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Ellen Setterfield

OUGD603 Extended Practice

Brief 2

The Brief and Research Alec Dudson from Intern magazine set a brief to design a new magazine for a niche audience. Alec is the founder of Intern Magazine, a new, bi-annual independent print publication concerned with internships in the creative industries. Intern was funded by a Kickstarter campaign and targets a very specific audience. Alec set a brief to come up with a new

magazine for a niche audience. In groups of five an idea would have to be presented at the end of the workshop. Deliverables were a title, an audience, a cover and a storyboard for a Kickstarter. Research for this brief was a group effort and did not include

much secondary research online. The most important factor was that the idea reached a very specific target audience and had very unique content. Kickstarter campaigns vary depending on the topic and therefore have very different outcomes.


Ellen Setterfield

OUGD603 Extended Practice

Brief 2

named ‘A Day In The Life’ this magazine would feature interviews with people who would be considered to have strange jobs. Each issue would consist of 7 interviews with 24 questions in each interview. The significance of this coincides with the number of months in a year and also the number of issues published each year.

The aesthetic of the magazine will be very modern with simple layouts that allow the full interview to be published without editing out sections. The design uses Mermaid typeface which is a modern serif font that suits the magazine.

Development By brainstorming ideas in small groups ideas were able to develop quickly, this made the design process much easier as there were a lot of concepts to refine and work with. By adhering to a set of requirements given by Alec building the design was simple as each idea had a question to answer. The result of the brainstorm was to create a magazine


Ellen Setterfield

OUGD603 Extended Practice

Cover Mock-ups The final cover mock-ups were presented in the pitch at the end of the workshop. There were two options for the aesthetic, one using a prop associated with a particular job or the other featuring a full length image of a worker in their working environment. The first design is the most successful as it creates an enigma for readers as they can guess what

job uses each prop. The cover also features the tag line ‘Real people. real jobs’ which encompasses the whole concept of the magazine. Overall the workshop went very well and feedback suggested that the magazine could be successful if released. Unfortunately due to time constraints a story board of the Kickstarter campaign was not produced.

Brief 2


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