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2016 2016 2016 2016
April 2016 | Volume 2, Issue 3 April2016 2016| |Volume Volume2,2,Issue Issue33 April
April 2016
April 2016
Welcome to the April edition of Pro a EDUC DE INDIG VILL ENOU CONT IERS EMPO FEATU WELCOME RARY S CARRE PRO OLIN E DE TSEMPO LA VILL TE Welcometotothe theApril Apriledition editionofofPro Pro communitypark park by Habitat landscape CONT IERS ST LATE ST SRARY CLASSIC INDIG PRODUC MEET ENOU Welcome aaArchitects community by Habitat landscape S TS PRODUC INDIG TS ENOU Landscaper Africa. rekindling recreation inSIC Jo burg S AL FLOR MEET S CLAS Welcome to May the April edition of Pro a community park by Habitat landscape Leon Kluge and a wonderful display ofaJo nature Welcome to the edition of Pro MEET LET’Srecreation SFRO CLAS SIC HEA R IT Landscaper Africa. Architects rekindling in a burg FLOR AL M Welcome to the April edition of Pro a community park by Habitat landscape Leon Kluge and a wonderful display of nature MEET Welcome to the May edition of Pro Welcome to the April edition of Pro a community park by Habitat landscape Landscaper Africa. Architects rekindling recreation in a Jo burg FLOR AHabitat AL LE Welcome to the April edition of Pro a community park by landscape GE ND Leon Kluge and a wonderful display ofwith nature OF LA Welcome to the May edition ofupon Pro of CAR OLIN NDSCE The autumn air isedition usPro and we areArchitects community. Kirstenbosch each year. They share us the DE VILL Welcome to our June Edition of LATE Landscaper Africa. rekindling recreation in a Jo burg AP IERS ST Welcome to the April a community park by Habitat landscape ING meets architecture by Veld Architects. Landscaper Africa. LETby Welcome to the April edition Proand we areArchitects aArchitects community park Habitat landscape ’S PRO HEA The autumn airis isupon uponofus us community. DUC E R R ITEFRO LATE Landscaper Africa. rekindling recreation inMaPRO Jo burg IC STTSburg CH meets architecture by Veld Landscaper Africa. Landscaper Africa. rekindling recreation in aDUC Jo air and we areArchitects community. RArchitects. April 2016 | Volume 2, Issue 3 The LATE Landscaper Africa. rekindling recreation in Jo burg RYa ST meets by Veld Architects. TS tribute LET Landscaper Africa. ’Srecreation HEA CAR RVILL OLIN IT secretarchitecture to winning 34 gold medals. slowly inautumn the Product pages month pay FRO Ethis Pro Landscaper Africa. DE The autumn airprocess is uponof uswelcoming and we area new community. PROD Landscaper Africa. Architects rekindling inM aJo Jo burg UCTS IERS Landscaper Africa. Architects rekindling recreation in a burg slowly inthe the process of welcoming anew new Product pages this month pay tributeof The autumn air isupon us and wewe are community. CAROLIN August 2017 | Volume Issue 14 E DE VILL CONT The autumn air isupon upon us and community. IERS slowly in process of welcoming aare Product pages this month pay tribute EMPO The autumn air is us and we are community. RARY We then offer a sneak peek into the ‘Pick We2,have had a fantastic response to our Welcome to the April edition of Pro a community park by Habitat landscape INDIG The airisof is upon usto and we are community. community. season, and with itupon new us design ideas. to the new and products in of both in the process welcoming awe new Product pages thisexciting month pay tribute ENOU S We then offer aand sneak peek into the ‘Pick of Weslowly have had aautumn fantastic response our LET’S The autumn air and are HEA R IT MEET We then offer a sneak peek into the ‘Pick FRO S CLASS season, and with it new design ideas. to the new exciting products in both M slowly in the process of welcoming a new Product pages this month pay tribute We have had a fantastic response to our IC Weto have an inspiring project by SAOTA titled As an icy breeze settles in for the winter, LET’ slowly in the process of welcoming agrab new a community Product pages this month pay tribute Sproducts season, and with it new design ideas. the new and exciting in both slowly in the process of welcoming a new Product pages this month pay tribute HEA R IT FRO Landscaper Africa. Architects rekindling recreation in a Jo burg FLOR Chelsea’ where we showcase the top 6 show M CARO AL Welcome to the April edition of Pro park by Habitat landscape previous issue so thank you for your welcomed LINE LET’ DE S HEA VILLI Leon Kluge and a wonderful display of nature Welcome to the May edition of Pro R ERS IT FRO slowly inalways the process offor welcoming anew new to Chelsea’ Product pages this month pay tribute M 6to season, and with it the new ideas. the newwhere and exciting products in both As business and opinions Synthetic and real turf, be sure find where we showcase the top show CAROso previous issue so thank you your welcomed LINE slowly in the process ofdesign welcoming aopinions Product pages this month pay tribute DE VILLI ERS Welcome toitour April edition of Pro aBronze community park by Habitat landscape Chelsea’ we showcase the top 6toshow CARO season, and with itour design ideas. the new and exciting products inVILLI both As always business and Synthetic and real turf, so be sure find previous issue so thank you for your welcomed LINE DE ERSboth at the Beach and another exciting project a cuppa, aAs blanket and our latest issue of Pro season, and with itnew new design ideas. to the new and exciting products in season, and with new design ideas. toto the new and exciting products in both The autumn air is upon usus. and we are community. always our business and opinions Synthetic and real turf, so be sure to find LATE Landscaper Africa. Architects rekindling recreation in aPROD Jo burg ST gardens on the main avenue at this year’s RHS meets architecture by Veld Architects. Landscaper Africa. feedback and for continuing to inspire season, and with it new design ideas. to the new and exciting products in both UCTS As always our business and opinions Synthetic and real turf, so beproducts sure toboth find ndSouth pages are awith relevant place to gain insight some of our favourite in gardens on the main avenue at this year’s RHS season, and it newto design ideas. to the new and exciting products in feedback and for continuing to inspire us.edition Landscaper Africa. Architects rekindling recreation in a this Jo burg gardens on the main avenue at year’s RHS As always our business and opinions Synthetic and real turf, so be sure to fi pages are a relevant place to gain insight some of our favourite products in South feedback and for continuing inspire us. Welcome to the April of Pro a community park by Habitat landscape from abroad by Atelier Dyjg to give us insight into slowly in the process of welcoming a new Product pages this month pay tribute Landscaper Africa Magazine to catch up on the The autumn air is upon us and we are community. As always our business and opinions Synthetic and real turf, so be sure to fi nd As always our business and opinions Synthetic and real turf, so be sure to fi nd pages are a relevant place to gain insight some of our favourite products in South Welcome to the April edition of Pro a community park by Habitat landscape Chelsea Flower Show. A NOTE FROM THE EDITOR There is a ahave winter chill ininbusiness the air as we prepare As always our business and opinions Synthetic and real turf, soHabitat besure sure tofind find Welcome toand the edition of Pro aoffer community park by pages are ahad relevant place to gain insight some of our our favourite products inlandscape South The autumn air is upon usApril and we are community. Chelsea Flower Show. into industry tips. In April we welcome Africa. As always our opinions Synthetic and real turf, so be to We then a sneak peek into the ‘Pick of There is winter chill the air as we prepare We a fantastic response to our Landscaper Africa. Architects rekindling recreation in a Jo burg pages are a relevant place to gain insight some of favourite products in South Chelsea Flower Show. industry tips. Inair we welcome Africa. There isininto ainto winter in the as we prepare season, and with new design to the new and exciting products slowly the process ofitApril welcoming aideas. new Product pages thisrekindling month pay tribute international progressions. pages are ainrelevant place to gain insight of our favourite products latest the world of Landscaping, and to warmsome Landscaper Africa. Architects recreation inin aboth Joburg burg pages are achill to gain insight some ofArchitects our favourite products in LET’ industry tips. Inplace April we welcome Africa. Srecreation HEA Rin IT South FRO Landscaper Africa. rekindling inM aSouth pages are ainrelevant relevant place to gain insight some our favourite in South ourselves for another exciting season ahead. slowly theIn process of welcoming a new Product pages this month pay tribute into industry tips. April we welcome Africa. Chelsea’ where we showcase top 6Joshow The autumn air is upon us and we are community. CARO pages are aand relevant place to gain insight some ofof our favourite products in South previous issue so thank you for your welcomed LINE the Lindsay Gray to this segment, to join our We also take aproducts look atVILLIE the latest DE ourselves for another exciting season ahead. RS to into industry tips. In April we welcome Africa. season, with it new design ideas. to the new and exciting products in both As always our business and opinions Synthetic and real turf, so be sure fi nd The autumn air is upon us and we are community. Our latest products this month cover the best Lindsay Gray to this segment, to join our We also take a look at the latest ininbest ourselves for another exciting season ahead. industry tips. In April we welcome Africa. Thesegment, autumn air is upon us and we are latest community. yourinto spirits too! Gray into industry tips. In April we welcome Africa. Lindsay towith this to join our We also takepages athis look atmonth the latest in Our products month cover the season, and it new design ideas. to the new and exciting products in both into industry tips. In April we welcome Africa. Our latest products this month cover the best slowly in the process of welcoming a new Product this pay tribute We are continuing to make waves within the gardens on the main avenue at this year’s RHS feedback and for continuing to inspire us. Lindsay Gray to this segment, to join our We also take a look at the latest in Our Plantsman’s plot page showcases the best into industry tips. In April we welcome Africa. slowly in the process of welcoming a new Product pages this month pay tribute As always our business and opinions Synthetic and real turf, so be sure to fi nd resident writers Lee Burger and Marcel outdoor power tool products and introduce We are continuing to make waves within the pages are a relevant place to gain insight some of our favourite products in South Lindsay Gray to this segment, toare join our We also take alook look atthis the latest intribute slowly in thewe process of welcoming a new Product pages month pay resident writers Lee Burger and Marcel outdoor power tool products introduce We are continuing toto make waves within the This month our main is with the Inour particular, looking forward to the in Soil Product and our favourite’s in the Lindsay Gray to this segment, to join our We also anew at the latest in Welcome toand the edition of ideas. ProSynthetic atake community by Habitat landscape Lindsay Gray this segment, to join our We also take apark look at the latest in resident writers Lee Burger and Marcel outdoor power tool products and introduce in Soil Product and our favourite’s in the season, and with ititApril new design to the and exciting products in both As always business opinions and real turf, so be sure tointerview fiand nd Lindsay Gray to this segment, to join our We also take a look at the latest in in Soil Product and our favourite’s in the season, and with new design ideas. to the new and exciting products in both Chelsea Flower Show. There is a winter chill in the air as we prepare industry by bringing you all things landscaping! Lindsay Gray to this segment, to join our We also take a look at the latest in writers Burger and Marcel outdoor power tool products and introduce plants and trees on offer at some the with country’s pages aLee relevant place to gain insight some of our favourite products in South season, with itawards new design ideas. to the new and exciting products both Weresident have had aare very busy with the SAGIC into industry tips. Inand April we welcome Africa. renowned Jan Blok, who shares us some up-coming ILASA of and excellence and to industry by bringing you allmonth things landscaping! Oudejans. you toSynthetic our preferred products. resident writers Lee Burger and Marcel outdoor power tool products and introduce Landscaper Africa. Architects rekindling recreation in a Joinof burg industry by bringing you all things landscaping! Oudejans. you our preferred products. resident writers Lee Burger and Marcel power tool products and introduce As always our business opinions and real turf, so be sure tofind find with Composite Decking world and our with pages are aLee relevant place to insight some oftoto our favourite products inand South resident writers Burger and Marcel outdoor power tool products and introduce Oudejans. you our preferred products. Asalways always ourgain business andoutdoor opinions Synthetic and real turf, so sure tofitrading Composite Decking world and our resident writers Lee Burger and Marcel outdoor power tool products introduce ourselves for another exciting season As our business and opinions Synthetic and real turf, so bebe sure totrading nd about Composite Decking world and our trading with into industry tips. In April we welcome Africa. of his exciting projects, we chat histhis The autumn airahead. is upon us and we are community. showcasing some of South Africa’s very talented resident writers Lee Burger and Marcel outdoor power tool products and introduce Lindsay Gray to this segment, to join our We also take a look at the latest in Oudejans. you to our preferred products. leading nurseries and our products section in convention and SALI awards (see featured Oudejans. you to our preferred products. Our latest products this month cover the best pages are a relevant place to gain insight some of our favourite products in South We catch up with Sean O’Connor This month we are trading with NPP, pages are relevant place gain insight some ofour our favourite products in South We catchup up with Sean O’Connor month we are trading with NPP, into industry tips. In April we welcome Africa. Oudejans. you tonew our preferred products. page isThis with Makhro Home and Garden, the his We have an incredible May edition in store Oudejans. you to our preferred products. pages are ainarelevant place totogain insight some of favourite products in South We catch with Sean O’Connor This month we are trading with NPP, slowly the process of welcoming aWe Product pages this month pay tribute page is with Makhro Home and Garden, the entrance into the landscaping profession, We have an incredible May edition in store landscape architects. We are continuing to make waves within the Oudejans. you to our preferred products. Lindsay Gray to this segment, to join our also take a look at the latest in page is with Makhro Home and Garden, the We have ancatch incredible May edition in store resident writers Lee Burger and Marcel outdoor power tool products and introduce Oudejans. you to our preferred products. into industry tips. In April we welcome Africa. We up with Sean O’Connor This month we are trading NPP, issue focuses on the latest inwith brick, stone,the clay inside), and we have been working in Soil Product and our favourite’s in the into industry tips. Inan April wewelcome welcome We catch up with Sean O’Connor This month we are trading with from Living Green Walls to nd more company who produce and supply Lindsay Gray to this segment, join our We also take aare look at the latest inNPP, season, and with itout newwe design ideas. toAfrica. the new and exciting products in both into industry tips. Into April Africa. We catch up with Sean O’Connor This month we trading with NPP, from Living Green Walls to fion nd out more aacompany company who produce and supply the unique aesthetic and his plans for the future. suppliers and distributors of the increasingly We catch up with Sean O’Connor This month we are trading with NPP, with the likes of Lee Burger, Marcel Oudejans from Living Green Walls to fifiOudejans nd out more aour who produce and supply the industry by bringing you all things landscaping! suppliers and distributors of the increasingly resident writers Lee Burger and Marcel outdoor power tool products and introduce We catch up with Sean O’Connor This month we are trading with NPP, with the likes of Lee Burger, Marcel Oudejans Oudejans. you to our preferred products. Lindsay Gray to this segment, to join We also take a look at the latest in suppliers and distributors of the increasingly We catch up with Sean O’Connor This month we are trading with NPP, with the likes of Lee Burger, Marcel Lindsay Gray to this segment, to join our We also take a look at the latest in As always our business and opinions Synthetic and real so besupply sure to find Composite Decking world and our trading from Living Green Walls to fiwe nd out more company who produce and supply thewith and concrete. exciting new section of the magazine called Lindsay to this segment, toaaajoin ourhighest We also take aturf, look at the latest in resident writers Lee Burger and Marcel outdoor power tool products and introduce from Living Green Walls to find ndhave out more who produce and the As usual, an exciting issue, chock-full of on vertical gardening and then we take quality inboth both composite and from Living Green Walls to fiGray out more company who produce and supply the on vertical gardening and then we take highest quality both composite and Oudejans. you to our preferred products. Go Organic Guano. from Living Green Walls to fifind nd out more apopular company who produce and supply the on vertical gardening and then we take again highest quality inin composite and resident writers Lee Burger and Marcel outdoor power tool products andNPP, introduce and Lindsay Gray becoming well-known names Go Organic Guano. from Living Green Walls to nd out more company who produce and supply the resident writers Lee Burger and Marcel outdoor power tool products and introduce pages are a relevant place to insight some of our favourite products inwith South We catchresident up with Sean O’Connor This month we are trading andon Lindsay Gray becoming well-known names popular Go Organic Guano. from Living Green Walls to fi out more a company who produce and supply the writers Lee Burger and Marcel outdoor power tool products and introduce and Lindsay Gray becoming well-known names page is with Makhro Home and Garden, the 4 inspiring We have an incredible May edition in store Oudejans. you to our preferred products. Our portfolio section showcases the latest and greatest in all things landscaping. vertical gardening and then we take a highest quality in both composite and Nurture, which will give the best wholesale on vertical gardening and then we take a quality in both composite and onon vertical gardening and then we take a Gert highest quality in both composite and trip to New Horizen Nursery, Gert wooden decking. Be sure to read more on Oudejans. youto to our preferred products. into industry tips. Intake April we Africa. trip to New Horizen Nursery, where Gert decking. Be sure to read more on We catch up Green with Sean O’Connor This month we are trading with NPP, Oudejans. you to our preferred products. vertical gardening and then we a welcome highest quality inboth both composite and This month’s trading with page is dedicated to trip to New Horizen Nursery, where wooden decking. Be sure to read on from Living Walls to fiwhere ndtake out awooden company who produce and supply the on vertical gardening and then we take quality in both and Oudejans. you our preferred products. within our Business Opinions section. The within our Business and Opinions section. The projects. Acomposite fantastic piece bymore Bertha Wium Please visit our Agenda section where we tackle on vertical gardening and then we amore highest quality in composite and suppliers and distributors of the increasingly We catch up with Sean O’Connor This month we are trading with NPP, with the likes of and Lee Burger, Marcel Oudejans within our Business and Opinions section. The trip to New Horizen Nursery, where Gert wooden decking. Be sure to read more on Lindsay Gray to this segment, to join our We also take a look at the latest in trip to New Horizen Nursery, where Gert decking. Be sure to read more on nurseries in the country the chance to showcase Due high demand, we will be starting a to high demand, we will be starting a We catch up with Sean O’Connor This month we are trading with NPP, We catch up with Sean O’Connor This month we are trading with NPP, trip to New Horizen Nursery, where Gert wooden decking. Be sure to read more on from Living Green Walls to fi nd out more a company who produce and supply the Due to high demand, we will be starting a de Kock shares with us the message of this product in our Trading with section. de Kock shares with us the message product our Trading with We catch up with Sean O’Connor This month wesure are trading withmore NPP, on vertical gardening and then we take aMarcel highest quality inour both composite and Landscape Development atsection. one of trip to New Horizen Nursery, where Gert wooden decking. Be sure to read more on the question, “How important is Ethical Sourcing de Kock shares with us the message ofand this product inin Trading with section. Sudpave, aOrganic locally manufactured permeable trip to New Horizen Nursery, Gert decking. Be to read on Cape Green Forum writes for our association Cape Green Forum writes for our association Go Guano. from Living Green Walls to fiwhere nd out more apopular company who produce and supply the trip to New Horizen Nursery, where Gert wooden decking. Be sure to read more on resident writers Lee Burger outdoor power tool products and introduce and Lindsay Gray becoming well-known names Cape Green Forum writes for our association from Living Green Walls out more company who produce and supply the from Living Green Walls toafifind find ndout aacompany company who produce and supply the de Kock shares with us the message of this product inin our Trading with section. de Kock shares with us the message of product in our Trading with section. their favourite plants and express industry on vertical gardening and then we take highest quality both composite and Classifieds section for all Landscape Architects, from Living Green Walls toto more ayou who produce and supply the Classifieds section for all Landscape Architects, de Kock shares with us the message of this product in our Trading with section. Johannesburg’s most coveted addresses, When Choosing a Supplie?” Classifieds section for all Landscape Architects, water wise gardening and sustainability. you have any inspiring projects water wise gardening and sustainability. If have any inspiring projects trip to New Horizen Nursery, where Gert wooden decking. Be sure to read more on Oudejans. you tohave our preferred products. de Kock shares with us the message of this product in our Trading with section. de Kock shares with us thegardening message of product our Trading with section. water gardening and sustainability. If quality you any inspiring projects paving solution which is new to theand landscapingan on wise vertical gardening and then we take a wethis highest in both composite and within our Business and Opinions section. The de Kock shares with us the message of inin our Trading with section. news segment as well as aand welcomed new news segment as well as a welcomed new on vertical and then takeproduct highest quality both composite on vertical gardening and then highest quality inin both composite news segment as well as aand welcomed new on vertical gardening and then wewooden take a atodecking. highest quality inwe both composite andand trip to New Horizen Nursery, where Gert Be sure to read more on water wise gardening sustainability. you have any inspiring projects water wise gardening sustainability. If have any inspiring projects extraordinary project by Alan Gardens Due high demand, will be starting aDawson related opinions and ideas. Next month we We catch up with Sean O’Connor This month we are trading with NPP, Designers, Installers and Service providers Designers, Installers and Service providers so water wise gardening and sustainability. If you have any inspiring projects de Kock shares with us the message of Designers, this product in our Trading with section. Installers and Service providers Our Interview for this month iswith withwhere would like the opportunity toto be Our Interview for this month is with would like the opportunity beonononsoso trip to New Horizen Nursery, where Gert wooden decking. Be sure to read on water wise gardening and sustainability. Ifor you have any inspiring projects trip to New Horizen Nursery, wooden decking. Be sure tomore read more water wise gardening and sustainability. have any inspiring projects trip to New Horizen Nursery, where Gert wooden decking. Be sure to read more Our Interview for this month is would like the opportunity to be market. Cape Green Forum writes for our association water wise gardening and sustainability. Ifor you have any inspiring projects trip to New Horizen Nursery, Gert wooden decking. Be sure to read more member to the SAGIC family named SABI member to the SAGIC family named SABI from Living Green Walls to fi nd out more a company who produce and supply the in Higgovale, Cape Town, and 2 outstanding Featured this month is Primwood, a company de Kock shares with us the message of this product in our Trading with section. member to the SAGIC family named SABI Classifieds section for all Landscape Architects, Our Interview for this month is with or would like the opportunity to be Our Interview for this month with like the opportunity to be showcase our new classifieds section, so do get Our Interview forCaroline this month isis with or look would the opportunity toone be out for more info inside. wise gardening and sustainability. Iflike you have any inspiring projects look for more info inside. de Kock shares with usand the message ofconsidered this product in our Trading with section. dewater Kock shares with us the message ofmessage this product in our Trading with section. for more info inside. de Kock shares with us the message this product in our Trading with section. award winning Caroline de Villiers from to for of our pages, award winning de Villiers from considered to write for one of our pages, de Kock shares with us the ofconsidered this product inwrite our Trading with section. Our Interview for this month with would like the opportunity toto be news segment as well as avertical welcomed new onmessage gardening then we take aout highest quality in both composite and Our Interview for this month with or like the opportunity be award winning Caroline de Villiers from to write for one of our pages, international showstoppers. whose of isor put into practise Our Interview month isisissustainability with like the opportunity to be (South African Irrigation Association). water wise gardening and sustainability. Ifwould you have any inspiring projects (South African Irrigation Association). (South African Irrigation Association). Designers, Installers and Service providers so award winning Caroline de Villiers from to write for one of our pages, award winning Caroline de Villiers from considered to write for one of our pages, water wise gardening and sustainability. If you have any inspiring projects Our Interview for this month is with or would like the opportunity to be We would like to thank you for the incredible in contact to secure a spot! award winning de Villiers from considered to write for one of our pages, water wise gardening and sustainability. If you have any inspiring projects water wise gardening and sustainability. If you have any inspiring projects trip to New Horizen Nursery, where Gert wooden decking. Be sure to read more on water wise gardening and sustainability. If you have any inspiring projects with their unique and durable available to member to the SAGIC named SABI Themba Trees. She talks tous us about then please contact me on chanel@ award winning Caroline de Villiers from products considered to write for one ofof our pages, Themba Trees. talks to us about please contact me on chanel@ award winning Caroline de Villiers from considered towrite write for one our pages, Themba She talks to about then please contact me on chanel@ award winning de Villiers from considered to for one of our pages, Our Interview forfamily this month is with or would like the opportunity to be are always searching for inspiring projects, We always searching for inspiring projects, look out for more info inside. Our Interview for this month is with or would like the opportunity to be We are always searching for inspiring projects, deto Kock shares with us the message ofplease this product inme our Trading with section. Our Interview for this month or would like the opportunity topage be Themba Trees. She talks to us about contact me on chanel@ Our Interview for this month isthen with or would like the opportunity to be award winning Caroline de Villiers from considered write for one of our pages, Themba Trees. She to us about please contact me on chanel@ Our Interview for this month is with or would like theto opportunity to be Themba Trees. talks us about then please contact on chanel@ feedback from our previous issue, andEnjoy we would Our resident equipment houses some of the trade. ‘Easy Ivy’ featured in this issue, as we discuss (South African Irrigation Association). ‘Easy Ivy’ is featured in issue, as we discuss her mature tree farm, inspiring ideas and our ‘Easy Ivy’ isismature featured this issue, as we discuss Themba Trees. She talks to us about then please contact me on chanel@ award winning Caroline de Villiers from considered to write for one of our pages, her tree inspiring ideas Enjoy our Themba Trees. She talks to us about please contact me on chanel@ her mature farm, inspiring ideas and Enjoy our Themba Trees. talks to us about then please contact me on chanel@ water wise gardening and sustainability. If you have any inspiring projects award winning Caroline de Villiers from considered to write for one of our pages, Withher opinions and business tips from Lee relevant news and exciting products award winning Caroline deVilliers Villiers from considered to write for one of our pages, award winning Caroline de from considered to write for one ofpages, our pages, industry relevant news and exciting products industry relevant news and exciting products tototo Themba Trees. She talks to us about then please contact me on chanel@ the best products available to the market and our mature tree farm, inspiring ideas and Enjoy our award winning Caroline de Villiers from considered to write for one of our her mature tree farm, inspiring ideas and Enjoy her mature tree inspiring ideas and Enjoy our likeplease to congratulate all of the winners atour the SALI We are always searching for inspiring projects, therelevance relevance of this fantastic product to our Our Interview for this month is with or would like the opportunity to be Themba Trees. She talks to us about then please contact me on chanel@ her mature tree farm, inspiring ideas and Enjoy our Themba Trees. She talks to us about then contact me on chanel@ the of this fantastic product to our the relevance of this product to our aspirations for the future. April edition and we will see you all very Themba Trees. She She talks usabout about then please contact me on chanel@ Themba Trees. talks toto us then please contact me on chanel@ her mature tree farm, inspiring ideas and Enjoy our her mature inspiring ideas and Enjoy our aspirations for the future. April edition and we will see you all very aspirations future. April edition and we will see you all very Burger, Marcel Oudejans and Lindsay Gray, not ‘Easy Ivy’ is featured in this issue, as we discuss August products section is where you will find a Igneous Concrete puts their best foot forward, better our forum, so please do not hesitate to herfor mature tree farm, inspiring ideas and Enjoy our Themba Trees. She talkswinning to usCaroline about then please contact me on chanel@ better our forum, please do not hesitate better our forum, so please do not hesitate aspirations for the future. April edition and we will see you all very award de Villiers from considered toso write for one of our pages, aspirations for the future. April edition and we will see you all very aspirations April edition and we will see you all very industry relevant news and exciting products toto to awards of excellence. We hope to showcase this her mature treefarm, farm,inspiring inspiring ideas and Enjoy our her mature tree farm, inspiring ideas and Enjoy our industry with Wayne Becker. her mature tree ideas and Enjoy our mature tree farm, inspiring ideas and Enjoy our aspirations for the future. April edition and we will see you all very industry with Wayne We have three exciting projects in this soon. industry with Wayne Becker. wide range of Workwear, fit for your workforce. showcasing their weather resistant, water repellent aspirations future. April edition and we will see you all very aspirations for the future. April edition and we will see you all very We have three exciting projects in this soon. the relevance of this fantastic product to our We have exciting projects into this soon. to mention nurture opinions from Gert de Kock, Themba Trees. talks us about then please contact me on chanel@ her mature tree farm, inspiring ideas and Enjoy our aspirations for the future. April edition and we will see you allallvery contact us on chanel@paperplanepublications. contact us on chanel@paperplanepublications. We have three exciting projects inthis this soon. contact us on chanel@paperplanepublications. aspirations forthe theShe future. April edition and we will see you very better our forum, so please do not hesitate to in touch if you We have three projects in soon. aspirations for future. April edition and we will see you all very We have three exciting projects in this soon. aspirations for the future. April edition and we will see you alldo very work aspirations for the future. April edition and we will see you all very Enjoy the issue and please get and easily maintained concrete that can besoon. We have three exciting projects ininspiring this soon. her mature tree farm, ideas and Enjoy our issue. The fi rst is a piece by Environmental We have exciting projects in this soon. industry with Wayne Becker. We have three exciting projects in this soon. issue. The a piece by Environmental aspirations for the future. April edition and we will see you all very We have three exciting projects in this soon. issue. The fi rst is piece by Environmental we will be well on our way to progressing our We have three exciting projects in this soon. We will see you all very soon. We sit down with a legend in the landscaping We have three exciting projects in this soon. Welcome Green Industry to our August edition of issue. The fi rst is a piece by Environmental We will see you all very soon. contact us on chanel@paperplanepublications. We have three exciting projects in this soon. Wesit sit down with inaspirations the landscaping co.zatoWe see you very issue. The rst by Environmental feel you something pertinent in mind to share moulded into beautiful suit will We have three exciting projects inoutdoor this furnishings soon. We down with ais legend the landscaping for the future. April edition and wehave willall see you allsoon. very issue. The fifirst aispiece by Environmental issue. The rst aissue. by Environmental issue. The fificreating rst is three aissue. piece by Environmental Wefiindustry. have exciting projects ingarden this soon. Studios, aiscontemporary contemporary garden The first rst isaaapiece piece by Environmental issue. The fivarious rst a piece by Environmental issue. The piece by Environmental Studios, apiece garden The fihave isis by Environmental Pro Landscaper. Studios, creating contemporary Enjoy the read, and yousoon. all very soon. fields within the issue. The first piece by Environmental We three exciting projects in this We soon. with oursee industry readers. applications. will see you all very industry Eric Cherry to discuss his career, his Studios, creating a contemporary garden We sit down with a legend in the landscaping issue. The fi rst is a piece by Environmental industry Eric Cherry to discuss his career, his Studios, creating a contemporary garden industry Ericissue. Cherry discuss his his Studios, creating contemporary garden creating garden Studios, creating aStudios, contemporary garden The ficreating rst is aissue. piece bycareer, Environmental creating aa garden Studios, creating a contemporary garden Studios, aarchitecture contemporary garden tomirror mirror themodern modern architecture The first isacontemporary acontemporary piece by Environmental Studios, creating contemporary garden Studios, creating aStudios, garden to mirror the modern ititithis to the architecture industry Eric Cherry to discuss his career, Studios, creating acontemporary contemporary garden to mirror the modern architecture it company and advice to the landscaping industry. to mirror the modern architecture it company and advice to the landscaping industry. to mirror the modern architecture it mirror the modern architecture itthe and advice to the landscaping industry. to mirror the modern it itgarden Things are heating upcompany asWe wetohave eagerly edge into Studios, creating contemporary Studios, creating aarchitecture contemporary garden an incredible interview with Chelsea tosurrounds. mirror the modern architecture to mirror the modern architecture to mirror the modern architecture it Profiled Company: We sit down with Paul Vonk, to mirror the modern ititaititarchitecture surrounds. The Elgin Garden Classic, to mirror the modern architecture The Elgin Garden Classic, to mirror the modern architecture company and advice to the landscaping industry. surrounds. The Elgin Garden Classic, surrounds. The Elgin Garden Classic, surrounds. The Elgin Garden Classic, to mirror the modern architecture it Our portfolio’s section this month isfull full of surrounds. The Elgin Garden Classic, surrounds. The Elgin Garden Classic, 2017’s spring season.Our We are very much looking Our portfolio’s section this month is of to mirror the modern architecture it surrounds. The Elgin Garden Classic, surrounds. The Elgin Garden Classic, Commercial Manager of Mayford Sakata’s portfolio’s section this month is full of Flower Show Golden Team, David Davidson surrounds. The Elgin Garden Classic, surrounds. The Garden Elgin Garden Classic, surrounds. The Elgin Classic, designed by Ross McGill landscapers and surrounds. The Elgin Garden Classic, and surrounds. The Elgin Garden Classic, surrounds. The Elgin Garden Classic, designed bylandscapers Ross McGill landscapers and designed by Ross McGill and Our portfolio’s section this month isSector, full of @ProLandscaperCB designed by McGill landscapers forward to the exciting few months ahead and @ProLandscaperCB @ProLandscaperCB designed by Ross McGill landscapers and designed by Ross McGill landscapers @ProLandscaperCB surprises with another enchanting piece by designed by Ross McGill landscapers and Garden Products to findand out more about designed by Ross Ross McGill landscapers and surrounds. The Elgin Garden Classic, @ProLandscaperCB surprises with another enchanting piece by @ProLandscaperCB @ProLandscaperCB designed by Ross McGill landscapers and designed by Ross McGill landscapers and surprises with another enchanting piece by designed by Ross McGill landscapers and designed by Ross McGill landscapers and @ProLandscaperCB Hudson who represent SANBI@ProLandscaperCB designed by Ross McGill landscapers and @ProLandscaperCB @ProLandscaperCB @ProLandscaperCB designed by Ross McGill landscapers and to meeting and greetingand all of Ray our industry @ProLandscaperCB surprises with another enchanting piece byand designed by Ross McGill landscapers @ProLandscaperCB what Mayford has on offer to the trade, their @ProLandscaperCB designed by Ross McGill landscapers and @ProLandscaperCB LIVING GREEN WALLS
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April 2016
members at the upcoming trade events around South Africa. Publishedby by Published Paper Plane Publications
unique selling points and their company ideals.
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3 Pro Landscaper Africa Africa / April /2016 3 Landscaper 3 ProPro Landscaper Africa Africa / April April 3 Pro Landscaper /2016 May2016 2016 3 3 ProLandscaper Landscaper Africa / April 2016 Pro Africa / April 2016 Pro Landscaper Africa April 2016 Landscaper Africa / /April 2016 3 3 3333 ProPro Landscaper Africa /April April 2016 Pro Landscaper Africa / Africa Pro Landscaper Africa /2016 2016 Pro Landscaper /May May 2016 3 Pro Landscaper Africa / April 2016 33 Pro Landscaper Africa / June 2016 Landscaper Africa / April 3 ProPro Landscaper Africa / April 3 Pro Landscaper Africa /2016 May2016 2016
Pro Landscaper Africa / August 2017
6 News Shed Industry news from around South Africa 10 Agenda How Important is Ethical Sourcing when Choosing a Supplier? 12 Company Profile Pro Landscaper Profiles Mayford Sakata, a brand synonymous with the landscaping trade for many years. We find out more about the various products available to the landscaping sector & more about this household name. FEATURE 14
Making Something from Nothing Primwood, a company whose sustainable products give way to a positive move for outdoor design.
16 The Art of Bespoke Design Tilt Architectural Feature Screens, design and manufacture decorative and functional panels for a wide variety of outdoor, bespoke applications. 18 Custom Made Concrete Igneous Concrete: aesthetic, weather resistant, water repellent and easily maintained concrete product for your next project.
22 Interview Pro Landscaper interviews the renowned, Jan Blok, & learns all about his entry into landscape design, his aesthetic and plans for the future within the industry. PORTFOLIOS 27 Garden in the Sky 32 Living Amidst the Landscape 37 Regent’s Park Roof Terrace 41 Pastures New
EQUIPMENT 44 The best in outdoor equipment PRODUCTS 47-47
Workwear The latest and greatest in Workwear to cloth your work force.
49 Little Interviews
47 Pro Landscaper Africa / August 2017
The proposed Balfour Park Precinct Upgrade Programme will boost investment and increase the value of properties around the area, according to Ayanda Ngcobo, a Senior Specialist Town Planner in the City of Johannesburg’s Development Planning Department.
SALI has partnered with spoga+gafa to offer a great deal to delegates wanting to attend this international industry gathering from 3-5 September 2017. spoga+gafa is the world's leading garden trade fair. Over 2,000 exhibitors from around 60 countries are presenting their innovations for the green oasis to almost 40,000 international trade visitors. Here, both big and small garden brands meet up with the most important buyers and decision-makers from all over the world. The global exhibition is a source of inspiration for the worldwide garden scene. Three days of
Pro Landscaper Africa / August 2017
pure garden, from the fiery barbecue event, to the latest garden furniture and plant trends, through to exciting expert discussion rounds. spoga+gafa is the place-to-be for fresh ideas and exciting networking opportunities for the green industry. See attached the letter of invitation from spoga+gafa with a link to your free entry ticket to the event. For further information and if you need help registering for your ticket, please contact Viktor Tomashkii at or
Ngcobo told residents that once the area was developed it would help to strengthen the local economy by enticing new investors, which would in turn help to create job opportunities for locals. The project, approved by the Joburg city council in 2016, will focus on public environment upgrades at the intersection and surrounding areas, mainly in ward 74, and wards 72 and 73 to a lesser extent. Nadia Tromp of urban designing company Ntsika Architects said one of the objectives of the upgrade was to develop more housing units and retail outlets and improve driveways. “It is also aimed at making the street edges friendlier and safer. The traffic will also be slowed down. The Rea Vaya Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) station, which is currently being constructed along Louis Botha Avenue, is also a part of the plan. “What we want to do is to make sure that this area becomes one of the most attractive precincts in the city. With this upgrade, we want to create a culture of walking and promote the use of non-motorised transport facilities. “This plan ties in very well with the City’s BRT system. It also helps to create an environment where people can feel safe to walk within their spaces,” said Tromp, who added that the City was committed to ensuring the upgrade was “interactive with residents”. The city of Joburg will soon have more engagement sessions with community members who will be directly affected by the developments. Their views and inputs will be incorporated into the projects.
Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo (JCPZ) has entered a strategic partnership arrangement with Crebus (Pty) Ltd. One of the exciting projects is the ‘Business-Adopt-a-Park’ partnership programme. JCPZ and Crebus are extending this invitation to the Business community to actively play a role and participate in this JCPZ ‘BusinessAdopt-a-Park’ initiative. Key objectives of the programme are: To proactively create a platform which actively pursues the consideration of innovative ideas that will lead to improved safety and more regular use of targeted open spaces and parks by local communities. To extend CommunityPrivate sector partnership arrangements / models through preservation and enhancement of Parks and Public open spaces. To actively engage local business community in the assumed ownership and improvement of local Parks and Public open spaces. The following list indicates some of the initiatives that this programme will focus on / provide opportunities for participation in: Safer Parks, Contributions to implementation of various initiatives that will improve safety management
CAPE CONSTRUCTION TRADE EXPO 2017 Cape Construction Trade Expo is a one-stop-shop networking and knowledge platform that allows the Western Cape building and construction industry to respond to changes in their environment and enhances their business opportunities. The Cape Construction Trade Expo creates dialogue among government, policy decision-makers and the building and construction sector. An interactive exhibition with the latest products, tools and technologies encourages a change towards more efficient and sustainable building. A strategic and technical workshop programme offers training and educational content.
in Parks; Recreational facilities improvement, Initiatives that will bring about improvements and/or installation of targeted recreational facilities inside the parks, informed by vetting outcomes; Corporate functions, active and targeted use of Parks and Public open spaces by Corporates for various functions; Park Design improvements and Initiatives that will bring about design improvement considerations, in order to improve regular use and safety of the parks; Regular ‘Plant-a-tree’ programmes linked to local communities and businesses; Healthy lifestyle programmes, programmes aimed at encouraging active participation in healthy lifestyle activities and programmes like walking trails, regular fun run/walks, exercise boot-camps, aerobics competitions etc. The donation is tax deductible and can form part of the Company’s Corporate Social Investment projects, playing an active part in minimising crime and giving back to the community. Detailed accounts and reports are sent to donors to keep donors informed on the spending of their money. For further information contact Crebus at
TreeKeepers is a citizens organisation that came together to protect big trees mainly in the Southern Suburbs of Cape Town. They have formed a relationship (guided by a memorandum of agreement) with City Council’s Parks department to help conserve and maintain the urban forest.
actually knows how many trees the City of Cape Town is a custodian of or where they are located or what state they are in. Without this data base of information it is impossible to plan properly for the correct watering, pruning, care and replanting of the urban forest and it is also impossible to assess the risk that the City is dealing with by not taking appropriate care of their natural assets.
TreeKeepers believe that the only way to conserve our urban forests is to raise awareness of the value of trees for human health and well-being thereby encouraging the Public to become more active in preventing trees from being removed.
TK is encouraging the City to create an inventory for the trees on public land including trees along the streets and highways, parks and public open spaces and on properties used for public amenities such as City halls, libraries, day hospitals, crèches, swimming pools and sports facilities. The inventory will ideally identify the tree species, approximate age and state of health, size and location, and can be used to assess the arboricultural requirements that each tree needs for a healthy long life.
One of the biggest concerns that TreeKeepers (TK) currently has, apart from the need to develop skills in the tree care industry, is that no one
To find out more about TreeKeepers Association view their website at Pro Landscaper Africa / August 2017
LANDOWNERS CALLED TO REPORT INVASIVE PLANTS Landowners who have listed invasive species must notify any relevant competent authority, in writing, of the listed invasive species occurring on that land. Furthermore, landowners must take steps to control and eradicate the listed invasive species and prevent them from spreading, the Department of Environmental Affairs said in a statement recently. “Failure to do so can result in a fine and/or the work being done by the authorities, at the expense and risk of the land-owner. This includes any necessary follow-up clearing of the invasive plants, and any fire-related need to deal with the cleared biomass,” the department said.
Applications must be done for a permit to keep Category 2 invasive plants and adhere to permitting conditions for Category 2 plants. Finally, control methods must be appropriate for the listed species and the environment.
Disturbed sites, to prevent new infestations from mass germination of alien seeds in the soil. Seedlings should be controlled while they are less than 0.5 meters tall to avoid costly control work later.
The department said an increase in invasive plants is a cause for concern as they increase fuel loads and aggravate the intensity and heat of fires, making it more difficult and unsafe to control.
For more information and a list of invasive species please visit:, or
This type of vegetation also makes fires extremely hot, which damages the burnt area’s soil structure and that has a negative impact on the productivity of such soil.
Priority areas to consider first when clearing are those around buildings if there is a risk of fire. Other areas include low-density infestations, to keep the spread of invasive plants into the surrounding areas in check, the sites where initial control work has been completed and For properties over one hectare, a Control Plan regrowth is present, to prevent densification for listed invasive species must be developed. and further infestation.
PLANT-BASED GRAFFITI BRINGING A NEW MEANING TO STREET ART. Anna Garforth is a designer based in East London, England with a unique approach to her craft. She is currently a member of The Plant, a design firm that specialises in brand identity and digital media. Undefined by a single medium, Garforth integrates typography and organic matter in unconventional spaces to create a new kind of living art. Perhaps demonstrating Garforth’s approach most clearly are her plant-based graffiti artworks which are the results of a number of individual design projects. She creates carefully sculpted vertical garden designs as living art. While a few cans of spray paint will get your message across more speedily, could Garforth’s topiary typography herald in a new age of mossy, oxygen-producing street art? The growth, sprouting of flowers and the grooming required to keep these grass sculptures in shape form part of their conceptual impetus as living, breathing designs. Speaking to DesignBoom, Garforth explains that she was inspired by the earthy moss that crept over
Pro Landscaper Africa / August 2017
different headstones at a graveyard that caught her eye while on holiday. “I was fascinated by the beautiful script of moss that covers the grave stones. One stone had moss growing inside the carved-out letters and it looked amazing. I collected moss from the surrounding gravestones and started to
experiment and moss typography was born!” says Garforth, “I enjoy the tactility of working with organic mediums and learning how to craft it into something else… but a computer is never far behind. Mixing technology with the handmade makes for a great synthesis. Often one can enhance the other.”
Lee Burger
Gail Dreyer
Director Countryline Horticulture (Pty) Ltd
Principal at the Irene School of Garden Design
Owner of Tshala Plant Brokers
Principals of ethics cannot pertain to one area of business and slide in another. Selecting a supplier of solid reputation and business practice should be standard practice across all services; electing one working to Fairtrade standards encourages others to develop sustainable environmental and socio-economic programs further.
Do you value your reputation more than your bank account? It may have occurred to some installers that some products may not be completely right… but it is difficult to use the word WRONG. So, is it wrong to wander in the grey zone, somewhere between ethical supplies and what suits your wallet? We often hear about complicated issues when we say for instance buy coffee. Most people would support a brand that sources ethically and then see the brand as trustworthy, but what about landscapes?
The question really is, how important is the integrity of our landscape/horticultural profession?
Martin Moralee
In an industry where environmental issues are packaged within every contract and project, it is given we look to suppliers conducting their work with ecological sustainability at the forefront of their business model. Water conservation practices, careful use of chemical fertilization methods and crop management assures we ALL benefit into the future, and it is something we carry forward in our projects. Decent labour practices with fair wage, freedom of association and human potential development is a basic humanitarian right which we expect all our suppliers to subscribe to. A CSI philosophy where community development is encouraged. Providing a framework where a higher standard of living can be carried back into a community is as fundamental to raising living standards in disadvantaged communities.
The first concern or comment on the table will be that ethical suppliers are pricey. And yes they are, but how can the industry go forward when some installers undermine the values and integrity of our industry. South Africa unnecessarily complains about the price of landscapes, as we are in fact one of cheapest countries in the world to garden in. If we do not safeguard the few companies and suppliers that try to do what is right, we will be no different than the very people that are currently gambling with South Africa’s future in the fields of finance, or politics for example. If installers and suppliers do not value their morals more than their profit, they might as well associate themselves with the corrupt.
Responsible stewardship of all aspects of business sets us up for greater harvest down the line. A quick profit is quickly spent. Sustained growth along all supply chains creates something of value not just in the short or medium term, but a solid 100 or 1000 years ahead.
Apart from the devastating effect on nature and environments for example, unethical sourcing and supplying for the most part, influences the quality and the reputation of both the supplier as well as the installer. The real question … “Do you want to be part of our industry’s problem, or part of the solution?
Pro Landscaper Africa / August 2017
I believe it is extremely important to support suppliers that are dedicated to upholding standards in our industry. Suppliers, that at a cost, supply a quality product that will be sustainable out in a landscape, that treat their staff properly, produce a quality product with as small an impact on the environment as possible and who stand by their product are far more of an asset to our industry than the fly by night supplier. There are shortlived ‘suppliers’ that produce products as cheaply as possible with little regard to the environment. These suppliers provide material for a few projects and then disappear with little regard for the poor effect on the industry, having inferior products in the landscape and losing sales to the dedicated professional supplier as they are not reliant on the industry for a living. There are many small, medium and large suppliers in our industry that pride themselves in giving a superior product, excellent service and dedication to the sustainability of our industry, they should be supported, promoted and relied upon to bring value to our landscape. Do our customers care about ethical sourcing? They should and I think, we who make our living from this industry should educate and encourage our customer not to be purely price driven but to consider supporting ethical sourcing allowing our industry to proudly flourish and allowing our industry to operate with integrity.
Mark Mac Hattie
Anja Freysen
Master of Landscape Architecture student at UCT SACLAP registered.
Shadowlands Wholesale Nursery
The purpose of ethical sourcing is to promote good labour and environmental standards in supply chains. The assumption that good quality products cost more is often misguided by the fact that one of less quality is more affordable, but using a sub-par product or service often results in replacing the product or service multiple times.
While we all strive to give our clients the garden of their dreams, it is vitally important for the landscaper to consider the origins of the plants used in the project.
Ethical sourcing is of great concern in the built environment, from plants to paving. Quality is synonymous with ethical companies and the way they handle business, therefore in my opinion, a project’s success relies solely on the sourcing. Unfortunately, like all industries we are plagued with a few companies that offer a product at a better rate, but poorer quality, this can lead to the failure of a project, which is unacceptable. The quality of the product at the end of the day, when the last check is done before a handover, is the responsibility of the Project Manager. So too the quality of sourced material is the responsibility of the Buyer. To ensure ethical sourcing, the result must be understood by both the Project Manager and the Buyer, enforced on the suppliers and either rejecting or accepting the product based on the quality. Governing bodies and Professional Societies also play an important role in ethics within the industry, whether it be supplier, service or design orientated, each of these bodies have a vetting process and have a general code of ethics that ensures all the members that are registered with them adhere to certain quality control measures. The importance of ethical sourcing is of highest importance in any project or service in the built environment as they are utilized by the public and this means public safety must be the number one priority.
There are hundreds of growers country-wide, but not all adhere to ethical sourcing and growing practices. As a landscaper, it is essential to have good information about your supplier. Yes, it’s very tempting to choose the lowest price, but that low price comes at a cost. “Bargain price” growers are only able to offer these low prices by cutting corners. Is your supplier applying ethical labour practices and taking care of staff financially and physically? Are the royalties being paid over on trade marked plants? Is your grower adheringto the guidelines for invasive species? Is the grower using and disposing of fertilizers and pesticides in an environmentally responsible manner? Obviously, the correct production and labour practices incur costs for the grower which must be passed on to the client. Visit your suppliers and take the time to check out the premises, ask these questions about their policies and procedures. Responsible growers may charge a little more for their product but you will have peace of mind knowing that your client is receiving ethically grown and sourced plants.
“Principals of ethics cannot pertain to one area of business and slide in another. Selecting a supplier of solid reputation and business practice should be standard practice across all services.”
What should the government’s policy be in terms of green space in cities? Email your answers to to appear in the September issue.
Pro Landscaper Africa / August 2017
Paul Vonk Commercial Manager: Garden Products
What are the spectrum of products available to our landscaping market? The MayFord brand has a loyal following in Southern Africa and continues to offer a comprehensive range of consumer packs of vegetables, herbs, flowers and lawn grasses, through the retail trade to the home gardener. Also under the MayFord brand is a range of professional turf products for golf courses, stadiums and other professional applications. MayFord also have a unique range of rehabilitation grass mixes that were developed to suit specific climatic regions (known as biomes) within Southern Africa.
About Mayford Seeds (Pty) Ltd MayFord Seeds (Pty) Ltd grew out of C. May & Co. which was founded in 1931. As a four-generation family business, the company developed a diverse portfolio including seed production, hobby packet seed, professional vegetable, turf and flower seed and vegetable breeding programs. In the late 1960’s MayFord became the sole distributor of Sakata’s products in Southern Africa. 1973 saw the introduction of the revolutionary hermetically sealed hobby packets which built the MayFord brand to be synonymous with high quality seed in Southern Africa. In December 1999, the Sakata Seed Corporation of Yokohama, Japan, acquired MayFord Seeds. Sakata is currently one of the largest seed groups in the world with extensive global research programs in vegetable and flower seed. On 1 April 2008 MayFord Seeds changed its name to Sakata Seed Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd, and uses the MayFord brand for its hobby and turf business. Sakata Seed Southern Africa is certified according to the ISO 9001 Quality Management System, assuring their customers of the best possible products and service.
Pro Landscaper Africa / August 2017
What is MayFord’s ideal as a company and how is sustainability embedded into your practises?
Where are your products best suited? Growing from seed is inexpensive and it is quite simple to get successful results with the easy to follow planting instructions on the back of every MayFord pack. When selecting seeds, check the back of the seed pack for details on how much space you will need for the plants to grow and whether they will fit into your overall design. Grow your own vegetable patch, choose vegetables you really like, and look out for interesting varieties that you can harvest progressively. This will ensure that you have a ready supply of delicious vegetables throughout the growing season. What is Mayford’s unique selling point? MayFord brings their quality seed in an easy-to-read, freshness-assured, hermetically sealed, date-stamped pack, so you know the seed is fresh and know exactly what to do to get the most stunning results. Planting instructions in English and Afrikaans are clear, up-to-date and suitable for conditions in South Africa. We pack a sensible quantity in each packet way beyond requirements. Where would our traders find this product? MayFord seed packs are sold in most retail outlets and garden centres. Our head office is located in Johannesburg, close to the Lanseria Airport.
MayFord strives to live through its motto of Quality, Reliability and Service. Delivering quality seed that our clients can trust. We also deliver an after-sales service to our clients providing them with technical advice and growing tips. Our trade marketing team is always on standby to answer questions and assist home growers with necessary information. Sakata is an international seed company, well established as a reliable supplier of quality seeds of varieties adapted to Southern African growing conditions. This reflects clearly in the consistent growth in our sales, which we attribute to our focus on product development, a high level of technical support in the field and to quality seed. This enables us to have a close relationship with our customers as we contribute to their success. What are some of your most rewarding projects? For Sakata MayFord charity begins at home, and that is why the company has focused a lot of their corporate social investment in a local nursery school, close to our offices, where most of Sakata’s staff member’s children are enrolled in. Sakata has upgraded the classrooms and created a playing area with a jungle gym for the children to play in. And as can be expected of a vegetable seed company, we have also established a vegetable garden that feed the children with nutritious daily meals. MayFord is further an annual sponsor to the CANSA relay for life Project. Being a vegetable seed company it is important to make people more health conscious and more aware of the importance of eating healthier, nutritious food. With our GROW YOUR OWN initiative we try to encourage people to grow their own healthy vegetables in their back gardens or even containers if they don’t have space in a garden. Pro Landscaper Africa / August 2017
MAKING SOMETHING FROM NOTHING Pro Landscaper speaks to Primwood’s director, Johan Pieterse, to find out more about this recycled product & a business that has a sustainable future in mind.
Johan Pieterse is in his element. The new owner of Primwood Products says he loves to “be creative and make something out of nothing”. His firm, based in Mimosa Street, Hermanus Industrial Area, produces wood-replacement planks from recycled plastic and sawdust, from which Primwood manufactures durable outdoor furniture and decking product. The waste plastic used in the process is low-density polyethylene (LDPE), which is the thin plastic used to wrap food and other goods (‘cling wrap’). This plastic is reclaimed from municipal waste systems by a recycling company in Cape Town, who shreds the waste into a plastic flake product. It is in this form that Primwood receives it, combines it with sawdust for strength and combines it with colour pellets, to enhance the colour. They then extrude and mould various-sized planks from it. Any off-cuts are returned to the recycling company and flaked again before being sent back to Primwood.
“The planks we make are all totally recyclable, as well,” says Johan. “It’s an ever-revolving cycle, because there is an endless supply of this type of plastic. People just keep wrapping things!” In a recent article in “Die Burger” it is calculated that only 9% of all plastic is recovered. The rest is in landfills and the sea. The company produces a range of garden furniture (various designs of chairs and tables, picnic benches, pool loungers, any product that you may need), jungle gyms for schools and municipalities, flower boxes and plant lattices, as well as municipal refuse bins and public benches, while it also manufactures made-to-order items. Standing perpetually exposed in the elements, the lifespan of these products is significant at a minimum of 40 years, especially when compared to the natural alternative, wood, which may have a much shorter life span. Apart from being extremely durable, the polywood items are considerably heavier than wood, which means that it is difficult for opportunists to walk off with polywood products from public spaces. They are
non-absorbent, products, so work well in a wet environment and need no maintenance at all. Primwood, staffed by 20 people, also supplies its recycled refuse bins to all the municipalities in the Western Cape and some in the Eastern Cape as well. Polywood products are becoming much more common globally, according to Johan. “A friend travelled to Disneyworld in the US recently and he took photos of benches there that were made from extruded plastic planks. “What we still have to get right in South Africa is recycling. While the Cape Town and Hermanus municipalities are very good in this regard, many other municipalities don’t even sort their waste, which is simply buried in landfill. LDPE, however, takes an extremely long time to break down underground, with no UV to assist the process. So with polywood, at least some good is coming out of the recycling process.” Numerous online sources estimate that buried LDPE could take between 50 and 100 years to biodegrade. Primwood Products, which has been in existence since 2007, have agents in Somerset West and Cape Town, as well as a small showroom in Durbanville. 12 Mimosa Street, Hermanus 028 284 9000
Pro Landscaper Africa / August 2017
and can be incorporated into gates for a more decorative security solution, or applied as roof and side panelling to pergolas and exterior structures in need of some shade. We use high quality materials and architectural grade finishes to ensure your product stands the test of time. Tilt’s expansion plans into the sector? Our eco hardwood exterior board is a new product range that offers a modular screening solution for outdoor applications. It has been specifically developed as an easy-to-install decorative and functional panelling solution for gardens and exterior spaces of all types. Each pattern within this range has been created with a particular theme in mind and designed so that the pattern continues on from one panel to the next. At a standard size of 1200 x 600 mm, this makes them easy to transport and install. The panel sizing and repeat pattern design allows for modular coverage, making them suitable for both large and small areas. Where can we find this product? Who supplies it?
What is the spectrum of product you have on offer to the landscaping sector?
What is it used for and What is this product made from?
Tilt Architectural Feature Screens design and manufacture decorative and functional panels for a wide variety of applications. From exterior partitioning, privacy and shading to feature cladding, the applications are varied. With the combination of structural integrity and pattern our products offer a functional and decorative element that will bring both eye-catching aesthetic value and purpose to a space. Our screens are a modern design solution and can be tailored to your own personal style by applying a colour and pattern from our wide selection currently available to view on our website.
Made from aluminium, aluminium composite or hardwood exterior board, our bespoke screens and decorative panels offer privacy, partitioning, shading, covering, and contemporary architectural detailing.
Pro Landscaper Africa / August 2017
We have a team of skilled in-house designers, fabricators and installers who all work hard to make the complete product as per your requirements. Our aluminium and aluminium composite screens are designed and made to order locally in Cape Town. Our eco hardwood exterior board screens are available on request. We also ship internationally.
Where can this product be applied? And what is the longevity of the product? Always evolving and with very few limitations, our screens and panels can be used as partitioning to divide and screen spaces, creating privacy. They can become sections within boundary walls
021 556 9229 //
CUSTOM MADE CONCRETE Igneous Concrete was originally conceived by Brent Youens, living and working along the Kwa-Zulu Natal coast. Brent wished to develop weather resistant, water repellent and easily maintained concrete that could be moulded into beautiful outdoor furniture. After developing this idea Igneous has now grown into a market leader in furnishings for various applications.
Igneous’ material qualities add great value to the pot and planter market, and their range meets the need for large scale pots. The light weight of the materials results in excellent options for load bearing structures and can reduce, sometimes eliminate, the need for cranes for placement on roof tops or difficult to access areas. The Sugarbowl, which measures 1.7m in diameter and 840mm in height, is very difficult to achieve in this size, given the extreme pressure exerted on the sloping sides. However, by using their glass fibre reinforced polyconcrete (GRP) material, the required strength is easily maintained while reducing the weight of the pot by two-thirds in comparison to cementitious concrete. The Sugarbowl is a great choice for outdoor areas and placed amongst plants in the actual beds.
Since first customising the Elongated Pebble Seat and Triangulated Pebble Ottoman, this range continues to remain relevant in trends and designs required by clients. A few years ago, given the nature of the moulding process and the properties of the polyconcrete, Igneous was largely constrained to make items that were more linear in design and limited in the number of curves working in various directions. Through innovation of materials and new moulding processes incorporating a foam inner core, varied shapes and designs became possible. The Pebble range now includes irregular pebble-type designs, to more symmetrical designs, such as the Rectangular Pebble Bench. The Pebble range can be seen indoors and outdoors in many malls, office buildings, public seating areas, as well as along pedestrian walk ways.
The External Bin is a popular choice amongst Igneous’ range of refuse bins. It is manufactured in resin based polyconcrete material and can be supplied with various finishes, including an open top lid, a stainless-steel swivel lid, colour combinations for recycling initiatives or aesthetic purposes, and as can be done with all of their products, can also be embossed. The Igneous range of bins are perfectly suited for indoor and outdoor areas around shopping centres, sporting facilities, commercial buildings, public spaces and for streetscaping. You can see Igneous concretes products at: Moses Mabhida Stadium, Silo Square, V & A Waterfront, Sandton City Shopping Centre, Mall of Africa, Discovery Head Office & many other locations.
Akila Because everyone loves a daisy! With proven performance in South African conditions, seed raised Akila is the best choice for Landscapes! Ask your supplier for NEW Osteospermum Akila Grand Canyon Mix, or contact Ball Straathof for more information.
Akila Advert ProLandscaper 186x118.indd 1
2017/07/26 1:42 PM
Bertha Wium
the depleting resources of stone across the world? Our aim is to enable students to make considered decisions when they embark on their careers in the industry. We try to prepare them so that they can completely inform clients who are choosing materials. However, at the end of the day, industry will always have to respond to the expectations of the client.
Director of Bertha Wium Landscape Development (Pty) Ltd. At Bertha Wium Landscape Development, our main focus is to provide our clients with the best quality product and service within the most affordable price range. Ethical sourcing plays a vital role in this regard when choosing a supplier and ensures that standards are maintained which are in line with our company’s policies and our clients’ expectations. We have built long lasting relationships with well-known suppliers in the landscape construction industry that have a reputation for quality products and are registered with the relevant governing bodies and associations as required by law. By comparing the quality and prices of more than one of these or other suppliers, the standard is further guaranteed. Where new products and materials are required, that fall outside our general supply chain, we do the necessary research to ensure that the products meet our required standards. We also rely on our colleagues within the landscape industry to provide references for new products and suppliers that enter the market. This usually ensures that selected suppliers meet appropriate and fair criteria.
Richard Curle Managing Director Landscape Associates, United Kingdom Personally, I believe we do, and we will always suggest specific products for that reason. I do, however, think our responsibility lies more with educating the consumers and homeowners who choose the products- not just as a business, but as an industry. There is far too much emphasis on contractors educating their customers and convincing them to purchase based on ethics, when a large portion of customers actually want value for their money. The ethically sourced products generally cost the homeowner more, and most business owners who face a choice between winning a contract or providing ethically sourced paving would pick the contract.
Sarah Seery Barry Randall Operations Director Leicestershire Garden Design, United Kingdom An ethically sourced product isn’t the first thing we think of when choosing suppliers and placing orders. It’s important, but ultimately you have to give the client what they want- within reason. Do I think we have the responsibility to use ethically sourced products?
20 Pro Landscaper Africa / August 2017
Head of school for horticulture and landscaping, Capel Manor College, United Kingdom Across all levels, our teaching at Chapel Manor College focuses on raising awareness about the importance of sustainability and the ethical sourcing of material used in the horticultural industry. We encourage and inspire debate in our classes about all aspects of sustainability. What’s best to use? Peat or Compost? What will be the impact on the environment with
Ethics is important when choosing a supplier and I believe we have a duty to ensure we use ethical suppliers. We’re often in a unique position to be able to communicate the issues directly to our customers. We can explain that a price is higher than anticipated because we have ensured it was ethically sourced. This is fine when dealing directly with clients who have the budgets to make these decisions, but it can fall on deaf ears when dealing with projects in a competitive tender scenario. If obliged to find the cheapest supplier to complete, then ethics might slip for some contractors. This is when communication needs to be upfront between contractors and designers, to ensure all parties are using the same ethical suppliers nominated within the tender package. That way, ethical suppliers and contractors are not losing out because of their values.
Communication needs to be upfront between contractors and designers, to ensure all parties are using the same ethical suppliers nominated within the tender package. That way, ethical suppliers and contractors are not losing out because of their values.
Pro Landscape three-quater page ad August 2017.pdf
MINUTES WITH JAN BLOK Originality, Quality and Reliability are the hallmarks of the work of Jan Blok, one of South Africa’s leading garden designers. Pro Landscaper catches up with Jan to chat about his entry into the trade, his unique and inspiring portfolio of work and his plans for the future.
Pro Landscaper Africa / August 2017
What did you want to be when you were a child and have you always been interested in the landscaping Industry? As a child I always knew that I wanted to work outdoors. My first choice when I was young was to be a game ranger. When I was 16 I attended a presentation by Dave Kirkby on how The Cascades at Sun City were landscaped, it was after this that I knew I wanted to do landscaping as a career. What did you study to prepare yourself for the industry & who were some of your biggest influences during the start of your career? I studied horticulture at Natal Technikon and started off in a cut flower production. During this time period I started doing small landscape projects over the weekends. This grew & after landing a project which would pay my salary for 3 months, I took the jump and started Blok Designs. In the beginning I was very interested in formal European design and became known for this style. I followed people like Paul Bangay and David Hicks. What would you describe as your design aesthetic? Today my designs are varied and are influenced by the architecture of the building, the location of the site and what the site will be used for. Do you design gardens abroad? Or do you have plans to do so? I have completed a project in Switzerland. This was very exciting & a demanding projection. I was responsible for both the Interior & Exterior Design. I would love the opportunity to do more projects abroad. What sector is the most rewarding for you and why? I have been involved in commercial projects which include hotels, game lodges, garden of the sensors at Durban Botanic Gardens and wine farms however, my main focus is on the high end domestic sector. I enjoy this sector as there is a great attention to detail. I also enjoy selling the ‘dream” to the client and seeing it come to reality. Constant liaison between the client, landscaper, architect & decorator ensures a top quality project.
Pro Landscaper Africa / August 2017
Over the last 3 years I have been involved in the restoration of Boschendal Wine Estate. This has been incredibly exciting and the projects within the Estate have ranged from heritage formal gardens, public spaces to a 10 HA endemic fynbos garden. As a company, how is sustainability embedded into your business practices? On the farm we created a term called Agri-landscaping. This entailed replacing ornamentals with edibles. This practice allowed us to create a beautiful space yet generating an income at the same time. This income has been used to reduce the monthly landscape maintenance costs & reward the staff. To be sustainable as a landscaper you need to keep up with global trends. Hot topics at the moment are Farm to Table, Sustainable Gardening, Permaculture and Waterwise gardening. There is much information available on the internet & in publications. I also like to keep up with all design trends such as furniture, architecture and interior design. I avoid using off the shelf garden ornaments, pots etc and I rather manufacture. This keeps a garden unique. What is one piece of equipment you cannot live without? The piece of equipment I wouldn’t live without is my camera. Through photographs I can keep records & communicate with my subcontractors and my client. Most rewarding garden to date and why? My most rewarding garden to date would have to be the Boschendal gardens. This would be due to the size, varied styles and time constraints to install which have created the challenge. The gardens are over 100 HA in size & include two traditional werfs, picnic areas, wedding venue, accommodation & a conference facility. At the moment I am installing the largest heritage rose garden in the country with 168 different species. Biggest challenge facing our industry? At the moment I think the biggest challenge facing our industry is water or the lack thereof. Clients are thinking twice about investing in gardens without being able to water them.
What software do you make use of for client pitches? Do you use renderings, drawings etc. to relay the message to your client? Why is this planning process so important? The planning process is the most important part of any landscape installation. Detailed plans and photo realistic renders are drawn. These help to sell the dream to the client and they are able to envisage exactly what the garden will look like once it matures. Renders are done using Studiomax. Accurate plans produce an accurate bill of quantities for quoting purposes and are given to all subcontractors for costing & construction. How was it creating a show garden at the Cape Town Flower Show last year, do you enjoy show gardens? It was great to be involved in the Cape Town Flower Show last year. I have been involved in show gardens for many years. To construct a
show garden is very different to a real one. It was almost like building a film set. I exhibited for Boschendal, the stand showcased the Old and the New Boschendal.
What are your business plans for the future? I have a few exciting projects in the pipeline. I am about to start installing the landscaping for a modern wine farm focussing on permaculture, setting up a nursery specialising in heritage roses, landscaping a large residence on a property on the beach in KZN and a few commercial developments in Gauteng. When you aren’t creating gorgeous outdoor spaces, what are some of your other hobbies? In my spare time I enjoy being outdoors, on the beach and hiking. I love to entertain and I really enjoy the great South African braai and wine tasting etc.
Established in 1995. Jan Blok is a forerunner of innovative garden design in Southern Africa. Jan is repeatedly lauded as an intuitive garden designer, an artist with the design talent to see beyond the obvious, and the vision to transform ordinary into extraordinary. Jan Blok sculpts contemporary or classic landscapes which enchant and enhance... glorious green vistas which complement the underlying architectural lines of the dwelling and the lifestyle of those who live, work and play in it.
Pro Landscaper Africa / August 2017
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Size: Ground Floor: 264m² & 4th Floor Roof Garden: 255m² Timeline: September 2014 - December 2015. Project Cost: R1,05 million Location: Sandton
GARDEN IN THE SKY 4 Stan Road is an exclusive office development in the heart of Sandton. The landscape for this prestigious address has been designed, installed and is currently maintained by Bertha Wium Landscape Development on behalf of Sharmane Investments, to achieve a result that confirms the saying, the sky’s the limit.
This site consists of aboveground parking which is screened on the northern and western facade by using creeping Trachelospermum jasminoides (Star jasmine) to form loose standing planters onto mentis grating. The planting will mature to form green walls to surround the parking structure of the northern and western façade. Large Caesalpinia ferrea (Leopard trees) planted in a formalized grid to create a multi-stemmed effect to shade the main entrance glass foyer façade for a cooling effect. Strong linear planting design of Viburnum sinensis (Sweet viburnum) in lush evergreen lawn to be sculpted into angular hedges to follow the architectural building angle. North facing offices look out onto a landscaped deck, accessible to the building tenants. A sanctuary is created in the busy city skyline where users can break away and enjoy the beautiful views that Sandton offers. The Concept The idea behind this skyline garden was to create a sanctuary on a slab in the sky, away from the hustle and bustle of office life and the busy Johannesburg streets. Screening from the high rise adjacent buildings was a mandatory requirement for this section of the project. The landscape design for the rooftop garden incorporates the architectural features of the building. The built-up planters add layers and screening and at the same time ensure adequate soil depth for tree and shrub development.
28 Pro Landscaper Africa / August 2017
Plant Choices Layering through plant choices by using boxed hedges of Viburnum sinensis (Sweet viburnum) and Escallonia ‘Pink Princess’ combined with grassy Liriope muscari (Lillyturf); Nandina domestica ‘Pygmea’ (Dwarf holy bamboo) and Trachelospermum jasminoides (Star jasmine) groundcovers in a linear stepped design. Soil levels in planters were sloped to add planting depth and effectively feature planting foliage variance. Podocarpus falcatus trees were chosen for their specific crown shape (Conical) with evergreen foliage on branch structure from just above soil level narrowing to the growth point. The existing Harpephyllum caffrum (Wild plum) trees on the adjacent roof garden of the neighbouring building (same level) were repeated in our extruded line of trees, adding shiny lush green foliage. Both the Podocarpus and Harpephyllum tree species were specifically chosen for planter conditions. The built frame structure was designed by the architect from the focal point and allows a view through to the ferns and arum lilies with a high Syzigium paniculatum (Magenta cherry) hedge backdrop. The frame structure is flanked by lower Syzigium paniculatum (Magenta cherry) boxed hedges to add depth to this section of the garden. The organic shaped and ‘zen’ type planted island protrudes from the timber viewing deck. The grassy mound in Ophiopogon (Mondo grass)
SUPPLIERS Light-weight Planting Medium Earthworm Organic Mediums Chris Grobelaar 087 151 3374 Podocarpus and Caesalpinia Trees Just Trees Carl Pretorius 021 549 1595 Harpephyllum Trees & Feature Plants Malanseuns Henk Meyer 012 549 2128 Plants: Shrubs and Groundcover infill: Tshala Plant Brokers Gail Dreyer 071 683 1177 Heuers Wholesale Nursery David Seewald 082 887 4269 All Seasons & Kikuyu Lawn Evergreen Turf Tinus van Jaarsveld 011 948 9728 Fiberglass Planters River Rock Designs Erich Mulder 082 497 6916 Ornamental Gravel Rolfes Silica Irrigation Consultants Controlled Irrigation Sheldon Hutchison 011 608 0740 Irrigation Supply & Installation Bidvest Top Turf (Irrigation Department) Simon Radebe 082 568 9834
Pro Landscaper Africa / August 2017
features Nandina domestica (Holy bamboo) groupings combined with boulder placement. The Nandina domestica ‘Pygmea’ extends the foliage type (red multi-colour display) to the linear planters adjacent to the building. Boulders were re‐used from an old building site of the Clients and Developers. This was seen as a landmark of their approach to their old building and this application gave symbolic meaning and sense of place to the new offices. These boulders were placed in sunken positions in the deck as well as in ornamental gravel surrounds. Artificial lawn adds a lush carpet tying into the garden quite perfectly. Currently the project has been certified for a 4 Star Greenstar rating. Drip irrigation has also been installed as a sustainable water wise application. Sufficient soil depth in planters is beneficial to avoid built-up of heat in soil media. The waterproofing was a one-time application over the entire slab. Drainage occurs into a no-fines material layer across the slab and is drained into full-bores for discharge. Planting mix consisting of sandy loam topsoil; compost and washed river sand, this is a specialist mixture to ensure fast and effective drainage. The biggest challenge for this project was the haulage of large trees and all planting material; all planting media and boulders by mobile crane onto the fifth floor level.
ABOUT BERTHA WIUM DEVELOPMENT Bertha Wium Landscape Development (Pty) Ltd represents an integrated practice of Landscape Architecture and Landscape Contract Installation offering a high level of Landscape Development, including quality Landscape Maintenance to achieve the design goals of each project. The Company was established in September 2006 and has been involved in the design, management, installation and maintenance of pristine landscape developments in South Africa. Due to the Company’s attention to detail, projects evolve into aesthetic, functional and sustainable assets for its clients. 30 Pro Landscaper Africa / August 2017
Lawn Solutions
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Are shaded areas a problem?
KR A A I B O S C H N U R S E R I E S ( P T Y) LT D Suppliers of high quality exotic and indigenous plants since 1983 CONTRACT GROWING: YOU ASK, WE GROW! Kraaibosch Nurseries are wholesalers and suppliers of indigenous and exotic trees, shrubs, groundcovers, bedding plants, colour pots, roses, fruit trees and herbs to retailers, landscapers, property developers, municipalities, farmers, architects and contractors.
T: 044 889 0092 / F: 044 889 0109 /
SHADE-OVERÂŽ - will grow under any tree!
LIVING AMIDST THE LANDSCAPE Jens Hildebrandt and architect, Paolo Deliperi, contacted Alan Dawson and his team to create the landscaped space on this project in Higgovale, Cape Town. Located on the foot of Table Mountain, this project eases contemporary charm and quite effortlessly merges with the surrounding environment for an elegant, indigenous effect.
Size: 550m2 Timeline: +- 6 months Cost: R 400 000.00 Location: Higgovale, Cape Town
THE BRIEF The brief was to create various garden rooms/ areas around the house. It was vital that no views were obstructed. The use of as much indigenous plant material that would blend in with the surrounding vegetation on the mountain was vital. It had to ultimately look like the house had been dropped into the landscape. According to architect, Paolo Deliperi, two early decisions informed the design concept for this private residence. The first was to demolish the original house whilst, at the same time, working with the existing footprint. The second decision was to do away with the original double storey, choosing to rather elongate the original footprint at ground level. This has the net effect of improving the circulation and flow, developing a stronger relationship between the inside and outside and visually re-introducing the slopes of Table Mountain to the site (previously hidden by the imposing roof structure of the original building). Though not a shy building it manages to form a gentle relationship with the natural environment that surrounds it. The Fynbos on the Table Mountain reserve to the South is introduced in the form of a roof garden on the new structure and continues to cascade over an artificial hill (created by clean rubble from the original demolition) to the North of the building. Like volcanic larvae the mountain vegetation seems to engulf the building. Perennial grass on the roof not only insulates the interior but, with its' soft tuft moving in the breeze, contrasts effectively with the strong architectural language; these two contrasting elements thus tell a story about each other. From an energy efficiency point of view the building is designed by first principals. Alan Dawson explains that Careful thought and some research was done to choose the correct plants for a difficult site. There was a huge amount of rubble on site from the demolition. All the rubble was used in a gabion retaining wall at the bottom of the property. The gabion retaining wall is 3m high. Because of the lack of (and poor) topsoil on site, large amounts of good quality topsoil had to be imported. Existing sleepers on site were re-sized and used as steps to gain access throughout the steep side gardens. Extensive waterproofing and drainage layers had to be done and installed on the roof garden. A light weight topsoil/compost mix had to be imported in order to confide to
34 Pro Landscaper Africa / August 2017
the load bearing capacity on the roof. A pond was constructed to catch the seepage water from the mountain. The excess seepage water, the roof water and ground run off water is all channelled and piped into storage tanks at the bottom of the garden, which in turn is used to irrigate the garden. No formal landscaping plan exists. Each of the 8 garden areas was discussed and decided on as the building of the house progressed. It was a unique project in that each area developed as the house developed.
Alan Dawson Gardens was established in 1994 and operates all over Cape Town, landscaping properties of all sizes. We are a Principal member of SALI and have over the years won numerous landscaping awards. The success of Alan Dawson Gardens is due largely to the high standards set and the support of loyal, professional landscape supervisors and gardeners. We obtain great pleasure and satisfaction from what we do and jealousy protect the relationships we have built up with clients over the years.
SUPPLIERS All indigenous plants Fridhem Farm Nursery Marc Dawson 082 804 2241
Pool Norwen pools Owen Rhoda 0829200855
All indigenous trees Just Trees Nursery Carl Pretorius 083 601 2235
Outdoor tiles Rockstone grip, Cotto D’Este, Jens Hildebrandt 0798219832
Compost Reliance Compost Pieter Kotze 079 885 3585
Decking Garapa, Saplings. Paul Blackbeard 021 9312663
Irrigation Aquamatic Irrigation Evan Jackson 082 772 3846
Fertilizer AgriFert
Photographs: Paolo Deliperi
Pro Landscaper Africa / August 2017
The New Face in Landscape Screens Our eco hardwood exterior board is an innovative and exciting new product range that offers a modular screening solution for outdoor design. 021 556 9229
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Viewpoint Farming
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Size of project 52m² Build time Six weeks Project value R1.7 million
aving bought their property because of its majestic views over Regent's Park, the clients wanted an exposed roof terrace that would make the most of those views. The design for the space had to satisfy two key requirements: the owners wanted the length of the terrace to face the park, with an open, uninterrupted view as if facing a theatre stage – while also maintaining the feeling that they were immersed in a garden.
Pro Landscaper Africa / August 2017
38 Pro Landscaper Africa / August 2017
Design and build The fear with the first part of the brief was that it could take on the feel of an open balcony. To address this, a layout based on the stepped diamond motif was created to overlook the garden and introduce fluctuating areas of openness and enclosure, encouraging movement and exploration. To keep the project within budget, the original granite paving slabs were retained, and integrated into the design by aligning features to their grid pattern where possible. The design also introduced different viewpoints from which the surrounding vista could be enjoyed, further urging you to journey through the space. As the weight load needed to be kept as light as possible, Western red cedar was used for all timber
work, and growing mediums more associated with green roofs were used in the planters. The terrace was exposed to both the elements and the views from a block of flats behind, so screens and a pergola structure were essential to bring a sense of shelter. Additionally, a water feature was cleverly hidden amongst the planting to disguise the noise of the city roads below. Given the rooftop location of the garden, moving materials and equipment to and from the site was a challenge. For example, the pergola timber wouldn't fit in the lift, and instead had to be measured to fit the staircase. The garden was designed in close collaboration with Ben Skinner from Town & Country Gardens to ensure it was well built, and that difficulties brought about by the tricky access were overcome.
Pro Landscaper Africa / August 2017
Suppliers Design Adolfo Harrison Gardens Contractor Town & Country Gardens Maintenance Mark Poswillo
Water feature Adezz The Pot Company Western Red Cedar Champion Chairs Harry Bertoia Cushions Canvasman
40 Pro Landscaper Africa / August 2017
Planting With all the structural elements, it was important to add balance with textured planting. Adolfo Harrison Gardens designed a planting palette based on perennials and grasses, chosen to provide movement and trail over the sides of the raised beds. Climbers provided screening and scented growth around the pergola. The clients were happy to have regular garden maintenance, and were introduced to Mark Poswillo, previously head gardener at Chelsea Physic Garden. With Mark’s input, the garden has flourished and evolved over the last few years. For example, the owners adore foxgloves, which Adolfo would never ordinarily have grown on an open roof terrace – but Mark has them thriving, much to the delight of the clients. “That’s what it’s about,” says Adolfo. “They love sitting in their private garden among all the plants, drinking in this great view of London.”
1 Gardener Mark Poswillo ensures the Digitalis purpurea thrives in these conditions 2 A glimpse of the stepped diamond motif that gives the garden its layout 3 The family table nestled among the planting 4 The garden's first summer, with the climbers yet to cover the pergola 5 The garden offers views over the City of London
Adolfo Harrison Gardens Adolfo Harrison Gardens has been creating award-winning private and public gardens of all shapes and sizes for over a decade, working on over 100 projects in that time. Thriving on the more challenging briefs, and introducing elements and materials that are designed to endure, it places particular focus on establishing a collaborative dynamic between its landscape contractors. W:
Photos: Mischa Haller
Plants Hortus Loci Chichester Trees & Plants
PASTURES NEW THE COTSWOLD GARDEN COMPANY The garden of an old Cotswold rectory is streamlined and updated, without losing any of its classic charm
PROJECT DETAILS Project value R1.6 million Build time Four months Size of project 4,000m²
WINNER Domestic Garden Construction £60-£100k
he grounds of a beautiful Cotswold country house were transformed into an inviting space for a young family, with safe spaces for children and areas for dining and entertaining, as well as topiary, structured borders and an extended lawn. Despite the overhaul, it was important that a traditional feel was retained through beautiful planting, local materials and craftsmanship. The brief The striking plans, from London-based garden designer Rachel Garrood, included several new terraces and pathways, a driveway, walls and seating areas, herbaceous borders, hedges and structural planting. The design required the complete demolition of the existing garden, as well as hard and soft landscaping, planting, and constructing several new spaces with clean lines and topiary. The Cotswold Garden Company liaised with the designer throughout, and was able to share its expertise in sourcing local materials. The garden was to be used by the family for the duration of the construction, so it was vital that it remained safe for the children, with working areas safely cordoned off.
1 Sawn Yorkstone terrace, with box topiary and steel edged planting beds 2 The garden before and under construction with huge topiary arriving on site 3 Finely coursed Cotswold stone wall, Yorkstone cobble path and pleached crab apples 4 Bespoke oak gate and steel edged hoggin path 5 View of the front of the property
42 Pro Landscaper Africa / August 2017
Materials and build Attention to detail was key. Locally-quarried Cotswold stone for the wall was measured and sorted to ensure it was coursed with the smaller stones on top, and the 6mm thick mild steel edging that made up the path, lawn and driveway edges was welded on site by The Cotswold Garden Company. New terraces were created with sawn Yorkstone paving, each individual piece cut to size, while sawn Yorkstone cobbles were used for the paths to the pool, and reclaimed Yorkstone cobbles from a local manor house made up a seating area under the umbrella trees. Sourcing locally, reclaiming and reusing materials was paramount, particularly because it helped to reduce the environmental impact of deliveries to the site. All excavated soil was analysed in The Cotswold Garden Company’s on-site ‘soil hospital’ and was improved by adding compost and manure. This reduced the need for imported topsoil and disposal. Equally, existing stone and concrete was broken up and used as subbase where possible, while any debris taken off site was carefully stockpiled so that it could be recycled as clean aggregate or subsoil. The Cotswold Garden Company used its local contacts to make sure specifications were perfect, including organising for its lighting supplier to do a night-time display to show how plants and trees could be lit, allowing the client to understand what was needed. The Cotswold Garden Company also designed and installed an automatic irrigation system and arranged for one of its suppliers to have bespoke oak gates made to the designer’s drawings. In a rural setting with difficult access, local knowledge was essential. This was none more obvious than when two lorries delivering topiary from Holland arrived a week early and got stuck on the access road; The Cotswold Garden Company rapidly made arrangements with a local farmer to free and unload them. Despite the access and delivery challenges, the project was delivered on schedule and in time for the client to showcase the impressive results at their annual summer garden party.
ABOUT THE COTSWOLD GARDEN COMPANY The Cotswold Garden Company is a multi-award-winning landscape contractor and garden designer with a reputation for outstanding work throughout the Cotswolds. It is one of the most experienced garden design and landscaping companies in the area, and the team has worked on numerous different projects, from cottage gardens and country houses to large estates and commercial commissions.
REFERENCES Landscape contractor The Cotswold Garden Company Garden designer Rachel Garrood, Rachel Garrood Garden and Landscape Design
07970 518 777 Cotswold stone and reclaimed stone Lichen Garden Antiques Yorkstone paving and cobbles Bingley Stone Lighting and irrigation system LandscapePlus Bespoke oak gates and steel edging G. L. C. & R. Williams
01666 505040 Plants Genus Plant Sourcing Ltd Turf Rolawn Compost and manure Garden Supplies
Pro Landscaper Africa / August 2017
LATEST EQUIPMENT Husqvarna’s Low noise, long reach and light weight battery pole saw Husqvarna Battery Series products offers users all the benefits of petrol powered equipment but with the benefits of battery: no harmful emissions, low noise levels, low vibrations, very little maintenance and a simple user interface. The battery-powered Husqvarna 536LiPT5 pole saw delivers 5 metres of telescopic reach and unmatched performance. Powered by a
Husqvarna engineered brushless electric motor, this professional pole saw is durable and efficient but also light weight and manoeuvrable offering good operator control. And with a chain speed of 20m/s, the 536LiPT5 is powerful enough to prune trees and clear vegetation quickly and efficiently.
Kärcher’s High-Quality Sweeper With the KM 125/130 R, Kärcher is offering a technologically high-quality sweeper in the 125 cm class. The new development focused on combining high user-friendliness with efficient operation. Compared with its predecessor, the machine unites a number of features which have already been successfully employed in smaller machines. This includes the unique
rotating brush which makes cleaning corners effortless; extraordinary manoeuvrability; positioning of the main sweeper roller on the rear axis for easy maintenance and safe crossing of floor bumps and ramps as well as fully automated, continuous filter cleaning using compressed air.
STIHL‘s HLA 85 Cordless Long-reach Hedge Trimmer STIHL battery-powered equipment combine power, portability and cordless convenience – all in an environmentally conscious package. Professionals appreciate their instant starting, quiet operation and lightweight mobility. The STIHL HLA 85 long-reach hedge trimmer is no different. It features double-sided blades on an adjustable cutter for vertical, overhead and
ground-level cutting and an extended length of 3.3m, giving the operator a safer approach to tall or deep hedges. The brushless EC motor, powered by STIHL Lithium-Ion technology, delivers long run times without any gradual drop in power and keeps maintenance and down-time to a minimum.
Chipper SA The Bandit 1090XP (12” - 18”) Industrial Wood Chipper has infeed capacities ranging from 320mm to 450mm. Engine sizes of 65hp to 140hp. This machine is Perfect for use in site clearing, orchard maintenance, whole tree chipping & wood chip production. The 1090XP offers durable construction, along with heavy-duty rugged components allowing for many years of dependable service. The 1090xp 44 Pro Landscaper Africa / August 2017
is a compact easy-to-tow chipper, weighing approximately 2,540 kgs and can be with a number of options that will increase production, and save your operation time and money. This machine allows you to drastically reduce your environmental footprint by utilising your own biomass to produce chips, mulch and compost
WORKWEAR When it comes to clothing your work force, we, quite literally, have you covered.
BATA INDUSTRIALS FOOTWEAR Safety Boot, made of leather. Good physical and chemical properties, polyurethane lightweight high density, oil resistance. Injected directly into the Uppers. U-Lock System with full tongue stitched to the upper that protects from moisture and particle penetration into the foot. All safety shoes support and protect your feet while you work. Bata goes one step further. By working with scientists and conducting extensive in-house testing, Bata is a trendsetter in the industry when it comes to technology. The result: work shoes that offer the best possible support thanks to their perfect fit.
SUPERIOR TWO-TONE CONTI SUIT FROM MB WORKWEAR Designed specifically for landscapers and horticulturalists, this flexi-fit garment is breathable and allows for a wide range of movement while still providing adequate protection to enable workers to do their jobs comfortably and efficiently. In addition, this garment is fitted with high visibility tape for added safety during dawn and dusk. Featuring a YKK zip front, two side pockets, a breast pocket and two swing pockets, and one hip pocket on the trousers, this garment is bar tacked and triple stitched at all stress points for added strength and durability. Visit
JAVLIN WORKWEAR Javlin workwear offers a comprehensive range specially designed for professionals and stands for quality, functionality and durability. Javlin factories are ISO9001 and SANS434 certified and each item is made to SABS spec. The Javlin Premium J54 Conti Suit and Premium Stone Washed Denim Conti Suit both have all seams triple needle stitched, pockets attached with double needle and stress points bar-tacked. The jacket has a double needle top stitched yoke, lapel collar and left chest pocket with stud flap and pen division. Featuring a right cell phone pocket with stud flap, concealed YKK metal zip front and lower patch pockets. The trousers have an elasticated back, Riveted metal button closure and YKK metal zip fly. Featuring Seven belt loops, side slant swing pockets, back right patch pocket and double needle front rise. J54 Conti Suit fabric is 100% Cotton 2/1 Twill (also available in 245 g/ m² premium polycotton). Weight is 220 g/m² and is available in various colours and sizes. Stone Washed Denim Conti Suit Fabric is 100% Cotton Denim with a weight of 10 oz/yd² * 340 g/m² Heavy Duty. Available in various sizes in an Indigo Blue Stone Wash. 46 Pro Landscaper Africa / August 2017
HI TEC’S TELEZA CHELSEA BOOTS Achieve your own personal style with its full grain crazy horse leather upper. Specially constructed with a full moisture-wicking lining to help keep your feet drier, a new improved moulded, padded, and removable sock liner to add that extra comfort to help you perform at work. Help protect your feet with its steel shank, 200J impact resistant steel toe cap and dual-density PU sole. This lace free boot is the perfect choice if you’re looking for comfort, a wide fit, style and protection in your working environment.
BARRON’S WORKWEAR & PRINTING/ EMBROIDERY FACILITY Barron is more than a supplier, they’re a concierge to their resellers and ultimately brand owners. Inspired by great brands, Barron delivers bespoke and highly personalised services that make resellers and the brands they work with stand out. Barron believes in providing world-class quality products at the best price, hence their extensive product range which holds a world of possibilities including Apparel, Workwear, Sport, Headwear, as well as Branding options.
Hearing protection should be near the top of the list when it comes to choosing one’s personal protective equipment. And with the Husqvarna FM Radio Earmuff, garden maintenance and landscaping chores become that much more enjoyable. This clever and comfortable hearing protection solution centralises the pressure on the headband thus reducing pressure on the ears. The ear muffs are individually designed for the left and right ear, meaning that they follow the shape of the head resulting in a perfect fit for all ears. Equipped with Audio input 3.5mm (AUX) for mp3 or communication radio.
Barron’s high-quality products, combined with creative solutions and value-added offerings are a delight to customers. In line with this, Barron has introduced a state of the art Branding Super factory; a printing and embroidery facility which aims to quadruple Barron’s capacity in an effort to help Switch Africa’s favourite brands ON.
BRAM HOPE’S WORKWEAR JACKET This versatile workwear jacket offers three options: lightweight outer jacket, removable zip-off mesh vest with safety tape or combined highvisibility jacket. Features include front storm flap, adjustable sleeve tabs, concealed roll-up hood and inner pocket. Reinforced seams and bartacked finish on all pressure points for toughness. Made from 100% Coated polyester with water-resistant oxford fabric, this jacket is wind resistant, versatile and a great choice for your workforce.
Pro Landscaper Africa / August 2017
Horticultural Assistant, Prime Trees
Your most referred to gardening book of all time? The Garden Primer by Barbara Damrosch
Your most referred to gardening book of all time? Gardener magazine
Your most inspirational garden (worldwide)? Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens
Your most inspirational garden (worldwide)? Kirstenbosch botanical garden
Piece of machinery/equipment you couldn’t do without? Secateurs
Piece of machinery/equipment you couldn’t do without? Brushcutter
Top plant? Ficus Rubiginosa and the Acaca xanthophloea
Top plant? Strelitzia reginae
How is sustainability embedded within your business? We recycle all our plastic tree bags, and also use air pots. Less use of harmful chemicals. Planting lots of healthy trees.
How is sustainability embedded within your business? - By Employing people with integrity - By making sure that work it’s done on time and at acceptable standard
Biggest life influence? My parents Describe yourself in three words. Honest, Patient and Caring Three people you’d like to invite to dinner? Parents and my Sister Lifelong fan of (sporting team)? Kaizer Chiefs Favoured drink? Sprite
Biggest life influence? All successful entrepreneurs Describe yourself in three words. Persistent, Humble, Adventurous, Lover of Good life *wink* Three people you’d like to invite to dinner? Sisa Ngebulana, My Wife, Tanya Visser Lifelong fan of (sporting team)? Kaizer Chiefs Favoured drink? Coke
Pro Landscaper Africa / August 2017
Owner of Elite Coastal Landscaping
Your most referred to gardening book of all time? 1. Fast and Easy Waterwise Gardens. Coastal Zone: Cape Town to Mossel Bay by Glenn Ashton. Published by Ekogaia Publishing, 2005. 2. Creative Gardening with Indigenous Plants by Pitta Joffe Published by Briza Publications, First Edition Fourth Impression, 2007. Your most inspirational garden (worldwide)? Kirstenbosch Gardens
Piece of machinery/equipment you couldn’t do without? Light delivery vehicle Top plant?
Fynbos, Succulent, Fine Grasses, Alloes How is sustainability embedded within your business? Elite Coastal Landscaping started in 2000, we have good work relationships with our clients, honest hardworking and advice on the best options. Biggest life influence? My Father
Describe yourself in three words Honest, Determined, Proactive
Three people you’d like to invite to dinner?
Mathys Roets, A person from Biodiversity Conservation, A person from Parks board to enhance our gardens Lifelong fan of (sporting team)? Rugby - All Blacks team Favoured drink? Spice Gold
Managing Director of Bertha Wium Landscape Development Pty (Ltd) Your most referred to gardening book of all time? The Gardens of Luciano Giubbilei written by Andrew Wilson Your most inspirational garden (worldwide)? a) Gardens of St Christopher, Hydepark Sandton b) Babylonstoren, Simondium, Paarl c) Nirox Sculpture Park, Cradle of Humankind Piece of machinery/equipment you couldn’t do without? Hedge trimmer Top plant? a) Viburnum Sinensis (Sweet Viburnum) b) Trachelospermum Jasminoides (Star Jasmine) How is sustainability embedded within your business? Sustaining our business: Through Inspiring and quality turnkey landscape development. - Inspiring landscape design - Quality contract installation - High level maintenance reaching design goals Biggest life influence? Nature and Sculpted Nature Describe yourself in three words Determined, passionate and business focused Three people you’d like to invite to dinner? Patrick Watson, Dave Pepler, Piet van Wyk Lifelong fan of (sporting team)? SA Athletics and Swimming Favoured drink? Steelworks
Pro Landscaper Africa asks a few quick-fire questions to gain an insight into the people who are lighting up our industry To feature on these pages in future issues, email
50 Pro Landscaper Africa / August 2017
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