Do Animals Really Murder One Another? September 17, 2017
Maybe a lot of us do not stop to wonder if animals really murder one another. We have all seen the animal and nature shows where one species hunts down another, they show lots of scenarios. We may see a brown bear snatching a juicy salmon out of a mountain stream, or a poor antelope getting run down by a speeding cheetah – but that is always for food. The question here is whether or not animals murder one another for other reasons such as anger, spite, or even love.
Which Type of Animal Gets Murdered Most Often It is mostly for food and nutrition that we see many deaths between interspecies. However, when it comes to murder among animals, what we actually see is that animals tend to murder mostly their own kind. If we examine the arachnids and insects, what we see is sexual cannibalism. There are several species where the female actually eats a male either after, during or before their ritual of mating. A couple examples of this are the black widow spider and the Chinese mantis. And surprisingly enough, shark embryos have been known to gobble up their siblings while inside the womb of their mother shark.
Reasons for Animals Murdering Animals Of course, animal murder doesn’t always involve eating. There are several fish species such as bettas and cichlids that as adult become extremely territorial. They will attack and even kill other fish there are placed in their areas of control. We can examine and see that all through the Earth’s animal kingdoms, there are countless battles that occur over the claim of mates – sometimes these conflicts result in death. Believe it or not, there are some species of hummingbirds that have been known to lethally