Moore’s Law is Now Dead – 3 Predictions about Future Computers September 25, 2018
Several high tech gurus are quite adamant about how chip design is going to evolve in the near future. In order to continue the high tech progression we have been seeing, they tend to agree on one thing in regards to predictions about future computers. “Moore’s Law is dead. Moore’s Law is over.” This is what Mike Muller now believes, who is the chief technology officer from major chip designer Arm, which is a Japanese-owned company who manufactures processor cores for mobile phones.
Dealing With Increased Information Speeds Those of us who follow technology pretty much know that Moore’s Law has cranking along at a breakneck speed. This pace has made some people worry about the industry. “On one level it’s true, but I’d say, certainly from my perspective and Arm’s perspective, we don’t care,” Muller said, as he spoke during the Arm Research Summit 2018. Muller and his associates have very sound reasons for being indifferent about the end of Moore’s Law, which was the famous prediction claiming that the given number of transistors on a computer processor is going to double every 2 years. To begin with, most of these Arm-based processors that are being sold in the computer market, there is still lots of room for transistors to become smaller and for chips to get much faster. But most importantly, Arm fully believes that routine bumps in computing power which are used to affect Moore’s Law is going to continue, and will actually stem from alterations as to how these chips are designed.
3 Predictions about Future Computers 1) 3D chips will keep on improving the performance of processors. Muller thinks that chip designers will keep squeezing power from processors as they stack more processor dies and transistors on top of one another. “There’s a whole bunch of stuff happening in 3D, whether that’s within the silicon and 3D transistors stacking within a die, [or] stacking dies together,” he noted. 1/3