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Published in New York City by EMG (Ellopia Media Group December 2013 - Issue 83



for Cristmas or Crisis?




by Athina krikeli ellopia@aol.com It’s that time of the year again! Everything seems bright and cheery! Everyone wears a smile on their lips and a glint in their eye of pre holiday cheer. Most likely, this festive mood comes from the belief in the heart that something will change magically in one’s life. Some wish that perhaps what was not granted last Christmas or the Christmas before that.... could materialize this season. It is good to maintain this positive attitude and believe in miracles, and it is even better to also think wisely and help those miracles along. Let Holiday

Christmas it is! spirit be your guide this season so you won’t be devastated when the credit card bills come. Black Friday comes, and the shopping expedition begins. Suddenly like programmed robots for at least a month - we rush to spend money we don’t really have. We buy things we do not need, and all the items in our children’s Christmas list, convincing our selves that our overspending will give them joy. I actually believe we give to others because it makes us feels good! The quick “fix” of feeling good though wears off quickly, and as in any other addiction we need to support it often, so we buy more because we are incurable shopaholics. Let’s discipline our addictive nature and stay modest, fulfilling an addiction may give us pleasure but not happiness. I love Christmas, I adore Santa Claus. “I’ll be home for Christmas” always touches me to the core. I am a sentimental fool about this time of the year. I am old fashion, and I always hear my parents and grand parents’ voice in my head “be wise, spent only what you can afford.” Let’s not fall pray to clever advertising and be “fed” our choices. Come from the heart when you give a gift, do not get brainwashed by sophisticated suggestions. Christmas is much more than that. Send thoughts of love, strength and support, to the families who were affected by the late Bronx train accident. and please remember to send love and light, to the recently departed souls who art

MONTHLY MAGAZINE PUBLISHED BY ELLOPIA MEDIA GROUP Ltd. Via Emai 15.000 copies Free of charge Publisher Editor in Chief USA Athina Krikeli Creative Art Director Hellas Costas Krikelis Advertising Director Lia Delkotzaki Senior Editor (English) Titos Christodoulou, (England) Music Editors Nikos Tatasopouls Tassos Papaioannou Petros Hatjopoulos Photo Director Fotis Papadakis Business Consultant Maria Papapetros Fashion Consultant Nikos Eftaxias Contributors S. Papathemelis (Greece), Arkas (Greece) G. Kalaras, (Chicago) Titos Christodoulou, (England) Writers G. Skabardonis (Greece) Costas Krikelis (Greece) Greg Michaelides (USA) Anita Diamantopoulou (USA) Kostas Mpliatkas (Hellas) Publishing coordinator HELLAS Lia Delkotzaki Gianni Sotiriou All opinions expressed in the articles are their authors’ own. Ellopia Media Group Ltd. USA KAUFMAN ASTORIA STUDIOS 34-12 36th str NY 11106 Tel: (718) 720 4522 ellopia@aol.com www.ellopiatv.com Facebook: ellopia You Tube/ellopia

World talks

‘Angel of 9/11,’ A Face In Twisted Piece Of Steel From Twin Towers, Gives Hope For some, this tall and twisted piece of steel, salvaged from the wreckage of the Twin Towers, contains the face of an “angel. ” Workers stunned by eerie face in World Trade Center steel. Work on display at the National September 11 Memorial & Museum has a hounting face.

NBC New York reports the steel column, which is being installed at the National September 11 Memorial and Museum in Manhattan, is believed to have come from precisely the place on the north tower, in between the 93rd and 99th floors, where a hijacked plane struck and exploded into flames more than 12 years ago. Some at the museum say they see the outline of a woman’s face near the top of the mangled artifact. “You can see the face clear as

day, as if it’s looking down over a sacred spot,” a visitor told The Sun, a British newspaper. Some workers have even started referring to the visage as the “Angel of 9/11.” A twisted and corroded steel girder recovered from Ground Zero appears to bear the visage of an anguished woman who construction workers dubbed the “Angel of 9/11.” The massive mangled beam is part of the National September

world talks 11 Memorial & Museum and one of two “impact steel” pieces that feature prominently in the hallowed exhibition slated to open in spring 2014. Experts believe the beams come from the point where United Flight 175 collided with the South Tower. Near the top of the distorted metal construction workers say they occasionally see the distinct visage of a person. Her eyes, nose and face are unmistakable. You can see the face clear as day, as if it’as looking down over a sacred spot,” one visitor told England’s The Sun, which first reported the spooky sight. A steel expert told NBC News that the beam bears the clear signs of the chemical processes behind corrosion, which created the eerie face. A spokesman for the museum said: “People often find meaning in tragedy. For us, this piece of steel is historically important to include in the museum as it helps to tell the story of 9/11.”

Politics talks

Glafkos Clerides, Greek Cypriot Leader Who Sought Unification, Is Dead at 94

By Robert D. McFadden

Glafkos Clerides, the president of Cyprus from 1993 to 2003, who as leader of his nation’s Greek Cypriot majority was a frustrated peacemaker in futile talks with Turkish Cypriots to reunify their long-divided Mediterranean island, died last month in Nicosia, the capital. He was 94

In a land torn by ethnic, religious and cultural rivalries, tugged by Turkey to the north and Greece to the west, Mr. Clerides (pronounced cleh-REE-dess) was a national leader for more than four decades after independence from Britain in 1960. World statesmen and both sides in the Cypriot tinderbox regarded him as a fair, skillful negotiator, seeking compromises for the elusive goal of reunification. Mr. Clerides had been a World War II hero, a lawyer and fighter in the anti-British resistance, and an ally of Archbishop Makarios, primate of the Cypriot Orthodox Church and first president of the Republic of Cyprus. He also headed a Greek Cypriot delegation that helped write a new Constitution, was the leader of Parliament for 16 years and won two terms as president. As Cyprus faced a succession of crises — a Greek-inspired coup, an invasion by Turkey, a 1974 partition into unequal zones, years of intercommunal fighting — Mr. Clerides negotiated cease-fires, accepted international peacekeeping buffers and sought to pacify militants with concessions, offering to cede territory and even to rewrite the Constitution in search of peaceful solutions.


Glafkos Clerides, Greek Cypriot Leader Who Sought Unification, Is Dead at 94 In talks with Rauf Denktash, a Turkish Cypriot leader who had been his friend since childhood and his negotiating opponent for 25 years, Mr. Clerides — a voice of calm in a nation known for volcanic orators — won some tactical agreements, and came close to a breakthrough in their last reunification talks, in 2002. But he was ultimately stymied by forces beyond his control: by allies and foes fearful of giving away too much, by governments in Athens and Ankara with their own agendas, and by walls of distrust between Greek and Turkish Cypriots that had taken generations to erect. After losing his 2003 re-election bid, Mr. Clerides supported a plan by Kofi Annan, the United Nations secretary general, to reunify Cyprus and allow hundreds of thousands who had been displaced by partition to return to their homes. Turkish Cypriots, hoping to end their isolation, supported the plan overwhelmingly in a 2004 referendum. But Greek Cypriots, the vast majority of the population, soundly defeated it. While reunification eluded Mr. Clerides, as it has all Cypriot leaders, he was credited as president with easing sectarian tensions, presiding over a prospering economy and leading Cyprus to the threshold of European Union membership, a process that he began in 1998 and that was achieved in 2004. Mr. Clerides was the author of a four-volume memoir, “My Deposition” (1988-91), which he called “the

anatomy of a national tragedy.” Mr. Denktash, his fraternal

Glafkos John Clerides was born in Nicosia on April 24, 1919, the son of John and Elli Clerides. His father was a teacher who became a London lawyer. Glafkos grew up under British colonialism. Cyprus, settled by Greeks and conquered by Alexander, the Persians and the Ottoman Empire, had been placed under British rule in 1878, annexed in 1914 and made a colony in 1925. negotiating rival, who died in 2012, often quoted from it, saying it was a scrupulous record of events. Glafkos, like his father, went to London to study law. But when World War II began in 1939, he joined the Royal Air Force and flew bombing missions as a tail gunner. His plane was shot down in a 1942 raid on Hamburg, and he was captured by the Germans. He escaped three times from prison camps, but was recaptured each time. After the war, he was cited for distinguished service. In 1945 he married Lilla Erulkar, an actress born in what was then Bombay who took the name Lilla Irene Clerides. She died in 2007. The couple had a daughter, Katherine, who survives him. She became a member of Parliament and a leader

of his Democratic Rally Party. Mr. Clerides resumed law studies at King’s College London, graduated in 1948 and returned to Cyprus to practice. As Britain rejected postwar calls for self-determination, Greek and Turkish Cypriots in 1955 formed separate resistance groups with divergent goals and plunged into four years of guerrilla war against the British and each other, aiming less at independence than at unions with their motherlands. Mr. Clerides joined the Greek EOKA resistance, defending its fighters in courts by day and planning strikes with them by night, using the nom de guerre Ypereides, after an ancient Athenian orator. He accompanied Archbishop Makarios to London in 1959 for talks that led to a cease-fire and independence, and became minister of justice in the transition. In 1960 he was elected speaker of the House of Representatives and became Nicosia’s chief negotiator in the conflict between Greek Christians, who with 80 percent of the island’s 750,000 people occupied the southern two-thirds of Cyprus, and the mainly Muslim Turks in the north, protected by Turkey 50 miles offshore. Intercommunal fighting in 1963 led to military intervention by the United Nations. In 1974 Athens briefly deposed Archbishop Makarios, Turkey invaded Cyprus and United Nations peacekeepers partitioned the island. About 230,000 people were resettled. In the turmoil of shattered communities and threatened civil war, Mr.

Clerides became acting president for five months until Archbishop Makarios returned. It was only a bitter taste of the office he would occupy two decades later. He lost presidential races in 1983 and 1988, then narrowly won in 1993. (He was also a candidate in the 1978 election, but when his rival’s son was kidnapped, Mr. Clerides withdrew in a gesture of sympathy.) His rapport with Mr. Denktash raised hopes that he might succeed where his predecessors had failed to unite Cyprus, but their 1996 talks crumbled. He was re-elected in 1998, but his last hope for reunification during his term faltered in the 2002 talks. After losing the 2003 election, Mr. Clerides retired to Larnaca, on the southeast coast. His life and the history of modern Cyprus were re-examined in “Glafkos Clerides: The Path of a Country” (2008), by Niyazi Kizilyurek, a Turkish Cypriot professor.

Cyprus is still divided. The Turkish side favors a two-nation state in loose federation, while the Greek Cypriot government wants a unified state that grants fair distribution of social and political rights to both communities.

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Cold Cases: Germany May Revise Up Statistics in Far-Right Killings @DPA Skinheads in Germany: Officials may radically revise the number of people murdered in the country by extremists since 1990.

German authorities may have to sharply revise statistics for the number of people killed by right-wing extremists since 1990. The official figure is around 60, but police combing through unsolved cases have identified a further 746 suspicious slayings or attacks.

Statistics for the number of people killed by right-wing extremists in Germany since 1990 may have to be increased dramatically, a newspaper reported on Wednesday. Officially, authorities currently say neo-Nazis have killed around 60 people, including the 10 mostly Turkish immigrants shot dead by the National Socialist Underground (NSU) terrorist group between 2000 and 2007. Anti-racism groups and analysts have long put the figure much higher, at close to 200. But even that may grossly understate the true number of victims, the Osnabr端cker Zeitung newspaper reported. It cited the German Interior Ministry as saying police had re-examined a total of 3,300 unsolved killings and attempted murders between 1990 and 2011 and had concluded that there could be far-right involvement in 746 open cases with 849 victims. The checks were ordered after the NSU case came to light in 2011. For years, police had ruled out right-wing extremism as the motive behind those killings.

Politics talks

ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΠΡΩΤΟΒΟΥΛΙΑ για την ασφάλεια των δημοσιογραφων ΑΠΟΦΑΣΗ ΓΕΝΙΚΗΣ ΣΥΝΕΛΕΥΣΗΣ ΗΝΩΜΕΝΩΝ ΕΘΝΩΝ Υιοθετήθηκε στις 26 Νοεμβρίου 2013, από τη Γενική Συνέλευση των Ηνωμένων Εθνών, στο πλαίσιο των εργασιών της αρμόδιας για τα Ανθρώπινα Δικαιώματα Τρίτης Επιτροπής της Γενικής Συνέλευσης, ομόφωνη Απόφαση για την προστασία των δημοσιογράφων και το ζήτημα της ατιμωρησίας. Είναι η πρώτη φορά τα τελευταία 40 χρόνια που η Γενική Συνέλευση ασχολείται με το θέμα της ασφάλειας των δημοσιογράφων, προτάσσοντας την ανάγκη δημιουργίας ενός ασφαλούς περιβάλλοντος για την άσκηση του δημοσιογραφικού επαγγέλματος Η Απόφαση, η υιοθέτηση της οποίας έγινε με πρωτοβουλία της Μόνιμης Αντιπροσωπείας της Ελλάδας στον ΟΗΕ, και την οποία συγκηδεμόνευσαν άλλα 75 κράτη μέλη των Ηνωμένων Εθνών, βασίζεται στο Σχέδιο Δράσης του ΟΗΕ για την ασφάλεια των δημοσιογράφων και το ζήτημα της ατιμωρησίας, το οποίο εγκρίθηκε στις 13 Απριλίου 2012, και μεταξύ άλλων: Καταδικάζει απερίφραστα κάθε επίθεση και

άσκηση βίας κατά δημοσιογράφων και εργαζομένων σε ΜΜΕ, όπως βασανισμούς, εξώδικες εκτελέσεις, βίαιες εξαφανίσεις και αυθαίρετες κρατήσεις, καθώς επίσης

εκφοβισμό και παρενόχληση σε ένοπλες συγκρούσεις και εκτός αυτών.

Ανακηρύσσει την 2α Νοεμβρίου ως Παγκόσμια Ημέρα για τον Τερματισμό της Ατιμωρησίας για Εγκλήματα κατά Δημοσιογράφων Καλεί τα κράτη-μέλη να κάνουν ό,τι μπορούν ώστε να αποφευχθεί η βία κατά δημοσιογράφων και εργαζομένων σε ΜΜΕ, να εξασφαλίζεται ο εντοπισμός των δραστών βίαιων επιθέσεων με αμερόληπτες, ταχείες και αποτελεσματικές έρευνες και οι δράστες να προσάγονται ενώπιον της δικαιοσύνης. Καλεί αρμόδιες υπηρεσίες, οργανισμούς, ταμεία και προγράμματα του συστήματος των Ηνωμένων Εθνών να συνεργαστούν για την ανταλλαγή πληροφοριών όσον αφορά την εφαρμογή του Σχεδίου Δράσης των Ηνωμένων Εθνών για την Ασφάλεια των Δημοσιογράφων και το Ζήτημα της Ατιμωρησίας και επίσης Καλεί το Γενικό Γραμματέα των Ηνωμένων Εθνών να παρουσιάσει στην επόμενη Γενική Συνέλευση του 2014, έκθεση σχετικά με την εφαρμογή της απόφασης

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international talks TALKING GREEK.... IN ENGLISH XENOFON ZOLOTAS 1959 Τα Ελληνικά είναι «νοηματική» γλώσσα. Δηλαδή το σημαίνον (λέξη) και το σημαινόμενο (έννοια) έχουν προωτογενή σχέση. Ο φιλόσοφος και μαθηματικός Βένερ Χάιζενμπεργκ είχε παρατηρήσει αυτή την σημαντική ιδιότητα για την οποία είχε πει «Η θητεία μου στην αρχαία Ελληνική γλώσσα υπήρξε η σπουδαιότερη πνευματική μου άσκηση. Στην γλώσσα αυτή υπάρχει η πληρέστερη αντιστοιχία ανάμεσα στην λέξη και στο εννοιολογικό της περιεχόμενο». I always wished to address this Assembly in Greek, but realized that it would have been indeed "Greek" to all present in this room. I found out, however, that I could make my address in Greek which would still be English to everybody. With your permission, Mr. Chairman, l shall do it now, using with the exception of articles and prepositions, only Greek words. Kyrie, it is Zeus' anathema on our epoch for the dynamism of our economies and the heresy of our economic methods and policies that we should agonize the Scylla of numismatic plethora and the Charybdis of economic anaemia. It is not my idiosyncrasy to be ironic or sarcastic, but my diagnosis would be that politicians are rather cryptoplethorists. Although they emphatically stigmatize numismatic plethora, they energize it through their tactics and practices. Our policies have to be based more on economic and less on political criteria. Our gnomon has to be a metron between political, strategic and philanthropic scopes. Political magic has always been anti-economic. In an epoch characterized by monopolies, oligopolies, monopsonies, monopolistic antagonism and polymorphous inelasticities, our policies have to be more

orthological. But this should not be metamorphosed into plethorophobia, which is endemic among academic economists. Numismatic symmetry should not hyper-antagonize economic acme. A greater harmonization between the practices of the economic and numismatic archons is basic. Parallel to this, we have to synchronize and harmonize more and more our economic and numismatic policies panethnically. These scopes are more practicable now, when the prognostics of the political and economic barometer are halcyonic. The history of our didymus organizations in this sphere has been didactic and their gnostic practices will always be a tonic to the polyonymous and idiomorphous ethnical economies. The genesis of the programmed organization will dynamize these policies. Therefore, I sympathize, although not without criticism on one or two themes, with the apostles and the hierarchy of our organs in their zeal to program orthodox economic and numismatic policies, although I have some logomachy with them. I apologize for having tyrannized you with my Hellenic phraseology. In my epilogue, I emphasize my eulogy to the philoxenous autochthons of this cosmopolitan metropolis and my encomium to you, Kyrie, and the stenographers.

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Campaigners pose on Dec. 3 with 15 tons of 5 rappen (â‚Ź0.04) coins in an old Basel bank vault, which they are auctioning to promote their initiative to introduce a 2,500 Swiss franc (â‚Ź2,040) unconditional basic income for every working Swiss citizen. In a spectacular stunt on Oct. 4 the campaigners poured the same 8 million coins, one for every Swiss citizen, out of a truck in front of the Swiss parliament in Bern. They've already collected over 130,000 signatures in favor of their proposal -- enough to force a referendum on the matter. The vote is expected to take place next year.

WORLD - ECONOMY Rate Scandal: Deutsche Bank's First Big Fine Won't Be Its Last

By Stefan Kaiser

Subprime mortgages, currency tricks, interest rate fixing: Wherever supervisory authorities have probed crooked deals of the past, Deutsche Bank comes up. Now Germany's biggest bank has had to pay its first big fine. It won't be the last.

The statement had already been prepared: "We are attaching the highest institutional importance to ensuring that this type of misconduct does not happen again," the chief executives of Deutsche Bank, Anshu Jain and Jürgen Fitschen, said in a statement shortly before midday on Wednesday. Minutes earlier, the European Commission in Brussels had slapped record fines totaling €1.7 billion ($2.3 billion) on six international banks. Deutsche Bank's share was the biggest by far at €725 million. The Commission concluded that Germany's biggest bank, together with three other banks, was part of a cartel that manipulated the Euribor benchmark interest rate. It also said the bank colluded illegally in setting the equivalent London and Tokyo rates. The banks had admitted their misconduct and agreed to a settlement, said Competition Commissioner Joaquin Almunia. It's the first major fine Deutsche Bank has has to pay for its past sins,and it's unlikely to be the last. The bank is embroiled in many lawsuits around the world, most of them related to the time before the 2008 financial crisis. • Several US authorities are targeting the perpetrators of the financial crisis -banks that bundled and sold the controversial mortgage-backed securities from


home loans. JP Morgan Chase alone has to pay $13 bil- The new leadership under co-heads Fitschen and Jain lion. Deutsche Bank faces possible claims running into are trying to limit the damage to the bank's image. billions of dollars. But that will be difficult, given the frequency of newly emerging scandals -- especially since both bosses have • Deutsche Bank also faces a hefty fine in its neverend- long held leadership positions within the organization ing battle with the heirs of the late media tycoon Leo and can thus share some responsibility for the mistakes Kirch. A Munich court has already sentenced the bank of the past. to pay compensation but Deutsche Bank has lodged an appeal with the Federal Court of Justice. Kirch's lawyers Last summer, Fitschen and Jain presented their employblame the bank for the media empire's collapse in 2002. ees with a new set of corporate values. They're appealThey want around €2 billion in compensation. ing to these same values now in view of the fallout over the interest rate scandal. "Acting with integrity is a core • There are also accusations of manipulation in the cur- value at Deutsche Bank, and we expect every employee rency markets. A number of supervisory authorities to adhere to it," they said in Wednesday's statement. have launched probes, including BAFin, the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority. But a BAFin The bank has, by its own account, already improved its spokesman said there is no indication that traders from internal oversight structures in response to the interest German banks have been involved. However, the FBI rate scandal. A total of seven traders were fired. After a is reported to have paid a Deutsche Bank trader in labor court judgment, however, five of them had to be New York an unannounced visit. Deutsche Bank is the rehired. The court held the bank's organizational strucworld's largest currency trader. ture primarily responsible for the failures. The bank has appealed against the decision. The €725 million fine is unlikely to be the last payment in the interest-rate fixing case. The bank may even face a But the material damage caused by the numerous scanhigher fine. Supervisory authorities in countries includ- dals could turn out to be even more unpleasant than the ing the US and UK are also investigating the case. damage to Deutsche Bank's reputation. The bank has already set aside €4.1 billion for dealing with the past. They have already imposed fines on four banks: Swtzerland's UBS, Britain's Barclays, the Royal Bank of Scot- That should cover the penalties that have already been land and Dutch Rabobank had to pay a total of almost imposed. But whether it proves enough to quell ongoing $4 billion. conflicts, and those yet to arise, is doubted by even the Analysts expect Deutsche Bank to reach a settle- highest authority, the European Central Bank (ECB). ment next year. Germany's BAFin is also investigating The provisions put in place by the institute are high, said Deutsche Bank's interest business. ECB executive board member Jörg Asmussen at a recent panel discussion on Deutsche Bank chief Fitschen. "But the question remains whether that will suffice." 'Integrity Is a Core Values'

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ART- WORLD Ψηφιδωτά για εκκλησίες, ναούς, μοναστήρια, εξωκκλήσια. -Ψηφιδωτές διακοσμήσεις Με την υπογραφή του Γρηγόρη Καλαγιά. H oμάδα δημιουργίας ψηφιδωτών βρίσκεται στην κεντρική Ελλάδα στα Επτά Μπλέ Κύματα (Παράλια Λάρισας), χρησιμοποιώντας ψηφίδες από πέτρες του Ολύμπου και του Κισσάβου Για πληροφορίες και αποστολή φωτογραφικού υλικού infoellopia@aol.com facebook: Mosaic Art - Καλαγιάς Γρηγόρης

Let us give you the tour! You will see the “alternative Greece� where beauty hides in every corner

New York News

Family and Childrens Programs Origami Holiday Tree 2013-2014 An annual tradition, the delightfully decorated Origami Holiday Tree has marked the start of the holiday season at the Museum for 40 years. The theme of this year’s tree is Wicked, Wild, and Wonderful, honoring the Museum's new exhibition The Power of Poison. Volunteers begin folding in July to complete hundreds of creations that will be displayed on the tree. During the holiday season, volunteers will be on hand to teach visitors of all ages the art of paper folding. The Origami Holiday Tree On view November 25, 2013 - January 12, 2014 Visit the American Museum of Natural History this holiday season to see one of New York’s most beloved displays, the Origami Holiday Tree—an annual tradition for more than forty years. Produced in partnership with OrigamiUSA, the tree is delightfully decorated with more than 500 hand-folded paper models created by local, national, and international origami artists. The theme of this year’s tree is Wicked, Wild, and Wonderful, inspired by the Museum’s new exhibition The Power of Poison. Expect to see snakes, frogs, and spiders, as well as folded versions of all of your favorite Museum attractions: dinosaurs, butterflies, whales, spaceships, and more. Learn more about this year’s tree. Feeling crafty? Volunteers from OrigamiUSA will be on hand at the Museum to teach paper folding to visitors of all ages.

Theater News - Greece

ΑΠΟ ΤΗΝ ΠΡΩΤΗ ΣΤΙΓΜΗ Με τον Αλέξη Γεωργούλη και την Αννίτα Κούλη

Πρόκειτα για μια έξυπνη κομεντί σε ένα σενάριο χωρίς εκπλήξεις, με έξυπνη σκηνοθεσία που επιτρέπει τους δύο χαρακτήρες (Αλέξης Γεωργούλης, Αννίτα Κούλη) να “ντύνουν” με το παίξιμό τους τον χώρο. Ομορφες αποδόσεις με λόγο που κυλά μέσα από την καθημερινότητά μας, καταφέρνουν να μας πείσουν πως ακόμα και στην πιο ιδιόμορφη σχέση μπορεί να επέλθει η έλξη και η συνύπαρξη. Παρακολουθούμε τους δύο ταλαντούχους ηθοποιούς στα σκαμπανεβάσματα του παραλογισμού του έρωτα και της συνήθειας. Για μια

ακόμα φορά φυσικά υπερνικά ο έρωτας. Ο θεατής παρακολουθεί τους διαλόγους που αποδίδονται τόσο έντονα και μπριόζα από Γεωργούλη και Κούλη που “αναγκάζεται” να συνυπάρξει μαζί τους. Σφυχτό, έξυπνο με αρκετά δυνατές και καθόλι της διάρκεια διασκορπισμένες ατάκες. Ο Αλέξης Γεωργούλης καταφέρνει να μας αποδείξει για μια ακόμα φορά πως η τέχνη της σκηνοθεσίας δεν είναι παράγωγο της υποκριτικής και αυτονόητο προσόν. Μια πολύ όμορφα δουλεμένη παράσταση που αξίζει να την δείτε αν είστε στην Αθήνα. Λιτό σενάριο, πανέξυπνη σκηνοθεσία, απόλυτα εναρμονισμένη μουσική , δεμένη ομάδα...φύγαμε όλοι με τεράστια χαμόγελα

Αθηνά Κρικέλη

ΣΥΝΤΕΛΕΣΤΕΣ Συγγραφέας : Ιωάννης Χαλαντώνης Σκηνοθεσία : Αλέξης Γεωργούλης Ερμηνεύουν : Αλέξης Γεωργούλης- Αννίτα Κούλη Σκηνικά-Κοστούμια : Ελένη Στρούλια - Ζαϊρα Φαληρέα Σχεδιασμός φωτισμών : Σαράντος Ζουρντός Επιμέλεια κίνησης: Κυριάκος Κοσμίδης Πρωτότυπη μουσική σύνθεση, ενορχήστρωση, διασκευή και επιμέλεια μουσικών θεμάτων : Γιώργος Χατζής Βοηθός Σκηνοθέτη : Φανή Γεωργακοπούλου Βοηθός Σκηνογράφου : Μαρκέλα Δερβετζή Διεύθυνση παραγωγής : Γιώργος Ψαραδέλης Ημέρες Παραστάσεων Πέμπτη - Παρασκευή: 21.15 Σάββατο: 18.00 και 21.15 Κυριακή: 19.30 Θέατρο Ροές: Ιάκχου 16 Γκάζι 11854, Αθήνα/ Τηλ: +30. (5:30μμ-10μμ καθημερινά)

IT IS ALL HAPPENING HERE The first Christmas Tree at Rockefeller Center was a spindly balsam erected on the construction site in December, 1931. Two years later, the first “official” tree- a handsome specimen standing 50 feet tall- was unveiled in its famous spot in Rockefeller Plaza, and the lighting ceremony was broadcast nationwide over NBC Radio. The largest of Rockefeller Center’s trees was the 100-yearold, 100-foot-tall, ten-ton Norway Spruce erected in 1999. The 75th tree marked the start of a new eco-friendly tradition in 2007. It was cut down with a two-person handsaw, and illuminated by 30,000 LEDs that used a fraction of the energy of normal bulbs. When the time came to take the tree down, Rockefeller Center partnered with Habitat for Humanity, which milled and treated it for future use as “green” lumber. Humble Beginnings Today it’s a multimillion-dollar extravaganza that attracts thousands of tourists every year, but the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree hasn’t always been so glamorous. On Christmas Eve 1931, with the nation mired in the Great Depression, a group of construction workers erected a 20-ft. tree on the muddy site of what would become one of the city’s greatest architectural and commercial monuments. Despite their grim faces, the men had cause to celebrate. Unlike most of their colleagues, they were about to get paid. (Notice the wooden crate at the foot of the tree and the clerk behind it dispensing checks.) Two years later, a Rockefeller Center publicist organized the first official tree-lighting ceremony.

THIS HOLIDAY SEASON On Christmas Eve 1931, with the nation mired in the Great Depression, a group of construction workers erected a 20-ft. tree on the muddy site of what would become one of the city’s greatest architectural and commercial monuments. Despite their grim faces, the men had cause to celebrate. Unlike most of their colleagues, they were about to get paid. (Notice the wooden crate at the foot of the tree and the clerk behind it dispensing checks.)


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Η ευαισθησία σου συχνά ξεπερνάει τα όρια. Σκαλίζεις μνήμες, ονειροπολείς και αλητεύεις στο χτες, επιμένοντας να συνδέεις το παρελθόν σου με το σήμερα. Αρκεί μια αθώα λεπτομέρεια, ένα ηλιοβασίλεμα, μια μελωδία, ένας στίχος, ένα βλέμμα, δυο λόγια, μια φωτογραφία… για να σε κάνουν κομμάτια. Αφήνεις –και το δείχνεις– να ξεχειλίζει άφθονο το συναίσθημα από μέσα σου. Δεν συμβιβάζεσαι με την κατάντια της σημερινής κοινωνίας. Απορείς κι αναρωτιέσαι: πώς έγινε και ισοπεδώθηκαν έτσι όλα; Πώς χάθηκαν οι αξίες της ζωής; Αυτές που μας μπόλιαζαν οι γονείς μας πρώτα, οι καλοί δάσκαλοι μετά και η ζωή μετέπειτα; Εξάντλησες, όσο τίποτα το δικαίωμα στο όνειρο. Το κυνήγησες κι έζησες μες σ’ αυτό. Έζησες με τα «θέλω» της καρδιάς σου κι όχι με τα «πρέπει των άλλων. Έζησες, αισθάνθηκες, αγάπησες… Ευτυχείς συγκυρίες που εξακολουθούν –ακόμα και σήμερα– να σημαδεύουν εκείνη την εποχή του αισθήματος. Εσύ είσαι αυτός. Ένας παλαιάς κοπής ρομαντικός! Όσο κι αν ο χρόνος πέρασε στοιβάζοντας αμέτρητα άλλα, όσο κι αν όλα αυτά σκεπάστηκαν μ’ ένα σωρό σκόνη, εσύ επιμένεις να περνάς το χέρι σου από πάνω, να τη διώχνεις και να τα φέρνεις πάλι πίσω… στο φως. Κρυσταλλωμένες εικόνες, σαν παγωμένες ψιχάλες αιωρούνται μπροστά σου και μέσα τους βλέπεις τη ζωή σου σε επανάληψη. Τις κοιτάς και θυμάσαι πρόσωπα, διαδρομές, σταθμούς, αποχαιρετισμούς και αφετηρίες… Μετράς τις ρωγμές που άφησε χαραγμένες επάνω τους ο χρόνος και… μελαγχολείς. Πέρασαν τόσα χρόνια κι όμως, κάποιες φορές, στις σιωπές της ψυχής σου, το ρολόι του μυαλού παίρνει αντίστροφες πορείες, όπως κι εσύ που γυρίζεις στα ίδια και

στα ίδια. Είσαι ένας παράξενος ταξιδευτής που ταξιδεύει από τη χαρά στη μελαγχολία κι από τη νοσταλγία στο όνειρο… Παθογένειες που δύσκολα τις κόβεις… Θέλεις να ξεφύγεις από τη ρουτίνα της καθημερινότητας και τη μονοτονία της γκρίνιας. Εσωτερικοί μονόλογοι σε βασανίζουν. Ζυγίζεις, με τα δικά σου σταθμά, ομορφιές και απογοητεύσεις κι ανασύρεις από τις αποθήκες της μνήμης ό,τι αγάπησες. Ακούς ξεχασμένες νότες και γλυκές μελωδίες και συγκινείσαι, σκουπίζεις την υγρασία απ’ τα μάτια σου και… τις ξανακάνεις πάλι δικές σου. Ξεφυλλίζεις αμέτρητες σελίδες βιβλίων κι ανάμεσα στα τόσα, διαβάζεις –και θέλεις να τηρήσεις– εκείνο που έγραψε ο Ισπανός συγγραφέας Αντόνιο Μουνιόζ Μολίνα: «είναι τόσα αυτά που χάνει κανείς στη ζωή του για να μη φυλάει αυτά που του έμειναν». Και μολονότι δεν το λες, στα μάτια σου το βλέπω… Προσπαθείς να φαίνεσαι ήρεμος. Αποφεύγεις ό,τι μπορεί να σ’ ενοχλεί ή να σου προκαλεί άγχος, θλίψη ή πόνο… Κι είναι φορές που το καταφέρνεις ξεγυμνώνοντας, δίχως συμπόνια, τον εαυτό σου. Άλλωστε τι άλλο μπορεί να είναι ο εαυτός μας, παρά οι σκέψεις μας, οι αγάπες και οι φόβοι μας, το γέλιο και το κλάμα μας, οι εμμονές και οι αντιδράσεις μας, το παραμικρό και το ασήμαντο που συναντάμε στη ζωή μας κι ό,τι, τέλος πάντων, εξομολογούμαστε στα γραφτά μας. Γι’ αυτό, κάθε τόσο σε βλέπω να καταθέτεις τα φορτία της ψυχής σου στο άψυχο χαρτί, θέλοντας έτσι να τον ζωγραφίσεις… Ναι, για σένα τα λέω… μηθυμναίος


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ΨΙΛΟΠΡΑΓΜΑΤΑ... γράφει ο Απόστολος Παπαγιανόπουλος

΄Ενταση και σήμερα έξω από το Υπουργείο Διοικητικής Απορρύθμισης όταν προσήλθαν εκεί 100 περίπου σχολικοί φύλακες σε “διαθεσιμότητα” που ήλθαν στην Αθήνα ταξιδεύοντας όλη τη νύχτα για να διαμαρτυρηθούν που μήνες τώρα είναι σε κατάσταση πλήρους αδιαφορίας εκ μέρους του υπουργείου αντιμετωπίζοντας μεγάλα οικονομικά προβλήματα. Και ενώ η διαμαρτυρία τους ήταν δικαιολογημένη και εκδηλώθηκε με κόσμιο τρόπο όπως άλλωστε έχουν κάθε δικαίωμα να κάνουν, κατέφτασαν τα ΜΑΤ με τα ρόπαλα και άρχισαν να ...απωθούν ρίχνοντας κατά τον γνωστό τρόπο και τις ανάλογες ψιλές για να φτάσουν και στη χρήση χημικών λες και οι 100 αυτοί διαδηλωτές απειλούσαν την ύπαρξη και ασφάλεια του

By: Danny Rubin

κράτους... ΄Ακουσα τις ειδήσεις το μεσημέρι και δικαιολόγησα γιατί οι εφημερίδες είναι κρεμασμένες στα μανταλάκια χωρίς να ενδιαφέρεται κανείς να τις διαβάσει και οι τηλεοράσεις και τα ραδιόφωνα κλειστά . Ο δημοσιογράφος μετέδωσε πως δεν έγινε και τίποτα παρά μόνο έπεσε λίγο ξύλο, έγινε περιορισμένη (σχεδόν ανεπαίσθετη χρηση χημικών έτσι για το ...καλό), τέσσερις μεταφέρθηκαν με αναπνευστικά προβλήματα στο νοσοκομείο και κάπου καμιά 10 συνελλήφθησαν και οδηγήθηκαν στην γαδα για τα περαιτέρω ...Ψιλοπράγματα δηλαδή. Σα΄δεν ντρεπόμαστε λέω ΄γω !...


art greece

ΘΕΟΧΑΡΗΣ ΙΩΑΝΝΙΔΗΣ Live εμφανίσεις και studio με νέα τραγούδια Ο αγαπημένος ηθοποιός και τραγουδιστής Θεοχάρης Ιωαννίδης αυτή την εποχή βρίσκεται στο στούντιο όπου δοκιμάζει καινούργια τραγούδια, ενώ παράλληλα ετοιμάζει μια μεγάλη Bar & club Tour ανά την Αθήνα και την Ελλάδα. Θέλει να παρουσιάσει ένα ρεπερτόριο από τα δικά του καινούργια κομμάτια αλλά και μια επιλογή από τα πιο καλόγουστα ποπ Ελληνικά και ξένα τραγούδια. Θα δούμε λοιπόν πως συνδυάζονται σ’ ένα Live, ο Γιώργος Σαμπάνης με τον Σταμάτη Κραουνάκη, η Έλενα Παπαρίζου με τον Κωστή Μαραβέγια, ο Νίκος Καρβέλας με τις Μέλισσες το Rock ‘n Roll με την δεκαετία του ΄80 και ο Γιώργος Μαζωνάκης με τον James Arthur. Οι ημερομηνίες και οι τοποθεσίες θα ανακοινωθούν σύντομα


Happy Holidays

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