1 minute read
Let’s begin today’s lesson by reciting Basmallah. : Mari kita awali hari ini
dengan Basmallah
Let’s begin our lesson now. : Mari kita mulai.
I hope you are all ready for your lesson. : Semoga semua siap. I think we can start now. : Mari kita mulai.
Is everybody ready to start? : Sudah siap?
Now we can get down to work. : Sekarang kita bisa mulai.
It’s time to begin, please stop talking. : Harap tenang. Mari mulai.
I’m waiting for you to be quiet. : Harap tenang.
Settle down now so we can start. : Harap tenang dan bersiap.
We won’t start until everyone is quiet. : Harap tenang. Stop talking and be quiet. : Harap tenang.