over-mighty EU, with its protectionist mindset, and establishes free trade and intelligent regulation aimed at UK economic interests. On the other hand, it is suggested that after acrimonious negotiations that drain confidence from the British economy, Britain will secure a looser trading relationship with the EU. Free movement of people will be curtailed, but the price will be weaker access to the EU market for goods and particularly services. Britain will find it difficult to sign beneficial trade deals with other countries and receive less inward foreign direct investment. Whichever way Brexit plays out at national level, should it come to pass, how would we be affected in our industry? The temptation is to say: “Well, not very much really. We are a fairly insular group of practitioners who would surely not be affected by changes at a higher level.” Is this true? In terms of the way we do business, it could be to a certain extent. Perhaps we wouldn’t see much change in the way we go about our business, assuming most of us work solely in the UK. What if we add into the mix those of us who rely on manufacturers of equipment and materials, companies that import the raw

View From The Top.indd 31

materials or machinery parts (or in some cases entire machines) from other parts of the EU and beyond? The same presumably applies to vehicle manufacturers and importers. What restrictions or advantages would present themselves?

AS WE SAW FOR A NUMBER OF YEARS AFTER 2008, IT ONLY TAKES DECREASED ECONOMIC CONFIDENCE TO PREVENT PEOPLE FROM INVESTING IN LANDSCAPE RELATED SERVICES What if we consider the number of people from other EU countries who we employ thanks to freedom of movement? Those of us employing large numbers of staff from diverse backgrounds and cultures would no doubt see some effect. Would this be negative or positive? Would it be easier or more difficult to fill job vacancies? However we look at the specifics and whatever our persuasion is regarding whether to remain or leave there can be no doubt that the British economy will be affected

by any move to leave the EU, even if only via market uncertainty. The British government would have to move to minimise the risk of adverse market reaction to exit from the EU, a potential peril highlighted by the overwhelming majority of economists. We shouldn’t forget that market uncertainty brings lower consumer confidence and therefore a reluctance to spend on luxury purchases, which includes the top end garden designers and landscape construction contractors. As we saw for a number of years after 2008, it only takes decreased economic confidence to prevent people from investing in landscape related services. We also saw, as we do in any prolonged recession, that there is little we can do to avoid the effects of a national loss of confidence in the economy. What was also obvious in the most recent recession was that the easiest way to shorten our order books is to succumb to the ‘do you want to be in my gang?’ approach in talking the economy and ourselves down. We cannot predict the outcome of the referendum or the effects that the forthcoming period will have upon us. In order to be ready for whatever may come, it would be good to recognise that there is more to it from our point of view than a simple ‘remain’ or ‘leave’. ABOUT PHIL JONES Phil Jones is managing director of ISS Facility Services Landscaping and is based at the company’s head office in Wo in urrey. e ained an in landscape construction and moved into rounds maintenance early on in his career urther ainin an . e has been ith the company since and as ell as runnin the landscapin business he sits on the UK operational management board of ISS Facility ervices and is chairman o . ollo hil ones @philjonesISS ollo andscapin @ISSLandscaping

Pro Landscaper / April 2016 31

16/03/2016 16:12



ANDREW WILSON Andrew Wilson reports back on a Dublin seminar in which the relationship between east and west came into focus with surprising results Back in the dismal days of late February a warm glow emanated from Dublin as the 20th annual seminar of the Garden and Landscape Design Association (GLDA) rolled out. The overarching title was “Ebb and Flow” with the main aim being to consider how the design approach might differ between the east and west. Speakers came from the Netherlands, China, India and yours truly from the UK, examining the past and the future and the relationships of western and eastern philosophies. In the process of producing the Wilson McWilliam presentation Gavin and I enjoyed extensive discussion about the Britishness of our work – two British designers working in and around London in the contemporary idiom. What made Wilson McWilliam Studio pertinent was our work for the Singapore Garden Festival in 2014, soon to be repeated this July. We had also completed a 27ha masterplan for a Beijing development with John Davies last year, which brought us a direct connection with China. But would our work be seen as peculiar to the UK or in line with wider international thinking?


Pro Landscaper / April 2016

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Both Aniket Bhagwat from northern India and Ma Xiaowei from China linked their presentations to the impact of the British abroad and how the English garden was absorbed into their cultures alongside the spread of the Chinese landscape or Moghul gardens in the other direction. Aniket and later Xie Xiaoying brought us up to date with their own work and it was here that the cultural fascination really took hold. Aniket’s modernist work chimed closely with ours, with the manipulation of space and light essential to this approach. I couldn’t help smiling

THERE IS A COMMON APPROACH TO CONTEMPORARY DESIGN BUT WITH CONTEXTUAL APPLICATION as he showed images of a garden swimming pool in one of his schemes in India which was identical to a swimming pool I was presenting from one of our Surrey gardens. I think we could have easily swapped places for a while. Xiaoying’s landscape architectural schemes shared a Chinese sensibility partly through context but, combined with distinctly western thinking, these parks and landscapes could happily exist in the west with little if any alteration. Both of the Chinese speakers had been educated at least in part in the west and this flow of ideas and cultural exchange produced exciting and unexpected results. This does not mean a return to the conformism of the twentieth century International Style but speaks of critical regionalism, a sense that there is a common approach to contemporary design but with contextual application.

This is achieved through the use of specific local materials, both hard and soft for example or the incorporation of the vernacular in design detailing. The tradition of the English garden has long since changed for us in the UK, expanding and developing into a more contemporary experience. But does that work become something shared on a wider international stage or can it still be defined by our roots and national experience? The presentations complemented each other, including Cor van Gelderen from the Netherlands looking at the influence of plant hunters bringing materials to our western gardens. I closed the conference with the news that we have been asked to design a garden for permanent exhibition at the conceptual garden festival in Chaumont-sur-Loire. The theme of the commission is “The English Garden” but what does that now mean? Let me know what you think it should be – I’d be fascinated by your response. ABOUT ANDREW WILSON Andrew Wilson is a landscape and garden designer and a director of Wilson McWilliam Studio. He is also a director of the London College of Garden Design, an author, writer and lecturer.

16/03/2016 15:59

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14/03/2016 17:25 15/03/2016 15:28



ANGUS LINDSAY There’s no excuse for making health and safety a Somebody Else’s Problem, maintaining machine guarding is everyone’s responsibility says Angus Lindsay A couple of months back I wrote an article looking at the issues surrounding thrown objects. In this follow-up, I’ll look further at machine guarding. When you look up ‘guard’ in the dictionary, the word ‘protect’ features in nearly every definition. A guard is there to protect, yet we still see machinery being operated with loose, damaged or missing guards. Worse still is the acceptance of this by operators and their managers who see nothing wrong with this situation. We should all be familiar with the PUWER 98 regulations produced by the HSE, which go to great lengths to guide us in the safe use of equipment should we be in any doubt about our responsibilities. It used to be that agriculture had a poor reputation in this area, especially when it came to PTOs. We’ve all seen them, shafts spinning with not a cover in sight. Or maybe with a cover, it too spinning round, waiting to catch the flapping jacket of the unsuspecting operator. You may have noticed over the last couple of years that the guards on most machinery are now bolted into place whereas in the past they

were secured with clips or pins, allowing easy access to the moving parts. Securing the guard more permanently ensures that operators are protected from those moving parts and can’t quickly remove a guard to find out what the funny noise is. This should make things safer, if a little less convenient so what’s the problem with stopping the machine, getting a spanner, removing the guard, checking all is in order, replacing the guard and continuing with the operation? It may take ten minutes longer but then it’s better to be safe than entangled in the workings.


There should be no excuse for operating a machine with damaged or missing guards. It should be part of the machine’s daily inspection regime along with checking the levels, tyres and controls. If the guard is damaged, the machine should not be used until it is fixed. We all have a responsibility to ensure equipment is being operated and maintained in a safe condition and nobody should be put under pressure to get a job done by compromising on safety. Try telling a judge that you were too busy to get the machine fixed properly because the client was giving you grief. The HSE, like all of us, is struggling with budget cuts and stretched resources but when it comes to a breach of compliance resulting in injury or worse they will take no prisoners. A couple of recent It may seen innocuous but what if your trousers were caught on the pulley? incidents applicable to our

Angus Lindsay.indd 35

industry have seen hefty fines and suspended prison sentences dealt out to business that have neglected their responsibilities.

Uncovered and unprotected moving parts are accidents waiting to happen

I’m sure you’re thinking, my machines are in good order, I’ve nothing to worry about. Maybe they are, but when they’re being serviced make sure they are checked properly – not just the obvious guards but the little things that get missed or are seen as not important. Consider chainsaw and hedge cutter scabbards, they are supplied with the machines not only to protect the cutting edges but also the operators fingers. How many times have you seen hedge cutters with exposed blades in the back of a truck. What about the broken heat guard on the exposed exhaust. It may seem a minor issue until someone inadvertently leans against the hot metal. Remember, health and safety is not a Somebody Else’s Problem, it’s everyone’s responsibility. ABOUT ANGUS LINDSAY Angus spent several years working on arable farms in Scotland before joining VSO in Egypt, implementing a mechanisation programme, managing field operations for a commercial cotton plantation in Nigeria and working as a contract instructor for Massey Ferguson in Yemen. He gained an MSc in agricultural engineering and mechanisation management at Silsoe, joining Glendale as machinery manager in 1994 and then in 2009, The Landscape Group as group head of assets and fleet. Contact:

Pro Landscaper / April 2016 35

16/03/2016 16:02



Battersea Park’s two-tier play area is a metaphor for an increasingly divided and unequal society says Lesley Malone Imagine a brand new tree-top adventure play area in an urban park, with state of the art climbing features, rope bridges, dizzying aerial challenges and super-long ziplines high above the ground. Imagine beneath it a conventional children’s playground – swings, slides, a little climbing frame. Up in the trees, children whose parents can afford the ticket price whizz through the air and clamber across precarious bridges; down below, those who can’t are stuck with the public swings and slides on the ground. This two-tier pay-to-play area has the ‘haves’ looking down on the ‘have-nots’ - literally. This is Battersea Park in south London, and the aerial adventure experience is run by Go Ape, a private company that has leased a corner of the park to run this new play ‘destination’. An existing adventure playground was demolished to make way for it, and the new free playground, half the size of its predecessor, was paid for the by council. Go Ape argues that the revenue they bring in will help enhance and revitalise the park, while the council states that “We have a duty to maximise our income wherever we can.” Councils have certain statutory duties – providing social care, child protection 36

Pro Landscaper / April 2016

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services and libraries, for instance. Maximising income is not one of them. Some have pointed out the irony of London councils effectively selling off their public green space, while £60m of public money is being spent – just a little further along the Thames from riverside Battersea Park in fact – on the Garden Bridge. A space that will be neither public nor green, it is argued. This is not just a London issue. The privatisation of public space is happening everywhere, not just in the

THIS TWO-TIER PAY-TO-PLAY AREA HAS THE ‘HAVES’ LOOKING DOWN ON THE ‘HAVENOTS’ – LITERALLY capital – and especially in urban areas. A recent Heritage Lottery Fund report estimated that 45% of local authorities were considering disposing of some green spaces and one-fifth were specifically considering disposing of parks.(1) This would be an irreversible and tragic loss. While few will object to local authorities seeking to attract greater numbers of visitors to parks and providing more attractive green places for relaxation and leisure activities, the increasing

commercialisation of what was intended to be space that was free for everyone to enjoy must be a source of concern. The ends do not justify the means, even less so when the financial drivers – namely, cuts in funding from central government – that are forcing these decisions are needless and arbitrary. Play is about children developing physical and social skills, enjoying a sense of freedom and using their imaginations – and it also provides formative learning experiences. A play area in a public park should be somewhere where children from all backgrounds get to mix. So what do the kids here learn? That if you don’t have money, you get second best. That, contrary to what you’re told, the best things in life aren’t free. That you are excluded and looked down on, in every sense, on because your parents aren’t rich. Great life lessons there. In an age where ‘free’ and ‘public’ are increasingly equated with devalued and worthless and only things that cost money are considered worth having, this tale of two play schemes looks to reinforce that toxic message. (1) State of UK public parks 2014: research report to the Heritage Lottery Fund.

ABOUT LESLEY MALONE Lesley Malone is a freelance writer, editor and photographer, with a focus on public space and regeneration. She is online at and tweets at @tangentials

16/03/2016 16:08

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15/03/2016 15:32



Happy birthday CDM2015 – but one year on, just how many people are embracing you? David Dodd explains why he now thinks the CDM regulations are a good thing and not only make his life easier but also improve his profitability Hands up everyone working in the landscaping industry who is complying with the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015. Now hands up everyone working in the landscaping industry who is really complying with them. It’s not the Spanish Inquisition, I’m just becoming increasingly aware of designers and contractors who are simply brushing their responsibilities under the carpet. We should all know by now that complying with CDM 2015 is a legal requirement but having spoken with a lot of owners of small companies (and some surprisingly large ones) I’m amazed at the number of people who are still resisting and I’ve even heard people saying, on more than one occasion, that it doesn’t apply to them as they only do small domestic gardens. Others have said that even though they’ve tried to comply, their clients and the designers who have appointed them don’t understand or are simply unwilling to engage as it seems like a lot of ‘unnecessary paperwork’. I think the industry is doing a great job of promoting the regulations. BALI, APL and the SGD have all held seminars on the subject (albeit some of them slightly late) and Robin Templar-Williams wrote a superb article

in the February issue of the Garden Design Journal explaining the designer’s roles. Personally, I hate red tape and bureaucracy. I’m still old school in the sense that you train people to do a job correctly and safely, give them the right equipment and let common sense prevail. No, no, no, what am I saying? There’s no such thing as an accident anymore, someone has to be blamed or held accountable. Sadly with our Americanised culture of ambulance chasing and ‘where there’s a blame, there’s a claim’ ideology, something had to be put in place.

AS WE STARTED TO IMPLEMENT THEM FOR EVERY PROJECT THEY STARTED TO BECOME CLEAR AND THE NORM. DARE I SAY IT, I NOW QUITE LIKE THEM I accept that. I used to think that when CDM started in 2007 it wasn’t for the benefit of my staff; it just meant that my arse was covered in the event of an accident. I also resented the cost in time and money it would incur on my business. Who was going to pay for that?

I had the usual glazed over expression on my face when our health and safety consultant went through all of the regulations in detail, but as we started to implement them for every project they started to become clear and the norm. Dare I say it, I now quite like them. My reasoning is that when we write the construction phase plan it becomes a lot easier to draw up the works program. In my mind the two just go hand in hand. This has given us a much tighter overview of project timings and we can now give designers and clients much more accurate lead times. Regarding the costs, I’m afraid someone, i.e. the client, has to pay for it. It’s a legal requirement and complying is now part of the job in the same way that materials and labour are. In this sense, CDM2015 isn’t only helping reduce risks in our workplace, it’s also financially rewarding. So, going back to my original question; if you’re not complying with CDM 2015, whether as a contractor or designer, you’re potentially missing out on planning your projects properly, and gaining financially. Most importantly, you’re breaking the law! For more information go to ABOUT DAVID DODD David Dodd has been in the landscape industry since the age of 17. Having studied and then taught at Merrist Wood College, he set up The Outdoor Room in 1995. In 2013, he went into business with Landscape Architect, Joe Perkins to form Longview Design Ltd. David has also lectured in design and construction for over 20 years.

David Dodd.indd 39

Pro Landscaper / April 2016 39

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WORK, REST AND PLAY APPLETONS Contrary requirements are brought together in this family garden


FLUID LINES LAURA ANSTISS LANDSCAPING DESIGN Replicating an English country garden


WALPOLE PARK GAVIN JONES LTD A Grade II listed north London park is transformed




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16/03/2016 14:18



WONDER WALLS PETER READER LANDSCAPES AND BELDERBOS LANDSCAPES Peter Reader and Belderbos Landscapes transformed this walled London garden from overgrown yard to a relaxed, grown-up space


his north London house had a walled garden laid largely to grass with inward leaning overgrown shrubs around the edge, making it appear smaller and dark. It also contained a dilapidated wildlife pond, a sunken trampoline and some damp areas at the southern end where the grass struggled to grow. As their children were now older, the owners wanted to have the garden redesigned to create a relaxed but grown-up space in keeping with the house. They were keen to retain some fruit trees and to redo the pond so it was more attractive but still used by wildlife. They liked the modern use of perennials and grasses in planting, but other than that were open to design suggestions.

Portfolio 1.indd 43

Project value ÂŁ85k Build time Design: December 2014 to January 2015 Build: March to June 2015 Size of project 364m2

Design and build The garden was in need of a radical restructure to inject some interest and beauty and a solution was required to make the damp, shady end of the garden attractive and usable. Being bold and clearing the boundary of the old vegetation was a vital first step to opening the garden up and revealing the lovely surrounding walls. The cleared walls gave the garden strong boundaries and made for a perfect backdrop to a new, more formal structure within it. Large trellis squares at regular intervals covered with evergreen flowering climbers, alongside box cubes and shade tolerant perennial planting at the wall base, completed the picture. Pro Landscaper / April 2016 43

17/03/2016 09:32


ABOUT PETER READER LANDSCAPES Peter Reader Landscapes provides an award winning garden design service based in north London and the south east. Previously a doctor, Peter retrained at KLC Design School three years ago. He has a versatility of design styles as demonstrated by his two RHS show gardens; from the crisp modern outdoor garden room of ‘Al Fresco’ to the ephemeral naturalistic perennial style of ‘Four Corners’.

ABOUT BELDERBOS LANDSCAPES Belderbos Landscapes has built more than 600 gardens in and around London since 2004, varying in budget from £5,000 to more than . ne o the many bene ts o usin elderbos is that it also offers a re ular maintenance service that ensures the garden develops as the designer intended it to.

The new design divides the garden into three areas corresponding to views across from the house. The change in levels was formalised using paving and steps. This greatly improved the appearance of the garden and gave an opportunity to include a blade water feature. First section The first section of the garden lies opposite 44

Pro Landscaper / April 2016

Portfolio 1.indd 44

the glass walled kitchen and was the space most prone to being muddy. A self-binding gravel surface was laid across this area, providing formal beauty and all-weather usability. Two multi-stemmed amelanchiers were planted, with a bench for seating and the space was edged with cobblestone detailing, echoed throughout the garden. The existing patio by the kitchen was extended to bring it properly into the garden. Second section The second area contains the re-sited pond centre stage, with accompanying paving, stepping stones, rectangular flowerbeds and a rill, which highlights the longitudinal axis in the design. This formality was softened by lush naturalistic planting using a mixture of box spheres, grasses and perennials. This area is overlooked from the living room and an enlarged patio immediately outside. An armillary sundial in the far bed draws the eye across the stepping stones into the garden. Third section The third and final area contains five fruit trees that were under-planted with a wildflower meadow and naturalising bulbs. This more informal area is furthest from the house and the trees help to soften the high walls of the church that abuts the garden. The meadow has an incursion of normal turf,

which allowed for a bench to be placed among the trees with a view down the whole garden. Both grass areas were finished with cobble detailing, demarcating and linking the whole garden together. With its succession of blossom, flowers and fruit this more relaxed area has become a joy to sit in and encourages wildlife into the garden and pond. Challenges Construction of the garden proceeded smoothly in the able hands of Belderbos Landscapes. One of the major challenges of the project occurred early in the build, when the foundations of a number of old buildings were discovered under the lawn. This required significant unforeseen digging to remove, not unlike removing several old air-raid shelters! This delayed matters by nearly two weeks.

1 View from the meadow down the long axis 2 Heuchera ‘Plum Pudding’ 3 Crab apple Malus ‘Evereste’ in the orchard 4 Cedec area with multistem Amelanchier lamarkii 5 Late summer and the bench gives a perfect view 6 The garden’s strong structure viewed from above 7 Late summer abundance in the pondside beds 8 Pond and rill construction with inset of the original garden 9 Setts and slabs ready for laying

17/03/2016 09:33



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Portfolio 1.indd 45

Pro Landscaper / April 2016 45

17/03/2016 09:33



PROJECT DETAILS Project value ÂŁ400k Build time November 2014 to August 2015 Size of project 2,750m2


Pro Landscaper / April 2016

Portfolio 2.indd 46

17/03/2016 12:05


1 Overview of garden from circular lawn 2 New natural stone archway 3 Natural stone linear pool 4 Cottage-style planting scheme 5 View towards pod pergola, set within a fern and herbaceous mix 6 Circular seated wall with fire bowl 7 Glass walkway between house and garage

APPLETONS Appletons was tasked with creating a family garden where different elements – a space to entertain, a play area, stand-out water features – came together harmoniously


ppletons was appointed as part of a design team with a brief to construct an orangery, additional accommodation, an office and a garage within the curtilage of a historic farmhouse building located in a conservation area on the edge of the west Pennine Moors, near Belmont, Lancashire.

The brief The client was a family with two young children. They required a space for the children to play but also somewhere for the parents to entertain guests and relax after their busy working day. The garden was tired, outdated and very wet, with some large overgrown conifers and defunct water features. The client wished to include a number of different landscape elements: ● Fire pit zones ● Stone archway ● Interconnecting ● Terraced patio areas water features ● Glass walkway ● A new pond ● Mature fruit trees ● Pergolas ● Football pitch ● Entertaining space ● Level lawn area with partial cover ● Privacy screening

Portfolio 2.indd 47

Design Following extensive survey work and client consultation, three sketch schemes were created that were then amalgamated into a final design taking selected features from the sketch proposals. An existing stone field boundary wall that split the site into two was retained, helping to create two different but complementary gardens, one reflecting a more contemporary atmosphere and the other a more cottage/traditional style. In some parts the design evolved as the project progressed, with elements being

ABOUT APPLETONS Established in 1984, Appletons is a unique forward thinking practice that supports all aspects of landscape architecture and environmental consulting with a long standing reputation for delivering successful projects from an initial vision through to reality. The practice has expertise in landscape architecture, landscape planning and arboricultural services while offerin hi h level desi n and ecolo y consultancy.

Pro Landscaper / April 2016 47

17/03/2016 12:05



modified or enhanced to respond to the client’s aspirations as the garden took shape, at the same time as delivering a technically sound design that reflected the sensitive setting of the area. The result was a garden that met the client’s brief and sat comfortably alongside the older parts of the dwelling and the newer components. Materials The materials were sourced predominantly from local suppliers and reclamation yards as the client wished to keep them as local as possible and in keeping with the character of the original stone farmhouse. New architectural elements that formed part of the overall setting of the garden included an extension and garage with a glazed connecting walkway and an orangery. A large quantity of reclaimed Yorkstone flags was used in the scheme and much of the stone for the walls was sourced on site as a significant amount of stone (possibly a previous building) was found during excavation and ground works. Balancing the construction phase with the planting season was critical in giving the advanced stock plants and trees a successful establishment.

Features Many garden features were introduced including pergolas, entertaining space, terraced patio areas, water features, stone walls, fireplaces, a stone archway, a sports pitch, mature fruit trees, planting areas and low retaining structures. Lighting and an array of colourful wildlife-attracting planting gives the garden all-year-round interest. Planting The planting was designed to accompany the unique spaces created – a traditional cottage garden alongside a more contemporary area featuring a circular lawn surrounded by large fruit trees.

Challenges Technical problems encountered during the construction phase included excessive ground water runoff into the garden from the adjacent moorland. This required an extensive drainage scheme and created constraints to the planting design. Further challenges included turning the existing steep topography into useable areas. A number of retaining walls provided both attractive features and allowed for a more gentle topography. Special consideration was made to meet the client’s wish for a garden for both adults and children. A degree of separation between the two was required as they had very different design outcomes – areas to relax and entertain alongside areas to play.

1 Garden design proposal 2 Circular lawn, surrounded by mature fruit trees 3 Previous garden 4 Construction of the circular wall and fire pit 5 View from circular patio to the formal lawn 6 New large entertainment area and orangery in natural stone 7 Herbaceous planting softens the hard landscaping 48

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AFTER REFERENCES Landscape design

Turf suppliers and contractors


Green Acres Landscape Services,

17 Chorley Old Road, Bolton, Lancashire BL1 3AD Tel 01204 393 006 Email Web

Ossett, Yorkshire

Architects Good & Tillotson Ltd

2 The Studios 318 Chorley Old Road Bolton BL1 4JU Tel 01204 497 700 Email Web

Lighting designers and suppliers Development Design Associates

Hazel Terrace, Hazel Grove, Stockport SK7 4PS Tel 0161 483 2030 Web Drainage engineer Foxx Limited

The glass walkway Anglezarke Design Limited

Contractors JC Holdens Ltd

Silk Mill Ln, Preston PR3 2LP Tel 01995 640 906

Abbey Mill, Garden Street Abbey Village Lancashire PR6 8DN Tel 01254 830 222 Email Web

Plants/trees and planting service

Portfolio 2.indd 49

Specimen Trees

Water feature, pergola and stone archway

Halliwells Brow, High Legh, Knutsford, Cheshire WA16 0QS Tel 01925 755 204 Web

JC Holdens Ltd

Silk Mill Lane, Preston PR3 2LP Tel 01995 640 906

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FLUID LINES LAURA ANSTISS LANDSCAPING DESIGN Laura Anstiss replicates the style of a secluded English country garden, making a statement with water

PROJECT DETAILS Project value £55k Build time 3 months Size of project 455m²


aura Anstiss Landscaping Design was introduced to the client by a developer before the house was built. Having recently immigrated, the client had visited many English heritage gardens, loved the formality of a traditional country garden and wanted to replicate this style. The brief

● Screening and

complete privacy ● To create three

levels/rooms ● Include moving water

within the scheme to disguise further development noise in the neighbouring garden The garden needed to be functional but pleasing to the eye from every aspect and with level changes creating the impression of a larger space. Design and build We started the project by planting a 3m high thuja hedge around the perimeter to address the issue of screening and privacy. The garden shed and utility area were screened with contemporary bespoke trellis and planted with Rosa Arthur Bell for its long flowering period and beautiful scent.

1 Central water feature 2 Looking up the garden 3 Top water feature and bespoke swing seat 4 One of the seven plant pots

The garden was then split into three levels with each area given a focal water feature, all linked by a rill. The water is the grand gesture in this garden and truly makes a statement so making it work successfully was a huge task. We created a journey through the garden with seating areas that can be used at different times of the day, depending on whether you prefer sun or shade. The lower pond has the largest pool and is the catchment for the water in the rill – it now has small goldfish in it, too. On this level we planted three semi-mature Pyrus calleryana ‘Chanticleer’ to help with screening the neighbouring property. We added to the traditional feel with half and quarter standard roses. These lift the planting

ABOUT LAURA ANSTISS LANDSCAPE DESIGN Laura Anstiss has been a landscape designer for almost 20 years. She gained a degree in horticulture and design at Hadlow and Greenwich. She believes it is important to understand the relationship between hard and soft landscape, how many ingredients combine to meet the level of success in the garden and to understand the habit of plants, knowing how they will look throughout the year and relate to the rest of the garden.

5 The rill linking each area

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DESIGN PLAN out of the ground and along with the buxus hedging and token specimen plants, help the new garden appear more mature. Tall traditional pots with colourful seasonal plants were used to break up the large green backdrop of the thuja hedge. We added a swing seat and pergola with highly scented roses to continue the English country garden theme. The water feature lends itself to the grandeur of England’s stately homes and gardens. It also gives the client all the virtues of a formal pond in a small garden, adding elegance, symmetry and rhythm to a typical urban property – the wow-factor that hits you when turn the corner into the garden is overwhelming.





Note: This drawing indicates design an describe detailing and construc are illustrative only. All works ar undertaken in accordance wit current British Standards & Buil drawing. Use figured dimension is to be read in conjunction wi specifications. Any discrepancie to Project Manager before work concepts and content describ associated documents remain Landscape Design and must no a third party or otherwise used written permission of Laura Ans returned upon request at any tim



Laura AnstissLandscape D The Studio Homewood Road Tenterden Kent TN30 7AU

TEL: 01580 766251 EMAIL: lauraanstiss@bti WEB: www.anstissgarden Client


Project Name


Drawing Title

PLAN Drawing No.



Parkers Building Supplies

How Green Nursery Ltd

Laura Anstiss Anstiss Gardens

Priory Road, Tonbridge, Kent TN9 2BW Tel 01732 360 666 Web

How Green Lane, Hever, Kent TN8 7PS Tel 01732 700 382 Email Web

Tel 01580 766 251 Email Web

Self-binding gravel



Bourne Amenity

Palmstead Nurseries Ltd


Tel 01892 890 080 Email Web

The Wharf, Rye Road, Newenden, Kent TN18 5QG Tel 01797 252 299 Web

Harville Road, Wye, Ashford, Kent TN25 5EU Email Tel 01233 813 340 Web

Stone and edging suppliers

Plants and trees


Hillier Nurseries Limited


728 London Road, West Thurrock, Grays, Essex RM20 3LU Tel 01708 867 237 Web

Ampfield House, Ampfield, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 9PA Tel 01794 368 733 Web


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Laura Anstiss L

Little Budds Farm, Gravelly Ways, Laddingford, Maidstone, Kent ME18 6BZ Tel 01622 873 231 Email

1 New hedge ready for planting 2 Framework of the outline construction 3 Site with new hedge 4 Semi-mature trees screen the neighbouring garden

17/03/2016 12:17



Walpole Park has been open to the people of Ealing for 115 years but by 2013 was in need of regeneration


ince the 17th century, Walpole Park has been part of the estate grounds of a house known as Pitzhanger Manor, which stands on the north east side of the park. In the 1800s the estate was purchased and renovated by the famous architect Sir John Sone. During the 19th century, the property was sold to the Perceval Walpole family, who eventually sold it to Ealing Urban District Council in 1899. The house was then converted into a public library and the gardens were opened as a municipal park in 1901. Today Walpole Park is one of the borough’s premier parks. It is Grade II listed and included in the English Heritage register for parks and gardens of special historic interest.

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PROJECT DETAILS Build time September 2013 – August 2014 Gavin Jones maintained the site for 12 months Size of project 113,312m2

1 Fish pond with hard and soft landscaping features 2 Tar and chip gravel 3 Tactile sensory playground zone 4 Wildflower area

WINNER Restoration and regeneration

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Awards In 2015, Walpole Park won the BALI Award for Restoration and Regeneration Scheme. In 2009, a design team had been appointed by Ealing Council to reinstate Soane’s designs for the house and to recreate the Regency landscape through the park. The redevelopment was led by architects Jestico and Whiles and landscape architects J&L Gibbons. It was funded through an HFL grant with additional finance from Ealing Council.

ABOUT GAVIN JONES LTD avin ones td offers a ide ran e o landscape services includin commercial landscape installations domestic desi n and build commercial rounds maintenance and tree or s. he business operates rom the lantation ursery hich offers specimen plants and arden machinery to trade and retail customers. he company is a oyal Warrant older and as the rand ard inner


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Development The refurbished park cost approximately £2.9m and now includes a rebuilt pond using a reinforced concrete design and natural stone cladding. A softer edged lake with two cascades and a recirculating and aeration system was formed from the existing lake adjacent to the Soane Bridge. New aquatic, coir and woven hazel edge reinforcement and grass mesh protection were introduced. An existing toilet block that had been built into the listed brick boundary wall had to be carefully demolished to improve the view towards the Soane Bridge. The wall then had to be reconstructed using carefully sourced and matched secondhand stock bricks and lime mortar. The refurbishment of the other historic stone and brick elements played a large part in returning the park to its original condition. Other works included new pathways and surfacing, new street furniture including bespoke bronze signage, a new observation beehive, an extensive new play area including water play elements and new site-wide

planting to Regency design patterns and lawn restoration. To engage with the local community, Gavin Jones employed the skills of work experience students from Capel Manor College and managed access for volunteers to carry out tasks on our site.

Specialist subcontractors were used for electrical works for a new events facility, stone restoration, water feature, path surfacing, timber joinery and play equipment. Gavin Jones sourced through sample procedures and client approvals and J&L Gibbons generally specified materials.

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1 Shrubbery walk timber gate 2 Restored listed bridge 3 Lawn and flower garden 4 Restored features 5 Water garden 6 Water garden timber bridge 7 Play area planting 8 Restored listed bridge 9 Play area

The works programme was carefully tailored around scheduled events at the site including weddings in the manor house and a month long festival, ensuring that sections of the park remained open to the public. Monthly site tours were held throughout the project for local users, external colleges and other interested professional parties.

Portfolio 4.indd 55

REFERENCES Landscape contractor

Litterbins and bike racks

Gavin Jones Ltd

Broxap Ltd

The Plantation, Woburn Hill Addlestone, Surrey KT15 2QG Tel 01932 833 866 Web

Rowhurst Industrial Estate, Chesterton, Newcastle-under-Lyme ST5 6BD Tel 0844 800 4085 Web

Play equipment

Bespoke ironwork


Topp and Co Ltd

Aizlewood’s Mill, Nursery Street, Sheffield S3 8GG Tel 0114 282 3474 Web

The Airfield, Tholthorpe, York YO61 1ST Tel 01347 833 173 Web

Specimen trees

Stone restoration

Hillier Nurseries Ltd

Chichester Stoneworks

Ampfield House, Ampfield, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 9PA Tel 01794 368 733 Web

Terminus Road, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 8TX Tel 01243 784 225 Web

Shrubs and herbaceous plants

Carpentry and joinery

W. Crowders & Sons Ltd

Alan Hayward Joinery Ltd

Lincoln Road, Horncastle, Lincolnshire LN9 5LZ Tel 01507 525 000 Web

Unit 7a Javelin Way, Henwood Industrial Estate, Ashford, Kent TN24 8DH Tel 01233 625 204 Web

Bespoke bench and compost bins Bramhall 1840 Ltd

Unit 5, Clarence Works Effingham Road Sheffield S4 7YS Tel 0845 643 9882 Web Granite, Yorkstone and Portland stone Ashfield Group

5 Chancery Lane London WC2A 1LG Tel 0207 205 7500 Web Geosynthetic matting Verdant Solutions

High Street, Hartfield East Sussex TN7 4AE Tel 01892 770 470 Web

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PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS JARGON BUSTER JPEG A compressed file format which reduces file size but also quality. Most lower end cameras store photos as JPEG files. RAW An uncompressed file format allowing for full quality photographs to be edited without loss of quality.

It is becoming increasingly important to use high quality site photography to support all forms of marketing material. Adam Corrie from Synergy 3 offers his best tips for making sure your projects look their best


e are operating in a visual industry and high resolution photography is essential. Whether for case studies or showcasing your work through your website portfolio, quality images are key. In order to achieve real results, it’s best to move away from the camera on your smartphone and invest in a dedicated camera. These are covered briefly in the table opposite, to give you a general overview of types and average cost.

Quality photographs convey a positive message to both your clients and landscape architects, and allow the recipient to take an immediate view on the standards you are achieving on site. It is important to photograph all aspects of your work. Strong images of trees in leaf, whether displaying a strong flowering period or rich autumn colours, will add a lot to your photographs. Capturing the details on both hard and soft landscaping finishes is also

Shutter speed The amount of time the shutter is open, measured in fractions of seconds. Aperture The opening in the lens, measured in f/stops. ISO In digital photography, ISO refers to the sensitivity of the image sensor.


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WHICH CAMERA? Cameras fall into three basic categories. Below, we’ve shown a mid-range camera for each category and its respective price.

Compact cameras Compact cameras are small handheld cameras offering good quality imagery at affordable prices, without the bulk of a DSLR or bridge camera. Whilst these cameras are very limited they can certainly achieve a good quality photo. Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX60 RRP: £149

Bridge cameras A bridge camera is based on the principles of a compact point and shoot camera but with the added bonus of a larger lens and higher ISO range, amongst others. Bridge cameras give you the high quality imagery you require but without the large price tag of a DSLR. worthwhile and sends out a strong message. Many of the higher value tenders are now stipulating a 70/30 quality price submission. Clients are moving away from lowest price awards and are enjoying the freedom of evaluating quality. Whilst many aspects are covered in the assessment of quality, it is absolutely essential that you support your tender bids with strong photographic images. This is less important in the main contractor market, but it is nevertheless a good discipline across the board. Weather dominates the landscaping world, as we all know, and this is definitely also the case with site photography. What a difference a day makes is clearly borne out with photography results. A blue sky is a must – even the best camera will not hide a dull day. It is also essential for suppliers to promote their product range in the best way possible. It‘s important for CPD presentations for landscape architects who tend to back with visual confidence ahead of technical appraisal. It is costly to produce marketing material, so it’s worth getting it right.

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Canon PowerShot SX60 HS RRP: £298.99

Weather In terms of landscaping shots, you want to be looking for a clear day or evening. Be cautious if it has rained considerably on previous days as the ground may be sodden and standing water may be an issue.

DSLR cameras Digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) cameras are the way to go If you are interested in getting serious about photography. Offering high resolution photographs and video recording with endless lens options, this really is the ideal choice if you want the best quality results.

Timing It is important to take your photographs directly after a maintenance visit. This will ensure that the site will be in pristine condition. Day/night Daytime shots are great for hard and soft landscaping, as they allow for the vibrancy of your planting and the complex shadows and lines of your hard landscaping. Night photography is difficult but can reward you with fantastic pictures – I wouldn’t advise taking night shots unless you have a high quality DSLR or bridge camera. It’s all about shutter speed, aperture, patience and a tripod.

Nikon D7200 + 18-105mm Lens RRP: £888

CONTACT Synergy 3 Ltd is a design company based in central Manchester. We offer graphic design, website design, professional photography and related services to the landscaping and construction industry. Tel: 0161 209 3156 Web:

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JUST ADD WATER Water feature specialist Martin Kelley offers expert advice on using water to bring sound and movement to any landscape “We’re the user-friendly water garden contractor,” says managing director of Fairwater Ltd, Martin Kelley. He founded the Ashingtonbased company in 1993 and has been involved in multiple show gardens for the RHS Chelsea Flower Show since. “I always try to make things as simple as possible to keep the number of problems low. If it’s too complicated and it requires ten man hours a week just to keep it clean then it will gradually deteriorate.” The initial design concept starts with the client and garden designer before reaching Martin, who makes the design a reality. Working with his business partner Rick Peers of New Zealand-based Peers Design, a CAD is created to suit the specifications. Fairwater can build the entire project from scratch or work with other landscapers, but the complex technical part of the water feature is always left to them, with bespoke parts being created on the company’s site by hand.

“From a garden point of view, I would say that the water bit of the garden is the only part that’s always alive; it’s moving even on a still day. The big housing developers all know that water sells houses; people

THE BIG HOUSING DEVELOPERS ALL KNOW THAT WATER SELLS HOUSES; PEOPLE WANT TO BE BY WATER, THEY’RE DRAWN TO IT want to be by water, they’re drawn to it. “Water features can also help flood alleviation. Most big commercial developments now have a Sustainable Urban Development (SUD) system – they put tanks in the ground, when it rains they fill up and then let the water back out at an agreed rate with the Environment Agency.” Martin is currently working with landscape architect John Murdoch on an innovative new project to build ornamental lakes that replace the role of these tanks, filling up when it rains then gently letting the water out over a period of time.

INSTALLATION According to Martin, these are the simple rules to follow Do ensure the feature is watertight. A leaking pond will

quickly become an eyesore Do include a method of cleansing the water; mechanical or chemical filtration or plenty of aquatic planting Do make sure pool perimeters are level; because the water will be think of the sun. Plants need sunlight although partial shade Do will help inhibit algae Do plan the location of plant and equipment. Pumps, pipes and cables all detract from the pool’s beauty


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Don’t put fish straight into a natural pond. Plant as soon as you can and let the ecosystem mature first

Don’t plant in pots. Build retaining walls in the pond and backfill with inert soils to create wet flower beds and emergent edges

Don’t cut corners. Water will always find its way around a poorly fitted liner or through a bodged pipe joint

Don’t skimp on depth. Algae loves shallow water, the bigger the surface area, the deeper the pond

Don’t ignore evaporation. Small formal ponds can easily lose 5-10mm of water a day, much more if the water is moving

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From sleek and contemporary towers to traditional ponds, we showcase some of Martin’s most successful past projects

Urban Water in a garden brings many qualities including sound and reflection and it is these that are most relevant to the urban environment. A small outdoor space surrounded by the sound of the city will become a haven with the introduction of moving water. Allowing water to gently drop over a series of steps, down a water wall or perhaps lift as a gentle fountain will not drown out external noise but will discreetly distract the ear. A dark lined pool will increase the feeling of space by reflecting the sky or physical features.

Contemporary A contemporary water feature is a piece of art and more than any other, will reflect the personality and taste of the designer or client. Modern and industrial materials often feature, giving dramatic results: polished stainless steel water towers as mirrors, for example. The scale of these water walls presented some challenges as they were prone to act as sails but generally all such features will require space for recirculation and filtration equipment in accessible chambers or rooms as they will need to be kept free of algae and limescale. Entrance to Berkeley Homes’ Holborough Valley development, designed by Fairwater

South London Garden, designed by the client and Fairwater

In public spaces water has to be controlled, clean and safe. The structures holding the water must be robust in order to withstand vigorous maintenance and are generally reinforced concrete walls lined with fibreglass. Typically they have plant rooms in basements and swimming pool technology to ensure clean and safe water. The water in this pool is cleaned by a sand filter, ultra violet light and chlorine. Berkeley Homes’ Marine Wharf development, designed by Fabrik

Show Garden A show garden has to be built in just over two weeks, look perfect for one week and fit a tightly controlled budget. The temptation is to cut corners but water is unforgiving and with the world’s press watching, dirty water or leaking pools would be a disaster. This feature was filled with beautiful tiger pebbles so the water was heavily filtered to ensure they could be seen all week. The waterfalls were tested in advance off-site to ensure the designer’s vision was realised. Tourism Malaysia Chelsea Flower Show garden 2011, designed by James Wong, built by The Outdoor Room and Fairwater


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Commercial There is nothing more traditional than the garden pond; a waterfall, maybe a deck, some marginal planting and space for the local amphibians and dragonflies to thrive. I am delighted to be shown the efforts of enthusiastic amateurs as pond building and water gardening gives such pleasure to so many people. A professional design will ensure unsightly filters are hidden from view, liners do not create a black fringe between the rock edging and the water and pipes and other pond paraphernalia are kept out of sight. This garden uses the top pond as a gravel filter so removing the need for a visible plastic box. Private Sussex garden designed with the client Pro Landscaper / April 2016 59

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SEED: THE BENEFITS Native wildflower meadows are very much in demand for encouraging biodiversity in urban landscapes. Creating a wildflower area is not for the faint hearted says Stuart Ball. It may take up to 18 months to see the fruits of your labour but patience and effort will be rewarded with a glorious spray of colour across the landscape Suited to any size and area A good supplier such as John Chambers Wildflower Seed will provide sound advice when selecting wildflowers for a chosen site. Seed mixes provide the ultimate flexibility and are available to suit all soil conditions and designs, from a small wildflower patch to a roadside verge or large urban space. Tailored mixes Wildflower seeds can be mixed for the client’s requirements. This may include their preferred flowers, colours, scent, flower to grass ratio or the wildlife they wish to attract. Seeds can be chosen based on the soil type, location and typical conditions in a particular area, but it is also possible to create mixtures to attract particular wildlife species, including the various native and visiting pollinators, such as bees and butterflies, or to provide winter feeding for wild birds. Historical wildflower meadows can now be recreated using a bespoke mixture of specific British native wildflower seeds. Wildflower seed can be produced and mixed to suit specific circumstances or customer requirements. Using seed offers maximum involvement and choice over the flowers you end up with. ABOUT STUART BALL tuart all is the ild o er sales mana er at ohn hambers Wild o ers a specialist supplier o ritish produced seeds and mi tures and one o the leadin authorities on native ild o er seed. he company as ac uired by reen ech in ho supply arti cial tur alon ith a variety o other landscapin materials.


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A low cost option Where a project affords the time for seeds to grow, the cost per square metre of a wildflower meadow is low, making wildflower seeds an attractive option. A little more effort is required but the results and savings are desirable. Back to basics The trend towards using wildflower seeds has the added advantage of providing a new generation of horticulturists with the opportunity to learn and adopt the traditional skills and values of bygone years. Coupled with the satisfaction that comes from seeing a diverse area of native wildflowers growing from seed, this is reason enough to make the effort to ‘sow from scratch’. Good things come in small packages Delivery and storage of products is a major consideration on many sites so being small and easy to store is a distinct advantage for wildflower mixtures. They can easily be stored in moisture proof containers in a cold dark room or refrigerator where they will remain viable until needed. The constraints of sites, unplanned challenges or significant weather changes that may affect a planting schedule won’t have any effect on the delivery or storage of wildflower seeds. Ultimate flexibility Wildflower seeds can easily be sown by hand or machine all year round, although best results are generally achieved in the autumn (August to early October) or spring (February to May). They are surprisingly hardy and, once established, wildflower meadows need little maintenance – far less than a traditional lawn and will provide colour, interest and a habitat for local wildlife.

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TURF: THE BENEFITS Pre-grown Wildflower Turf is a relatively recent technique for the establishment of wildflower meadows. It benefits from much research and development says James Hewetson-Brown, providing optimum results by introducing a mat of pre-established wildflower plants Soil-free growth The turf is nursery-grown to guarantee the introduction of established plants that have been specifically chosen and set in appropriate quantities to provide an even distribution of species. These plants are developed in a manufactured soil-free environment with no existing seeds and therefore no competition while the wildflowers are establishing. As soon as the Wildflower Turf is laid, a meadow is established without having to wait for vernalisation or germination of seed. Reliable The mass of roots in the turf acts as a weed suppressing carpet, smothering any seeds that are in the soil and on the point of germinating. This gives you immediate success with the plants that you want and control over those that you don’t want. For this reason it is a reliable method of creating a meadow, loved by landscapers and contractors, who are able to walk away from the site without having to worry about follow up visits for an extensive cutting regime or weed/plant identification. For sites with particularly onerous conditions such as steep slopes, shady areas or where the soil weed seed burden is particularly high, wildflower turf offers a meadow making solution that would be difficult to achieve using any other method. The turf can be pegged onto steep slopes and is therefore extremely effective for soil stabilisation projects. Made to order While there are a number of ‘off the shelf’ Wildflower Turf products, bespoke mixes can

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be grown where there is a specific need, be it cosmetic or ecological. Wildflower Turf Ltd regularly works with ecologists and architects to develop turf to suit specific site conditions and when local provenance is important locally harvested seed can be used. All year round Turf can be laid at all times of the year except in times of ground frost and snow, giving the landscaper flexibility. Preparation is straightforward. Once the site is clear and rotovated, the turf is simply laid over the top of the prepared area, moulding to undulations and uneven surfaces. Watering will be required in dry times, whilst the turf establishes in the first few weeks and good contact between soil and the turf roots is important. Being a soilless product, the turf is light to handle and easily cut with a serrated knife. Using turf offers an instant, complete meadow, far more developed than those established by other means. This solution offers landscapers and contractors a risk free alternative to creating wildflower spaces. Wildflower Turf is the perfect option for the landscaper who wants an immediate, guaranteed meadow with a low maintenance requirement from the outset. ABOUT JAMES HEWETSON-BROWN James Hewetson-Brown is managing director of Wild o er ur td one o the leadin suppliers o Wild o er ur in the . e set up the a ard innin company as a subsidiary enterprise o his amily s business oronet ur in to meet the demand or ready made Wild o er ur meado s.

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I guess I have to confess straight off to being a bit of a workaholic with a very addictive personality. I absolutely love what I do and the fact that I get paid for something I love so much is real genius. I originally trained in fashion design (alongside John Galianno), set up and ran my own business designing, sourcing and supplying a wide range of products for major high street multiples. I gave it all up because I wanted to spend more time with my family and found it all too stressful. I took up gardening as a hobby, booked onto a course at Writtle College to keep me out of mischief and somehow ended up establishing and running a landscape design practice, all quite accidentally. My hardest time of day is simply getting out of bed (I am not a morning person). Once I’m up all is great.


Until recently I would have said my favourite project was Maltese Road but I would now say the series of penthouse roof terraces at Chelsea Creek for St George plc, for which we have just been awarded the BALI Principal Landscape Design Award. I haven’t really had a mentor, but I have had a couple of fantastic business coaches over the last 10 years. I wouldn’t be without one. I have a great team at Aralia, the strongest ever. I see 2016 as the year that all the hard work that has been put in over the last few years is going to reap massive rewards. Aralia has changed enormously over the three years since our show garden at RHS Chelsea, with a series of excellent appointments. I like to think I inspire my team, we don’t ever want to do mediocre work just to pay the bills. We strive for excellence, and innovation is what we love.


I love creating things. Designing something from scratch, seeing it develop and come to life and then the final result is what drives and inspires me more than anything else. I find inspiration one of the most natural things in the world, I’ve never really had that ‘blank sheet freeze’ moment. My biggest problem is having too many inspired ideas, so we simply don’t have the hours in the day! I am always wanting to move onto the next challenge. I absorb everything around me on a daily basis and it kind of filters through and bubbles out as an idea. I love visiting landscapes, art galleries and anything art related – I think I prefer to take inspiration from outside the industry rather than within. I want to create new innovative landscapes, I don’t want to emulate other designers or be affected by what other people are doing. If pushed I would say the designers I love most would be Versace, Martha Schwartz, Jimmy Choo and Steve Martino – I love designers who push the boundaries and make their own way. I find I am taking more inspiration from the wider landscape than gardens themselves. I was so enthused on our trip to South Africa, it’s given me a whole new idea about how we could approach planting design in the UK. 64

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From art gallery to open seas, Kerala to South African game reserve, Patricia Fox talks about her work, play and inspirations

17/03/2016 12:25


PERSONAL My favourite hobby is sailing. We are lucky enough to own a gorgeous sailing boat, which we originally kept in the Hamble on the south coast but moved to the Mediterranean a couple of years ago. For me it was a massive personal challenge since hubby was too busy at work so I sailed from the south coast of England to southern Spain as skipper, with the help of friends. There were a couple of very scary moments including a two and a half day offshore sail encountering 5m waves, at night in almost gale force winds! But overall it was an amazing experience and I would do it again. My most treasured possessions would have to be my two girls – they are now 21 and 23 and I can’t quite believe they are officially adults. To me they will always be my babies. I’m a hopeless cook but have the good fortune to be married to an amazing one who doesn’t allow me to make anything other than breakfast (I really am so, so lucky). My favourite drink is a massive gin and tonic, Spanish style. I just love how they don’t bother with measures, along comes the bottle and they just pour it until you tell them to stop. The Spanish also have amazing gin cocktails with so many little additions that you can literally have a different one each time.


I missed the gap year thing, so belatedly got the bug for real travel just a few years back. I treated Anouska, my eldest daughter to a trip to Kerala in India, just mum and daughter as a reward for her hard earned masters in physics. I absolutely loved India, the exotic nature of the landscape, people and culture. India touches you in every sense, it’s almost overwhelming. Last December Keith and I had an amazing trip to South Africa that took us from Cape Town to the winelands, along the Garden Route and then finally to Shamwari Game Reserve. That took my breath away – seeing the animals close up in the wild was so exciting. I’m not a morning person but had no problem being bright as a button at 5.30am to get up and out on a game drive. Our main family holidays until then had been skiing and sailing. I love skiing, who wouldn’t? You have the breathtaking scenery, the fun and sometimes danger. I’m definitely a bit of an adrenaline junky. I don’t do lying on a beach, I’ve either got to be doing something active on holiday or experiencing something new. I still haven’t been to South America and that’s next on my hit list – places like Patagonia and Columbia. Oh, and the northern lights still to do.

LifeStyle.indd 65

Pro Landscaper / April 2016 65

17/03/2016 12:26



TOM MASSEY Tom Massey, one of Pro Landscaper’s 30 Under 30 finalists, achieved two huge accolades at the Society of Garden Designers Awards held earlier this year. The 30 year old, who runs his own practice, won both the Domestic and the Commercial Student Award at the event. We asked him to tell us a little more about the award-winning garden designs and how he reached this stage in his career

All about Tom I have always had a love of the great outdoors, with my childhood spent exploring Richmond Park, Kew Gardens and rural Cornwall. At 16, after six enjoyable months working with a landscaper, the seed of garden design as a future profession was sown in the back of my mind. My first degree was in animation and after leaving university I embarked upon various career paths: animation, event production and the renovation, design and subsequent management of a creative co-working space and café. In 2014 I decided to retrain as a garden designer and enrolled on the diploma course at the London College of Garden Design, graduating with distinction in the summer of 2015. The course was challenging and inspiring – I learned a huge amount in a short space of time. Andrew Wilson, the college director, was a particularly inspirational teacher. I have continued to learn from Andrew and his design partner Gavin McWilliam as they offered me a part time role at their practice, Wilson McWilliam Studio. Jo Thompson also offered me a part time job, helping out on various projects including her upcoming RHS Chelsea show garden. Alongside these part time roles I am building my own practice, Tom Massey – Landscape & Garden Design, which I founded in July 2015.

Domestic award-winning design: France Farm


Originally an actual working farm, France Farm is currently a rental property with plans and permission to demolish the existing building and replace it with a new, Germandesigned Huf Haus. To the rear, the house and garden enjoy views out into the wider Surrey heathland landscape and over an adjacent golf course. My


Pro Landscaper / April 2016

Tom Massey.indd 64

17/03/2016 11:52

INSPIRE Commercial award-winning design: The Cassel Hospital Ecotherapy Garden This scheme was my final project at the London College of Garden Design. Finding a suitable site local to Richmond was a challenge, but I came across the Cassel Hospital and its grounds. From my first visit I knew the site was special. Set behind an imposing Georgian building on Ham Common was a sprawling, unmaintained 10 acre garden, hidden from view. It was like walking into a secret part of Richmond Park, with expansive areas of open grassland and huge mature trees.

At the time of my visit, the majority of funding for the NHS psychiatric hospital had been cut and the Georgian part of the hospital building was no longer in use. The hospital currently houses only 16 residential patients, whereas before it was able to provide 60 beds. The project called for us to write our own client brief, so I imagined that the hospital had been given a new lease of life with renewed funding, allowing it to return to full capacity. My scheme was designed to provide additional aid to the hospital’s patients on their THE DESIGN PROVIDES AREAS FOR journey towards recovery, leading to improved physical and mental health as QUIET CONTEMPLATION AND CALM well as increased wellbeing. The design ALONGSIDE ACCESS TO STIMULATING, provides areas for quiet contemplation UPLIFTING AND ENJOYABLE OUTDOOR and calm alongside access to ACTIVITIES SUCH AS SWIMMING stimulating, uplifting and enjoyable

outdoor activities such as swimming, camping, gardening, playing and exercising. Such activities, conducted in a scenic outdoor environment, have proven physical and mental health benefits.

Future plans

first impressions of the site were that the garden lacked mass and felt exposed, with large areas of open lawn and a limited and dull planting palate. The site felt disconnected and isolated from the wider landscape. The client, an enthusiast of contemporary art and architecture, wanted a modern scheme with elements of bold colour to complement his new house. Also a lover of nature, he wanted natural areas to attract wildlife, particularly birds, into the garden. My design provides a

Tom Massey.indd 65

greater sense of place for the ‘alien’ German Huf Haus, softening it into the wider landscape, and using a planting palate inspired by the wild beauty of the surrounding Surrey Heathland. Heathland mixes, such as gorse and heather, are particularly beautiful when planted together and reside alongside blocks of native Molinia and Deschampsia, creating a designed order and a striking repackaging of the surrounding landscape.

2016 is an exciting year for me as I am doing my first show garden at RHS Hampton Court. I’m designing the garden in collaboration with John Ward, a colleague from the London College of Garden Design. Sponsored by the United Nations Refugee Agency, the garden is a conceptual show garden, highlighting the plight of refugees and the risks they take to find shelter. Titled ‘Border Control’, it draws horticultural comparisons to the crisis with the symbolic use of British native and non-native plants. I am hoping that the garden (and hopefully an RHS gold medal) will raise my profile and boost my own practice. I plan to continue to supplement my own work by freelancing with established designers. The experience is invaluable, allowing me to continue my professional development working on exciting and challenging high-end schemes. Longer term, my aim is to establish my own practice and eventually run a larger studio with a team of likeminded creatives. In an increasingly hectic world, I am particularly interested in how green space can help people feel better, both mentally and physically. It is a subject I delved into for my final college project and something I would like to explore further through my work. @tommasseyuk Pro Landscaper / April 2016 65

17/03/2016 11:53

Professional Landscaping Timbers Unilog Pro from M&M Timber has long been synonymous with versatility and longevity and has set the standard by which others follow.

Unilog Pro is ideal for: Earth retaining walls and palisading Border edging and pathways Ornate bridges and raised flower beds Playground amenity projects M&M Timber, Hunt House Sawmills, Clows Top, Nr Kidderminster, Worcestershire DY14 9HY T: 01299 832611 F: 01299 832536 E: M&M Timber is a Division of Forest Garden Limited.

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From planters, fountains and statues to balustrades, pier caps and follies – our stonework designs provide affordable elegance to any garden or landscape – and grow ever more distinguished as they age.

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JACKSONS PREMIUM PANELS Jacksons has a range of unique, handmade premium panels such as the Venetian, Canterbury Combi and Chilham, offered in the most popular standard heights from 0.9-1.8m. Non-standard sizes and bespoke panels or gates are also available. Requests are quoted for on an individual basis taking into account the nature of the project. In this photo, Venetian panels run up a slope, each one individually made to follow the incline. WWW.JACKSONS-FENCING.CO.UK

EUROCELL COMPOSITE FENCING Eurocell’s Composite Fencing consists of 75% recycled PVC-U, bonded with a wood composite surface offering the look and feel of timber with the durability of concrete. Panels come in three contemporary colours, are 300mm high by 1.8m or 2.4m long and weigh less than 5kg. They are slotted into place and stacked to the desired height on 1.8, 2.4 and 2.7m high posts. A typical end-user price would be £16.95 (incl. VAT) per 300mm x 1.8m gravel board. Guaranteed for 20 years. WWW.EUROCELL.CO.UK

Fencing.indd 67

CLD FENCING SYSTEMS DECORATIVE FENCING This bespoke Corten steel fence from CLD Fencing Systems features an art installation from Jo Fairfax Studio. Constructed in a basket weave, the panels create a flower garden of light when the sun shines through the perforations. Individually priced for each project, installation is carried out by one of CLD’s locally approved fencing contractors. The full range includes Corten steel, stone walls, grill systems and bespoke decorative fences. WWW.CLD-FENCING.COM

DUCKPADDLE SLATTED FENCING Two styles of slatted fencing are available from Duckpaddle Bespoke Trellis; a continuous series of straight-line batons giving a very clean look, and a combination of panels similar to louvre that are interrupted by frame and posts. The most popular timber is western red cedar, with variations in colour and a majestic finish. The painted option, usually made from radiata, looks fresh and is easy to maintain. UK mainland delivery averages 4-6 weeks depending on time of year and size of project. WWW.BESPOKETRELLIS.COM

GARDEN TRELLIS COMPANY AVENUE PANELS The Garden Trellis Company provides high quality garden joinery in bespoke sizes, styles and finishes. The panels shown are its Avenue fence panels in western red cedar, with a ladder top panel. A 1.8x1.8m panel starts from £450. The panels are also available in iroko hardwood or radiata pine, both of which can be painted in a colour of your choice. These panels have a competitive four week lead time with installation available. WWW.GARDENTRELLIS.CO.UK

CHARLTONS GROUP FEATHEREDGE PANELS The strength of a component fence with the convenience of panels. Charltons heavy duty featheredge fencing panels are built to last. Made with pressure treated redwood frames that are screwed rather than nailed, the panels come with integral capping top and bottom to reduce water ingress. The top rail is rebated and the rails span the posts, creating robust panels with whitewood featheredge boarding for consistency of colour. Available in panels from 3ft to 6ft high. WWW.CHARLTONSGATES.COM

Pro Landscaper / April 2016 67

17/03/2016 08:56

Ponds, Lakes & Water Management Gordon Low are established UK suppliers of high performance liner materials for residential, leisure and commercial aquatic applications. Any size is possible up to 1800m2 in one piece, larger sizes being welded or seamed on site. Tailor made box welded liners made to your specification. Nationwide delivery. • SealEco Greenseal EPDM Rubber 1.00mm & 0.75mm • Firestone PondGard EPDM Rubber 1.02mm

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Readyhedge instant hedging is now available ready-spaced in our unique Readybags, specially designed for even easier handling and planting. F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , c a l l t o d a y o n 0 1 3 8 6 7 5 0 5 8 5 E m a i l l i n d s a y @ r e a d y h e d g e . c o m o r v i s i t w w w. r e a d y h e d g e . c o m

16/03/2016 09:28





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Name Thermory collection Colours Ash Measurements 21 x 118mm, available in three length groups: 1800-2100mm, 2700-3000mm, 3300-3600mm Price from £46.44 per m2 inc VAT

Name Radiata terrace board with side slits Colours Dark brown (develops a silver grey patina when exposed to sun and rain) Measurements 22 x 142 x 3000-4800mm Price from £13.50 per m inc VAT

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Hardwood Decking.indd 69

Pro Landscaper / April 2016 69

18/03/2016 10:07

Mature trees transform landscape projects... Our custom delivery fleet


...we offer supply only or our delivery to tree pit service.

The right equipment

Do you plant extra heavy or perhaps even semi-mature trees, but shy away from planting anything bigger. This may be driven by the cost of the tree or is it due to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The liability involved should the tree not survive? The risk of significant financial loss should the specimen get damaged during installation? The lack of appropriate available equipment to handle the tree? A lack of necessary experience?, or Simply an access issue?

Visit us and experience the Majestic difference... • Over 7000 semi-mature trees at our nursery, from 12’ to 45’ tall, plus 2 km of instant hedging • A friendly, personal service from experienced horticulturists - not a ‘self serve’ on-line shop • ‘AirPot’ grown trees establish faster and have a superior fibrous root system • Complete Planting Service, Establishment Warranty and AfterCare • Nationwide Delivery that goes beyond the kerb

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Very pleased with service and trees from Majestic. Team is efficient in planting. Client delighted with end result; will be using again. Chris Skraba, Landworks

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15/03/2016 15:36

FROM THE NEGATIVE LEE HEYKOOP Which plants to choose when planting in public parks


WET FEET ANDY MCINDOE Plants that tolerate or even thrive on wetter ground



© Joy Of Plants

Ian Drummond lists his favourite orchids


SOIL STANDARDS TIM O’HARE Soil considerations for new build projects


©Liz Hughes, Provender Nurseries




77 NURTURE section cover.indd 71

79 17/03/2016 12:32

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09/03/2016 10:44

16/03/2016 09:33


NURSERY NEWS David Domoney leads 25th anniversary celebrations at Europlants’ open day Europlants Ltd celebrates its 25th anniversary this year commemorating the event with two open days that introduced its extensive selection of Mediterranean plants. Presenter of ITV’s Love Your Garden, David Domoney said: “It is a momentous occasion to celebrate 25 years of somebody

in business in the nursery game and it offers encouragement and hope for us all.” The open days were dedicated to owner Renato Canale’s wife,

Brigitte who passed away in January 2016. He said: “A lot of people have said they are missing the smile of Brigitte and a lot of people are really complementing the nursery, which is a credit to the people who are working here.” The open days raised £2,600, which was donated to Thrive, a charity that uses gardening to bring about positive change in the lives of people living with disabilities or ill health, and those who are isolated, disadvantaged or vulnerable.

Xylella fastidiosa warning from Barcham

Two new projects have received a share of £2m for research to help combat threats to trees as part of the Tree Health and Plant Biosecurity Initiative (THAPBI). The projects are ‘Global threats from Phytophthora’, led by Dr Sarah Green of Forest

Mike Glover, the managing director of Barcham Trees, has warned that a strict quarantine system is the only answer to combat the serious peril of Xylella fastidiosa. He said: “Anyone buying trees should ask where they have come from and if they have an audit trail. If they are not satisfied with the answers, they should simply walk away and not buy from that supplier. Xylella is not in the UK yet but if plant material keeps coming across from the continent without any thought to biosecurity, it is only a matter of time before this menace becomes a reality.”


£2m pledged to safeguard Britain’s trees in Tree Health and Plant Biosecurity Initiative Research, and ‘PuRpOsE: Protect Oak Ecosystems’, led by Dr Rob Jackson of University of Reading. THAPBI is funded by the Living With Environmental Change partnership with support from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), Department for Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and other governmental organisations. Professor Melanie Welham, BBSRC chief executive, said: “Understanding threats to trees and habitats could make a huge difference to the UK’s social and economic landscape in the face of emerging risks from pests and pathogens.”

Nursery News.indd 73

Mayor chooses English Oak from Wyevale Nurseries

The Mayor of Worcester, councillor Roger Knight, visited Wyevale Nurseries to purchase a replacement tree after the death of a much loved 300-year-old oak on Torridon Walk village green in St Peters, Worcester. Adam Dunnett, sales and marketing director at Wyevale Nurseries, said: “It was decided that a semimature English Oak, Quercus robur, would be perfect and it was planted by the Mayor of Worcester on Thursday, 17 March.” Councillor Knight explained: “It was a delight to select a replacement tree following the devastating loss of a much loved oak, which was one of the best trees in Worcester. The new specimen is an excellent choice, which I’m sure will be enjoyed by many generations to come.” Pro Landscaper / April 2016 73

16/03/2016 15:17


PLANTSMAN’S PLOT A roundup of trees and plants available at some of the country’s best nurseries

To appear in Plantsman’s Plot, please send your plant of the month, details and image to Best for: small gardens It is almost impossible to select just one rhododendron that performs well in April but the Rhododendron ‘Cunningham’s White’ is one of the most popular varieties. Reaching a total height of 2m it is more suited to smaller gardens and is also tolerant of poorer soils. Pure white flowers with pale yellow speckled throats are freely produced in April and May.

Best for: street planting The Prunus ‘Sunset Boulevard’ is a fairly new tree with a strong formal shape, fantastic red autumn foliage and an attractive delicate pink flower in spring. It is very long-lived for a Prunus species and is one of the finest cherries ever introduced for street planting. One hundred trees have recently been planted in Regent’s Park in time to blossom for spring as part of the restoration of Cherry Tree Avenue, one of the main gateways to the park on Chester Road.

Best for: formal designs The Magnolia grandiflora ‘Gallisoniensis’ is a large evergreen that has glossy leaves, often with a rusty brown underside. The strongly scented flowers are creamy white and held over a long period during the summer months. These magnificent plants are grown as large bushes, standards, semi-mature specimens and clipped into large cones. They tolerate dry alkaline soils and make wonderful specimen plants for a formal design.

Best for: shady areas Epimedium x versicolor ‘Sulphureum’ is a low maintenance, semi-evergreen ground cover plant, ideal for moist to dry shady places. New pale green heart shaped leaves have a touch of red, intensifying through autumn and winter. The mottled foliage is joined by sprays of small yellow flowers in around April.


Pro Landscaper / April 2016

Plantsmans Plot.indd 74

Best for: formal hedging Osmanthus burkwoodii, a dark leaved evergreen shrub, is just starting to bloom. With masses of highly fragrant white flowers, this makes an amazing looking hedge in the early spring. With its small leaves, it can be trimmed up to a smart formal hedge that will make a good divide for any garden or an excellent backdrop to floral displays. Suitable for full sun or partial shade.

Best for: spring colour The Spiraeas are a very useful group of shrubs, mostly small and under a metre in height but perhaps sadly overlooked. Spiraea Arguta is slightly taller and giving its glorious “Bridal Wreath” display in the next few weeks, a real celebration of spring and it’s white too, the designer’s favourite colour. The lower ones such as Goldflame, Little Princess and

Snowmound (pictured) are also worth a look and are giving foliage colour now as their new leaves emerge.

Best for: coastal areas Pinus nigra Austriaca, Austrian Pine, was introduced in the mid 1830s. Its needles are greener and longer than Scots Pine and its growth more solid. Stand behind an Austrian Pine on a windy day and be amazed by how the wind is diffused by the needles. A first rate choice for exposed, windswept coastal areas, it thrives even in very chalky soils. It has a pyramidal form, but retains its bushy, juvenile appearance much longer than Scots Pine. It reaches a mature height of 17-22m.

16/03/2016 14:47

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16/03/2016 10:35

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16/03/2016 10:09



Bernhard’s takes the running around out of plant purchasing, our extensive stock range and supplier network means that we are the one place to visit for all of your planting requirements


Buxus sempervierens



John Marsden, general manager

Christine Ballinger, sales executive

Tony Hughes, sales and logistics

Philip Melia, sales and nursery production

Prunus Prunuslaurocerasus laurocerasus

Established for nearly 60 years, Bernhard’s Nurseries produces and supplies excellent quality nursery stock, delivering throughout the UK. Our dedicated team has the knowledge and ability to select and source the plants you need to make your plans a reality, on time and on budget. Our range spans herbaceous perennials, shrubs, grasses, hedging and trees. The majority are grown across our four centrally located production sites near Rugby in the Midlands.

MOST UNUSUAL Carpinus betulus ‘feathered hedging’

Bernhard’s stocks a wide range of name variety camellias in 3L, 5L, 10L, and 20L pots. Camellias are more versatile than they are given credit for and make a wonderful statement piece for any garden or landscape.

TESTIMONIALS Lavandula a. Hidcote

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Nursery Factfile.indd 77

LOCATION Bernhard’s Rugby Nurseries Limited, The Straight Mile, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV23 9QQ Bernhard’s Cash and Carry Plant Centre Coalpit Lane, CV23 9HH

Having used Bernhard’s Nurseries for 30 years, I have found them friendly and reliable. Their stock is of excellent quality and they are a pleasure to do business with. I would highly recommend them. Lee Hall, operations director at Secland Group


I have been working with Bernhard’s for several years and find their customer service to be absolutely excellent. My order volumes vary enormously but each order is dealt with in the same professional way. Bernhard’s has always managed to come up trumps and ensure that delivery to site is as efficient as possible, with good communication throughout the process. Sarah Rutherford, Sarah Rutherford Garden Design

Tel 01788 521 177 Fax 01788 810 590 Email Web Twitter @BernhardsPlants Pro Landscaper / April 2016 77

16/03/2016 15:25


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17/03/2016 10:49


Jamie Butterworth takes us through some of the grandest trees he has encountered while tree tagging across Europe


’ve spent most of the last month tagging trees across Europe in places such as Hanover, Barcelona and Valencia. As joint show plant manager with Hortus Loci, a big part of my job is to help source the trees and shrubs for Chelsea Flower Show gardens. With it comes the opportunity to see new places, meet new people, sample local foods and discover plants that I never knew existed. An integral part of any Chelsea garden has to be the trees. There is nothing better than looking down Main Avenue at Chelsea and seeing the crème de la crème of trees from the best nurseries across Europe. These are positioned with such precision and delicacy – you wouldn’t think they had been moved at all, never mind lifted, hauled onto a lorry and driven up to 2,000 miles just to get to the show ground. A beautiful tree really can make a garden at Chelsea. In fact, in some cases, it is even best to design a garden around one beautiful tree, rather than trying to find a tree to fill a gap. We can spend days on end searching through muddy fields trying to find that one

Magnolia ‘Susan’

COME FLY WITH ME Jamie Butterworth

Quercus palustris Sometimes size is everything! These 38 matching trees proved quite a challenge for an instant glamorous driveway. At 11m tall, they have a 100cm girth and would make for one hell of an autumnal display.

Acer palmatum

perfect specimen that has the real ‘wow’ factor, and it’s always worth it. During these trips we also have the opportunity to find and source trees for our nursery. Many of our clients are looking for a special specimen and sometimes we can come across these trees by complete accident. Each trip is documented and we take many photos of the trees we have tagged. Here are some really special specimens that I’ve encountered on my recent trips...

Quercus suber

A one-off whopper, 6m x 6m, with stunning shape and incredible foliage. This specimen is at least 50 years old. The stems have been lifted over the years to accentuate the individual branches. Tagging trees abroad comes with many associated questions and complaints, mainly from people who do not understand that it is impossible to source a complete range of large specimens within the UK anymore. As a nursery 95% of our stock is own-grown, but where we require something specific, such as for our Chelsea designers, these tagging trips will continue and I am delighted to be part of them. Horticulture really is far more than just weeding. ABOUT JAMIE BUTTERWORTH

One of my favourite Magnolias, and as such, it is very impressive to see such a large avenue of these in full flower. Mature specimens, at 3.5m x 4.5m, would make a great addition to any garden.

Jamie Butterworth.indd 79

An 11m multi-stem avenue of Quercus suber. These would grow comfortably in the south of England – and who can resist that incredible bark?

Graduating from RHS Garden Wisley with a distinction in summer 2015, avid plantsman Jamie now works as joint show plant manager at Hortus Loci, growing the plants for major flower shows such as RHS Chelsea, Hampton Court and Tatton. Jamie is a YoungHort associate director and RHS Young Ambassador, promoting horticulture to young people across the UK. In addition to this, Jamie is also a gardening broadcaster for BBC Radio London.


Pro Landscaper / April 2016 79

16/03/2016 14:30

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Call for our 2015/2016 Wholesale Catalogue or to visit the nursery

17/03/2016 10:37

Choosing the right plants for planting in parks is no different to interpreting any other brief, says Lee Heykoop. Start with what you don’t want and know your subject...


hen it comes to planting in parks, how do you go about selecting the right plants? First, for the purposes of this article, I need you to assume that you’ve fully understood the brief, whatever that is. As a designer, this now becomes a ‘back of head consideration’. It doesn’t lead the design, but if you fail to fulfil any of it, the design will fail. After this, your design should be guided by three things: The negative – your principled ‘no-nos’, the points you simply won’t compromise on. Aspirations – the level of quality you would like to achieve. The reality – the bare minimum you will always make sure to do; and yes, you may achieve some aspirations, but accept limitations too. The negative is a good place to start. For me, this includes planting in ‘bits and pieces’, rather

KNOW HOW EACH PLANT’S PROCESS OF DEVELOPMENT IS AFFECTED BY THE CONDITIONS OF THE SITE, BY ITS NEIGHBOURING PLANTS, AND BY THE EXPECTED MAINTENANCE than as a whole. Stagy parts for no reason; trendy plants dropped in; and clichés, like plants selected for their contrasting forms or foliage colour. I’m yawning already. What else goes into choosing plants? As a designer’s living material, it is essential that you know it thoroughly. Know how each plant’s process of development is affected by the conditions of the site, by its neighbouring plants, and by the expected maintenance, and to keep

Lee HeycoopNEW.indd 81



Lee Heykoop

on learning. Knowledge of plants and planting continues to develop all the time. I was new in post when I was asked to look at a landscape consultant’s proposals for planting a cascade in a prominent park garden. Their planting plans were terrible, as if they were making use of plants off a garden centre trolley. There were stolid groups of hosta, sarcococca, physocarpus, ribes. Persicaria lacked herbaceous companions being, presumably, dropped in for its points of colour. And there were colour contrasts aplenty. There was no grace, no drama, no sympathy with the rushing torrent. No coherent waterside narrative. While the site offered challenges – not least, how to have evocative waterside planting on a south-facing steep and dry bank – my cue came in from the sides. A couple of Acer japonicas suggested the drama that could be had from adding more elegant acers reaching to each other from opposite sides of the cascade. For a tumbling waterfall effect a different climber,

Clematis rehderiana and Campsis radicans ‘Flamenco’, were included either side – each giving a mass of flowering abundance over the 15m distance. Clumps of dieramas were planted close by to dangle towards the cascade; but otherwise the heights, colours and foliage were all there to support the star characters, Acer palmatum ‘Katsura’ (fig 1), Acer palmatum ‘Osakazuki’, and Acer palmatum ‘Shindeshojo’ (fig.2). To the base of the falls and beside the walkway you get the feel of lush hugeness, and the leaves delay you in seeing the water, so the full sight of the cascade is a surprise. The adjacent bed, meanwhile, needed to mediate scale. I put bulky Rodgersia ‘Chocolate Wings’ (fig.3) in a weaving group with three large intervening groups of Molinia caerulea arundinacea ‘Windspiel’. Its stunning 3m-high flowering culms will catch the light like dew late in the year. Its season is autumn. It probably won’t hold through the winter frosts and winds. But what’s so bad about seasons? ABOUT LEE HEYKOOP Lee Heykoop has a PhD in Landscape Architecture and has worked with Groundwork Trust, a national multi-disciplinary design company; spent time tutorin at heffield niversity and is currently horticulture officer at he oyal ar s. er particular focus on how people interact with their landscape has moved her ocus bac to plantin .

Photographs ©Liz Hughes, Provender Nurseries


Pro Landscaper / April 2016 81

16/03/2016 15:27


With a wet winter behind us but the promise of unpredictable weather patterns to come, Andy McIndoe advises on plants that tolerate or thrive on wet soil


he prolonged wet weather might be behind us, but saturated soil conditions are something we will continue to have to cope with. Sadly, the moist, well-drained soil recommended for so many plants is rare – landscapers more often have to cope with compacted subsoil and heavy clay. Soils with poor drainage have less air space so they need plants that can cope with less oxygen around the roots. Most willows thrive on damp sites but are not just for waterside settings. Several varieties have attractively coloured stems in winter. Salix alba ‘Britzensis’ is one of the best, with brilliant orange-scarlet winter stems. The wands grow quickly after pruning, developing into waving stems with narrow, silvery backed leaves. Cornus alba and Cornus sericea prove their worth on wet sites. These versatile plants are excellent for their foliage, autumn colour and

Salix alba ‘Britzensis’

winter stems. Maintenance is key to success. The effect is often ruined by pruning to half height with a hedge trimmer, rather than taking them right down to just above ground level. If underplanted with a moisture lover such as Carex oshimensis ‘Evergold’, the winter stems are shown off to perfection. Amelanchier canadensis, the snowy mespilus, needs no introduction. A native of North America it is a hardy suckering shrub, upright in habit with coppery new growth and sprays of white flowers in early spring. It colours well in autumn in an open position.

Cornus alba ‘Aurea’


Pro Landscaper / April 2016

Andy McIndoe.indd 82


Physocarpus opulifolius varieties are also good. ‘Dart’s Gold’ is bright yellow and effective when planted with the yellow variegated Cornus alba ‘Spaethii’. The purple-black-leaved ‘Diablo’ is

Andy McIndoe Sambucus nigra f laciniata

SOILS WITH POOR DRAINAGE HAVE LESS AIR SPACE SO THEY NEED PLANTS THAT CAN COPE WITH LESS OXYGEN AROUND THE ROOTS Amelanchier lamarckii is more spectacular with larger, more lax sprays of flowers, brighter new growth and better autumn colour. The two species are often confused but either works well planted in groups in large schemes, or in small gardens as individual multi-stemmed trees.

upright in habit and great for creating dramatic contrasts. It is very effective with the fern-like lime and copper leaves of Sorbaria ‘Sem’. Most sorbarias are large shrubs with flowers like giant astilbes. ‘Sem’ is grown for its leaves, compact habit and upright stems. Usually promoted as a garden plant, it has great possibilities in larger landscape schemes. Most spiraeas will happily tolerate damp conditions, but on very damp soil Spiraea x vanhouteii excels. A vigorous, semi-evergreen shrub with arching branches, it is smothered in white hawthorn-like flowers in late spring. Viburnum opulus and its cultivars are other plants that grow in any conditions. This native species has lovely flowers and autumn colour with

Viburnum opulus ‘Roseum’

the bonus of its red fruits. Viburnum opulus ‘Roseum’, the snowball, is more flamboyant in flower, but less spectacular in autumn. Compacted wet soils can often be improved by the addition of grit, organic matter and cultivation. However choosing plants that thrive with wet feet is always the ideal solution.

Amelanchier lamarckii

Sambucus, the elders, are such accommodating plants they will grow on dry and wet soils. Choose the gold-leaved Sambucus racemosa ‘Sutherland Gold’ for semi-shade and a purple-leaved variety for sun. I am always amazed that the cut leaved Sambucus nigra f. laciniata – fern-leaved elder, is not more popular. Its wonderful foliage and cow parsley like flowers are perfect surrounded by meadow flowers or moisture loving perennials in a boggy spot.

ABOUT ANDY MCINDOE Andy McIndoe is a practical horticulturist with more than 30 years’ experience in ornamental horticulture. He has designed and advised on gardens of all sizes and has been responsible for 25 Gold Medal winning exhibits at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show. Andy is a regular contributor to blogs, magazines and BBC radio and he lectures at home and abroad. Follow @AndyMcIndoe on twitter

15/03/2016 16:32

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15/03/2016 16:00


Once seen as elitist, orchids are now accessible to all and even sold at the local supermarket. Ian Drummond shares some of his favourites


he elegant orchid is an exquisite study in intricate perfection and arguably attracts more attention and scrutiny than any other flower, with entire shows, societies and clubs devoted to them. Once regarded as exotic explorer bounty and the preserve of the glasshouse enthusiast, to be studied and cultivated with great precision and care, the orchid is now the ‘go to’ plant, available even in supermarkets, ready to grace the home and office. As the interior landscaper’s colourful friend, they are second to none and with some thirty thousand species growing in the wild and hundreds of thousands of hybrids they offer a colourful kaleidoscope of aesthetic possibility. Their beauty lies in their striking and unusual blooms, each one a natural masterpiece of breathtaking form, colour and design emerging implausibly from nothing more than a ragged twig. Here are some of my personal favourites:


The moth orchid has a fantastic range of colours with shades of white, red, pink, green, purple, orange and yellow. One bloom spike can look spectacular for four months or more. Low, medium or bright light are all just fine. Water weekly or every other week. Encourage larger blooms by feeding monthly with a specialist orchid fertiliser.

Cymbidium orchid

Dendrobium orchid A lovely selection of colours including white, purple, pink and green – they will flower for at least a month. When not in flower, the foliage remains and blooms appear on new stems. Give them medium to bright light, water weekly or fortnightly and add some orchid fertiliser each month.

Moth orchid

Oncidium orchid These small blooms grow in clusters of 50 or more, with flamboyant and contrasting markings offering spectacular visual interest, so try to plant where they can be seen close up – some varieties even have a wonderful scent just to add to their allure. They come in shades of yellow, purple, red, pink and white, favour medium to bright light, a weekly or fortnightly water plus a good feed with an orchid fertiliser in spring and summer.

With a fantastic range of colours in shades of white, red, pink, green, purple, orange and yellow, one bloom spike can look spectacular for four months or more. They are unfussy when it comes to light – low, medium or bright light is just fine. Water weekly or every other week. Encourage larger blooms by feeding monthly with a specialist orchid fertiliser.

Nuns orchid If you’re looking for big and bold, with stems up to 90cm tall, magnificent corrugated green foliage and clusters of white, brown or purple flowers, the Nuns Orchid ticks all the boxes. It loves medium to bright light, weekly or two-weekly watering and weekly feeding in spring and summer.

Vanda orchid

Ian Drummond.indd 85

ABOUT IAN DRUMMOND Ian Drummond is the creative director of Indoor Garden Design, Europe’s leading interior landscape design company. Based in Highgate, north London, IGD has been bringing nature into offices for over 40 years.

Images © Joy Of Plants

Not only is this one a personal favourite of mine but it was quite rightly awarded Office Plant of the Year at the efig awards in 2012. The combination of large scale, vibrant, colourful blooms along with an intricate root system makes it a show stopper. We created a series of installations at the Kinder Aggugini show at London Fashion Week 2011, where they (almost) stole the show.

Pro Landscaper / April 2016 85

15/03/2016 16:25

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17/03/2016 11:05


SOIL STANDARDS Tim O’Hare looks at the main considerations for selecting and sourcing imported soils for ‘new build’ landscape projects

Excessive soil handling The main distinction between soils for new build garden projects and soils in an existing garden is the disturbance the soil receives during importation and placement. Essentially, new build projects require the construction of a brand new, instantaneous soil profile. Many soil types, especially silt or clay-based ones, cannot withstand this degree of disruption and simply collapse and self-compact when placed. This often leads to problems with poor drainage and aeration, and restricted root growth. Sand-dominant soils are best Experience has shown that sand-dominant soils are the most appropriate for such projects. They are more resilient to excessive handling, easier to spread and work, and more forgiving in wet weather. Sandy loam topsoils usually provide the right balance between drainage, aeration, water retention and nutrient supply, particularly when ameliorated with a suitable compost. Even sandier subsoils are preferable as they retain their porosity and permeability when placed to a greater depth below the topsoil.

Tim O'Hare.indd 87

Sourcing topsoil and subsoil Sourcing good quality topsoil and subsoil still seems to be a major concern. We still hear horror stories of ‘screened muckaway’ being used as topsoil, and ‘concrete crusher fines’ or ‘recycled sand’ being offered as subsoil. Even when screened or washed, such materials will still contain chemical and physical contaminants, such as heavy metals, hydrocarbons, excess alkalinity, asbestos or glass shards, which render the soils unsuitable for garden projects.

THE TOPSOIL MANUFACTURE INDUSTRY HAS GROWN TREMENDOUSLY OVER THE LAST 10 YEARS AND GOOD QUALITY, SANDY SOILS CAN NOW BE FOUND THROUGHOUT THE UK Soil suppliers Always buy soils from a reputable and dedicated ‘soil supply company’ rather than a company involved with ‘waste management and recycling’. The topsoil manufacture industry has grown tremendously over the last 10 years and good quality, sandy soils can now be found throughout the UK. Many suppliers now offer their soils in dumpy bags, which often makes delivery and storage on small sites much easier. As a bare minimum, any reputable supplier should be able to answer the following important questions about their soil products: ● Where does your topsoil or subsoil come from?

Natural or manufactured? Agricultural land? Forestry? Playing fields? ● If manufactured, what components are used to make it? Does it contain any waste soils or demolition materials? ● Is the soil protected from the weather? Is the soil available all year and will it be workable

when delivered? Is the soil available in bags as well as loose? ● Is the soil free of Japanese Knotweed and other

noxious weeds? ● Has the soil been independently sampled and

tested in accordance with the British Standard, including potential contaminants? ● How often is the soil tested? (No test should be more than 3 months old). ● Who conducts your analysis? (Make sure they are independent rather than affiliated with the supply company). ● Is an interpretive report provided with the results? British Standards The British Standards for topsoil (BS3882:2015) and subsoil (BS8601:2013) are specifically intended to assess the quality of soils that are moved and traded. Compliance with the relevant standard should therefore be prerequisite for selecting a soil. However, just because a soil meets the standard doesn’t mean it is suitable for every project or occasion. For example, the standard accepts soils with relatively high silt and clay contents which aren’t always appropriate for new build schemes, especially if the work is planned for the wetter winter months. The interpretive report should point out any restrictions or limitations that a soil may hold. ABOUT TIM O’HARE Tim is a soil scientist and principal consultant at Tim O’Hare Associates. He has over 23 years’ experience and sits on the British Standards Institute working group Topsoil and other Growing Media. His areas of expertise include topsoil quality testing and manufacture, soil investigation and management and tree pit design.

Pro Landscaper / April 2016 87

15/03/2016 16:37

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12/02/2016 11:06 17/03/2016 10:29

WATER WORKS ANJI CONNELL Water features can make a bold statement or simply add a finishing touch


PRIVACY AND SCREENING JANINE PATTISON What to consider when it comes to fulfilling a client’s wish for increased privacy

© / 03456 049049


RECLAIMED LIGHTING ROBERT WEBBER How to use reclaimed lighting to give an architectural focus to any garden


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16/03/2016 09:41


They sooth, relax, de-stress, clean the air and provide a quiet place to chill and reflect on the day while drowning out any unwanted noise. They come in a multitude of designs from the simple birdbath to complex technological all singing all dancing models. “A garden designer may want a simple water bowl as a finishing touch, while landscapers regularly approach us with drawings for bespoke water features, sometimes featuring multiple ponds connecting to each other,” says Natalie Sharp, manager at the Pot Company. According to Mike Tillet, sales director at Tills Innovations Ltd: “Today’s water sculptures have more diversity in their design, in where they are used and positioned within the design; we’re using them inside as much as outside and in residential houses they are traveling through floors to bathrooms.” Water is one of our most important resources. As contrary as it might seem, however, water features can be eco-friendly. Lawns and general dirt landscaping require large amounts of water whereas an ecosystem pond is self sustaining and needs little maintenance. It might take a lot of water to fill initially but in the longer term it will use less water than it takes to look after the same amount of lawn. Stormwater rain gardens not only look beautiful they also provide a habitat for wildlife

The Optical Illusion Tap

Anji Connell.indd 91

WATERWORKS and plants, while reducing flood water damage, as they recharge the ground and remove pollutants from the stormwater. Fun and quirky public water features include the optical illusion tap fountain at Aqualand in Cadiz, Spain, London-based conceptual artist Ryan Gander’s water fountain on New York’s

King’s Cross Pond

©Warren Allot

Water features can be the finishing touch to a domestic garden or the centrepiece of a grand civic plan. Anji Connell looks at them in theory and in practice

Above: Volute Water Feature Photo ©Tills Innovations Ltd

tremendous success. A black granite reflecting pool sits between two glass towers that use light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to display digital videos. Some of the displays are of scenery but the most popular are of visitors’ faces as they frolick in the pool. It’s an unusual take on formal fountains where a spout of water comes out of a statutory head such as a lion. What should we expect to see in the future? “Water being displayed in more unique ways, such as in a vortex, as used in our Volute Water Feature; more programmable displays for commercial designs; low power pumps with minimal draining requirements and high quality materials providing longevity of the features,” says Tillet.

PUBLIC WATER FEATURES ARE BECOMING MORE PREVALENT, BRINGING THE FEEL GOOD FACTOR TO OUR CITIES High Line and the Serpentine Fountain by Bertrand Lavier, where lengths of brightly coloured garden hoses are arranged to resemble a classical fountain. Public water features are becoming more prevalent, bringing the feel good factor to our cities. One such example is the UK’s new natural swimming pool, the King’s Cross Pool – part installation, part garden, part swimming pool. In 2012, LIKEarchitects and fashion designer Ricardo Dourado encouraged the locals of Guimarães in Portugal to use the public fountains filling them with beach loungers, toys and garden furniture in an installation called Fountain Hacks. The Crown Fountain in Chicago designed by Jaume Plesna [2004] is an interactive art installation and video sculpture and has been a

Crown Fountain, Chicago

ABOUT ANJI CONNELL Internationally recognised interior architect and landscape designer Anji Connell is a detail-obsessed Inchbald Graduate, and has been collaborating with artisans and craftsmen to create bespoke and unique interiors for a discerning clientele since 1986. Anji is a stylist, feature writer and lover of all things art and design.

Pro Landscaper / April 2016 91

16/03/2016 14:40


A new garden design can block established lines of sight or establish new ones. Janine Pattison looks at what you need to consider As the density of new housing increases and more and more plots are subdivided, the issue of privacy and screening becomes ever more important to our clients. From the garden designer’s point of view, this is a challenge and an opportunity. In my experience, most clients will have low maintenance and increased privacy very high on their wish lists for their new garden. Being overlooked by the neighbour or passersby is a frequent problem that needs to be tackled by the designer and we have a number of strategies we can employ. The new garden design will probably include elements like patios, seating areas, hot tubs and play areas, which will encourage your client and their family to use the garden more. Things that didn’t use to be a problem suddenly become serious issues. You must ensure that when you carry out the site analysis you consider and record any overlooking sight lines. These could be from a neighbour into your client’s garden or could be your client suddenly gaining views into a neighbouring garden or bedroom. Deciding to remove a tree or large shrub needs to be done carefully to avoid the law of unintended consequences. Remember that if your new design proposes changing the levels within the garden then the overlooking viewpoints will change too. This was the major driver for the change in planning law regarding the installation of raised decking as there was a storm of 92

Pro Landscaper / April 2016

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complaints after previously private gardens became overlooked. Now, any proposed decking 300mm or higher above the existing ground level requires planning permission. If the garden you are designing benefits from beautiful views out of the garden (borrowed landscape) then you are fortunate. Many

IN MY EXPERIENCE, MOST CLIENTS WILL HAVE LOW MAINTENANCE AND INCREASED PRIVACY VERY HIGH ON THEIR WISH LISTS FOR THEIR NEW GARDEN gardens do not have views or have something unattractive that requires screening. A strategically positioned tree or large shrub can achieve a great deal but be aware of how large it might grow and how much shade it is likely to cast on the garden. Top-worked trees like pleached hornbeams can be very valuable when you need to create screening within confined spaces. New fencing is normally constrained to a height of 2m in a rear garden but with the agreement of the neighbour you may be able to increase that. Trellis or timber slats can be

added to the top of a fence to create some softer screening. Hedges are also constrained to 2m except with agreement from the neighbour – usually both parties benefit so it is not a problem. However, be careful before specifying that the new evergreen hedge is to be 3m high at the time of planting. Check Part 8 of the Anti-social Behaviour Act 2003 for more details. If it is not possible to screen a poor view completely then consider whether the design could distract from the problem area and lead the eye to an attractive element within the garden. Taking time to draw sections through the garden and sketching elevations of your proposals will be time well spent and much appreciated by your client (even if they don’t realise it at the time). ABOUT JANINE PATTISON Janine Pattison MSGD is a multi award-winning

garden designer and horticulturalist who trained with English Heritage at Eltham Palace in London and at Kingston Maurward College in Dorchester. A registered member of the Society of Garden Designers, the

British Association of Landscape Industries and the Garden Media Guild, Janine is also a highly uali ed horticulturalist.

15/03/2016 16:30


As a lighting specialist, I’m fascinated by the use of reclaimed feature lighting. It’s where the light source itself becomes an architectural focus, as well as a practical object. This love affair started back in 1992 when I had the privilege of visiting Moscow. I was drawn to the use of hard steely materials to produce beautiful architectural solutions. The combination of glass and various metals creates a bold feature. I’m always on the look out for the right projects to explore this lighting further, and since then we have used various suppliers of reclaimed products from Eastern Europe. Reclaimed lighting can become the feature itself. There are four key areas where we use reclaimed lighting if the design would benefit: Pendant lighting, within a pergola or breeze house. Often these lights are hung quite low so it’s an idea to know the height of any table or seating. Then you can get the light source right where you need it. We fit squirrel cage lamps to soften the light and provide a warm glow. Normally no more than 40 watts tungsten is needed for soft lighting.

Robert Webber.indd 93


FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE Near water. One great place to consider such architectural fittings is at a property near water. Eastern Bloc reclaimed lighting has a distinct nautical feel to it. It was made to last and as such has bold fitments and globes. One of my suppliers even specialises in salvaged lighting extracted from submarines. You can position the lighting within planting or on feature trees shining down over the water, causing brilliant reflections and shadows. Small rooftop or courtyard gardens. Often these gardens have tight budgets and small spaces. In the past we have added a ship’s searchlight into a corner. It is a great way to flood light across the area and can be a standout talking point over dinner. Gardens where natural features are few. To introduce a lighting feature can help tick all the boxes. It gives a functional focus for the garden as well as a globe for aesthetic lighting. There are two suppliers we recommend: Skinflint Design Sroka Always consider if it’s suitable for UK use. It must carry British standard marks, which are many for UK lighting, but the main one is BS EN 60598, which addresses design, manufacture and suitability. Also think about the Ingress Protection (IP) rating. I’ll cover this in greater depth in my next article.

© / 03456 049049

Robert Webber says reclaimed lighting isn’t just for indoors. Used in the right way it can become a standout feature in any garden

INSTALLING LIGHTING Garden lighting has three main functions: functional, aesthetic and feature. These often overlap and one light can perfom all three. In a previous article we examined the three basic principles of addressing an exterior lighting project: functional, aesthetic and feature. We call it the FAF principle. Apply this to any lighting challenge and it can help find a clearer solution. ● Functional lighting helps you carry out basic

functions in the garden. As simple as finding the keyhole at the door or putting the bins out. ● Aesthetic lighting creates mood and ambiance; bringing ‘emotion’ to an area. ● Feature lighting highlights key features in the garden. Leading your vision towards an area whether you’re in the garden or viewing from inside, like a picture within a frame.

ABOUT ROBERT WEBBER Robert Webber is the founder of Scenic Lighting, a specialist exterior lighting company based in Berkshire. He designs and installs garden lighting throughout the UK and internationally. Robert can be contacted on or via his mobile on 07766 051000.

Pro Landscaper / April 2016 93

16/03/2016 15:15




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17/03/2016 11:19


A strong team united by mutual respect and common purpose leads to quality workmanship and high productivity. Mike Long explains how he puts this into practice A good team is essential to success. Without a team to support the vision of your company, the businesses and projects you lead will ultimately bow and possibly crumble. A good team is something I try to surround myself with in all areas. Sometimes it has felt a real uphill struggle, with disappointments and unmet expectations along the way, but I believe that consistently investing in the team will ultimately enable me to fulfil my landscaping potential. The same goes for you. They say ‘there is no I in team’. This is true. Teambuilding requires every member to pull together around a common goal, this is especially true for those of us in the landscaping industry. When working on large scale garden builds, teams needs to work together to accomplish beautifully designed outdoor spaces. Good teams require leadership, however. Without a leader a team has no direction and productivity will inevitably decrease. In business, time often equates to money and our businesses cannot afford to lose time through lack of leadership. Who makes decisions? What do we do next? The first step in teambuilding is ‘be the leader’. Don’t shirk responsibility; make decisions, lead well and be someone your team can respect and follow. Good teams require diversity. As the director of Genesis Landscapes I cannot assume that I have all the skills to


Mike Long.indd 95

TEAM BUILDING make the business a success. The same goes for all company directors. No one person can do everything. The full time Genesis team is small so we tend to use a number of specialist subcontractors. I have found that ‘subbies’ can benefit my business in a number of ways; both as valued extra muscle on larger scale projects and

I ENCOURAGE YOU TO TREAT YOUR TEAM WELL AND THEY WILL RESPOND ACCORDINGLY. MORALE WILL BE HIGH AND RESEARCH SHOWS THIS LEADS TO GREATER PRODUCTIVITY to fill the gaps in my own expertise. I have an engineer and a specialist joiner who I often call upon and without their assistance I could not have built some of my larger landscapes. Building a strong team requires recognising your own skills and staffing your areas of weakness. Everyone loves to be respected for who they are and what they bring to the team. In my experience an essential part of building a good team is rooted in the notion ‘treat others as you would want to be treated yourself’. I once worked for a guy who was up and down like a yoyo. I never knew what mood he would be in. He also had the habit of calling me ‘squire’ – something I really didn’t like. His manner set the culture within the company and the team. I didn’t feel respected or valued and this likely affected my workmanship.

Contrary to this, I have made it a rule in my business not to ask anyone to do something that I wouldn’t be prepared to do myself. This has bred a culture of respect within Genesis Landscapes. I encourage you to treat your team well and they will respond accordingly. Morale will be high and research shows this leads to greater productivity. Lastly, invest. Building a good team requires investment through mentoring and training, formal and informal. I have found that apprenticeships are a great way to build a team. I ‘do the journey’ with my apprentices, sharing my skills and vision for Genesis with them day to day. The investment of my time cements the values of Genesis Landscapes in them and this is evident in their work and how they function as part of the team. I also strive to encourage and model continuous professional development because this gives an opportunity for our staff to develop their skills, ensuring we have a cutting edge team. Invest in your staff and the result will be a great team. Search “Genesis Construction and Landscapes” and watch “Time lapse of a modern garden design and build in Cambridge” or use this link: ABOUT MIKE LONG Mike has worked in the landscape industry for ten years, running his own company, Genesis Construction and Landscapes, for six of them. He won Contractor of the Year with Marshalls in 2015 and Genesis recently won a ‘Commended’ award in the £60-£100k category at the APL Awards 2016. Mike lives in Bury St Edmunds with his wife and two young boys.

Pro Landscaper / April 2016 95

15/03/2016 16:27

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Peter Cunliffe, director Northumbrian Landscaping

Title The Well-Tempered Garden Author Christopher Lloyd Publisher The Orion Publishing Group RRP £16.99 My first encounter with this book was relatively recently, in 2004. It was a birthday gift from my mum who obviously recognised a similarity of souls. The more I read, not only of the book, but also the life of Christopher Lloyd, the more I was amused, amazed and inspired. The Well-Tempered Garden becomes almost like a friend – the writing stays with you when you’re out in the garden. A paragraph, like a conversation, is suddenly apparent or gains a certain relevance. FAVOURITE PART On the subject of pruning, paragraphs such as: “One can feel surprisingly embittered at an act of vandalism on a cherished plant by another member of the family. If the deed was a hired assassin, then it’s not so bad, but one cannot easily give the sack to one’s own parent, child, husband or wife.” Christopher Lloyd was a master plantsman who thought: “Labour saving gardens are the most boring gardens.” He chose to experiment without strict laws or parameters, instead basing his design on his own knowledge and gift of visualising plants within beds prior to planting. His planting was mixed and unhindered by previous garden fashions. It extended the seasons, being one of the first to have colourful planting late into the autumnal months. He had a certain freedom and exuberance. After all, he spent the majority of his life developing and writing about the garden he loved so much – Great Dixter, one of England’s most famous gardens.

Book Review.indd 97

When asked if he thought Great Dixter was part of the tradition of the English country garden, he answered: “What do we mean by an English country garden anyway? It sounds like a self-satisfied conception that the English are only too pleased to own. A garden is a garden; it’s stuffed full with excitements and good plants, and arrangements of good plants, and whether or not it looks English, I wouldn’t care.” BUSINESS INFLUENCE Christopher Lloyd knew that every project was an opportunity to experiment. This has contributed to the way we approach our work, encouraging not only

NOT EVERY PLANTING OR DESIGN WILL WORK EXACTLY AS INTENDED, BUT WE CAN LEARN SOMETHING USEFUL FROM EVERY EXPERIENCE WHETHER SUCCESSFUL OR NOT creative design, but a feeling that we are continuously learning and moving forward. My copy of the book has had to be replaced, due to a thousand grubby fingerprints adorning the original – a testament to its repeated use. The Well-Tempered Garden is summed up for me in the very last sentence: “Situations are seldom entirely hopeless,” reflecting that not every planting or design will work exactly as intended, but we can learn something useful from every experience whether successful or not.

ABOUT THE BOOK This is a classic work by a gardener who combines a passion for his subject with a critical intelligence and a helping of wit. The Well-Tempered Garden is packed with the sort of diverse information keen gardeners crave. Hailed as a masterpiece when it was first published, The WellTempered Garden is as fresh now as it was when it first appeared more than 40 years ago. About the author Christopher Lloyd spent years developing and refining his celebrated gardens at Great Dixter. He was unparalleled in gardening journalism, writing for many publications from Country Life to the Guardian. In 1979, the RHS conferred its highest honour on him, the Victoria Medal of Honour. He received an OBE for services to horticulture in 2000.

Pro Landscaper / April 2016 97

16/03/2016 15:19

Ride On Mowers - Rotary Remote Control Niko ‘Robo Flail’ mower John Deere 997 Zero Turn - 60” RD deck, 31hp, 2WD - 1452 hrs John Deere 1445 - 62” RD deck, 31hp, 4WD - 289 hrs John Deere 1445 - 60” SD deck, 31hp, 4WD - 1013 hrs John Deere 1445 - 60” SD deck, full glass cab, 31hp, 4WD - 2126 hrs John Deere 1445 - 62” RD deck, 31hp, 4WD - 3722 hrs John Deere 1600T Wide Area Mower - 3.25m, canopy, 64hp, 4WD - 3396 hrs John Deere F1145 - 62” RD deck, 28hp, 4WD - 3123 hrs John Deere X950R, 54” RD deck & hi-tip collector - 101 hrs John Deere 455, 54” SD deck, & hi-tip collector John Deere X740, 54” SD deck & low-tip collector, 24hp, 2WD, HST - 1691 hrs John Deere X740, 54” SD deck & low-tip collector, 24hp, 2WD, HST - 2132 hrs Kubota F3060 - 60” RD deck, 30hp, 4WD - 3123 hrs Ride On Mowers - Cylinder

£16’000 £8’500 POA £10’500 £6’500 £5’500 £6’500 £3’500 POA £5’600 £5’800 £5’800 £2’750

John Deere 2500 - 22” / 11 blade units, smooth tyres - 2881 hrs John Deere 2500A - 22” / 11 blade units with brushes - 3195 hrs John Deere 2653A - 26” / 8 blade units, 18hp, 3WD - 2534 hrs John Deere 2653A - 26” / 8 blade units, 18hp, 3WD - 3422 hrs John Deere 3225C - 22” / 7 blade light weight units - 3074 hrs Hayter LT324, 35hp, 4WD, HST - 2989 hrs Hayter LT324, 35hp, 4WD, HST - 2618 hrs Hayter LT324, 35hp, 4WD, HST - 2590 hrs Hayter LT324, 35hp, 4WD, HST - 1641 hrs Hayter LT324, 35hp, 4WD, HST - 3464 hrs Hayter T424 c/w full glass cab, 47hp, 4WD, HST - 2966 hrs Ransome Highway 3, 33hp Kubota Diesel, 4WD, HST - 1308 hrs Pedestrian Mowers

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Allett Tournament 20” cylinder mower (ex demo) Allett Buckingham 20H cylinder mower Allett Buffalo 24” cylinder mower Allett Shaver 24” cylinder mower Ariens 38” mower, 15hp, 2WD, HST - 107 hrs Ariens 38” mower, 15hp, 2WD, HST - 228 hrs Ariens 38” mower, 15hp, 2WD, HST - 40 hrs Ferris Dual Drive, 52” width of cut, 2WD, HST Ferris Mower, 32” RD deck, 2WD, HST Scag SWZ36A c/w 36” RD deck, 15hp, 2WD, HST Scag SWZ36A c/w 36” RD deck (choice of 5) Atco 24” cylinder mower c/w Auto Steer seat John Deere JX90C professional mower - 22” Compact Tractors

POA £2’000 £1’950 £1’950 £2’500 £2’500 £2’500 £3’750 £2’250 £2’250 £3’000 £1’400 £500

Ford 1520 with cab, loader & back acter. 22hp, 4WD, gearbox – 3120 hrs Kubota B2710 with front loader, 27hp, 4WD, HST, turf tyres – 733hrs Iseki TH4335, 31hp, 4WD, manual, roll bar, turf tyres – only 66hrs Case JXU85 Tractor with full glass cab, 85hp, 4WD, manual – 590hrs

£9’000 £9’750 £11’500 £24’000

Misc Machinery

JCB 8016 mini excavator c/w canopy - 1047 hrs JCB 8014 CST mini excavator - 588 hrs Applied 414RS Greens Machine Sweeper Abi HC44 Scythe Mower Elliet KS240STD lawn edger Fred the Edge turf edger (choice of 2) John Deere E35 turf edger (choice of 2) Billy Goat SV50HR Quiet Vac Sisis Auto Turfman Aerator Sisis Auto Outfield Spiker

£11’000 £10’500 £3’500 £3’400 £475 £300 £500 £300 £1’500 £1’250



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16/03/2016 15:21






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17/03/2016 10:22



AMANDA PRICE Pro Landscaper’s Fay Tate spoke to 32-year-old Amanda Price from MHP Design about recently becoming a chartered landscape architect

What first motivated you to pursue a career in landscape architecture? I was quite late starting to get into landscape architecture. I think it was something that I had always been interested in but I wasn’t really aware that landscape architecture could be a career. I grew up in a rural environment and landscape was very much part of my childhood. I thought it was a profession where I could mix my interests and my background so once I got started I realised that it was something I had wanted to do for a long time. What route did you take to get into the industry? I have a postgraduate diploma in landscape architecture. I did a conversion course at the University of Gloucestershire after doing my first degree in fine art and international relations at London Metropolitan University and that was quite intense. Straight after university, I worked for a company called Dowdeswell Forestry, gardening in the summer and forestry in the winter. That gave me a really good foundation to go into the job that I have now and I’ve been there for nearly three years. What do you enjoy most about your current position and what does your job entail? I really enjoy the diversity of the work we do. We work on everything from landscape planning to contract administration, detailed design and landscape maintenance plans. One day I might

Look Out For.indd 101

be doing masterplanning exercises and another I might be on site talking to contractors. Is your work very local or international? Work with MHP Design is international. The majority of our work is local, because being situated in Cheltenham, right next to the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, there is a constant demand for landscape architects but we also have worked overseas in places such as Long Island in New York. You are now a chartered landscape architect, what did you have to do to get there? You take the Pathway to Chartership where you follow a syllabus while you’re working. You are asked to be reflective about the practice and the way that integrates with your studies but it was also an opportunity to work with a wide variety of people in the industry. Who in the industry do you look up to? Most people in landscape architecture are very passionate about what they do and when you hear them speak, that comes across. For example, at the graduation ceremony hearing Noel Farrer talk about his work and the power of landscape; how he tripled the value of a square of unoccupied apartments by designing a landscape scheme, was inspirational. Do you have any future projects? There’s one project that I’m quite excited about.

We’re working on Eagle Tower in Cheltenham, with the landscape, roof gardens and green roofs and I think that will be a really interesting regeneration project that is just down the road from our offices. What are your plans for the future? The project in New York has really inspired me to work abroad and I would like to do more of that. It’s exciting to see how other countries use public spaces in different ways. How would you encourage more people to take up landscape architecture? I think one of the best ways of encouraging people is for them to hear passionate landscape architects like Noel Farrer and Adam White talk about their work. There is a really diverse range of people working in landscape architecture and for me, once I could identify with someone who was working in it, I could see it as an industry that I would really enjoy. Pro Landscaper / April 2016 101

16/03/2016 14:34

UK’S #1 LEADING LANDSCAPE EVENT / 01903 777 588 futurescape ad 2.indd 1

19/11/2015 11:54

EDUCATE In 2013, a group of landscapers, designers, plants people and horticultural suppliers raised more than £26,000 for Perennial by taking part in the gruelling Three Peaks Extreme challenge, including a six day climbing and cycle challenge. This year, the team, with some new additions, has reformed for the most ambitious challenge proposed for Perennial’s HortAid 2016 – ‘The Three Peakers Ride Again’ Two groups will set off from Llanberis at the foot of Snowdon on Monday 19 September for an ultimate six-day battle to Land’s End. One group will tackle the challenge on road bikes with the second group on mountain bikes. The team of horticulturists and suppliers has a fundraising target of £50,000. Brian Herbert, the managing director of Outdoor Options in Surrey, came up with the idea and said of the 2013 challenge: “The Three Peaks Extreme was the most fun I’ve ever had in lycra, despite having to ride 450 miles and climb the three highest peaks in the UK in just six days. I can’t wait for this year’s challenge and would encourage anyone with a love of cycling to get in touch with us and find out more. We’re supporting the only charity that looks after those working in or retired from horticulture and we’d love to have a few more riders or sponsors on board.” The event is fully supported, with top professional guides Passion In Events (PIE). The team will be looked after by support vehicles and tour leaders and each day the riders will have breakfast at the hotel before setting off, morning

THE THREE PEAKERS RIDE AGAIN and afternoon refreshment stops, a substantial lunch, plus dinner and accommodation. Riders confirmed for the event include Matt O’Conner of John O’Conner Grounds Maintenance, Richard Gardiner of NAG Solutions, Darren Skidmore of Skidmores of Hertfordshire and many more. Pro Landscaper’s Fay Tate will be following The Three Peakers Ride Again challenge as the riders train vigorously for the next five months. The challenge and riders have set up their own JustGiving pages to raise money for Perennial. To donate to The Three Peakers Ride Again challenge, visit teams/three-peakers-ride-again Perennial is the UK’s only charity dedicated to helping everyone who works in horticulture and their families when times get tough. The charity provides free and confidential advice, support and financial assistance to people of all ages working in, or retired from horticulture. Perennial has been helping UK horticulturists in times of need for over 175 years. It relies on the support of the UK horticulture industry and voluntary donations from the garden-loving public, to continue its work.

Three Peaks.indd 103

Pro Landscaper / April 2016 103

17/03/2016 12:35

EDUCATE Amongst the group of riders are Dan Riddleston and John Wyer of Bowles & Wyer, Steven Walley of London Stone, Greg Skilbeck of Silverland Stone and Dan Flynn of GardenLink, who have sponsored the challenge. Pro Landscaper spoke to three of the sponsors to find out how they’re feeling about the event

Greg Skilbeck, managing director of Silverland Stone took part in the 3 Peaks Extreme event in 2013, and will be joining the mountain bike team this time round. “The last event was great fun with a great team, so I am delighted to be back in the saddle in September. Looking forward to a few laughs and a few beers. On a more serious note Silverland Stone is pleased to be one of the sponsors of the event, as Perennial is a really worthwhile charity and we are proud to be raising funds to help our colleagues in this great industry.”


Dan Riddleston, managing director of Bowles & Wyer Contracts Ltd, will be riding off-road on a mountain bike. He wasn’t able to take part in the 2013 challenge due to a knee operation but is looking forward to joining the team.


“Bowles & Wyer has been helping Perennial for a few years now and John Wyer was involved in the first challenge. Kate O’Shea came in to talk to us about how the money we raise helps clients and we now realise we will be able to refer people in the future. It’s going to be challenging but I’m looking forward to it and am pleased to have a target to work towards. The camaraderie, banter and rivalry between the teams is something I’m really looking forward to. We’re riding with a great bunch of people and it’s going to be great fun meeting up each evening to discuss the day’s ride and exchange stories.”

For the first time managing director of London Stone, Steven Walley is taking part in the challenge and will be joining the off-road group. “Supporting Perennial is our way of putting something back, albeit on a small scale, into the industry. London Stone has been supporting Perennial for the past 18 months through our Trade Club. I was a landscaper before I started London Stone so I am massive supporter of the landscape industry and have a huge admiration for the amazing work that Perennial does. I’m looking forward to the challenge. I like challenges and I’m not a big rider so this will definitely be a huge challenge for me.”


The managing director of GardenLink, Dan Flynn is riding in the challenge for the first time on a mountain bike. “I am so impressed with what Perennial does for people within the horticultural and landscape trade. The husband of a former head of development at Perennial gave me my first paid job when I was 12. I am fortunate that I have never yet had to call on Perennial, nor has any member of my company, but it is really reassuring to know the organisation is there. I need a focus to train, so I’m looking forward to it – especially sitting in the pub at Land’s End watching the road group come in.”

DAN FLYNN 104 Pro Landscaper / April 2016

Three Peaks.indd 104

17/03/2016 12:36


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Grasstex Ltd is seeking a contracts manager to enforce company policy, manage company contracts and ensure jobs are resourced appropriately and carried out to customers’ satisfaction. Responsibilities will include overseeing staff appraisals and training requirements, scheduling and prioritising jobs in line with client expectations, liaising with clients, site visits and ensuring safety regulations are adhered to. The ideal candidate will have experience in the grounds maintenance industry, an excellent understanding of health and safety issues and a formal qualification in amenity horticulture.

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Pro Landscaper / April 2016 105

16/03/2016 14:31

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Ride-On Cy Makes ea Season JohnJD4 E35 2653A, o Deere eere wet gree SisisJDAuto Outfi 2500 (A round JD 2653A, eff 26 Sisis-choice Auto Turfm of 3 4 Season JD 2500 (A) ( Produces JDround 3235B Compact effw -choice of Tra 332 01473 608 683022 JDBioTech™ 3235B, JD 3235B with John Deere 855 JDProduces 3225C, John Deere 430 JD 3235B, 22 t Martin BioTech™ Jacobsen G 8ecifications 129 3773 John Deere 430 JD 3225C, 7b www.landm ter Bespoke o www.psdg John Deere 450 8 129 3773 ktimber. Jacobsen G P web: Chobham, Woking, 0345 230 9697 • T42w FORoLincolnshire MORE INFORMATION: EMAIL INFO@OXFORDPLANTERS.CO.UK 683022 onPE11 07765 188725 or 3PE e-mail: JD Deere 4600 & Front54” Loader, 43hp, 4WD,7363 G.Box,4WD, Power –of 4331hrs eere ete il email p S rs OR CALL 01608£13’900 £7’750 KiotiHayter DK551C FREEPHONE 0800 013 John Snow Blade, 24hp diesel, HSTReverser – email: 2 *Excludes Vat 0808 129 3773 ter £6’750 0808 timber. 129 3773 Surrey GU24 8SX X748, 0808 129 3773 All Email: products manufactured in the Cotswolds using sustainable Ransome H John Deere 3320, 33hp, 4WD, HST, tyres, roll bar – –1230 hrs Timber Products £9’000 Kubota B2530, JD 4600 & Front Loader, 43hp, 4WD, G.Box, Power Reverser 4331hrs www.psdg Hayter T424, 5 £7’750 ment? Plantoil 59x91mm_Layout 1 16/09/2011 15:56 Page 1 Ransome P& JD Deere 4410 & Front Loader, 34hp, 4WD, G.Box, Power Reverser – 2279 hrs £9’000 £9’750 PL12:38 App Ad.indd 1 Kubota B2230 Unwan PSD2700 ELIET ProLandscaper Adverts 58x90.indd 2 13/03/2013 John 3320, 33hp, 4WD, HST, turf tyres, roll bar – 1230 hrs Ransome High 0808 129 3773 Pro Landscaper / March 2015 SNOW CLEARANCE NEEDED ON A –NATIONAL PSD2700 New Timber Products B2410, 24hp, 4WD, HST, turf tyres, bar 1720 hrs hrs BASIS Holland TC Auctions £6’90015:43 QP advert98templates.indd 18/07/2013 - ELIET ProLan JDKubota 4410 &24 Front Loader, 34hp, 4WD, G.Box, Power Reverser – 2279 Ransome Park £9’750 Timber Products Don’t scra PSD2700 - ELIET ProLandscaper Adverts 58x90.indd 2 HST 13/03/2013 12:38 Ride-On F nursery of distinction Balmers GM Manchester Rd, Yanmar FE280H Kubota B2410 & Front Loader, 24hp, 4WD, – 1076 £7’900 QP advert templates.indd 24 18/07/2013 15:43 19/03/2015 QP advert11:44 templates.indd 24 18/07/2013 15:43 Kubota B2410, 24hp, 4WD, HST,Ltd, turf tyres, roll bar – 1720 hrshrsDunnockshaw, PL App Ad.indd 11 21/01/2015 12:17 £6’900 Oxford Planters.indd 04/06/2015 14:33 18/07/2013 15:43 John Deere nursery of distinction DoKioti you havewith a tractor /4WD, teleporter? We need you to clear Simmons3 PL Apr15.indd 1 19/03/2015 11:44 Ride-On Fro DK551C Cab, 54hp, Gear Box – 612 hrs £13’750 Since 1936 Burnley, Lancs, BB11 5PF Established 1948 and still going strong due to Kubota B2410 & Front Loader, 24hp, 4WD, HST – 1076 hrs PSD2700 ELIET ProLan £7’900 Ride-On / Tra Timber Next Sale Da 18/06/2015 09:02 John Deere snow asHolland part TC27D, of our winter maintenance Compact, New 27hp, 4WD, HST, turf 612 tyres, roll programme. bar – 2312 hrs Ideally £7’500 Since 1936 Products QP advert templates.indd 24 18/07/2013 15:43 John Deere 14 Kioti DK551C with Cab, 54hp, 4WD, Gear Box hrsconcern. £13’750 quality being our– main JohnJohn Deere X74 we would like you to work locally toBox your base Deere Saturday 21 New Holland TN55D with4WD, cab, 55hp,turf 4WD, Gear –2312 1751 hrs and clear the £12’500 nursery of distinction goes whe class.indd 99 New Holland TC27D, 27hp, HST, tyres, roll bar – hrs £7’50018/02/2015 14:42 John Deere 14 For all your class.indd 98 For 18/02/2015 14:42 snow from our clients’ sites. Competitive rates John Deere X74 all your golf, sportsturf and landscape irrigation needs. John Deere Balmers GM Ltd, Manchester Ride-On Tractor Mowers Yanmar FE280H, 28hp diesel, 4WD, turf tyres, bar –hrs 262 hrs offered Compact, lightweight mobile shredder Blakes Road Since 1936 Rd, Dunnockshaw, New Holland TN55Ddependant with cab, 55hp, 4WD, Gear Boxroll – 1751 £12’500£7’500 For all your g John Deere 15 Makes ea on machinary type. Etesia Attila Ban John Deere o galvanised Ride-On Tr Burnley, Lancs, BB11 5PF £1’500 John Deere GT235, 48” SD deck, 18hp petrol, 2WD, HST – 355 hrs goes wherever it’s needed Yanmar FE280H, 28hp diesel, 4WD, turf tyres, roll bar – 262 hrs Buy online £7’500 Buyall online at John Deere 15 TA6 7RS wet green John Deere Ride-On Mowers For yourCylinder golf, sportsturf andcontainer landscape irrigation needs. embled in £2’500 Buy online at • Suppliers of top quality grown shrubs, John Deere X320, 48” SD deck, 22hp petrol, 2WD, HST – 195 hrs Ride-On Cyli John Deere G Providers of English Handcrafted Planters and Outdoor Furniture John Deere 16 Contact us at For all your Makes easy work ofMowers branches, Pedestrian Commercial 25 Saturday Jacobsen H grasses, & specimens • Suppliers top quality container grown o Buy eere oMowers er i herbaceous, l riple ficlimbers ed u its oi e o £££! £5’500 £3’000 John Deere GX355D, 48” SD deck, 16hp or diesel, 2WD, HSTshrubs, – choice of 2 4 Season inofOak, Iroko Accoya. Cylinder John Deere X JDJohn 2653A, 26”99 . from manufacturers and save Deere BuyRide-On online at grasses, herbaceous, climbers & specimens wet green-waste and mixed leafage Ransome Ha Piranha® Chain to fit Stihl MS201T JUST £5.50 * Ferris Dual Drive – 52” width ofSDcut. Service choice of 2 £3’750 Arena, Edith JD 2653A, 26” 8 blade units, spiral rollers, scrapers – choice of 4 from: £5’500 £5’500 John Deere X495, 48” deck, 24hp diesel, 2WD, HST – 1922 hrs Buy online JD 2500 (A) (E) Providers of English Handcrafted Planters and Outdoor Furniture John Deere G round eff o eere o er i •l Good riple rangefi ined3uand its 10 litre oi epots o £5’500 Jacobsen HR6 Ransome H £2’250 £6’250 services include a bespoke joinery service forlitre allchoice interior exterior ScagOther 36” Mowers –X740, 36”• rotary mower choice of& 14 from design. JD 2500 (A) (E), 22” 11savings blade units,Iroko groomers, brushes, grassfilters! boxes Suppliers of top quality container grown shrubs, • Good range in 3 and 10 pots 4 Season shredder for year in Oak, or Accoya. John Deere 54” SD deck, Low-Tip Collector – of 2 Also on pumps and TA9 4HA ter John Deere X JD 2653A, 26” 8 blade units, spiral rollers, scrapers – choice of 4 from: £5’500 Great performance for climbers a fraction of the price £3’250 Ransome HR6 Produces grasses, herbaceous, & specimens • Cash and carry service Scag 52” Mower, twin wheel kit, serviced 2 available -choice of 3 from: £5’750 £6’750 John Deere X748, 48” RD deck, 24hp diesel, 4WD, HST – 1380 hrs round effectiveness John Deere X Hayter T424, 5 JD 2500services (A) (E), include 22”Why 11 blade units, visit groomers, brushes, boxes & exterior design. Ransome HR3 • Cash and carry service not our website! For Velocity more information email or call 01608 683022 Enquiries to Commerc Other a bespoke joinery service forgrass all interior £3’750 £2’250 Scag 52” Plus Mower, twin 3 available up todeck on the top10brand JD 3235B with Cab, 22” 8 blade units, grooved front rollers – 2708 hrs BioTech™ £6’500 Etesia Save Bahia, 32” RD & wheels collector, •66% Good range in 2WD 3 and litre potschains John Deere X Ransome Highw -choice of 3328272 from: £5’750 Produces easilycompostable £3’400 £4’750 01473 Abei HC44 Scythe mower – RD 65” deck, working width, 2WD, HST, 11hp HugeBahia, choic ting Sundries Bridgwater, JD 3235B, 22” 8 blade ESP units – 2691 hrs £7’500 Etesia H124DS, 48” Hi-Tip Collector, 25hp diesel – 828 hrs Etesia operation cost cut dramatically For Monthly all horticultural and Garden design enquiries please contact Martin£1’950 JDFor 3235B with Cab, 22” 8 blade units, grooved front rollers – 2708 more information email or hrs call 01608 683022 £6’500 Commercia Ride-On Fron • Cash and carry service Allett Buffalo 24” Cylinder Mower BioTech™ chips JD 3225C, 7 blade light-weight units c/w rear roller brushes – 2217 hrs £8’000 £ POA Etesia Attila Bank Mower (Ex Demo) – low OIL hours CHAIN SAW OILon 2-STROKE OIL BLADE 07765 188725 orSAW email Etesiachoice H124Do web: Chobham, Woking,22” 8 blade JD 3235B, ESP unitsbuilt, – 2691 robust hrs £7’500 T John 01278 Huge Allett Shaver 24” Cylinder Mower equipment No more ruining expensive chains nails etc£1’950 Deere 45 F11 web: Jacobsen G Plex,British recently serviced &design extra set scarifying units available Chobham, Woking, £5’500 45 Market Way, Tel: 723320 / samples: 766028 All products manufactured in the Cotswolds using sustainable timber. For all horticultural and Garden enquiries please contact Martin Etesia Attila B or for a and JD GU24 3225C, 7telephone blade light-weight units c/wbrochure rear01775 roller brushes –email: 2217 hrs £8’000 0808 129 3773 01473 328272 Surrey 8SX Compact Tractors £2’000 Allett Buckingham 20” Cylinder Mower www.psdg E ross.whitc John Deere 144 ter orders l de u its – itFax: fican ed ebuild ds760451 oi eyour ro £6’500 on 07765 188725 orwe email Pinchbeck, Spalding, 01775 /o714970 email: Bespoke taken to specifications Surrey GU24SAW 8SX OIL 2-STROKE OIL SAW BLADE OIL CHAIN Tel 0345 230 9697 • Jacobsen G Plex, recently serviced & extra set scarifying units available £5’500 The Stables, London Road, Billericay,Essex CM12 9HS £ POA Allett Tournament 20” Cylinder Mower Plantoil 59x91mm_Layout 1 16/09/2011 15:56 Page 1 John Deere X748, 54” Snow Blade, 24hp diesel, 4WD, HST – choice of 2 John Deere 144 All T424, products manufactured in the Cotswolds using timber. £6’750 Compact T Hayter 5 gang, 6 blade –e-mail: 30” units – choice of 2 sustainable from: Tel 0345 23 0808 129 3773 FREEPHONE 0800 013 7363 £9’000 Lincolnshire PE11 3PE www.tam web:0808 Chobham, Woking, Plantoil 59x9 0345 230 129£3’500 3773£7’750 TelW ter 59x91mm_Layout l de u its it fi ed e ds oi e o ro £6’500 Plantoil Applied 414RS Sweeper 2WD,4WD, HST, only 125 hoursReverser British robust equipment JD 4600Greens Front Loader,–built, 43hp, G.Box, Power – 4331hrs o Johneere Ransome Highway 3 – choice 1of 216/09/2011 15:56 Page 1 £ POA Deere X *Excludes Vat email: Surrey GU24 8SX –&36” T424, 5 gang, 6 blade – 30” units – choice of 2 from: £9’000 £2’500 Tel Hayter 0345 230 9697 • 8 129 3773 Hustle Trimstar Rotary RD deck, 2WD, HST John Deere 3320, 33hp, 4WD, HST, turf tyres, roll bar – 1230 hrs £9’000 Ransome Parkway 3, 30” 6 blade units – 1970 hrs Bespoke orders taken we can build to your specifications £ POA JD 460059x & Fr FREEPHONE 0800 –013 7363 99 67 Pro Landscaper / November 2015 December 93 Landscaper /0808 October 2015 Timber Products Unwanted equipment? Plantoil Tel 0345 230 Ransome Highway 3 –/grounds choice of 22015maintenance £2’200 £ POA 129 3773 Lloyds Paladin 123 ProPro Landscaper 2015 JD 4410Cylinder & FrontMower Loader, 34hp, 4WD, G.Box, Power Reverser – 2279 hrs Pro Landscaper March 98 Pro Landscaper / March 2015 99 £9’750 PSD2700 - ELIET ProLan John Deere 3 w 4WD, wMower w.HST, r oturf c htyres, fo rroll d s .n e/tSeptember Unwanted maintenance equipment? FawcettsLiners_B182919_1LB 1 3,grounds 2/2/10 12:47:01 £1’250 Ransome Parkway 30” 6 blade units – 1970 hrs £ POA Ransome Marquis 51 Cylinder Kubota B2410, 24hp, bar – 1720 hrs Don’t scrap it Rotary - SELL it at Tamlyns Outdoor Auctions £6’90015:43 Ride-On Front Mowers QP advert templates.indd 24 2012 18/07/2013 ����� �� Timber Products JD 4410 & Fr 50 PL App Ad.indd 1 21/01/2015 50 December 2012 PSD2700 - December ELIET Adverts 58x90.indd 2 HST – 1076 hrs 13/03/2013 12:17 12:38 £1’700 Ransome 61ProLandscaper Super Certes Cylinder Mower 19/12/2013 98 10:39 nursery of distinction Timber Products Kubota B2410 & Front Loader, 24hp, 4WD, Don’t scrap it SELL it at Tamlyns Outdoor Auctions B £7’900 12:17 Kubota B241 Pro Landscaper Marchdeck 2015 Simmons3 PL Apr15.indd 1 1445,/various 19/03/2015 PL App 11:44 Ad.indd 1 21/01/2015 John Deere sizes and hours – choice of 8 from: £6’500 QP advert templates.indd 18/07/2013 15:43 £2’500 Ride-On 24 Front Rotary Mowers John Deere Greens – 11 blade Unit (18”) Kioti 180c DK551C withMower Cab, 54hp, 4WD, Gear Box – 612 hrs due to £13’750 Next Sale Days: Since 1936 John Deere 1445 with Cab, 60” SD deck, Serviced – 2126 hrs £8’500 Established 1948 andmower still going strong Kubota B241 nursery ofhours distinction £ 21/01/2015 500 50 December 2012 John Deere JX90C – 21” commercial rotary PL App Ad.indd 1 CLASSIFIED TEMPLATE.indd 99 22/10/2015 11:01 LifeStyle.indd 67 19/11/2015 11:50 John Deere 1445, various deck sizes and – choice of 8 from: £6’500 Classifieds.indd 93 22/09/2015 15:01 Ba New Holland TC27D, 27hp, 4WD, HST, turf tyres, roll bar – 2312 hrs Next Sale Days: £7’50012:17 John Deere 1545, 62” RDThe deck,Sale 31hp, 4WD, HST – choice of 2 from: £9’750 CLASSIFIED TEMPLATE.indd 123 20/08/2015 21st March: Field, being our main concern.Designers and £1’200 Since 1936 18/02/2015BCS 14:44 710 Scythe Mower –quality 38” width of55hp, cut 4WD, class.indd 98Saturday 18/02/201510:11 14:42 Kioti DK551C John Deere 1445 with Cab, 60” SD deck, Serviced – 2126 hrs £8’500 New Holland TN55D with cab, Gear Box – 1751 hrs We hav e grown and supplied herb aceous plants to the For all your golf, sportsturf and landscape irrigation needs. £12’500 John Deere 1565 with cab, 62” RD, 38hp, 4WD, HST – 1044 hrs £9’750 Compact, lightweight mobile shredder Saturday 11th July: The Sale Field, New Holland manufacturers of £ 750 Blakes Road, Wembdon, Bridgwater, Camon C8 – 28hp choice For allDeere your golf, sportsturf and landscape irrigation ForCompact, allRotovator your golf, sportsturf and landscape irrigation Bal John 1545, 62” RD deck, 4WD, HST –past choice of y 2ears! from:needs. £9’750 landscape trade for the lightweight mobile Yanmar FE280H, diesel, shredder 4WD, turf tyres, roll bar – 262 hrs 3 from needs.£7’500 John Deere 1600T Wide Area31hp, Mower with canopy – 93 choice of 2 from: £8’500 tion needs. New HollandT Ride-On goes wherever it’s needed Ride-On Tractor Mowers hardwood needs. planters Road, Wembdon, £ 750 18/02/2015 14:42 Camon turfyour cutter golf, class.indd 98Blakes Buy online at For all sportsturf and landscape irrigation John Deere 1565 with cab, 62”Bridgwater, RD, 38hp, – 1044 hrshrs £9’750 £9’000 TA6 7RS goes wherever it’s needed John Deere 997 Zero Turn Mower, 60”4WD, deck,HST 30hp – 291 Buy online at Yanmar FE28 and garden Buy online at £2’950 Compact, lightweight mobile shredder Charterhouse CoreCylinder Collector 3000 John Deere £1’500 For all your g JohnDeere Deere1600T GT235,Wide 48” Area SD deck, 18hp petrol, 2WD, HST –of355 TA6 7RS easy work of branches, Ride-On Mowers John Mower with – choice 2 hrs from: £8’500 ForMakes all your golf, sportsturf andcontainer landscape irrigation needs. • of Suppliers of top quality grown shrubs, 25th April: The Oak Tree Saturday Jacobsen HR6010 Wide Area Mower –canopy 1615 hrs furnishings £ 475 Makes easyatwork branches, Eliet turf edger Buy online John Deere goes wherever it’s needed £2’500£ POA JohnDeere Deere997 X320, 48”Turn SD Mower, deck, 22hp petrol, 2WD,–HST –hrs 195 hrs grasses, herbaceous, climbers & specimens John Zero 60” deck, 30hp 291 £9’000 wet green-waste and mixed leafage o eere o er i l riple fi ed u its oi e o £5’500 Buy online 8th August: The Oak Tree Saturday Ransome HR6010 Wide Area Mower – choice of 2 from: £12’000 Ride-On Cy Buy from manufacturers and save £££! at • Suppliers of top quality container grown shrubs, £ 300 Arena, Edithmead, M5 J22, Somerset, ‘Fred The Edge’ turf edger choice of 2 Providers of English Handcrafted Planters and Outdoor Furniture Providers of English Planters and Outdoor John Deere wet green-waste and mixed leafagerollers, scrapers – choice of 4 BuyMakes online at £3’000 John Deere GX355D, 48”Area SDHandcrafted deck, 16hp diesel, 2WD, HST – choiceFurniture of 2 Jacobsen HR6010 Mower – 1615 hrs JD 2653A, blade units, from: easyturf26” work of branches, grasses, herbaceous, climbers & of specimens Providers ofWide English Handcrafted Planters and Outdoor Furniture £ POA £ POA Ransome HR300, 60” RD deck, 4WD, HST –Accoya. choice 4 Arena, Edithmead, M5 J22, Somerset, products inOak, Oak, Iroko Season in Iroko oror Accoya. • Goodspiral range in 3 and 10 litre pots All John 4 Deere E35shredder edgerfor year choice of 2 £ 500 £5’500 o Deere eere John TA9Ransome 4HA £5’500 John Deere X495, Wide 48” SD deck, 24hp diesel, HR6010 Area Mower –Iroko choiceor2WD, ofAccoya. 2 HST – 1922 hrs from: £12’000 4JDSeason shredder formixed year 2500 (A) (E), and 22” 11 blade units, groomers, brushes, grass boxes in Oak, Also savings on pumps and filters! wet green-waste leafage manufactured in £ 1’250 Sisis Auto Outfield Slitter orki idt JD 2653A, round effectiveness John Deere26 •Handcrafted Good range in 3 and–10 litre pots TA9 4HA £6’250 John Deere X740, 54” SD deck, Low-Tip Collector choice of 2 Providers of English Planters and Outdoor Furniture • Cash and carry service Ransome HR300, 60” RD deck, 4WD, HST – choice of 4 £ POA Other services include a bespoke joinery service for all interior & exterior design. -choice of 3 from: Other services a bespoke joineryStreet, service for all interior & exterior design. Enquiries to include Tamlyns, 56Mowers High effectiveness Commercial Pedestrian the Cotswolds£1’500 £5’750 Sisis Auto Turfman Aerator JD 2500 (A) John Deere Why not tines visit our website! 4round Season shredder forwith yearhollow in Oak, Iroko or4WD, Accoya. £6’750 Johnservices Deere 48” aRDbespoke deck, 24hp diesel, HSTall– interior 1380 hrs& exterior design. Other include service Produces easilycompostable Enquiries to X748, Tamlyns, 56 High Street, JD 3235B with Cab, 22” 8 blade units, grooved front rollers using – 2708sustainable hrs £6’500 • joinery Cash and carry for service Huge choice of RD Ferris and Scag mowers Turn mowers. Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6 3BN -choice of 3 Etesia Bahia Produces easilycompostable Compact Tractors For more information email call01608 01608 683022 £2’250 round effectiveness Etesia Bahia, 32” deck &Mowers collector, 2WD – 36”, 48” 52” Zero For more information email ororcall 683022 Commercial Pedestrian JD 3235B, 22” 8 blade ESP units – 2691 hrs £7’500 BioTech™ chips timber 01473 328272 Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6 3BN Other services include a bespoke joinery service for all interior & exterior design. For more information email or call JD 3235B wi Etesia H124 £4’750 Etesia H124DS, 48” RD Hi-Tip Collector, 25hp –Turn 828 hrs 01608 683022 BioTech™ John Deere 855 &chips loader, diesel, 4WD, PTO,roller turf tyres T 01278 458241 JD 3225C, 7front blade light-weight units HST, c/w rear brushes – 2217 hrs £6’500 £8’000 Huge choice of Ferris anddeck, Scag mowers –design 36”, 48” 52”diesel Zero mowers. Produces compostable CHAIN SAW22 For all horticultural andDemo) Garden enquiries please contactMartin Martin £ POA CHAIN SAW easilyOIL 2-STROKE OIL SAW BLADE OIL web: For all horticultural and Garden design enquiries please contact Chobham, Woking, JD 3235B, Etesia Attila CHAIN SAW OIL Mower 2-STROKE OIL SAW BLADE OIL Etesia Attila Bank (Ex – low hours T E01278 458241 £7’750 John Deere 4300 & front loader, 32hp diesel, 4WD, HST, turf tyres For more information email or call 01608 683022 Joseph Rochford Gardens Ltd, Jacobsen G Plex, recently serviced & extra set scarifying units available £5’500 ForWoking, all horticultural and Garden design enquiries please Martin on07765 07765188725 188725 email BioTech™ chips on ororemail British4WD, built, equipment or for arobust brochure ande o0808 samples: web:contact Chobham, JD 3225C, 7 Surrey GU24ter 8SX telephone 45 Market Way, Tel: 01775 723320 / sustainable 766028 Sales@wgodfrey John Deere 4300, 32hp diesel, HST, on 07765 188725 orinemail l de u its it turf fi tyres, ed 2PB eroll dsbar oi email: ro £6’500 Allproducts products manufactured inthe theCotswolds Cotswolds usingsustainable timber. Pipers End, Letty Green, Hertford, SG14 129£8’500 3773 EW Compact T All manufactured using timber. Compact Tractors CHAIN59x9 SAW Tel 0345 230 9697 PROFESSIONAL Tel 0345 230 9697 • Bespoke orders taken – we can build to your specifications Jacobsen GP email: Surrey GU24 8SXhorticultural For and Garden design enquiries please contact Martin Pinchbeck, Spalding, Fax: 01775 760451 / 714970 Tel 0345 230 9697 •• www.wgodfrey £10’500 Plantoil Allall products manufactured in the Cotswolds using sustainable timber. John Deere 4500 & front loader, with Cab 39hp diesel, gearbox 1709hrs Hayter T424, 5 gang, 6 blade – 30” units – choice of 2 from: FREEPH £9’000 Tel: 01707 261370 EMAIL Fax:INFO@OXFORDPLANTERS.CO.UK 01707 262847 FOR MORE INFORMATION: OR CALL 01608 683022 PROFESSIONAL John WLincolnshire FREEPHONE 0800 7363 07765 188725 or013 email John Deereon X748, 54” Snow Blade, diesel, 4WD, HST – choice0808 of 2 terDeere £6’750 PE11 3PE e-mail: Plantoil 59x91mm_Layout 1 16/09/2011 15:56 Page 1 £13’750 0808 129 3773 Tel 0345 230 9697 • Kioti DK551C with Cab, 54hp, 4WD, Gear Box – 612 hrs 129 3773 8 129 3773 Ransome Highway 3 – choice of 2 £ POA Email: JD 4600 &F products in theG.Box, Cotswolds sustainable JDAll 4600 & Front manufactured Loader, 43hp, 4WD, Power using Reverser – 4331hrstimber. £7’750 8ecifications 129 3773 Hayter T424, Tel 0345 9697 •30” £8’000 £ POA Tel 0345 Kubota B2530,230 25hp diesel,3,4WD, bar –– 1970 809 hrs Ransome Parkway 6HST, bladeroll units hrs 230 9 FREEPH John Deere John Deere 3320, 33hp, 4WD, HST, turf tyres, roll bar – 1230 hrs Ransome Hig £9’000PL App Ad.indd £8’750 1 21/01/2015 12:17 Kubota B2230 & front loader, 22hp diesel, 4WD, HST, turf tyres 1117hrs Unwanted grounds maintenance equipment? Pro Landscaper / March 2015 98 129 3773 Landscaper / March 2015 98 Pro CLEARANCE NEEDED ON A NATIONAL BASIS JD 4410 & F 50SNOW December 2012 FawcettsLiners_B182919_1LB 1 2/2/10 12:47:01 JD 4410 & Front Loader, 34hp, 4WD, G.Box, Power Reverser – 2279 hrs Pa £7’500 Ransome Par £9’750 New Holland TC27D, 27hp, 4WD,58x90.indd HST, turf tyres, - ELIET ProLandscaper Adverts 2 roll bar – 2312 hrs 13/03/2013 12:38 Ride-On Front Rotary Mowers ��� ���� ������ ��PSD2700 50 Kubota December B241 Balmers GM Manchester Don’t it -diesel, SELL it Tamlyns Auctions December 2012 51 PSD2700 - ELIETscrap ProLandscaper Adverts 58x90.indd 2 bar – 262 Outdoor 13/03/2013 QP advert templates.indd 18/07/2013 15:43 £7’500 B2410, 24hp, 4WD, HST,Ltd, turf tyres, roll bar – 1720Rd, hrs Dunnockshaw, £6’900 QP advert templates.indd 33 2012 19/12/2013 10:39 Yanmar FE280H, 28hp 4WD, turfat tyres, roll hrs Oxford Planters.indd 1 04/06/201512:38 QP advert templates.indd 2424 18/07/2013 15:43 50 Kubota Timber Products PL App Ad.indd 1December 21/01/2015 12:17 Pro John Landscaper March 2015 98 Deere 1445,/various deck sizes and hours – choice of 8 from: £6’500 14:33 Kubota B241 Do you have a tractor / teleporter? We need you to clear QP advert templates.indd 24 18/07/2013 15:43 Ride-On Fr Burnley, Lancs, BB11 5PF 50 December 2012 nursery distinction Kubota B2410 & Front Loader, 24hp, of 4WD, HST – 1076 hrs Simmons3 PL Apr15.indd 1 19/03/2015 11:44 £7’900 PSD2700 - ELIET ProLandscaper Adverts 58x90.indd 2 Serviced – 2126 hrs 13/03/2013 12:38 18/06/2015 09:02 John Deere 1445 with Cab, 60” SD deck, £8’500 snow as Balmers part of our winter maintenance 50 nursery of distinction December 2012 Ride-On / Tractor Mowers Ltd, Manchester Rd, programme. Dunnockshaw,Ideally Kioti DK551 Next Sale Days: lightweight mobile shredder PL App Ad.indd 1 Compact, 21/01/2015 12:17 Kioti DK551C with Cab,GM 54hp, 4WD, Gear Box – 612 hrs £13’750 John Deere 1 Since 1936 QP advert templates.indd 24 18/07/2013 15:43 we would like you to work locally to your base and clear JohnX740, Deere54” 1545, RDLow-Tip deck, 31hp, 4WD, HST – choice of choice 2 from: £9’750 CLASSIFIED TEMPLATE.indd 123 62” New Holland Since 1936 Deere deck, Collector of 2 £6’250 Burnley, BB11 class.indd 98John class.indd 99 New Holland TC27D, 27hp, 4WD, HST, turf tyres, roll bar –5PF 2312 rates hrs 21st March: The Sale Field, £7’500 nursery ofLancs, distinction it’sSDneeded Deere 1 Forgoes allwherever your golf, sportsturf and4WD, landscape irrigation needs. 18/02/2015Saturday 14:42 class.indd 98 18/02/2015 snow from our clients’ sites. Competitive offered John Deere48” 1565 with cab, 62”Coll. RD, 24hp, 38hp, 4WD, HST-–1188hrs 1044 hrs £9’750 14:42 John New Holland £15’750 John Deere X748, SD deck, Hi-Tip HST For all your golf, sportsturf and landscape irrigation needs. New TN55Ddependant with cab, 55hp, 4WD,1936 Gear Box – 1751type. hrs Ride-On Tractor Mowers Compact, lightweight mobile shredder £12’500 For all Johnyour Deere 1g Blakes Road, Wembdon, Bridgwater, on machinary Since John Deere 1600T Wide Area with canopy – choice of 2 o galvanised For allHolland your golf, sportsturf and landscape irrigation needs. Makes easy work ofMowers branches, Yanmar FE2 £ from: POA £8’500 Ride-On Tractor Attila Bank Mower (Ex Demo) –Mower low hours class.indd 98 Etesia Yanmar FE280H, 28hp diesel, 4WD,18hp turf tyres, roll2WD, bar –HST 262 hrs Buy online at £7’500 Deere 1 £1’500 John GT235, SD deck, petrol, – 355 hrs goesDeere wherever it’s48” needed John Deere 997 Zeromixed Turn Mower, 60” deck, 30hp – 291 hrs £9’000 Buy John TA6 7RS Buy online at sembled in wet green-waste and leafage online a £1’500 John Deere GT235, 48” SD deck, 18hp petrol, 2WD, HST – 355 hrs £2’500 Buy online atof Contact usSDatdeck, John Deere X320, 48” 22hp petrol, 2WD, HST – 195 hrs Cylinder Mowers ForJohn all Deere your Providers English Handcrafted Planters and Outdoor Furniture Jacobsen HR6010 Wide Area Mower – 1615 hrs £ POA CLASS.indd 83Ride-On Ride-On C1 Makes easy work of branches, 25th April: The Oak Tree Saturday £2’500 John Deere X320, 48” SD deck, 22hp petrol, 2WD, HST – 195 hrs Ride-On Cylinder Mowers • Suppliers ofOak, top quality container grown shrubs, s. £3’000 John Deere 9 John Deere GX355D, 48” SD deck, 16hp diesel, 2WD, HST – choice of 2 4 Season shredder for year in Iroko or Accoya. £4’500 JD 2653A, 26” 8 blade units, spiral rollers, scrapers choice of 2 from Ransome HR6010 Wide Area Mower – choice of 2 Outdoor Furniture from: £12’000 • Suppliers of top quality climbers container&grown shrubs, oonline eere grasses, herbaceous, specimens Providers ofM5 English Handcrafted Planters green-waste and mixed leafage £3’000 BuyJacobsen John GX355D, 48” J22, SD deck, 16hp diesel, 2WD, and HST – choice of 2 Piranha® Chain to24hp fitfidiesel, Stihl JUST Arena, Edithmead, Somerset, owetDeere eere X495,o 48” erSD i ldeck, riple edclimbers u 2WD, itsMS201T oi e –o 1922 £5’500 John hrs £5.50*£5’500 HR grasses, herbaceous, &HST specimens JD 2500 (A)Deere (E), 22” 11 blade, groomers, brushes, boxe ture round effectiveness Ransome HR300, 60” RD deck, 4WD, HST –Accoya. choice of 4 choice 3 from £5’750 £ POA in Oak, Iroko or JD 2653A, 2 £5’500 John Deere X495, Other services include aunits, bespoke joinery forlitre interior design. •blade Suppliers of top quality JD 26” 8 performance spiral rollers, scrapers –grown choice ofthe 4& •year Good range in service 3container and 10 pots £5’500 £6’250 42653A, Season shredder for John Deere X740, 54” SD deck, Low-Tip –all choice of 2 exterior Ransome HR TA9 ter 4HA £6’500 l de u48” itsSDitdeck, 24hp fi ed diesel, e ds 2WD, HST – 1922oihrse o ro Great for aCollector fraction ofshrubs, pricefrom: JD 2500 (A) • Good range in 3 and 10 & litre pots Produces easilycompostable herbaceous, climbers specimens £6’250 John Deere X740, 54” SD bespoke deck, Low-Tip Collector – for choice of 2 JD 2500 (A) (E), 22”grasses, 11 RD blade units, groomers, brushes, grass boxeshrs £6’750 John Deere X748, 48” deck, 24hp diesel, 4WD, HST – 1380 Ransome HR Other include joinery service allhrs interior & exterior design. £12’500 round effectiveness Commercial Mowers Hayter T424,services 5 gang, 6Pedestrian blade a–56 30”High units. Deluxe Cab – 2659 • Cash and carry service -choice of 3 For more information email or call 01608 683022 Enquiries to Tamlyns, Street, rior design. £6’750 John Deerechips X748, 48” RD deck, 24hp diesel, 4WD, HST – 1380 hrs upRDtodeck 66% on the top10 brand chains from: £5’750£2’250 BioTech™ -choice of 3 32” Etesia Save Bahia, & •collector, 2WD Cash and carry service £9’950 • Good range in 3 and litre pots Ransome Highway 3 – 1308 hrs Huge choice of RD Ferris Scag mowers mowers. nting Sundries JD 3235B w Produces easilycompostable For more information email or Turn call 01608 683022 £2’250 Etesia Bahia, 32” deckand & collector, 2WD – 36”, 48” 52” Zero Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6 3BN £4’750 JD 3235B with Cab, 22” 8 blade units, grooved front rollers – 2708 hrs Etesia H124DS, 48” RD deck, Hi-Tip Collector, 25hp diesel – 828 hrs £6’500 Commercia operation cut dramatically For Monthly all horticultural and Garden design enquiries please contact Martin 08 683022 JD 3235B, 2 Ride-On Rotary Mowers • Cashcost and carry service BioTech™ chips £4’750 EtesiaFront H124DS, 48” RD deck, Hi-Tip Collector, 25hp diesel – 828 hrs £ POA JD 3235B, 22” 807765 blade ESP(Ex units 2691 Etesia Attila Bank Mower Demo) – hrs low hours £7’500 on 188725 or–email Huge choice For all horticultural and Garden design enquiries please contact Martin T John 01278 458241 CHAIN SAW7O JD 3225C, £4’500 £ POA CHAINAttila SAWBank OIL 2-STROKE OIL 4WD, BLADE OILtyres – 2887 hrs No ruiningunits expensive nails etc £8’000 Etesia (Ex Demo) –SAW low hours Deere F1145, 62”Mower RD deck, 28hp, HST, turf web: Chobham, Woking, JD 3225C, 7more blademanufactured light-weight c/wCotswolds rear rollerchains brushes –on 2217 hrs timber. All products in the using sustainable Martin Jose 01473 328272 on 07765 188725 or email web: Chobham, Woking, Tractors Jacobsen G 129 3773 Compact £6’500 E John DeereAll 1445, variousmanufactured deck sizes andinhours choice of 7 from email: ecifications SurreyJacobsen GU24 8SXStables, G Plex, recently servicedRoad, & extra set scarifying�units available Distributor: rcadia rri ation ��� £5’500 products the Cotswolds using sustainable timber. Pipers End, The London Billericay,Essex CM12 9HS Compact Tractors Tel 0345 230 9697 • ter email: Surrey GU24 8SX £8’500 John Deere X748, 54” Snow Blade, 24hp diesel, 4WD, HST – choice of 2 Tel 0345 230 9697 • John Deere 1445 with Cab, 60” SD1deck, Serviced – 2126 hrs Page 1 £6’750 8imber. 129 3773 Tel 0345 230 PROFESSIONAL Tel 0345 230 9697 • W ter l de u its it fi ed e ds oi e o ro web: Chobham, Woking, Plantoil 59x91mm_Layout 16/09/2011 15:56 £6’500 Tel: 01707 FOR MORE INFO s���s��r���i�irri�tio���o�u� built, robust equipment Hayter T424 FREEPHONE John Deere X748,British 54” Snow Blade, 24hp diesel, S4WD, HST rs – Page choice0808 of1 2 £13’900 Plantoil 1 16/09/2011 15:56 £6’750 JD 4600 & Front Loader, 43hp, – 4331hrsfrom: *Excludes eere59x91mm_Layout ete0800 il 013 p 7363 129 3773 Vat Hayter T424, 5 gang, 6 blade – 30”4WD, unitsG.Box, – choicePower of 2 Reverser £9’000£7’750 email: Surrey GU24 RansomeEm Hi Bespoke taken weG.Box, can build to your specifications JD 4600 orders & Front Loader, 43hp,–4WD, Power Reverser –//4331hrs Pro8SX Landscaper / July 2015 90 John £7’75093 99 67 Pro Landscaper 2015 Pro Landscaper November 2015 December Deere 3320, 333hp, 4WD, roll bar – 1230 hrs Pro Landscaper / October 2015 £9’000 Tel 0345 23 Ransome Highway – choice of 2HST, turf tyres, Pro £ POA ment? Plantoil 59x91mm_Layout 1 16/09/2011 15:56 Page 1 99 Landscaper /hrsMarch 2015 Ransome Pa John Deere 3320, 33hp, 4WD, HST, turf tyres, roll bar – 1230 hrs £9’000 JD 4410 & Front Loader, 34hp, 4WD, G.Box, Power Reverser – 2279 w w w. r o c h fo r d s . n e t £9’750 PSD2700 - ELIET ProLandscaper Adverts 58x90.indd 2 13/03/2013 12:38 www.prolands Ransome Parkway 3, 30” 6 blade units – 1970 hrs £ POA Unwanted grounds maintenance equipment? Pro Landscaper / March 2015 98 SNOW CLEARANCE NEEDED ON A NATIONAL BASIS Landscaper / 4WD, March 2015 9850Pro 4410 & Front Loader, 34hp, 4WD, G.Box, Reverser – 2279 hrs December 2012 £9’750 B2410, 24hp, HST, turf tyres, roll bar – 1720 hrs Auctions £6’90015:43 50 JD 50Kubota December 2012 QP advert templates.indd 24 18/07/2013 December 2012 Timber Products GM Manchester PSD2700 - ELIET ProLandscaper Adverts 58x90.indd 2 HST – 1076 13/03/2013 12:38 F PLadvert App Ad.indd 1 21/01/2015 12:17 Ride-On QP templates.indd 24Balmers 18/07/2013 15:43 Kubota B2410, 24hp, 4WD, HST,Ltd, turf tyres, roll bar – 1720Rd, hrs Dunnockshaw, nursery ofTamlyns distinction Don’t scrap it&Rotary - SELL it24hp, at Outdoor Auctions £6’900 Kubota B2410 Front Loader, 4WD, hrs Oxford Planters.indd 1 £7’900 Timber Products 19/03/2015 11:44 Ride-On Front Mowers Do you have a tractor / teleporter? We need you to clear 18/07/2013 15:43 John Deere 5PF B24102012 & Front Loader,Burnley, 24hp, 4WD, Lancs, HST – 1076BB11 hrs 83 50 Kubota £7’900 Kioti DK551C with Cab, 54hp, 4WD, Gear Box – 612 hrs due to/ February 2015 Pro Landscaper Since 1936 December Established 1948 and going strong 21/01/2015 P82-8312:17 Classifieds.indd 18/06/2015 09:02 CLASSIFIED TEMPLATE.indd 99various deck 22/10/2015 11:01 LifeStyle.indd 67 19/11/2015 11:50 snow as part of our winter maintenance programme. Ideally John 1445, sizes andstill hours – choice of 8 from: £6’500£13’750 Classifieds.indd 93 Deere90 22/09/2015 15:01 Ba Products John Deere Kioti DK551C with Cab, 54hp, 4WD,Timber Gear Box – 612 hrs New TC27D, 27hp, 4WD, HST, turfmain tyres, concern. roll bar – 2312 hrs £13’750 £7’500 Next John SaleHolland Days: we would like you to work locally to your base and clear quality being Deere 1445 with Cab, 60” SD deck,our Serviced – 2126 hrs £8’500 18/02/2015 14:44 class.indd 99 John Deere New Holland TC27D, 27hp, 4WD, HST, turf tyres, roll bar – 2312 rates hrs New Holland TN55D with cab, 55hp, 4WD, Gear Box – 1751 hrs he £7’500 £12’500 98 class.indd 98 18/02/2015 14:42 class.indd snow from our clients’ sites. Competitive offered Saturday 2nd April: The Sale Field, John Deere 1545, 62” RD deck, 31hp, 4WD, HST – choice of 2 from: £9’750 Compact, lightweight mobile shredder For John all your ForYanmar all your golf, sportsturf and landscape irrigation needs.£7’500 Deere Balmers GM Ltd, Manchester Rd, Dunnockshaw, New Holland TN55D with cab, 55hp, 4WD,machinary Gear Box – 1751 hrs FE280H, 28hp diesel, 4WD, turf tyres, roll bar – 262 hrs £12’500 easy work of branches, weton dependant type. For allRoad, your golf, and landscape needs. Metal Estate Tree Guards, electro galvanised ForMakes all golf, sportsturf and landscape irrigation needs. John Deere 1565 with sportsturf cab, 62” RD, 38hp, 4WD, HST – 1044 hrsirrigation £9’750 Blakes Wembdon, Bridgwater, goesyour wherever it’s needed John Deere Yanmar FE280H, diesel, 4WD,Lancs, turf tyres, BB11 roll bar –5PF 262 hrs £7’500 Ride-On Trag Burnley, green waste and28hp mixed leafage For all your Buy online Buy online at John Deere 1600T Wide Area Mower with canopy – choice of 2 from: £8’500 & black powder coated.irrigation Easily assembled in 22/01/2015Buy John Deere 09:35 Ride-On Mowers TA6 For all yourCylinder golf, sportsturf andcontainer landscape needs. Buy7RS online at Makes easy branches, Contact us at • Suppliers of top quality grown shrubs, online atwork John Deere GT 4Ride-On Season shredder isof effective in all £9’000 John Deere 997 Zero Turn Mower, 60” deck,climbers 30hp – &291 hrs Jacobsen HR Cylinder Mowers grasses, herbaceous, specimens 3 sections & with ground anchors. Buy online a o eere o er i l riple fi ed u its oi e o wet green-waste and mixed leafage 7thHR6010 May: TheArea Oak Tree– 1615 Arena, Saturday John Deere X3 Buy from manufacturers save Furniture £££! £ POA£5’500 Wide Mower hrs and conditions Buy Jacobsen online at Providers of English Handcrafted Planters and Outdoor Ransome HR JD 2653A, 26” blade units, spiral rollers, scrapers –pots choice of 4 from: £5’500 o eere o er i l riple fi ed u its oi e o £5’500 John Deere GX • Good range in 3 and 10 litre Edithmead, M5 J22, TA9 Ransome HR6010 WideSomerset, Area Mower – choice of 2 from: £12’000 4 Season shredder for year in Oak, or Accoya. Ransome HR Smooth and suction JD 2500 (A) (E), 22” 11savings blade units,Iroko groomers, brushes, grassfilters! boxes JD 2653A, 26”easy 8 blade units, spiral rollers, scrapers – choice of 4 from: £5’500 Also on pumps and John Deere X4 HR300, 60” RD deck,• Cash 4WD, HSTVAT – choice of 4 £ POA 4HA Ransome effectiveness and carry Alljoinery plus &service delivery -choice of 3 include a bespoke from: £5’750 feed system JDround 2500 (A) (E), 22” 11 blade units, groomers, brushes, grass boxes John Deere X7 Other services service for all interior & exterior design. Why8not visit our website! Commerci JD 3235B Cab, 22” 56 blade units, grooved front rollers – 2708 hrs £6’500 -choice of easily 3 easilyfrom: £5’750 Enquiries to with Tamlyns, High Street, Produces compostable John Deere X7 Produces compostable Commercial Pedestrian Mowers Tree and Nursery Suppliesor&call all 01608 Planting Sundries Huge choice3 JD 3235B, 22” 8 blade ESP units – 2691 hrs For more information email 683022 £7’500 JDBioTech™ 3235B with Cab, 22” 8 blade units, grooved front rollers – 2708 hrs £6’500 Etesia Bahia, chips Bridgwater, TA6mowers 3BN – 36”, 48” 52” Zero Turn mowers. BioTech™ chips Huge choiceSomerset, Ferrislight-weight and Scag JD 3225C, 7ofblade units c/w rear rollerLtd brushes – 2217 hrs £8’000 JD 3235B, 22” 82-STROKE blade ESPOIL units SAW – 2691 hrs OIL £7’500 CHAIN SAW OIL BLADE Etesia H124DS Mark Vigrass web: Chobham, Woking, Joseph Gardens Ltd, enquiries please contact Martin T 01278 For454500 all and Garden&design CHAIN SAW OIL OIL units SAW OIL brushes – 2217 hrs Jacobsen Ghorticultural Plex,Rochford recently serviced extra set scarifying units available £5’500 JD 3225C, 7 blade2-STROKE light-weight c/wBLADE rear roller £8’000 01473 Etesia Attila32 Ba 01507 604201 / 07971 190345 or telephone foritor aemail brochure and samples: on 07765 188725 Pipers Letty Green, 2PB GU24ter 8SXEnd, ESurrey l de u its Hertford, fi SG14 ed e ds oi email: e o ro £6’500 Jacobsen G Plex,2-STROKE recently serviced & extra set scarifying units available £5’500 The Stables, London Road, Billericay,Essex CM12 9HS CHAIN SAW OIL OIL SAW BLADE OIL All products manufactured in the Cotswolds using sustainable timber. Tel 0345 230 9697 • Tel: 01707 261370 Fax: 01707 262847 Plantoil 59x91mm_Layout 1 16/09/2011 15:56 Page 1 Compact Tr Hayter T424, 5 gang, 6 blade – 30” units – choice of 2 from: Tel 0345 230 Tel 0345 230 9697 • FREEPHONE 0800 013 7363 £9’000 PROFESSIONAL ter 230 9697 l de u• it013fi 7363 ed e ds oi e o 0808 129 ro 3773 £6’500 WPlantoil Tel 0345 FREEPHONE 0800 Email: 59x91mm_Layout Ransome Highway 3 – choice 1of 216/09/2011 15:56 Page 1 0808 129 3773 £ POA John Deere X7 Hayter T424, 5 gang, 6 blade – 30” units – choice of 2 from: £9’000 8ecifications 129 3773 Tel 0345 230 96973, •30” Tel 0345 230o Bespoke Ransome Parkway 6 blade units – 1970 hrs £ POA JD 4600 & Fro FREEPHONE 7363 Ransome Highway 30800 – choice 013 of 2 £ POA 99 Pro Landscaper / March 2015 0808 129 3773 123 Pro Landscaper / September 2015 Pro Landscaper / /March 2015 98 Pro Landscaper April 2016 106 John Deere 33 Ransome Parkway 3,w 30” blade units £ POA w6w. ro c h– 1970 fo rhrs 98 Pro Landscaper FawcettsLiners_B182919_1LB 1 / March 2015 2/2/10 12:47:01 Ride-On Front Rotary Mowers December 2012 51 PSD2700 ����� �� PSD2700 ELIETProLandscaper ProLandscaper Adverts58x90.indd 58x90.indd 13/03/2013 12:38 12:38 50JD 4410 Timber Decembe 12 Products 13/03/2013 & Fro 50 - -ELIET December 2012 Adverts 50 December 2012 19/12/2013 10:39 PL App Ad.indd 1 Timber B Pro John Landscaper Marchdeck 2015 98 QP advert templates.indd 24 1445,/various 18/07/2013 Deere sizes and hours Products – choice of 8 from: £6’500 15:43 Ride-On Front Rotary Mowers Kubota B2410 Timber Products 50 nursery of distinction December 2012 Balmers GM Ltd, Manchester Rd, Dunnockshaw, John Deere 1445 with Cab, 60” SD deck, Serviced – 2126 hrs £8’500 Decembe Kubota B2410 PLClassifieds.indd App Ad.indd TEMPLATE.indd 167 21/01/2015 12:1750 CLASSIFIED LifeStyle.indd John from: £6’500 93 Deere 1445,99various deck sizes and hours – choice of 8 Since 1936 Lancs, BB11 5PF John Deere 1545, deck, 31hp, 4WD, HST – choice of 2 from: £9’750 class.indd 99 18/02/2015 14:44 CLASSIFIED 123 62” RDBurnley, 20/08/2015 10:11 Kioti John Deere 1445 with Cab, 60” SD deck, Serviced – 2126 hrs Designers and £8’500 class.indd 98 TEMPLATE.indd 18/02/2015 Classified.indd 106 17/03/201614:42 12:53 DK551C all your golf, and4WD, landscape needs. class.indd 98 For John 18/02/2015 14:42 Deere 1565 withsportsturf cab, 62” RD, 38hp, HST – 1044irrigation hrs £9’750 New Holland T

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Providers of M5 English Handcrafted Planters and Outdoor Furniture Arena, Edithmead, J22, Somerset, JD 2500 (A)effectiveness (E), 22” 11 blade, groomers, brushes, boxe choice 3 from £5’750 round Arena, Edithmead, M5 J22, Somerset, in Oak, Iroko or Accoya. D&R SIMMONS LTD All TA9 ter 4HA £6’500 l de u its it fi ed e ds oi eproducts o ro TA9Other 4HA Produces easilycompostable manufactured in Providers of English Handcrafted Planters and Outdoor Furniture £12’500 services include a bespoke joinery service all interior & exterior design. Go the app store Wholesale suppliers all types of Hayter1T424, 5to gang, 6 blade –56 30” units. Deluxe Cab of –for 2659 hrs Enquiries to Tamlyns, High Street, in Oak, Iroko or Accoya. the Cotswolds £9’950 BioTech™ Enquiries tochips Tamlyns, Ransome Highway 3 – 1308 hrs56 High Street, using sustainable For more email or call 01608 683022 Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6 3BN flinformation ower bulbs andservice hedging plants 2 services search ‘PROMowers LANDSCAPER’ Bridgwater, TA6 3BN Othered include a bespoke joinery for all interior & exterior design. Classifi Ride-On FrontSomerset, Rotary timber Call: 08450 773 773 TTJohn 01278 458241 For all horticultural and Garden design enquiries please contact Martin 3more download app £4’500 01278 458241 Deere F1145, 62” RDthe deck, 28hp, 4WD, HST, hrs01608 683022 CHAIN SAW OIL 2-STROKE OILfree SAW BLADE OILturf tyres – 2887 For information email or call CLASSIFIED Classifi ed on 07765deck 188725 or email Joseph Rochford Gardens Ltd,01775 EEJohn 45 Market Way, 723320 /choice 766028 Deere 1445, various sizesTel: and hours of 7 from £6’500 All products manufactured in the Cotswolds using sustainable timber. 4 choose and download your issue Pipers End, Letty Green, Hertford, SG14 2PB For59x91mm_Layout all horticultural andSDGarden design enquiries contact Pinchbeck, Spalding, Fax: 01775 760451 / 714970 John Deere 1445 with Cab, 60” Serviced – 2126 hrsplease PROFESSIONAL WW Plantoil 1deck, 16/09/2011 15:56 Page 1 Martin£8’500 PROFESSIONAL Tel: 01707 261370 Fax: 01707 262847 Garden By Anthony Paul


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Arena, Edithmead, M5 J22, Somerset, in Oak, Iroko or Accoya. TA9Other 4HAProviders of English Handcrafted and Furniture include a bespoke joinery Planters serviceof for allOutdoor interior & exterior design. Go to the app store Wholesale 1 services insuppliers Oak, or Accoya.all types of Enquiries to Tamlyns, 56 HighIroko Street, For more information email or call 01608 683022 fl ower bulbs and hedging plants 2 search ‘PRO LANDSCAPER’ Bridgwater, TA6 joinery 3BN service for all interior & exterior design. Other servicesSomerset, include a bespoke all horticultural and Garden contact Martin 3 Fordownload the free appdesign enquiries please T 01278 458241 For more information email or call 01608 683022 CLASSIFIED on 07765 188725Tel: or email 01775 Market Way, 723320 / 766028 E 45 All productsand manufactured in theyour Cotswolds using sustainable timber. 4 choose download issue For all horticultural enquiries please contact Martin Pinchbeck, Spalding,and Garden Fax: design 01775 760451 / 714970 CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED PROFESSIONAL WLincolnshire onPE11 077653PE 188725 e-mail: or email

• • •

WeJohn are once ag John Deere o Deere eere Amazone PH12 we John have for sale John Deere Deere JD 2653A, 2 include VAT. John Deere John Deere JD 2500 (A) Compact Tra Etesia Bah John Deere Stihl FS38 Gras -choice John Deere of 3323 Stihl FS90R Bru Etesia H12 Etesia Bahia JD 3235B w John Deere 332 Stihl FS94C Bru2 Etesia H124 Etesia Attil JDDeere 3235B, John 430 Stihl FS360C Br Etesia Attila 3225C, JD JD 4410 & Fron7 Compact Stihl HS56C He Jacobsen G Kubota B2400H Compact John Deere Stihl HS81TC Kubota ter L3200H& 8 129 3773 John Deere JD 4600 & All products manufactured in the Cotswolds using sustainable timber. HS86T HT 12:17Stihl Hayter T424 Kioti DK551C w JD 4600 & John Deere MSA160C £8’750 Ransome H PL App Ad.indd 1 21/01/2015 12:17 Stihl Kubota B2230 & front loader, 22hp diesel, 4WD, HST, turf tyres 1117hrs Unwanted grounds maintenance equipment? New Holland TC Unwanted grounds maintenance equipment? Timber Products 129 3773 John Deere JD 4410 & Stihl MSA160T £7’500 Ransome P Holland TC27D, 27hp, 4WD,58x90.indd HST, turf tyres, hrs Unwanted grounds maintenance Yanmar FE280H PSD2700 New - ELIET ProLandscaper Adverts 2 roll bar – 2312equipment? 13/03/2013 12:38 JD 4410 B2 & Kubota Don’t scrap it -diesel, SELL Tamlyns Auctions Unwanted grounds maintenance Don’t1 scrap it - SELL it at Tamlyns Outdoor Auctions £7’500 Yanmar FE280H, 28hp 4WD, it turfat tyres, roll bar – 262 Outdoor hrsequipment? QPPL advert templates.indd 24 18/07/2013 App Ad.indd 21/01/201515:43 12:17 Kubota B24 Kubota B2 Don’t scrap it SELL it at Tamlyns Outdoor Auctions Trac Compact, lightweight mobile shredder Ride-On Cylin nursery of distinction Ride-On F Simmons3 PL Apr15.indd 1 19/03/2015 11:44Don’t scrap it - SELL it at Tamlyns Outdoor Auctions PSD2700 Ride-On - ELIET ProLandscaper Adverts 58x90.indd 2 13/03/2013 12:38 Tractor Mowers Kubota B24 Kioti DK55 PL App Ad.indd 1 Compact, 21/01/2015 12:17 JD Next Sale Days: lightweight mobile shredder John Deere GX38 Next Sale24 Days: goes/wherever it’s needed 2653A, 26” John Deere Since 1936 QP advert templates.indd 18/07/2013 15:43 Kioti DK551 New Hollan Next Sale Days: £6’250 John Deere X740, 54” SD deck, Low-Tip Collector choice of 2 John Deere X74 Saturday 21st March: The Sale Field, JD 2500 (A) (E) distinction goes wherever it’s needed John Deere Saturday 8th August:nursery The Oak of Tree We hav e grown and supplied herb aceous plants to the Next Sale Days: Makes easy work of branches, New Hollan New Hollan £15’750 John Deere X748, 48” SD deck, Hi-Tip Coll. 24hp, 4WD, HST 1188hrs Deere Saturday 21stWembdon, March: TheBridgwater, Sale for Field, -John Choice of 2X74 Ride-On Tractor Mowers Compact, lightweight mobileSomerset, shredder John Deere landscape trade the past 93 y ears! Blakes Road, Since 1936 Arena, Edithmead, M5 J22, Saturday 11th July: The Sale Field, easy work ofand branches, New Hollan Yanmar FE £ POA EtesiaMakes Attilagreen-waste Bank Mower (Ex Demo) – low hours wet mixed leafage John X74 For allDeere your JD 3235B with John Deere £1’500 Blakes Road, Wembdon, Bridgwater, John Deere GT235, SD deck, 18hp Planters petrol, 2WD, – 355Furniture hrs goes wherever it’s48” needed Ride-On T Providers of English Handcrafted and HST Outdoor Pedestrian Co TA6 7RS Yanmar FE2 Blakes Road, Wembdon, Bridgwater, wet green-waste andformixed leafage TA9 4HA John Deere X74 JD 3235B, 22” 8 John Deere £2’500 John Providers Deere X320, 48” SDindeck, 22hp petrol, 2WD, HST – 195 hrs Ride-On Cylinder Mowers 4 Season shredder year Oak, Iroko or Accoya. of English Handcrafted Planters and Outdoor Furniture Ride-On Tra John Ferris DualDeere Drive TA6 7RS Ride-On Makes easy work of branches, Buy online Saturday 25th April: The Oak Tree Etesia H124DS, Stihl • Suppliers top quality container grown terHand-He TA6 7RS John Deere Saturday 3rd October: Sale Field, £3’000 John Deere GX355D, 48”The SD deck, 16hp diesel, 2WD, HSTshrubs, – choice of 2 4round Season shredder for year inofOak, Iroko or Accoya. JD 2653A, 26” 8 blade units, spiral rollers, scrapers choice of 2 from £4’500 John Deere Scag 36” Mowe Ride-On C effectiveness John Deere G o eere grasses, herbaceous, climbers & specimens wet green-waste and mixed leafage Saturday 25th April: The Oak Tree Etesia Attila Ban Hayter T424, 5H Piranha® Chain to24hp fit diesel, Stihl2WD, MS201T JUST £5.50 * Arena, Edithmead, M5The J22, Somerset, WeJacobsen are once ag Other services include a bespoke joinery service for allHST interior & hrs exterior design. £5’500 John Deere X495, 48” SD deck, – 1922 JD 2500 (A)8th (E), 22” 11 blade, groomers, brushes, boxe choice 3 from £5’750 August: Oak Tree Saturday ure Blakes Road, Wembdon, Bridgwater, round effectiveness Scag Super John Deere John X o36”Deere eere JD 2653A, Amazone PH12 Ransome Highw Other services include a bespoke joinery forlitre interior design. £6’250 Produces easilyArena, Edithmead, M5 Somerset, we Ransome have for sale H • Suppliers of top quality grown shrubs, •year Good range in service 3container and 10 pots 4 Season shredder for John Deere X740, 54” SD deck, Low-Tip Collector –allchoice of & 2 exterior TA9 4HA £6’500 ter l de ucompostable its itJ22, fi ed e ds oi e o ro Scag 48” Mowe John Deere Arena, Edithmead, M5 J22, Somerset, Great performance for a fraction of the price John Deere G JD 2653A, 2 TA6For7RS JD 2500 (A Produces easilycompostable grasses, herbaceous, climbers & specimens more information email call 01608 683022 £6’750 include VAT. Ransome He John Deere X748, 48” RD deck, 24hp diesel, 4WD, HST –or1380 hrs TA9 4HA £12’500 BioTech™ chips round effectiveness SRide-On il(A) Hayter T424,to 5 gang, 6 blade –56 30”High units. Deluxe Cab – 2659 hrs John Deere John Deere X JD 2500 • Cash and carry service Compact Tra -choice of Fron For more information email or call 01608 683022 Enquiries Tamlyns, Street, TA9 4HA ior design. upRDtodeck on the top10brand Enquiries to Tamlyns, 56 High Street, BioTech™ chips £2’250 Etesia Save Bahia, 32” & collector, £9’950 •66% Good range in 2WD 3 and litre potschains Scag 52” Mowe Ransome Highway 3 – 1308 hrs High Street, John Deere Stihl FS38 Gras John Deere X3 -choice of JD 3235B Enquiries Tamlyns, Produces easilycompostable For all horticultural and Garden design enquiries please contact Martin John Deere 332 Ferris IS1500Z, Commerc Bridgwater, TA6 3BN £4’750 Enquiries to toSomerset, Tamlyns, 56 56 High Street, Etesia H124DS, 48”operation RDand deck, Hi-Tip Collector, 25hp diesel 828 hrsMartin SStihl eloBru Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6 3BN FS90R Etesia Bahia cost cut dramatically For Monthly all horticultural Garden design enquiries please–contact 8 683022 John Deere Xwi JD 3235B on 07765 188725 email JD 3235B, Ride-On Front Rotary Mowers 332 •or Cash and carry service John Deere 144 BioTech™ chips Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6 3BN 01473 328272 £ POA Etesia Attila Bank Mower (Ex Demo) – low hours Huge choice S elo on 07765 188725 or email Stihl FS94C Brui23 Etesia H124 Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6 3BN All products manufactured in the Cotswolds using sustainable timber. JD 3235B, Etesia Bahia, T 01278 458241 JD 3225C, 430 John Deere 144 £4’500 T Chobham, 01278 458241 No more expensive chains nails etc Deere F1145, 62” RD deck, 28hp, 4WD, HST, turf tyres – 2887 hrs web: Woking, All products manufactured in 000 the Cotswolds using timber. Martin T:ruining 01759 321 · F: 01759 380sustainable 130 Allett u3225C, lo Br7G Stihl FS360C Etesia TTJohn 01278 458241 JD Etesia H124D Jacobsen 129 3773 JD 4410 &Attila Fron Compact Tractors John Deere 154 E 01278 458241 John Deere 1445, various deckSales@wgodfrey sizes and robust hours choice of 7 from £6’500 email: cifications British built, equipment GU24e:8SX E Surrey Allett SHS56C er He Stihl or 129 3773 Jacobsen G Etesia Attila B ter Kubota B2400H John Deere 154 E £8’500 0808 129 3773 John Deere X748, 54” Snow Blade, 24hp diesel, 4WD, HST – choice of 2 John Deere 1445 with Cab, 60” SD deck, Serviced – 2126 hrs Page mber. Compact £6’750 129 3773 PROFESSIONAL W www.wgodfrey web: E Chobham, Woking, Plantoil 59x91mm_Layout 1 16/09/2011 15:56 1 Allett u ki Stihl HS81TC H& Bespoke orders taken –ilwe pcan build to your specifications PROFESSIONAL W ter Hayter T42 Kubota L3200 John Deere 156 £13’900 JD 4600 & Front Loader, 43hp, 4WD, G.Box, Power Reverser – 4331hrs eere ete S PROFESSIONAL rs £7’750 W John Deere *Excludes Vat Compact Tr Allett our e Tel 0345 23 Stihl HS86T HT email: Surrey GU24 8SX PROFESSIONAL W Hayter T424 Ransome Kioti DK551C wH John Deere 160 John Deere 3320, 33hp, 4WD, HST, turf tyres, roll bar – 1230 hrs £9’000 JD 4600 &X eJohn isMSA160C Stihl Deere ment? 59x91mm_Layout 1 16/09/2011 15:56 Page 1 PSD2700Plantoil - ELIET ProLandscaper Adverts 58x90.indd 2 Products 13/03/2013 12:38 Ransome Ransome H New Holland TC Ransome P HR30 Timber JD 4410 & Front Loader, 34hp, 4WD, G.Box, Power Reverser – 2279 hrs £9’750 PSD2700 - ELIET ProLandscaper Adverts 58x90.indd 2 13/03/2013 12:38 John Deere Products loJD ds4600 l& di Fro Stihl MSA160T QP advert templates.indd 24 18/07/2013 15:43 Ransome P Unwanted grounds Timber maintenance equipment? Yanmar FE280H Kubota24 B2410, 24hp, 4WD, HST, turf tyres, roll bar – 1720 hrs Auctions £6’90015:43 QP advert templates.indd 18/07/2013 JD 4410 & Unwanted grounds maintenance equipment? so e r u nursery of distinction John Deere 33P Products w w w. r oTimber c h fo r d PSD2700 - ELIET ProLandscaper Adverts 58x90.indd 2 HST – 1076 hrs 13/03/2013 12:38 Ride-On Commercial nursery of4WD, distinction Kubota B2410 & Front Loader, 24hp, £7’900 Kubota 19/03/2015 11:44 Don’t scrap it - SELL it at Tamlyns Outdoor Auctions so4410 e Cylin Su QP advert templates.indd 33 2012 19/12/2013 10:39 Ride-On Trac JD &B24 Fro 50 December Ride-On F 18/07/2013 15:43 Since 1936 John Deere Don’t scrap it - SELL it at Tamlyns Outdoor Auctions Huge choice of Kioti DK551C with Cab, 54hp, 4WD, Box – 612 hrs due to £13’750 Since 1936 Kubota B24 B8 o eere Established 1948 andGear still going strong PL App Ad.indd 1 21/01/2015 12:17 Kubota B2410 John Deere GX3 JD 2653A, 26” Timber Products John Deere John Deere New Holland TC27D, 27hp, 4WD, HST, turf tyres, roll bar – 2312 hrs £7’500 Kioti DK551 o eere Next Sale Days: quality being our main concern. Kubota B2410 John Deere Ex Demo –X74 N JD 2500 (A) (E) John Deere John and Next Sale Days: New Holland TN55D with cab, 55hp, 4WD, Gear Box – 1751Designers hrs he £12’500 Hollan SNew SDeere t e Kioti DK551C Deere SaturdayBalmers 21st March: The Sale Field, Rd, Dunnockshaw, -John Choice 2X74 For all you John Deere dio oof trolle ForYanmar all your golf, sportsturf and landscape irrigation needs. John Deere manufacturers of GM Manchester FE280H, 28hp diesel, 4WD, turf tyres, roll bar – 262 hrs £7’500 Saturday 11th July: TheLtd, Sale Field, New Hollan Camon C8 Roto John Deere X74T For all your New Holland T JD 3235B with John Deere Only 165 demo Ride-On Blakes Road, Wembdon, Bridgwater, John hardwood planters Ride-On Tr Burnley, Lancs, BB11 5PF Yanmar FE2 Camon turfDeere cutt Ride-On Blakes Road, Wembdon, Bridgwater, Buy online Buyall online at• Suppliers John Deere X74 New Holland T8 JD 3235B, 22” John Deere and garden needs. John Deere ofoftop container grown Ride-On Mowers John Deere Ride-On Tra For yourCylinder golf, sportsturf and landscape irrigation TA6 7RS • Suppliers topquality quality container grownshrubs, shrubs, Charterhouse Co Buy online John Deere G John Deere Etesia H124DS, ter Yanmar FE280 grasses, climbers &&specimens TA6 7RS John Deere Jacobsen H herbaceous, specimens ALL PRIC John Deere Ride-On CX o Buy eere from ograsses, er iherbaceous, l riple ficlimbers ed u its oi efurnishings o £££! £5’500 John Deere G Eliet turf edger John Deere manufacturers and save 25th April: The Oak Tree Saturday Etesia Attila Ban John Deere Hayter T424, 5HH Buy JD online at Jacobsen Ransome John Deere Saturday 8th August: The Oak Tree 2653A, 26” blade• units, scrapers –pots choice of 4 from: £5’500 John XG ‘Fred Edge’ Good range inin33and 10 oTheDeere eere John Deere • Goodspiral rangerollers, and 10litre litrepots Amazone PH12 Ride-On Cy John Deere Ransome Highw Arena, Ransome HH Allfilters! products Ransome John Deere JD 2500 (A) (E), 22” 11savings blade units, on groomers, brushes, grass boxes Arena, Edithmead, Edithmead, M5 M5 J22, J22, Somerset, Somerset, John Deere E35 John Deere G2X Also pumps and JD 2653A, John Deere Johneere Deere o Ransome H • Cash and carry service TA9 4HA manufactured in John Deere • Cash and carry service -choice of 3 from: £5’750 Sisis Auto Outfie John Deere X JD 2500 (A) Compact Tra Ride-On Fron John Deere TA9 4HA John Deere Why not visit our website!– 2708 JDJohn 2653A, 26X Cotswolds Commer Deere JD 3235B with Cab, 22” 8 blade units, grooved front rollersthe hrs £6’500 Sisis Auto Turfm John Deere X -choice of 3 Enquiries to Tamlyns, 56 High Street, John Deere John Deere 332 Ferris IS1500Z, John Deere Commerc JD 2500 (A) (X Enquiries to Tamlyns, 56 High Street, using sustainable £7’500 Etesia Bahi Huge choic JD 3235B, 22” 8 blade ESP units – 2691 hrs John Deere Xw JD 3235B Etesia Bahia, 332 John Deere 144 Etesia Bah Compact Trac Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6 3BN 01473 328272 -choice of 3 timber Huge choice Etesia H1223 JD 3225C, 7 blade light-weight units c/w rear roller brushes – 2217 hrs Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6 £8’000 01473 328272 Etesia Bahia, JD 3235B, CHAIN SAW OIL 2-STROKE OIL 3BN SAW BLADE OIL 430 Etesia John Deere 144 web: Chobham, Woking, Etesia H12 Chobham, Woking, o JD eereH124D 3235B wit Etesia Attila JacobsenWay, G Plex, recently serviced extra set scarifying available £5’500 TT 01278 458241 JD 3225C, 7 H124D JD 4410 &Attila Fron 45GU24 Market Tel:a & 01775 723320 /units 766028 John Deere 154 Etesia or telephone for brochure and samples: Etesia Attil 01278 458241 o Etesia eere email: email: Surrey 8SX Surrey GU24 8SX JD 3235B, 22 British built, robust equipment ter l de u its Fax: it fi 01775 ed e ds oi e/ o714970 ro £6’500 Jacobsen G Joseph Rochford Gardens Ltd, Etesia Attila B British built, robust equipment Kubota B2400H John Deere 154 Pinchbeck, Spalding, 760451 E 0808 129 3773 CHAIN59x91mm_Layout SAW OIL 2-STROKE OIL11 16/09/2011 SAW BLADE OIL 15:56 Compact Tel 0345 230 9697 • o eere JD 3225C, 7 b Plantoil Page 1 Plantoil 59x91mm_Layout 16/09/2011 15:56 Page 1 E Bespoke orders taken – we 7363 can to your specifications Compact T Call: 01772 612125 Fax: 01772 615360 0808 1293773 3773 Hayter T424, 5 gang, 6 blade – 30” units – choice of 2 Tel 0345 23 FREEPHONE 0800 013 Compact ter Pipers End, Letty Green, Hertford, SG14build Plantoil ad59x91mm_Layout 118x91 Sept'14_PROARB 25/09/2014 14:44 Page from: 1 £9’000 Kubota L3200 Deere 156 Lincolnshire PE11 3PE e-mail: 0808 129 Bespoke orders taken we can build to your specifications roTr PROFESSIONAL John Deere page SM - Dec 14 .qxp_Layout 1 13/02/2015 12:08 – Page 1 Jacobsen G P& W 1of 216/09/2011 15:56 Page 1 01608 683022 Compact FOR Plantoil MORE INFORMATION: INFO@OXFORDPLANTERS.CO.UK OR CALL TelJohn 0345 23 PROFESSIONAL Ransome Highway 3EMAIL – choice £ POA W Deere Hayter T424 Tel: 01707 261370 Fax: 01707 262847 John Deere Kioti DK551C wX John Deere 160 u John ot Tel 0345 230 9697 • JD 4600 & ter John Deere XH Ransome Parkway 3, 30” 6 blade units – 1970 hrs £ POA Ransome JD 4600 &TC FREEPHONE 0800 013Pro 7363 Email: JD 4600 &F New Holland Ransome HR30 ioti 0808 129 3773 John Deere 123 Hayter T424, Landscaper /equipment? September 2015 Pro Landscaper / March 2015 98 JD 4600 & Fro grounds Ransome P3 John Deere FE280H John Deere w w w. r omaintenance c h fo r d s . n e tequipment? App Ad.indd 1Unwanted 21/01/2015 12:17 Yanmar eRansome oll4410 dHig FawcettsLiners_B182919_1LB 1 2/2/10 PL 12:47:01 JD & Unwanted grounds maintenance Ride-On Front Rotary Mowers John Deere& 33 ����� �� Products c h fo r d s Jacksons .net JD Commercial 50 December 2012 w w w. r oTimber Timber Products JD4410 &FP r 4410Par Kubota 19/12/2013 98 10:39Pro Landscaper / March 2015Timber Products Don’t scrap it - SELL it at Tamlyns Outdoor Auctions Ransome PL App Ad.indd 1 21/01/2015 12:17 Ride-On JD 4410 &B24 Fro Cylin 50 December 2012 Ride-On FB John Deere – choice of 8 from: £6’500 Kubota B241 Kubota B2 Don’t Outdoor Auctions choice of Simmons3 PL Apr15.indd 1 1445, various deck sizes and 19/03/2015 11:44 PL App14:33 Ad.indd 1 scrap it - SELL it at Tamlyns 21/01/2015 12:17Huge Oxford Planters.indd 1 04/06/2015 guarantees all Kubota B24 B Ride-On /B241 Tra B2410 John Deere 1445 with Cab, 60” SD deck, Serviced – 2126 hrs £8’500 JDKubota 2653A, 26” Kubota John Deere Kubota B28 its timber products for 25 years. Kioti DK55 Ride-On Fro Next Sale Days: B2410 Ex Demo –(E) N John Deere 1545, 62” RD deck, 31hp, 4WD, HST – choice of 2 from: £9’750 John Deere 355 JDKubota 2500 (A) CLASSIFIED 20/08/2015 John Deere Kioti DK551C Kioti DK55 lightweight mobile shredder Next Sale Days: Designers and you class.indd 98 TEMPLATE.indd 123 18/02/201510:11 14:42John CLASS.indd 83 Compact, So when you see this badge, New Hollan Deere For John all your golf, sportsturf and4WD, landscape irrigation needs. Kioti DK551C Saturday 21st March: The shredder Sale Field, eere -oChoice of 2 14 Deere 1565 with cab, 62” RD, 38hp, HST – 1044 hrs £9’750 John Deere New dio oHolland trolle New Hollan manufacturers goes wherever it’s needed Forallallyour your golf, sportsturf andlandscape landscape irrigation needs. Compact, lightweight mobile are guaranteed the highest of class.indd 99 Saturday 21st March: The Sale Field, New Hollan For golf, sportsturf and irrigation needs. John Deere For all your New Holland tesi S14T JD 3235B with John Deere 1600TMowers Wide Area Mower with canopy – choice of 2 from: £8’500 on needs. John Deere Compact, lightweight mobile shredder Only 165 demo New Holland Blakes Road, Wembdon, Bridgwater, New Hollan Ride-On Tractor hardwood planters quality, great British design, a class.indd 18/02/2015 14:42 Yanmar FE Buy online at goes wherever it’sofneeded John Deere 15T8 Blakes Road, Wembdon, Bridgwater, Makes easy work branches, New Holland tesi Attil JD 3235B, 22” John Deere 997 Zero Turn Mower, 60” deck, 30hp – 291 hrs John Deere BuyJohn online Yanmar FE Yanmar FE28 and garden goes wherever it’s needed Ride-On Tra £1’500£9’000 Deere GT235, 48” SD deck, 18hp petrol, 2WD, HST – 355 hrs seamless installation by our Buy online at TA6 7RS Buy online 15 Yanmar FE280 A John o Deere e PRIC ter wet green-waste mixed leafage Makes easy work and of branches, Jacobsen HR6010 Wide Area Mower – 1615 hrs John Deere TA6 7RS furnishings ALL £2’500£ POA Ride-On C team of specialists and most of JohnProviders Deere X320, SD deck, 22hp petrol, 2WD, HST 195 hrs Furniture John Deere G of 48” English Handcrafted Planters and –Outdoor Makes easy work of branches, John Deere 5C 16 25th April: The Oak Tree Saturday Hayter T424, Ransome HR6010 Wide Area Mower – choice of 2and Outdoor Furniture from: £12’000 Ride-On Ride-On Jacobsen H wet green-waste and mixed leafage Ride-On Cylin Providers of English Handcrafted 4wet Season shredder for year Saturday 25th April: The Oak Tree Piranha® Chain to fit Stihl MS201T JUST Oak, Irokodiesel, orPlanters Accoya. all, peace of mind. £5.50* £3’000 JohnProviders Deere GX355D, 48” SDin deck, 16hp 2WD, HST – choiceFurniture of 2 John Deere X o eere of English Handcrafted Planters and Outdoor John Deere 99 Ride-On Cy green-waste and mixed leafage Ransome Highw Arena, Edithmead, M5 J22, Somerset, Ransome HR300, 60” RDHandcrafted deck, 4WD, HST –Accoya. choice of 4 £ POA Ransome H All products in Oak, Iroko or Providers of English Planters and Outdoor Furniture o eere o 2653A, eere JDJohn 2653A, 26”G8 of 48” English Handcrafted Planters and–Outdoor £5’500 JohnProviders Deere X495, SD deck, 24hpIroko diesel, 2WD, HST 1922 hrs Furniture Deere 4round Season shredder for year in Oak, or effectiveness JD Arena, Edithmead, M5 J22, Somerset, Jacobsen HR6 We callof it our badge of quality... Great performance for a fraction the price in Oak, Oak, Irokoservice or Accoya. Accoya. oRansome eere manufactured in H Other services include bespoke joinery forchoice all interior exterior design. TA9 4HA JD2653A, 2653A, JD 4 Season shredder for year in Iroko or Accoya. AFron £6’250 John Deere X740, 54”aSD deck, Low-Tip Collector of 2 & & John Deere X2 JD 2500 (A Ride-On round effectiveness Other services include a bespoke joinery service– for all interior exterior design. Ransome HR6 TA9 4HA Commercial Pedestrian Mowers the Cotswolds JD 2653A, 26 Produces easilycompostable JD2500 2500(A) (A Other services include aaRD bespoke joinery service for all interior & exterior exterior design. design. JD round effectiveness Save up to 66% on the top brand chains £6’750 John Deere X748, 48” deck, 24hp diesel, 4WD, HST – 1380 hrs John Deere X -choice of Other services include bespoke joinery service for all interior & Enquiries to Tamlyns, 56 High Street, Call 0800 41 43 43 for a copy of our brochures Ferris IS1500Z, Ransome HR33 ForHuge more information or call 683022 using sustainable Commerc Other services include aemail bespoke joinery service for all interior &01608 exterior design. 2500 (A) Produces compostable choice of RD Ferris Scag mowers mowers. -choice BioTech™ chips -choice ofof3X(C JDJD 3235B with Enquiries toeasilyTamlyns, 56 High orStreet, For more information email or Turn call 01608 683022 £2’250 Etesia Bahia, 32” deckand & collector, 2WD – 36”, 48” 52” Zero John Deere JD 3235B w to buy online visit John Deere 144 Produces easilycompostable timber Monthly operation cost cut dramatically For more information email or call 01608 683022 Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6 3BN -choice of 3 Huge choice JD3235B 3235B BioTech™ chips JD wi For more information email 683022 £4’750 Etesia H124DS, 48” RDemail deck,Garden Hi-Tip Collector, 25hp diesel – or 828 hrs01608 Etesia Bahia, nd ol JD 3235B, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6 3BN For all horticultural and design enquiries please contact Martin For more information or call call 01608 683022 John Deere 144 Commercia JD 3235B wit BioTech™ chips Jacksons Fencing Head Office For all horticultural and Garden design enquiries please contact Martin CHAIN SAW OIL 2-STROKE OIL SAW BLADE OIL JD3235B, 3235B, ter JD 2 No more ruining expensive CHAIN SAW OIL 2-STROKE OIL BLADE OIL on 07765 188725 or email Etesia Attila Bank Mower (Ex Demo) –SAW low hours T 01278 458241 Etesia H124D JD 3225C, For design enquiries please contact contact Martin Martin £ POA John Deere 154 CHAIN SAW OIL 2-STROKE OIL SAWLtd, BLADE OIL chains on nails etc Joseph Rochford Gardens 547 Stowting Ashford Huge choice o on 07765 and 188725 or email Forall allhorticultural horticultural and Garden Garden design enquiries please JD 3235B, 22 T 01278 458241 JD 3225C, ter 45 Market Way, Tel: Common 01775 723320 / 766028 JD 3225C, 7BG All products manufactured in thedesign Cotswolds using sustainable For all horticultural and Garden enquiries please contacttimber. Martin on 07765 188725 or email Joseph Rochford Gardens Ltd, Etesia Attila Jacobsen John Deere 154 @JacksonsFencing Kent TN25 6BN Tel 01233 750 393 All products manufactured in the Cotswolds using sustainable timber. Pipers End, Letty Green, Hertford, SG14 2PB E on 07765 188725 or email Guaranteed Quality since 1947 01473 328272 JD 3225C, 7 Compact Tractors Tel 230 9697 • so eter i G bG Jacobsen Pinchbeck, Spalding, Fax: 01775 760451 / 714970 on 07765 188725 or email Jacobsen All products manufactured in the Cotswolds using sustainable timber. Tel 0345 0345 230 9697 • E Pipers End, Letty Green, Hertford, SG14 2PB All products manufactured in the Cotswolds using sustainable timber. 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