AAP WWI Centenary Special Events Coverage

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In 2014, the world will mark 100 years since the outbreak of World War I. By the end of The Great War some four years on, nine million people had lost their lives 62,000 of them Australians and 17,000 New Zealanders. It remains the bloodiest war in which Australia and New Zealand have ever been involved, and the impact it had on our then fledgling nations was all-pervasive.

AAP will mark the special significance of this centenary through in-depth text and multimedia coverage starting from March 2014 until November 2014. With a focus on Australian and New Zealand involvement, AAP’s coverage will be complemented by content from our partner agency network. Additionally, AAP Exclusive can provide bespoke features, longform articles, galleries, graphics, quizzes and widgets tailor-made to your needs. With complete end-to-end management, AAP Exclusive guarantees quality and delivers unique content solutions that are fast, accurate, relevant and cost effective. For more info contact:

AAP Newswire t: 02 9322 8405 e: newswire@aap.com.au

Image Sales t: 02 9322 8410 e:imagesales@aap.com.au



Stories and Features

Y ear out from 100th Anzac Day feature: An overview positioning Gallipoli as one of the most infamous battles involving Australia/New Zealand during WWI. H ow Gallipoli changed Australia. How Australia had changed by the end of the war. Australia’s place in the world afterwards and impact on key International relationships. T he history of Anzac Day commemorations, including the low years and its resurgence as a de facto national day. G eneral coverage of the lead up to /Anzac Day commemorations in Australia, New Zealand and Gallipoli. W WI backgrounder and overview. W hy Australia and New Zealand went to war – how it was decided and announced that the two nations would join in the war.

WI in the Pacific region – New Zealand in W German Samoa, Australia in German New Guinea. hy young Australian and New Zealand men W volunteered. The recruitment process and Cooee marches. T he unique relationship between the French and Australians after WWI – the sacrifice the Australians made on French soil, and how the French still appreciate and commemorate our involvement. Profiles on VC winners from WWI ow Gallipoli/WWI was reported in Australia – H the media’s role, war correspondents and art/ photography. The legend and myth of Gallipoli. The invention of the Anzac biscuit.


WWI CENTENARY A snapshot of Australia at the onset of the war – who were we, what were we doing, wearing, reading, enjoying, eating (with recipes). T he legacy of WWI – RSLs, Legacy, medical and technological.


nimals at war – the role of pigeons, donkeys, A horses and more. T he significance of Albany and the convoy of ships that took many Anzacs to war.

W omen and WWI.

lbany and the commemorative event held A from October 31 to November 2.

I ndigenous Australians and WWI.

Remembrance Day Coverage.

P op culture -The movies, TV series, plays and books about Anzacs/Anzac Day.

How the ANZACs came to be.

T roop numbers, wounded and killed at Gallipoli

Australians at war – all wars involving Australians, including figures on the dead and wounded, up to current day.

The heroes/notable figures of the campaign Quotes Facts and figures of WWI Theatres of war overall

The ANZAC legend

Australia by the numbers during WWI. Population of major cities and involvement. Who’s who from the war years – the PM, defence chief and war minister.

B attlefields where Australian and NZ troops fought


The Gallipoli campaign

Timeline of all major events of WWI, from the day war was declared. AAP SPECIAL EVENTS COVERAGE


Interactive graphics

Anatomy of an ANZAC – 3D view of an ANZAC detailing the uniform, kit, rations and medals. Your users will be able to interact and click through on each notable point to view further information, such as what the uniform was made out of or what an ANZAC carried in his kit. Illustrated guide on how to make the famous Anzac Biscuit- step by step. In-depth interactive map locator listing all ANZACs by hometown Casualty counter – lives lost per second/ minute/hour during WWI.


In-depth compiled image galleries – modern day and archived content: Modern day landscapes of battlegrounds Gallipoli ANZAC soldiers The Western front In the trenches Battles involving Australian soldiers

On this day – providing a snapshot of the action and events from each and every day of WWI. Your audience will see the entry point labelled “On this day in 1914”, when they click through to get an interesting fact, or a quick summary of the battle that occurred that day, an evocative quote from the diaries of soldiers, an overview of casualties on that day in history, or an appraisal of the strategic significance of a battle conducted on that day, a century earlier. Each day from July 2014 through until midNovember 2018 is covered, including the 100th anniversaries of both the start and end of The Great War and the major milestones along the way.

Remembrance events Albany Portraits of the descendants of Australia’s WWI VC winners Fromelles, Villers- Bretonneux and Pozierre General news coverage A photo essay on modern-day Albany.




narration of extracts from the war diaries of A Sir Ian Hamilton over a montage of modern-day Gallipoli footage. elgium, including Tyne Cot cemetery and the B daily Menin Gate memorial service. F romelles (and Bullecourt)- The frontline and the battle of Fromelles


AP’s livewire is a multimedia news curation A platform that harnesses text, images, video and social media in a single blog-style form that unrolls breaking news the moment it happens or provides engaging coverage.

illers-Bretonneux and the Victoria SchoolV How the people of Villers-Bretonneux continue to express gratitude and remember the significance of Australia’s involvement to this day P ozierre- An overview of Australia’s first victory of WWI and the terrible cost - 23,000 casualties including over 6,700 dead.

s part of AAP’s coverage we will be producing A an Anzac day livewire of live 12 hour coverage of the dawn services in Australia through to the end of the service in Gallipoli.

Please note, all content within this document may be subject to change. AAP SPECIAL EVENTS COVERAGE

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