6 minute read
What is Autism?
What is Autism?
Statistics + Issues at Hand
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurological difference that comes with a limitless
spectrum of portrayal within its population. 3 Autismmost commonly describes those who carry
challenges in communication, speech, socialization and other behavioral issues. 4 Autism “is not
a disease, physical disability or mood disorder, which means there is no traditional medical test
or remedy. Autism is classified as a neurological and developmental disorder.” 5
The signs that a child with Autism may show become more clear as they grow up,
specifically around the age of two to three as this is “the most common age range for an official
diagnosis.” 6 At this age, toddlers are developingfine motor skills within their hands and wrists
and during this time it is more often than not, recognizable when a child is not properly
developing these skills, see Figure 2.1. 7 Early Interventionhas proven to be critical in young
children with Autism, and this is when “the condition is diagnosed and treated with behavioral
therapy before age three.” 8 The importance of EarlyIntervention has shown tremendous
developmental improvements within toddlers and it is vital that parents pay close attention to
developmental patterns in hopes to identify key traits of Autism. 9
3 TEDxTalks. “Neurodiversity – the Key That Unlocked My World | Elisabeth Wiklander | TEDxGöteborg.” YouTube, February 9, 2017. 4 “How to Recognize Early Signs of Autism.” ABA Centersof America, May 13, 2021. 5 Ibid. 6 Ibid. 7 Ibid. 8 Ibid. 9 “How to Recognize Early Signs of Autism.” ABA Centersof America, May 13, 2021.
Many schools in the United States are not universally designed to be accessible for
children with neurological differences. “More and more schools are making accommodations
made for “special needs” children, many still do not. Even those that do rarely have the facilities
to address the different challenges that different kids with Autism have.” 10 In a TedTalk,
Elisabeth Wiklander explains that “we deservethesame access to education, with knowledge
and flexibility regarding our unique information processing.” 11 Similarly, in a video from the
Institute for Human Centered Design (IHCD), it is explained that “the changing reality of
10 Rudy, Lisa Jo. “Good Reasons Why Your Autistic ChildHas a Tough Time with School.” Verywell Health, September 3, 2020. 11 TEDxTalks. “Neurodiversity – the Key That UnlockedMy World | Elisabeth Wiklander | TEDxGöteborg.” YouTube, February 9, 2017.
urgency to deliver inclusion and opportunity. The time has come to design a future that
incorporates the critical voices of those most impacted by their environment, so that we may
begin to balance the scales of equity in modern American life.” 12 Taking this into consideration,
it has been stated that “design cannot cure a child with Autism, but a well-designed space can
break down the barriers and that may mean the child learns to speak or stays mainstream in a
school, so the stakes are high.” 13
Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Autism is classified as a “Neurodevelopmental” disorder which is a disorder that stems
from the development of the nervous system and any potential deficits “that can arise from
abnormal brain development or be caused by damage at an early age.” 14 The severity of the
disorder depends on the time when these differences or damage occurs. 15 Within the
Neurodevelopmental disorders category, there are various types and levels of different disorders.
Other Neurodevelopmental disorders include: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD);
Specific Learning Disorders, such as Reading Disorder (Dyslexia), Writing Disorder
(Dysgraphia) and Calculation Disorder (Dyscalculia); Communication Disorders, such as
Expression Disorder, Comprehension Disorder, Speech Disorder (Dislalia) as well as Stuttering;
and of course Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). 16
Some types of Neurodevelopmental disorders can be settled if the appropriate steps are
taken within intervention and seeking external help. However, some disorders are chronic but
12 IHCD Design. “The Changing Reality of Disabilityin America: 2020 (Promo).” YouTube, July 29, 2020. 13 Kumar, Sunil, and Shri L.K. Das. “Design for AllInstitute of India, Special Issue, December 2015, Vol. 10, No. 13.” Dehli, December 2015. 14 Pérez, Lidia García. “Neurodevelopmental Disorders.”NeuronUP. NeuronUP, September 15, 2021. 15 Ibid. 16 Ibid.
insme cases possibly eliminate, the negative consequences or symptoms caused by the disorder
in question.” 17
Types of Autism
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is “referred to as a spectrum because the impact of the
condition has a broad range” 18 It is important tolook at and understand the different strengths
and weaknesses of each type of Autism and how they vary extraordinarily from person to person.
There are five main variations of Autism that include Asperger’s Syndrome, Rett Syndrome,
Childhood Disintegrative Disorder (CDD), Pervasive Development Disorder-Not Otherwise
Specified (PDD-NOS) and lastly Autistic Disorder which is sometimes referred to as Kanner’s
Syndrome, see Figure 2.2. 19
Figure 2.2

17 Ibid. 18 Ibid. 19 “What Are the 5 Types of Autism?” Integrity Inc.Integrity, Inc, March 9, 2021.
person has intelligence levels and verbal skills that are above average, however “experience
challenges with social communication, inflexibility in thought and behavior.” 20 Children with
Asperger’s Syndrome struggle with transition between activities, functioning problems, failure to
express feelings in speech or have a consistently monotone pitch, and lastly they have difficulty
interacting with peers. 21
Rett Syndrome is a very rare Neurodevelopmental disorder that is diagnosed during
infancy. It is most commonly seen in girls while it is a debilitating disorder that “affects almost
every aspect of a child’s life, loss of standard movement and coordination, challenges with
communication and speech, as well as breathing difficulties in some cases.” 22
Childhood Disintegrative Disorder (CDD) is also known as Heller’s Syndrome or
Disintegrative Psychosis and is classified through “delayed developmental problems in language,
motor skills, or social function.” 23 It is commonthat a child with CDD will hit a point in their
development between the ages 3-10 that is extremely disheartening, as it is most commonly a
later diagnosis. The cause of CDD is currently unknown, while “researchers have linked it to the
neurobiology of the brain.”24 It is most common inboys, specifically nine out of 10 children with
CDD would be boys and only one would be a girl. 25 Once the disorder is established within a
child’s development, it is common they will lose skills and abilities that they had previously
20 “What Are the 5 Types of Autism?” Integrity Inc.Integrity, Inc, March 9, 2021. 21 Ibid. 22 Ibid. 23 Ibid. 24 Ibid. 25 Ibid.
skills. 26
Pervasive Developmental Disorder - Not Otherwise Specified is sometimes referred to as
“Subthreshold Autism” and is a mild type of Autism that can project a wide range of problems,
most commonly in social and language development. 27 This type of Autism really classifies
anyone who has a few, but not all challenges with Autism.
Autistic Disorder or Kanner’s Syndrome was originally developed as infantile Autism,
while children will still “appear attractive, alert and intelligent with underlying characteristics of
the disorder.” 28 Characteristics include little tono emotional attachment with others, challenges
within communication and interaction, uncontrolled speech and an obsession with handling
objects. 29
Neurodiversity is a term that was created in hopes to expand the classifications within
Neurodevelopmental disorders. It “refers to a larger category of people with varying neurological
differences, as well as neurotypical people.” 30 Specificallythis can include people with ADHD,
Tourette Syndrome, Depression, Dyslexia, Intellectual Disabilities, Schizophrenia, Autism or
anyone with a neurological difference. 31 There aremany ways in which people with Autism
differ from one another, as the clinical profile is neither uniform nor absolutely demarcated; it
26 “What Are the 5 Types of Autism?” Integrity Inc.Integrity, Inc, March 9, 2021. 27 Ibid. 28 Ibid. 29 Ibid. 30 Brusie, Chaunie. “Neurotypical: All You Need to Know and More.” Healthline Media, November 15, 2021. 31 Ibid.