Proof the Resistance is More Fascist than Trump October 20, 2018
While observing the political landscape over the past few years, it is quite remarkable how polarized things have gotten. Some terms that I keep hearing being thrown around very liberally is when the left calls President Trump and his followers “fascists” or “Nazis”. I can’t help but ask, “Do these people even know what those terms mean?”
How Can Trump Be Fascist? To begin with, if President Trump really was a fascist, then they wouldn’t even be allowed to say those things. Secondly, such an ideology would require a bigger government, and President Trump has actually reduced the power of the government. So those labels couldn’t be anymore wrong. One thing I have observed in my life is that when people point fingers at others, those people are often times guilty of the accused act themselves. So I wondered if these accusations of fascism were actually being hurled by people who are fascists. In the great book, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, written by the late and brilliant Brazilian philosopher Paulo Freire, we are told that those “who were oppressed” or perceived to be oppressed, often become oppressors in the end.
Definition of a Fascist So after reading and reviewing the 14 defining characteristics of fascism, as written by Dr. Lawrence Britt, I discovered that my instincts were true. The liberal leftist movement (aka the resistance) is actually more fascist than President Trump and his followers whom they claim to be fascist. So let us examine further how many of these 14 fascist characteristics apply to the leftist movement: 1) Powerful and Continuing Nationalism – Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Social Media Hashtags: #notrump #notmypresident #nobannowall #impeachtrump #resist #resistance #metoo #believewomen #believesurvivors Symbols of the Resistance: