الحوار المصغر/التصحيح/التختياري الترم الثاني- أولي إعدادي- ()جميع الوحدات الترم الثاني- أولي إعدادي- الـوحدة العاشرة **(Unit = 10
.)* *(W.B P= 2 .)**
4 )Read and correct the underlined words: (Best Wishes: M. Sallam) ( )يــــارب التوفــيق: 1. The ancient Egyptians were the first do many things. 12. The Lighthouse of Alexandria was probable the world’s first lighthouse. 23. It was about 130 m length. 34. It was one of the tallest instruction on earth. 45. Toothpaste was another Egyptian invent . 56. They also studied the sun and the stars carefully to measurement the 6days in a year. 7. They invented the calendar and they learned us to tell the time 7accurately with a water clock. 8. The Chinese invent paper in 140 BCE. 89. Egyptians used papyrus to writing. 10-
*(Unit = 10)* *(W.B P=2)* Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: (Unit=10) Amal always paints (beautiful/beautifully.) It is an old clock, so it is not very (accurate/accurately.) Hamid did very (good/well) in his exams last week. Huda’s uncle always sings (happy/happily) when he’s working. Fareeda’s sewing machine is always very (noisy/noisily) Mona is very (bad / badly) at painting. Hamdi swims (fast/ fastly). My cousin is very ( good / well) at playing football. وحين ييمسي عشر اا أدركت يه، من صلى علي حين ييصبح عشر اا: قال رسول ا صلى ا عليه وسلم شفاعتي يوم القيامة
الترم الثاني- أولي إعدادي- الـوحدة الحادية عشر **(Unit = 11)* *(W.B P=5) * 4 ) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d: (Best Wishes: M. Sallam) ( يــــارب )التوفــيق: 1 Which of the following can’t you peel? a. a banana b. a carrot c. a cake d. a potato 2 What do you get when ice becomes warm?