Majestic Trees | www.majestictrees.co.uk
Directions2 Majestic Trees is ¼ mile from the M1, and eight miles north of the M25. If you come via the M1, exit at junction 9 and go west on the A5183 in the direction of Whipsnade Zoo/Dunstable, (formally the A5). Take the first left turn signposted ‘Flamstead’ onto Chequers Hill. The entrance is immediately past some common land on the right before you go up the hill into Flamstead. If you have missed the turning when approaching from the M1 (as you suddenly see Majestic Trees signage and trees on your left), take the next left which is River Hill; that will take you up into Flamstead, then turn left at the T-junction and eventually you will come back down Chequers Hill, where you will see signs at the entrance on a bend where you will turn left into Majestic Trees. If using a sat nav, simply put in the postcode which will bring you to the entrance of Majestic Trees. The full address is Majestic Trees, Chequers Hill, Flamstead, Nr. St Albans, Herts AL3 8ET. If coming by train, the closest station is Harpenden. If you prebook, we will run a shuttle car to and from the station, available from 8am to 10:15am and from 4:30 to 7pm. If you would like to use this service, please let us know at the time of registering. There are also taxis at the station. Majestic Trees is a Platinum Partner, and we encourage you to become a supporter too, or perhaps give a one-time gift in lieu of the complimentary registration to this event. Perennial provides free support and financial assistance to those working in or retired from horticulture.
Scandonateto Reserve your complimentary place and lunch on us by heading majestictrees20th.eventbrite.co.ukto or scanning the QR code. Please also register other team members you are bringing. Please call us on 01582-843881 if your plans change and you can no longer attend as we expect to sell out this event and don’t want to disappoint people unnecessarily.
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However, rather than dwell on this serious problem, I would like to especially thank the highly skilled team that makes Majestic Believe it or not, over 20 years have passed since Majestic Trees held our first open day, where guests could experience our nursery in full production for the first time, ready for autumn sales! To commemorate this milestone, we are inviting you to join us in both celebrating our achievements and considering the future challenges for our industry. We have assembled a great day, led by industry experts, and hope you are able to join us as we come together, to look at how to not only survive this recession, but thrive over the next 20 years! For me, it is a real honour to lead the Majestic Trees team from the beginning, now all told after almost 45 years of my life in horticulture! As we celebrate, we invite you to join us on the 13th September as we not only look at how we have made it, but to the future and all the challenges that bombard us, both as a company and the industry as a whole. Firstly, I don’t think I would be here today if it were not for all the love and support of my wife, with whom I have just celebrated 40 years of marriage. When I told her in 1997 that I wanted to move back to the UK, and start all over again my second company, she supported and worked with me as we planned for the future. But I must not forget two people who were an inspiration to me in my early career. Firstly, my grandmother who got me hooked on horticulture, a farmer’s wife who could grow anything. I used to spend 6-8 weeks a year with her on the farm, and undoubtedly it was her passion that inspired me to grow rather than design buildings. Then there is Peter Seabrook, who was on BBC Gardeners World and Pebble Mill at One when I was Trees the success it is today, the suppliers that provide us the original tree stock to grow on or the products and supplies to grow them, and of course you, the regular customers who without there would not be a Majestic Trees! Without your loyalty, friendship and continued support we would not be holding this event today, nor would we be able to welcome such excellent speakers and panellists who have given their time to share some of the passion they have for this industry and the area they hope to see improve. Of course, we will have a great time of socialising together, delicious food, and a wonderful reception later on with a live jazz band; during the day, a great line up of sessions for you to enjoy, and then discuss during the breaks. Please take some time to explore the nursery, which if you have not been here this year, let alone in the last 5 has changed dramatically, not only in size as we have added more acreage, but with major infrastructure improvements as we have put in roads, bridges, buildings and rebuilt whole swathes of the nursery. Also, take a look at our machinery and material handling exhibits, then please tell us what you think in the survey that will be sent to you afterwards, and how we can serve you better in the future? Kind regards, Steve
a teenager. A horticulturist who had an undiminished passion for growing, he made a big difference in so many things he campaigned for and was both an inspiration and encouragement to me. He was our keynote speaker 5 years ago, and still ran around like a young man when he suddenly passed away at 86 early this year. Some of you may have been following our challenge to DEFRA in the High Court, over what we believe is the misuse of Destruction Notices based on suspicion and not evidence, as I believe was originally intended when written into the statue books, that has the potential to destroy our industry. After being a company at the forefront of the fight for stronger biosecurity, where we believe there are areas that really should have even tighter control, we have now found ourselves, after reporting a notifiable pest to our Plant Health Inspector, in an expensive legal fight over what is proportionate and reasonable application of preventative measures. Sadly, we lost that fight in the High Court in London on July 29th, when the judge ruled that as the law stands DEFRA does not have to provide any proof of infestation and that their action can be destruction rather than mitigation without any compensation. We are not talking about a high-risk host such as in this case Pine Processionary Moth (PPM) on Pinus, but rather an unlikely secondary host of Cedrus where there is no evidence of any pest. If the same rationale is applied to OPM, where we have lost the right to import all oak trees except forestry whips from the continent, then next DEFRA will be banning the importation of Fagus, Betula, Carpinus, Castanea, Crataegus, Corylus, Pinus & Robina that are also listed as secondary host! Sadly, when they get an idea in their heads, they model the possibilities to extremes without consulting the industry who have the onthe-ground experience both here and on the continent, whereas working together could provide workable solutions.
A much younger Steve talking to attendees at an earlier open day on materials handling and a look at the challenges ahead we will debate today
Plant Health, Facing Adversity and Future Proofing
Mental Health in Horticulture
• Everyone raved about the Ashridge Delicious food 5 years ago so, as long as you register, lunch is on us, finished off with a delicious 20th anniversary cake.
• Come as early as you like and beat the traffic, and spend some quality time touring the nursery on your own or with one of our horticultural advisers, or looking at the specimen tree handling displays and machinery.
• Our industry is under constant threat as more pests and diseases (P&D) are menacing not only our native landscapes, but also our ability to import specimen trees to build our gardens, as more and more species are banned. We have now lost Quercus, Castanea and, bar a DEFRA change of heart, Pinus and Cedrus species, and already effectively lost Aesculus, Fraxinus and Ulmus. Would we get excited if we lost Betula, Fagus and Carpinus because they are on the secondary host list for OPM just as cedars are for PPM? What’s next – Acers and Prunus? And whilst all of us must do our utmost to keep new P&D out, we need DEFRA and our Plant Health authorities to have a joined-up approach without us becoming a fortress Britain!
Welcome remarks and a tribute to Peter Seabrook
• Our 2017 Open Day Keynote speaker, whose legacy continues throughout the industry even after his passing earlier this year. Led by our days master of ceremony, James Alexander-Sinclair.
If pests on the horizon are not a serious enough problem, Steve McCurdy and Eliot Barden will also discuss briefly why up to 60% of all trees are being delivered with the root flare buried. Learn what you need to watch out for as you buy and why trees you plant may be failing. They will also offer information on Crown Gall, becoming an epidemic across Europe in certain tree rootstocks especially on Prunus and Sorbus which, whilst it may not kill the tree, will wipe out the roses, viburnums, et al in your gardens!
Join the debate chaired by James Alexander-Sinclair with our panel; John Wyer (Bowles & Wyer), Mark Gregory (Landform), Ruth Willmott, Stephen Woodham & Wayne Grills (BALI Chief Executive).
Registration and refreshments
• The pandemic has caused a lot of damage to a healthy perspective on life, affecting some of us more than others. Whilst many of us were lucky in that we could still go to work and have some social interaction, last year’s Perennial Industry Survey exposed the damage isolation and anxiety did to so many. This presentation by Dr Alistair Griffith’s, RHS Director of Science takes a look at these findings that prove horticulture is one of the most therapeutic industries you could possibly work in! Comfort break
• Grab a coffee or tea
• Are making the best of the opportunities out there as Brexit (whether you like it or not) becomes a distant memory, the pandemic, and hopefully a European war are behind us? Are we overcoming the threats we face and seizing the opportunities or floundering in a rudderless ship? Is there a future for commercial horticulture in the UK, whether it is the great peat debate, biosecurity concerns and the dwindling tree supply, labour shortages, government regulations or the current rampant inflation?
So join the debate with the panel chaired by James Alexander-Sinclair, with Eliot Barden (Majestic Trees), Jonathan Whittemore (HTA OMC Chair & Johnson’s of Wixley), Nick Dunn (RHS Council & Frank Mat- thews), Richard McKenna (Provender Nurseries), Steve McCurdy (Majestic Trees), and a DEFRA spokesperson.
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In our debate, we will put everything on the table, from the complete import ban on trees as advocated by the Forestry Commission, to a more balanced approach of carefully audited Risk Management where FERA decides which species, now banned can be imported, if they go into quarantine and for how long. We must all start taking responsibility of how we buy our plants, looking carefully at our suppliers credentials, whether they be a nursery, trader or internet shop, to find out whether they really care, truly understand, or if it is all about the money for them and maybe us too?
Resilient, Unstoppable, Innovative or Falling Behind?
Take some time to see the static displays showing how specimen trees are handled, slinging methods and equipment used to lift them. Trucks will be prepared to show how trees are loaded, along with the appropriate equipment for the job that will be used for delivery or planting.
Widening the Demographics; Raising the perception, opportunities and benefits of careers in horticulture?
• Master builder, Mark Gregory, will tell you how he got started and has now completed a record 105 show gardens! No other builder has created so many RHS Gold Medal winning gardens, and after so many years still projects the passion, excitement and attention to detail that is critical to Landforms success! Tips from the master will help you avoid common pitfalls and mistakes so easy to make.
Followed by an eminent panel chaired by James Alexander-Sinclair of some of this year’s RHS Chelsea medal winners, who will tell you how they got their break, what tips they have for you and how to make the most of your Chelsea opportunity to build your business. With Andy Sturgeon, Juliet Sargent, Kate Gould, Mark Gregory, Sarah Eberle and one very important lady you must meet; Helena Pettit (RHS Director of Gardens and Shows).
w Majestic Trees | www.majestictrees.co.uk 5
Then join Arit’s debate as we strategize how we will reach them with our expert panel of Andy Jasper (National Trust), Eliot Barden (Majestic Trees), Humaira Ikram (KLC Garden Diploma Course Leader), Jane Findlay (Past President of Landscape Institute), Keith Weed (President RHS) and Sophie Guinness (Capel Manor).
We regularly host workshops for our customers’ design, landscape and management teams, or for horticultural colleges in our well-equipped training room. We have a number of popular presentations we can do, as well as an in-depth tour, and leave you to use our facilities for the day – all at no charge!
Display of Tree Handling Equipment in both lower and upper yards Team members will doing live demonstrations from 9am till 10:15am and again at 1:30pm till 2pm to explain the ‘how to’ of slinging methods, heavy equipment and handling methods.
Don’t miss the live demonstrations in the upper yard
With horticultural colleges reporting a 61% increase in minority students registering in September 2020, now is the time to raise the positive perception of a career in horticulture. Furthermore, we need to reach out with the opportunities for everyone, whilst offering attractive pay and benefits that will attract smart and driven young people and, more importantly, retain them in the industry for their career until they retire. With the world’s best flower shows and fantastic TV coverage, why does our industry fail to grasp this amazing opportunity?
Dreaming of building a show garden at RHS Chelsea or for that matter anywhere?
Just look at the fabulous roots of this Sequoiadendron giganteum being loaded for delivery Away Day for your team at Majestic Trees
Comfort break
• Grab a coffee or tea Celebration Reception
Other nursery equipment will also be on display in the upper barn and yard, including the electrostatic sprayer that uses 50% less chemical, has 80% less drift, and because of its effectiveness reduces the frequency we have to spray; all dramatically reducing our environmental impact.
• Arit Anderson (Garden Designer & BBC Gardeners World), will look at why she believes the industry struggles to both attract and retain a wider demographic, especially in the younger generation.
• Enjoy some wonderful live jazz by SB2; catch up with old (and new) friends, and avoid sitting in rush hour traffic trying to get home. Drinks are on the house, along with hors d’oeuvres.
Mark is a regular RHS judge and Assessor and a former member of the Chelsea Gardens Panel. Since 2008 he has been co-director of the London College of Garden Design, as well as being a consultant to Bord Bia (Ireland’s national Garden Show) since 2006.
Majestic Trees | www.majestictrees.co.uk
Mark Gregory Dip. LandformDirector,ManagingHort; Mark is the winner of over 20 Gold medals at RHS Chelsea Flower Show, but has been responsible for the build of well over 160 RHS show gardens, and has also been honoured with numerous industry awards. Mark and his skilled, passionate team are renowned for building show gardens for eminent garden designers and landscape architects. Mark trained both with the RHS and at Askham Bryan Horticultural College in his beloved Yorkshire. He is a fellow of the Landscape Institute and a chartered landscape architect. His energy and experience have given him a reputation for innovation and expertise within the community. Additionally, Mark is known for his willingness to give his time to train and encourage others. He lectures all over the country, delivering workshops and seminars for the SGD, BALI and APL. He has been a board member of the BALI and in 2010 was appointed as a director of the HTA and chairman of the APL, a position he served in for six years.
Arit GardenAndersonDesigner,Writer and Presenter Arit spent 25 years working in the dynamic industries of retail fashion and creative events, as well as working as a part-time therapist in London and teaching holistic therapies. Having her own garden enabled Arit to diversify, and she found that the visual nature of fashion and the healing properties of her therapies could beautifully meld in the garden. She studied gardening at Capel Manor College before creating Diamond Hill Garden Design, which went on to win a Gold medal at RHS Hampton Court in 2016. Recently, working as presenter for Gardeners World and writing for national publications has enabled Arit to address issues about the future of gardening in an everchanging climate, promoting solutions to the wider public.
AlistairProfessor Griffiths RHS Director of Science Collections& Alistair is responsible for managing the RHS’s team of scientists and sits on the RHS Executive Board. He leads a highly skilled team of scientists focused on assimilating, evaluating and sharing the most current scientific knowledge and undertaking scientific research to provide high-quality, evidencebased solutions to address horticultural challenges. Alistair is responsible for ensuring that the RHS charity remains at the forefront of horticulture science. He earned a First and National Diploma in Horticulture and later obtained his BSc (Hons) and PhD from the University of Reading. Prior to the RHS, he was Head Scientist of the Eden Project. Alistair is a UK representative on the Council of the International Society for Horticultural Science, a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Horticulture and of the Royal Society of Biology. He sits on the Government’s Ornamental Horticulture Roundtable and chairs the UK’s Horticultural Scientific Research and Development group. Alistair is co-author of a number of books and he is currently supervising a five-year postdoctoral project on Gardening and Wellbeing in collaboration with Sheffield University. Andy NationalJasperHeadof Gardens and Parklands Andy is responsible for over 500 years of horticultural heritage across more than 220 gardens and parklands of the National Trust. He took on this role with over two decades of experience from working in gardens in the UK and overseas. He was Director of the National Tropical Botanical Garden Allerton and McBryde gardens in Hawaii and spent 14 years as Head of Research and Evaluation at the Eden project and RHS Garden Wisley. Andy has a Heritage and Landscape BA, Heritage Management MA, and research specialism (as a Fellow of University of Exeter) in economic and social impacts of gardens and parklands, management and learning in free choice learning environments. Passionate about people, places and the planet, Andy believes in the power of our gardens and parklands to transform lives.
Helena Pettit RHS Director of Gardens and Shows Helena joined the RHS in February 2018, as Director of Shows. The portfolio includes the RHS Malvern Spring Show, Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival, Tatton Park Flower Show and the historical RHS Chelsea Flower Show. From August 2020, Helena took over responsibility for the RHS Gardens, Catering and Retail Division in a new combined role as Director of Gardens and Shows. The new Gardens and Shows division include the RHS’s five gardens: Wisley, Hyde Hall, Harlow Carr, Rosemoor and Bridgewater. Prior to joining the RHS, Helena spent nearly 10 years as Managing Director of Grandstand Group. Helena’s knowledge and experience effectively supports the growth of the charity and delivery of key RHS charitable objectives.
Andy Sturgeon Dip. Landscapes, FSGD Andy is the principal of the practice that he founded in 1988. He is considered one of the UK’s leading garden designers, having won nine Gold medals at RHS Chelsea Flower Show. He was also awarded the ‘Best in Show’ award in 2010, 2016 and 2019. His many accolades are spread around the world, with gold medals at shows in Singapore, Korea and the USA. Closer to home, he has a considerable number of BALI and APL awards to his name. He lectures around the world and is a published author, journalist and broadcaster as well as an active commentator in the international garden design sector. He graduated from the Welsh College of Horticulture in 1987, worked at The RHS Garden Wisley as a landscape gardener and in his past life was an interior designer.
James Alexander Sinclair MSGD, Garden Designer James is a renowned British garden designer, who began his career as a landscape contractor in London before moving to the English countryside in 1992. Since then, he has designed private and public gardens both large and small throughout the UK and occasionally beyond. As well as being a lively and engaging speaker, James is also a wellknown writer, contributing to many of the British horticultural publications and has been voted the Garden Media Guild Garden Journalist of the year.
Keith Weed CBE, RHS President Keith is a chair, independent director and trustee of commercial businesses and not-for-profit organisations, holding senior roles with WPP plc, Sainsbury’s plc, Bain Capital, Alix Partners, Leverhulme Trust, Business in the Community, Unstereotype Alliance, History of Advertising Trust and Grange Park Opera. He is also an angel investor in several start-ups and early-stage companies. Keith retired in May 2019 from a long career at Unilever. After years of working with Roger Seabrook and spending time with him and his father, the esteemed Peter Seabrook, his re-ignited love for horticulture led him to be elected as President and Chair of the RHS.
Jane is the Immediate Past President of the Landscape Institute, and the founding director of Fira. She is a masterplanner and designer with over 38 years’ experience in designing and delivering large and complex projects. In particular, she is experienced in the design of the healing landscape for healthcare. Jane is passionate about the psychological and physical benefits that quality landscape design and nature play in all aspects of the public realm. She is a pioneering exponent of ‘green place-making’ the importance of GI on health and wellbeing in the way that people experience our urban environment and the spaces we create within, around, and connecting places. Jane is sustainability advisor on the University of Warwick Estate & Environment Committee and continues to advise the National Memorial Arboretum, in South Staffordshire, on their arboretum.
James has been a RHS show gardens judge, Chair of the Chelsea Flower Show Garden selection panel and chairman of the International Jury at the Moscow Flower show amongst others. In 2011 he was elected to the Council of the RHS and served 10 years. In 2022 James was awarded the prestigious RHS Veitch Memorial Medal for outstanding contribution to horticulture.
Jonathan Whittemore MCIPS, Commercial and Business Manager & HTA OMC Chair
Juliet Sargeant FSGD, Garden Designer Juliet has run a successful Sussex design practice for 25 years, but having taught design for many years, she now runs courses at The Sussex Garden School. Previously chair of the SGD, she is now an SGD Fellow and Fellow of the LI. In 2016 she was the first female black garden designer to win gold at RHS Chelsea for her anti-slavery ‘The Modern Slavery Garden’, and this year won Silver-Gilt for her Blue Peter Garden. Juliet has served as an RHS show garden selector and judge, is a familiar face on BBC Gardeners World shows and is a regular panellist on Gardeners Question Time.
Kate Gould Gardens was started in 1998 out of her bedroom, though 24 years later she now has a much bigger team. She still lives and breathes garden design, which has resulted in a book deal and 5 RHS Chelsea gold medals, and is one of the most sought-after garden designers in London. But she hasn’t forgotten where it all began. With sustainability and consideration for the environment at the forefront of her design process, it’s very likely you’ll still find her with her hands in the dirt. She has built a strong company founded on team work and cooperation. Her warmth and approachability, joined with her passion, experience and design strengths yields beautiful results.
John Wyer CMLI, FSGD Chairman of Bowles & Wyer John has over 25 years professional experience and is a widely published and respected designer, lecturing in the UK and abroad. He has designed hundreds of landscape projects ranging from award-winning private gardens to large-scale developments. He is a past chair of the Society of Garden Designers and served on its council from 2004 to 2010. John formed Bowles & Wyer with Chris Bowles in 1993 and takes a lead role in design, client liaison and planning. John writes a blog that explores the design process, ponders the roles of landscape and maintenance, shares his passion, asking why so many in our industry undervalue their skills, and often relates his apt adventures in cycling and pond swimming.
Majestic Trees | www.majestictrees.co.uk 7
Jane DirectorInstitutethePresidentImmediateFindlayPastofLandscape&ofFira
With a career that has now spanned over 27 years, Jonathan is the Chair of the HTA Ornamental Management Committee as well as being the Commercial and Business Manager for Johnsons of Whixley Ltd. He has achieved a Higher National Diploma in horticulture, as well as becoming a Member of the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply. His background has allowed him to gain a full range of technical, managerial and planning skills. In his current position at Johnsons of Whixley he is responsible for the Production and Procurement operations at the company.
Kate MSGD,GouldGarden
Designer Kate was encouraged by her parents to garden from a young age. What started out as hobby grew into a successful lifelong career.
GardenWoodhamsStephenDesigner Stephen started his career training at the Royal Horticultural Society Garden at Wisley, gaining a diploma with distinction. Stephen went on to start his own business in 1989, and in 1994, he was the youngest Gold Medal winner at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show. He designed the flowers for eleven Royal galas at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, including in February 1992 for the 40th Anniversary of her Majesty’s accession to the throne. In 2006 he started judging at RHS shows, and at the first International Flower Show organized by IMG and the Singapore National Parks.
Richard has over 25 years of experience working in the horticulture industry. He began his career in plant retail working in Ireland, the UK and New Zealand, after which he built his expertise in the wholesale plant supply market. As Managing Director of Provender Nurseries since 2013, Richard has established the wholesale plant cash and carry and sundries supplier as a leader in the South East, with a key focus on delivering high standards and being one of the first businesses to achieve Plant Healthy Certification as well as DVSA Earned and FORS recognition for transport and delivery. He has spent over 10 years as an active member of the International Plants Propagators Society (IPPS) Europe, on its board and representing the organisation internationally. A dedicated believer in nurturing talent in the industry, Richard works hard to promote horticulture as a positive career choice for students in the UK and Europe, including organising exchange programmes to share knowledge and build networks internationally.
Richard McKenna Managing Director, Provender Nurseries
Ruth is a British landscape and garden designer who set up her practice in 2010 having gained a Distinction at The English Gardening School. With her first career spent in management consulting, a trip to the RHS Chelsea Flower Show in 2006 changed her perspective and confirmed her decision to re-train as a garden designer. Her passion for trees and plants and her lifelong love of the natural world underpins all of her work. She enjoys taking a collaborative approach to her work creating meaningful landscapes.
Ruth GardenLandscapeWillmottandDesigner
Majestic Trees | www.majestictrees.co.uk8
Nick is co-owner and Director of Frank P Matthews a family tree business established in 1901, one of the UK’s largest nurseries that grows trees primarily for the garden centre industry with over 1 million trees in production. Nick serves on the RHS Council member, is a Trustee of Batsford Arboretum, Chairman of DEFRAs National Fruit Trials Advisory, RHS Gardens Advisory Committee and IDA member and sits on the HTA Ornamentals Management Committee – to name a few! His interests are closely linked to tree propagation and the introduction of new ornamental and fruit trees for gardens and landscape. His book, Trees for Life, an excellent and authoritative guide, was first published in 2010.
Sophie trained as a Landscape Architect working first in London in a practice focused on designing buildings and landscapes for not-for-profit organisations. She then became senior landscape architect at Hampshire County Council, setting up a group of landscape architects who worked with schools on designing their playgrounds, focused on natural play and its psychological benefits for children. The imagination and energy of education would inspire her to retrain as a teacher. She now teaches at Capel Manor, serving as Curriculum Leader for Horticulture and Garden Design.
Wayne Grills Chief Executive, BALI Previously the Managing Director of the Lantra Awards, Wayne joined BALI in 2011 and was appointed Chief Executive in 2015. Wayne has been instrumental in raising BALI’s profile at government level and has worked tirelessly to make it a more inclusive member organisation, encouraging both small and new companies to get involved. He represents BALI on the All Party Parliamentary Gardening and Horticulture Group and is BALI’s key protagonist for addressing the industry’s skills shortage through the GoLandscape initiative.
Ruth has received Gold, Silver-Gilt and Silver Medals for her gardens and twice been granted the ‘Best Fresh Garden’ Award. 2022 saw her first main avenue Show Garden for the heritage brand Morris & Co. earning a Gold medal. An RHS Trustee since 2019, she has sat on several RHS boards and is on the RHS Council. Sarah Eberle FGSD, Garden Designer Sarah is a passionate landscape architect and garden designer with an honorary PhD in Design from Greenwich University. She was made an honorary Fellow of the Landscape Institute in 2021 and is also a Fellow of the Society of Garden Designers. Sarah is an RHS Council member, Associate of Honour, Judge, Trustee and a member of the RHS Gardens Advisory Committee. Working predominantly on the design of private spaces and gardens Sarah is also a keen RHS show exhibitor, having earned her 20th Gold medal at RHS Chelsea this year. Her commitment and passion was evident in the ‘Building the Future’ garden, commenting: “I continue to work on and contribute to issues around environmental sustainability and the critical role of nature in support of mental health and wellbeing. We are facing huge challenges from climate change and the threat of pests and diseases.”
Nick FrankCo-ownerDunnandDirector,Matthews
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A tribute to Peter Seabrook, MBE, VMH, AH (RHS), MoH (RHS) As I mention in my invitation, Peter Seabrook was one of my biggest inspirations who I regularly watched on TV when I was a boy and teenager. I didn’t know him then, but it wasn’t long after I came back from the US to start Majestic Trees, that Peter popped up to see us at Majestic Trees, which was the beginning of a long friendship. He was such an encourager, which coming from one of the industries greats meant so much when you were starting of a new nursery, but he never had a problem to kindly quiz your thinking if he thought you might be making a mistake or maybe there was a better way. I was a bit slow in doing a promotional video, but I remember asking Peter if he would be able to help me with it, as I had never done one before, and not only was he exceptionally good at it, but he refused to let me pay him for the time he committed to the project! Ever wanting to encourage young people into horticulture, he took a special liking to Fern (now our Planting and Logistics Manager) when he first saw her working 347 on nursery driving around with a 2,000+ Quercus balanced on the forks of her JCB telehandler. The next thing you knew is he brought a photographer from The Sun newspaper and devoted a page ‘To the Lady who Dances with Trees’ on a Saturday and her career path into horticulture. He was always putting his money where his mouth was, in more ways than many of us know. He was a man of integrity, always willing to ‘call a spade a spade’, yet not having any enemies. We must give him a lot of credit for his campaign in the press and at the heart of government to reopen horticulture in May 2020, which without some of us may have not been here today! He was so full of energy, his enthusiasm was infectious and he had such a passion for life, especially for all things horticulture; did you know he either helped someone with their display or exhibited at 69 consecutive RHS Chelsea Flower Shows! Our industry will be much poorer for the loss, as he was one of the waschampions,realwhoalwayswilling to stick his head above the parapet, challenging us to stand up for what was right. Yet at the same time he always remained humble, smiling all the time, a true gentleman in every way. At one of the last IPM Essen’s, I can vividly remember him bounding down the hall to me; (on a day trip); so excited about what he saw, with him always looking out for new innovations, and quizzing me about some bulbs he thought had dubious biosecurity. Who will take up his mantel, as his challenges to industry will be sorely missed? And as he always signed off his emails, ‘In haste’, as he always said he had so much still to do. ‘We were honoured, as we will be again this autumn, to plant a tree for Peter in memorial to his late wife.’
T10he story of Majestic Trees begins in sunny California 25 years ago, when Steve and Janet McCurdy began planning to relocate to England as a family.
Steve initially crossed over ‘the pond’ in 1979, when his employer, Thomas Rochford & Sons, then the largest producer of house plants in Europe with 400 employees, gave him the opportunity of a year of work experience in the USA. During his year in California, he met Janet, whom he married in 1982. They went on to build a great team at Landscape Images, winning a total of 94 national and state-wide awards. However, years of planting large specimen container grown trees in the U.S. led Steve and Janet to believe there was untapped business opportunity in the UK. In July 2000 they took the plunge and moved the family to the UK. The sale of their interior and exterior container landscape business 8 months later helped to fund the purchase of a site and the initial build of Majestic Trees. Their ambition was to tap unrealised market potential to grow, on speculation, mature trees in containers and to provide in-house advisory and planting services to facilitate their sale, thereby overcoming a significant obstacle to the growth of this market. They could see that there was already excellent competition from very good growers, but however, the combination of outstanding service, offering full-in house delivery of their specimen trees with the appropriate offloading equipment, ‘Delivery to Tree Pit’, and when needed guaranteed planting service, would set Majestic Trees apart from its competitors. After over two years of planning, construction and growing-on of stock, Majestic Trees opened for business in May 2002, with shipping starting in September that year. It wasn’t easy as no one knew who they were and hiring an experienced team for the new start-up was challenging; however, the core group had a willingness to do whatever it took and both they and the business started to grow in more ways than one. With sheer graft and determination, Majestic Trees started to be seen in the industry as a ‘nursery to watch’. Since those early days the company has continued to steadily expand, buying additional land in 2008, 2012 and 2017. As the nursery and sales grew,
First full-time sales person starts, and after only 20 months turnover exceeds £1.3m!
Majestic Trees | www.majestictrees.co.uk
Grand Opening as industry visits to look at newly potted production. First month’s sales of only £38, with shipping starting in September! First drought and we almost ran out of water due to dependancy on rainwater harvesting, but were allowed to use mains.
Honoured to supply and plant our first specimen tree at Buckingham Palace.
Majestic wins UK Nursery Stock Grower of the Year for the first time, and purchases adjoining 6 acres to expand rainwater harvesting. Received the UK Grower of the Year award for the second time, and Silver at the International Grower of the Year. May 2002 2004 2006 2008 2011
Celebrate opening of our new Visitor Advice Centre and 4th UK Grower of the Year aeard...and 15 years of Majestic Trees. Post COVID-19, sales soar by 42%, with record profitability, resulting in profit sharing of £4,664 per full time team member. Majestic Trees receives the coveted Plant Healthy certification, proving the nursery biosecurity credentials.
2015 2017 2020 2021 2022
Win the coveted UK Grower of the Year award for a record 3rd time!
Majestic Trees | www.majestictrees.co.uk 11
additional team members were added, some of who are still with us all these years later and have been instrumental in building Majestic Trees. Part of Steve’s vision included retaining a closely knit, highly professional team, whose commitment would be rewarded financially as the business grew, both in salary, benefits and 25% profit sharing. The team has now grown to 38 and they are, in Steve and Janet’s opinion, the key to Majestic Trees’ success. Fortunate to attract and retain a team of some of the best and brightest in the industry, together they bring a tremendous amount of experience and skills to the company, delivering an exceptional standard of ‘Quality, Service and Professionalism’. In 2017 the Visitor Advice Centre opened, which could host cluster groups for industry trade organisations, seminars, training, and industry social events, as well as provide a pleasant and comfortable environment where employees, customers and industry colleagues can do business. When COVID-19 arrived, Steve decided that nursery, delivery or planting teams would not be furloughed, which resulted in the nursery looking the best it has ever looked by late May 2020 when they were allowed to Thisreopen.decision-making resulted in Majestic Trees growing a record 42% in the 2020/21 year, which was only possible by the dedication and willingness to work exceptionally hard as a team. Difficult times always focus the mind, which did result in some cost-cutting but, with the fantastic rebound, profits were also a record. Steve and Janet decided to reinvest retained profits in a new barn and production welfare facilities, new bridges, new concrete roads, and a refurbishment of most of the nursery. However, Steve says the greatest accolade of his career was when Majestic Trees won the Nursery Stock Grower of the Year in 2008, then went on to win it a record 4 times, and on to take Silver at the International Grower of the Year awards twice. This was a great honour bestowed by industry peers, who recognised and admired what the team had achieved in a few short years. After 20 years, Steve and Janet believe that the legacy of Majestic Trees will live on, due to the quality, dedication and passion of the team to its core values and mission.
Major construction starts of office expansion, 2 agriculturaltied workers flats and a nursery manager’s cottage.
Purchases adjoining 7.5 acre field to expand the nursery, allowing increased depth of stock as sales continue to grow. Majestic Trees attains ‘Investor in People Gold’ standard in the midst of Covid. Major reinvestment of retained profits continue, with new buildings, equipment, new roads, bridges and refurbishment.
• 14 have been team members for over 10 years
c. Death in service benefit of 2 x annual salary
• 19 of our team are college or university educated, including four at Writtle and three at Kew
• Of a total of 38 team members, 14 are women – including four of the seven managers
• We give our team 25% of the profits every year, which amounted to £4,664 each last year
• Currently four of our team are in our apprenticeship programme, including one on the traineeship
There are many other long-serving team members we could feature, but instead we thought we would give you a few of the highlights of why we, as a team, stick together;
• We are honoured to have achieved Investors in People Gold
• All managers and supervisors have been promoted from within
Majestic Trees | www.majestictrees.co.uk12 A major factor in Majestic’s long-running success is our team and every team member makes a valuable contribution to the achievements of Majestic Trees. Our team ethics centre around professionalism, high standards and horticultural passion. Many of our 38 strong team have been with Majestic for over 10 years, with many having studied horticulture at Kew Gardens or other colleges, and bring a wealth of experience and knowledge which is invaluable. Our low staff turnover is a result of our considerable benefits, including our 25% profit sharing scheme, private health cover and ongoing career development – we have even paid for staff to complete their RHS Master’s in Horticulture.
A few interesting facts about Majestic Trees
• Our staff turnover in 2021 was only 6%
• We pride ourselves in giving industry-leading benefits such as: a. Private Bupa Health and Dental Care to everyone after 10 years b. Critical illness cover guaranteeing all team members 80% of their pay after 13 weeks of absence
I originally qualified in Business & Finance, and enjoyed the challenge of employment law at college. Then, my first career was in HR, working for a newspaper and after a global insurance broker. I also completed professional qualifications with the CIPD during this time. Following a career break to have a family, I came across my current position with Majestic Trees, and I feel that I am one of the many employees that Steve and Janet have offered the opportunity to work at Majestic over the years when you may not quite match the job specification! Although at the time of interview my knowledge of accounts was limited, I have since fully qualified with the AAT and partqualified with ACCA. I have always enjoyed the variety of the work and the fact that I am so involved in the running of the company. I also enjoy encouraging new members of the team and have recently been instrumental in providing a more comprehensive benefits package to all our employees.
Maria Bengtsson Pruning & Stock Control Manager. Years of service: 11
I studied agronomy at university in Venezuela and went into a career of vegetable growing. In 2007, my wife and I emigrated to the UK, and at that time we didn’t speak much English. I saw an ad for a grower at Majestic Trees, and I applied. Then, when I received a phone call from Steve, I mistakenly thought he was asking me to come for an interview, so I showed up with no appointment. Steve gave me the opportunity of a trial day and much to my delight, he hired me. I worked on the nursery for several years and have now been the nursery manager for 10 years. I am a horticulturist at heart and love the process of growing our trees. However, the support of my team is also very important to me and with all their many and varied skills, they help me achieve all the tasks that need to be done on a daily basis.
Carlos Guinand Nursery Manager. Years of service: 14 Sarah Shynn Sales Manager. Years of service: 18
Majestic Trees | www.majestictrees.co.uk 13
I had wherenativepressinMajesticfollowingbeenTreesthegardeninginmySweden,Iworked in the Bergius Botanic Garden as a gardener and pruning specialist. Having a deep love for trees, when I saw Majestic Trees was advertising for someone with my skills, I jumped at the opportunity. After an interview testing my horticultural and pruning knowledge as well as analytical skills (which I happily passed), I packed my bags and haven’t looked back. Managing stock as well as pruning; being able to utilise logic and artistry; and working with a fantastic team is so enjoyable! £3,000 in funding available to travel and work at a tree nursery
Fern PlantingSnowling&Logistics Manager. Years of service: 15 Helen Morgan Finance and HR Manager. Years of service: 14
Together with the Colgrave/Seabrook Scholarship foundation, Majestic Trees is honoured to offer an opportunity to a passionate person who wants to learn how to grow trees. The successful student/grower will work at Majestic Trees, during which time they will be paid and see all aspects of tree production, visit European tree suppliers, and be given a full overview of how the company works.Upon completion of the eight-month work experience, Majestic Trees will arrange an overseas placement at one or possibly more nurseries, at which point the £3,000 scholarship will be awarded. Please contact Helen Morgan, HR and finance manager or Steve McCurdy, MD for further information. I first meet Steve by chance when he visited the nursery I worked at. Unbeknownst to me, he was planning to start up Majestic Trees and was interested in the potential competition. A few years later, after I had left and started my own garden design business, I decided that I missed the comradery of being part of a team. So, in 2004, I became Majestic Trees’ first full time sales and site visit advisor, and whilst it was a lot of hard work and long hours in the early days, I have never been more fulfilled in my career. I come from a family of growers, being the third generation, with an HND in Commercial Horticulture from Writtle followed by Garden Design at Capel. I now live back home on the family farm on the Isle of Wight. Commuting up for two long days per week and then working remotely seemed like a crazy idea, but I love my job, the great team, and the company! I left school at 16, not really knowing what I wanted to do. Living in Flamstead I had watched Majestic Trees being built, so when the time came, I applied for a receptionist position. After two years, it became very obvious I wasn’t made for sitting behind a desk all day and Sarah Shynn, the sales manager suggested I try working in the yard preparing a very large order one summer with the guys. Now, 15 years later, I do things I would never dream of doing; driving big lorries, moving huge trees, I have all my heavy machinery tickets and manage the team that delivers and plants the trees. People always ask why I have stayed at Majestic Trees for so long, which is an easy answer – I love my job. The people are fab, the company is fair and I get such fulfilment and job satisfaction. Every day is a new challenge and I don’t believe I will ever work anywhere else.
Majestic Trees | www.majestictrees.co.uk
Contract grown
Our trees We do have trees that we have been growing for 20 years – but with some over 40 years old, it is obvious we don’t propagate them from seed. Instead, we spend weeks every year carefully selecting the best specimen tree stock, by exploring numerous nurseries across Europe that have strict biosecurity standards, excellent growing practices and regularly undercut their field grown trees. They are hand selected for their quality, uniformity and theuntilandtreespottinginthecharm.theirsometimescharacterfulWebringnewstockeverywinter,thenewintoAir-Potsnurturingthemeachonemeetshighstandardsof a Majestic Tree. The nursery has over 450 varieties and 12,000 individual trees, in 80 to 4,500 litre Air-Pots ranging from 12/14 to more than 1m in circumference, whilst our specimen’s range in height from 3 and 4 metres up to over 12 metres tall; note, we do stock a good range of half standards too. Whilst our tree and hedging stock availability is shown on our website there is no doubt that the best way to choose a tree is in person to appreciate relative size and quality. Unlike some nurseries, our trees are grown with good spacing to ensure they don’t stretch for the light, and are being individually labelled and catalogued by batch so they’re relatively easy to find on your visit. Only you know exactly what you’re looking for, though we often find designers change their mind once they see other specimens on the nursery.TheAir-Pot produces the finest fibrous root and no spiralling Growing practices
Prior to the now more plentiful supply of specimen trees, it had been accepted industry practice to contract grow trees as required for major commercial landscape projects. As the demand grew for large residential landscape projects, estate gardens or any project which calls for unusual, multiple or character trees, we have grown on many trees for our customers. Over the past year the shortage of tree stock in the market has been a real challenge, but even more serious is the constantly changing rules and species import bans imposed by DEFRA, so there is now another very important reason to procure your stock at the point of design, rather than hoping it will be available when it comes to planting. We grow many species in a range of sizes
Air-Pot grown trees promote rapid development of an exceptionally fibrous root system that can withstand transplanting in any season, ensuring a full crown of foliage that does not struggle, with adequate care, in the new landscape. Once established in Air-Pots, the trees can be grown indefinitely at the nursery, being up-potted and spaced out as needed, as well as undergoing regular formative pruning to promote the development of a balanced crown. We are scrupulous about pest and disease control, employing the latest electrostatic sprayer technology to minimise environmental impact and health risks. Crown formative pruning makes such a difference to a tree’s development
Majestic Trees | www.majestictrees.co.uk 15
Advice and choosing a tree Starting with quality specimens is absolutely vital to not only your design, but to the long-term success of any tree planting project. Just as trees that are poorly developed or have a poor root system and are unhealthy can greatly detract from your great design and ultimately fail – causing you all sorts of grief – so can a trait which is barely perceptible in a young tree, which then has a profound influence on the way that tree matures. Therefore, it is absolutely critical to know what to look for – or avoid.Our horticultural advice team is made up of eight sales advisors, most of whom have many years of experience in the industry and at Majestic Trees, including some with garden design and/ or landscape training. As such, they can be trusted to recommend stock, select specimens on your behalf and facilitate the delivery and/ or planting phase efficiently. We encourage you to browse our
We were honoured to supply and plant the trees on this extensive Acres Wild designed garden.
selection.thebringhorticulturaltheirtobuildAlternatively,sobuthaveisyournurseries’visitwhounlikeopeningatnursery27-acreoftreesanytimeduringhours,somenurseriespreferyoudidn’tormayinfactbe‘virtualwhowillsimplyprocuretreeselsewhere.Anappointmentnotnecessary,asweaimtoalwaysasalesadvisoravailabletohelp,wecanattimesbeverybusyrecommendedbookingatime.weencourageourteamtorelationshipswithourcustomersbothunderstandandbetterserveneeds,sodoaskforyourpreferredadvisor.YouarealsomostwelcometoyourclientsalongwithyoutonurserysotheycanseeyourtreeWecanprovideyouwithaprivatemeetingroomatnocharge,shouldyouwishtogooveryourplansinprivatewithyourcustomer.Allofourtreesareclearlylabeledwithculturalinstructions,butwithoutanypricing.Standardtreesare measured around the main trunk at 1m up from the soil surfaceIt has been our honour to supply trees to James Alexander-Sinclair for over 15 years.
Majestic Trees | www.majestictrees.co.uk
OUR16 Delivery Mature trees are not only heavy but can very easily get damaged, especially when moved in the spring and summer. To ensure orders arrive in tip top condition, we deliver our trees personally, nationwide, using our own fleet of Euro 6 trucks and specialist equipment. Our delivery team have years of experience and know-how in handling large specimen trees, and can bring additional equipment if arranged – to not only offload, but manoeuvre the trees to their planting positions. This takes the stress out of you trying to find the right equipment, and typically we supply the specialist equipment with an experienced operator for less than you could hire it for.
Delivery to tree pit
Our ‘Delivery to Tree Pit’ service sits halfway between a delivery and a planting service and is ideal for landscapersexperienced who already have a team on site. We will even team,alongsideworkyourreducing the cost, therefore not distracting from your ownership of the project, but simply facilitating the complete delivery to your pre-dug tree pits.
The Majestic team provides all necessary equipment to get the trees from the lorry to the site of planting, though receiving pictures and video at point of order is required. This may include going over walls, hedges, traversing patios, steps or lawns and is particularly useful for projects with difficult access conditions, especially as it is often difficult or near impossible to find the specialist equipment necessary to move very large stock. A key aspect of this service is that Majestic assumes liability for any damage to the tree until it is safely set into the tree pit. Planting services
Correct planting is absolutely critical for tree establishment, so if you would like our one-year warranty, or are reticent about planting large trees, we highly recommend you make the most of our in-house planting service. All equipment required for the planting job is brought to site by the Majestic Trees team and we customise our servicesplantingtosuit the circumstances of each order. Younger trees are secured by the traditional cross bar stake-and-tie method and larger specimens with overhead or underground Platipus anchorage systems. Optional extras include timed irrigation watering systems, root barriers, rabbit and deer guards and so on. These options can be discussed with your sales advisor and many are demonstrated at the nursery in our ‘Planning for Planting’ demonstration garden. Warranty Majestic Trees offers the industry’s leading warranty on trees that we grow, that you purchase from us, and that we plant. Obviously giving the newly-planted trees good aftercare is required, but our warranty gives both you, and your client, peace of mind that if the tree should fail it will be replaced, subject to ‘Terms and Conditions’ and access being unchanged. In this sense, it is understandable why so few nurseries are prepared to offer any sort of guarantee of establishment on their stock, particularly if they are not grown in Air-Pots, but it is something Majestic Trees has built into their pricing, and we believe in the resilience of our trees. Your deliveries will be on our custom-built Euro 6 truck fleet We stock hundreds of metres of matting to protect your projects, available if requested for an additional fee’
Eliot Barden AfterCare, Apprenticeship and Training Manager Dip.Hort.Kew (Hons) Years of service: 4
Majestic Trees | www.majestictrees.co.uk 17
AAFTERCARE s a landscape architect, garden designer or landscape contractor, we want you to have the extra peace of mind if you purchase trees for your projects from Majestic Trees. Of course, you may well have your own garden maintenance company or your customer may elect to hire a garden maintenance company or, on larger projects, have their own in-house gardeners; but we always want you to know that we are still available by phone or email should you have any queries. To that end, we have published a free AfterCare Guide that we supply to all of our customers, and you can also consult our ‘Keep Thriving Info Hub’ on our website for updates, alerts or simply to answer any questions you may have to ensure you keep your trees in top condition. As mentioned, you can also contact us directly for advice whenever you need it. Our AfterCare service can be procured either on a contractual or ‘as required’ basis for stock we have supplied or planted. When booked as an annual contract, the service includes monthly visits throughout the growing season (April through to October), and includes the additional benefit of a warranty against failure for the contracted year. Single visits are offered if you have a particular concern that cannot be resolved by a phone call or email. Dependent on the issue, visits are chargeable, as will be mileage to the project site. The visit will be undertaken by a fully trained horticulturist who will inspect each tree you purchased from us, preferably meeting you on site to discuss the findings. Should you decide to retain Majestic Trees AfterCare services for the trees that we have planted soon after project completion, our horticulturist will also inspect every tree, write a report, treat any pest or diseases, fertilise as needed, inject the roots with mycorrhizae and other stimulants as required, prune if necessary and carry out minor emergency watering. The report will be issued to either yourself or your customer as per your instruction on how each tree is doing and any watering adjustments, etc. you/they need to do over the next month. Our AfterCare service is supported by our fully equipped van that includes built in equipment for drenching, spraying and injection equipment.
Grace Ibberson January 2022 Intake Apprentice
• Meet the apprentices
I started at Majestic Trees 4 years ago, and the experience has been fantastic! I apply what I have learnt on a daily basis and am committed to develop the team to make Majestic Trees even stronger.
I began working at Joseph Rochford’s on a temporary basis while also completing RHS level 2 at Capel Manor. I applied for the Kew Apprenticeship which bridged onto the Kew Diploma. Work placements in the Arboretum, Arb unit and Arb nursery confirmed my passion for trees.
At Majestic Trees, we offer two apprenticeship options. The two-year apprenticeship comprises of four days a week practical work on the nursery with one day a week during term time spent completing the prestigious Royal Horticultural Society Level 2 Diploma in Horticulture at college with examinations at the end of each module. They can then go on to RHS Level 3 courses, and if they wish and are accepted, the RHS MHort course. However, Majestic Trees understands that for some sitting behinds a desk in a college classroom, the commitment of a two-year apprenticeship programme and the prospect of sitting RHS Examinations may not be for them. If this is the case, we are able to offer a one-year traineeship, a totally in-house programme with practical and theoretical training. “Joining Majestic as an apprentice gave me the opportunity to restart my career whilst getting practical experience, which is invaluable in this industry”
TRAINING • CPD credited workshops Prior to COVID, we were doing regular CPD credited workshops on pruning, soils, tree selection, etc. We will restart them, with the first one scheduled in November, led by our very own tree pruning expert, Maria Bengtsson, MHort, Pruning and Stock Manager, supported by Eliot Barden, Dip.Hort.Kew (Hons), Aftercare, Apprenticeship and Training Manager. Please go to Eventbrite to register, and let us know on the survey what topics you would attend if we ran them during 2023. Ever since a young age I would experiment with growing flowers, fruit and vegetables. From then on I knew I wanted to horticulturemakemy vocation. I was fortunate that I received some great careers advice from my parents and others whom I respected, advising me to never deviate from what I enjoy doing.
Majestic Trees | www.majestictrees.co.uk SHOW18 TREES
We have supplyhonouredbeentomany trees to some of the industry’s leading garden designers and landscape architects, as well as many new up-and-coming designers and the RHS for the various shows each year. As our trees are grown in Air-Pots, they will have a full canopy of foliage and are very unlikely to experience any stress as often evidenced on trees planted as rootballs. In fact, we regularly supply designers last minute replacements for rootballed trees supplied by other nurseries, where both the tree and the designer are stressed out. As you can appreciate, not only are specimen trees important to your garden, but they take years of growing, pruning and development to become that special tree. We’ve invested a lot of time and money into trees that feature in show gardens, and whilst designers will be featured both on TV and in the press, the tree supplier rarely ever gets a mention or a medal for their contribution. So, whilst we do occasionally rent our trees to designers that buy our trees year around, unfortunately we cannot do this for anyone who is not an established customer. However, we will happily sell you tree stock and as long as you are able to follow through on the publicity commitment, then we will return 20% of the tree cost to the original payee. Full detail of requirements can be obtained from our sales team. It is always a pleasure to have our trees featured, but the reality is that the cost involved in supplying the trees usually far outweighs any PR benefit that we receive. However, with Majestic Trees we can supply more than the trees, as for a fee, we will not only bring all the equipment to site to unload, but we can work alongside your landscape contractor with our ‘Delivery to Tree Pit’ service. We can also, by arrangement, lift the stock from your show garden post-show and transport them to the destination of your choice at our standard delivery/collection rates, plus lifting costs if arranged well in advance. You can address show tree supply enquires to our horticultural advisors who are available to work alongside you each step of the way to ensure you find the best options for your design. We have been honoured to supply Jo Thompson the trees for many of her projects as well as her RHS gardens over the years – here winning gold for Wedgewood 762300 PLATIPUS ANCHORS.COM
Karen McClure – Garden Designer
It’s always a pleasure to visit - I always take a bit of extra time out just to walk about and locate the stock – often get inspired by seeing something unusual for sale! Prices are expensive, but you get what you pay for.’
Claire Jones Gardens ‘Majestic always excel from their front of house, horticultural advisors, delivery drivers and through to the scheduling department – consistently reliable job after job! Always happy to help, advise and support us with our tree supply. Our clients are always impressed when we take them for a tour of the nursery and although the site is not located near to us, they always find solutions to help us source and have continued a great service through the pandemic and a period of great demand in the industry!’
Edenlife Garden Design ‘Great job, excellent service and communication through every stage. Client was extremely happy with the tree.’
University of Oxford Botanic Gardens‘Only dealt with the team on the planting day, but very impressed with the professionalism and patience.’
‘The customer focus at Majestic Trees is very impressive, there is a genuine team enthusiasm for the client’s needs and the love of their trees is evident. The nursery runs with an air of confident efficiency, care and attention to detail that is conveyed right until the trees are delivered to site. It’s easy to do business with Majestic Trees.’
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Andy Bending – Garden Designer ‘I really enjoy seeing my clients faces when your excellent quality trees arrive – they always think “wow”. All your team have been very helpful. Lovely to work with.’
Vanessa Morgan Garden Design ‘Excellent service from beginning to end, absolutely no hesitation to order again.’
The Newt, Somerset ‘Pleasure to deal with you, very impressive nursery. Great place to bring my client. Excellent stock. Attentive and friendly service from Alan.’
Mark Gregory, Landform Consultants Ltd ‘Staff are always fantastically helpful and friendly.