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PRO ARB MAGAZINE October 2016 | Volume 3 | Issue 10
Welcome 04 AGENDA Are colleges offering the right arb qualifications?
NEWS A roundup of industry news
Business 10
APF PICTURE SPECIAL Our pictorial overview on the successful APF 2016 show
AN INTERVIEW WITH Abi St. Aubyn, senior consultant at David Archer Associates
TRAINING Jonathan Hazell runs through what types of training are available to you
PESTS AND DISEASES Bartlett Tree Experts offers advice on tackling pear rust
20 SEND IT DIRECT Ross Hewitt breaks down the details of how to get email marketing right
STAFFORD BOROUGH COUNCIL A closer look at the council's new
elcome to the October issue of Pro Arb. I want to start by thanking everyone who visited our stand at APF last month. We had a very successful show and it was a pleasure meeting those of you who stopped by to talk and take a complimentary issue. The show is special to us – we launched Pro Arb at the 2014 event, which was where the industry got to see the rst ever editio o o r ma a i e The o eri as a reat sho a d e oo or ard to seeing the progression in 2018. Moving on to this issue, we’ve spoken to Abi St Aubyn, senior consultant at David Archer Associates and previous winner of the coveted Lockhart Garrett award, about changing careers and her plans for the future. Read Abi's interview on page 13. e ve a so ot a eat re o ta ord oro h Council on page 22; the council has recently undergone a revision of its tree management policy, a d e d o t hat the e o ic i mea for its trees.
e have co tri tio s rom o atha a e ho ta s trai i o a e a d art ett Tree Experts considers how to tackle pear rust on page oss e itt o ers more advice or o r di ita ro e o a e FutureArb is just around the corner now. It’s promising to be a fantastic event packed full of educational information and exhibits from the top manufacturers in the market. Take a look at page 29 for more info. The Pro Arb team is looking forward to seeing you at FutureArb. Have a great month.
tree management policy
PRO ARB ON TOUR Pro Arb visits the site of Först manufacturer Redwood Global
Kit 29 FUTUREARB What to go and see at this year's event
34 LATEST KIT MEWPs and urban planting
BOOK REVIEW Urban Tree Management by Dr Andreas Roloff
Contents and leader.indd 3
ALL ENQUIRIES Tel: 01903 777 570 Eljays44 Ltd 3 Churchill Court, 112 The Street, Rustington, est sse DA EDITORIAL Commissioning Editor – Joe Wilkinson joe.wilkinson@eljays44.com Director – Lisa Wilkinson lisa.wilkinson@eljays44.com rod ctio ditor sie D susie.duff@eljays44.com ditoria e orter oe etts joe.betts@eljays44.com ditoria Assista t i ha e billy.shanley@eljays44.com Editorial Assistant – Max Dodd max.dodd@eljays44.com Subeditor – Charlotte Cook charlotte.cook@eljays44.com ADVERTISING si ess Deve o me t a a er Jamie Wilkinson jamie.wilkinson@eljays44.com Sales Manager – Luke Chaplin luke.chaplin@eljays44.com Sales Executive – Laura Harris laura.harris@eljays44.com ortic t re areers Am er er a e amber.bernabe@eljays44.com
PRODUCTION Design – Kara Thomas, Fay Pritchard, Mandy Armstrong Printed by Pensord Press Ltd Published by ©Eljays44 Ltd CIRCULATION Subscription enquiries: amber.bernabe@eljays44.com Pro Arb is published 12 times per ear a s td The subscription price is £95. Subscription records are maintained at Eljays44 Ltd, 3 Churchill Court, 112 The Street, sti to est sse 3DA, UK. Articles and information contained in this publication are the copyright of Eljays44 Ltd and may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publishers. The publishers cannot accept responsibility for loss of, or damage to, uncommissioned photographs or manuscripts.
FOLLOW US ONLINE www.proarbmagazine.com Follow us on Twitter @ProArbmagazine Like us on Facebook Proarbmagazine Connect to our LinkedIn group Pro Arb UK For careers in arboriculture and horticulture go to www.horticulturecareers.co.uk Every week we send out ‘Pro Arb: The Tuesday Recap’, in which we highlight the most popular news stories from the last week. If you aren’t subscribed to The Tuesday Recap but would like to e ease emai Am er er a e at amber.bernabe@eljays44.com If you would like to send us press releases to post online and potentially feature in The Tuesday Recap, please email Joe Wilkinson at joe.wilkinson@eljays44.com
MANAGEMENT Managing Director – Jim Wilkinson Director – Lisa Wilkinson si ess Deve o me t a a er Jamie Wilkinson
Pro Arb | November 2015
06/10/2016 11:01
Tree care manager, Bawden Contracting Services Ltd
there is still a lot not known. As long as colleges are adaptive, hopefully they will continue to graduate well-rounded tree surgeons.
“Introducing group activities or smaller exam-style questions would help engage the students”
I can only comment on the Level 2 and Level 4 diplomas in arboriculture. While studying for the Level 2, I was at the beginning of my career and had some work experience, which was invaluable; I could recognise what I was being taught and where I could implement that in my working day. I would like to see more practical experiences during the Level 2. I found some of the course criteria frustrating, although on the whole it was useful for where I was at the time. The Level 4 is solely assignment-based; this is e e cia i ma a s t it is a so seriously time consuming. Introducing group activities or smaller exam-style questions would help engage the students and lessen the r sh to ish assi me ts at the e d o the course. It is important to understand that there is so much to learn within arboriculture, theories are constantly being updated and
Agenda.indd 4
Pro Arb | October 2016
Principal tree officer, Environment, Housing and Regeneration, London Borough of Sutton “The course has had a ‘ripple effec o osi i e i ue ce o my role at Sutton” Yes – certainly from a local authority point o vie oth the assista t ar officer a d are part-time students; Luke studies Level 4 at Merrist Wood, whilst I am working on the a ear o i e de ree at ersco h The modules Luke is studying relate directly to the work he is undertaking. There is clear e e t i his atte da ce a d the mod es on trees in development have been of great se i his ro e as assista t tree officer The online degree is relevant but challenging. It has given me more co de ce i m c rre t ro e at o do
oro h o tto a d co de ce i the likelihood of employment opportunities that may follow. The course has had a ‘ripple e ect o ositive i e ce o more areas o my role at Sutton than I expected. Modules that may not seem directly relevant at the time become pertinent as circumstances change. Management of an urban forest isn’t limited to just trees; there are a range of aspects and i e ci a es so it is im orta t to ee a o e mi d o the ider e e ts o st d Tutors challenge concepts and preconceptions on arb and urban forestry, so the course, although tough at times, has been enjoyable.
Managing director, Acme Tree Services “Obviously there are not a lot of practical skills being taught, but I suppose that’s where we come in” The lads we have doing work experience with us have a good attitude and the courses they’re doing are clearly enjoyable and knowledgeable. Obviously there are not a lot of practical skills being taught, but I suppose that’s where we come in. It would be helpful
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i st de ts ere ta ht rst aid a d ma a handling – both are basic life skills that should be taught in school. Having these would help employers across all industries – it might even help save a few pennies for the NHS in the long run!
WAYNE ELWELL Director, About…Trees
“There seems to be a lot of youngsters going through tenweek accelerated access courses” When I started 20 years ago there were only a handful of land-based colleges and universities around, so there wasn’t much competition. Now there seems to be several more and a lot of youngsters going through these ten-week accelerated access courses. You’re walking i o the street doi a te ee co rse a d s dde o re a a i ed ar orist thi that with any trade, people know this isn’t the case. They’re slightly mis-sold – everyone is led to believe that you can walk out of college with your full tickets and go and demand £160 a day as a sub-contractor. It’s unfair on the guys coming out of college, too.
Agenda.indd 5
work on a development site, which is what 70% of people’s work is, and knowing CAD, GPS and GIS, is just as valuable as the rest.
Owner, Wharton Arboriculture
“They’re producing people with some technical ability but they don’t quite understand the industry” I both applaud and have serious concerns about the colleges. They’re producing people with some technical ability but they don’t quite understand, nor have any realistic view of, the industry. Coming out of college and demanding a salary of £28,000 is unrealistic in any industry. Unlike the Royal Institute of British Architects, we don’t have set criteria of how you progress through the industry from student to registered consultant. I do have a few concerns over the standard of students coming out. It is great understanding the biological functioning of trees but actually understanding how they
STEVE BULLMAN Owner, Arbtalk.co.uk
“Whilst colleges cover the skills needed, one thing that is overlooked seems to be business studies” hi st co e es o er a variet o co rses covering all the skills needed to embark on a practical career in tree surgery, one thing that is overlooked seems to be business studies, at even the most basic level. This directly res ts i a co sta t o o e starts ith the basic skills to carry out the job, but no viable business model. In my opinion this is a huge contributing factor to the under-pricing that has always been prevalent.
Pro Arb asks: What challenges do you foresee in 2017? Have your say: joe.wilkinson@eljays44.com
Pro Arb | October 2016
06/10/2016 11:04
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05/04/2016 16:43 15:49 05/10/2016
A roundup of all the latest arboriculture news from around the UK. For more stories visit www.proarbmagazine.com
NEW FACES AND NEW OUTLOOKS AT THE AA 2016 CONFERENCE APF 2016, the UK’s largest forestry, woodland, trees and timber show, took place on 15 to 17 September and was the most successful yet, breaking all previous records. Exhibitor numbers, at 315, were 15% up on the previous 2014 count. Visitor numbers smashed the previous record by 4,500, up 25% on the 2014 total, to over 22,000. Exhibition secretary Ian Millward commented: “The APF
team is delighted with the success of the show. We have had very positive feedback from exhibitors and visitors alike. Many exhibitors reported doing record business and some of o r rst time sma er exhibitors were amazed at the business they did. Many have already requested booking for next time! The APF would like to thank our sponsors
Husqvarna, A W Jenkinson, Tilhill Forestry, Euroforest, Blount UK, Forestry Journal, The Forestry Commission, Haix, Kubota,
Komatsu, Först, Arbortec and Timberwolf for their support in making the show what it is.” www.apfexhibition.co.uk
GOVERNMENT HELP NEEDED TO FIGHT ASH DIEBACK IN KING’S LYNN Government help may be needed to protect trees in King’s Lynn and West Norfolk from the spread of disease, county officia s have ar ed Options for measures to battle ash dieback, also known as chalara, are set to be discussed by a Norfolk County Council committee. Although the condition
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is more common in other parts of the co t res re eased the authority show that around one in six trees in the county’s western maintenance area are already showing signs of infection. A report to the council’s environment, development and transport committee, which is due to examine the issue at an upcoming meeting, also warned: “There are now very few trees that are not showing signs of
infection by chalara in Norfolk.” The authority plans to work with landowners to raise a are ess the o a d Essex county councils to develop local action plans, as well as Defra, the CLA, the National Farmers Union, the Forestry Commission and the John Innes Centre on research looking into resistance to the disease. www.lynnnews.co.uk
Pro Arb | October 2016
06/10/2016 10:22
29 UK TREES SHORTLISTED FOR TREE OF THE YEAR T e t i e o the s est trees have been revealed by the Woodland Trust as it searches for the next Tree of the Year. The shortlisted entries include the dying original Bramley apple tree, whose trunk has swallowed up a bicycle, and the Brimmon Oak, which will see a road diverted around its base thanks to campaigners. A panel of experts in each country narrowed down 200 public nominations to create shortlists based on the nominees’
story, how a care grant would be used for the tree, and the visual appeal of the tree; 10 were chosen in England, seven in Wales and six in both Scotland and Northern Ireland. The trust invited the public to vote for their favourite tree in each region, with the winners going forward to the European Tree of the Year competition in early 2017. The winning tree in each country i e e t rom a Tree care grant of £1,000. www.woodlandtrust.org.uk
NEW FACES AND NEW OUTLOOKS AT THE AA 2016 CONFERENCE Over 350 people arrived in Keele for the 2016 50th anniversary AA Conference from 4-7 September, 2016. Retiring chairman Jago Keen was unable to attend the event due to a prior commitment and so made his introductory speech via video and exhorted the association to continue its growth and development. Jago also thanked departing CEO Karen Martin and welcomed CEO in waiting, Stewart Wardrop. Stewart introduced himself to the conference and will be joining the association on October 3. Following his three-year tenure, Jago Keen has now handed the chair to Keith Sacre of Barcham Trees, who reco ised a o s si i ca t contribution to the recent
development of the association. This year’s event was the 50th conference for the association the rst havi ee he d at Merrist Wood in 1967. To mark the occasion, the AA linked up with the Landscape Institute to jointly present the second day of the conference. Chaired in the morning by Baroness Kate Parminter, with a keynote presentation from Merrick Denton-Thompson, president of the Landscape Institute, the session focused on collaboration between all stakeholders in the landscape and arb sector. www.trees.org.uk
FEARS FOR BRIGHTON’S ELMS AFTER TREE FELLED IN PAVILION GARDENS There are fears for Brighton’s elms after a 270-year-old tree in the Pavilion Gardens became infected. The tree, which predates the Prince Regent’s pleasure palace, was felled after Dutch elm disease took hold of its roots. It is feared that the disease has spread to other trees in the gardens, with at least one other elm thought to be infected. Brighton and Hove is home to the last remaining elm trees
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Pro Arb | October 2016
in the country after the crippling Dutch elm disease wiped out thousands in the Seventies. There are thought to be more than 17,000 across the city, which now form the national collection of the species. Rob Greenland, a former arboriculturist with Brighton and Hove City Council, said: “It’s always sad when a big prominent elm is infected. “This one contracted the disease in 2007 and 2008. The
guys managed to save the tree. Last year it was infected and the prune-out was successful. “With the extreme temperatures where trees are transpiring very rapidly, it has obviously pumped the toxins produced by the disease through its water conducting tissue all around the tree.” He warned there was another remarkable tree that could be under threat, adding: “It is possible the other one is
at ris t ers crossed that doesn’t happen.” www.theargus.co.uk
06/10/2016 10:26
Woodburning stoves could deal a deadly blow to the British landscape as the thousands of tons of foreign wood imported to fuel them may harbour a pest that blights ash trees. Experts have said that foreign wood could host the emerald ash borer beetle, which
has already killed tens of millions of trees across the United States, Canada and Russia. Any attack on a British ash tree population, already debilitated by a disastrous infestation of the fungus causing ash dieback disease, could wipe out Britain’s 2.2m ash trees, the way Dutch elm disease obliterated the elm. Fears about the dark green metallic-coloured beetle, native to Asia and discovered in 2002, have risen along with sales of
woodburning stoves. Its larvae bore into the layer of wood under the bark and stop vital water and nutrients getting to the tree, which eventually causes the tree to die. The government’s regulatory body for the solid fuel industry says its members have reported a 60% increase in the installation of burners over the past seven years – a rise that has gone hand in hand with an increase in demand for cheap logs, many imported from Eastern Europe.
In 2012 the government placed a ban on the importation of live ash trees in an attempt to counter ash dieback disease. Austin Brady, director of conservation at the Woodland Trust, said: “The ash tree is already vulnerable so this would be a double whammy. The beetle would have a dramatic e ect i st a co e of years – it can kill a healthy tree relatively easily and a weaker one even faster.” www.dailymail.co.uk
TOP NOTCH TREE CONSULTANT WAYNE ISAACSON RECEIVES AWARD A tree consultant on the Isle of Wight has been awarded the annual Royal Forestry Society/ Lockhart Garratt award for excellence in what is commonly considered the toughest a i catio i ar oric t re Wayne Isaacson completed the ABC Level 6 diploma in the prescribed two-year timescale, despite having to ma e ret r o r e s o a ferry through two winters to get to his centre of study
at Westonbirt Arboretum in Gloucestershire. Wayne said: “Achieving the Level 6 diploma in arboriculture involved an immense amount of work, but I furthered my knowledge about trees, everything from tree biology to tree management at a strategic eve avi this a i catio means that I can provide superior advice.” Presenting Wayne with his award, Lockhart Garratt’s Nick
Bolton said: “In his current role Wayne provides advice about trees and related issues, including planning applications, Tree Preservation Orders and tree management. Wayne also represents clients at planning appeals in connection with trees, and is an external
consultant to Hampshire County Council Highways advising on tree safety.” www.rfs.org.uk
www.jaspwilson.co.uk T: 01556 612233
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06/10/2016 10:28
Pro Arb had a very successful show at the 2016 APF. A record-breaking number of exhibitors was matched by more visitors than ever before to the Ragley Estate in Warwickshire, and together they made for an exciting three days packed full of forestry and arb machinery. We look forward to seeing you at the next one in 2018!
Ryetec’s stand on top of the hill
Haecksler chippers being demonstrated
A range of Bandit machines on the Global Recycling stand
10 Pro Arb | October 2016
APF picture special DPS.indd 10
The new Timberwolf 280TFTR received lots of interest
Först’s stand showcased 6in and 8in chippers
Spectrum Plant displayed a range of FSI grinders
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Visitors taking in the forestry machinery
Tuepen exhibited its range of MEWPs Makita demonstrated its quiet battery powered range of chainsaws
Visitors browsing the range of Vermeer chippers
Sponsors STIHL took a large range of saws to the show
Crowds of people at the Predator Power stand
Husqvarna’s saws on display
APF picture special DPS.indd 11
Pro Arb | October 2016 11
06/10/2016 08:40
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Advert template OCT.indd 30
06/10/2016 09:35
An interview with
ABI ST AUBYN Abi is a chartered arboriculturist with more than 15 years of tree-related experience. Pro Arb spoke with Abi about her history in the industry, her membership of the Institute of Chartered Foresters and her plans for the future
What’s your history in the arb industry? In the late Nineties I made a major career change from working as an IT recruitment consultant in London to working in a garden nursery and starting one of the RHS qualifications. I went on to a higher national diploma in landscape design and management because I wanted to do a practical course. After the qualification in landscape design, where did the transition to working with trees start? I had a break to have children, then joined Braintree District Council as a landscape officer responsible for monitoring development sites, reviewing planning applications, Tree Preservation Order applications, new planting across the district and health and safety inspections. Now you work for David Archer Associates? That’s right. I left the council in 2010, moved with my husband’s job to Barcelona for a year and since then I’ve been in consultancy.
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What is your role within the company? I’m a senior consultant. I work with clients and provide advice about trees; I find out about what the client needs, visit the site to inspect the trees and offer my expertise. We produce reports, CAD plans and tree works schedules, and supervise works near trees. What’s the structure of the company? It’s a small team made up of four of us, each working from home offices. We work across London, the south of England and up to the Midlands. David Archer heads up the company, Mark Mackworth-Praed takes the lead on appeal and legal work, and Matt Rew is the go-to expert for construction issues; he’s also our CAD expert. How do you find your work? Most of our work is done through repeat business and personal referrals. I also get enquiries
No two days are the same and the demands of planning deadlines or large tree surveys can mean long working hours from the Institute of Chartered Foresters (ICF) directory. What do you do on a day to day basis? I’m an early riser, so I’ve normally started work by 8am. If I have a report to write up I may even start earlier because my mind works better in the mornings. I try and book meetings and surveys around other deadlines and also the traffic. I try to work around the weather too – it’s much quicker to survey a site if it’s not pouring with rain. On each project, we normally work in a cross disciplinary team to provide prompt advice that ensures the design moves forward. No two
Wet white rot caused by honey fungus
Pro Arb | October 2016 13
06/10/2016 11:21
days are the same and the demands of planning deadlines or large tree surveys can mean long working hours. What’s the company history? David Archer Associates has been in practice for six years. We’re now up to four members of staff and the company has grown organically relatively quickly. We’re now at the point where we are looking at our survey software and client management system to make sure we continue to offer leading edge tree surveys and CAD plans.
Do you work with local authorities? We provide some support to councils. We offer locum tree officer services and carry out some tree surveys for council owned stock. However, most of our work is with developers, architects, planning consultants and private individuals. Do you offer planting schemes for new developments as part of your work? We provide a ‘one stop shop’ for our clients, offering arboriculture, landscaping and ecology. On the landscape side, we provide The David Archer Associates team at head office
landscape and planting plans, planting specifications and maintenance schemes. That can be for planning applications or discharge of conditions once permission has been granted. Who is your typical client? It’s anything from single individuals right up to large housebuilders and anything in between. It’s hugely varied.
It’s all to do with mentoring and getting people mentored, to bridge that gap between college and the workplace Do you do both domestic and commercial work? Yes. Most of our work relates to residential planning applications and appeals for schemes of all sizes. What’s the next step for the company? The aim is to continue to grow, and we’re also looking to target the more high end legal and appeal work which our experience and skills equip us well to take on. Are you a member of the ICF? Yes, I became chartered in 2014. It’s really helped the business and it means I can have the logo on my email signature and website profile, which is great.
Ganoderma resinaceum
Are there any other associations you get involved with? I attend the Arb Association’s (AA) south east branch meetings. I don’t really do as much volunteering as I’d like to. Matt is on the AA south east branch committee and I’m hoping to contribute more in the future, but at the moment I’m too busy. I’m working towards applying to become an AA Registered Consultant.
Tree protection fencing and ground protection
14 Pro Arb | October 2016
Interview.indd 14
Lifting root-plate
Do you agree that the role the associations play within the industry has improved? I think so. The courses they offer are
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Beech coming into leaf
fantastic; they’re relevant and interesting. A lot of it is run by volunteers, which is amazing really. Do you think the associations do enough to make arboriculture a career choice, not just in the practical side but in consultancy too? It’s a really difficult one, because the industries that are popular with the brightest young people tend to be the ones that generate a high income, and this sector isn’t one of them. Really you need to pick up a lot of skills on the job and consolidate that knowledge whilst working. The starting salaries are fairly low. I think it’s all to do with mentoring and getting people mentored, to bridge that gap between college and the workplace and to build up knowledge. Maybe it’s a case of targeting people looking for a second career, or just having a really comprehensive mentoring programme. I think doing more to promote good apprenticeship schemes would be fantastic. What do you think about entering at the more academic level, such as consultancy or local authority work? I was lucky enough to go to Braintree District Council and work closely with Melvyne Crow, the former head of the arboricultural team there. He was my manager at the time and mentored me while I was taking the professional diploma
Interview.indd 15
in arboriculture. A lot of knowledge is gained out on the job, and you need to have that support whilst you are getting your groundwork in place. The difficulty at the moment is that councils have budget cuts and the commercial sector always has one eye on their profits. It’s difficult to find those opportunities where you can really bring people along. Is the standard of arb work, both from a practical and theoretical point of view, where it should be? You do see a variable standard of tree work. Most of our work relates to the planning sector which is governed by the BS 5837:2012. In terms of that standard, the industry has come along a huge amount from the Eighties, but there is still a real lack of consistency between the Tree Preservation Order legislation and the British Standard. What’s the next step for you personally? I’m happy with what I’m doing now, working with clients on a huge variety of projects and helping to build a progressive, successful company. What do you like to do outside of work? I’ve got a very busy family life, with two children aged 14 and 11. I also have two cats and four chickens. We’ve recently moved house so I’m into DIY and gardening at the moment!
Tree protection plan for a school site
CONTACT Abi St Aubyn DipARB(RFS), MEng(Hons), MArbor A, MicFor David Archer Associates Tel 07761 818 721 Email abi@daa-arboriculture.co.uk Web www.daa-arboriculture.co.uk
Pro Arb | October 2016 15
06/10/2016 10:12
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Advert template OCT.indd 31
06/10/2016 09:39
Jonathan Hazell continues his series on the importance of keeping up training
raining to achieve your licence to practice should be considered a safety need – one of the basic needs in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs – whilst almost any other course that you attend will come toward the top of the pyramid as a selfme t eed Trai i ca e accessed from colleges or via the awarding bodies and their networks of suppliers. Vocational training is incredibly important and it is essential to keep up to date in order to function as a credible arborist, in whichever area of the craft or profession that you seek to work. A good programme of training may cover a wide range of topics or focus on a single subject, but will always be delivered at a level that will help you to understand and learn. Field trips will help to illustrate current knowledge of a particular topic, and will help practitioners to look for symptoms of ash dieback for example. Vocational training will be available from apprentice programmes, local colleges or independent providers. Like training to achieve your licence to practice, this will all count as continuing professional development (CPD), should you be a member of an organisation that values that as a metric. General interest events will be organised by the associations, learned societies and institutes as a member service, generally tailored to a current topic of interest. Field
Jonathan Hazell.indd 17
1 2
That which is required by the law – your licence to practice, certificate of competence, etc.
Vocational training – learning more about how trees behave and how they might react with people, other animals, fungi or buildings.
meetings will be more relaxed tha ed catio a e d tri s a d the networking may even be of more value than the tips picked up. Quite often these jolly boys’ outings will be run by the local membership of the various
This will all count as continuing professional development
3 4 5
General interest in topics that are related to arboriculture.
Preparing for entrance examinations, such as Approved Contractor, a health and safety card or a professional accreditation.
Team building exercises.
bodies, and again they will provide CPD hours. Trai i to he sit a e tra ce e am is di ere t i m vie rom vocational training; learning to pass the exam rather than to enhance your knowledge, perhaps. I expect it is something many of us have had to do a number of times in our careers. In general, the body that you are see i to oi i o er opportunities to help you breast
their ta e s this D That might depend on who you ask. Team i di is im orta t in arboriculture – it is, after all, a team ame These eve ts i vary; perhaps a few beers and a sandwich, even go-karting or paintballing, but if they help the team to bond then it will have been worthwhile. All sorts of providers have got in on this particular act and the choice is enormous. CPD – not a chance! ABOUT JONATHAN HAZELL Jonathan Hazell’s career began on the tools with the Ealing tree gang in 1980. Senior roles in the public, charity and commercial sectors followed and in October 2011 Jonathan established his own arboricultural consultancy practice. www.jhazell.com
Pro Arb | October 2016 17
05/10/2016 14:53
BUSINESS Bartlett Tree Experts considers pear rust, a fungus which targets pears and junipers, and explains how to take precautions and tackle infection
ear rust (Gymnosporangium sabinae, or pear trellis rust) is a rust fungus which attacks pears and junipers. Both hosts are re ired or di ere t sta es o its life cycle. Pear rust is especially damaging to pears whilst the e ects o i er are ot so severe. Recorded cases of pear rust have been increasing in the past decade, and now is a good time to look for symptoms and reduce the chance of overwintering spores.
Pear rust is especially damaging to pears whilst the effects on juniper are not so severe
PEAR RUST other pests, although death rarely, if ever, results from infection by pear rust. On junipers, pear rust causes canker-like swellings all year round. In spring these sprout horn-shaped orange-yellow fruiting bodies, which have a gelatinous texture when wet. Spores released from these can infect pear trees. Junipers provide a winter host for the rust to survive on when pear trees are dormant. Spores from either host may travel si i ca t distances by wind.
Symptoms From summer to early autumn on a variety of pear cultivars, the fungus causes orange spots on the upper surface of the leaf, often with a black centre. Later on in the season, the corresponding lower surface of the leaf swells into gall-like mounds with light coloured fruiting bodies Brown growth blistering out. These containing spores spores, however, only Control infect junipers. To reduce the number On pears the fruit can be of spores readily available to rea ected the disease ith time infect in the next growing season, repeated outbreaks may weaken fallen and infected leaves should trees and predispose them to be removed when noticed.
18 Pro Arb | October 2016
Bartlett.indd 18
Lightly pruning the pear trees may not necessarily be those in the can increase air circulation in immediate area. the crown and reduce rubbing ith severe eve s o i ectio branches, which will again applications of an appropriate reduce the chance fungicide are advised of infection. over the growing Removing season. Finally, diseased ensuring the juniper limbs tree is in can help good health prevent is important. further Improve tree movement vitality by checking of the fungus, soil conditions, Pear rust on lower leaf surface especially during appropriate fertilisation, the winter and early mulching and watering. spring when pear trees are dormant. Removal of the juniper ABOUT BARTLETT
Recorded cases of pear rust have been increasing in the past decade host is not recommended as the spores may travel long distances, and so the infected juniper plants
Emma Schaffert is a research technician at the Bartlett Tree Research Laboratory. Luke Hailey is a research technician and plant ecologist at the Bartlett Tree Research Laboratory.
05/10/2016 14:40
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23/08/2016 16:04 06/10/2016 09:40
SEND IT DIRECT Email marketing, according to Ross Hewitt, is the best and most effective way for a business to digitally push a message out to its audience mai mar eti is ot diffic t to set up even if you’ve never done it before. It used to be, but online platforms such as MailChimp and Campaign Monitor have
The technology behind the broadcast has become simple to use – everything else is down to good planning and sharing compelling content made it easy for beginners to get going with step by step help and free templates that are easy to customise for your business. You can even use MailChimp for free if you have less than 2,000 subscribers on your list. The technology behind the broadcast has become simple to use – everything else is down to good planning and sharing compelling calls to action and content. Email marketing works, but only if you send great emails
20 Pro Arb | October 2016
Ross Hewitt.indd 20
that are of interest to your audience. The best preparation for that is to not be thinking up content and writing it the morning of the day you are supposed to send it. Start planning Like everything else in digital marketing, it’s best to plan ahead. If you already send a monthly newsletter out, then you should know in March what your April and May newsletters are going to cover and why you will be sending them. If you think through your activity in advance, you will send a newsletter out on a regular basis driven by a plan, and not by a calendar. If you don’t plan your activity, you will be scratching around for content and slapping mediocre messages together in a rush just to hit the deadline. A great plan and great content makes up most of the email marketing recipe for success. There are a couple
of other important considerations that do need some attention if you haven’t reviewed them in a while. Think portable Your email newsletters need to work perfectly on a mobile device as well as in Outlook, Gmail or Hotmail, so be sure to test your newsletters by sending them to yourself and viewing them on your mobile. A recent study from Campaign Monitor has shown that around 53% of email newsletters are now opened on a mobile device. The same research has suggested that 69% of mobile users delete emails that aren’t optimised to view on their device. Get personal A personalised subject line makes an email 26% more likely to be opened. Personalisation is easy to do in email marketing, but you need the recipient’s name. If your data capture only records email addresses, change it to
capture a name as well. If you’re not ready for personalising emails, review your subject lines anyway – that is the biggest barrier to emails getting opened, a d is a a s the rst h rd e i getting results. ‘Company X email newsletter’ is not an engaging subject line. reat o er this mo th is etter whereas ‘Hi Ross, there’s a great o er or o this mo th is s ot o So, an email that isn’t optimised for a mobile device, and with a bland or non-personalised subject line, is not likely to be opened or read by many people. All that well-planned and wonderful content will end up wasted. That’s no fun. I’ll leave you to get testing your templates and thinking about those future subject lines. Good luck. ABOUT ROSS HEWITT Ross Hewitt is managing director of digital marketing consultancy Secret Pie and author of ‘Savvy Social Media’. Ross began his digital marketing career in 1998 and set up Secret Pie in 2010. www.secretpie.co.uk Twitter: @Secret_Pie
05/10/2016 16:38
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06/10/2016 09:42
STREETS AHEAD Stafford Borough Council recently renewed its tree management policy. Pro Arb caught up with Phil Bates, who played a central role in reforming the policy, to find out why the council values its trees and how it keeps them maintained
22 Pro Arb | October 2016
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Tree removal If a tree is removed in the borough, the aim is to plant another in the same location if possible to do so. Before this can happen,
rve rd a ce ri ht a d data ase ri hts
The council’s vision is to make Stafford a better place to live, work and visit, and it is clear that trees are a vital component of that
Policy change The policy hadn’t been looked at since 2007, so it was a perfect time for a refresh. Phil explained the process: “A lot of internal consultancy took place with departments including leisure, planning and regeneration, ris a d resi ie ce e a a ce the chie e ec tive s office a d the oro h s iodiversit officer The o ic is sti ithi its i a c as it as o si ed o committee o A st so e are sti aiti or officia co rmatio that we can go live with the changes.” The sheer number of departments involved in the process demonstrates the wide range o ositive e ects that trees have ithi the borough.
Streetscene treetsce e is art o ta ord oro h Council’s Environmental Health Service and one of its responsibilities is to care for borough owned trees. Phil Bates is the area coordinator for Streetscene and played a key role in writing the reformed tree management policy which i o r rom to Accordi to Phil, the borough hopes the new policy will provide greater clarity to the council’s position on what it will and will not do in relation to its tree stock. They feel that the new policy will allow their customer contact centre to provide more de itive a s ers to their reside ts The e o ic has a so ide ti ed a res o se time to enquiries, all part of an aim to improve the
service for locals in the area who potentially have problems with a borough owned tree. When asked about his views on how the council values trees, Phil comments: “They are an asset to the public and improve aesthetics, as well as the provision for educational and recreational amenities. They also contribute to the environment for biodiversity. It is therefore important that we make sure the borough’s tree stock is both safe and healthy through appropriate maintenance.”
ta ord is ocated st orth o o verham to and Birmingham and has over 35,000 trees residing on borough owned land. The borough contains a large number of English species with the biggest percentage of these being willow. This is because a large part of the borough’s a d ies o a ood ai or marsh a d nature reserves.
06/10/2016 09:21
however, the borough’s team of arborists must carefully take into account a number of considerations. Firstly they need to identify how the tree died – they only remove healthy trees i ver s eci c circ msta ces the ca se o death as somethi that o d a ect a e tree such as a ground based disease, it would rst eed to e dea t ith eco d the oo at the proximity of surrounding obstacles such
Stafford Council.indd 23
Despite budget constraints there are plans to plant more trees within the borough, which shows the value that trees have in the area
Pro Arb | October 2016 23
06/10/2016 09:22
as lamp posts, road signs, buildings and any neighbouring species of tree to decide how a e tree ma a ect the landscape. The council also looks at whether there are any localised planning restrictions or proposals for future development, to see whether the trees would have an impact on potential new housing or buildings. With tight council budgets the cost implications both for provision of the trees and ongoing maintenance must be considered to ensure they are able to keep them safe and healthy. Something the previous policy had pledged to do was replant two trees for every tree that had to e removed as art o a e ort to increase the number of trees within the borough. Unfortunately it may not be possible to maintain this after the renewal of the policy, as Phil explains: “Due to the ongoing reduction i d ets it is ecomi diffic t to d mo e to not only purchase and plant the trees, but also to continue with the ongoing maintenance of the existing stock. This is fundamentally why we have chosen to adopt the ‘right tree, right location’ approach, coupled with the view that we will choose what to plant, how many and where to plant them.”
Looking ahead, the council is still focused on planting new trees and keeping its existing trees maintained so it can continue to enjoy the benefits Right tree, right location ‘Right tree, right location’ is a scheme that has been brought in with the new policy. This will help to ensure that all trees planted provide the best value possible and that they don’t have to be removed while still healthy further
24 Pro Arb | October 2016
Stafford Council.indd 24
down the line. When deciding what tree to plant where, there are a number of factors to consider for the council’s team of arborists. First and foremost, they must look at the location in which the tree will be planted – what the landscape looks like and what it would e e t rom The eed to decide o the correct species for that particular location in terms of size, shape, the shade it will provide and whether it is deciduous, to provide shade in summer but not cause the area to be too dark in the winter.
Arborists also need to look at the existing soil conditions to decide which variety of tree would best suit the ground. Another factor is the longevity of the tree; will it remain for many years or will it require removing at a later date or die back? Of course, the council must also consider whether they can cope with the costs of purchasing, planting and maintaining the tree. If they can’t, it would be pointless to plant the tree only for it to be neglected in the future. Future planting Despite budget constraints there are plans to plant more trees within the borough, which shows the value that trees have in the area. Phil is working closely with the biodiversity officer to tr a d achieve this e are working to identify locations where large scale planting could be achieved to create a more sustainable environment. We also work with representatives from planning and regeneration on any new development proposals that are
We are working to identify locations where large scale planting could be achieved to create a more sustainable environment submitted to look at the planting schemes and comment on them.” There is no use in having a wide range of trees and planting if there are no measures in place to protect them and ensure that they remain healthy. Streetscene has an in-house arborist team who carry out regular visual checks on trees to identify any work that needs doing, in order to minimise losses in the long run. Trees that are owned by the borough in open spaces such as parks are inspected on a rota asis ever three to ve ears Another way to protect trees within the area is by issuing TPOs (Tree Preservation Orders), ma i it a o e ce to dama e or carr o t work on a tree without the required permission. rre t ta ord oro h o ci has i divid a tree orders ro orders area orders, and two woodland orders. Phil says that they will increase the number of TPOs on council owned land which is considered for development or for selling to developers. Most of the work on trees conducted by the treetsce e team at ta ord oro h Council is carried out by its in house team of professional arborists, however in recent months they have tendered out some contracts for single large tree work. The eldest tree in the area is located within Rowley Park and is over 250 years old. Looking ahead, the council is still focused on planting new trees and keeping its existing trees maintained so it can continue to enjoy the e e ts The e tree ma a eme t a should not change too much in terms of how the trees are looked after, but will certainly provide a framework making it easier for residents to understand the decisions that the council make. For more information on the new policy, visit: .s affo d c. o .u
06/10/2016 09:29
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06/10/2016 09:44
Redwood Global is long established in the arboricultural industry. Pro Arb spoke to sales and marketing director Douglas Ghinn to find out why the company decided to bite the bullet and build its own machines, having distributed for other brands since its inception
Our vision is to be the industry’s preferred choice of arboricultural machinery,” explains Doug. “We’ve got the passion and the team to make that a reality, and from what customers are telling us we are on the right road to becoming just that.” Ambitious words. But having overcome numerous obstacles over recent years, Doug ma e or ive or ei this co de t Redwood Global has a huge amount of experience in the industry and its creation of the Först brand was an opportunity to get a product right for the market we know so well. “We launched Först to market in March The T as rst short o o ed a tracked 6in chipper, the TR6,” explains Doug. “The 8in market was the next step, so we launched the TR8 and ST8 at the same time, at APF in 2014. The 6in and 8in series gave us the core products; we’ve also launched the XR8 and the PT6 this year.” ed ood is so co de t i the rst ra d that it o ers a three ear arra t o a its machines – something that was previously unheard of in the industry. Doug expands: “When we launched with the three year warranty it was something new and unique in the industry, which shocked a few, I think. Whether we marketed it as a three year warranty or not, it was always our intention to stand by our rod cts a d any problems so we went ahead and shouted about it. It’s a 2 twofold thing – it gives the
26 Pro Arb | October 2016
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customer the assurance they are covered for the three years and shows the market that we believe in our products and will stand by our customers every step of the way.” Talking of customers, Redwood Global places a lot of importance on understanding its customer base. “Knowing our customer demographic is really important. When we created the Först brand, we tested it heavily with our customers to make sure clients were happy with what we created before we launched at the Arb Show in 2013,” explains Doug, who is also conscious o the act that rst o ers e i e va e or money. “Price-wise, we make sure everything aligns, from the product through to the service. Customers understand that they are getting value at every step of the way. e o er er orma ce reliability, quality and a backup support that you
o t da here e se a d or a rea istic cost. The Först range is more expensive than a lot of other machines but it’s better built with better performance and comes with a better service package. It’s not cheap for these reasons, but like with most things, you get what you pay for.” Redwood’s success is easy to see. “Since 2013 we have sold a lot of kit,” says Doug. “It’s
Our success is clear from the amount of our machines you see on the road now – it speaks for itself clear from the amount of our machines you see on the road now – it speaks for itself. We have so many great customers and receive a lot of great feedback. That’s not to say we don’t have issues here and there, and we do – the di ere ce is that e sort them o t that s what really counts.” Först production moved to
06/10/2016 08:50
its current facility about 18 months ago. “We have about three and a half times more space here than we had before,” says Doug, “but it’s feeling tight already. It’s a great facility and customers generally like what they see when they come here.” So where do you go to buy a Först machine in the UK? “As a rule we don’t sell through dealers,” says Doug. “We’ve tried several
The Först range is more expensive than a lot of other machines but it’s better built with better performance mode s t o r c rre t o e is de ite the most successful for us. We sell direct to most of the UK with the exception of the north of England, where we work with Orange Plant. ra e a t is di ere t to o r avera e dea er as it is 100% focused on the arb market, which is important to us. Our relationship is more than just a dealer one – we view it as more of a partnership. We need the Först experience to be the same right across the country.” So what if there is a problem? “We have a network of about 50 agents around the country. They are all mobile engineers trained in Först machines, together with Orange Plant hich has ve de ots i the sa es area it covers for us. Wherever you are in the country Först support is never far away. We also have o ro service e i eers here at head office which give a good cover in the south. We have the tech support team, which handles all technical and service queries. These guys have grown up with the product so they know it inside out. We do diagnostics on the phone as far as we can, so by the time we’ve hung up we
RedwoodGlobal.indd 27
will know pretty much what’s wrong and will have a solution for you.” Although manufactured in Britain, Redwood o a is ta i rst rther a e d e started a company in Germany back in January, Först GmbH, which had gained orders within weeks. The German company is already having an impact on the market there. We also have a dealer in France, which was where we started with export, which is doing a great job too,
so all in all export is looking really promising. Additionally we have dealers in Norway and Denmark and are actively looking to spread our wings right across Europe, so it’s all positive.” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Först Production Facility, Andover, Hampshire Först ST8 chipper Först GmbH, Germany Först XR8 chipper Först TR8 chipper Först ST6 chipper Först PT6 chipper
Redwood Global 86 Livingstone Road Walworth Business Park Andover Hampshire SP10 5NS T: 01264 721 790 E: sales@redwood-global.com W: www.redwood-global.com
Pro Arb | October 2016 27
06/10/2016 08:43
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27/07/2016 10:23
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Advert template OCT.indd 35
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06/10/2016 09:47
ow in its second year, FutureArb is becoming rm esta ished as a m st atte d eve t or the s ar orists ith re eva t a d oc sed semi ars ive de ates a d eadi s iers a d some e ce tio a dea s o o er The o e da eve t is ree to atte d a d ta es ace o ovem er at a do ar aceco rse i sher rre t reAr r s i co ctio ith the a dsca e i d str s eadi eve t t re ca e A ter a s ccess sho ast ear t reAr romises to e a i ormative com rehe sive da that sho d ot e missed the ar oric t re i d str a do ar aceco rse is ithi eas reach
of London by car and train, and free ar i is avai a e The ive de ate at the eve t i oc s o the t re o ar oric t re i hich o r a e o i d str e erts i disc ss here the sector is headed a d t re cha e es it ma ace The de ate i e hosted re ar ro Ar co tri tor a d i de e de t co s ta t o atha a e emi ars a d de ates i co c de ith a A sessio to e s re a die ce mem ers ca voice a o i io s or eries the ma have The semi ars a d de ate i e ver o ar so i o o d i e to atte d a o the eve ts do t or et to re ister o the e site e o e ore the are oo ed
The Future of Arboriculture
Trailblazer Apprenticeship Scheme
Single Rope Technique
06/10/2016 10:56
Pro Arb’s pick of the top exhibitors at the show
Haecksler is a Dutch company which produces some of the finest quality compact chippers available. Upson Mowers Ltd has been appointed as the exclusive distributor for Haecksler sales in the UK. Upson has over 45 years’ experience with machinery, and as engineers they can appreciate build quality. Excellent, high volume, reliable chippers are exactly what Upson wants for its customers, and what Haecksler machines provide.
Bourne Amenity
Bourne Amenity supplies materials across the UK and has developed a reputation for quality materials and customer service. With access to its own haulage fleet and numerous blending facilities, it services both the sports turf and landscaping industry with bespoke growing media and delivers consistency and attention to detail that the industry demands. Bourne Amenity now has four blending facilities and delivers thousands of tonnes of specified materials across the country every week. www.bourneamenity.co.uk
Visit Makita to see its ever-expanding range of mains, cordless and petrol outdoor power tools designed for professional landscapers and groundscare contractors. Makita’s innovative MM4 mini 4-stroke technology is at the heart of its petrol range, as contractors recognise the environmental value of pure 4-stroke engines for economy, power and low noise and emissions. Test the 36V cordless range and discover its silent operation and zero emissions. Its new twin 18V Lithium-Ion battery system is designed to deliver 36V performance.
The Green-tech team will be profiling its range of awardwinning Green-tree soils that are distributed nationally. You can watch the team demonstrate the ArborRaft tree planting system that is fast becoming the specifier’s choice for tree planting in commercial developments, city centres and high streets.
17-18 & 46
30 Pro Arb | October 2016
Go see at FutureArb.indd 30
05/10/2016 15:59
Global Recycling Solutions Ltd Global Recycling is the distributor for the o Beau range and will be displaying on its stand a range of ‘wee’ wood chippers and stump grinders. Jo Beau machines come directly from Belgium and are fully E ompliant. Jo Beau has always o ered a good range of gravity drop feed chippers, and the range now covers from 1in through to 5in capacity. Its stump grinder range includes the models B13-90 and B31110, both of which are designed according to the same standards as its wood chippers. www.globalrecycling.eu
Geosynthetics Ltd is a successful, dynamic and creative business. Since its incorporation in 1 8 the company has grown rapidly into the largest independent supplier of civil engineering materials in the UK. The company prides itself on providing high quality products, fast tracked to site at competitive prices.
GreenMech, Europe’s largest manufacturer of wood chippers, will be showcasing its 1 and Arborist 13 chippers. GreenMech sta will be on hand to o er comprehensive technical advice and explain the flexible finance options that are currently available. GreenMech’s CS 100 is designed with the professional landscaper, arborist or parks manager in mind. The Arborist 13 is a cost e ective, compact road tow chipper designed to meet the tough demands of today’s arborist, groundscare and landscaping expert.
Geko Engineering
Geko introduces the Stump Beaver, its own mini-digger tree stump grinding attachment which is manufactured and sold in the UK. onceptualised after noticing the ine ciency and demanding labour required when using the traditional ‘walk behind’ grinder, Stump Beaver eradicates the strenuous nature of removing tree stumps. The Stump Beaver features a full guard design which protects its operator and bystanders from flying debris, and can maintain its e ciency on river banks and tricky terrain.
Go see at FutureArb.indd 31
Majestic Trees
Majestic Trees grows over 450 varieties of trees in a range of sizes from 2m to 12m tall in 5 L to 5, L air pots to ensure an outstanding fibrous root system. At any one time, Ma estic Trees will have between 7,000 and 10,000 semi-mature trees in stock and encourage you to come to the site. All trees have an identifying and descriptive label without any prices, allowing you to bring your customer.
83, 91
Pro Arb | October 2016 31
06/10/2016 11:31
WHICH WOULD YOU BUY? CHIPPERS Pro Arb rounds up the best of chippers available on the market
TS Industrie WS/18-35D Capacity 180mm W x H x L 1,560 x 2,530 x 4,000mm Weight 1,085kg Price £20,500 T Industrie o ers a comprehensive range of Green eries and Wood eries chipper shredders. The W 18-35D o ers a robust solution with cutting disc technology in which two fully ad ustable blades are mounted in a cutting disc and precisely ad usted to a counter edge. The two driven feed rollers can force feed material with a thickness of up to 18 mm in diameter and the chassis is fully galvanised to meet any demands on and o the road. www.ts-industrie.eu
GreenMech Arborist 150 Capacity 150mm W x H x L 1,290 x 2,335 x 3,556mm Weight 750kg Price £15,515 The GreenMech Arborist 15 is a good all round’ road tow machine and is the most popular size of chipper for the market. Designed particularly for the disposal of waste brash, it is simple to use and cost e ective. It has a generous x mm in-feed chute to accommodate a 15 mm chipping capacity. The 15 x 3 mm letterbox-style in-feed throat opening makes light work of heavily forked branches. The Arborist 15 , along with the complete GreenMech range of chippers, comes fitted as standard with a patented disc blade system, giving up to 15 hours of chipping before requiring re-sharpening. www.greenmech.co.uk
32 Pro Arb | October 2016
WWYB Chippers.indd 32
05/10/2016 15:57
Först XR8 Capacity 203mm W x H x L 1,510 x 2,730 x 2,521mm In transport position 1,416 x 1,750 x 3,515mm Weight 2,075kg Price £31,000 Full 8 x 10in capacity throat with FörstGrip in-feed, 50hp Kubota power pack and the flywheel make this machine a performance tool to deal with even the most awkward timber. Coupled with the new Traxion embankment system, this machine is solid and stable on banks up to 35°. It not only wins when it comes to ability to grip and remain stable on banks; it has class leading ground clearance which makes it easier for passing over rough terrain. Direct drive hydraulics taken straight from the 50hp Kubota means this machine has excellent torque and tracking ability on the bank side. Finally it is designed to be fast and get you to the work site quicker. www.forst-woodchippers.com
Rock Machinery Rock 13hp Venom Chipper
Linddana TP 175 Mobile
Capacity 85mm W x H x L 800 x 2,310 x 1,500mm Weight 171.5kg Price £1,549
Capacity 175mm W x H x L 11,416 x 2,440 x 4,013mm In transport position 1,416 x 1,750 x 3,515mm Weight 749kg Price POA
The Venom chipper features a compact design for easy movement; simply wheel it by hand or attach it to your ATV. It has a powerful 13hp Briggs and Stratton OHV engine with electric start, hardened steel reversible blades and a safety cut o system to avoid in ury or damage to the machine. The chipper is designed for shredding or chipping all kinds of cut tree branches up to 8.5cm in diameter. www.rockmachinery.co.uk
The TP 175 Mobile is the only machine in the sub 750kg class with a 175mm capacity. With a top funnel in-feed opening, twin horizontal feed rollers, no-stress control and automatic clutch system, machine operation is as easy as it gets. Equipped with a Kohler/Lombardini 35hp diesel engine and the innovative TP Opticut blade system, the TP 175 Mobile is both fuel e cient and can produce high quality biomass wood chip. The EU type approved trailer is equipped with an overrun brake and heightadjustable spout. www.tpchipper.com
NEXT MONTH: Survey software
WWYB Chippers.indd 33
Pro Arb | October 2016 33
05/10/2016 15:58
Versalift UK LAT135-H
Promax Access Spider 27.14
Mounted onto uprated 3.5T GVW Isuzu D-Max and Toyota Hilux pickups, this new unit can be driven on a standard car licence. Fitted with an articulating boom and optional aluminium basket this Versalift platform is ideally suited to the arb sector. The new LAT135-H is also low voltage insulated as sta dard he tted ith a c et It integrates leading technology within the boom structure, bucket controls and tti s e a i die ectric ash testi whilst the bucket is mounted to the platform. It has a working height of 13.3m, an outreach of 6.1m, 230kg SWL platform capacity and has been tested to the highest stability standard.
The new Spider 27.14 is the world’s most compact 27m tracked access platform. With a minimum width of only 0.89m it makes gate openings and footpaths easily accessible and provides low ground pressure for travelling over lawns and poor terrain. It provides a 27m working height and 15m maximum outreach. Multiple stabiliser leg positioning, a large working cage with increased 230kg capacity and hydraulically extending tracks for extra stability make the machine ideal for the arborist. Available with hybrid options for silent and fume free working, the Spider 27.14 can also be supplied with a GRP cage.
MEWPs latest kit Teupen Leo21GT With 250kg in the basket the Leo21GT still achieves 12m side reach. That is enough capacity to take two people including tools or material, unrivalled in this height segment. Within the new, highstrength steel boom telescopes all cables, hoses and hydraulic cylinders are safely routed through the booms and therefore protected against damage, dirt and all weather conditions. The hydraulically height and width adjustable track system permits narrowing and lowering the machine for passing entrances or widening the track footprint for more ground clearance and traction for driving alongside slopes. www.teupen.com
34 Pro Arb | October 2016
LK MEWPs.indd 34
Leguan lifts Leguan has been making spider type access platforms for over 25 years in Finland, as part of the Avant Group of companies. The current range consists of 12.5m, 13.5m and 16.5m machines available on tracks or wheels. The design features that make them suitable for tree work include the horizontal outreach, meaning the machine isn’t in danger from falling debris, the cylinder covers which protect the hydraulic cylinders, the two man plus tools lift capacity, and the increased weight and width of the machines over their contemporaries, giving them much more stability. www.cpslift.com
06/10/2016 10:40
Plantoil ad 118x91 Sept'14_PROARB 25/09/2014 14:44 Page 1
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ALL MATERIALS The New Prof 5 Shredder • • • •
JAMES COLES & SONS (Nurseries) Ltd The Nurseries, Uppingham Road, Thurnby, Leicester LE7 9QB T: 0116 241 2115 F: 0116 243 2311 E: info@colesnurseries.co.uk Twitter: @Colesnurseries Facebook: fb.me/jamescolesnurseries
7528_Coles Advert 91x118 Portrait 2015-16.indd 2
12/08/2015 16:03
Makes easy work of branches, wet green waste and mixed leafage 4 Season shredder is effective in all conditions Smooth and easy suction feed system Produces easily compostable BioTech™ chips
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PSD2700 - ELIET ProLandscaper Adverts 58x90.indd 1
13/03/2013 12:38
www.woodchipper-pro.com Secateurs, hedgeshears and the world’s finest pruning saws in superb, tempered Japanese steel KST 230
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Advert template OCT.indd 36
06/10/2016 09:56
Green-tech tree guards Manufactured from UK sourced, mild carbon steel of fully welded construction, the standard gtDales guard ish is hot dip galvanised to BS EN ISO 1461:1999. Alternatively, a rich primer and a hardwearing polyester powder coati rovide a o tsta di ish The gtDales collection guards are supplied in two halves for ease of transit and simply bolt together to form a complete guard. They are versatile and can be supplied ith either a ro d i or o t i The ro d i a o s the ard to e pushed into the ground and secured by ard s i es o t i the ard a o s it to e ed i to a tree ri e ith ease
GreenBlue Urban RootSpace The GreenBlue Urban RootSpace is the next generation soil support system – designed for maximum soil and rooting volume to be ‘utility friendly’, with economic freight and industry leading strength characteristics. With years of experience as leaders in tree root rotectio oot ace as desi ed to o er a ar e vo me of uncompacted, good quality soil for the establishment and long term health of a tree in paving. With interlocking lattice panels rovidi stre th a i e ate ted air o id or soi aeratio a d o e s ace or ti ities a d ast soi oot ace saves o time and money. www.greenblue.com
www.green-tech.co.uk Carbon Gold tree protection Brilliant Little Planet binding tube Premium bio-based and biodegradable binding tubes are made of a e i e io starch a d are re e a e a d s stai a e T es have a functional lifespan of approximately two years and have been developed with university and end user support. The tubes can be recognised by their olive green colour and can be used for tying trees, shrubs and vines, and are a low carbon environmentally friendly alternative to plastic tying tubes. www.brilliantlittleplanet.co.uk
36 Pro Arb | October 2016
LK Urban planting.indd 36
Carbon Gold’s biochar-based tree care products increase transplant survival, minimise drought stress and induce systemic resistance to pests and diseases. Research has sho that iochar is a e ective protective against Phytophthora, honey fungus, grey mould, powdery mildew, apple scab and horse chestnut leaf miner. Trialled at Bartlett Tree Research Laboratories at the University of Reading, tree growth enhancer and tree rotector are rove to si i ca t red ce osses when planting new trees and improve the health and vitality of established trees. Ideal for aiding drainage, decompacting waterlogged soils and stabilising soil moisture, they allow trees to grow strong, healthy root systems in harsh conditions. www.carbongold.com
06/10/2016 10:44
Geosynthetics Cellweb tree root protection
Boddingtons Acorn Treeguard
Cellweb tree root protection is a no-dig solution for the construction of new hard surfaces within root protection areas. In accordance with BS 5837 Cellweb minimises soil compaction within the rooting environment and is completely permeable, allowing continued water permeation and gas exchange. The Treetex geotextile provides a hydrocarbon pollutant control measure. Cellweb remains the only tree root protection product to have been independently tested and o ers a ara tee o hea th o the trees s ect to e e i sta atio
The Acorn Treeguard is a 12mm square plastic netting, identical to Shelterguard tree shelters – but without the polyethylene lining. Plastic mesh tree guards are designed for protecting small trees from damage caused by animals ranging from rabbits to deer. The Acorn Treeguard mesh guards are particularly suitable for the protection of evergreens which often grow too rapidly in an enclosed shelter, becoming top heavy and unstable. Plastic mesh tree guards allow the tree to grow in its natural climate without inhibiting sunlight or rainfall.
Silva Cell integrated tree and stormwater system
Platipus rootball fixing system
The Silva Cell integrated tree and stormwater system uses green infrastructure to bring the ti it o the orest to the i t e viro me t This mod ar rod ct s orts traďŹƒc oads hi e providing uncompacted soil volumes for large tree growth and on site stormwater attenuation. The Silva Cell meets engineering standards with no loss of structural hard landscape integrity. It has been used in such iconic sites as the Royal Air Force Bomber Command (London), Dortmund Square (Leeds) and for the award-winning Llanelli SuDS scheme.
The ati s root a i s stem including Plati-Mat, remains the preferred method of securing rootballed and containerised semi-mature trees. The ease of installation and lack of unsightly ires ma es it the rst choice or customers. Over the past two decades, we have developed an extensive range o i e der ro d i so tio s to suit most applications. The Plati-Mat allows secure positioning of newly tra s a ted trees hi st o eri ma or e e ts over traditio a root s ort s stems Avai a e i ve sta dard si es the Plati-Mat can be tailored to suit most rootball dimensions.
LK Urban planting.indd 37
Pro Arb | October 2016 37
06/10/2016 10:48
KIT Mesh-Specs BX | Un-Fog-Able Eye Protection from Rockcroft Mesh-Specs BX are eye protectors designed not to fog or mist, no matter how arduous the work or the weather, as the usual plastic lens has been replaced with a stainless steel mesh allowing the free circulation of air. Similar to most standard safety glasses the MeshSpecs BX are impact rated ‘F’ and are compliant with the British/ European Standard BS EN 1731:2006. In addition to Mesh-Specs BX, our ‘Un-Fog-Able’ Safe-Eyes mesh safety goggles are ideal for tree work and other applications when you need to ensure your eye protection is held in the place where it matters – over your eyes. www.meshsafetyglasses.com
A roundup of the latest products Bear Valley CO ARB EXO-RANGER
Yale Blue Tongue 11.7mm climbing rope 1 splice
The Bear Valley Co Arb Ex-Ranger T-shirt is quick dry and moisture wicking, designed to act with Cool/Hot properties. The Spandex in the material blends to allow for stretching in everyday work. A breathable mesh down the whole length of body and under the arms allows for maximum ventilation. The T-shirt is designed to be longer in the body so it does not get untucked from the chainsaw trousers when working. The range has been designed to look professional and uniformed whilst at work.
Yale Blue Tongue rope represents a quantum leap in tree climbing line technology. Made out of premium grade polyester this 24-strand climbing line has been made for exceptional performance through mechanical ascent/ descent devices as well as the traditional arborist climbing techniques. The 11.7mm diameter provides the perfect balance between the weight of 11mm line and the feel of 13mm line. The highly vibrant colour guarantees exceptional visibility in the tree. It is possibly the most vibrant and visible rope on the market.
38 Pro Arb | October 2016
Arb Kit_Oct.indd 38
06/10/2016 11:08
KIT FSI ST20B Stump Grinder from Spectrum Plant
Park the wheels with the two independent brakes and then the top of the machine slews e ortlessly so that every ounce of your force goes into the stump. The independent brakes also allow you to ‘walk’ the machine up or down steps and steep banks. This is a machine designed to be used day in and day out. The anti-vibration mounts on the handle protect your hands from the worst vibration, the remote grease points make it easy and quick to maintain, the turn-able tooth system also reduces maintenance time and the Honda engine is probably the most reliable petrol engine available. www.spectrum-plant.com
Hypro 300 from Oakleaf Forestry Hypro 300 is a simple, quick, three point carried forest thinning processor. Hypro 300 has its own hydraulic system where the pump is mounted directly on the tractor. The machine has a load-sensing hydraulic system which makes this a very compact yet powerful forest machine. The machine has its own radio-controlled winch for extracting timber and loading the machine and a digital measuring system to record output. This roller delimber/bed processor will strip branches and cut to length trees up to 12in in diameter. Fantastic entry level machine for small scale, low impact forestry harvesting contractors and estates.
KitDry from Workware The powerful drying action of KitDry cuts the drying time of wet boots and kit. With KitDry you can dry your boots or kit overnight, whereas without it you might be looking at two, three or even four days. KitDry fits any shoe, boot, glove or any part of your kit. Its crystals dry without electricity – simply slide the KitDry into your boots or kit for a few hours. There are no heating elements and no power cords. With KitDry you simply insert them into your boots or any part of your kit; there is no need to monitor their progress, which means no chance of damaging your boots or kit with heat. Ideal for boots with custom moulded foam liners. www.workware.co.uk
Makita 4-stroke telescopic pole chainsaw The EY2650H25H professional pole-saw from Makita extends telescopically to enable branches up to 5m above ground to be lopped with ease. The pole expands from 2.7m to 3.9m, while the 25.5cm guide bar carries 3/8in pitch ½in chain that will run up to 21m/s. Powered by a 25.4cc version of the Makita MM4 4-stroke engine developing 1.03hp, the EY2650H25H weighs just 7.2kg, is comfortable to use and is supplied complete with shoulder strap harness, safety goggles and engine and chain oil. www.makitauk.com
Arb Kit_Oct.indd 39
Pro Arb | October 2016 39
06/10/2016 11:14
KIT DMM Boa Durolock Carabiner Oversized yet still ergonomic and userfriendly, the Boa is ideally suited to applications where large connector volume and gate clearance are required. The large HMS shape allows for easy rotation of Italian hitches in tension rigging applications and the smooth curved internal form makes rotating the carabiner through attachment eyes simple. The Durolock (Dual Rotor Lock) was designed to minimise the chances of accidental gate opening, and maximise levels of security. Its complex yet easy-to-manipulate gate requires four distinct actions to open, and once released auto locks back to safe. It is perfect for complex and busy rigging applications.
Vermeer S800TX The Vermeer S800TX may look a small compact machine but at 40.5in wide with a 35hp Kubota engine and one of the largest lifting capacities in its class, it has the potential to change the way your tree company does business. With an impressive 53l min hydraulic flow rate and a large selection of attachments available the 8 T o ers a new level of performance and versatility for the demands of arboriculture, landscaping and utility work. For those contractors looking for narrow access the Vermeer S725TX and S450TX at 36in wide allow access through most gateways.
Husqvarna T540 XP The Husqvarna T540 XP is a top handle chainsaw, designed for the high end top handle chainsaw segment. The T540 XP combines balance and ergonomics to create a chainsaw that is ideal for professional operators such as arborists, contractors, landscapers and utility services. It is perfect for those who need optimal performance in demanding applications, with the added reliability that Husqvarna machines provide.
Class 2 Scafell Lite from Arbortec Forestwear
The new, Class 2 Scafell Lite from Arbortec Forestwear encompasses all the features of the Scafell boot, including exceptional design and outstanding performance, along with a new lightweight sole and chainsaw blocking material providing the lightest Class 2 boot on the market. A key feature is the safety midsole, o ering protection against penetration from sharp ob ects. This feature is required by health and safety departments nationally. The story is now revealed in colour – vintage green, electric blue and classic black. Arbortec orestwear is confident this new addition will become the number one choice for arborists. www.arbortecforestwear.com
40 Pro Arb | October 2016
Arb Kit_Oct.indd 40
06/10/2016 11:12
Pro Arb reviews Urban Tree Management edited by Dr Andreas Roloff, the guide to planting and protecting urban trees
his is an essential guide for all arborists, horticulturists, forestry scientists, city planners and landscape architects. The guide is edited Dr A dreas o o and contains contributions from a number of leading professionals such as Dr Eckhard Auch, Dr a dra or a d ro Dr te e st Dr o o is the a thor o a
Urban Tree Management edited by Andreas Roloff
Urban tree management is a crucial practical discipline for greener cities in the future number of other books such as the Encyclopedia of Woody Plants and Trees in Central Europe.
Book review.indd 41
He has been chair of forest botany at Dresden University of Technology in Germany since 1994, where one of his main research areas is urban trees and drought stress. The book will guide you through a number of important decisions and processes such as choosing the right tree for the right location, how to plant certain trees in city spaces, how to care for them and how to protect them from being damaged, and also informs you about the overall management of trees as a collective resource. Complete with plenty of imagery and examples, it’s easy to follow the advice and gain a deeper understanding of the planning that oes i to tti trees in an urban landscape. One of the key aims of the book is to raise awareness of how important trees are to urban areas and the people who live and work in cities. The book discusses the e e ts that trees can have on city dwellers and the negative impact
having no trees can cause, such as giving areas a cold look and causing overheating in the summer with no shade provided. Again, pictures are used to illustrate these impacts, providing
One of the key aims of the book is to raise awareness of how important trees are to urban areas and the people who live and work in cities helpful case studies for potential decisions you may have to make in terms of urban trees. Urban tree management is a crucial practical discipline for greener cities, and this book is a well detailed guide to help you learn more and achieve greater results.
This book is full of useful information and reading it will help you to learn about the fundamentals, methods and tools for urban tree management. The book also includes plenty of detail about features, requirements and selection criteria for urban trees, and the governance and management aspects. There is not much about urban tree management that this guide does not address. With urban areas ever expanding, it is of high importance that this does not come at the cost of trees, which form a key feature of our everyday lives. This book helps to provide information on how we can ensure that urban areas are properly supplied with enough trees and that they are protected a d cared or e ective Trees help to transform the appearance of grey urban areas for the better, improve the quality of the air, provide a green space for those who may not have gardens of their own and even improve orientation and guidance in busy city areas.
Pro Arb | October 2016 41
05/10/2016 14:45
For full details on all jobs, please go to www.horticulturecareers.co.uk
Call 01903 777 570 or email hortcareers@eljays44.com with your vacancy
The Tree Company is a well-established Arboricultural Association Approved Contractor with current termed contracts with the Royal Parks, specialising in veteran tree management. We are seeking 17.5t Hiab drivers with C + E, lorry drivers with C1 + E, transit drivers with B1 + E, climbers and ground staff. We currently require a Hiab driver for our tree surgery grab lorry, preferably with arboricultural experience but all applicants will be considered. We also require climbers and ground staff for our long-standing client base. CS30, CS31, CS38 and CS39 preferred.
Our client is seeking a skilled arborist to join their team on their estate based in Wallingford, Oxfordshire. The candidate will have excellent knowledge of tree and fungus identification, climbing experience, experience in completing health and safety checks and site risk assessments and be able to implement tree work specifications. The successful applicant shall hold the relevant arborist qualifications as standard which include NPTC units CS30, CS31, CS32 CS38 and CS39.
For more details please go to www.horticulturecareers.co.uk
For more details please go to www.horticulturecareers.co.uk
Our client has an exciting opportunity for utility arborists project managers working on the UKPN contract. They are offering a competitive salary, semi-annual bonuses, company pension, company stock options and other benefits. The manager will work in liaison with the contract director to ensure overhead power line arboricultural work is completed within a geographical area utilising a team of operational staff. The candidate will ideally but not necessarily have NPTC utility arboriculture units 1, 2.1, 5.1 and 5.2, a full driving licence, LANTRA basic or professional tree inspectors qualification and three to five years experience in a similar job role.
The Institute of Chartered Foresters (ICF) is a professional membership organisation for chartered forestry and arboricultural professionals. This role, reporting directly to the executive director, is key to the strategic development of the organisation. You will work as part of a small team to promote the professional status of the chartered forester and arboriculturist to employers, the public and individual professionals, and to provide advice and information on forestry and arboriculture matters to key decision makers and influencers highlighting the importance of the growing industry. Knowledge of the profession and the issues currently facing the sector are desirable as are excellent written, verbal and presentation skills. Regular travel in the UK will be required.
For more details please go to www.horticulturecareers.co.uk
For more details please go to www.horticulturecareers.co.uk
05/10/2016 16:28
Each month we feature an ancient British tree. This month the Ancient Tree Forum introduces us to...
Beech tree at Plas New ydd, Anglesey This multi-stemmed beech tree (Fagus sylvatica) has the largest trunk of any beech tree in Britain, with a girth of over 10m. It can be found on the edge of a quarry at Plas Newydd, a National Trust property close to Llanfairpwllgwyngyll, on the island of Anglesey, Wales. The estate is on the a s o the e ai trait a d has ma i ce t vie s across to o do ia It covers 68 hectares of parkland, gardens and woodland and has a number of special trees including this beech. The tree has a colossal girth of 10.55m at a height of 1m, and looks as though it is several trees fused together. It may actually be an old hedgerow tree that was cut at ground level a couple hundred years ago and re-grew the multiple stems that we see now, according to a new book on the National Trust’s ancient trees. Brian Muelaner, the book’s co-author and Ancient Tree Forum trustee, says that another theory, though unlikely, is that this was a bundle planting of several trees: “The only way to positively prove that it is one tree would be to take DNA samples from leaves of each of the separate limbs, but either way this is ma i ce t tree “At the moment the tree seems to be stable,” says Muelaner, “although several of the outer lateral limbs may need to be very gently reduced to prevent the risk of these tearing away from the main trunk. Even if just one of these massive limbs were to fail at the base, all too often it then begins the process of rapid
a tr
It may actually be an old hedgerow tree that was cut at le ground level a coup o ag s ar hundred ye and re-grew the multiple stems that we see now
decay leading to eventual catastrophic collapse.” The Plas Newydd beech tree is featured in ‘Ancient Trees of the National Trust’ by Edward Parker and Brian Muelaner, which is published this October by Scala Arts and Heritage Publishers Ltd.
The Ancient Tree Forum champions the biological, cultural and heritage value of Britain’s ancient and veteran trees, and provides advice on their value and management
Ancient Tree.indd 43
© Edwar d Parker
at www.ancienttreeforum.co.uk
Pro Arb | October 2016 43
05/10/2016 14:37
SHARPENS YOUR PROTECTION You’re looking for good and comfortable chainsaw protective trousers at a sharp price that would look great in addition to your other SIP Protection® clothing? Then our Sherpa-collection is the tradeoff you are looking for. For the manufacturing of the trousers, we used a 4-way stretch ripstop fabric. The light design and soft touch of the clothes make them very comfortable to wear and don’t hamper your movements in any way. In order to guarantee the protective qualities at all times, we equipped the trousers with waterproof lower leg reinforcements and an anti-wicking system to prevent water absorption by the blocking material. Sherpa, that’s the high quality of SIP Protection® at a very sharp price. Available in type A & C. www.sip-protection.com
WWW.WORKWARE.CO.UK Advert template OCT.indd FutureArb page.indd 16 37
TEL: 01228 591091 05/10/2016 27/11/2015 16:44 11:13