Online Moral Outrage Can Blow Up in Your Face October 23, 2018
During several studies, Benoît Monin, who is a professor of ethics and psychology from the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University, and a PhD candidate named Takuya Sawaoka discovered that even though comments against behavior viewed as offensive may be considered as legitimate and even admirable, they can often generate more sympathy for offenders when more and more people attack them. This is not something that those who claim the moral high ground would ever expect to see.
Viral Anger “One of the features of the digital age is that anyone’s words or actions can go viral, whether they intend to or not,” Sawaoka points out. “In many cases, the social media posts that are met with viral outrage were never intended to be seen by people outside of the poster’s social circle. Someone doesn’t even need to be on social media in order for their actions to go viral.” Due to the power of social media, any polarized response to behavior viewed as questionable has the potential to reach much further than ever imagined before. “We’ve all either been in one of those maelstroms of outrage or just one step away from one as bystanders on our social media news feeds,” stated Monin, reminding us just how frequently these public outbursts occur on social media. For instance, in the year 2013 there was a considerable uproar when a young woman sent out a tweet that it was impossible for her to get AIDS during her upcoming trip to Africa since she was white. Her tweet, which she later claimed was just a joke, blew up and went viral on social media and rapidly wound up in the news. In the end, she lost her job over the tweet. “On the one hand, speaking out against injustice is vital for social progress, and it’s admirable that people feel empowered to call out words and actions they believe are wrong,” urges Sawaoka. “On the other hand, it’s hard not to feel somewhat sympathetic for people who are belittled by thousands of strangers online, and who even lose friends and careers as a result of a poorly thought-out joke.”
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