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Recreation Process

Once understanding the assignment brief, research was conducted to hopefully find a suitable photograph and painting. Wanting to recreate images as closely as possible, I looked for images that would complement my potential models. Through extensive research (predominately online), I came across two people images that slightly resembled two models I had access to. For my painting image, I came across a self-portrait by Gustave Courbet. A 19th century painter from France, Courbet constructed his widely recognised portrait between the years of 1843 and 1845. The image was chosen to its resemblance to one of my male models. Alternatively, for my photograph recreation image, I came across a portrait captured by Alex Dylikowski. Portraying a woman with hair wrapped around her face, I believe it would work well as one of my recreation projects. The two original images can be viewed to the right.

Painting Recreation Process

By choosing a highly distinctive image, I knew a lot of thought and effort would be essential when ensuring the overall image impact. Before the capturing of the image could commence, styling had initially begin. My models beard was partially shaved and shaped by myself to match that of Courbet’s painting. Alongside this, a white shirt and blue scarf were chosen to mirror the original subject’s attire.

Wanting to accommodate the extreme, contrasting light that can be witnessed in the painting, a bathroom was chosen as the shoots location. It’s ceiling lights provided a highly contrasting effect which can be witnessed within my images. This effect worked especially well to define areas of the models face, mirroring that of the original painting. Alongside this, the locations brown walls matched those of the painting, which further developed themes of similarity between the original painting and my recreation image. The final, exercised image was captured with an aperture of f/6.3 at 1/20s with an ISO of 800. I believe this high ISO was nessessary to accommodate the lack of inside light. The contact sheet for this photo shoot can be viewed to the right of this double page. I found the shoot to be overall success but I knew editing process would determine the overall effectiveness of the recreation image.

Editing Process

After exploring the results of the photo shoot, the most effective image was selected via Photoshop. A number of editing tools were employed to ensure the overall image impact was the best it could possibly be. This editing process entailed numerous colour adjustments such as controlling the temperature, increasing the contrast and employing the selective colour tool. Alongside these colour orientated features, the burn and dodge tools were frequently employed to further mirror the paintings lighting.

The main and possibly most essential tool that was also exercised was the Dry Brush filter. After converting the image to a smart object via Photoshop, this specific filter was selected through Filter> Filter Gallery> Dry Brush. I believe this painting effect provided my final image with the overall likeness it required to mirror Courbet’s self-portrait. Alongside this fundamental process; additional, physical adjustments such as forging Courbet’s signature heightened the overall effect of my image and its likeness to the original painting. Print screen images can be witnessed to help demonstrate the editing process.

Recreation Process Upon hiring out the Leeds Beckett studio, the capturing of my reaction photograph could commence. I ensured my model was female with long brown hair, similar to that of the original photograph prior to this. During the shoot, the camera properties were set to 1/150 s, with an aperture of f/6.3 and an ISO of 100. For the photo soot, a Canon EOS 550D camera was employed and connected to two Bowens 500W lights. Unluckily, we came across a few problems with the studio lights, meaning they could not be utilised in the way I had intended. However I feel I overcame this problem by using other, alternative light sources we had access to, ensuring a good image was obtained.

The styling of the image was more difficult than had been previous anticipated. Similarly to my painting image, the models hair needed to predominantly feature but making it stay in its required place, proved a challenge in itself. However, through frequently adjustments, I believe a good level of similarity to its original image was obtained. The contact sheet from this shoot can be viewed via the next page.

Editing Process

During the editing process, the image levels were altered to help create an increasingly contrasting image. Also cropped to gain its square shape, the images main physical change was converting it into black & white. To heighten this effect further, Photoshop’s dodge and burn tools were also exercised to create a darker, more dynamic overall image. Some aspects of the editing process are highlighted via the print screen images that can be viewed on the next page. The final image alongside the original version can be witnessed on the next page.

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