Team Rubicon Business Plan_Preview180117

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary


History Team Rubicon has ignited a movement Team Rubicon impacts global veterans Team Rubicon impacts communities Engaging our volunteers What’s with the name? What’s with the logo? What’s with the slogan? Our values Team Rubicon Global - 5 year vision Team Rubicon Global - Board of Directors

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Team Rubicon Australia Team Rubicon Australia - Board of Directors What’s the need? Our vision Disaster Response Teams (DRTs) - The model DRT roll out plan DRT costs Incremental growth and costs International operations

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Team Rubicon was founded in 2010 when two Marines, having recently discharged from the Marine Corp, watched the Haiti earthquake unfold on television and wanted to help. When they arrived in Haiti they realised that not only were their skills ideally suited to the disaster environment, but that in performing this kind of work they gained some things that they had missed since leaving the Services. Within days many more veterans and emergency first responders had joined them, and they soon knew they were offering something veterans could not find anywhere else: A sense of purpose akin to a military deployment, a unified community reminiscent of the ‘brother in arms’ that were lost once when they discharged and an identity built around the positive aspects of being a veteran, there are no victims in Team Rubicon.

In response to overwhelming demand from countries that were part of the US led coalition in Iraq and Afghanistan Team Rubicon established Team Rubicon Global (TRG) as the head of a franchise model. TRG’s mission is to establish and incubate new Team Rubicons, ensuring global consistency in brand standards, operational best practice and governance. To date TRG has launched new Team Rubicons in the US, the UK, Canada and Australia. In 2017 TRG will launch Germany, France, Norway and the Netherlands. In 2018 TRG will launch Italy, Turkey, Poland and New Zealand. Team Rubicon Australia (TRA) soft launched in September 2016, and his since sent volunteers to disaster zones in 6 countries around the world.

TRA’s strategic objective is to: • Build a world class disaster response organisation that harnesses the skills of veterans, enabling TRA response teams to go further, faster and harder than any other disaster response organisation. In doing so we will: • Change the narrative around what it means to be a veteran in Australia; • Increase veteran involvement within their communities, particularly during times of hardship and need; • Increase public support and understanding of veterans and their families; • Challenge veterans directly to get back on their feet; and • Provide veterans pathways into education and employment.

Team Rubicon Australia is focused on the progressive rollout of 20 veteran led Disaster Response Teams (DRTs), in every major city and town in Australia with a volunteer density sufficient to support the model. Experience in the US, UK and Canada has shown that having an organised, trained and equipped DRT helps communities to rapidly stabilise when disaster strikes. It also allows emergency services to focus on their core functions and allows affected residents to get back to normality sooner. We view our veterans as some of the nation’s strongest civic assets. When combined with a suite of high-tech IT platforms from some of America’s largest tech companies, Team Rubicon stands to revolutionise disaster response in Australia.





























































HISTORY In January 2010, a 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck Haiti. Initial reports of the devastation compelled a small group of military veterans to deploy themselves to Port-au-Prince. In Haiti it became clear that military veterans are uniquely suited to providing emergency aid in the early hours of a disaster. Team Rubicon was born out of this operation. Today, “Team Rubicon unites the skills and experiences of military veterans with first responders to rapidly deploy emergency response teams�.





Team Rubicon recruits, trains, equips, organises and deploys veterans to aid in disaster response operations around the world. This is our way of bridging the gap between returning veterans and their home communities. We demonstrate - to society and individual veterans alike - that veterans are powerful resources with skills to be harnessed.

A Sense of Purpose: Team Rubicon offers a unique opportunity to be part of humanitarian efforts with a unified purpose, mission, and intensity that is as close to a military deployment as you can safely get. From this veterans gain the same sense of purpose and importance they once had.

Over 140 missions rebuilding communities from disasters that range from cyclones, to tornadoes, to floods, to earthquakes. Over 40,000 volunteers committed to serve. Over 5,000 veterans have deployed to over 20 countries, with an initial response time of 24 hours or less.

Part of a Community: TR is an extension of the ‘band of brothers’ philosophy that exists in the military.

Tens of thousands of lives affected in communities around the globe.

A Feeling of Identity: Team Rubicon provides veterans an opportunity be part of something bigger than themselves again. This cultivates a sense of belonging to something great, and makes veterans feel valued again.Rubicon.

140+ MISSIONS rebuilding communities from disasters that range from cyclones to tornadoes to floods t earrthquakees

40,000+ VOLUNTEERS committed to save

TENS OF THOUSANDS lives affected n communities around the globe

5,000+ VETERANS have deployed to over 20 countries with an initial response time of 24 hrs or less 3

ENGAGING OUR VOLUNTEERS STEADY ENGAGEMENT happens via service projects, community building, and training - all of which are important ways to more consistently engage members, build the team between disasters, and be adequately prepared for disasters. In addition, Team Rubicon responds to:

SMALLER DISASTERS are often domestic and regional and occur more frequently. MAJOR DISASTERS are more infrequent, but powerful enough that they may require specialist teams from Team Rubicons around the world.



TEAM: Emphasizes the organisation’s military ethos of small, cohesive units.

The Team Rubicon logo consists primarily of a cross turned on its side with a river flowing through it. The cross represents the traditional symbol of medical aid. It is on its side because Team Rubicon represents such a departure from the current paradigm in disaster response. The river flowing through the cross represents the “Gap” that exists between large natural disasters and conventional aid response.

RUBICON: The Rubicon River in northeastern Italy divided the Roman Republic from Gaul. When Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon at the head of his legions and marched on Rome, it marked a point of no return. The phrase “crossing the Rubicon” has since survived in reference to any group committing itself to a risky course of action. On January 17th, 2010, despite government and large aid organization’s advice not to proceed, Team Rubicon members crossed the Artibonite River separating the Dominican Republic and Haiti, carrying crucial gear and medical supplies to the people of Port-au-Prince. Once across, they were irrevocably committed to their task. Hence the name: Team Rubicon.

Team Rubicon serves to “Bridge” this gap; providing field triage and relief operations until large aid organizations and nations can provide definitive care.

WHAT’S WITH THE SLOGAN? “Bridge the Gap” refers to Team Rubicon’s primary mission of providing disaster relief between the moment a disaster happens and the point at which conventional aid organizations respond. The “gap” is primarily time; the crucial window following a disaster when victims have traditionally been without outside aid. When the “Gap” closes - once conventional aid organizations arrive - Team Rubicon moves on.

“Bridge the Gap” - TEAM RUBICON SLOGAN

OUR VALUES Team Rubicon is an organisation that thrives because of the assets of military veterans. We believe that veterans from countries around the world have unique skills and training, and should be celebrated as skilled members in their communities. We also recognise that veterans have an ongoing desire to serve others meaningfully and that through service they may realize a renewed sense of purpose, community and identity. Providing emergency relief during times of disaster is a unique opportunity for veterans to demonstrate the power of their skills and training at a time when natural disasters are increasing in frequency and severity. The following values transcend our organisation: Global Citizenship: We are impartial, apolitical, and nonreligious. TR’s identity transcends geographic and political borders, and serves to foster cross-cultural understanding.

Servant Leadership: We serve with humility, deference, and respect. TR places the needs of others ahead of our own without expectation of personal gain or reward. Professionalism: We deliver the highest standards of quality in disaster response. We work cross-functionally with public and private sector organizations placing transparency, accountability, and efficiency at the center of our process and operations.

Grit: We are accustomed to austere conditions, thrive in chaos, and face natural disasters head-on. We are determined to deliver aid to those who need it most, wherever and whoever they are. Humanitarianism: We are military veterans and first responders from around the world who are driven by our commitment to restore human well-being in the wake of a natural disaster.

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