4 Future Skills Our Children Will Need themindguild.com/4-future-skills-our-children-will-need October 28, 2018
Getting educated is supposed to prepare people for our society in the future. Traditionally speaking, this used to mean we only needed to learn a set of specific skills and facts, such as when Columbus sailed across the Atlantic and discovered America, or simply learning our multiplication tables. These days, we are seeing curriculums shift their focus to a more digital world. They now tend to focus on cultural history, writing code, and basic computer skills. In reality, our kids will face challenges that are far different than the challenges we faced when we were children. The average student today will learn not only new topics, but they will also learn different skills. As a matter of fact, there was a study conducted at the University of Oxford which revealed that 47% of jobs that are available today will probably be gone 20 years from now. It is believed that in 20 years, a lot of the things we presently know about our world today will not be true any longer. For instance, computers in the future won’t be digital. Also, we are now seeing software code itself is slowly disappearing and becoming less relevant. Many of what we see as great jobs today will either become automated in the future or no longer exist. Therefore, our kids will need to prepare specifically for the needs of the future world.
Understanding systems When we were kids, subjects we studied in school were static. We learned things like important dates in history which will never change in the future. However, when it comes to something like computer programming, changes will come quickly. When we first learned to program, we most likely used Basic Coding language, which hardly anyone uses today. Programmers now use mostly Python, but 10 years from now, that will probably be replaced with another type of code. As we mentioned earlier, future computers will not be digital, they will be totally different. It is believed that they will be based more on how the human brain works and will use quantum laws. Their data will probably be stored on material other than silicon. The point here is we really don’t know exactly how future computers will be configured, so we really can’t teach our kids about them yet.