Design For Industry Portfolio - 2017

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Design For Industry Portfolio 2017 ROTATE FOR LANDSCAPE VIEW

I graduated from Northumbria University with a degree in Design for Industry. Art & Design has always been one of my most keen interests in and out of education. I am looking for full time work. Please feel free to contact me.

2.1: Bachelor of Arts (Hons)

D*D*D*: Art & Design Extended Diploma Level 3 A*A*A*: BTEC Level 2 First Award and Design

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I was in charge of designing the logo that would ultimately represent our entire year group for the final degree show’s, both in Newcastle and New Designers in London. I wanted to create a unique look and feel for the logo... something that was graphically simple to look at but rather complex through its underlaying structure. 55 degrees was the name we had collectively chosen to represent our year group both because there was 55 recieving university degree’s and because 55 degrees is the universities north longitudinal position on the map.

This product would be targeted both at the millennial audiophiles religious about music and meticulous about the upkeep and protection of vinyl and the average collector unaware or concerned about the repercussions and potential that proper handling can have.

A bespoke piece of furniture that aids the usage of six of your all time or seasonal favourites and through its immediate ease of access creates a ritual around the upkeep and preservation of vinyl. ‘Alt’ in essence is short for alternative, alt denotes a version of something that is intended as a challenge to the traditional version. A theme constant throughout my project.

Cleaning is extremely important in maintaining the fidelity of Vinyl. A well cared for record can last a lifetime. The number one contributor to damage, is ordinary household dust. Dust can become embedded permanently into the disc’s grooves, causing distortion of the transmitting signal creating ticks, pops, and all round inferior sound quality. Not only will playing a dirty record damage the record itself but it will also lead to needle wear.

Needle wear will continue to effect your entire collection.

Based on a study I ran with the Northumbria vinyl society I found that whilst 63% of collectors said they thought that cleanliness of vinyl is important, only 27% of people said that they actually cleaned their records.

A vinyl brush is a simple but hugely effective measure to prevent from the collection of foreign deposits. Placed at arms length from any turntable, Alt has two localised vinyl brushes, aiding and creating a ritual around cleanliness and upkeep. The first, is a traditional carbon fibre bristle brush that gathers and compiles the unwanted debris. The second, uses a velvet sleeve that lifts and disperses the collected debris. The combination of needle wear and improper handling will lead to things like scratching, warpage and cracks. These problem areas will render records unlistenable.

Dust & Dirt


Improper Handeling

Improper Storage





Needle wear

The main unit on the left uses an interaction similar to that of a real world vinyl bin and based on the users preference, can be used as a physical playlist. Users could also choose to constantly store 5 records and use the front gate as a currently playing feature, creating a subtle connection between the physical and digital realms by bringing to life interactions and features found in digital applications like iTunes and Spotify. There is a negative area at the first gate in the middle wall, allowing for the full presentation of sleeves with a gatefold opening. These gatefolds often show the albums song structure, lyrics or additional artwork. The presentation of the albums lyrics acts as a sheet music podium and will in turn allow users to discover in-depth what the artist is trying to deliver and achieve with their music. The second unit on the right hand side has three recessed areas, two for the magnetically drawn vinyl brushes and the third for vinyl knick knacks such as styluses, needle heads, needle caps and 45 rpm adaptors.

Design Methodology:

The Double Diamond

Divided into four distinct phases, Discover, Define, Develop and Deliver, the double diamond maps the divergent and convergent stages of the design process, showing the different modes of thinking that designers use.


Discover. Research

Working Brief










Major Follow this link to find out more about the processes and design methodology behind this project.

A bespoke domestic light projector that uses Moirè patterning combined with a series of convex lenses to create a unique visual effect.

Injection moulded Acrylic single sided Convex Lens Compression fit Lens Casing

80mm slip tube casing with window

‘The Moiré effect is a visual perception that occurs when viewing a set of lines or dots that is superimposed on another set of lines or dots, where the sets differ in relative size, angle, or spacing.’ ‘A Gobo is a physical stencil or template that is placed inside or in front of a light source, to control the shape of the emitted light.’

Double sided Glass Convex Lens Lens Casing

Inner Moiré mechanism mainly CNC milled for heat absorption

Rotary Gobo Rotary Gobo Wall Static Gobo Lighting Effect

80mm diameter aluminium slip (for reflective inner) tube casing

45w ‘Warm Yellow’ Halogen Bulb with small Edison fitting (Typically used in projectors)

Spun weighted wooden Base with small Edison fitting 3mm Diameter cable running 4 foot

When both of the Gobo layers are synchronized the light source is at its full potential. The Rotary mechanism inside the main body controls the synchronization of the Moire effect and functions as a manual dampener.

Gobo / Moiré

As a group of 7, we had to design a set for hot drinks. The set would be served to first class British Airways passengers. The concept of having two compartments to the vessel is so that in the event of turbulance, the BA passenger can pop the parts together to prevent spillage.

For our research we visited a care center that specialised in the aid of elderly people living with dementia. We decided to take some vintage ‘props’ to act as ice breakers. We gained some key insights into the thoughts and memories of people living there. The three main areas we found that made the residence happy For our research we visited Appleton Lodge, weregained reminising their youthful and some about key insights into the thoughts and memories of people living with freedom, talking about their previous dementia. The three main areas we found occupations and finally escapism that made the residence happy were remmusic. inising about through their youthful freedom, talking about their previous occupations and finally escapism through music.

We decide to pursue the idea of assisting through sensory We decide to pursue suggestive the idea of assisting patterns, designing a through suggestiverange sensory patterns, of garden products designing a range of garden products to helpThis to help with routine. with routine. This aligned withwith maintaining aligned maintaining thepeople idealiving of with freedom the idea of freedom of of people living dementia, whilst also linking with the with whilst also linking occupational therapydementia, insights we gained with the occupational during our visit totheapy Appleton Lodge. insight we gained during our visit to Appleton Lodge.

The Illic Series

“In Portal, we created a service which looked to bring art collecting into the 21st century.”

We took this project in a direction which was more of a radical reinvention of what a television could be as opposed to just an upgraded experience. In Portal, we created a service which looked to bring art collecting into the 21st century. Due to computer software advances and the rise of digital media we looked at how we could combine the two mediums into a product which was more about curation and taste as opposed to monotonous viewing. Through our research, we found that televisions were often used to create atmosphere, and what is actually on the screen doesn’t matter. Another discovery was the age old, ‘hundreds of channels, nothing to watch’ conundrum, which we felt devalued this piece of technology and actually created a form of resentment due to what was on offer.

We endeavoured to take the television back to a time where it had pride of place, and was more about bringing people together instead of dividing them. Portal reinstalls pride in the ubiquitous product by making it a talking point in the home displaying the homeowners tastes and style creating a sense of ownership over the space it occupies. The stone base adds to its demeanour and is in place to be a statement of style and longevity. The television always used to own its space, and Portal wants to be no different, blending technology and craftsmanship to offer something which sits in the space in between furniture, ornamental, technological and analogue.

“We endeavoured to take the television back to a time where it had pride of place, and was more about bringing people together instead of dividing them.”

From L-R clockwise: An example of an artists collection of work, which would be dispatched to the buyer including a booklet describing their work, and an artefact created by the artist, which uses NFC to transfer the collection to the television; a shelving unit displaying an individuals collection of different artists work; the website, where a user can browse collections and order their pieces.

After foregoing a standard input device such as remote control we chose to include more intimate interactions to select what piece to display.

The Cultural Isles is a brand I created to portray a somewhat just image of print culture today. I have collected these pieces for a couple of years now and Instagram just seemed like the perfect platform to present my favourite ones.

USER EXPERIENCE MAP Martyn used to work for a major graphic design company in the 80’s but retired early so him and his wife could move to Stokesley, the place where they where born. Martyn misses the creative lifestyle and has been looking for commission work. Bill owns his own electricians business. He has worked with a lot of people and is quite business wise. Although business has been ok, he would love to see growth.

Kim is starting her own business selling

craft items. She is very visually creative but


There are many other mediums of advertisement.


re Aw a


I nitia

l Vi s i


Martyn’s wife reads

about Atelier in the monthly directory and persuades him to have a look.

Bill and Kim a adobe worksho getting to know

Bill learns about the classes and decides to book him self in.

One of the ladies from the crafts fair she attends


Kim of atelier.

Erin found out through social media and decided to pop down.

has a look around and is impressed programmes the mac suite is equipped with, she decides to book a lesson.


Adobe software

Now visuals s on the

Erin has been in touch with a capital business owner who is looking for a re-brand.


joining the online portfolio platform.

Mac suite Communication pod’s Board room Monthly directory Monthly Markets

studi range with. medi

really interested, he decides instead to use the studio space.

success of a peer’s business growth after he had spent a couple of weeks at atelier.



Martyn is told about the

Bill overheard the

She is also a very keen and productive artist.

Erin used to be a media student studying at Teesside University. Unfortunately she fell into a job selling houses shortly after graduating.

Users might not be willing or able to put the time into computer workshops but ca access the portfolio platform and see if anyone would be up for helping him out

Users might not be up for everything, but opening up areas of the service.

Erin’s Re-brand

Martyn’s Equipment

Pacific Valley Capital Management

Capital Management


Funding and Collaborators: l ve I nvo



G row


The Hambledon district council . This rural council spends a lot on small business loans the Stokesley business park.

rtyn enjoys using the

io space because there are a e of older medium’s to work . Martyn also has his owns iums that he brings along .

are in the same op, Kim is loving w the software but

Bill uses the Atelier print their eir work. wor

Bill sees Martyn’s portfolio on the Atelier platform, and asks if he would be up for helping him with a re-brand.

More people are asking Martyn to help them with their designs. Bill has bragged about his new brand image and people are interested in the work behind the visuals.

Because of Bill’s re-brand he is able to reach out to a much wider customer base.

Kim has plans to sell produce to shops in the high street. With hopes of maybe one day expanding .

w that Kim has all of her sorted she can now focus e business side of things.

Kim schedules an appointment with one of the experts about how to do well in the business world.

Erin sees about four projects a months and is loving the extra cash.


Kim’s New Logov


Studio space, for more artistic mediums. Creating a visual movement within Stokesley. Email system within online platform.

Business classes and workshops on branding and image. Adobe software lessons.

Stokesley Volunteer Bureau. The Broadacres Housing Association. Stokesley Community Care AssociaThese association’s are all hosts of the public library facing .

Atelier Monthly Business Directory. Upgraded business directory covering rural towns in North Yorkshire. Users would pay a fee to show there re-branding and also promote for business.

For any enquiries please do not hesitate to contact me directly.

Thank you

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