Why the Left Can’t Resist Identity Politics – Even Though It is Destroying Them themindguild.com/why-the-left-cant-resist-identity-politics-even-though-it-is-destroying-them October 25, 2018
One of the relatively new political terms that is being thrown around quite a bit these days is the phrase “identity politics.” If you are not that familiar with the term, identity politics is when politicians take positions based solely on the perspective and interests of specific social groups that certain individuals identify with. More specifically, they may target their campaign strategies to embrace beliefs that align with people of color, or with people of a specific religious faith, or with those of a certain gender – or even with several of these social groups. Some examples of this are the Metoo and the black lives matter movements.
Democrats Moved to the Far Left The Democratic Party and the Liberals have openly embraced identity politics. After many years of being the party of labor, Democrats officially changed their focus to a party of social justice during President Obama’s administration. Thus, their desires and motives now fit those of identity politics like two finely machined gears. The only problem is that the Democratic Party has paid dearly for assuming this far left leaning position. We have long learned from past elections – especially Presidential elections – that moving toward the middle has been a winning strategy for both Democrats and Republicans. American voters have indicated over and over again that they collectively prefer moderates over fringe candidates.
Obama Ran as a Moderate People seem to forget that President Obama ran as a moderate in both of his Presidential elections because he knew that was the path to victory. In fact, his 2008 campaign did not even support gay marriage. It wasn’t until he got re-elected that he moved straight to the left and became involved in identity politics. And because of this, the Democrats wound up being politically weaker than it has been for almost a century. The Democrats lost over 1000 legislative seats during Obama’s terms and then they lost the 2016 Presidential Election as well.
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