1 minute read
Background, History + Motivation
Background, History + Motivation
While looking at Autism rates within young children in the United States, it has been
noted that diagnoses have exponentially increased within the past three decades. More
specifically, in 2019, 1 in 36 children under the age of 4 were diagnosed with Autism in New
Jersey. 1 The highest rates of Autism ever in theUnited States have been measured in New Jersey
preschoolers, see Figure 1.4. This rate has “increased faster than in other states studied and the
rate of Autism among children there has tripled in a generation.” 2 The most common age range
for an official diagnosis is between the ages of two and three, which is the age where children are
beginning to enter the world of education. A preschool facility is essentially the first important
1 “Data & Statistics on Autism Spectrum Disorder.”Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, December 2, 2021. 2 Washburn, Lindy. “NJ Preschoolers Have Highest AutismRates Ever in US, but Garden State Also Best at Reporting.” North Jersey Media Group, April 12, 2019.
educational environment that a child is to step foot in. Within typical-developing schools,
children with Autism have great difficulty within the built environment. This is due to the
everyday struggles with sensory dysfunctions, comprehension, and overall functioning. Research
has shown that schools have been designed for children with Autism in two specific approaches
in hopes to aid the environmental stimulation and allow students to thoroughly focus, control and
appreciate the space in which they are present. While appeasing the variations of Autism, it will
be important to incorporate both design approaches to create a space that will minimize
stimulation in some areas, while maximizing stimulation in others.
Figure 1.4
Aims + Objectives