When will Science Create Renewable Energy

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When Will Science Keep Their Promises on Renewable Energy? themindguild.com/when-will-science-keep-their-promises-on-renewable-energy October 29, 2018

Over the past few decades, we have seen countless developments take place in our society. The various fields of science have produced many of these new developments. In just 20 years, we have seen the creation of the Internet and smart phones. Both of these have changed our lives forever. But there is one goal of science that we cannot seem to reach. In fact, when can’t even seem to get close to this goal. The goal I am referring to is renewable energy. For many years, we have stated that our ultimate goal is to quit using fossil fuels altogether in the near future. This is an admirable goal for many reasons. It would be very difficult to find someone who wouldn’t agree with this. The problem is that science is forever reporting about all their achievements in the field of alternative energy sources. We read about this all the time, but it seems that very few of these great scientific achievements ever reach consumers. Here are some recent articles where science reports new developments in regarding to alternative energy.

Renewable energy will be equal or cheaper than fossil fuels in 2020 The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) believes wind and solar will be equal or cheaper than fossil fuels by 2020. Prices could be as low as three cents per kilowatt-hour for onshore wind and solar photovoltaic projects over the next two years. The average by 2020 is expected to be around five cents for onshore wind and six cents for solar photovoltaic auctions. Hydropower was the cheapest at five cents per kilowatt-hour, onshore wind at six cents, and bioenergy and geothermal sources at seven cents. Solar projects are still high in comparison at 10 cents per kWh Renewable energy will be equal or cheaper than fossil fuels in 2020 – NextBigFuture.com Renewable energy will be equal or cheaper than fossil fuels in 2020


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