VIII anno XVI edizione - 2O12
MUST M u s e o Te m p o r a n e o
Firenze Shanghai Genova Yiwu Roma Londra
a Maria Fulvia
‘Omnia […] quae nunc vetustissima creduntur, nova fuere’ Publio Cornelio Tacito
ARTOUR-O il MUST - Museo Temporaneo Le Città d’Arte per L’Arte Contemporanea
In collaboration with Italian Cultural Institute London ARTOUR-O il MUST 11 - 26 ottobre 2012 ‘A Red Carpet for Italian Interiors’ Ventique Flooring Couture 77 Lots Road, Chelsea, London, SW10 0RN UK ARTOUR-O il MUST produced by Ellequadro Documenti project conceived and organized by Tiziana Leopizzi The Board of Edition of London Vanessa Hall-Smith, Carlo Presenti, Tony Pontone Olivia Spatola and Renata Ramondo Organization graphic concept, technical organization, fund raising, Istitutional relationship mounting - Tiziana Leopizzi translations - LH editing e layout - Emanuele Marighella web site - Abatedesign administration - Giuliana Giribaldi logistics - Corrado de Ceglia organization secretariat - Chiara D’Aurizio, Francesca Mazzino Press Italy - Valeria Barbera Press London - Roberta Artioli ARTOUR-O il MUST info +39 3474372991|+39 3895126874|+39 3274053116 +44 (0) 07799063081
Special thanks to Carlo Presenti Director Italian Cultural Institute London , Luca Borzani President Genova Palazzo Ducale Fondazione per la Cultura and Director Pietro da Passano Warm thanks for the collaboration to Roberta Artioli, Vanessa Hall - Smith and Cecilia Sandroni Trio MalAcorda the Musicians contrabbasso Waler Ferrandi, Voce Lorena De Nardi, violoncello Vincenzo Malacarne and Giua chitarra and voce Sincere thanks to our Partners Matteo Bianchi and Matteo Margaroli and Eamon Spelman for the location and gracious hospitality Antonio Presti, Wanny di Filippo, Filippo Giacomo Fedriani, Beatrice Grassi, Federico Moro, Alessandra Oddi Baglioni, Giampaolo Paci, Pino Repetto, Stefania Migliorati, l’Archivio internazionale di Ellequadro, Armando Traverso Fratelli Traverso Traslochi Our media Partner Carlo Cambi Editore, Elena Rasori LH, Massimiliano Tonelli Artribune, Massimo Tonietti iOVO, Diego Santamaria Espoarte, Luca Curci Itsliquid Many thanks to all Friends of ARTOUR-O Stefano Bigazzi, Paolo Bottaro, Filippo Burroni, Lisa Cigolini, Nicola Evangelisti, Maurizio di Maggio, Matteo Graci, Salvatore la Rosa, Cristiana Margiacchi, Andrea Mereta, Gianfranco Molino, Giacomo Nicolella Maschietti, Giampiero Poggiali Berlinghieri, Gianni Proto, Alessandra Quattordio, Silvano Zanchi We would also like to thank the Protagonists, the Artists, the Companies, the Publishing Houses, the Institutions, the Operators, the Catena Concerto staff, the Essegraph staff with Loris, Marco and Stefano, the Ellequadro team and all those who, with their enthusiasm, their openness and their curiosity and their trust made this sixteenth edition, the second in London, possible. ARTOUR-O il MUST says goodbye to All of you and hopes to see you in Florence for the IX edition 8 - 10 march 2013.
ARTOUR-O il MUST MUSeo Temporaneo Firenz e Geno v a S ha ngha i Ro ma Y iw u Lo ndr a
ARTOUR-O il MUST Te m p o r a r y M u s e u m LONDON 2O12 11 - 26 october Italian Cultural Institute London
39 Belgrave Square Londra SW1X 8NX and
77 Lots Road Chelsea London SW10 0RN
Con il Patrocinio del Comune di Firenze e dell’Istituto Italiano di Cultura a Londra Comune di Genova
In collaboration with
It gives me great pleasure to welcome ARTOUR-O il MUST to London with this significant step on the journey linking art, territory and business. One of the many aims of ARTOUR-O is to emphasise the existence of an enlightened spirit of entrepreneurship, manifesting itself in an approach to commissioning work which is more lively than ever. So let’s take a look at the world of Il MUST in the premises of both Ventique and the Italian Cultural Institute, give a warm welcome to ARTOUR-O and its creator Tiziana Leopizzi, and get to know their vision of the Italian way of life. Carlo Presenti
Direttore Istituto Italiano di Cultura a Londra
On a cool evening in March 2009, I walked past the church of Santa Maria Novella in Florence with its splendid Tuscan Romanesque façade, entered the Hotel Minerva and made my first acquaintance with ARTOUR-O. Exhibition, art fair or what? I wasn’t sure but it didn’t matter. Here was a vibrant celebration of contemporary art and design in a city whose lifeblood is the achievement of artistic endeavour. Wandering through the many hotel rooms with work displayed on walls, chairs, tables and beds, I was struck by the thought that all the works of art in that great city had been contemporary in their time, some produced as part of a grand design and others for private pleasure and enjoyment. It was clear that the Florentine tradition of recognising and valuing creative expression was still very much alive. So I am delighted that ARTOUR-O is bringing its energy and vision to London, giving us an opportunity to experience the challenge and excitement of contemporary visual culture. The setting is neither gallery nor museum, allowing the work to be seen in a context more in tune with our everyday lives. I hope you will enjoy it. Vanessa Hall-Smith MBE
Director, British Institute of Florence 2004 -2011
Most illustrious Lord, Having now sufficiently considered the specimens of all those who proclaim themselves skilled contrivers of instruments of war, and that the invention and operation of the said instruments are nothing different to those in common use: I shall endeavour, without prejudice to any one else, to explain myself to your Excellency showing your Lordship my secrets, and then offering them to your best pleasure and approbation to work with effect at opportune moments as well as all those things which, in part, shall be briefly noted below. 1) I have extremely light and strong bridges, adapted to be most easily carried, and with them you may pursue, and at any time flee from the enemy; and others, secure and indestructible by fire and battle, easy and convenient to lift and place. Also methods of burning and destroying those of the enemy. 2) I know how, when a place is besieged, to take the water out of the trenches, and make endless variety of bridges, and covered ways and ladders, and other machines pertaining to such expeditions. 3) Idem. If, by reason of the height of the banks, or the strength of the place and its position, it is impossible, when besieging a place, to avail oneself of the plan of bombardment, I have methods for destroying every rock or other fortress, even if it were founded on a rock, etc. 4) Idem I have kinds of mortars; most convenient and easy to carry; and with these can fling small stones almost resembling a storm; and with the smoke of these causing great terror to the enemy, to his great detriment and confusion. 9) And when the fight should be at sea I have many kinds of machines most efficient for offence and defence; and vessels which will resist the attack of the largest guns and powder and fumes. 5) Idem. I have means by secret and tortuous mines and ways, made without noise to reach a designated [spot], even if it were needed to pass under a trench or a river. 6) Idem. I will make covered chariots, safe and unattackable which, entering among the enemy with their artillery, there is no body of men so great but they would break them. And behind these, infantry could follow quite unhurt and without any hindrance. 7) Idem. In case of need I will make big guns, mortars and light ordinance of fine and useful forms, out of the common type. 8) Where the operation of bombardment should fail, I would contrive catapults, mangonels, trabocchi and other machines of marvellous efficacy and not in common use. And in short, according to the variety of cases, I can contrive various and endless means of offence and defence. 10) In time of peace I believe I can give perfect satisfaction and to the equal of any other in architecture and the composition of buildings public and private; and in guiding water from one place to another. Idem: I can carry out sculpture in marble, bronze or clay, and also in painting whatever may be done, and as well as any other, be he whom he may. Again, the bronze horse may be taken in hand, which is to be to the immortal glory and eternal honour of the prince your father of happy memory, and of the illustrious house of Sforza. And if any one of the above-named things seem to any one to be impossible or not feasible, I am most ready to make the experiment in your park, or in whatever place may please your Excellency-to whom I commend myself with the utmost humility.
ARTOUR-O was born in 2005 with the aim of creating a dialogue between “Art and the Private Commissioner”. A successful partnership capable of leaving a clear message about the art of the moment thanks to both Italian artists and those from all over the world who, today as before, have chosen Italy as their home. As a result of globalisation, this dialogue can be understood more and more easily all over the world using an artistic language which is now familiar to all. ARTOUR-O in London demonstrates once again how art is related to design and private commissions, something that has been embedded in Italian culture for centuries. Beauty lives at the Temporary Museum, the result of a creativity that is the breeding ground for art, design and enlightened entrepreneurship. Welcome to the Ventique Showroom, where the “Must” has found its home - in Chelsea with its magnificent Design Centre and in a metropolis which is at the cutting edge of style. I would like to thank all those who have believed in this project, partners, friends and supporters, without whom we would not have been in a position to take the journey of making art improve the quality of life and the economy and our belief that “the market would not exist without culture”.* My sincere thanks for the welcome which we have been given and the invitation to “dive” into this concert of art and design in which the special project “Anfibio forever” is at its beginning but will be continued on our journey. Once again a warm welcome to all our visitors and we look forward to seeing you again at the ninth edition of ARTOUR-O in Florence on 8 March 2013. * Introduction of the Project MISA Museo Internazionale in progress per le Aziende, International Museum in Progress for the Companies - First edition, 2009
Tiziana Leopizzi
ARTOUR-O D’ORO Giuseppe Panza di Biumo
ARTOUR-O insieme a tutti gli amanti dell’Arte intende raccogliere il messaggio della illuminata Committenza del passato che ha reso uniche le nostre Città d’Arte
Adolfo Agolini Giulio Bargellini Agostino Barisione Alberto Bartalini Valdemaro Beccaglia Gianni
ARTOUR-O with all the Art lovers wishes to carry on the message of the Patronage of the past, which made our Art Cities unique
Bosatra Francesco Casoli Giacomo Cattaneo Adorno Kevin Chen Gianfranco Ciuchicchi Silvana Coveri Stefania d’Affitto L u c r e z i a D e D o m i z i o Durini Leonardo Domenici
Gori Beatrice Grassi Alessandra Grimaldi Hou
Wa n g
Paolo Marconcini Giorgio Marconi Maria P a o l e t t i M a s i n i Gualtiero Masini Elio Menzione Valentino Mercati Giorgio Messina Igor Mitoraj Vittorio Moretti Orlando Pandolfi Giuseppe Pericu Vittorio
Michelangelo e
Marco Nereo Rotelli Natalie Grenon e Piero Sartogo Daniele Spina
A R T O U R - O i l M U S T I Protagonisti del MUSeo Temporaneo Protagonists of MUST the Temporary Museum
Ambasciata d’Albania a Londra 33 St George’s Drive London, SW1V 4DG T. +44 (0) 207828 8897 | +44 (0) 207976 6424 F. +44 (0) 207828 8869 It is a great honour to welcome you to the new edition of ARTOUR-O il MUST.Our country is participating for a second time, this year with work by the artist Alfred MilotMirashi who recently won an award at the exhibition organized for the 2012 London Olympic Games at the Barbican Art Gallery. Ambassador Mr Mal Berisha Chargé D’Affaires to the United Kingdom
Alfred Milot Mirashi Open ARTOUR-O 2012 Firenze ferro, juta, gesso, oro, resina 190x18x60 cm 2012
Atelier - Gugliermetto Experience PL Diego Gugliermetto Via Fraschetti 27, 10070 Balangero TO T. +39 335 340316
Diego Gugliermetto Nodone Struttura in Poliuretano Rivestimento in tessuto elastico Bracciolo dx o sx 90x170x140 cm 2011
Berengo Studio PL Adriano Berengo Fondamenta Vetrai 109/A 30141 Murano Venezia T. +39 041 5276364 | +39 041 739453 F. +39 041 5276588
Juan Ripollés El Saxofonista vetro 49x31x22 cm 2011
Juan Ripollés El pianista vetro 48x32x31 cm 2011
Comune di Albissola Marina PL Gianluca Nasuti Piazza del Popolo 12 17012 Albissola Marina - SV T. +39 019 400291 www.
Silvia Celeste Calcagno Thursday - Giovedì Installazione con audio Photo Transfer su grès 1250° dimensioni variabili 2012
Comune di Assisi PL Marina Merli Arte Studio Ginestrelle St. Maria di Lignano 11, 06081 Assisi PG T.+39 075 802336 | F. +39 075 802336
Cate Nuto Puzzle di forme juta acrilico e legno 30x30x30 cm 2012
Sabato Angiero In tutto carte arrotolate particolare Ă˜ 30 cm 2009
Ignacio de Grado > Mind Working 2 acquarello - particolare 93x60 cm 2012
Comune di Impruneta PL Francesca Roberti Art•Art Impruneta Via della Croce 41, 50023 Impruneta - FI
Silvano Zanchi Senza Titolo acrilico su legno 60x120 cm 2009
Silvano Zanchi Vela pendente e spilla oro giallo e azzurrite 5x7 cm 2009
Andrè Parodi Monti Morfologia variabile acrilico su tela 160x100 cm 2012
Ellequadro Arte Contemporanea PL Renata Ramondo Palazzo Ducale - Piazza Matteotti 6 Loggiato Primo Piano 16123 Genova T. +39 010 2474544 | F. +39 010 2474475
Giorgio Faletti The music of the night tecnica mista su carta 85x65 cm 2011
Giua Morfologia variabile acrilico su tela 200x150 cm 2010 foto sede
Andrea Piotto Pulito splendente #4 lampadine, acqua e sapone 20x10x10 cm 2012 27
Fondazione Fiumara d’Arte PL Antonio Presti Piazza Stesicoro 15, 95100 Catania
Mauro Staccioli Piramide 38 pareallelo 2010
Adalberto Abbate Devozione alla bellezza pittura parietale
Fondazione Pablo Atchugarry Silvana Neme Moreno PL Tony Pontone Manantiales Maldonado 23900 Uruguay Ruta 104 Km 4500 - El Chorro T. +598 042 775563
courtesy Albemarle Gallery
Pablo Atchugarry Senza titolo marmo rosa del Portogallo 19,3x7,5x7,1 cm 2012 Pablo Atchugarry Senza titolo marmo di carrara 55x28x12 cm 2012 courtesy Albemarle Gallery
Franco Repetto Spiraglio Salvezza graffio/scultura legno inciso e combusto 50x50x3 cm 2011
Franco Repetto Ambito Giallo scultura pluriposizionabile ferro ossidato smaltato 38x30x50 cm 2010
Giovannetti Collezioni PL Benito Giovannetti Via Pierucciani 2, 51034 Casalguidi - PT T. +39 0573 946223 | F. +39 0573 946224 Project Alessandro Becchi Anfibio divano-letto, sofa bed modello storico esposto in permanenza al M.O.M.A. di New York 70x180x100 cm 1970
Progetto speciale ARTOUR-O il MUST Primo step Londra con Tommaso Cascella Pablo Echaurren Alba Folcio Giorgio Gatto Giua Andrea Piotto Giampiero Poggiali Berlinghieri
Secondo step Firenze 2013 Step conclusivo Pistoia 2013 Giovannetti Collezione
Project Sandro Santantonio Flower struttura in acciaio inox rivestimento in pelle, tessuto, spalmato 85x85x95 cm 2004
Marchesato degli Aleramici SocietĂ Agricola s.r.l. Podere Il Galampio frazione Camigliano 53024 Montalcino - SI T. +39 0577 816007 | +39 0577 849078 F. +39 0577 839030
Marchesato Degli Aleramici, Brunello di Montalcino, Tuscany 2006
Stefano Soddu Mistero tecnica mista 80x80 cm 2009
Brunivo Buttarelli Ricrescita marmo e legno 35x25x20 cm 2010
Matteo Bianchi Studio PL Matteo Bianchi 3, Stanford Mews E8 1JA London UK T. +44 (0) 207 275 7774
Matteo Bianchi Bella seduta con rivestimento in pelle scocca in impiallacciature di legno base in acciaio cromato 80x80x45 cm 2012
< Matteo Bianchi Muffin Pouffe seduta con rivestimento in pelle base in legno massiccio base girevole in acciaio satinato 60x45 cm 2012
Matteo Bianchi Bruno struttura in compensato laccato semi-lucido rivestimento interno in sughero o pelle 60x40 cm 2012 41
Museo e Biblioteca Internazionale della Musica di Bologna Villa La Vedetta Direttrice Jenni Servino Palazzo Sanguinetti Strada Maggiore 34 50125 Bologna T. +39 051 221117 | F. +39 051 2757728
Nicola Evangelisti Lamina Lucens scultura luminosa acciaio e tubi a catodo freddo 2011
courtesy ARTOUR-O il MUST Villa La Vedetta
< Nicola Evangelisti Gabriele Pesci, Fabio Bozzetto Orologio del Tempo 2012 videoproiezione interattiva courtesy Paci Contemporary
Museo Luzzati Direttore Sergio Noberini Area Porto Antico 6, 16128 Genova T. +39 010 2530328
Marina Profumo Where Are We Going? cemento, foglio di plastica stampato, vernice 59x30x20x cm 2011
Daniele Bisagni La maschera dello stress tavole in legno riciclate 69x49x45 cm 2012
Giampiero Poggiali Berlinghieri > Punto rosso acrlici su tela 60x60 cm 2011 44
Paraxo - Centro Culturale PL Alessandra Pischedda Via RangĂŠ 99, 17021 Alassio - SV T.|F. +39 0182 641163
Fukushi Ito Nello spazio e nel tempo / Machiavelli K computer drawing su tela 46x82 cm 2012
Renza Sciutto Senza titolo vetrofusione 63x40 cm 2012
Alba Folcio Mondo rame, filo luminoso scultura illuminata dallâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;interno Ă&#x2DC; 30 cm 2010 47
Potsy > Plastic Food Project plastica riciclata 80x80x55 cm 2010
Valeria Catania Chirurgia Plastica plastica riciclata Ă&#x2DC; 50x225 cm 2012
Plastic Food Project PL Barbara Filippetti Via G. Leopardi 1, 06019 Umbertide - PG T. +39 348 2869485
Sarah Angelica Pardo PL Antonio Massarutto Via Nazionale, 67 52044 Cortona - AR T. +39 0575 603495 | F. +39 0575 603495
Antonio Massarutto Shopping Zip Vitello Calfskin 2012
Antonio Massarutto Ero un pollaio ferro acrilico 2012
Antonio Massarutto Anelli Toys Bronzo bagnato oro onice 2012 Antonio Massarutto Senza titolo legno,ferro 2012
Antonio Massarutto Ero una poltrona (cinghiale) resina, stoffa, ferro 2012
Teatro della Tosse Piazza Renato Negri 4, 16123 Genova
PL Raffaella Benetti Belgium
Raffaella Benetti > Flowers stampa carta barita supporto kapa mount 30x20 cm 2012 Raffaella Benetti Pensiero installazione - particolare bronzo,legno h.125 cm 2010 courtesy Gardeco new design 53
Università di Parma PL Pinuccio Sciola Via Università 12, 43121 Parma T. +39 052 1902111 Pinuccio Sciola
Ventique Flooring Couture PL Matteo Margaroli | Eamon Spelman 77 Lots Road, Chelsea, London, SW10 0RN UK T. 0044 (0) 207 349 9876 | 0845 519 7574
Matteo Margaroli Olympic Rug 2012 tappeto 200x300 cm 2012
Matteo Margaroli LUC poltrona 120x80x46 cm 2001 Matteo Margaroli LUS poltrona 80x90x70 cm 2001
XXI SILICO PL Alessandro Ciffo Via G. Matteotti 12, 13811 Andorno Micca - BI
Alessandro Ciffo Jean-Michael grafica a ugello 80x90x80 cm 2012 58
Alessandro Ciffo Victor grafica a rullo 80x90x80 cm 2012 59
ZATOO PL Valerio Tunesi | Martina Zappettini Piazza de Marini 3, 16123 Genova Corso Buenos Aires 24/11, 16043 Chiavari T. | F. +39 1085 73340 M. +39 3280380034 | F. +39 0185 300584 info@tunesi studio.ue | www.tunesistudio.ue
Zatoo Colourbox - prototipo legno e stoffa con meccanismo in acciaio 91x42x45 cm 2012
gli Amici di ARTOUR-O
Stefano Pizzi Marco Pellizzola Beppe Sabatini
Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera Direttore Stefano Pizzi Via Brera 28, 20121 Milano T. +39 02 869551
CAMEC Centre for Modern and Contemporary Art - La Spezia Direttrice Marzia Ratti Via Prione 236, 19100 La Spezia T. +39 0187 778544 | F. +39 0187 777179 Franco de Courten
Palazzo Cigola Martinoni PL Cesare Feiffer Via Roma 19, 25020 Cigole - BS T. +39 030 9038463
Fondazione Nazionale Carlo Collodi Via Pasquinelli 6/8, 51014 Collodi Pescia - PT T. +39 0572 429613 | F. +39 0572 429613 Marco Zanuso con decorazioni di Augusto Piccoli Il Grande Pescecane cemento armato, pietre di fiume raschiatura di vetro 1972
Istituto Italiano di Cultura a Londra 39 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8NX UK T. 020 7235 1461 | F. 020 7235 4618
Giampiero Poggiali Berlinghieri Ex-libris bronzo 205x40x40 cm 2004
Brunivo Buttarelli Energie compresse ferro, ferrozinco 53x54x51cm 2009 67
Fratelli Levaggi PL Davide Conti Via Parma 469, 16043 Chiavari - GE T. +39 0185 383092 | F. +39 0185 383092
Life Forms PL Lino di Vinci Via Buranello 12/1 16149 Genova T. +39 010 8597897 M. +39 347 3696438
Lino di Vinci SottofondoLightbox plexiglass Neonlights B 70x70 cm 2012
Luca Curci architects Corso Vittorio Emanuele II 33, 70122 Bari T. +39 080 5234018 Luca Curci Circular Borders Mixed media 100Ă&#x2014;150 cm 2009
La app di Artribune per iPhone e iPad è disponibile sull'app store di iTunes e per ora è in regalo. Dunque scaricatela quanto prima per non perdere le coordinate dell'arte attorno a voi.
Palazzo della Meridiana PL Nicoletta Viziano Salita San Francesco 4, 16124 Genova T. +39 10 2541996
MISA is an in progress sculpture museum dedicated to enterprises. It aims to be a reference for international contemporary artists who work on Italian territory within selected companies. The focus is to grow up lifestyle and culture inside these working places such as suggestive lanscape, urban, entrepreneural or interior contexts. MISA is a network which underlines the important tradition of purchasing in our country and which even today testifies the art of our time. There is a big social valency in MISA, thanks to the use of art in living locations such as industrial or turistic establishments. MISA and ARTOUR-O il MUST MISA is a daugther project of ARTOUR-O the MUST (Temporary MUSeum). The MISA d’Argento award integrates ARTOUR-O d’Argento, given to participants who create new ‘points of art’, in this way allowing to write a page of our historical moment in the big book of art history. IPOTESI DINAMICA is an exhibition of maquettes going on tour with MISA. The artists taking part in this project: Stefano Agosta, Sabato Angiero, Claudia Ballesio, Brunivo Buttarelli, Nado Canuti, Tommaso Cascella, Lucilla Catania, Cate Nuto, Diego Collareda, Alessandro d’Ercole, Corrado de Ceglia, Franco de Courten, Enzo Esposito, Nicola Evangelisti, Giorgio Faletti, Paolo Fiorellini, Alba Folcio, Giorgio Gatto, Anna Girolomini, Giua, Giovanni Grigolini, Alessandra Imperati, Adriano Leverone, Carlo Lorenzetti, Lorenzo Malfatti, Alfred Milot Mirashi, Clelia Mori, Szymon Oltarzewski, Andrè Parodi Monti, Andrea Piotto, Giampiero Poggiali Berlinghieri, Potsy, Alfredo Rapetti Mogol, Marco Nereo Rotelli, Renza Sciutto, Stefano Soddu, Daniele Statera, Alberto Timossi, Paolo Torri, Silvano Zanchi. MISA network’s ‘points of art’ are in Liguria, Lombardy, Tuscany, Umbria, Veneto and Lazio.
MISA Volpiano coming soon...
MISA EATALY ROMA Oscar Farinetti Air Terminal Ostiense Piazzale XII Ottobre 1492 ROMA T. +39 06 90279201 Giorgio Faletti
MISA Fonte del giglio Alessandra Oddi Baglioni Piazza Marconi 24, 06019 Umbertide PG T. +39 0759 413768 | M. +39 339 8600228 Alfredo Rapetti Mogol - Andrea Piotto Alfred Milot Mirashi - Tommaso Cascella
Comune di Firenze Palazzo Vecchio Piazza della Signoria 50122 Firenze
Genova Palazzo Ducale Fondazione per la Cultura Piazza Matteotti 9, 16123 GENOVA T. +39 010 5574000 | F. +39 010 5574001
Ambasciata d’Albania p.12 Alfred Milot Mirashi Atelier - Gugliermetto Experience TO p.14 As a ten year old child Diego Gugliermetto meets inside Gufram family firm, Pietro Gilardi and Ugo Nespolo, who were already active experimenters of creative art languages. He remained struck by Pop Art and by what followed with the formal creations of architects and artists (designers didn’t exist as such at the time) who created unusual forms and design object with new materials which were light and enjoyable to carve, paint or dress with many coloured fabrics: let’s think of pieces such as Cactus, Mouth, Pratone, Cut-off, Stones, Torneraj, Capitello… Gugliermetto still considers Pietro Gilardi his great Maestro. Diego begins to “to play” with polyurethane frequenting at the same time the Faculty of Architecture with professors Giorgio De Ferrari and Gino Bistagnino. He performs and produces scenography and costumes for well known entertainment events in Turin and conveys his craftsmanship to furniture objects, exchanging know-how with important names of interior design in Italy: Saporiti, Missoni, Moroso. At the end of the Nineties he starts working directly on “Multiples” for Gufram, the firm which he will then pass on to Poltrona Frau in 2004, after the success of the show “The Rock Furniture” at the Castle of Rivoli in Turin. For five years he devotes
himself o interior design, to light design and to research. He later returns to polyurethane with the approach of an art designer and edits the actual thread conductor of his very popular one-man show “ A History of True Fabulous Folly “. Since 2009 he produces again “Multiples” for Gufram on behalf of Poltrona FrauCassina while also not abandoning his successful creative editions. He’s an ADI Member and has participated to Artissima 15 taking also part with his art-design objects at the celebrations for Turin World Design Capital. In 2010 he has been invited to expose at the Museum of the Sea of Imperia during “Vele D’Epoca”, and has taken part to BAM in Carmagnola and to “The Design Village” by ADI Piedmont in Pinerolo. He has been invited to various one-man shows such as the installation for “Design Treat” at the Galliano Habitat Design Museum fortheevent“NonealCioccolato”. In 2011 he has been invited to AAF in Milan by Evviva Noè Gallery. For ESPERIENZA ITALIA 150° his show BIG EAT, BIG SEAT has been hosted within the exhibition PLEASE HAVE A SIT within by Museo del Design GH, Torino. Berengo Studio VE p.16 Juan Ripollés Berengo Studio represents one of the more innovative efforts to encourage the use of glass as an expression of contemporary artistic requirements. During the 1980s and 1990s, the studio’s founder, Adriano Berengo, invited the early
artists to use glass in their artistic experiments. As a result of their collaborations with master glass-makers, many artists began to translate their - generally pictorial - works into glass sculptures. Berengo Studio’s project is striving to free glass from its perception as simply a functional material and Murano glass’s prevalently decorative tradition and to make glass a vibrant medium for use in contemporary art. For almost twenty years, more than 140 international artists have come to the Berengo furnace to create glass sculptures and have contributed to making this ambitious project real. With galleries in Venice, Murano and Tokyo, Berengo Studio today boasts of its works being found in numerous public and private collections throughout the world. Recently, an old, early 20thcentury glass furnace on Murano has regained importance after many years of disuse; the structure has been transformed into an exhibition space to display all the prototypes carried out by Berengo Studio over the years as well as glass works created in other parts of the world. Last year the furnace, called Berengo Centre for Contemporary Art in Glass, hosted an exhibition conceived and organized by Adriano Berengo, GLASSTRESS 2011, collateral event at the 54 Venice’ Biennale. Comune di Albissola SV p.18 Artisti: Silvia Celeste Calcagno The Municipality of Albissola Marina and AdAC University of Genoa are collaborating to realize MuDAC: the Diffuse
Museum of Contemporary Art (opening 2014). In such context the Cultural Association “Gruppo AccA” is working on an international program of residency for artists and ceramics. The MuDAC aims to preserve and enhance the historical and artistic heritage of Albissola, which comes from the avant-gards season characterizing the city from 1920 to 1970 and its ceramics tradition. That heritage is today spread all over the territory: between the Bruciati hill (House Museum Asger Jorn) and the Artists Promenade (1963). Comune Di Assisi PG p.20 Sabato Angiero - Cate Nuto Ignacio de Grado Arte Studio Ginestrelle is a cultural centre set in the hills of the Regional Park of Mount Subasio, near the town of Assisi (UNESCO World Heritage Site) famous for its fresco by Giotto and Cimabue. It offers residencies to artists from all artistic disciplines and its aim is to support excellence and originality. The main objec- tives are to promote contem- porary art in all its diverse forms within an international context and to set up an exchange of ideas within various disciplines of contemporary art practice. Comune d’Impruneta FI p.22 Andrè Parodi Monti Silvano Zanchi Ellequadro Arte Contemporanea GE p.24 Giorgio Faletti - Giua Andrea Piotto Founded by Renata Ramondo Leopizzi in 1978, since
the beginning Ellequadro focused the attention on design and sculpture. In the early years the exhibitions of Afro, Enrico Baj, Anthony Caro, Andrea Cascella, Pietro Consagra, Carlo Lorenzetti, Manzù, Fausto Melotti, Moore, Victor Pasmore, Santomaso, Sol Lewitt, Tom Wesselman. The database, started in 1988, gathers information about 150.000 artists from 1900 on. Since 2006 the exhibition space is at Palazzo Ducale, Genoa, where it continues its ‘check in’ activity, but devoting itself to spreading art projects in Italy and foreign countries such as ARTOURO il MUST Art Cities for Contemporary Art and MISA. Fondazione Fiumara d’Arte CT p.26 Adalberto Abbate Fondazione Atchugarry URUGUAY p.28 Pablo Atchugarry Franco Repetto The Pablo Atchugarry Foundation is a non profit organi- zation based in Manantiales, Maldonato, Uruguay. The structure consists of the sculptors lab, a building with three exhibition rooms, an auditorium for music, conferences and video projections, and a space that displays the perma- nent collection and the works of the founder. The exterior is a forty acres park that blends the works of international artists with nature. Giovannetti Collezione PT p.32 Alessandro Becchi Sandro Santantonio e
Progetto Speciale ANFIBIO Tommaso Cascella - Pablo Echaurren - Alba FolcioGiorgio Gatto - Giua Andrea Piotto - Giampiero Poggiali Berlinghieri Founded in the mid six- ties, Giovannetti hit imme- diately the international attention with innovative and researched products, perfectly matching the experimental climate of those years, when new forms were being created and new ways were sought to satisfy the grow- ing necessity of relaxing, meeting and conversing. This is the philosophy which gave birth to a series of projects – numerous those designed by Superstudio of Florence – which today may be found in the most precious art galleries and achieve astonishing figures at international auctions at Christie’s or Sotheby’s. First among all Anfibio (1970), a product which, born as a convertible sofa, fulfilling both functions of sofa and bed in a simple and poetic way; adds the sensuality and charisma of those who continue to interpret the people’s desires, today like yesterday. Anfibio enabled the commercial growth of the company (more than 31,000 pieces produced); moreover the cultural one, raising it to the Olympus of Art and Design by the assignment of a series of awards which made it be- ing represented in the col- lections of the major muse- ums of contemporary art in the world. Marchesato degli Aleramici SI p.36 Brunivo Buttarelli
Stefano Soddu The farm Marchesato degli Aleramici was born in 1986 near Siena, in the munici- pality of Montalcino, where the farm Il Galampio is. Located in Pian delle Vi- gne, the old farmhouse rises on the side of a gen- tle slope that runs from the state-owned forest to the river Ombrone. The vineyards and the olive tree groves, facing the east and the west, grow mainly around the farmhouse, on a surface of about 40 acres out of the 120 acres of the property. The Senese area, of which Montalcino is part, is one of the world’s oldest areas planted with vines. In this context are produced wines like the Brunello di Montalcino, the Rosso di Montalcino and in ancient times, before those renown wines were produced, in the farmhouse Il Galampio a peculiar red wine was produced, made from the same vines as the Brunello. Since 2008 the farmhouse Il Galampio is part of the natural reserve Il Bogatto. Matteo Bianchi Studio UK p.38 Matteo Bianchi Studio combines playful, unique and refined Interior design and product design. Working on both commercial and residential projects in London and internationally, Matteo Bianchi Studio aims to fill the niche between solo interior designers and multinational design consultancies. Matteo Bianchi’s style is playful yet intelligent, unique yet refined. The studio have recently completed projects in Kensington; a three bedroom pied-aterre, Islington; a luxury, inde81
pendent estate agency and an independent Deli in Barbican. A natural progression from interior design, Matteo Bianchi Studio designed a range of elegant yet playful and functional products the debut of which being the Muffin Pouffe. Handmade with the finest materials, the Muffin Pouffe is a luxurious seat with hidden storage from Italian designer Matteo Bianchi. The Muffin Pouffe’s ‘ingredients’ are selected by the customer from a range of beautifully handcrafted, solid wooden bases, Italian prime cut leathers and buttons. Following on from the design of the Muffin Pouffe Matteo Bianchi Studio have designed a collection of Playful Elegant pieces combining functionality with a beautiful aesthetic that he feels is lacking from the market for both commercial and residential spaces. ‘Bella’ is an elegant occasional seat made with fine Italian leather, with a storage drawer beneath, and ‘Bruno’ is a coffee table with a hidden storage that doubles up as a laptop tray. Museo e Biblioteca Internazionale della Musica di Bologna e Villa La Vedetta p.40 Nicola Evangelisti Museo Luzzati GE p.42 Daniele Bisagni Marina Profumo Giampiero Poggiali Berlinghieri Opened in 2001, the museum dedicated to Emanuele Luzzati is located in the Porto Antico Area (old harbour). Hosted in the spaces of Porta Siberia, the old access to the city, the museum is a space 82
designed for children and teenagers, with didactic rooms, entertainment and video projection areas. The museum displays a permanent exhibition of the Luzzati’s work, together with the massive poyurethane Totem realized for the play The Birds of Aristophanes, that became the symbol of the museum. Paraxo Centro culturale SV p.44 Alba Folcio - Fukushi Ito Renza Sciutto Born in 1988 from an idea of Renza Sciutto, with the organization of the multimedia review “Ricostruzione-reconstruction” in the ancient medieval village of Andora. In 1990, the review of contemporary art Paraxo became Biennal, involving Artists of different generations and origins, Italian and foreign, who intervene directly on the territory creating on purpose their works for spaces involved. In 2001 a new event “la via dell’arte - the road of the art”, that involves many Cities of the Province of Savona, with contemporary art exhibitions, interactive days, performances, shows... From 2002 to 2004, the association has ruled the Ceramic Museum “M. Trucco” in Albisola Superiore. Since 2002, the cultural centre is twinned with the chinese cultural association: Sanbao Ceramic Art Institute in Jingdezhen, Capital of Ceramic in the world. Plastic Food Project PG p.46 Valeria Catania - Potsy “Plastic food”. this is the last of a series of installations that be-
gins in 2000, and all characterized from the us- ing of plastic materials. Pot- sy is convinced that people live an unpaid love with the same plastic that has become marvellous and ir- replaceable. This artwork is nothing more than an invi- tation to make a walk trou- ought a landscape that is futuristic and present at the same time. We think that it’s far away by our marvellous Umbrian hills, but it’s not real so distant. This artwork come from a very easy consideration, we must reduce our production of rubbish. We cant’ wait una- ware anymore, the future is in front of our eyes and we aren’t be able to see it because our lives are dis- tracted from many useless things. The big problem is that in future, our children will not able to enjoy a landscape and a style of life that are so normal for us but not so obvious in fu- ture. We can walk quietly walk in a filed smelling the perfume of the fresh green, we can feel the delight- full fragrance of the hay bales, so we can recover our cantact with the nature everyday. This is the inher- itance that we must live to the future generations. “Plastic Food” represents what we will live, what we expect and that unfortu- nately is past and present at the same time in other regions. We survive in a so- ciety that cannibalizes cer- tainties and that is trying in anyway to be a substitute against the natural evolu- tion of simple living things. Our society has transformed plant- eater into carnivores, following a perverse profit logic, the same that at
the and will rebound on us. Sarah Angelica Pardo AR p.48 Antonio Massarutto Antonio Massarutto is an eclectic artist currently working as a professional designer in Italy and China. A sculptor, painter, pho- tographer, graphic artist, and even an actor in his spare time, he moves with extreme ease between the various artistic disciplines. From childhood on, lines and forms have played an essential role in Antonio’s universe and determined his course of studies. He was educated at the Art In- stitute of Cordenons, his city of origin, and the Academy of Applied Arts, Milan. His first work experiences in his native region of Friuli led him to an immediate collaboration as a designer for major companies such as BMW and ELECTROLUX. Parallel to this, Antonio con- tinues to pursue his creative vein, which leads him to ex- periment with other forms of expression. He works in fashion, producing T-shirt collections, as a consultant to interior designers. Antonio Massarutto soon realized that his knowledge of the plastic arts could be put to the service of jewel- lery design, and he began to work as a designer for major Italian goldsmith companies. Since 2005 he has been collaborating with the Hong Kong com- pany, KTL Jewellery Manu- facturer Ltd., first creating the Italian brand Rosso De- sign, followed in 2008 by his range Rosso Academy, a top line of jewellery inspired by today’s trends and inno- vative design.
Teatro della Tosse GE p.50 Studio d’Arte Raffaella Benetti RO Raffaella Benetti was born in Canaro Italy, in 1961. She studied philosophy and later at the Venice Euro- pean Centre for the Trades and Professions of the Con- servation of Architectural Heritage. 2005 to 2007 she attended a course of Archi- tecture and Arts for Liturgy at the Pontifical University S. Anselmo in Rome. Here started a path of research on the Icon and Byzantine Art. In 2012 the course for curators and art events at the Slovenian Public Exhibi- tion Center in Venice. Initially became interested in painting focusing her ar- tistic research on the rela- tion color-light. By the end of the nineties she devoted himself to sculpture and created works with the use of materials such as gold, marble, bronze. Influenced by writers such as Mircea Eliade, Pavel Florenskij, Elemire Zolla, G. Bachelard, she addresses a special attention to the symbol, symbol that the artist uses in his plastic language which thus acquires a precise character and originality. Raffaella has made both individual and group exhi- bitions. Her work appears both in private and public collections. p.52 Università di Parma Pinuccio Sciola
porary world: a workman, an artist, a de- signer and a manufacturer who makes his own prod- ucts. Alessandro is a mod- ern alchemist, capable of transmuting matter into material through invention- and wit, even capable of turning it into the setting of his projects, with the inten- tion of arousing emotions. ZATOO GE p.58 COLOURBOX is a vivacious chair, out of time and uninvolved in fashion: it reminds, out of scale, of a box of wax crayons or colored chalks. When it is closed it represents the packaging, the box itself. When it is open it represents the discovery of colours and the mechanism adds interest to the curiosity to try it. The materials of which it is made of may be recycled (plastic, textile, aluminium). The prototype is made of wood and textile with a steel mechanism, the dimensions are 91w 42l 45d ZATOO are the architects Valerio Tunesi and Martina Zappettini, who work in the field of design. Copyright of European Drawings and Models n. 002018690001 del 30/03/2012 ADI prot. n. R.P. 2593 n. 00201869-0001 del 30/03/2012 ADI prot. n. R.P. 2593 Gli Amici di ARTOUR-O
p.56 XXI Silico BI Alessandro Ciffo
Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera p.61 Stefano Pizzi Marco Pellizzola Beppe Sabatini
Alessandro is a blend of many characters, which are usually separate in our contem-
CAMEC Centre for Modern and Contemporary Art - La Spezia p.62
p.54 Ventique UK Matteo Margaroli
Franco de Courten Palazzo Cigola Martinoni BS p.63 In the little village of Cigole, a great multi-function centre has been born as the result of an ambitious restoration project of Cigola Martinoni Palace to develop and promote cultural and entrepreneurial activities in the pianura bresciana territory. The project, headed by Pianura Bresciana Foundation, has been carried on by Pianura Bresciana Srl through a project financing operation and it has been supported by a public-private partnership which guarantees financial and economical sustainability. Inside the palace, in the extraordinary atmosphere of ancient times and in the rooms full of frescos, the centre offers the opportunity to reserve rooms for events organised by public or private entities. In the centre there is the “Raìs, Museum for the valorisation of rural culture and ancient games”, a multimedia museum which displays a trip through the territory of pianura bresciana, traditions, handicrafts, typical food, and ancient and traditional games which have always played an important role in the lives of the citizens. In summary, Cigola Martinoni Palace is a centre for the promotion, valorisation and development of the pianura bresciana territory and in all of its activities. Fondazione Nazionale Carlo Collodi PT p.64 Marco Zanuso Augusto Piccoli Istituto Italiano di Cultura a
Londra UK p.65 Brunivo Buttarelli - Giampiero Poggiali Berlinghieri Fratelli Levaggi GE p.66 Davide Conti Life Forms GE p.67 Lino di Vinci Luca Curci architects BA p.68 Palazzo della Meridiana p.72 A surprisingly elegant building built in which different architectures and styles coexist, frescoes and pictorial decorations of great value, a delightful outdoor area and a central position in the most visited part of the old city of Genoa, at the end of via Garibaldi: all this is palazzo della Meridiana, a 16th century home opened to the public in the autumn of 2010. Palazzo della Meridiana is one of the “Palazzi dei Rolli”, a system of 42 genoese buildings that in 2006 became a Unesco world heritage site. Under the current ownership, it has under gone long and thorough conservative restoration work and now has rooms outfitted specifically for receptions, exhibitions, meetings and events. These include the Art nouveau room s designed by Gino Coppedè, and the Great hall with its large frescoes by Luca Cambiaso. MISA EATALY ROMA p.74 Giorgio Faletti MISA Fonte del Giglio PG p.75 Alfredo Rapetti Mogol Andrea Piotto - Alfred Milot Mirashi - Tommaso Cascella 83
Indice generale
4| Colophon 7| Carlo Presenti - Istituto Italiano di Cultura a Londra 8| Vanessa Hall-Smith 11| Introduzione di Tiziana Leopizzi 12| ARTOUR-O d’Argento 13| ARTOUR-O il MUST I Protagonisti 14| Ambasciata d’Albania a Londra 16| Atelier - Gugliermetto Experience - Torino 18| Berengo Studio - Venezia 20| Comune di Albissola - Savona 22| Comune di Assisi - Arte Studio Ginestrelle - Perugia 24| Comune di Impruneta - Art•Art Impruneta - Firenze 26| Ellequadro Arte Contemporanea - Genova 28| Fondazione Fiumara d’Arte - Catania 30| Fondazione Pablo Atchugarry - Uruguay 34| Giovannetti Collezioni - Pistoia 38| Marchesato degli Aleramici - Siena 40| Matteo Bianchi Studio - Londra UK 42| Museo e Biblioteca Internazionale della Musica di Bologna e Villa La Vedetta - Firenze 44| Museo Luzzati - Genova 46| Paraxo - Centro culturale - Savona 48| Plastic Food - Perugia 50| Sarah Angelica Pardo - Arezzo 52| Teatro della Tosse - Genova 54| Università di Parma
56| Ventique Flooring Couture - Londra UK 58| XXI Silico - Biella 60| Zatoo - Genova 62| gli Amici di ARTOUR-O 63| Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera - Milano 64| CAMEC Centre for Modern and Contemporary Art - La Spezia 65| Palazzo Cigola Martinoni - Brescia 66| Fondazione Nazionale Carlo Collodi - Pistoia 67| Istituto Italiano di Cultura a Londra UK 68| Fratelli Levaggi - Chiavari 69| Lifeforms - Genova 70| Luca Curci architects - Bari 71| Artribune - Carlo Cambi Editore 72| Ventique Flooring Couture - Londra UK 71| Luxury House 74| Palazzo della Meridiana - Genova 75| MISA 76| MISA Eataly Roma 77| MISA Fonte del Giglio 78| Comune di Firenze 79| Genova Palazzo Ducale Fondazione per la Cultura 80| Indice dei Protagonisti 84| Indice Generale 85| Indice Artisti
Indice Artisti
29| Adalberto Abbate 22| Sabato Angiero 30_31_32| Pablo Atchugarry 33_35| Alessandro Becchi 52_53| Raffaella Benetti 44| Daniele Bisagni 40_41| Matteo Bianchi 39_67| Brunivo Buttarelli 34_77| Tommaso Cascella 48| Valeria Catania 21| Silvia Celeste Calcagno 22| Cate Nuto 68| Davide Conti 58_59| Alessandro Ciffo 70| Luca Curci 64| Franco de Courten 23| Ignacio de Grado 69| Lino di Vinci 34| Pablo Echaurren 41_43| Nicola Evangelisti 27| Giorgio Faletti 34_47| Alba Folcio 34|Giorgio Gatto 34_26| Giua 16_17| Diego Gugliermetto
46| Fukushi Ito 56_57| Matteo Margaroli 50_51| Antonio Massarutto 14_15_77| Alfred Milot Mirashi 25| AndrĂŠ Parodi Monti 63| Marco Pellizzola 66| Augusto Piccoli 34_27_77| Andrea Piotto 63| Stefano Pizzi 45_67| Giampiero Poggiali Berlinghieri 49| Potsy 44| Marina Profumo 77| Alfredo Rapetti Mogol 33| Franco Repetto 19|Juan RipollĂŠs 63| Beppe Sabatino 36| Sandro Santantonio 54_55| Pinuccio Sciola 47| Renza Sciutto 39| Stefano Soddu 28| Mauro Staccioli 24| Silvano Zanchi 66| Marco Zanuso 60_61| Zatoo
ARTOUR-O il MUST, MISA e gAt sono marchi registrati di Ellequadro Events s.r.l. ARTOUR-O il MUST a Londra 2012 Finito di stampare con i tipi di Essegraph in 1500 copie da Ellequadro Documenti. Nessuna parte di questo libro può essere riprodotta o trasmessa, in qualsiasi forma o con qualsiasi mezzo elettronico, meccanico o altro senza l’autorizzazione dei proprietari dei diritti e dell’ editore. You may not reproduce, publish electronically or by printed media, distribute in any form, or by any mean, any part of this book without prior consent in written form from the Owner(s) of the Copyrights and of the Publisher.
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