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In the first weeks of my journey, I devised numerous physical pinboards containing my thought processes and visual interpretations to present to my tutor, Tracey Hall. These were beneficial for dissecting what elements were jumping out at me and what was halting me from progressing. The board below combined all the brands I have deliberated in this book with a labelled analysis containing notions for how I envision my final major project to look. Reflecting on this, you can strongly perceive how Jil Sander was lost amongst the audacious dressing and gender blurring imagery it was surrounded by, and there is a key theme of defiance in the poses, styling, and makeup of the photos I have selected instead. Charles Jeffrey is overriding many of the images, therefore I believe my decision to take him forward into my next stages where I’ll explore his brand at a larger extent was a suitable one.
I am interested to explore why I connect with such challenging topics by next scoping into fashion activism and how garments are a visual currency for presenting an unheard voice.
The contents of this book have demonstrated to me how my preliminary visions are not always the ones designated for finalisation. By investigating into Jil Sander and Mateo Velasquez, I have acknowledged how these were not suitable in pushing me to achieve my optimum and there’s a continuous journey ahead of me ready to be explored. I appreciate how I have taken the time to consider these so I can achieve the latter successfully, whilst encouraging my personal brand to be wholly who it wants to be without the holdbacks of comfort zones. Meticulous analysation has proven advantageous for ensuring I perceive every aspect of a brand, and this will be continued throughout my next books where I will delineate new areas of research and critique to evaluate if they are appropriate for excelling my brand, as well as affixing a gap in the market which requires a creative solution to push my finalised collaborative duo to brand expansion through strategic planning and marketing.