Pro Arb May 2016

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MAY 2016








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PRO ARB MAGAZINE May 2016 | Volume 3 | Issue 5

Welcome 04 AGENDA In light of the EU referendum, we ask arb professionals how they feel we should be tackling diseases from Europe


NEWS A roundup of industry news

Business 10

AN INTERVIEW WITH John Parker of the London Tree Officers Association speaks to Pro Arb


TREE SURVEYS Jonathan Hazell continues his series on tree surveys, considering the information you need to collect


PESTS AND DISEASES A warning for the potential future threat of the emerald ash borer


TOP TEN TIPS Andy Poynter advises on applications for trees with Tree Preservation Orders



elcome to the May issue of Pro Arb. It's another superb issue hitting your desks this month, not least because of our interview with the vice chair of the London ree O cers ssociation, ohn ar er. ohn is well placed to spea on behal o tree o cers around the UK, and he touches upon the ongoing funding cuts that threaten the safety of our trees, and how the re erendum could a ect imports. Our Agenda this issue tackles a similar topic: how should we deal with diseases imported from urope ll said and done, the high profile ash dieback is just one of many diseases that could spread through the population and a ect arborists around the country. Speaking of Europe, I was taken to Germany and Switzerland this month for a tour of STIHL GB's factories. STIHL is celebrating its 90th anniversary and it seems incredible that one of the biggest brands in our market has mostly developed organically – only two of its ranges were purchased elsewhere. Another company celebrating its birthday this year is Timberwolf, which is turning 30. I spoke to owner Richard Marshall about how a family

business evolved to what is widely regarded as one of the best British manufacturers in our industry. If you think you’re ambitious, read this article – you may change your mind. Elsewhere, we've got the second part of onathan a ell s series on tree surve s on page 15, and Bartlett Tree Experts warns against the emerald ash borer and o ers preventative measures on page 16. That’s it for this month. As ever, if you have a comment about this issue, please do get in contact. I’d love to hear from you. Have a great month.


Kit 21




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Regulars 34 CAREERS 35


Contents and leader.indd 3

EDITORIAL ommissioning ditor oe il inson Editorial Assistant – Fay Tate Director – Lisa Wilkinson roduction ditor usie u Subeditor – Charlotte Cook ADVERTISING Business Development Manager – amie il inson Sales Manager – Luke Chaplin Sales Executive – Laura Harris Horticulture Careers – Amber Bernabe

PRODUCTION Design – Kara Thomas Printed by Pensord Press Ltd Published by ©Eljays44 Ltd CIRCULATION Subscription enquiries: Pro Arb is published 12 times per year by Eljays44 Ltd. The 2016 subscription price is £95. Subscription records are maintained at Eljays44 Ltd, 3 Churchill Court, 112 The Street, Rustington, West Sussex BN16 3DA, UK. Articles and information contained in this publication are the copyright of Eljays44 Ltd and may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publishers. The publishers cannot accept responsibility for loss of, or damage to, uncommissioned photographs or manuscripts. MANAGEMENT anaging irector im il inson Director – Lisa Wilkinson Business Development Manager – amie il inson

FOLLOW US ONLINE Follow us on Twitter @ProArbmagazine Like us on Facebook Proarbmagazine Connect to our LinkedIn group Pro Arb UK For careers in arboriculture and horticulture go to Every week we send out ‘Pro Arb: The Tuesday Recap’, in which we highlight the most popular news stories from the last week. If you aren’t subscribed to The Tuesday Recap but would like to be, please email Amber Bernabe at If you would like to send us press releases to post online and potentially feature in The Tuesday Recap, please email oe il inson at

Pro Arb | November 2015


05/05/2016 12:51




“Plants imported into the UK should undergo a period of quarantine” Biosecurity measures are highly important for protecting our tree population. Plants imported into the UK should undergo a period of quarantine, especially those with known pest and disease issues. Particularly with diseases, symptoms may not be visible at certain times of the year or in the early stages of infection, so monitoring trees over at least one growing season is recommended. Allowing emergency pesticide licensing for newly imported pathogens should also be very high up on the agenda for those involved in pesticide licensing and policy. Improving pest and disease knowledge is an undervalued means of containing outbrea s, as rapid identification and intervention are key. Simply speaking to your tree suppliers, colleagues and the public can ma e a huge di erence in reducing the spread of a new disease from Europe. It only takes one infected tree to threaten future tree health in the UK, like with diseases such as Xylella fastidiosa and Ceratocystis platani.


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Pro Arb | May 2016


Founder, EH Treecare Ltd “We need a uniform way of logging information onto a database” One of the biggest problems that needs addressing is communication. If there was a uniform way of logging information onto a database using a generic system, that included details on vulnerable trees and signs to look out for, we would have a greater chance of tracking and lesser chance of losing the initial data analysis.


Director, Tim Moya Associates “The real answer is in diversifying the urban tree population” Our view here at TMA is that although controlling the spread of disease is important and vigilance in this respect should be continued, the real answer is in diversifying the urban tree population to make it more resilient in the face of threats. The Forestry Commission has stated: “We want to ensure London’s trees are best placed to cope

with future challenges by building a diverse, healthy tree and woodland landscape.” We agree with this approach. Although biosecurity is important, the survival of a healthy urban tree population will ultimately depend upon its diversity and resilience.


Arboricultural and urban forestry director, Barcham Trees Plc “Trees should not be bought directly from abroad and planted out” Every landscaper, contractor and professional has a responsibility when it comes to planting trees in the UK environment. As a minimum, imported trees should only be planted in the UK landscape if they have been held on a UK nursery for at least one growing season and subjected to a full pest and disease control programme, coupled with DEFRA inspection. It should be a requirement of any tree purchase that the supplying nursery be able to state when the trees came into the country, how long they have been held at the nursery and supply a full audit trail both into the nursery and out into the landscape. Trees should


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not be bought directly from abroad and then planted out into the UK. It is the responsibility of everyone planting trees to ask these questions and ensure that the stock they use meets these criteria.

STEVE MCCURDY Managing director, Majestic Trees

“Individuals can import directly with no inspection of their plants” More pests and diseases have entered the UK in the past 10 years than the previous 100. Xylella is a massive problem and my greatest concern is the current EU legislation approach to import laws, which mean groups such as the ABC Landscape Company, Alison’s Garden Design or Mrs Brown, a private individual, can import directly with no inspection of their potentially infected plants. This happened with Chalara, and under this legislation, one can import infected trees to within 10km of Majestic Trees, incur a demarcation zone and put our company out of business. Surely it is only fair to ban all imports of plant material by anyone, unless they can meet the inspection and quarantine rules of this legislation?


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“A system is needed with information about the health of all UK trees”

“One approach is to monitor trees and shrubs in situ”

Human activities such as trade, transport and tourism are key entry routes for invasive species, making it vital to step up biosecurity. However, it’s unrealistic to expect all threats to be stopped at the border, so a system needs to be put in place which provides detailed information about the health of all UK trees. This could be used to monitor and predict potential risks. When planting new trees, it’s the individual’s responsibility to ensure quality stock is sourced from a nursery which operates tight biosecurity measures. Recent developments in plant health legislation mean that certain species now require a plant passport. There are also simple biosecurity measures everyone can adhere to, such as keeping boots and vehicles clean and reporting any signs of ill health.

What we need to do is stop unrestricted imports. The challenge we have is that it’s a free market and with the current constraints, we’re very limited. The existing policies seem to be ‘wait until the horse has bolted before we close the stable door’. Those charged with managing the nation’s plant health seem to do nothing until a disease has become established. One approach to the matter is to monitor the condition of trees and shrubs in situ – this has been proposed using smart tags which can provide a record of stock wherever it is. Whether the nursery sector is willing to resource and embrace biodiversity remains to be explored. It still seems easier to import plants when we need them, and not hold them on site for monitoring prior to planting.

Lead arborist, Cedarwood Tree Care

General manager, Glendale Civic Trees


Pro Arb asks industry insiders: do you buy or lease equipment and why? Have your say:

Pro Arb | May 2016


05/05/2016 11:26

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A roundup of all the latest arboriculture news from around the UK. For more stories visit

FAMILY-RUN BUSINESS TEAMS UP WITH CITY OF TREES supporting the it o rees movement. t s a antastic opportunit or us to help create a sustainable cit or uture generations. he aim o the it o rees movement is to plant a tree or ever man, woman and child in reater anchester over the ne t two decades. evin igle rom the it o rees team commented e are


British Tree Identification Guide en lac all

number o businesses have oined runtwood in a mass tree planting session at rincess ar wa , anchester, as part o the it o rees movement. runtwood teamed up with it o rees to plant a tree or each o its e partners in anchester including anchester nternational estival, O , aing O our e, and ones and a alle. Over trees were planted, including oa , field maple, elder, silver birch, rowan and ha el. ate o es rom runtwood said e are reall proud to be

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absolutel thrilled b the support rom runtwood and its partners, or helping towards our ultimate goal o planting m trees.

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tree identification app rom soperla. his app is well set out, high ualit images. he descriptions o the wide in this app are superb as


is the nowledge given, such as mature height and in ormation on the

ilhill orestr s orth or shire team has completed a oodland anagement lan with a core aim to improve the woodlands at arnle states near uddersfield.


News.indd 7

he compan has created a ten ear plan that will guide the uture management o the estate s acres o woodland. hen it has been approved b the orestr ommission, the plan will provide a blueprint or elling and under planting. he woodland management plan is an integral part o the estate s long term vision, o which the ultimate aim is to give

people greater access to the land to en o . ra outhward c or o ilhill orestr said e re delighted to be involved and to have the opportunit to help improve the woodland. e are e perts in producing woodland management plans so we were ideall placed to help arnle states with their application.

genus, both across the nation and worldwide. ou can use this app to identi rom the

a tree ou ve seen

di erent categories

available, such as lea shape, ower colour and ruiting bod . Once ou ve gained the nowledge ou need rom using this app, there are also ui es to test what ou ve learned.

Pro Arb | May 2016


04/05/2016 11:25


NEW ‘VISION’ FOR ENGLAND’S URBAN FOREST England’s National Forestry Forum has been challenged to play its part in growing the importance and size of England’s urban forest, following the publication of the Forestry Commission’s ‘Our Vision for a Resilient Urban Forest’. The vision is a call to action for a resilient urban forest and was produced by a network of urban forestry specialists from the Forestry Commission’s Forestry and Woodland Advisory Committees. Setting out what could be achieved by seeing all the trees in our urban environment as a

single collective forest, Jane Carlsen, the Urban FWAC Network chair said: “I am delighted that we have created a visionary document which sets out the man benefits that trees o er to people in our towns and cities, and seeks to unite the whole urban forestry sector with a single vision.”

FORST RELEASES NEW WOODCHIPPER Forst has extended its popular range of 6in capacity machines with the launch of the PT6, a new premium woodchipper developed specificall or pro essional contractors, arborists, landscapers and farmers. The PT6 is a robust and powerful woodchipper that has its own hydraulic system and reservoir, meaning the machine doesn’t need to be connected to a power

unit’s hydraulic system. The chipper is ideal for any professional with a power unit to drive the machine. Connectivity to a tractor’s trailer light sockets provides electrical power to Forst’s unique auto-intelligence control system, which operates the ‘no stress’ unction fitted as standard to the machine. Doug Ghinn, director at Forst, commented: “The launch of our new PT6 woodchipper builds on the excellent reputation of our existing 6in capacity range and broadens our o ering to a wider market, making the Forst quality and performance available to those who don’t require a selfpropelled machine.”


News.indd 8

Pro Arb | May 2016

CAS SUMMER PROGRAMME’S NEXT SEMINAR IN JUNE The Consulting Arborist Society (CAS) is holding the next seminar in its summer programme at Kew Gardens in June. ‘CAS at Kew: Seminar & AGM’ will be held on Friday 24 June at Kew Gardens, and is open to both members and non-members of CAS. Arboricultural manager at Kew Gardens, Kevin Martin, is inviting visitors to this oneday seminar which will include a presentation, talks and a guided

tour around the gardens. He will explain how Kew uses the principles of TRAQ to manage the trees and the risk, as well as case studies of how he has rejuvenated some of the important trees within the gardens. Keith Sacre, sales director at Barcham Trees PLC, will talk about how careful pruning of young trees can rectify problems in the nursery, equipping them for future landscapes.

RUPERT BENTLEY WALLS JOINS BARCHAM TREES Rupert Bentley Walls has been appointed sales executive at Barcham Trees PLC, having spent the previous ten years as the senior tree o cer or the London Borough of Hackney. He has worked in both the private and charitable sectors with organisations such as roundwor , and was the first employee of Trees for London, which has evolved into Trees for Cities. Rupert has considerable expertise in planting, species selection, establishment and community engagement, local authority management structures, service provision

and understands how tree o cers unction. Barcham’s sales director Keith Sacre said: “Rupert is a ver well respected figure in our industry whose knowledge and understanding will add significantl to the e pertise and service available from the Barcham sales team.”


04/05/2016 11:26


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An interview with

JOHN PARKER THE LONDON TREE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION As vice chair of the LTOA, John Parker helps to bring together the tree officers of London and beyond to expand their knowledge and share best practice. Pro Arb’s Fay Tate caught up with John to talk training, the industry and the EU referendum What is the main purpose of the London Tree Officers Association (LTOA)? Our purpose is to raise awareness and enhance management of the urban forest, although we are as interested in the tree officers as the trees. We think that looking after the urban forest is best achieved through management by tree officers. Our membership is around 150 tree officers from the London boroughs, local authorities and from outside London. We host quarterly seminars in London, although we are looking at holding them further afield. We always try to have someone from the LTOA speak – these seminars are free to members and they’re really good, high quality events. It’s a great way for members to keep up to date with current events in the industry and they also contribute towards CPD. Can you tell me a bit more about your role there and how it coincides with your job at Transport for London (TfL)? I’m currently the vice chair of the LTOA. Usually the vice chair steps up to become chair after two years, so hopefully that’s what I’ll be doing going forward. My main

10 Pro Arb | May 2016

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role within the LTOA is supporting Richard Edwards, the current chair, who has been fantastic for the last couple of years.

As an organisation our main challenge is how we can best represent tree officers in the current political and financial climate My role at TfL is senior technical specialist for arboriculture and landscape. I look at the strategy and policies relating to our green estate and act as something of an internal

consultant, as well as supporting the arboriculture and landscape maintenance managers. These two roles tie in well together, as part of my role with TfL is to represent the organisation to the wider industry. What challenges do you face in your position as vice chair? I don’t have too many challenges to face because my main role is supporting the chair and Becky Porter, the LTOA executive officer. As an organisation our main challenge is how we can best represent tree officers in the current political and financial climate. I think the value of trees and green infrastructure has started to be better understood and


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regarded by the public – people understand the value of trees, but what we’re trying to do is help people understand the value of tree officers as well. One of the things we like to say is that if you want a healthy population of urban trees, you need a healthy population of tree officers. The main challenge is to make sure we keep promoting and protecting tree officers. It’s also about how we can be seen as a voice of arboriculture. We also want to make sure we collaborate widely outside of London as we do have many members in the rest of the country. What have you achieved in the two years as vice chair and what would you like to achieve if you are elected chair? The last two years have been brilliant. Collaboration and communication will be key going forward, and working more closely with people who are doing the same thing as us but in different parts of the country and the world. I want to ensure that we continue to be seen as the experts of urban arboriculture but also in specific fields, including pests and diseases. The LTOA has been doing a lot of work with the Forestry Commission and Forest Research to survey for canker stain of plane in London – we’re building an expertise in that field and I’m keen to make sure we keep doing work and become recognised as the experts. Something we’ve been doing recently is getting more involved with the political side of arboriculture, such as by giving evidence to the Greater London Authority (GLA) Environmental Select Committee. I’m very keen to continue with this kind of thing.

Borough of Camden and one of the tree officers there, Al Smith, is one of the founding members. Do you offer any training schemes or opportunities for people to learn? Training is one of the big things that we want to take forward. We’ve started running sessions of bat training where we offer our members the opportunity to learn more about bat surveying, and we’re always looking at other training possibilities. Our seminars are something we’re really keen on, but what we do is voluntary, so people are attending our seminars in their free time. We’re limited to what we can do because of time constraints, but we’re lucky to have a lot of people who are willing to give up their time.

Trying to get people into the industry is a real challenge. The LTOA doesn’t do any apprenticeships but the London Borough of Camden offers a graduate volunteer scheme, and at TfL we’re offering placements to students and making sure graduates have the option of working with the arboriculture and landscape team. When I did my national diploma in arboriculture, I spent half of my second year on a placement at Richmond, which is where I learnt about tree officers. TfL is trialling working with colleges, including Capel Manor, Merrist Wood and Myerscough, to go ahead with placements in the future. What plans does the LTOA have for the future? We’ve got a busy year ahead. Perhaps the biggest thing we have coming up is the National Tree Officer Conference, which is being held by the LTOA and the Municipal

I want to ensure that we continue to be seen as the experts of urban arboriculture but also in specific fields, including pests and diseases

What is the history of the LTOA? It was founded in the early Eighties with tree officers coming together and discussing relevant issues. It has evolved since then and we have more formal meetings. It’s hosted by the London


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Tree Officers Association (MTOA), facilitated by the Institute for Chartered Foresters (ICF), in November. The conference is going to focus on tree officers presenting to tree officers, sharing their ideas and best practice, and we’re all really looking forward to it.

I think the value of trees and green infrastructure has started to be better understood and regarded by the public We’ve got a trip to Italy in a few weeks to work with the Italian pathologists and find out how they cope with canker stain of plane, which will add to our expertise in this field. We also have trips set up, including one to Brighton for tree officers to find out how they manage the elm population there. There’s another trip planned to an arboretum in Malmo, Sweden. We’re going to carry on

with our seminars, too – we have another three this year, and will be releasing some more documents including one about salt damage to trees. What do you think are the main issues in the industry that need to be tackled? Pests and diseases are a huge current topic and we’re working closely with our partners in Europe to fight them. One of the main issues for a tree officer is austerity – the way we live and the threats to tree officers, operational budgets, cuts to tree services, all of that is a concern. The more cuts there are to local authority budgets, the more risks there are to trees. Who do you think should be tackling these issues? If the biggest issue is austerity, then it is essentially a central government issue. Pests and diseases involves everybody. Most of the issues relating to the urban forest can be helped by supporting and empowering tree officers rather than de-funding them. How do you raise awareness for arboriculture and what more can be done? As an industry we definitely need to be engaging with young people and schools, and the LTOA would be very happy to get out there to talk to schools and leavers. There is also work to be done on public perception of tree officers, as they are not always regarded in the best possible light by the general public – tree officers are often seen as people wanting to cut down trees, and that’s generally not the case. That is something the LTOA can hopefully address through our seminars and general engagement with the public and other industries.

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How do you think the EU referendum will affect the industry? The LTOA has started building good contacts in Europe – we’ve had European speakers come to our seminars and have been invited to speak in Europe ourselves. We are all dealing with the same problems. The EU places strict restrictions on imports and exports of trees, limiting the movement of species such as plane. It’s difficult to know what the outcome will be in either an in or out vote, but anything which compromises our relationship with our European colleagues wouldn’t be a good thing. From the perspective of the LTOA, we are keen to increase the amount of work with our European colleagues. How, when and why did you get into arboriculture? I’m from Gloucestershire – a countryside boy – so I spent my youth wandering around the fields and woods. Trees seemed like an interesting thing to get into so I went to Merrist Wood to study arboriculture. I did my college placement at Richmond, worked at Camden for a while and started at TfL in 2009 as an arboriculture and landscape maintenance manager. I did this for the central London area up until last year, when I became the senior technical specialist. I’ve been involved with the LTOA executive committee since 2012, and am currently doing my BSc in arboriculture and urban forestry online at Myerscough. CONTACT London Tree Officers Association Arboricultural Services Camden Town Hall Judd Street, London WC1H 9JE Tel: 020 7974 4124 Web:


04/05/2016 11:48



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04/05/2016 09:16


In the second part of his mini-series, Jonathan Hazell considers what information you need to collect during a survey


n this second edition of my series on tree surveys, I’ll be considering the design of the survey and what information ought to be captured. Sharing your understanding of the analysed assets with your client may require you to present information about each particular tree, as well as some form of pictorial representation of the tree’s position in relation to others, the built form or other assets. The data might be in a spreadsheet or table, and the graphic could be a photo, sketch, annotated drawing or layer on someone’s GIS. Just enough I can’t fathom the reason why, but measurements are one thing that clients always seem to view as highl significant. or this reason I dutifully measure and record information that I might otherwise consider dubious. For certain common requirements, such as the tree constraints plan and tree protection plan for a development proposal, there is an agreed set of data to be collected, as listed in BS5837. There are particular attributes of these which seem to be


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TREE SURVEYS Part two collected less frequently and with less enthusiasm than others. For example, I rarely bother with ‘the existing height above ground level o the first significant branch and direction of its growth’, and if I consider a particular specimen to be in Category U, then I may not bother taking any measurements at all. You may decide to gather the information you need in a notebook, provided you have a structure to follow for each tree you assess. You ought to record the data that you need – going back for a few small pieces of information can be expensive. I used to use an A4 hardback book, but that was cumbersome and eventually I opted for a small spiral bound notebook which

could easily be slipped into my pocket in the (inevitable) drizzle and rain.

Remember to record just the information you need to address your brief – collecting too much is just as expensive as collecting too little For surveys where a large number of trees are being assessed, or where cyclical re-assessments will be made, it is probabl most e cient to use a handheld data logger with a pre-loaded survey schema. These will not allow you to save a record unless all the key facts and opinions have been recorded. A common template is the model from BS5837, particularly for an initial survey, but remember to record just the information that you need to address your brief – collecting too much is just as expensive as collecting too little. When assessing tree health and condition, observe local

targets and respect client concerns. If necessary, assess every part of the tree, the soil surrounding the tree and the local vegetation, alongside recording all of your observations. This review should be carried out in a systematic manner and every care should be taken to ensure nothing is overlooked – again, it is expensive to go back, and being careless or forgetful may damage your reputation. A much simpler instruction might be to advise on the position of a barrier fence. The key piece of data that you will need is the tree’s stem diameter; the condition of the tree might not matter if, for example, the tree is in third party ownership. ABOUT JONATHAN HAZELL Jonathan Hazell’s career began on the tools with the Ealing tree gang in 1980. Senior roles in the public, charity and commercial sectors followed and in October 2011 Jonathan established his own arboricultural consultancy practice.

Pro Arb | May 2016 15

04/05/2016 11:34



sh dieback (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus) is already infecting many ash trees in the UK and will cause the mortality of many of them. Another threat specific to ash is the emerald ash borer (EAB, Agrilus planipennis), which thankfully hasn’t arrived in the UK or other European states at the time of writing. It is spreading in our direction from its native Asia, having passed Moscow. This beetle causes high mortality of ash trees and together with ash dieback could lead to the extinction of the ash tree in the UK and Europe, according to some scientists. The pest EAB’s native range includes China, Japan, eastern Russia and Korea. Here it infests weakened (stressed) ash trees, as well as some elms and walnuts, but not to pest proportions. It was found in the US in 2002, infesting native ash trees. It can be transported through infested wood and introduction was likely via packing material from Asia. Infested nursery stock also poses a transport risk. EAB larvae feed on the outer sapwood of ash trees and can rapidly girdle (ring bark) stems and branches. dentification Adult beetles are approximately 1.25cm long. Larvae are segmented at worms which can reach 2.5cm in length. EAB has a similar appearance and life cycle to other Agrilus borers.

16 Pro Arb | May 2016

Bartlett.indd 16


trees in Europe and the UK, further complicating any UK situation. osing thoughts If EAB reaches the UK we will need to have strategies and pesticides ready to control it. Treatments for ash dieback are required as a part of this. We are unlikely to preserve our natural ash tree population even so,

The introduction of the emerald ash borer from Asia would exacerbate the already dire situation of ash dieback in the UK, says Bartlett Tree Experts io og In the US, adults generally emerge from infested wood in June and early July, leaving visible ‘D’ shaped holes. They can hal a mile or more to other hosts. They feed on ash leaves, causing notching, and lay eggs in bark crevices. Hatchling larvae bore through the bark into the tree’s cambial area. Here they create winding feeding galleries, overwintering afterwards. anagement t is di cult or conventionall applied pesticides to reach larvae inside sapwood. EAB treatments are most e ective when

applied preventatively. American treatments use insecticides that spread throughout the tree. Stem injections of emamectin benzoate are usuall e ective in controlling initial stage EAB infestations. Soil applied imidacloprid is often used in combination, preventing reinfestation. However, imidacloprid’s use on trees is banned in the UK and beyond. Emamectin benzoate is also not currently registered for use here. If EAB does become prevalent within UK landscapes, then consideration of approval for this product may be warranted. Further management includes removing heavily infested trees and destroying them by chipping, burying or burning. Good arboricultural practice and plant health care to maintain the health of ash trees, including pruning, fertilisation, mulching and irrigation in droughts, can reduce stress and improve the tolerance of trees to EAB attack. Ash dieback also means there are many more stressed ash

but we may be able to keep those in towns and cities which are most culturally valuable to us protected. The natural spread is slow enough to give us plenty of warning, but the transport of infested material could mean we aren t a orded this lu ur . ABOUT BARTLETT Jon Banks is a plant diagnostician for Bartlett Tree Experts. He is undertaking a PhD into drought stress in Acers. Luke Hailey is a research technician and plant ecologist at the Bartlett Tree Research Laboratory.


04/05/2016 11:55


The STEIN X2 Aluminium Climbers are now available in 2 colours, Blue or Black with the option of replaceable Short (43mm) or Long (67mm) gaffs. Supplied as standard with fully adjustable Velcro Leg Pads and designed with the taller climber in mind. Weighing in at only 2.2kg a pair these climbers are extremely light but durable. Supplied in a specially designed padded storage bag as standard. For further information visit our website

Available from your local STEIN Retailer

Our Expertise, Your Environment

ADS.indd 150

04/05/2016 09:22

KaarbonTech TREE SMART

iOS & Android compatible Automatic crown representation Ordnance Survey Mapping Cloud access to all data Automatic tree valuation Automatic RPA calculation Historical maintenance/inspections held against tree BS5837 reporting Call now for a demonstration

0800 804 8844

ADS.indd 179

facebook/KaarbonTech 0800 804 8844

05/05/2016 13:06



Check the tree is covered by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO), initially with the client who may know, or with the LPA if they don’t. Be aware of conservation areas, too – they afford protection to trees which, if contravened, are similar to TPO.





Give clear reasons for the work, such as: to increase light to garden, avoid low branches being damaged by passing vehicles, suppressed specimen should be removed to allow stronger tree to develop and mature, etc.

Use the correct form, Andy Poynter of Ian Keen Ltd offers his Top Ten downloadable Tips on filling out and presenting applications for from the Planning works on trees under Tree Preservation Orders Portal or the LPA website. There will also be accompanying guidance to assist If you are applying for felling then, with completing the form effectively. where appropriate, advise which tree is proposed as a replacement.


Tree work specifications must be clear and measurable, with either finished dimensions or current dimensions with extent of pruning specified. Annotated photographs are useful to include. Fixed structures can be incorporated into specification: prune to clear light by 1m, prune to clear building by 2m, over road by 5m etc.


Demonstrate your arboricultural knowledge. If replacement planting is inappropriate, state why.


Supporting information: if the reason for the works cannot be readily seen, then you must provide sufficient information, often third party, to demonstrate the reason. Such circumstances for this information typically include internal decay and building subsidence.





Use current terminology – generally this should follow BS3998 language. If other terms are used, then you should explain them – demonstrate your understanding of quality pruning rather than just stating ‘works in accordance with BS3998’.

Avoid percentages in crown reduction specifications. This style of specifying work has been withdrawn from current guidance and is likely to result in your application not being validated.

If you are unsure, contact the LPA’s tree officer. While pressed for time and resources they will often invest their time to ensure a better quality of application is received. Finally, remember to ‘be realistic and professional’. Any application will be publicly available online – your reputation is essential to your career in the industry.

ABOUT ANDY POYNTER Andy Poynter is the senior consultant for Ian Keen Ltd (, a fellow of the Arboricultural Association, a chartered arboriculturist and registered consultant with the ICF, and a guest lecturer for The Training Tree ( With over 20 years’ industry experience Andy has given his problem solving approach not only to his many local and national clients, but also to the Arboricultural Association to further its development.


Top ten tips.indd 19

Pro Arb | May 2016 19

05/05/2016 12:57

CALEDONIAN FORESTRY SERVICES LTD West Third, Tullibardine, Auchterarder, PH3 1NJ Tel: 01764 663798 Email:



You will love the performance of the NEW CAMON SG30 Stump Grinder fitted with the hard wearing Greenteeth system. You’ll be equally impressed by the low running costs, simple teeth changes and excellent build quality.

BUILT to last Our UK built SG30 Stump Grinder cannot be beaten on performance, reliability or price.

Honda GX390 banks engine Fitted with 8 Greenteeth Reinforced chassis Only 62cm wide Folding handlebars Find out more by visiting or call 01444 247689.

ADS.indd 169

05/05/2016 09:28


Pro Arb visits the



On 18 April, STIHL GB invited members of the press for tours around two of its production plants in Switzerland and Germany. Pro Arb’s Joe Wilkinson reports back from his trip to Europe where he was given a first-hand look at where STIHL’s famous orange products are made Leading the UK press for the trip, managing director Robin Lennie, head of marketing Simon Hewitt and PR and communications manager Rebecca Rassie gave us the opportunity to tour the chain making facility and production factory of STIHL. A press conference was also set up with Dr Nikolas Stihl (pictured left), chairman of the advisory and super-advisory board at STIHL, and grandson of the company’s founder, Andreas Stihl. Founded in 1926, STIHL celebrates its 90th anniversary this year. It is still the only chainsaw manufacturer in the world which produces the majority of its own parts in house. Over 70 types of saw chains are


Stihl visit.indd 21

manufactured in Wil, Switzerland. The raw material for the chains arrives as a roll of steel which is put through a machine specially designed and produced by STIHL, and is made into one of three parts: the cutting tooth, connecting segment and drive link, which is the integral part of the Oilomatic lubrication system. At every step of the process, from the cutting teeth leaving the machine to final assembly, there are quality control checks to ensure that every chainsaw meets the high STIHL standards. Over in Wablingen, Germany, it’s the same story. The raw material, along with more specialist parts such as the pistons, is manufactured from beginning to end by STIHL, all through machinery also created by the company. The plastic comes in from the

supplier to be heated and moulded into shape before joining the assembly line to be meticulously pieced together. The company has a turnover of €3.25bn (£2.5bn), which the team sees as the result of their long term strategy. Recently, €1bn (£780m) has been invested back into the company, allowing for the expansion of the factory in Wablingen and the increase of the research and development department. STIHL has always played a large role in the development of cordless technology, and with 15% of its market now in the battery operated sector, they are expecting an increase to 25% by 2020. STIHL will also be launching its new range, the Compact Cordless System, this summer. For more information on STIHL products, visit or call 01276 20202.

Pro Arb | May 2016 21

05/05/2016 10:42


Helping you choose from the top trailers on the market

Brian James CarGo Compact trailers Overall length 3.78m Overall width 1.73m Gross weight 1,500kg

Unladen weight 300kg Cost £1,299 exc VAT

The Car O Compact range from rian ames is suitable for professional and domestic multi purpose use. Key features are a highly durable lightweight chassis construction and a range of si e and capacity configurations. The optional m aluminium ramps allow mowers and machines to be loaded from the rear and the side.

Ifor Williams Q6b from the Q Range Overall length 3.02m Overall width 1.71m Gross weight 1,000kg

Unladen weight 300kg Cost £995 exc VAT

The Braked Q Trailer is a compact but robust trailer designed with domestic, agricultural and commercial users in mind. The trailers in the range are all made with a galvanised chassis, treated timber and leaf spring suspension, and the treadplate oor ensures the trailers are easily cleaned. Options for this trailer include a useful roof and rack with numerous tie-down points, internal partition, stock ramp door, hinged mesh or hinged solid sides.

Indespension 8 x 5ft electric tipper trailer Overall length 2.6m Overall width 1.51m Gross weight 2,500kg

Unladen weight 529kg Cost £2,995 exc VAT

The braked 8 x 5ft twin axle trailer from Indespension features in-board wheels, sides and electric tipping action. The trailer has steel framed sides on an A-Frame chassis construction and comes with inset rear light clusters, overrun bra ing system and a heavy duty joc ey wheel. The ooring is heavy duty steel profiled and this trailer has a full tilting function.

Bateson 202H Overall length 2.5m Overall width 1.5m Gross weight 2,000kg Unladen weight 480kg Cost £2,550 exc VAT

The model from ateson Trailers has a capacity of approximately . t and a manual tipping pump. t is the largest model that will tip uic ly and e ciently by hand and saves the expense and potential technical problems of electric tipping. The 202H is often supplied with mesh sides and rear gates for high volume material.

NEXT MONTH: 6in chippers

22 Pro Arb | May 2016

Compare Trailers.indd 22

04/05/2016 11:01

ADS.indd 171

05/05/2016 12:38


TIMBERWOLF AT 30 UK chipper manufacturer Timberwolf celebrates its 30th anniversary this month. Joe Wilkinson caught up with Richard Marshall, a founding family member, to discuss the past, present and future of the company


imberwol started o as a family business,” says Richard Marshall. “My father is the founder and he invented our first chipper. mother was the boo eeper and used to sell the chippers. Dad built it, I sold it and Mum counted it.” imberwol chippers have always been made in the UK. Everything is designed in-house, using local engineering wherever possible. mported parts include the engine, tyres and hydraulic motors, and more specialist parts. ll the abrication occurs in the UK.

24 Pro Arb | May 2016

Timberwolf site visit.indd 24

1980s he first protot pe was built in and this evolved into the machines which began selling in . “That’s the date that we count as the orming o the compan , so to spea , sa s ichard. he protot pe was an e periment to

see if we could make what we felt the market required at the time.” ac in , chippers were a rarer commodity. There were a ew rom merica about the size of a transit van and then some smaller garden machines. ccording to ichard, tree surgeons at the time couldn t a ord to run the big machines, and i the could a ord to run them, they couldn’t a ord to tow them, because they weighed 2t. “We were looking at a niche area of the mar etplace, ma ing

compact chippers that could deal with material up to in in diameter. ac then, uel price was also a actor. n thing a tree surgeon too down over in became firewood, says Richard. “Firewood was valuable and anything below that was rubbish, and it was troublesome to get rid of.” Something else that’s changed since the Eighties is truck size. Tree surgeons in those days didn’t have big trucks, so brushwood was loaded onto the truck, cut with a chainsaw and then stomped on not ver sa et conscious. chipper saved them time,” says Richard, “so we were trying to make small


04/05/2016 11:40


machines that were a ordable or an up and coming tree surgeon. Over time we were ma ing our di erent gravit machines all chipping the same sort o si e, all approaching it rom a slightl di erent angle. e ept the customer or three to five ears be ore the outgrew the machine. 1990s n imberwol made its first h draulic chipper, the hippit . ichard e plains, e weren t the first manu acturer to ma e a in chipper, but we reall hit a sweet spot. he machine was the right si e, had great per ormance or its da and it was at the right price. t was a twin eed roller, it weighed about g, which was uite light at the time, and it had a bit o a wow actor to it. he inspiration or the original machines came rom a customer at ichard s ather s garden machiner business. ather had been selling a wide variet o garden e uipment since the 1960s. One customer came to us with a problem. he wanted a chipper that could fit on a small trailer, but the had to carr a load o it around with them. hat s


Timberwolf site visit.indd 25

where the dimensions came rom. The customer showed us the space he had on his trailer, and told us he needed a chipper with a 4in capacit . t this point, the customer agreed to bu the protot pes, gave eedbac and it evolved into a more amiliar and finished machine. he compan , originall based in Kent and known as Entec, moved to u ol in in search o space and industrial s ills. e were loo ing or a place with room and we turned up to an old pig shed. he building was , t and as there were onl three o us, we had a massive amount o space. oving rom ent to u ol was a big deal. u ol was and still is a great engineering hub. , the machines were becoming popular. hen ou sell direct to the end user, you can get to about people a ear. ou can loo a ter those people and eep them happ . Once ou get be ond that, it becomes di cult to control rom one location. o eep up with things, we needed to have a dealer network. That was when the Entec name changed.

It wasn’t until 1998 that we sold our 1,000th machine. Now we can produce 1,000 a year he route to mar et was di erent bac then. used to ma e a phone call, tal to people and the would describe their problem. ob was to make sure they gave me an accurate description. would then match one o m machines to that problem. d persuade them to have a demo, then go out in a camper van with a trailer carr ing as man chippers as could fit on it. d go around the countr and ideall come bac with no machines. Today imberwol now has a nationwide coverage o dealers across depots and 76 trained engineers. ight per cent o people in the can drive to a imberwol dealer within an hour. he dealers are actor trained b us, sa s ichard. he are certificated and o ten come bac or re resher courses.

ichard bought his parents out in and the compan continues to invest in itsel and the uture. n ovember , hris err oined imberwol as managing director with the remit o strengthening the engineering department, creating stronger chippers and increasing production capacity. Eighteen months later, hris structure is reall beginning to bear ruit. o date imberwol has produced almost , machines. t wasn t until that we sold our , th machine. The production is now geared so that we can produce , a ear. nd there seems to be no slowing them. hirt ears is uite a milestone or us. t ma es me appreciate that ve got old without realising it, sa s ichard. Our new goal is to double our si e and output in the ne t five ears. suitable ambition or such an innovative compan . e wish them luc . ABOUT TIMBERWOLF Entec House, Tomo Ind Est, Creeting Rd, Stowmarket IP14 5AY Tel 01449 765800

Pro Arb | May 2016 25

04/05/2016 11:41



Makita 4-stroke telescopic pole chainsaw The EY2650H25H professional pole-saw from Makita extends telescopically to enable branches up to 5m above ground to be lopped with ease. The Makita EY2650H25H pole expands from 2.7m to 3.9m. The 25.5cm guide bar carries 3/8in pitch ½in chain that will run up to 21m/s. Powered by a 25.4cc version of the Makita MM4, 4-stroke engine developing 1.03hp, the EY2650H25H weighs 7.2kg, is comfortable to use and supplied complete with shoulder strap harness, safety goggles and engine and chain oil.

latest kit

Pellenc Selion C21 HD chainsaw The Selion C21 HD battery-powered chainsaw from Pellenc is a light tophandled professional chainsaw, weighting 2kg. The Selion C21 HD chainsaw uses the high capacity technology of the Pellenc lithium battery and guarantees nonpolluting, odourless operation with quick start-up and up to one day’s battery life. Safety features include a kickback sensor with electronic start-up which is eight times more rapid than a petrol-operated chainsaw chain brake, low kickback Oregon chains, self-diagnostic system of the tool and a startup trigger to prevent accidental operation of the saw.

Ego Power+ chainsaw

Fitted with a 350mm Oregon bar, the Ego Power+ chainsaw will make up to 100 cuts of 4 by 4in softwood per charge of a 2.0Ah 56V Ego battery. Operating at 6,300rpm, the Ego Power+ chainsaw has a kickback brake, tool free chain tensioning and chain scabbard as standard, with an oil level indicator on the tank. The D-shaped handle ensures maximum manoeuvrability, operator comfort and safety.

Echo CS-2510TES

Husqvarna T540XP and T536Li XP The Husqvarna T540XP professional lowweight chainsaw is user riendl with first class ergonomics, combined with optimal power-to-weight ratio. The X-Torq engine makes it very powerful in relation to the weight of the machine. The saw features a customisable top handle o ering improved ergonomics and secondary eyelet or e cient operation when climbing.

The Echo CS2510TES is a compact machine with a powerful, lightweight 25cc engine. This latest model in Echo’s range of new generation chainsaws is its lightest and most compact saw to date. The dry weight is 2.3kg and with its ergonomic design the saw is highly manoeuvrable and can be used for long periods with little operator fatigue. The engine produces 1.11kW to give the CS-2510TES a superior power-to-weight ratio.

26 Pro Arb | May 2016

LK Chainsaws.indd 26


04/05/2016 11:32

Plantoil ad 118x91 Sept'14_PROARB 25/09/2014 14:44 Page 1

A T OSBORNE LTD Shelley Lane, Ower, Romsey, Hampshire, SO51 6ZL Email:

Tel: 02380 814340

caring for the environment


Please call for a demonstration


Getting the job done since 1884 DISC CHIPPERS | STUMP GRINDERS | DRUM CHIPPERS





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ADS.indd 177


Arbrep Services Beaver Plant Dennis Barnfield Riverlea


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05/05/2016 13:08

Pro Arb Ad May 2016_Layout 1 26/04/2016 11:24 Page 1


NEW - Timberwolf 8” wood chipper


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WOW! DANequip’s stump grinders have the advantage of narrow access - down to 26”


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ADS.indd 173

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Leading the way in narrow access stump grinding

05/05/2016 14:16




Marlow Ropes Ltd

Marlow ropes are specifically designed to endure the harsh environment of the arboricultural world and include climbing and prussik ropes as well as slings, lowering lines and throw-lines. STAND

PSD Groundscare

SD roundscare specialises in supplying high uality professional machinery, with a comprehensive range from leading innovative European manufacturers for use in the arboriculture mar et including chippers, ail mowers and ban s mowers.



Silky Fox Saws

The Sil y ox Saws sales and display stand will showcase all the latest saws in the Sil y range. ts uni ue technology and design provides superb cutting ability. isit the stand to see its extensive range of professional forestry, woodwor ing and garden tools.






The best products at the show

The 12th Arb Show, sponsored by STIHL and organised by The Arboricultural Association is taking place at Westonbirt, The National Arboretum in Gloucestershire on 3 and 4 June. Pro Arb has picked out a selection of companies exhibiting that we recommend you pay a visit...



ICL provides products to help meet the demands of modern day landscape management. ICL will be showcasing Ecoplug Max, a treatment for tree stumps to minimise root and stump sprouting.




Global Recycling Solutions Ltd lobal ecycling is the distributor for the andit o eau range of e uipment. On display will be a range of woodchippers and stump grinders.


Arb Kit RESUBBED.indd 29

Pro Arb | May 2016 29

05/05/2016 12:14


Aspen Fuel

Better for man, machinery and the environment. Come and experience the difference for yourselves. spen uel will be demonstrating the difference in emissions through live machinery testing. egister before the show to receive a free sample on the day.




Cut a major blood vessel and you can become unconscious within a minute. ox edics uses its ten years worth of medical experience to adapt first aid training appropriate for your ha ardous industry.





GreenMech Ltd

reen ech will have a comprehensive display of woodchippers, as well as a few surprises on stands . ll models in the reen ech range come with a three year warranty and two year finance options. ll models are designed in the traditional in line format fitted with its patented disc blade system to give up to hours of chipping before re uiring re sharpening.



Makita UK Ltd

a ita is displaying its expanding range of mains, cordless and petrol outdoor power tools designed for professional landscapers and groundscare contractors. t will also showcase mini four stro e technology for economy, power, low noise and emissions, and the twin ithium on battery range.


30 Pro Arb | May 2016

Arb Kit RESUBBED 2.indd 30


F R Jones and Son

ones and Son carries a wide range of arboricultural, landscaping and forestry e uipment including chainsaws, climbing and rigging e uipment, and safety clothing and hand tools. ones will be ta ing a wide variety of items from across its product range for visitors to try and buy at the show.



05/05/2016 12:25

‘Fuel’ the difference at the Arb Show 3-4th June Come to stand D11 and experience the difference between Aspen Alkylate Petrol and regular pump fuel

Register your details before the show for a FREE Aspen 2 sample! To register, scan the qr code or type into your browser Anglo American Oil Company Ltd 01929 551557 (Ext 2) • • Aspen Pro Arb ad.indd 1

05/05/2016 12:43



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ADS.indd 175

● Eliet Green Waste Shredder dealer ● Toro Stumpgrinder dealer ● Supplier of Husqvarna, Arbortec, Treehog, Marlow, Silky Saws, Stein, Petzl ● Chain and chipper blade sharpening ● Sales, service, spares for all makes and manufacturers

04/05/2016 10:33

05/05/2016 14:43

Secateurs, hedgeshears and the world’s finest pruning saws in superb, tempered Japanese steel

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13/03/2013 12:38 05/05/2016 11:36




Special STAND


KaarbonTech provides tree survey and tree management software for the private arborist, local government or major landowner. Its award-winning asset management software is part of a suite of solutions used by more than 20 local authorities. Developed specially for tablet and smartphone technology, the systems combine Ordnance Survey topographical mapping, high speed data entry and exporting to a variety of formats.





Echo Tools

Echo Tools will be showcasing its range of outdoor power equipment including professional chainsaws, brush cutters, hedge trimmers and blowers for arborist, forestry and commercial landscapers.


Lyon Equipment Ltd

Distributor in the UK and Ireland of Petzl and other respected work at height arborist brands. Visit the stand to talk to their technical experts about the product range and arborist techniques.



Predator On display from Predator will be its complete range of narrow-access tree stump grinders and attachments.


Geosynthetics Ltd

Geosynthetic Ltd is exhibiting its market leading Cellweb Tree Root Protection System. Its in-house arborists and technical specifiers will be on hand to offer any advice on its engineering services, site specific solutions, the Cellweb Tree Guarantee and much more.



Arb Kit RESUBBED.indd 33

Pro Arb | May 2016 33

05/05/2016 12:15


For full details on all jobs, please go to

Call 01903 777 570 or email with your vacancy



The arboriculture department at Burleys is looking for a team leader and lead climber. Candidates must have 002001 City & Guilds NPTC Chainsaw Maintenance, 002002 City & Guilds NPTC Cross-cut Using a Chainsaw or 002003 City & Guilds Chainsaw Maintenance & Cross-cutting, 002013 City & Guilds Tree Climbing & Aerial Rescue or 002106 City & Guilds Aerial Rescue Operations and 002108 City & Guilds Aerial Cutting of Trees with Chainsaw Using Free-fall Techniques qualifications. Candidates will also have ROLO Certification & CSCS Card.

Bartlett Tree Experts has vacancies for arborist sales representatives in York. It is looking for candidates who have a depth of experience in a commercial arboriculture environment, ideally with a Level 4 arb qualification or equivalent. Successful candidates will have experience of staff management and excellent customer care. Applicants must have good communication skills, the ability to think strategically, good IT skills and a full driving licence.

For more details please go to

For more details please go to





Our client has an exciting opportunity for utility arborist project managers in the Stevenage area working on the UKPN contract. They are offering a competitive salary, semi-annual bonuses, company pension, company stock options and other benefits. The candidate will ideally have NPTC Arboriculture Units 1, 2.1, 5.1 and 5.2, hold a full, valid driving licence, LANTRA Basic or Professional Tree Inspectors Qualification and three to five years’ experience in a similar job role. The candidate will also have an understanding of working around and with electricity in accordance to health and safety precautions, experience of leading teams and/or coordinating the work of others and excellent customer service skills.



Advanced Tree Services (ATS) is a specialised tree surgery company and Arboricultural Association approved contractor operating throughout London and the home counties. As a result of company expansion and recent contract awards, it is looking to employ experienced climbers and grounds staff. Climbers must have all relevant NPTC qualifications or equivalent, a full driving licence and at least three years’ experience. ATS offers excellent training opportunities to further your career and gain promotion within the company. Successful applicants will be provided with full uniform and PPE.

For more details please go to

For more details please go to



Surrey County Council is looking for a survey technician with sufficient experience to deliver specialist inspections with minimal supervision and assist with quality monitoring and training of other specialists in a small team. Candidates must have a comprehensive knowledge of tree species found in the UK, working knowledge of tree defects and disorders, ability to recognise and grade out risk priorities, experience working with suppliers on term contracts, knowledge of monitoring or auditing highway tree works and experience of coaching and developing others.

An excellent opportunity to join a small but expanding company. You should have relevant certificates and be able to manage a small team. Based in the North London/Essex region, circa £30,000.

For more details please go to

For more details please go to


34 Pro Arb | May 2016

Jobs.indd 34



04/05/2016 11:45





Each month we feature an ancient British tree. This month the Ancient Tree Forum introduces us to the...

Hollow oak, Burghley Park, Lincolnshire The Ancient Tree Forum’s spring visit to Burghley Park this year had three aims: to celebrate a Capability Brown landscape rich in ancient and historic trees, see the conservation work being done there, and discuss what more might be done

for their sustainable management. 2016 is the tercentenar y of Capability Brown’s birth, and Burghley is one of his most intact landscapes. His work there, spanning 25 years, included creating a river-like lake and planting trees to frame naturalistic views of the house and park. Many of the old trees in the park pre-date his landscaping, and some are even older than the house, which was built between 1555 and 1587. As well as appreciating their aesthetic value, Brown recognised that pre-existing trees reinforced the history and continuity of ownership. One of the park’s most special ancient trees is this very large, hollow oak pollard with a 9m girth, which is thought to be at least 800 years old, and

The tree is thought to be at least 800 years old and is still in excellent health, with a very large 9m girth

is still in excellent health. It is likely that pollarding of the tree stopped in the nineteenth century when the practice became unfashionable, and since then the crown has

developed long, heavy lower limbs. Some time ago, the tree partially uprooted and developed a significant lean, so that the lowest limb is almost in contact with the ground. This branch has continued to lengthen and increase in girth. Discussion on the trip focused on whether the weight of this massive limb might be a risk of causing further or total uprooting, and if so, what management might prevent this. One suggestion was to build a raised area enclosed by a dry stone wall and filled with soil, on which the limb would rest. Opinions varied as to the best management options for the tree, but the consensus was that the oak appears to have achieved a natural balance itself, and any method chosen will to some extent change this dynamic. Management techniques for veteran trees are fully explored in the Ancient Tree Forum’s handbook, ‘Ancient and Other Veteran Trees: Further Guidance on Management’ (available from the ATF’s website). The book includes guidance on recognising the value of veteran trees in relation to landscape and heritage, and explores in detail a range of

© Brian Muelaner

management practices. The ATF champions the biological, cultural and heritage value of Britain’s ancient and veteran trees and promotes best practice in their management.


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