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Monthly Happenings
History Comes Alive
This presentation will discuss various topics from the past with Michael M. Stachnik, the Museum Program Manager of the Elk Grove Park District. Registration is not required.
Fee $0 M / $2 R / $4 NR
Location SRAC - Main Room
Date Wed, Sep 6 Time 12:30-1:30pm
Topic Sunken Cities and Land
P.A.S.T (Police and Seniors Together)
Our friendly Elk Grove Village Police Officers, Ted Malek and Melissa Chirchirillo, want to personally invite you to the Police and Seniors Together meetings. Each meeting will touch base about the Elk Grove Police Department, and what is going on in our community that is pertinent to senior citizens. Please register for this presentation.
Fee $0 M / $2 R / $4 NR
Location SRAC - Main Room
Date Time Code Deadline
Fri, Aug 25 1-2:30pm
301304-01 Aug 21
Current Events Forum
Each month we will be gathering and discussing newsworthy topics. We will utilize different media outlets including the internet, television news, and of course, the newspaper.
Preparer Helen Leski
3rd or 4th Tuesday of the month at 10:15am
Fee $0 M / $2 R / $4 NR
Tue, Jul 18
Topic Speakers will discuss bills, projects and events in the State of Illinois and our local community of interest to our Elk Grove members.
Speaker Senator Seth Lewis and State Representative Jennifer Sanalitro
Tue, Aug 22
Topic Safety and other appropriate issues ongoing in Elk Grove Village. Discussion will also mention the lock box installation in Elk Grove homes.
Speaker Richard Mikel, Fire Chief, Elk Grove Village
Tue, Sep 26
Topic All that is new with the Elk Grove Librarylots of programs, technology features and many others and by having a library card it can save you cash.
Speaker Nancy Broten, Elk Grove Village Library