Elli Moustaka, Selected Projects

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portfolio selected works

E l li Moust a k a_el l iemps@ g mai l. com_ + 4 1 7 6 8 1 7 8 0 8 1 _ B as el, Sw itz erl and

CV Elli Moustaka is originally from Volos, Greece. She studied architecture in Thessaloniki (GR) and Lyon (FR). Today she lives in Switzerland where she works as an architect and visual artist. She speaks English, French and German. With architecture as her starting point, she regularly participates in workshops and artistic events with ephemeral constructions, stage design, theatre and site specific installations. She has collaborated with well-known architectural firms such as kk architects in Thessaloniki and GR405 by Aris Zambikos in Athens and she has worked as a set designer’s assistant to Evangelia Therianou. Since 2017 she has been working as an architect in Switzerland for Localarchitecture in Lausanne, saas in Geneva, Studiopez in Basel and Degelo Architekten in Basel. In addition, she has collaborated with Origen Festival Cultural in Graubünden on exhibitions and temporary art installations.


Fashion workshop based on Ancient Greek Drama Euripidies Iphigenia in Tauris Athens and Epidaurous Festival

In a flashback to her past, Iphigenia recounts how she arrived from Avlida to the land of Tauris, where she escaped «deus ex machina» to save herself. She will never forget her suffering.

I was overwhelmed by the question of memory and history as structural elements of one’s identity. The answer came from Japan, with the Kintsugi ritual technique of repairing fragile objects by welding their fragments with gold. Cracks should not be hidden. As part of its history, they give to the

body its personal character. Through their revelation it is possible to reconcile with the traumas and uncover a new identity. Searching for the form and materiality that would highlight the cracks of my own Iphigenia, I ended up with a ´fragile´ dress with curves and golden seams in organic etching. The figure is framed by a vest in hard leather, a hint of Iphigenia’s status in Tauride as a priestess, and her participation in controversial ceremonies.

Candide ou l’optimisme

scenography porta theater avec E. Therianou


faut cultiver notre jardin Odysée voltaire toy theater Boltanski Enlightenment black theater Leibniz shadow play laser cut gravoures figures surrealisme Eldorado philosophy Allegory of the cave

Theater auf dem Julierpass

transformation for Origen Festival Cultural with Walter Bieler


the world’s a stage Babel red tower magic the circle Moving symbolic engadine landmark Bruegel the elder Genesis wooden Alps view arcades Θέατρο space construction ephemeral Zauberberg polygone desorientation

20 + 1 Λαϊκά Μεταπολεμικά Τραγούδια με Μπαρόκ Σύνολο light installation with Evangelia Therianou

light atmospere baroque viola da gamba reflexion spiritual architecture candle light deep green perles

Meeting the unknown craftsmen individual diploma project

stone landscape sculpture vernacullar wind nature community artist residency cyclades view open space housing typologies . reconstruction zones . minimal space . integration in the natural landscape

materiality . public space . land use



New university Campus for Bern with Studiopez

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