7 Gospels you've Never Heard About

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7 Gospels you won’t find in the Holy Bible themindguild.com/7-gospels-you-wont-find-in-the-holy-bible March 19, 2019

The Christian Holy Bible has four (4) very special books known as the Gospels. These canonical books serve as narrations about the life of Jesus. The majority of the stories are legendary and well-known, and all Christians can quickly repeat the main events in those four books. Many of them are also able to list them by their name and their order. However, there are not very many people – including Christians – who are able to name any the gospels were not included in the Bible. In this list, we have identified the top seven (7) of the most interesting (or controversial) gospels that did not make into the Bible. All of these missing gospels were authored by Christians in ancient times, but they were surprisingly rejected. Most shocking is that some of them were written by the disciples of Jesus. Some of these texts were excluded for strictly editorial reasons, such as issues as to whether or not their authorship was truly known. And then there were others that had stories and teachings pertaining to Jesus that were considered to be heretical or way too controversial. The good news for today’s readers is that most of these forgotten texts actually still exist – either in whole or in part, and can be read online by those who enjoy religious texts.

The Gospel of Philip


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