Pro Landscaper London Supplement 2017

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working in london Paul Newman, Paul Newman Landscapes

nine elms renewal Churchman Landscape Architects

remodelling red gables The Garden Builders

London cover FINAL.indd 1

permanent planting N e w c o u n c i l s t r at e g i e s

13/07/2017 13:30


Times Square New York City

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Vestre April Go Design: Espen Voll, Tore Borgersen & Michael Olofsson

14/07/2017 08:44


From the


elcome to Pro Landscaper’s London supplement. Following the resounding success of our first regional supplements last year, London is now in its second year. In this issue, we have interviews with Paul Newman of Paul Newman Landscapes, a company specialising in domestic roof terraces; Ian Hingley, landscape architect at Urban Movement, which carries out public realm and transport infrastructure design; Tony Woods of Garden Club London, which is celebrating reaching its fifth anniversary and £1m turnover, and Lesley Lawson, head of design coordination of Galliard Homes, a property developer that has been working extensively in the capital for 25 years. You will find a range of London projects covered, from the vast development at Nine Elms to a courtyard garden in Richmond-upon-Thames. Our London Agenda question asks members of the industry for their thoughts on the impact that Mayor of London Sadiq Khan has had on green space within the capital in his first year. Enjoy the issue, and, as always, your feedback is much appreciated.

Lisa Wilkinson

registration now open


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13/07/2017 14:18


contents 06 news 08 agenda

working in london 10 garden club london 14 paul newman landscapes 17 galliard homes 20 urban movement

projects 23 hammersmith & fulham 26 nine elms

portfolios 31 adolfo harrison 35 belderbos 39 the garden builders 43 levitt bernstein

profiles 48-59 major suppliers



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10 garden club london Delivering urban excellence


31 roof terrace

Style at Regent’s Park

nine elms

Reinvigorating the Thames

13/07/2017 10:39


Eljays44 Ltd

3 Churchill Court, 112 The Street, Rustington, West Sussex BN16 2DA Tel: 01903 777 570

Editorial Deputy Editor – Nina Mason Features Editor – Joe Betts Editorial Assistant – Ellie Foster Content Manager – Claire Maher Production Production Editor – Charlie Cook Subeditor – Kate Bennett Design – Mark Hudson, Mandy Armstrong, Kara Thomas Sales Business Development Manager – Jamie Wilkinson

39 red gables

APL Award winning garden in North London

Account Manager – Jess McCabe Management Managing Director – Jim Wilkinson Editorial Director – Lisa Wilkinson

43 wormholt park

New life for a neglected space

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Published by ©Eljays44 Ltd – Connecting Horticulture Printed by Pensord Press Ltd, Gwent, UK Pro Landscaper is published 12 times per year by Eljays44 Ltd. The 2017 subscription price is £95. Subscription records are maintained at Eljays44 Ltd, 3 Churchill Court, 112 The Street, Rustington, West Sussex BN16 3DA, UK. Articles and information contained in this publication are the copyright of Eljays44 Ltd and may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publishers. The publishers cannot accept responsibility for loss of, or damage to, uncommissioned photographs or manuscripts. Whilst every effort has been made to maintain the integrity of our advertisers, we accept no responsibility for any problem, complaints, or subsequent litigation arising from readers’ responses to advertisements in the magazine. We also wish to emphasise that views expressed by editorial contributors are not necessarily those of the publishers. Reproduction of any part of this magazine is strictly forbidden.



13/07/2017 10:39



Mayor launches search for first ever London Borough of Culture

The Garden Museum opens after redevelopment The Garden Museum opened its doors at the end of May after the completion of an 18-month, £7.5m redevelopment project, made possible by National Lottery players. It is Britain’s only museum dedicated to the art, history and design of gardens. The awardwinning design includes a new courtyard extension, built without foundations due to the 20,000 bodies buried on the site – some dating back to before the Norman Conquest. The Garden Wall is a striking installation in the courtyard at the heart of the museum. Over

200 people took part in the Garden Wall Appeal, sending the museum a picture of their favourite garden, which was then fired onto a tile. hese were compiled to create an installation that re ects the individuality of gardeners. At the heart of the courtyard is new garden, designed by Dan Pearson as an ‘Eden’ of rare plants. Since the re-opening in May, the museum’s new café, which looks out across the gardens, has found its feet while sta are enjoying the museum being open again.

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan has launched the search for the first ever London orough of Culture. The new award will see the capital’s 32 boroughs bid for more than £1m of funding to stage a programme of world-class cultural events and initiatives, and develop a plan to make culture an integral part of the boroughs’ future – including potential regeneration projects. The competition will be supported by a £300,000 grant from City Bridge Trust, the City of London Corporation’s charitable funder. The Corporation will explore how it can support the competition and winning boroughs. In February 2018, two winning boroughs will be named London Borough of Culture, with one taking up the title in 2019 and the other in 2020. The winning boroughs will be chosen based on their artistic vision and ambition to deliver outstanding cultural initiatives in their local area, putting communities at the centre of the programme’s design and delivery. Only a third of Londoners feel that they make the most of the culture on their doorstep. From the outset of his mayoralty, Sadiq Khan has pledged to make growing the capital’s cultural industry a core priority.

Crowdfunding campaign launched to bring Camden Highline to life Local business group Camden Town Unlimited has launched a crowdfunding campaign to start the development of the Camden Highline, a proposed public park and garden walk linking Camden Town and King’s Cross via a disused elevated railway line. Funds will help pay for a feasibility study into the proposals. The feasibility work will establish key details such as the condition of the existing infrastructure, the resources required to


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transform the disused railway, and timelines to completion. The campaign will also help pay for events and workshops that will guide the project’s aims and ambitions, and a new community organisation that will deliver the Camden Highline. The crowdfunding campaign will run for around 100 days or whenever the circa £40k target is reached.

12/07/2017 16:36


Arney Fender Katsalidis secures planning for £130m mixed-use development in Bermondsey he London orough of outhwark has unanimously granted planning consent for a £1 m residential led mi ed use redevelopment in the heart of ermondsey, designed by architecture and interiors studio Arney Fender Katsalidis. he development will introduce a curvilinear building form to unify three e isting buildings on the site, bring cohesiveness to the scheme and create a new public realm linking ermondsey to the river. he scheme, a joint venture between First ase and global private investment group tarwood apital, will transform the 1 , ft²

site at 1 1 1 ower ridge oad, delivering new homes of mi ed tenure and 1 units for aparthotels, cafés, restaurants and coworking space around a new public square. Arney Fender Katsalidis’ design draws inspiration from the greenery in the neighbouring t ary agdalen churchyard. E isting buildings will be reclad and the dark and closed façades will be replaced with hanging cantilevered balconies and terraces. he new façade will connect each apartment to the e terior and create an organic, unified form.

Report looking at protecting and improving London’s green spaces is launched

Google submits plans for proposed King’s Cross office Google has submitted an application for planning permission to Camden Council for its proposed King’s Cross Campus – the first oogle building outside the that is wholly owned by, and designed for, Google. The plans consist of four landscaped terraces, connected by ramps and featuring a diagonal staircase, swimming pool, rooftop walking track and a garden that will span the length of the building. Construction on the 11-storey building will commence in 2018. The building, designed by eatherwick tudio and jarke ngels roup , will have a natural

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theme, with all materials sourced through Google’s Healthy Materials programme. jarke ngels, founding partner at jarke ngels roup, noted ur design is rooted in the character of the area, taking advantage of the building envelope while creating cascading work environments that will connect Googlers across multiple oors. y opening up the ground oor and activating the roofscape, the light and airy workspaces are sandwiched between the terraced gardens on the roof and market halls, auditoria and shops on the ground.”

he London ssembly Environment ommittee has launched ark life ensuring green spaces remain a hit with Londoners’, a report looking at measures to protect and improve the capital s green spaces. t recommends that the Mayor should clarify his plans to increase London’s green space, and set out an action plan to improve green space data collection, which will help target investment. It also suggests that the Greater London Authority should examine the feasibility of setting up a citywide website to provide information on all London s green spaces, including ways to get involved and a crowdfunding function. In addition, the report says that eam London, the ayor s volunteering programme, should assist green space managers in recruiting and retaining volunteers, and that the ayor should appoint a green infrastructure commissioner or champion.



12/07/2017 16:37




Darryl Moore

Nick Coslett

Tony Woods

Director, Cityscapes Putting aside the personality and politics of Boris Johnson, his tenure as Mayor of London proved to be a particularly fecund period for greening the city. His street tree campaign recognised the importance of trees to the capital’s identity and health of its inhabitants, and his Pocket Parks scheme was an e ective means of increasing the amount and quality of urban green spaces. Explicit intentions regarding green spaces were notable by their absence in Sadiq Khan’s manifesto. On a more positive note, Khan’s dedication to improving air quality is both admirable and essential. Green strategies are key to this and it is up to the industry to make its voice heard to show how green spaces, street trees and active living walls can play a major role. Khan’s 2016 ‘A City for All Londoners’ vision has little to say about green spaces, but a new London Plan is currently being prepared, so I wait with baited breath to see if there will be any significant changes to the previous one. t is worth remembering that the implementation of policies is by the nonpartisan environment team, which is well aware of the importance of greening issues and is a great advocate for them.

Marketing manager, Palmstead Nurseries Ltd Sadiq Khan is trying to implement certain policies, such as his campaign to improve air quality in London by limiting vehicles and diesels, but increasing green space could help towards this. Unfortunately, for so many politicians, it seems to take a cataclysmic event such as Grenfell Tower for action to be taken to improve living conditions. Sadiq Khan has also gone back on his own pledge to plant two million trees in London. There are issues with how London, particularly Transport for London, always attempts to plants loads of trees, but which are not well-established or wellmaintained. Trees would do a lot to moderate air pollution if planted in the right way and cared for su ciently to establish. f this is done in coordination with the proposed plan to reduce car usage in London, then that would be a good move. But what we need the Mayor of London to do is increase funding of green space and the maintenance of existing green space.

Design and operations director, Garden Club London I’m not sure he’s established a presence yet on green space within London – there aren’t any notable projects that have set him out as ‘the green person’. At the same time, he’s only been in the post for a year, and there have been many other issues to tackle in London within that time. Although Boris Johnson put forward the Garden Bridge project, it looks like that was a huge vanity project, which has now been scrapped. It would be good to see Sadiq Khan push for more pocket parks and more public space in new developments, while also ensuring that assets such as Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew are funded adequately and are given the protection they need before moving on to larger vanity projects.



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13/07/2017 11:24


Manoj Malde

Rae Wilkinson

Principal designer, Couture Gardens Driving to Greenwich I pass public spaces covered in weeds, while on a recent visit to Munich I noticed their spaces were maintained to perfection. Mr Khan’s manifesto talks about pollution and lowering carbon emissions, but not much about how he intends to create greener spaces. Does Mr Khan understand what making greener spaces means? His strategy misses a fundamental part of planting more trees and creating greener spaces through gardens, parks, social areas, allotments and communal areas think about the health benefits and the feel-good factor for the public at large. City roof spaces should be turned into usable garden spaces. fter a year and a half in o ce there’s no sign of trees creating an avenue from Tottenham Court Road to Marble Arch. If cities like Milan can combine housing and reforesting, why is London not able to do the same? China is adopting the same strategy. Make Londoners proud, Mr Mayor.

Owner, Rae Wilkinson Garden & Landscape Design Having grown up in London, I know the value of green space in the city. Parks, allotments, street trees and rooftop gardens provide an oasis for wildlife and humans alike. They also represent the pride we take in our environment and our cities. Sadiq Khan’s green manifesto appears to be very good, but it is both ambitious and rather broad-brush in its aims. There is no clear strategy as to how any of it will be implemented, and I know that my London-based friends and colleagues have yet to see any sign of his promises. Though opinion on the cancelled garden bridge remains divided, the promise of more localised improvements to green space as an alternative has yet to come to fruition. I suspect most Londoners would like to see Sadiq push his green manifesto forward to prove it is not just hot air.

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13/07/2017 11:25


WORKING IN LONDON DELIVERING EXCELLENCE IN URBAN AREAS Tony Woods Design and operations director, Garden Club London


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ony, tell us about Garden Club London. he business was established in 1 , o ering design and planting while our hard landscaping was contracted out. t s now grown to 1 members of sta , and of our hard landscaping is in house, though we contract out specialist elements. How is the company now structured? here is a hard landscaping team and a soft landscaping team. e have a design team, with four in house designers and landscape architects in the studio full time some specialise in commercial projects and others in residential projects. How are each of these teams managed? business manager overlooks the accounts, invoicing and client management. project management landscape architect focuses specifically on our commercial projects, and a landscape operations manager runs all the teams and brings projects together. he designers hand over to him for the client to sign o the project, and he will manage the project on site. y input is to come up with the big idea, and illustrate and pass this over to the design team, who will detail it and work out how we can deliver it. Does design still make up the higher percentage of the company’s work? esign is probably about of our turnover, with the remaining being build and planting. f you break that down, about of our business is roof gardens and on the ground. Do you offer maintenance? Yes, we o er an e clusive service for design clients we don t tender for maintenance contracts. f it s a commercial project, we will give the client a health and safety pack and an operation and maintenance

manual, including a proposal from us to provide the maintenance. n domestic situations, we hand over the final planting plan with maintenance recommendations, along with a proposal for us to visit four times a year to carry out that maintenance of clients take this service. e guarantee all of the plants in the garden for the duration of the maintenance contract, so it adds value and confirms that we are confident in what we do. t s good to see the progress of the garden as well, so it s more engaging for us and our gardeners. Are all of your projects in London? Yes. e have taken on projects in the home counties previously, but now that we ve built a reputation for delivering e cellence in urban design we re getting much bigger projects in London. e re based in au hall, so it s much easier to manage London based projects. e know what our overheads and time restraints are there are no anomalies that will dent our profit margin. How have you built your reputation so quickly? e won our first old medal after only 1 months of trading. t gave us a great seal of approval, and from that we gained more blue chip clients. ohn Lewis has been a client for four years now we re its go to designer, and it comes to us if it needs help with installations. e do a lot of pop up gardens. Where do they fit into the business? he company has three main divisions residential, commercial, and pop up. he pop up department is really building momentum its turnover has tripled in the last two years. ome of our projects this year have included eliciously Ella s pop up deli and garden for roadgate Estates and the area for n lackheath Festival. he company has a youthful vibe, and we re always trying to push the boundaries of landscaping.


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13/07/2017 13:19


Are pop-ups increasingly popular in London? efinitely it s linked to social media. rands don t just want people to tweet their products or put them on nstagram, they want people to post their e perience of the product. f someone posts a picture of themself drinking a certain smoothie in a hammock surrounded by palm trees, it gives that brand the wow factor . Is more of your work commercial or domestic? e carry out more residential projects at the moment, but they are often on smaller budgets than commercial projects. f we classify pop up gardens as commercial projects, it s around . What would a typical project involve for you? t would probably be a back garden or roof terrace, between £ k and around m . ore often than not, people have bifold doors looking out onto the garden or have had a kitchen conversion, and they want the space outside to connect with the house. hey call us in to make the areas work together. Where does Garden Club London position itself in terms of pricing? ur day rates and bills are pretty average for London. e don t say yes to every project we vet en uiries carefully. f a client says they have £ k to spend, they might e pect £1 k worth of garden, which we can t deliver. e probably charge more for our design work, but the client gets to see how the project is engineered and is given a full set of drawings. e charge for our high level of service, but we don t take advantage of our reputation by charging above the odds. What are the pros of working within London? t s never boring you re doing something di erent every day. You meet so many di erent people from diverse backgrounds, countries and professions. ccess can be challenging, but there are so many distinct styles and people have such varying briefs. How do you deal with challenges such as access? large part is educating the client, and e plaining why the preparation costs so much for e ample, buying dust sheets or parking for a number of days. his adds a premium, but allows the project to run as smoothly as possible. ur operations manager will know the restrictions in each borough in terms of waste disposal, parking suspensions and access. London is fast becoming a hour city for a recent project, we



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had skips delivered at 4am in a non-residential area, and we had a night shift to remove our waste so that everything was complete when the client returned to the commercial environment. When this happens, we give sta time in lieu or overtime. How do you recruit and retain staff? We recruit through Horticulture Careers, but also through people seeing our press coverage and sending in CVs. It’s about capturing people’s imaginations you re not going to retain your sta if they’re not engaged. We also have a KPI Bonus cheme, which means sta can earn at least of their annual salary as a bonus, depending on performance. ll our permanent employees benefit from healthcare after one year of service, as well as subsidised gym membership. We want to attract and retain the best people, but also the right people for us. Where do you see the company in the next five years? It’s a really exciting time. We’ve just passed the £1m turnover threshold, and we’re moving to bigger o ces and recruiting more sta . e have a fantastic, motivated young team. We’re also hoping to take on apprentices, to bring a new generation through and hopefully plug a few skills gaps. We will probably double our public realm work – specialist urban projects that involve rainwater harvesting and green walls. If we educate our clients on the value of green space, I think the company will continue to grow steadily. We’ll add more landscape architects to cope with this demand and maintain the current standard of project management and design.

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Are there any projects you’d like to be involved in? We want to showcase our work at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show and Hampton Court Palace Flower Show – not for publicity, but from a professional development point of view for our team. It would be good to get a few more medals under our belt, and it’s a good opportunity to make industry contacts and work with di erent companies. t pulls the industry together.

Garden Club London

What will you be working on next? Our design and build teams are working on residential projects, and our commercial landscape architects are working on a riverside scheme for a housing development. Our pop-up team is already looking at Christmas concepts, working six months ahead.

After over a decade of working in various horticultural and garden landscape roles, Tony Woods founded Garden Club London. Tony is a professional horticulturist, RHS Gold medal winning designer and winner of the prestigious ‘Young Garden Designer of the Year’ in 2013. W:



12/07/2017 16:18



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ow much of your work is in London, and how much is for domestic clients? Around 40% is in London, all for domestic clients – we do recieve emails for commercial tendering contracts, but we prefer the intimacy of domestic situations. What would a typical domestic project involve and what would be the typical value? Most of our enquiries are for domestic roof terraces. Costs can vary greatly depending on ease of access, complexity of build and, of course, the client’s budget, which can be anywhere between £15k-£100k. Do clients want low maintenance gardens? Yes – many of our clients are professionals with limited time to spend maintaining gardens. We select materials and plants that will cater for this, such as porcelain paving and composite decking. If we put planting in, we install automated irrigation systems. What issues do you face during domestic projects in London, and how do you deal with them? Many projects don’t have side access, so materials have to be taken through the house or apartment. e use plenty of internal protection for oors, walls and door frames. The easiest access to roof terraces is with a furniture hoist, and coordination is key – we have one team on the ground loading up the hoist and the other on the roof o oading the materials. It’s crucial to have all permits, licences, parking bay suspensions etc. organised well in advance. If a lot of deliveries are required, we try to organise a time schedule, but this can be di cult with London tra c. Do you take these issues into account when pricing contracts? Many factors have to be taken into account. We’re

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based in Hertfordshire, and although we can be in London within minutes, tra c is a constant problem. This, together with parking, waste removal, permits, site access and congestion charges, all adds up, and is re ected in the overall cost. Is tendering more competitive in London? It’s the same as anywhere else, but we’re wellrenowned and have a good portfolio, so we’re never short of work. Most clients obtain a number of quotes for the work they require; as they are busy professionals, m very accommodating and try to fit in consultations to suit their needs, which often means attending evening or weekend appointments. This sometimes gives me the edge. What are the pros of working in London? London is a place like no other. Every project is di erent some are suburban back streets, while others o er ama ing cityscape views. f you like the vibrancy, the hustle and bustle, and the challenge of a 24-hour city, London is a great place to work. What domestic trends will we see in the future? I think that technological advances in the home will move outside – we’re often asked for automated lighting and audio systems, and outdoor kitchens have been strong for a while. I also think we’ll see an increase in artificial gardening products that are easy to maintain, but still look great.

Paul Newman Landscapes Paul Newman Landscapes provides a complete landscaping service from concept to completion for clients throughout London and Hertfordshire, offering high quality individual design and build projects to suit any client’s style and budget. W:



12/07/2017 16:52

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WORKING IN LONDON LUXURY GREEN SPACE Lesley Lawson head of design coordination, Galliard Homes


or Lesley Lawson, head of design coordination at Galliard Homes, green space is a moment of respite. “It gives people space to breathe and kids a place to let o steam, she says. hen planning the green areas around a new development, her main consideration is to create a scheme that allows everyone to pause and relax. s a major company covering di erent locations and price ranges, Galliard has a pragmatic approach to landscaping. Its vision is to deliver “a robust planting scheme that contributes to the development at a reasonable fee , as Lesley puts it. e provide people with a comfortable environment that changes with the seasons, but doesn’t overburden them with service charges that they can t or don t want to pay. For this reason, the complexity of the design and the range of planting varies to suit the situation of each Galliard property. “It will be a scheme that’s appropriate to the site, si e and scale of the development, she e plains. here there are people with the ability to


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13/07/2017 10:43



Galliard Homes With an almost 25-year track record of offering support and opportunity to London’s property investors, Galliard Homes has been delivering luxury new homes in London and beyond since 1990. W:



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pay higher maintenance charges, we provide a more extended and diverse scheme.” The style of each development, its surroundings, the look of the buildings, and local planning expectations also play roles in shaping green space. “Landscape architects develop the planting in line with the area and the environment we want to provide,” says Lesley. “They may introduce features or sculptures as well as planting, or be interested in the harder finishing. She mentions The Stage, a mixed-use development in Shoreditch. Set for completion in 2019, it features 412 apartments and more than 400,000ft2 of o ce, retail and leisure space – as well as the ruins of The Curtain Theatre, where Shakespeare is thought to have premiered Romeo and Juliet. The remains are showcased in a 200-seat sunken amphitheatre that sets the tone for the entire development.

Greenery is spread across the site on rooftop terraces and restored Victorian rail viaducts, where public gardens will stretch above boutique retail stores. Created by Townshend Landscape Architects, the scheme has plenty of hard landscaping, with areas re ecting the theatre and the era it was built in. Lesley says she prefers schemes that look like “they have been there for some time, rather than as if they have just been planted.” When hiring landscape architects or garden designers, Galliard also looks for innovation. “If we have a specialist development, we will look for someone who can work with us to provide a bespoke theme,” says Lesley. “We like something out of the ordinary.” The new Great Scotland Yard Hotel is a good example of this. Having sold the site’s lease to the Dubai-based LuLu Group, Galliard is turning the historic home of the etropolitan olice into a five star hotel, which will open its doors later this year. The £50m renovation of the Grade II-listed Edwardian building needed suitable landscaping but presented some challenges, having very limited sunlight. Galliard called on Chelsea award-winner Ruth Willmott, who came up with an innovative Victorian fernery design that makes the most of Great Scotland Yard’s heritage while meeting the site’s constraints. Willmott also worked with Galliard on The Chilterns, a development of 44 exclusive apartments a stone’s throw away from where The Beatles’ Apple Boutique could once be found. This heritage is the inspiration behind The Chilterns’ architecture, with acrylic fins adding pops of colour to a sleek fa ade of reconstituted stone, while sophisticated interiors draw from Marylebone’s cosmopolitan atmosphere. Willmott created an elegant green space design; evergreen areas peppered with white owering shrubs are broken up by burgundy, copper and pink owering plants. he scheme complements the interiors while capturing the vibe of the Swinging Sixties. Lesley says it s di cult to pick just one favourite among the developments she’s worked on. “I like working with the designers and landscape architects. Our sites are very diverse, so we really are guided by our landscape designers – they are key for us.”

13/07/2017 10:43

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w w w. v i s t a g r e e n . c o m 13/07/2017 12:52


URBAN MOVEMENT Ian Hingley, landscape architect at Urban Movement, discusses the company’s roots, flagship projects, and why london is at the cutting edge 20


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12/07/2017 16:46



ell us a little bit about Urban Movement. We began six years ago as the transport and urban realm team in a civic design consultancy called Urban Initiatives. When they closed, we started trading as Urban Movement. There were originally four of us and now there are five, so it has always been a small company and think it will remain that way. e all have di erent professions – I am the landscape architect and oversee most of the design work, and then we also have a transport planner, a tra c engineer, an architect and an urban designer. e tend to work on projects together, but one person will lead depending on where it falls. What percentage of your work is in London? In terms of fees, it is probably about 80%. We have some potential work in lasgow at the moment, and if we get that the split will probably go to 60%. Who is your typical London client? It is nearly always one of the London boroughs. entral London is where the core of our work is, but we do a lot of work for the outer boroughs as well, and we also provide services for Transport for London (TfL). he work we do for the boroughs is usually funded by TfL, so even though the boroughs are commissioning us, we still have to work closely with fL. What work have you done recently? e finished a project in Lambeth called lapham ld own, and are now working with roydon orough Council to improve some of its cycle infrastructure. We are also working with fL on cycling related projects. Is cycling infrastructure in high demand? Yes most of the bigger projects are funded by fL, and TfL’s aims are set by the Mayor of London. A big trend at present is making streets healthier, and getting more people walking and cycling. e think about how we can make the streets more conducive to that, how we can mitigate air pollution, and how we can deal with surface water runo in a sustainable manner. How does it feel to see your designs come to life? You can only judge the success of a project if it gets built. ur purpose is to physically change the city if we don t achieve that, the project is less meaningful. lot of our work involves developing strategies that may filter down and be in uential over a number of years. he most satisfying projects are those that we actually design and see built.

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How important are green spaces in London? hey are absolutely vital. t is well documented that green space benefits people s physical and mental health. Most people in central London are able to get to a green space within a 1 minute walk, but there are areas where people only have access to the street. In central areas, the amount of green space is tiny. This means that the street environment is really important, because it has to fulfil the green space role as well. That’s why one of the things we do is increase the level of amenity on the road – planting trees and introducing seating. That at least allows people to occupy that public space when they don’t have access to parks and gardens.


What are the benefits of being based in London? London projects often set the agenda for the rest of the country, with cycling infrastructure being a good example. London attracts a lot of ambitious people, both on the consultant side and also within councils. London boroughs are ambitious, and want to be at the forefront of thinking in relation to public realm design. eing based in London also o ers great access to project case studies and best practice. e do site visits to places like openhagen and msterdam, so proximity to Europe is important. What difference do you see there? There is a stronger culture of street life; they prioritise walking and cycling more than we do. e are slowly shifting to that kind of model, but we are about years behind. It is happening in London now – there is a culture shift and cycling is becoming more of a normal way of getting around the city. Are there any negatives? The biggest negative is the price of housing, but I would say that’s the only disadvantage.

Urban Movement Urban Movement is a design practice characterised by a desire to improve our streets, public spaces and transport infrastructure. W:



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ondon has long been known for its eclectic nature. Thanks to historical disasters such as the Great Fire and the Blitz, as well as the current drive to build new wealth, the capital rarely looks the same from one decade to the next. Its reputation for opening its arms to people from across the globe, meanwhile, makes it one of the most vibrant and interesting places in the world. One of the most fascinating parts of London in this respect is Hammersmith and Fulham, a borough with a wealth of di erent areas to e plore. hese range from the built-up centre of Hammersmith, which can be one of the most chaotic and noisy places in the city, to urban idylls such as Parsons Green. Its parks, meanwhile, o er a variety of pleasures to those looking for tranquillity. The borough dates back to 1965, when the two metropolitan boroughs of Fulham and Hammersmith were merged. Situated in the west of London, it has



HAMMERSMITH AND FULHAM Hammersmith and Fulham continues to receive plaudits for its multifaceted and community-focused parks offer 2

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1 A lakeside view at Ravenscourt Park 2 Blossom and basketball in Ravenscourt Park 3 Among the willows in Bishops Park 4 Cycling through the crocuses in Bishops Park 5 Colourful planting in Ravenscourt Park

a population of around 180,000, spread over six and a half square miles. Special atmosphere The area’s parks are supervised by Hammersmith and Fulham Council. “We have 61 parks, open spaces and cemeteries,” says local authority park manager Ian Ross. “These include places such as Eel Brook Common, Parsons Green, Shepherds Bush Green, and Brook Green, all of which have their own history and are well loved by local people. There’s also quite a lot of old common land within the borough, as well as two sites – Wormwood Scrubs and some areas of urlingham ark that have been classified as metropolitan open land, a ording them the same protected status as metropolitan green belt.” ccording to an, the most significant park from a historical point of view is Bishops Park, which is linked to Fulham Palace – the historical residence of the Bishop of London. It is one of the borough’s two main ‘destination parks’, along with Ravenscourt Park; these two parks together attract hundreds of thousands of visitors each year. “Ravenscourt Park is more in the middle of Hammersmith,” Ian says. “It’s got playgrounds, a café, a paddling pool and tennis courts, as well as some open parkland. One of the most unique and interesting features is a set of arches that splits the land into two,




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carrying a section of the Piccadilly and District lines. It really gives the park a special atmosphere. “It also has a lot of history in its own right. For instance, it was the site of an old manor house that was bombed in the Second World War and never rebuilt by the council, which sadly was the way in those days. You can do a nice circular walk there, and it acts as a real focal point for the local community.” Bishops Park is situated in the south of the borough, next to the Thames. Among other attractions, it boasts an ornamental lake and an ‘urban beach’ dating back to the beginning of the 20th century. As is often the case with London sites, it also contains features that you wouldn t necessarily e pect to find, such as a memorial to the International Brigade that fought in the Spanish Civil War. Furnivall Gardens is another park with historical ties, specifically related to rowing what is now called the Furnivall Sculling Club was established there in 1896, and it is a popular place from which to watch The Boat Race between Oxford and Cambridge universities. Bishops Park and Ravenscourt Park each have a special place in the hearts of locals, being venues for the borough s annual firework displays, which take place around the fifth of ovember every year. Coping with budget changes Like most local authorities across the United Kingdom, Hammersmith and Fulham Council has had to deal with significant changes to its budget in recent years. eedless to say, this has had an e ect on the amount of money it can spend on its parks, specifically on new initiatives when it comes to owers and plants. “We’ve moved away from more traditional horticulture practice almost entirely,” says Ian, asked about the changes the council has made to its planting strategy. “We’ve got hardly any annual bedding in our parks now, which has been the case since we started to move to more permanent planting, shrubs and grass. The reason for that is that we don’t have the sta ng or funding levels to do it in the way we used to. “We do have a rolling annual capital programme, which totals about £ , . e often find ourselves using it to manage shortfalls in the maintenance budget, for instance to perform footpath repairs – although we do carry out improvements as well.” While Hammersmith and Fulham Council’s budget may have shrunk, development work has continued, and it is continually improving its parks. One way it

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funds is through ‘match funding’, where local residents raise a certain amount of money for a project and the local authority pledge to contribute the other half, where possible. This is how Hurlingham Park got its new playground, with a lot of the money also coming from Thames Water. New strategies The council is particularly proud of its recent development of Wormholt Park in White City, which won a British Association of Landscape Industries Award in September last year. The work consisted of laying a new footpath network and redeveloping features such as the playground to make them more user-friendly. New horticultural features included shrubs, a spring owering witch ha el walkway, and a tree-lined entrance. “The redevelopment of Wormholt Park was a result of Section 106 funding of just under £1m, made available because of an adjacent housing project,” Ian tells us. “Work began in 2015, and we were in close consultation with local community groups the whole time, which is one of the things the judges liked. It really is a result of people telling us what they wanted.

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“There were a lot of cynical people saying it would never happen, and I’m so happy that we proved them wrong. It had been really run down, so we’re very proud of what we achieved.” Hammersmith and Fulham Council published its most recent parks strategy ten years ago. As anyone could tell you, however, a lot has changed since then. What does Ian think the priorities will be over the next ten years? “When we redo the plan, which we will soon, we’ll be looking to make the links between parks and the community even stronger,” he says. “We’re doing a lot of work with the highways department, looking at sustainable urban drainage – putting down permeable surfaces on paths and things like that. “We’re also going to look at how our parks can help keep people healthy – we’re considering plans to develop an outdoor gym. There’s the anti-pollution aspect as well, which will definitely be on the agenda because of our leaders’ ambition to be the greenest borough in the country.”





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NINE ELMS the development at nine elms reinvigorates a neglected stretch of the thames



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Clients: ine Elms au hall artnership Landscape architects: hurchman Landscape rchitects Collaborators: rick o , uro appold, tudio eave and tudio ord oontje


he Nine Elms and South Bank path project will celebrate the di erences of the spaces through which it passes, forming an ever changing visual and cultural e perience along the path. he narrative will weave in references to the many manifestations of ine Elms, including its associations with horticulture through the ew ovent arden arket, the scars left by heavy industry, lost hames tributaries, , boat wharves and railway goods yards. hris hurchman, founder and director of hurchman Landscape rchitects, details its designs for the project. Can you tell us a little about the project’s origins and brief? he project is in ine Elms, which is named after the nine elm trees that historically stood in the area. ttempts have been made in the past to try and plant another nine elms, but none of them have uite succeeded currently there are seven elms, which were planted in the eventies. For us, the project began in 1 it has had uite a long gestation period. e were approached by Nine Elms on the South Bank, a partnership between the London oroughs of andsworth and Lambeth. ur initial brief was from attersea ridge down to Lambeth ridge, about km of the outh ank. ne thing that the client didn t want was the embankment strategies that had been rolled out everywhere else, such as ictoria Embankment and lbert Embankment they are all very similar, with the wide pavements and the London plane trees, and the client wanted something much richer. The work was broken down into two projects: a masterplan for the entire km stretch, and delivery of hase 1, from eathwall umping tation opposite the merican embassy down to t eorge harf ower. hat is a stretch of about metres. How important is green space in the design? he hames ath is a series of subspaces and smaller projects in some areas it is just a pathway that runs in front of e isting residencies, and in other areas it opens up into little pocket parks. ithin hase 1 there

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are three pocket parks: Prescott Wharf, Bourne Valley Wharf, and Riverside Gardens. These three spaces were formerly old wharf areas – at one time this whole stretch of the Thames was working wharves, and even in the Seventies there were still wharves operating along that frontage. The green spaces that have arisen really relate to those wharves. These green spaces came about because of residential developments in the Seventies and early Eighties; part of the planning approval for those residential developments was that green spaces were set up for the London Borough of Wandsworth. The borough owned the spaces and had the maintenance responsibilities, but, in all honesty, they weren’t very green. There were some trees, but they weren’t really gardens as such. Part of the project has been to increase the horticultural o ering of those spaces. How will your designs make the pathways better for pedestrians and cyclists? Before we started, you could follow the Thames up to Heathwall Pumping Station – which is at the end of our Phase 1 – but then you had to come back onto Nine Elms Lane, and so pedestrians and cyclists would both go on to the Thames Path. Cyclists are not supposed to use the Thames Path, as it is not a dedicated cycle route, so that has been a bit of a bone of contention for a while. When we started working on the project there were proposals to bring a new bridge across to our site, landing on one of our three gardens. The intention is that the bridge will be for pedestrians and cyclists, and TfL and the local authority anticipate that cycle usage would increase along this stretch of footpath. The idea is for it to be used for leisure cycling by those who are happy to move at a more sedate pace, so the design had to re ect that devices will be used to discourage people from riding along the path at great speeds. What value will your designs add to the area? The whole purpose of the design is to get people to engage with the riverfront. One of the goals outlined in the brief was to give a backstory and some sort of context to the project, because there was no obvious awareness or expression of the area’s history and culture, and there wasn’t really a residential community in the area. There were two Seventies residential blocks, but the rest of the area was pretty much empty. Around 5,000 more residents have arrived in the last three to five years, and that will continue. y



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the time the whole of Nine Elms and Battersea Power tation is finished in , you could be looking at , new residents in the area. here is open space within the residential development, such as the linear park, but that’s quite modest in scale so the design provides a lot of other green spaces to fill that need. The Thames Path is a tourist destination in its own right, and we know that Battersea Power Station will also be a destination, particularly after the extension of the Northern line. People will walk from the London Eye and Waterloo down to Battersea, so tourist footfall through that area will increase exponentially. Has there been collaboration on the project? Quite a few specialists have been brought in to work with us on the project. We originally entered a competition to win the contract; the initial competition team was ourselves, Buro Happold and a company called Brick Box, which is a community engagement consultancy. The original brief was broken down into three types of project: projects that would take place over a week or so, temporary projects with an anticipated timescale of one to five years, and permanent projects. Brick Box has real strengths in terms of the short term projects, and they set up The ig raw event in 1 , getting e isting residents and local schools to go down to the river and see what the project was about, and then using that engagement to develop plans. We secured the commission, and then an architect from one of the other teams, Studio Weave, joined us. We have worked with Studio Weave on projects before, such as a scheme at the Olympic Park; they are designing a pavilion, which will be finished in September. There has been a team of six consultants throughout; we have led the main masterplan, but there are components within that have been developed by others. Last year Nine Elms itself engaged Tord Boontje, an industrial product designer, who has designed beautiful rotating seats for the riverside garden. Some areas of the riverfront are owned by private companies – what challenges does this present? Most of the riverfront isn’t owned by the local authorities about of the km we are dealing with is owned by private developers, who have ownership of both the buildings that are adjacent to the river, and the actual river path as well. That was a significant issue, and we have come up with an

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overarching strategy to provide some coherence and make sure the whole 2km reads as one. We knew that the project was always going to have a lot of idiosyncrasies, so we came up with the idea of the ‘nine realms’. The idea is that there will be nine ‘moments’ along this 2km path. Three of these moments will be the pocket parks, with each one having a strong individual identity. There will be an overall theme in terms of the plants and paving materials, but each space will be uni ue, with di erent objects and street furniture. Have you used any other aspects of the location’s history in the design? he iver E ra, one of London s lost rivers , comes out of Vauxhall Bridge, and there is obviously Battersea Power Station and all the industrial heritage that comes with that. The area was also used for growing asparagus – ‘Battersea Bundles’ – in the 18th century, so there’s an agricultural backstory, too. An important element underpinning the project was the story of John Tradescant, a man who lived locally in Lambeth and ran the first public museum in the country – possibly in the world. He had a room called the ‘cabinet of curiosities’, where he held his collection of bizarre objects from all around the globe. At that time, people didn’t tend to be aware of what was happening outside of London, and they could come to this room to see these amazing objects. We drew a lot of inspiration from that story – we want the path to be a ‘display case’ for unusual objects.

Chris Churchman, Churchman Landscape Architects With offices in both London and Bristol, Churchman Landscape Architects has over 20 years of experience responding to client briefs with a unique vision. W:

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12/07/2017 16:43


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Size of project 52m² Build time Six weeks Project value £100k

by Adolfo Harrison Gardens

aving bought their property because of its majestic views over Regent's Park, the clients wanted an exposed roof terrace that would make the most of those views. The design for the space had to satisfy two key requirements: the owners wanted the length of the terrace to face the park, with an open, uninterrupted view as if facing a theatre stage – while also maintaining the feeling that they were immersed in a garden.


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Design and build he fear with the ďŹ rst part of the brief was that it could take on the feel of an open balcony. o address this, a layout based on the stepped diamond motif was created to overlook the garden and introduce uctuating areas of openness and enclosure, encouraging movement and e ploration. o keep the project within budget, the original granite paving slabs were retained, and integrated into the design by aligning features to their grid pattern where possible. he design also introduced di erent viewpoints from which the surrounding vista could be enjoyed, further urging you to journey through the space. s the weight load needed to be kept as light as possible, estern red cedar was used for all timber

work, and growing mediums more associated with green roofs were used in the planters. he terrace was e posed to both the elements and the views from a block of ats behind, so screens and a pergola structure were essential to bring a sense of shelter. dditionally, a water feature was cleverly hidden amongst the planting to disguise the noise of the city roads below. iven the rooftop location of the garden, moving materials and e uipment to and from the site was a challenge. For e ample, the pergola timber wouldn t ďŹ t in the lift, and instead had to be measured to ďŹ t the staircase. he garden was designed in close collaboration with en kinner from own ountry ardens to ensure it was well built, and that di culties brought about by the tricky access were overcome.


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Suppliers Design Adolfo Harrison Gardens Contractor Town & Country Gardens Maintenance Mark Poswillo

Water feature Adezz The Pot Company Western Red Cedar Champion Chairs Harry Bertoia Cushions Canvasman



Adolfo Harrison.indd 34

Planting With all the structural elements, it was important to add balance with textured planting. Adolfo Harrison Gardens designed a planting palette based on perennials and grasses, chosen to provide movement and trail over the sides of the raised beds. Climbers provided screening and scented growth around the pergola. The clients were happy to have regular garden maintenance, and were introduced to Mark Poswillo, previously head gardener at Chelsea Physic Garden. ith ark s input, the garden has ourished and evolved over the last few years. For example, the owners adore foxgloves, which Adolfo would never ordinarily have grown on an open roof terrace – but Mark has them thriving, much to the delight of the clients. “That’s what it’s about,” says Adolfo. “They love sitting in their private garden among all the plants, drinking in this great view of London.”

1 Gardener Mark Poswillo ensures the Digitalis purpurea thrives in these conditions 2 A glimpse of the stepped diamond motif that gives the garden its layout 3 The family table nestled among the planting 4 The garden's first summer, with the climbers yet to cover the pergola 5 The garden offers views over the City of London

Adolfo Harrison Gardens Adolfo Harrison Gardens has been creating award-winning private and public gardens of all shapes and sizes for over a decade, working on over 100 projects in that time. Thriving on the more challenging briefs, and introducing elements and materials that are designed to endure, it places particular focus on establishing a collaborative dynamic between its landscape contractors. W:

Photos: Mischa Haller

Plants Hortus Loci Chichester Trees & Plants

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RICHMOND-UPON-THAMES H by Belderbos Landscapes

aving downsized from their large family home, the client wanted to maximise the room in their new, smaller garden so that they could use it to its full potential. As well as being low maintenance, the client sought a space that they could use all year round, with a garden that would become part of their extended living area. This meant that the open-fronted room at the end of the back garden was a priority, providing an outside room that could be used throughout the seasons, as well as an additional space for storage. The client wanted the front garden to be a welcoming and open space – in contrast to the original garden, which was dark and had very little planting.

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Size of project Front and rear 50m² Build time Eight weeks Project value £40k




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Design and build The client wanted a timeless design that was traditional rather than cutting-edge, and which worked in conjunction with the character and period of the property. The stone was matched to the interior ooring and was used in the front and rear garden, with herringbone brick featured between the two raised and rendered planters to denote the di erent area. Mirrors were employed at the rear of the garden to re ect light and give a sense of space. hese were cleverly installed at an angle so that the client wouldn t see re ections of themselves as they walked towards them. The design and positioning of the planters also enhanced the perception of depth and space. he design ensured e ective use of the sun by providing somewhere to sit at di erent times of the day, in order to enjoy the sunshine. In addition, Belderbos Landscapes advised and worked with one of the neighbours to heavily prune back their planting, allowing even more light to ood into the garden. A colourful palette of herbaceous plants was carefully selected to create a charming, cottage-style scheme. As the client enjoyed spending time in the garden, plenty of scented perennial planting and roses were included, which could be enjoyed from inside the garden room and at di erent seating points within the garden, as well as from the kitchen. The garden room, situated within the rear garden, was bespoke and made on-site. It was designed with a steep roof to ensure there would be su cient water runo , and that minimal maintenance would be required. The design also allowed for a dining table to be added in the future, which could be positioned with one half in the room itself, and the other in the garden. The room was additionally equipped for all weathers, with an inbuilt heater and water-resilient accessories.



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1 View from the kitchen into the back garden 2 Interior of the bespoke garden room 3 Front garden, with an over sized planter to provide a sense of scale 4 Front garden raised beds with year-round planting interest 5 Back garden raised beds, alongside herringbone paving

Belderbos Landscapes Belderbos Landscapes is an established landscape and garden design company, building and maintaining gardens and outdoor spaces in London and the home counties. W:

Although access to the front garden was relatively straightforward, moving equipment and materials in and out of the rear garden was a challenge because all supplies needed to be carried through the house. The access to the front door from the pavement was broken up to add a degree of interest. Instead of a straight, direct path from the road to the front door, an indirect path was created to give the feeling of walking

through the garden, rather than simply from one point to another. As with the back garden, the front garden was carefully designed to mirror the overall character and period of the property. The end result, described by the owners as “a real success and a space that we really enjoy using�, is an enchanting and authentic-looking garden that brims with charm and complements the style of the house.


Suppliers Landscaper Belderbos Landscapes Designer Christopher Masson Reclaimed Yorkstone Bingley Stone Brick Chelmer Valley Plants The Palm Centre Bespoke garden room and raised planters Belderbos Landscapes



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RED GABLES by The Garden Builders


APL AWARDS 2017 WINNER, Project over £200k


he Garden Builders was appointed as the sole contractor to remodel the expansive front and rear gardens of this attractive North London family home, working to a design by Lynne Marcus Garden Design. Undertaking all aspects of hard and soft landscaping, The Garden Builders started the project in late January 2015, and was required to complete all works by summer that year. The owners wanted the design to include direct access to the swimming pool in the basement of the property, a loggia for entertaining, a hidden trampoline and plenty of lawn for their children — as well as a vivarium for their feisty African tortoise. Aesthetically, the clients wanted symmetry, a semi-traditional formality, and a colour palette restricted to white, green and touches of blue.

Size of project Rear 1200m², front 300m² Build time Six months Project value £370k

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Project overview The Garden Builders created a handsome, elegant multi-level garden with a stately, formal look. It practically addresses the family’s need for entertainment, relaxation and play spaces, and complements the renovation of the property. Featuring a cosy seating area with a backdrop of stylish planting that is set within large, attractive planters, a courtyard was sunk to create direct access to the basement swimming pool. From the courtyard, a pair of majestic Italianate staircases were installed, gracefully curving up to the main terrace and creating a stunning focal point that highlights both the symmetry and the breadth of the garden space. Two rows of pleached Quercus ilex enrich the garden s symmetry, anking the main steps on the central a is. his o ers a centrepiece leading up to the lawn, which was built in a similar shape to the pool courtyard as a play area for the client’s children. Varying terrace levels were then created to provide an alternative route through the space, contrasting with contemporary box parterres to soften the ascent. In order to provide an area for cooking and leisure, a loggia was constructed at the back of the garden, approached by a romantic pathway that was planted with lovely soft ornus. his also o ers an attractive view from the orangery. The build The Garden Builders’ main obstacle was access; sca olding prevented entry via the side of the property and restricted it to pedestrian access only up until the last two weeks of the build. This meant that all initial spoil and large materials had to be moved through the house and over the sunken garden excavation pit via a temporary walkway. The entire garden works were also running alongside groundwork and interior and exterior house renovations, adding to the congestion. Bad weather in January and February 2015 had a significant impact, slowing down progress and making the strip-out and necessary excavations a nightmare for all involved. The adverse weather conditions made things tricky for the groundworker excavating the sunken garden and, as this work took precedence, The Garden Builders team was consequently slowed down. Because of this, there were some unproductive days at the start of the project. Bespoke sawn Yorkstone paving was supplied by Bingley Stone, who pulled out all the stops to get



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1 Side view of tiered terracing 2 View down over basement garden and main terrace 3 Rear view of house through tiered planting 4 Hand-cut stone circle with feature stone plinth and sculpture 5 Steps leading to loggia 6 Basement garden and bespoke lead water feature

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Suppliers Contractor The Garden Builders Designer Lynne Marcus Garden Design Bespoke sawn Yorkstone Bingley Stone Plants (trees, shrubs, hedging, perennials, lawn) Via the designer, with a number supplied by Premier Plants Lighting HUNZA Light Ideas Water feature Tulip Art

The Garden Builders Formed in 1997, The Garden Builders is a multi-award-winning London-based contractor, undertaking design and build and build/plant-only commissions throughout London and the surrounds. W:



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The Garden Builders’ templated stone treads, risers and bespoke coping stones back within three to four weeks. Ordinarily, an eight to 12-week lead would be expected, so this was really helpful in allowing the team to meet its completion target. In April, once the weather had improved, The Garden Builders focused on planting the perennials, smaller shrubs and lawn (trees, hedging and other large items had been planted in March). The planting phase took over four weeks, longer than anticipated; even with the irrigation ready and installed, The Garden Builders had full time watering teams filtering in among the soft and hard landscapers to ensure the plants and lawn were suitably watered at all times. Despite the initial setbacks, both the house and the garden were complete by mid-July. The week the client moved into their newly refurbished house, the team was finishing the final pot placements and tweaks to planting, and was already in a maintenance cycle. In terms of the e cient finish, he arden uilders feels a lot of credit is owed to the client. Unusually for a project of this nature, the owner was on-site every day to answer questions and make decisions, which helped to move the development forward quickly. he stunning finished garden has a strong, classic feel, characterised by symmetry and an elegant balance of lines and curves. The multi-level layout creates depth and interest, while the minimal colour palette adds to the garden s refined atmosphere.

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by Levitt Bernstein

BALI NATIONAL LANDSCAPE AWARDS 2016 Winner, Best Regeneration Scheme (over £500k)



ormholt Park, located in west London, was opened in 1911 by the Mayor of Hammersmith and dedicated “for ever to the use of the inhabitants of the Borough.” However, over the years the maintenance provision was stretched and facilities had fallen into disrepair, creating security issues that devalued the landscape quality of the park. The London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham secured funding through a new mixed-use Size of project 3ha Build time December 2015-June 2016 Project value £1m

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development on the eastern boundary, using investment to reinvigorate the park, restore it to its former glory and make it an exemplar for accessible play. It was to be a park for the future, providing a high quality amenity for the whole community. Following a competitive tender process in 2012, Levitt Bernstein was appointed and set to work on its transformation. The brief To ensure that the park could remain a focal point for local people, Levitt Bernstein worked closely with nearby residents, the Friends of Wormholt Park community group, local market traders, primary schools and local authority o cers throughout the project. heir input was invaluable in what became an extremely collaborative design process. The starting point was to create better connections into the local area, making the park safer and more inviting. The development provided a strong new edge to the east of the park and framed a prominent new entrance, drawing in pedestrians from the busy neighbouring street. A paved entrance space also provided a destination for a weekend market. nside the park, paths were reconfigured to create a circular running loop and provide improved entrance points at all four corners. Working closely with Hammersmith and Fulham Borough Council’s conservation department, a number of small trees were identified to be replaced, opening up views within the park and maximising the amount of open green space available. The idea was to make the park simple and free owing, with space for families to e plore and play. Design Existing sports facilities were upgraded to provide a large ball court, multi-use games area and ping pong tables. Through consulting the local community, concerns were identified that the park was used mostly by teenagers, and new facilities were incorporated to ensure its appeal to a much wider demographic. This included a large young children’s play area, where 50% of the amenities are inclusive for access by children with disabilities – including a state-of-the-art wheelchair swing, roundabout and trampoline – alongside other e uipment that o ers a strong sensory e perience. his careful selection of equipment, coupled with a carefully considered layout, has resulted in the park becoming the borough s agship for disability sports and play. In keeping with the community spirit, local school pupils were invited to sketch out their ideas for play elements, one of which was chosen to be designed and



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built within the park. Young Aman Rahmani’s elaborately drawn dragon has been transformed into a fiery head for the accessible slide by local artist Joel Parkes, who carved a mature tree trunk into a bespoke sculpture over three months. The head stands as an impressive landmark within the play space; details of inlaid coloured resin, pewter and encrusted steel studs make it both intricate and playful for children who seek stimulation across a range of scales and intensities. Working to exploit the opportunities of the existing park, there was a focus on the creation of ‘playable landscapes’, including a bold climbing frame set within a beautiful stand of coniferous trees. Playing among the trees and the existing structure of the park heightens a sense of discovery and adventure for all children. Improving biodiversity Across the park, Levitt Bernstein introduced a palette of new tree, shrub and bulb planting to create a vibrant and verdant environment. The new planting has greatly improved the biodiversity value of the park; wherever possible, the existing vegetation structure of planting and habitat was retained as a framework on which to build. The seasonal quality of planting, extending the period of interest through ower, foliage and stem, was a key target developed with the Friends of Wormholt Park. The creation of planted areas that could be adequately maintained by the local authority was also


Levitt Bernstein.indd 45




12/07/2017 16:28


Suppliers Landscape architect Levitt Bernstein

important, with a considered balance between shrub and herbaceous planting. All parts of the local community were involved throughout the project’s development, and to celebrate its completion, the annual W12 Festival was hosted by the park in July 2016. It is now the ideal venue for supporting this popular event, and was well attended by local residents, charities and community organisations. In fantastic sunshine, the new colourful planting displays provided a great backdrop to the live music, carousel, mural painting and diverse food stalls. Families enjoy the open green space, and children of all ages and abilities are able to use the new play facilities – putting ormholt ark firmly back on the map for the local community.



Contractor idverde Bespoke carved dragon sculpture Joel Parkes Reclaimed brick London Reclaimed Brick Merchants Ltd Decorative stones CED Ltd (Natural Stone) Plants and shrubs Johnson of Whixley Turf Harrowden Turf Ltd Bespoke picnic benches Greenspace Designs Ltd

Levitt Bernstein Levitt Bernstein designs landscapes of all scales, creating valuable public and private spaces that seamlessly integrate with the built environment. From its design studios in London and Manchester, it is committed to creating landscapes that give a lifetime of pleasure, with an emphasis on people-led inventive design. W:



Levitt Bernstein.indd 46

Photo: All Park images © Jon Spencer ‘Wormholt park masterplan’ © Levitt Bernstein 'Carved dragon photo' © Joel Parkes 'Dragon sketch' © Aman Rahmani

1 The revitalised park is now the perfect venue for the W12 Festival 2 Reconfiguring paths and defining entrances has better connected the park into the local area 3 High quality amenity is provided for the local community 4 Half the play equipment is accessible to children with disabilities 5 A local artist carved the sculptural element of the dragon slide 6 The slide was based on a local school pupil’s idea 7 The park features a variety of sensory playable landscapes 8 Sports facilities appeal to all parts of the local community.

12/07/2017 16:28


For full details on all jobs, please go to Call 01903 777 580 or email with your vacancy HANDS ON OPERATIONS TEAM LEADER/MANAGER


If you have a passion for horticulture and are looking for a new opportunity to join an award-winning team, then this is the job for you. By joining this pro-active and forwardthinking company there are opportunities to further challenge your abilities and develop your career. Must be skilled and experienced in the following: lawn care, edging, hedgecutting, trimming, weeding, mulching, pruning, watering and management of irrigation systems, pest control (must have PA1 & PA6) and more.

Reporting to the landscape manager, the hard landscape foreman is responsible for leading a team to ensure productive and quality workmanship on hard and some soft landscaping installations from setting up site to snagging and sign off. To be considered for the position you must have good working knowledge of all aspects of landscaping in both residential and commercial projects. You should have previous experience managing a small team as well as good organisational skills. Good motivational and time management skills will also be required.

For more details please go to

For more details please go to



Do you have a passion for horticulture and a discerning eye for detail? Working for this family run company you will be responsible for maintaining beautiful domestic estates throughout the Home Counties to a high standard. The role will involve working on various high end domestic estates and managing a team of skilled operatives, with a 40hour week with overtime available and further progression possible. Must have a passion for horticulture, good plant knowledge and technical abilities, a horticultural qualification and spraying certificates, a full driving licence and a ‘can do’ attitude to work.

Thorburn Landscapes is recruiting a horticulturist to join our team of friendly and enthusiastic gardeners and landscapers. We are a small but successful landscape and garden company based in South West London which designs, builds, plants and maintains a range of gardens. For this role ideally you will have at least two years’ experience of working in a similar position in a demanding city environment with van driving experience, good plant knowledge and a pro-active approach to plant care and garden maintenance, and you must be able to deliver a high level of customer service.

For more details please go to

For more details please go to



A contract manager position has become available within our South London Waste Partnership contract.This role will be based in Merton reporting directly to the contract director. You will be an experienced manager with a can do attitude and have strong leadership skills to maximise performance.You will be familiar with working in a multi-site environment and will be a confident communicator liaising with key internal and external stakeholders. Your role will have the overall management responsibility for the area within the contract and will include being the point of contact for senior client officers.

Cameron Gardens, based in Notting Hill, is an award-winning bespoke garden design, build and maintenance company, established over 20 years ago. This exciting hands-on role, where you will work closely with your GM foreman, offers the opportunity to work on top end domestic and commercial gardens. You will need a love of and enthusiasm for plants and gardens. A good basic knowledge of horticulture and experience within the industry is required; a desire to learn and develop is vital. You will need to be good at communicating and enjoy being part of a team, whilst being able to show initiative.

For more details please go to

For more details please go to



Stefano Marinaz Landscape Architecture offers its customers a comprehensive design, build and garden maintenance service. We currently have several high end properties in West London and we have an opening for a gardener with a Diploma in horticulture (or equivalent RHS Level 3) to join the garden maintenance team. The main responsibilities will be all aspects of garden maintenance such as weeding, pruning, planting, lawn moving, jet-washing, maintenance of irrigation and planting and more.

At the forefront of green service provision across the UK since 1989, Glendale offers innovative solutions for the total management and maintenance of the green environment. Delivering exceptional quality and striving for complete customer satisfaction, Glendale delivers an unparalleled portfolio of ten specialist green services. Our contract based in Enfield (EN2) is seeking a grounds operative to join our busy teams working on commercial and residential sites in Enfield and the surrounding area. Working within a team, the successful candidates will ideally have experience in horticulture and grounds maintenance.

For more details please go to

For more details please go to


HORTICRUITMENT Location: Heathrow

IDVERDE Location: South London


Jobs.indd 47


THORBURN LANDSCAPES LTD Location: South West London


GLENDALE Location: Enfield



13/07/2017 14:41

BA-Half Page (186x118) copy.pdf












BA-Full Page (210x256).pdf

London_Ads.indd 3




13/07/2017 13:06



Bourne Amenity blends, supplies and manufactures a multitude of topsoils, top dressings, site specific and bespoke growing media. From the basic BS3882 soils to roof garden substrates, we specialise in matching and blending soils for projects throughout the UK. We have four blending and bagging units across the south east, along with a eet of F old rigid tipper and grab vehicles, giving us full control of your delivery. We work closely with organisations such as BALI and the Landscape Institute to ensure our materials and service are in line with the high demands of our customers.


Jonathan Bourne, Sales Director Drew Wetherell, Senior Sales Manager Cara Thorpe, Senior Account Manager Lindsey Naylor, Junior Account Manager Nicky Snoad, Business Development Emma Juden, Logistics Manager Jo Relf, Logistics Assistant

Bourne profile.indd 49



topsoils and 1 subsoils site specific soils, from bio-retentive soils for rain gardens to low fertility soils and lightweight growing media.



PROJECTS ver of our business is now within central London we were heavily involved in the delivery of the lympic rogramme and this is increasing every year. ith the introduction of tight transport regulations F , L etc as well as stringent site instructions, London is the most challenging part of the country to deliver into. Most sites now have strict delivery times to hit, as well as the possibility 4 of multiple companies working on a single site and the challenge of crane operators such as the ky arden picture opposite and multitasking foremen. aving our own eet of F Silver vehicles helps, and we are keen to ensure we are an intrinsic part of the new London landscape.



1 Example of our Intensive Lightweight Substrate 2 BS3882 topsoils stockpile 3 1.2m³ bags of our Lightweight Intensive roof soil 4 The Sky Garden, Fenchurch Street – Willerby Landscapes

Bourne Amenity Ltd ewenden, Kent 1 T: 01797 252299 E: W: T: @Bourne_Amenity



13/07/2017 14:57




Crowders Nurseries is a nationally renowned wholesale grower of native and ornamental trees, hedging, shrubs and a wide range of herbaceous perennials, grasses and ferns in multiple sizes and specifications from high end private domestic schemes to large national infrastructure programmes. We aim to be the best specialist horticultural business in our field, providing market leading solutions for our customers; not only in plants but also in goods and associated services. seventh generation family owned business, with over 200 years of experience, we pride ourselves on a bespoke full package approach.

At over an acre, Fulham Wharf has the biggest roof garden in London. Planning permission was granted for 463 riverside apartments and a new ainsbury s superstore. Fabrik Landscape Architects designed the landscaping scheme for Barratt London, which appointed Elite Landscapes for installation. Crowders supplied 6,500 plants consisting of large topiary plants, instant hedging (to create instant ma es and screening for the lower oor apartments), combined with raised beds and podiums of specimen herbaceous, grasses, ferns and shrub borders. Trafalgar Place was the first residential development completed in Elephant & Castle by Lendlease. As a nominated supplier for Lendlease rowders undertook the supply of 17,000 plants, a mixture of grasses, ferns and herbaceous perennials in 2L pots. This was supplemented with instant hedging surrounds and feature specimen topiary items.


Tom Owen, ales o ce manager Jenny Hall, Senior account manager Rachel Kemp, Senior research and development manager Jason Todd, Buyer Gavin Bell, Estimator and sales development Troy Savva, Customer liasons and sales development



Crowders Profile.indd 50

CONTACT W Crowder & Sons Ltd Lincoln Road, Horncastle, Lincolnshire LN9 5LZ

T: 01507 525000 F: 01507 524000 W: T: @CrowdersNursery L: company w crowder sons ltd

13/07/2017 13:22

Helping Build a Greener London

7 Generations of Expertise 200 Years in Business 140 Hectares of Prime Nurseries

A Market Leading, Award Winning Landscape Solution | 01507 525000 | London_Ads.indd 6

@CrowdersNursery 14/07/2017 10:34

ARBORSYSTEM The definitive urban tree pit package

Structural Soil Support System

Tree Grilles & Guards

Tree Irrigation & Aeration


Root Management

Guying & Ties

GreenBlueUrban Profile.indd 52

13/07/2017 13:26


GREENBLUE URBAN about Founded in 1992, GreenBlue Urban was set up to research and provide solutions to help trees establish in urban spaces. Global distribution and continuous product development ensures that specifiers and clients alike are using the best tree pit package products available in the world. The GreenBlue Urban ArborSystem brings together the key elements of successful tree pit design, and simplifies the planning and installation process. Landscape professionals can combine root management, structural soil components, aeration and irrigation, and choose an appropriate above-ground surface grille and vertical guard all in a single package.


Project 1 Name of project: Crossrail – Canary Wharf (award-winning) Landscape architect: Gillespies Products supplied: StrataCells, ReRoot (Root Management)


Technical consultants Howard Gray, Roy Bowie

Project 2 Name of project: 5 Broadgate, Sun Street, London Architect: ake rchitects Products supplied: StrataCells, Loadbearing Geonet, ReRoot, Barrier & ArboResin

Project 3 Name of project: ueen Eli abeth lympic ark Landscape architect: Frosts Landscapes Products supplied: Over 3,000 irrigation systems and underground guying

Sales manager Shane Frost International sales manager ichael c a rey Technical estimator omas Ekroth mith Administration manager Laura Bowie

GreenBlueUrban Profile.indd 53

contact GreenBlue Urban Ltd orthpoint, ompass ark, Junction Road, Bodiam TN32 5BS

T: 0800 018 7797 E: W: @GreenBlueUrban



13/07/2017 13:27



projects Four Pancras Square, Kings Cross Landscape contractor: illerby Landscapes Ltd his 1 oor building has e tensive landscaping, including a rooftop garden. reen tech supplied lightweight Green-Tree oof arden intensive substrate and gt oofdrain, which forms a lightweight high performance drainage layer.

Green-tech is an award-winning landscaping supplier that o ers a huge range of innovative landscaping materials and wholesale garden products for enhancing, protecting and improving plants and their environment. reen tech holds stock of over , products for landscape contractors, architects and designers. hether the project includes maintenance of a public open space, tree planting in a woodland or creating an urban landscape, reen tech has a range of products to suit.

people 1





1 Chairman

Richard Kay

2 Managing director

Rachel Kay

3 Head of sales

Richard Gill

4 Brand development

manager ark ood



Green-Tech Profile.indd 54


5 John Chambers Wildflower sales manager tuart all 6 Technical development

manager arry rowne

St John’s Hill in Battersea Architect: awkins rown Landscape architect: Farrer u ley ssociates Landscape contractor: kidmores of ertford hirties eabody housing estate in t ohn s ill, attersea, received an incredible image overhaul, being

CONTACT reen tech, abbit ill usiness ark, reat orth oad, rkendale, Knaresborough FF

redeveloped to provide modern homes and a new community hub. hase 1 of the project included high quality landscaping that incorporated a tree lined boulevard. reen tech supplied the rbor aft system for the large mature trees, along with tree anchors and irrigation systems.

T: 1 1 E: sales green W: F: Greentechuk T: @Greentechltd L: company green-tech-ltd

13/07/2017 13:24

A landscaping supplier you can rely on Over 6000 products for... Rural Tree Planting • • • • • •

Tree Shelters Tree Guards Bamboo Canes Tree Belting Wooden Stakes Tree Anchoring

Urban Tree Planting • Tree Irrigation • Root Protection • AborRaft Tree Planting System • Tree Anchoring • Tree Grilles and Guards

Maintenance • • • • •

Call today for a copy of any of our literature including our 2017 catalogue

Green-Tech Profile.indd 55

Grass seed Wildflower seed Lawn edging Fertilisers Weedkillers

T: 01423 332100 E:

13/07/2017 13:25

the professionals’ choice

Best selling Elipta LED spike spotlight – elegant functionality that’s easy on the pocket

Prices from just


+VAT Lighting for Gardens Profile.indd 56 LFG089 Elipta LONDON August17 Ad_210x265_V2.indd 1

13/07/2017 13:27 06/07/2017 17:57

PROFILE Central Central London London roof roof terrace



Here Herepaul paulNewman Newmanlandscapes landscapes transformed transformedaalarge largeroof roofterrace terraceinto into different differentzones zonesusing using

Colour Colourchange changeLED LEDtechnology. technology.This


Can Can be beoperated operatedvia viayour yourwifi wifiand andaa smart smartphone phoneapp appto tocreate createsome somefun fun

Lighting Lightingeffects. effects.


roof terrace

landscapes roof terrace into g

technology. This

a your wifi and a create some fun


Established in 1999 in Clifton, Bedfordshire, Lighting for Gardens is the sole distributor of Elipta outdoor lighting. Elipta products are high quality professional outdoor lights and installation accessories, backed up by a technical support team based in the K o ering comprehensive advice and a planning service for both trade and retail customers. For creative garden lighting success it is important to use good quality lights which include some sort of glare control; something which is conspicuously absent in many cheaper fittings. ll its compact wall spots and spike spots have the lamp recessed within the fitting to reduce glare, while many of its other lights have dedicated glare shields. he night scene is so much more e ective when the eye is not dazzled by the light source.

Central London roof terrace Here Paul Newman Landscapes has transformed a large roof terrace into di erent ones using colour change LE technology. his can be operated via i Fi and a smartphone app, to create fun lighting e ects.



Central London roof terrace

Philip Milner

Here paul Newman landscapes transformed a large roof terrace into different zones using

Colour change LED technology. This

Can be operated via your wifi and a smart phone app to create some fun

Lighting effects.

Lighting for Gardens Ltd Central London roof terrace

Philip Milner, echnical director mor ay Letchworth Garden City Brendon Manggos, echnical Here paul Newman landscapes Hertfordshire sales manager transformed a large roof terrace into SG6 1UG different zones using

Malcolm Crabbe, echnical compliance

T: 1 E: W:

Colour change LED technology. This

Can be operated via your wifi and a smart phone app to create some fun

Lighting effects.


Lighting for Gardens Profile.indd 57



13/07/2017 13:29






30 under 30 Following on from the success of the nder initiative at last year’s FutureScape, Pro Landscaper is delighted to announce it will be running again for Future cape 1 , with the support and sponsorship of national green service provider lendale anaged ervices.

Over the years, Futurescape has secured its place as the largest landscape exhibition in the UK, with attendees and e hibitors ocking from across the country for the big day. The event’s success and its evolution in size and scope has been phenomenal. he one day event is packed full of networking opportunities, seminars to e pand your technical knowledge, and demonstrations of brand new technologies, products and e uipment.

people 1




1 Managing director

2 Director

3 Business development

4 Client relations



manager amie ilkinson


nder he e t eneration was launched to help young people within the horticulture and landscape sectors gain recognition, celebrate their achievements, and to promote them in a way that would enhance their careers. This has certainly been the case with the previous winners, who have commented that the accolade has helped them to make more connections, raised their own profiles as well as that of the industry, and provided a platform for putting the spotlight on the new generation.


Futurescape Profile.indd 58



manager mber ernabe

REGISTRATION egister for a ticket at

13/07/2017 14:31



13/07/2017 14:24


living S PA C E S the professionals’ choice Quality LED outdoor lighting DMX colour changing Dimming control Trade discount Free next day delivery


WARRANTY * Stainless steel body

London_Ads.indd 4 LFG082 Elipta PLS July17 Ad_210x265_V2.indd 1

01462 486777 * Exclusions: Damage by machinery, animals or the use of incorrect cleaning materials. Corrosion due to exposure to salt or chlorine. Damage due to incorrect installation practices. Responsibility for 3rd party cost; indirect or consequential loss.

13/07/2017 08/06/2017 15:08 16:52

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