Why is Catholic Education Important? Summary: This article lists some of the major benefits of choosing Catholic education in New York.
If you are considering Catholic education for your kids, there are certainly advantages to going this route over traditional public school or some other type of private school. While normal types of curriculum and studies will still be included, the atmosphere and faith-based activities are something you will only find in Catholic education. Here are some reasons why choosing Catholic education is so important and why you should be looking for some of the best Catholic high schools in New York.
Faith and Spiritual Development One major goal of Catholic schools is to help prepare and equip children from a faith-based perspective. This can help your kids develop an anchor of peace, confidence and hope to better handle the challenges in life. This atmosphere is present in many areas of the school, including the classrooms, lunch areas, recess, after-school activities and more. Developing good character and teaching lasting values is something kids can take with them through all stages of their life.
Another major goal is to help create strong families and a strong sense of family unity. That’s why you will find a lot of parent and family involvement and activities. Students also have many opportunities to be involved and give back to the local community. This gives students real-life examples of living their faith.
A Culture of Prayer One of the biggest advantages of attending the best Catholic high school in New York is a school-wide culture of pray. Pray usually is part of the entire school experience, which can include opening the day with a school-wide prayer, classroom prayer, before lunch, and even specific times to allow individual students to spend time in reflection and prayer. This also helps students connect with each other, and develop a closer relationship to God. Many schools offer chances for students to lead prayers in the class and throughout the school.
Academic Focus A huge difference in public and private Catholic school education is the graduation rate. Catholic school graduation is at 99% in America. According to U.S. News, the public high school graduation rate is around 84%. Of the students who graduate Catholic high school, more than 84% go to college. For public school graduates, about 44% end up going to college. This can give parents a lot of confidence that they are making a great decision for their kids. Expect your student to encounter some strict academic standards. Also, classroom sizes tend to be smaller, offering kids more of a personal experience. You may also find many opportunities for tutoring and one-on-one help.
Learning and Studying Scripture Most Catholic schools will focus on studying scripture. Students can also learn how to use what they study in everyday life. This also reveals guidance for their expectations as students and as they grow into young men and women. Age or grade-based scripture study may be available, pertaining to the levels the students are able to understand. Students also might find opportunities to teach other students younger than them.