English Day is one of the newest program of SD Labschool Cibubur, launched in 2022. It's conducted on every Tuesday. We hope the teachers and students of SD Labschool Cibubur will be encouraged to use English for communication confidently on English Day.
Regarding the program, we hope this Conversation Guide book will help Teachers to communicate with students in the classroom. This guide book has kinds of expressions that Teachers need, in terms of classroom communication. Obviously, We are thankful to Allah and English Day team, for composing this Conversation Guide book possibly done
Redactors/English Day Team
Greeting is one of the important culture, not only for Indonesians, but for English people as well. To greet your colleagues or students, you can use these expressions.
Hello, everyone. : Halo semuanya.
Good morning, everybody. : Selamat pagi.
Good afternoon, class. : Selamat siang.
How are you today? : Apa kabar?
How are you getting on? : Apa kabar?
How’s life? : Apa kabar?
How are things with you? : Apa kabar?
Are you feeling better today, David? : Apakah hari ini lebih baik, David?
What a lovely day! : Sungguh hari yang indah!
What a rainy day! : Hari ini hujan terus.
Today is very cold, isn’t it? : Hari ini sangat dingin, bukan begitu?
Today is very hot, right? : Hari ini sangat panas, ya?
These are kinds of expressions that you can use on Labsmorning.
Attention! : Perhatian! Siap Gerak!
Dress front dress! : Lencang depan gerak!
Hands down! : Tegak gerak!
Eyes front! : Pandangan ke depan!
Count up! : Berhitung mulai!
Good morning everyone : Selamat pagi
How are you today? : Apa kabar?
I need somebody to come with me and lead us! : Saya perlu satu
orang memimpin!
David, now it’s your turn. Please. : David, giliranmu!
Anak Labschool!!!
Profil Pelajar Pancasila.
National Anthem
Lagu Wajib
Thank you, David
Attention! : Siap gerak!
Straight up! : Luruskan
About face! : Balik kanan gerak!
Forward march! : Maju jalan!
These are kinds of expressions that you can use for different situations in the classrooms.
Let’s begin today’s lesson by reciting Basmallah. : Mari kita awali hari ini
Let’s begin our lesson now. : Mari kita mulai.
I hope you are all ready for your lesson. : Semoga semua siap. I think we can start now. : Mari kita mulai.
Is everybody ready to start? : Sudah siap?
Now we can get down to work. : Sekarang kita bisa mulai.
It’s time to begin, please stop talking. : Harap tenang. Mari mulai.
I’m waiting for you to be quiet. : Harap tenang.
Settle down now so we can start. : Harap tenang dan bersiap.
We won’t start until everyone is quiet. : Harap tenang. Stop talking and be quiet. : Harap tenang.
How many students do we have now? : Ada berapa anak hari ini?
Who isn’t here today? : Siapa yang tidak hadir?
Who is absent today? : Siapa yang tidak hadir?
Why were you absent last Friday, Tom? : Kemana Jum’at lalu, Tom?
What’s the matter with Anna today? : Kemana Anna hari ini?
What’s wrong with Anna today? : Kenapa Anna tidak masuk?
We started ten minutes ago. What have you been doing? : Kita sudah mulai dari 10 menit yang lalu, kemana saja kamu?
Did you oversleep? : Kamu ketiduran?
Don’t let it happen again. : Jangan diulangi.
Where have you been? : Dari mana kamu?
Are you ready? : Siap?
Everybody : Semuanya
Pay attention, everybody. : Perhatikan semuanya!
Open your books at page… : Buka bukumu halaman ….
Get ready with your pencil, please. : Siapkan pensilmu.
We’ll learn about … : Kita akan belajar ….
You have five minutes to do this. : Waktumu 5 menit untuk mengerjakan.
Turn to page … : Buka halaman ….
Look at activity five. : Perhatikan aktivitas 5
Repeat after me. : Ikuti saya
Again, please. : Bisakah diulang?
Who’s next? : Selanjutnya siapa?
Do you get it? : Paham
Are you with me? : Kamu mengerti?
Are you OK? : Kamu tidak apa-apa?
Do you follow me? : Apa kamu mengikuti?
Do you understand? : Paham?
What did you say? : Apa kamu yang kamu katakan?
One more time, please. : Sekali lagi, tolong.
Say it again, please. : Bisa diulang?
Like this? : Seperti ini?
Is this OK? : Apakah tidak apa-apa?
Come in. : Masuklah
Go out. : Keluar
Stand by your desks. : Berdiri di samping meja
Stand up. : Berdiri
Sit down. : Duduk
Come to the front of the class. : Maju ke depan kelas
Put your hands up : Angkat tangan
Put your hands down. : Turunkan tangan
Hold your books/pens up. : Angkat buku/pulpen mu.
Show me your pencil. : Tunjukkan pensilmu.
Open your books at page 75 : Buka buku halaman 75
I want you all to join in. : Semua harap bergabung.
The whole class, please. : Semuanya!
All together now. : Semuanya!
Come out and write it on the board. : Tulis di papan tulis.
Get into groups of four. : Buatlah kelompok!
Everybody, please. : Semuanya ….
Could you try the next one? : Bisakah coba yang selanjutnya?
I would like you to write this down. : Coba tulis ini.
Would you mind switching the lights on? : Bisakah hidupkan lampu?
It might be an idea to leave this till next time. : Sebaiknya kita tunda dulu.
Who would like to read? : Siapa yang mau membaca?
Can you all see the board? : Perhatikan ke papan tulis.
First/ First of all, today, : Pertama-tama
After that/ Then : Selanjutnya
Right. Now we will go on to the next exercise. : Selanjutnya
Have you finished? : Sudah selesai?
For the last thing today, let’s … : Yang terakhir, marilah ….
Whose turn is it to read? : Giliran siapa membaca?
Next/ Next one, please. : Selanjutnya
Who hasn’t answered yet? : Siapa yang belum menjawab?
You have ten minutes to do this. : Waktumu 10 menit
Your time is up. : Waktu habis
Have you found it? : Sudah ketemu?
Are you all ready? : Siap?
Stop talking. : Harap tenang.
Look this way. : Perhatikan caranya.
Listen to what is saying : Dengarkan dia berbicara
Leave that alone now. : lewati dulu
Be careful. : Hati-hati
As I said earlier, … : Seperti yang saya bilang sebelumnya
Based on : Menurut
Let me sum up. : Kesimpulannya adalah ….
To sum up, …. : Kesimpulannya adalah ….
The conclusion is … : Kesimpulannya adalah …
To conclude, …. : Kesimpulannya adalah ….
Any questions? : Ada pertanyaan?
Do you have any questions? : Ada pertanyaan?
Now I’m going to ask you some questions. : Sekarang saya mau bertanya.
Who knows the answer? : Siapa yang tahu jawabannya?
Raise your hand. : Angkat tangan
Please raise your hand if you don’t understand. : Angkat tangan jika belum paham
Try to answer by yourself.: Kerjakan mandiri
Try again : Coba lagi
Say it in a loud voice. : Katakan dengan keras
Louder, please! : Lebih keras
Again, please. : Boleh diulang?
As I said earlier, … : Seperti yang saya bilang sebelumnya
Based on … : Menurut ….
Let me sum up. : Kesimpulannya adalah ….
To sum up, …. : Kesimpulannya adalah ….
The conclusion is … : Kesimpulannya adalah …
To conclude, …. : Kesimpulannya adalah ….
Giving encouragement
That’s interesting! : Menarik
That really is very kind of you : Wah, kamu baik sekali
Don’t worry about it. : Jangan khawatir!
Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll do better next time. : Jangan khawatir!
Saya yakin kamu akan melakukannya lebih baik selanjutnya.
It’s okay. Let’s try again. : Tidak apa-apa. Kita coba lagi.)
It’s alright. You did well. : Tidak apa-apa. Kamu sudah melakukannya dengan baik.
I’m really impressed. I knew you could do it! : Saya sangat terkesan.
Saya tahu kamu bisa.
Have a go! Have another try! : Coba lagi!
Practise makes perfect. : Perbanyak latihan, ya!
Good! / Excellent! / Well done! / That’s great! : Bagus! Hebat!
Good Job! : Kerja bagus!
I’m really proud of you! : Saya bangga padamu.
Prayer Time
It’s time for Zuhur prayer : Waktunya Solat Zuhur
Take your prayer mat or prayer robe : Ambil sajadah dan mukena kalian
Go take wudhu/ablution : Ambil wudu
Giving feedback to students
Magnificent!: Luar biasa!
Right! : Bagus!
Fine. : Lumayan!
Very good. : Sangat bagus!
That’s very good. : Bagus sekali
Great stuff! : Keren
Well done. : Mantap
That’s it. : Nah, begitu.
Yes! : Keren!
Yes, you’ve got it. : Nah, begitu!
Fantastic! : Mantap!
Very fine. : Bagus.
That’s nice. : Bagus.
I like that. : Saya suka.
Marvellous!: Keren.
You did a great job. : Kamu luar biasa.
Terrific! : Beuh
Wow! : Widih …
That’s correct.: Benar!
Quite right : Agak benar!
That’s right. : Nah, itu benar!
That’s quite right.: Benar
It depends. : Tergantung
That’s much better. : Itu lebih baik
In a way, perhaps. : Bisa jadi
You’ve improved a lot. : Kamu
banyak peningkatan
Sort of, yes. : Kayaknya iya.
It might be, I suppose. : Bisa jadi
That’s a lot better. : Itu lebih baik
You’re on the right lines (UK). : Kamu sudah benar
There’s no hurry : Tidak perlu terburu-buru.
You’re halfway there. : Kamu sudah setengah jalan
You’ve almost got it.: Hampir!
You were almost right. : Hampir benar!
There’s no need to rush. : Tidak perlu terburu-buru
We have plenty of time : Masih banyak waktu
Unfortunately not: Sayangnya tidak
I’m afraid that’s not quite right : Sepertinya tidak benar
Not quite right. Try again. : Belum tepat, coba lagi.
Good try, but not quite right. : Usaha yang bagus, tapi belum benar.
Have another try. : Coba lagi
Congratulations! : Selamat!
Have a nice weekend. : Semoga akhir pekanmu menyenangkan
Thanks for your help. : Terima kasih atas bantuannya!
Best of luck. : Semoga beruntung!
Good luck. : Semoga beruntung!
I hope you pass : Aku harap kamu lulus!
Well done! : Bagus!
Never mind. : Tidak apa-apa.
Better luck next time. : Semoga beruntung lain kali.
Do you feel better today? : Apa kamu merasa lebih baik hari ini?
Are you better now? : Apa kamu merasa lebih baik hari ini?
Have you been ill? : Apa kamu sakit?
What was the matter? : Ada masalah apa?
I’ll be back in a moment. : Saya akan kembali sebentar.
Carry on with the exercise while I’m away. : Lanjutkan pekerjaan.
Saya keluar sebentar.
I’ve got to go next door for a moment. : Saya pergi ke sebelah sebentar.
I’m afraid I can’t speak any louder. : Saya tidak bisa berbicara keras.
I seem to be losing my voice : Saya kehilangan suara saya
I have a headache. : Saya sedang sakit kepala.
I’m feeling under the weather. : Saya sedang tidak enak badan.
Do you mind if I sit down? : Boleh saya duduk?
I think that’s all for today.: Saya rasa cukup
Let’s stop now. : Mari kita sudahi
It’s time to finish now. : Sudah selesai waktunya.
It’s almost time to stop. : Waktunya hampir habis
I’m afraid it’s time to finish now. : Sayangnya waktu habis
We’ve run out of time. : Waktu habis
We’ll have to stop here : Waktu habis
There’s the bell. It’s time to stop. : Sudah bel.
The bell’s ringing. Let’s call it a day. : Bel berbunyi. Kita cukupkan untuk hari ini.
Let’s call it a day : Kita cukupkan untuk hari ini.
That’s all for today. : Itu saja untuk hari ini.
Have you finished? : Sudah selesai?
Are you done? : Sudah selesai?
Stop now. : Berhenti sekarang.
Any questions? : Ada pertanyaan.
…. Minutes left : Tinggal … menit lagi.
Time’s up. : Waktunya sudah habis.
The lesson doesn’t finish till ten past.: Pelajarannya belum selesai sampai jam 10.
Hang on a moment : Tunggu sebentar
We seem to have finished early. : Kita sepertinya selesai lebih cepat.
Just a moment, please. : Sebentar.
Just a sec / Just a second/ Wait for it! : Tunggu, sebentar.
There are still three minutes to go. : Masih ada tiga menit lagi.
Just hold on a moment. : Tunggu sebentar
One more thing before the class ends : Satu hal lagi sebelum kelas selesai.
We still have a couple of minutes left.: Kita masih punya waktu beberapa menit lagi.
Your watch must be fast. : Jam kamu pasti lebih cepat.
We have an extra five minutes. : Kita ada waktu extra 5 menit.
Sit quietly until the bell goes. : Duduk dengan tenang sampai bel berbunyi.
Tom, you have to stay five extra minutes (as I told you earlier/ because you…) : Kamu harus tinggal beberapa menit lagi di kelas.
Back to your places. : Kembali ke tempat kalian.
Back to your seats : Kembali ke kursi kalian. Stay where you are for a moment.: Tetap berada di tempat kalian.
Remember your homework.: Ingat PR kalian, ya.
What do you have to do before the next lesson? : Apa yang kalian harus lakukan sebelum pelajaran berikutnya.
This is your homework for tonight.: Ini PR kalian malam ini.
Finish this exercise : Selesaikan latihannya.
Do the next exercise tonight, and we’ll check it tomorrow. : Lakukan latihan berikutnya mala mini. Kita cek besok.
Prepare the next chapter for Tuesday. : Siapkan bab selanjutnya untuk Selasa.
Do exercise 5 on page 36 for your homework. : Lakukan Latihan 5 pada halaman 36 untuk PR kalian.
There is no homework today: Tidak ada PR untuk hari ini.
There is no homework tonight (but there will be tomorrow) : Tidak ada PR malam ini.
The next class starts at 9.45 (Kelas selanjutnya mulai pukul 9.45)
We’ll do the rest of this chapter next time (Kita selesaikan di pertemuan selanjutnya.)
We’ve run out of time, so we’ll continue next lesson. (Waktu kita sudah habis, jadi kita lanjutkan di pertemuan berikutnya.)
We’ll continue this chapter next Monday. (Kita lanjutkan pelajaran pada Senin selanjutnya.)
We’ll do some more practice of this in the next class. (Kita lanjutkan latihan ini pada kelas berikutnya.)
We’ll finish this exercise next lesson. (Kita selesaikan latihan ini pada kelas berikutnya.)
We’re going to continue with this tomorrow. (Kita lanjutkan besok ya.)
Goodbye, everyone. (Selamat tinggal)
See you again next Thursday/ next week/ tomorrow/ on Monday (Sampai jumpa di hari …)
Have a good weekend. (Semoga akhir pekanmu menyenangkan)
Enjoy your weekend. (Nikmati akhir pekanmu.)
Have a good holiday. (Semoga liburanmu menyenangkan)
Enjoy your holiday (Nikmati liburanmu )
See you tomorrow. (Sampai jumpa besok.)
Try not to make any noise as you leave. (Jangan berisik ya ketika pergi.)
It’s tidy up time (Waktunya beres-beres.)
Everybody outside! (Semuanya silakan keluar.)
All of you get outside now! (Semuanya silakan keluar.)
Hurry up and get out! (Bergegas keluar.)
Line up! (Berbaris.)
Billingual Teacher Training, Level 1A, Billingual Education Integrated Training (Blast)