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Elliott Burke
I write. I compose music. I do free-lance theatre work. I cook. Mostly I do research. Tons of it. I live in a small studio, eclipsed by skyscrapers of books & boxes of files. I need an editor & an assistant! I'm a music composer/ sound designer, writer, researcher and the founder and artistic director of Ishah 'El theatre arts collaborative, a non-profit, multi-cultural theatre arts organization involved in the development, education, support, promotion and production of theatre with an emphasis on faith and spirituality. I have some ambitious plans in the works that I will be revealing here and elsewhere soon: more music, writing, audio plays and podcasts of current projects. Currently I'm working on getting my website completed, updating all of these various social web sites, FUNDRAISING, and in the near future will be on several collaborative sites. I hope I find you there. We are a U.S. registered 501 (c) (3) non-profit charity organization & your support is valuable to our success. Please consider mak