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Published in New York City by EMG (Ellopia Media Group december 2014 - Issue 91

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by Athina Krikeli

“Stop buying your kids expensive and unnecessary stuff! You will harm them. In the long run! Teach, spend time with them, help them to get a taste of the pre electronic Era! Play with them. Don’t let your phone or worse their phone to play with! Teach them manners. Iphone isn’t the coolest thing for a 5 year old! Have a great Holiday season everyone! Keep smiling and try to “build” richness that nobody can take away from you. Merry Christmas and a great New Year Enjoy”

Athina Krikeli

Via Emai 15.000 copies Free of charge Publisher Editor in Chief USA Athina Krikeli Creative Art Director Hellas Costas Krikelis Advertising Director Lia Delkotzaki Senior Editor (English) Titos Christodoulou, (England) Music Editors Nikos Tatasopouls Petros Hatjopoulos Photo Director Fotis Papadakis Business Consultant Maria Papapetros Fashion Consultant Nikos Eftaxias Contributors S. Papathemelis (Greece), Arkas (Greece) G. Kalaras, (Chicago) Titos Christodoulou, (England) Writers G. Skabardonis (Greece) Costas Krikelis (Greece) Greg Michaelides (USA) Anita Diamantopoulou (USA) Kostas Mpliatkas (Hellas) Publishing coordinator HELLAS Lia Delkotzaki Gianni Sotiriou All opinions expressed in the articles are their authors’ own. Ellopia Media Group Ltd. USA KAUFMAN ASTORIA STUDIOS 34-12 36th str NY 11106 Tel: (718) 720 4522 ellopia@aol.com www.ellopiatv.com Facebook: ellopia You Tube/ellopia

the world

We Are The Enemy: Is This The Lesson Of Ferguson? By John Whitehead

Ferguson matters because it provides us with a foretaste of what is to come. It is the shot across the bow, so to speak, a warning that this is how we will all be treated if we do not tread cautiously in challenging the police state, and it won’t matter whether we’re black or white, rich or poor, Republican or Democrat.

If you dress police officers up as soldiers and you put them in military vehicles and you give them military weapons, they adopt a warrior mentality. We fight wars against enemies, and the enemies are the people who live in our cities—particularly in communities of color.—Thomas Nolan, criminology professor and former police officer Should police officer Darren Wilson be held accountable for the shooting death of unarmed citizen Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, on August 9, 2014? That the police officer was white and his victim black should make no difference. In a perfect world, it would not matter. In an imperfect world such as ours, however, racism is an effective propaganda tool used by the government and the media to distract us from the real issues. As a result, the national dialogue about the dangers of militarized, weaponized police officers being trained to act like soldiers on the battlefield, shooting first and asking questions later, has shifted into a largely unspoken debate over race wars, class perceptions and longstanding, deep-seated notions of who deserves our unquestioning loyalty and who does not.

Putting aside our prejudices, however, let’s not overlook the importance of Ferguson and this grand jury verdict. Tasked with determining whether Wilson should stand trial for Brown’s shooting, the grand jury ruled that the police officer will not face charges for the fatal shooting. However, the greater question—whether anything will really change to rein in militarized police, police shootings, lack of accountability and oversight, and a military industrial complex with a vested interest in turning America into a war zone—remains unanswered. Ferguson matters because it provides us with a foretaste of what is to come. It is the shot across the bow, so to speak, a warning that this is how we will all be treated if we do not tread cautiously in challenging the police state, and it won’t matter whether we’re black or white, rich or poor, Republican or Democrat. In the eyes of the corporate state, we are all the enemy. This is the lesson of Ferguson. Remember that in the wake of the shooting, Ferguson police officers clad in body armor, their faces covered with masks, equipped with assault rifles and snipers and riding ar-

the world mored vehicles, showed up in force to deal with protesters. Describing that show of force by police in Ferguson, Senator Claire McCaskill, Democrat of Missouri, stated, “This was a military force, and they were facing down an enemy.” Yes, we are the enemy. As I point out in my book A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, since those first towers fell on 9/11, the American people have been treated like enemy combatants, to be spied on, tracked, scanned, frisked, searched, subjected to all manner of intrusions, intimidated, invaded, raided, manhandled, censored, silenced, shot at, locked up, and denied due process. There was a moment of hope after Ferguson that perhaps things might change. Perhaps the balance would be restored between the citizenry and their supposed guardians, the police. Perhaps our elected officials would take our side for a change and oppose the militarization of the police. Perhaps warfare would take a backseat to more pressing national concerns. That hope was short-lived. It wasn’t long before the media moved on to other, more titillating stories. The disappearance of a University of Virginia college student and the search for her alleged abductor, the weeks-long man-hunt for an accused cop killer, the Republican electoral upset, a Rolling Stone expose on gang rapes at fraternity parties, Obama’s immigration amnesty plan, and the rape charges against Bill Cosby are just a few of the stories that have dominated the news cycle since the Ferguson standoff between police and protesters. It wasn’t long before the American public, easily acclimated to news of government wrongdoing (case in point: the national yawn over the NSA’s ongoing domestic surveillance), ceased to be shocked, outraged or alarmed by reports of police shootings. In fact, the issue was nowhere to be found in this year’s run-up to Election Day, which was largely devoid of any pressing matters of national concern. And with nary a hiccup, the police state marched steadily forth. In fact, aided and abetted by the citizenry’s short attention span, its easily distracted nature, and its desensitization to anything that occupies the news cycle for too long, it has been business as usual in terms of police shootings, the amassing of military weapons, and the government’s sanctioning of police misconduct. Most recently, Ohio police shot and killed a 12-year-old boy who was seen waving a toy gun at a playground. Rubbing salt in our wounds, in the wake of Ferguson, po-

lice agencies not only continued to ramp up their military arsenals but have used them whenever possible. In fact, in anticipation of the grand jury’s ruling, St. Louis police actually purchased more equipment for its officers, including “civil disobedience equipment.” Just a few weeks after the Ferguson showdown, law enforcement agencies took part in an $11 million manhunt in Pennsylvania for alleged cop killer Eric Frein. Without batting an eye, the news media switched from outraged “shock” over the military arsenal employed by police in Ferguson to respectful “awe” of the 48-day operation that cost taxpayers $1.4 million per week in order to carry out a round-the-clock dragnet search of an area with a 5-mile-radius. The Frein operation brought together 1,000 officers from local, state and federal law enforcement, as well as SWAT teams and cutting edge military equipment (high-powered rifles, body armor, infrared sensors, armored trucks, helicopters and unmanned, silent surveillance blimps)— some of the very same weapons and tactics employed in Ferguson and, a year earlier, in Boston in the wake of the marathon bombing. The manhunt was a well-timed, perfectly choreographed exercise in why Americans should welcome the police state: for our safety, of course, and to save the lives of police officers. Opposed to any attempt to demilitarize America’s police forces, the Dept. of Homeland Security has been chanting this safety mantra in testimony before Congress: Remember 9/11. Remember Boston. Remember how unsafe the world was before police were equipped with automatic weapons, heavily armored trucks, night-vision goggles, and aircraft donated by the DHS. Contrary to DHS rhetoric, however, militarized police— twitchy over perceived dangers, hyped up on their authority, and protected by their agencies, the legislatures and the courts—have actually made communities less safe at a time when violent crime is at an all-time low and lumberjacks, fishermen, airline pilots, roofers, construction workers, trash collectors, electricians and truck drivers all have a higher risk of on-the-job fatalities than police officers. Moreover, as Senator Tom Coburn points out, the militarization of America’s police forces has actually “created some problems that wouldn’t have been there otherwise.” Among those problems: a rise in the use of SWAT team raids for routine law enforcement activities (averaging 80,000 a year), a rise in the use and abuse of asset forfeiture laws by police agencies, a profit-driven incentive to


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TO DONATE VISIT www.thegreekchildrensfund.org criminalize lawful activities and treat Americans as suspects, and a transformation of the nation’s citizenry into suspects. Ferguson provided us with an opportunity to engage in a much-needed national dialogue over how police are trained, what authority they are given, what weaponry they are provided, and how they treat those whom they are entrusted with protecting. Caught up in our personal politics, prejudices and class warfare, we have failed to answer that call. In so doing, we have played right into the hands of all those corporations who profit from turning America into a battlefield by selling the government mine-resistant vehicles, assault rifles, grenade launchers, and drones. As long as we remain steeped in ignorance, there will be no reform. As long as we remain divided by our irrational fear of each other, there will be no overhaul in the nation’s law enforcement system or institution of an oversight process whereby communities can ensure that local police departments are acting in accordance with their wishes and values.

And as long as we remain distracted by misguided loyalties to military operatives who are paid to play the part of the government’s henchmen, there will be no saving us when the events of Ferguson unfold in our own backyards. When all is said and done, it doesn’t matter whose “side” you’re on as far as what transpired in Ferguson, whether you believe that Michael Brown was a victim or that Darren Wilson was justified in shooting first and asking questions later. What matters is that we not allow politics and deep-rooted prejudices of any sort to divert our efforts to restore some level of safety, sanity and constitutional balance to the role that police officers play in our communities. If we fail to do so, we will have done a disservice to ourselves and every man, woman and child in this country who have become casualties of the American police state. Copyright 2014 © The Rutherford Institute The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Ellopia Press News editorial policy.

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Ας μιλήσουμε λοιπόν για τη Γάζα. (μέρος α’) Ανθρωπιστική αποστολή στη Λωρίδα της Γάζας με απεσταλμένους δημοσιογράφους του «105,5 στο Κόκκινο», της Fair Planet, του Κοινωνικού Μητροπολιτικού Ιατρείου Ελληνικού και της Αλληλεγγύης για Όλους, με την συνεργασία της Ένωσης Παλαιστινίων Εργαζομένων του Χρυσόστομου Λουκά Φωτογραφίες: Μιχάλης Καραγιάννης Το καλοκαίρι του 2014, με την Αραβική Άνοιξη στον πάγο αλλά και με την δυναμική των λαϊκών κινημάτων να μην έχει κοπάσει, στην Αίγυπτο επικράτησαν δυνάμεις εχθρικές προς την Μουσουλμανική Αδελφότητα μέρος της οποίας αποτελεί και η Χαμάς στη Γάζα. Το Ισραήλ έκρινε-λανθασμένα όπως αποδείχτηκεότι τώρα ήταν η κατάλληλη ευκαιρία να τελειώνει με την Χαμάς ώστε να δοθεί η Γάζα στον έλεγχο του Μαχμούτ Αμπάς με τον οποίο βρίσκεται αενάως και παντελώς ανεπιτυχώς σε «διάλογο». Πενήντα μια ημέρες ανελέητου βομβαρδισμού και καταστροφής αντιστασιακών υποδομών της Χαμάς στη Γάζα και το Ισραήλ ακόμα δεν είχε καταφέρει να κάμψει την αντίσταση από όλες τις παρατάξεις του αποκλεισμένου παλαιστινιακού θύλακα. Την ίδια ώρα οι νεκροί παλαιστίνιοι ξεπερνούσαν τους 2100, στην συντριπτική πλειοψηφία άμαχοι, οι εικόνες των νεκρών παιδιών άρχισαν πλέον να αντιστρέφουν ακόμα και στις πιο φιλοϊσραηλινές δυτικές πρωτεύουσες το κλίμα κατά του Ισραήλ, ενώ το ίδιο το Ισραήλ μετρούσε σχεδόν 80 νεκρούς -κυρίως στρατιώτες- αριθμός πολύ υψηλός για να δικαιολογήσει μια στρατιωτική «επιχείρηση» στη Γάζα προς όφελος υποτίθεται της εθνικής ασφάλειας. Το μέτωπο λοιπόν της Γάζας έκλεισε αναγκαστικά για όλες τις πλευρές με μια εκεχειρία που μέχρι σήμερα τουλάχιστον φαίνεται να τηρείται χωρίς καμία όμως χαλάρωση του αποκλεισμού.

Σε αυτήν την αποκλεισμένη ρημαγμένη Γάζα προσπαθήσαμε και τελικά καταφέραμε να εισέλθουμε φέρνοντας έντεκα τόνους φάρμακα από Ελλάδα και καταγράφοντας την κατάσταση αμέσως μετά τον πόλεμο. Αμέσως μετά την είσοδο μας στη Ράφα τα πρώτα σημάδια της καταστροφής αλλά και του ακμαίου ηθικού των κατοίκων γίνεται ολοφάνερο. Στη Ράφα, μια πιο αραιοκατοικημένη συνοριακή περιοχή υπάρχουν βομβαρδισμένα κτήρια, πολλά γαζωμένα με σφαίρες μεγάλου διαμετρήματος. Εδώ σύμφωνα με το Ισραήλ έγινε απόπειρα από μαχητές της Χαμάς για απαγωγή ισραηλινού στρατιώτη. Διετάχθη τότε «Νέρωνας»… Με την παντελώς παράνομη και ανήθικη αυτή τακτική, ο ισραηλινός στρατός ρίχνει συνεχώς προς την περιοχή που φαίνεται να πραγματοποιείται απόπειρα αιχμαλώτισης ισραηλινού στρατιώτη, με την ελπίδα αυτός να καταφέρει να απεγκλωβιστεί. Βέβαια με βολές πυροβολικού ανά 60 δευτερόλεπτα επί πολλά λεπτά προς τον στόχο που υποτίθεται επιδιώκεις να απεγκλωβίσεις το πλέον εύκολο να συμβεί είναι να τον εξαϋλώσεις όπως και έγινε τελικά. Η Χαμάς δεν είχε καμία πληροφορία ούτε για δικούς της μαχητές ούτε για κάποιον ισραηλινό και πως άλλωστε αφού δεν είχε μείνει τίποτα. Για το Ισραήλ φυσικά, απεγκλωβισμένος ή νεκρός είναι σίγουρα καλύτερο από το να έχει ο εχθρός αιχμάλωτο του…

New York Press

by Maria Papapetros Get in touch with Maria Papapetros at www.mpapapetros.com Facebook: MARIA PAPAPETROS PSYCHIC WORKS email: maria@papapetros.com Tel: 212 935 4441

Here we are again my friends, another Christmas, another New Year, I am feeling happy and excited to be back home this time of year, jetlag and all. As l was sorting out Christmas decorations last night, I found my holiday journal, sat in the middle of the floor and started reading, I was in an awe seeing how many of my last year’s wishes had been granted. I went down memory lane of earlier wish lists, and realized that some things I had asked for, had materialized years later after the asking, but they had. Wow what a significant realization, it reinstated my faith in prayer and in Santa. I took to my journal again and started writing my heart felt thanks to God for the gifts I had received. After a while the gratitude I was offering and the joy of receiving empowered me so much that I felt cherished, loved and very special. I was a child again, full of wonder and awe, faith and confidence. My joy was so great I wanted to share it with loved ones; I felt the blessing of generosity so I started making my gift-giving list for them. It was so much fun and easy to share; I chose books for many, writing pads for others, Tarot cards for a few. I opted for table games for families with children, foot massages for my favorite aunts, and my special chicken soup recipe for my friend Linda. In my mind I was experiencing their gladness of

receiving gifts that filled my heart with joy. By the time I was finished I was so elated, and so full of happiness. What an awakening that was; the joy of giving is so powerful I wish it for you all. That is what Christmas is all about, giving joy and opening our hearts to also receive it. Giving does not always have to be material. The magic of a smile works wonders, ask the beggar in the corner; he may prefer it to the change you put in his cup. The same goes for your doorman and the deliveryman, take a minute and ask them about their families and how they are spending their Holidays; they have a life you know as important as yours. Put the grudges down and let bygones be bygones. The power of forgiveness is very healing so send season’s greetings to those you have not been speaking to. Let them feel loved, an encouraging word from you may give them a new lease in life. Make this Christmas about rebirth of our own spirit, giving, sharing, forgiving, connecting and most of all giving LOVE. It will be returned to you tenfold. Make this Holiday memorable long after the gifts have been forgotten. And now start making your own wish list; Santa knows you’ve been good!!!! My best Holiday Wishes to you and your families! Maria

new york city

Puck Magazine, a satirical monthly. The caption reads "Bring the little ones' let them enjoy this Christmas Carnival to their hearts content." Photo courtesy the Library of Congress.

How New York invented Christmas New York has given the country and the world many things in its 380-year history — the hot dog, the American musical, the martini, electric signs — but who knew it also gave us what the modern world thinks of as the traditional way to celebrate Christmas?

When it was revived in 1660, it was a calmer affair, and still celebrated on a community basis. It was New York City that changed all that, pioneering the family — and very child-centered — holiday that has since spread around the world. This is not surprising, perhaps, seeing that Santa Claus is New York's patron saint. No, really. The Dutch ship that brought the first settlers to Manhattan was named for St. Nicholas, the patron saint of old Amsterdam as well as children.

Christmas was originally a combination of the day of worship of the birth of Christ and the Roman winter solstice festival called the Saturnalia. The latter was a very raucous, townwide affair, and its raunchy and riotous ways persisted until nearly modern times.

It was long a Dutch tradition for children to get presents on St. Nicholas Day, Dec. 6, often put in their shoes or stockings for them to find in the morning. The children of non-Dutch families, noticing how well the Dutch children were making out on Dec. 6, were soon successfully lobbying their parents to give them presents as well.

Then the Puritans outlawed Christmas altogether.

new york city

How New York invented Christmas parent's wallet was through their children. Often these presents came on Christmas instead of St. A.T. Stewart, the greatest New York merchant of the Nicholas Day. time — he more or less invented the department store Then, around the turn of the 19th century, New York's — also was a major importer of dry goods and other emerging literary establishment created much of the merchandise from abroad, which he wholesaled to folklore of the modern Christmas. Washington Irving storekeepers in other cities around the country. wrote about St. Nicholas ("Sinterklaes" in one Dutch At first, there was no single, standard image of Santa form of the name, soon anglicized to "Santa Claus"). Claus. But in the 1860s, the great American political In Irving's "Diederich Knickerbocker's History of New cartoonist Thomas Nast contributed drawings (like the York," Sinterklaes rode through the skies in a horse and one pictured above) to Harper's Weekly — a New York wagon and went down chimneys to deliver presents to publication, of course — that fixed to the present day children. the image of Santa Claus as a jolly, bearded, fat man in a In 1821, an American children's book called "The Chil- fur-trimmed cap. Nast often depicted Santa visiting the dren's Friend" changed Santa's horse and wagon to troops fighting the Civil War. a reindeer and sleigh. Then in 1823, Clement Clarke Moore penned the most famous Christmas poem of By the 20th century, the New York-inspired American them all, "A Visit from St. Nicholas." Moore was about Christmas traditions were hallowed ones. But New as New York as it gets. His family's Manhattan estate Yorkers kept adding to them anyway. In 1940, Irving had been named for the Chelsea Hospital in London — Berlin wrote what has become the most popular Christand that then gave its name to the Manhattan neighbor- mas song of all time, "White Christmas." Nine years hood, which Moore developed. It was Moore who made later, Robert May and his New Yorker brother-in-law, the number of Santa's reindeer eight and gave them the composer Johnny Marks, added a ninth reindeer to their names. Santa's sleigh, Rudolph. It is, perhaps, a sign of New York City's incomparaNew York merchants, knowing a good thing when they ble multiethnic synergy, which reaches right back to saw one, began to push the New York tradition of gift- the present-seeking children of Dutch days, that both giving, decorating their stores and filling their windows Marks and Berlin were, of course, Jewish. with merchandise designed to catch the eyes of kids. Gordon, who grew up in Manhattan, has written several They figured, quite correctly, that the fastest way to a books of history, including "Empire of Wealth: The Epic

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Τα γιορτινά μας τα φοράμε όλο τον χρόνο, τώρα στολιστήκαμε και δημιουργήσαμε συνθέσεις και φτιασίδια πανέμορφα "πλεγμένα" με αγάπη από την ομάδα μας. Σε κάθε κορδέλα ένα χαμόγελο σε κάθε κόμπο μια ευχή στο κάθε κοίταγμα ενα "χρόνια πολλά" Α, δεν σας είπαμε! αλλάξαμε και τις τιμές μας, δικό μας δώρο προς εσάς. Ελάτε και θα το διαπιστώσετε!

World of Hellenes Prof. A.P. Alivisatos Awarded as Commander of the Order of Honor “I really am deeply honored to receive this award from my homeland of Greece. I was educated in Greece, and the years that I spent there changed my life forever,” said prof. Alivisatos, while accepting the award. “To all the people of Greece I want to say a deep thank you for the effect that you had on me as a young person, which is what has enabled me to go on later in my life and to have some accomplishments in the science world. I also want to say to all the people of Greece how much we all hope that you will be optimistic about the future and built something very special in Greece.” Dr. Alivisatos also made a link between his field of expertise and ancient Greece by saying that, as most great things, nanotechnology finds its roots in Democritus’ atomic theory. A. Paul Alivisatos, Director of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, UC Berkeley’s Samsung Distinguished Professor of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Professor of Chemistry and Materials Science & Engineering and Director of Kavli Energy NanoScienc-

es Institute, was also a candidate for the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2013. Dr. Alivizatos spent his early years in Chicago until the age of 10, when his family moved back to Athens, Greece, where he stayed until his high school graduation. He earned his B.A in Chemistry at the University of Chicago with honors and his Ph.D. in Chemical Physics at UC Berkeley

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Kelly Rutherford

My wishes are to be with my family and to ice skate and drink hot chocolate! To really just enjoy our time together and watch the kids open their presents from Santa'. We will leave Santa a snack too. Usually cookies we have made.


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New York Press


with immigration issues. Since the majorMost sports fans normally only see the in- ity of the players come from overseas that dustry on the surface and rarely see the issue sometimes comes into play. business end of it. One part of the busiNew York there are three powerhouse teams that are ness is the “game” of being an agent to the In sought after by many agents based on their success stotop players in a given organization. The ries; The New York Rangers, Buffalo Sabres and the New world of negotiating contracts and solidi- York Islanders. One agent that has targeted one of those fying short and long term deals is a maze teams is George Bazos. in of itself. There are a few sports agents Since he was a young boy sports always played a big role who have managed to navigate the ever in his life. His father, Nicholas Bazos, came to America from Greece at fifteen years old and was an avid socchanging sports industry. cer player who ended up playing for UMASS. George’s Out of all the professional sports the NHL father inspired him to be athletic which led to him playseems to be the most complex. For agents ing soccer, basketball and baseball. His brother Andy followed suit. In baseball alone George was named, in that arena, not only have to deal with also First Team All-Western Mass. as a first baseman. negotiating contracts but sometimes deal Even though George would go on to represent NHL

New York Press


players he never personally played hockey. He attended Tufts University where he studied Economics which would later aide him in the career he chose to pursue. But his upbringing also played a big role in his success.

industry. He began his own agency along with his partner, Jordan Neumann, in 2008. Since then they have been a driving force in the sports agent game. Along with Quick, George also represents forward, Cam Atkinson, who “I think that my upbringing as a Greek- American has plays for Columbus and defenseman, Kevin Shatterkirk helped me in my business life. Growing up, I learned with the St. Louis Blues and Carolina Hurricanes forwhat it is like to work hard by watching my parents and ward Nathan Gerbe along with many other NHL playrelatives. My father came to the U.S. with nothing. He ers. did not speak English at the time. He worked hard to Currently he represents New York Ranger, Dan Boyle put himself through college and then on to a success- who is recovering from a broken hand. For the past ful career as a stock broker. My father and my mother, month it has been difficult for Dan who wants to be out Estelle Bazos, then sent myself and my brother (Andrew there helping his teammates. George is always there to Bazos, Harvard University) to college.” support his clients whether they are on or off the ice. After graduating in 1987 George pursued the demanding career of being a sports agent his first taste came in “Dan broke a bone in his hand, and it takes 1990. Prior to that he was hired by PaineWebber Inc. time to heal. No amount of rehab can speed the (now UBS Financial Services). While working there he process of the bone healing, so that makes things managed to earn various licenses in investment and in- difficult. There is nothing I can do for Dan, exsurance. He would also go on to be certified by the NHL cept to give him emotional support. I am lookand the MLB. ing forward to his return to playing.” He would soon come to represent a player who would become one of the most elite goalies in the NHL. George first met Jonathan Quick when he was a junior at Avon Usually the busiest time for George is the end of the Old Farms, a Prep School. After that he followed him season when negotiations are up and terms need to be and realized his potential and when he felt it was right ironed out. The start of the season is a quiet time since he approached Jonathan’s parents. George is best known usually contracts are already in place. George enjoys for his success at the Collective Bargaining Agreement. working with every player he represents. He admits that As Quick’s agent he played a big role in his 10-year, $58 hockey players are very humble and hard working. Bemillion extension with the LA Kings. Bazos through his sides being an agent he also speaks at conferences and own agency, Edge Sports Management made it happen. has penned a few columns covering amateur and pro Most of George’s success is not only due to his educahockey. When he is not out breaking the ice with NHL tion but also his work ethic and fair-play. His working teams he relaxes with his wife and three children in philosophy is what gained him the respect he has in the Pound Ridge, New York. To learn more about his agen-

Wishes for a blessed holiday season. May this Christmas bring you comfort, joy, peace and happiness to last throughout the coming year! KAΛΑ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥΓΕΝΝΑ ΕΥΤΙΧΙΣΜΕΝΟ ΤΟ 2015 22-51 29 TH STREET ASTORIA NY 11105 PHONE: 1-718-204-6500

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By David Cain,

Your Lifestyle Has Already Been Designed (The Real Reason For The Forty-Hour Workweek) The ultimate tool for corporations to sustain a culture of this sort is to develop the 40-hour workweek as the normal lifestyle. Under these working conditions people have to build a life in the evenings and on weekends. This arrangement makes us naturally more inclined to spend heavily on entertainment and conveniences because our free time is so scarce. I’ve only been back at work for a few days, but already I’m noticing that the more wholesome activities are quickly dropping out of my life: walking, exercising, reading, meditating, and extra writing. The one conspicuous similarity between these activities is that they cost little or no money, but they take time. Suddenly I have a lot more money and a lot less time, which means I have a lot more in common with the typical working North American than I did a few months ago. While I was abroad I wouldn’t have thought twice about spending the day wandering through a national park or reading my book on the beach for a few hours. Now that kind of stuff feels like it’s out of the question. Doing either one would take most of one of my precious weekend days! The last thing I want to do when I get home from work is exercise. It’s also the last thing I want to do after dinner or before bed or as soon as I wake, and that’s really all the time I have on a weekday. This seems like a problem with a simple answer: work

less so I’d have more free time. I’ve already proven to myself that I can live a fulfilling lifestyle with less than I make right now. Unfortunately, this is close to impossible in my industry, and most others. You work 40-plus hours or you work zero. My clients and contractors are all firmly entrenched in the standard-workday culture, so it isn’t practical to ask them not to ask anything of me after 1pm, even if I could convince my employer not to. The eight-hour workday developed during the industrial revolution in Britain in the 19th century, as a respite for factory workers who were being exploited with 14- or 16-hour workdays. As technologies and methods advanced, workers in all industries became able to produce much more value in a shorter amount of time. You’d think this would lead to shorter workdays. But the 8-hour workday is too profitable for big business, not because of the amount of work people get done in eight hours (the average office worker gets less than three hours of actual work done in 8 hours) but because it makes for such a purchase-happy public. Keeping free time scarce means people pay a lot more for convenience, gratification, and any other relief they can buy. It keeps them watching television, and its commercials. It keeps them unambitious outside of work. We’ve been led into a culture that has been engineered to leave us tired, hungry for indulgence, willing to pay

the world Your Lifestyle Has Already Been Designed (The Real Reason For The Forty-Hour Workweek)

a lot for convenience and entertainment, and most importantly, vaguely dissatisfied with our lives so that we continue wanting things we don’t have. We buy so much because it always seems like something is still missing. Western economies, particularly that of the United States, have been built in a very calculated manner on gratification, addiction, and unnecessary spending. We spend to cheer ourselves up, to reward ourselves, to celebrate, to fix problems, to elevate our status, and to alleviate boredom. Can you imagine what would happen if all of America stopped buying so much unnecessary fluff that doesn’t add a lot of lasting value to our lives? The economy would collapse and never recover. All of America’s well-publicized problems, including obesity, depression, pollution and corruption are what it costs to create and sustain a trillion-dollar economy. For the economy to be “healthy”, America has to remain unhealthy. Healthy, happy people don’t feel like they need much they don’t already have, and that means they don’t buy a lot of junk, don’t need to be entertained as much, and they don’t end up watching a lot of commercials. The culture of the eight-hour workday is big business’ most powerful tool for keeping people in this same dissatisfied state where the answer to every problem is to buy something. You may have heard of Parkinson’s Law. It is often used in reference to time usage: the more time you’ve been

given to do something, the more time it will take you to do it. It’s amazing how much you can get done in twenty minutes if twenty minutes is all you have. But if you have all afternoon, it would probably take way longer. Most of us treat our money this way. The more we make, the more we spend. It’s not that we suddenly need to buy more just because we make more, only that we can, so we do. In fact, it’s quite difficult for us to avoid increasing our standard of living (or at least our rate of spending) every time we get a raise. I don’t think it’s necessary to shun the whole ugly system and go live in the woods, pretending to be a deaf-mute, as Holden Caulfield often fantasized. But we could certainly do well to understand what big commerce really wants us to be. They’ve been working for decades to create millions of ideal consumers, and they have succeeded. Unless you’re a real anomaly, your lifestyle has already been designed. The perfect customer is dissatisfied but hopeful, uninterested in serious personal development, highly habituated to the television, working full-time, earning a fair amount, indulging during their free time, and somehow just getting by. Is this you? Two weeks ago I would have said hell no, that’s not me, but if all my weeks were like this one has been, that might be wishful thinking.

HELLAS PRESS To date Ms. Krausz Sjögren has directed over 200 politicians, actors and profiles of civil society in the Riksteatern tour of staged readings of Seven. Seven has toured several countries including Sweden, Turkey, Great Britain and the US, where Oscar winning actress Meryl Streep was featured in the role of Inez McCormack, from Northern Ireland. Hafsat Abiola will be present on both occasions. Monday, December 15 at 6:30pm. FREE + Open to public. First come, first served. Join the Segal for a truly extraordinary event, as we present Seven, a groundbreaking work of documentary theater that captures the remarkable lives of a diverse and courageous group of women leaders from around the world.

Seven, a groundbreaking documentary play, will make a Nigerian premiere in Abuja. Seven portrays seven women’s rights activists from around the globe, including Nigerian advocate for women’s rights, Hafsat Abiola.

challenges to create major changes in human rights around the world. Directed Hunt.



Seven originated in collaboration with Vital Voices Global Partnership that introduced the playwrights to seven inspiring women leaders from around the globe who have been honored by Vital Voices for their extraordinary courage Written in collaboration and for their power to with seven award-win- transform lives in their ning playwrights (Paula communities. Cizmar, Catherine Filloux, Gail Kriegel, Followed by a conversaCarol K. Mack, Ruth tion with Pamela Hunt, Margraff, Anna Dea- Carol Mack, Susan vere Smith, and Susan Yankowitz, and others. Yankowitz), the play explores the bravery of women who have www.seventheplay.com triumphed over seem- Photo courtesy of the ingly insurmountable artist.


Blizzards All the Way Photograph by Jean Gaberell, National Geographic With record snow and cold hitting parts of the United States even before winter officially arrives, we decided to dig out our favorite photos of winter weather. (Read why it's getting cold and snowy so early.) Sit back, relax, and maybe heat up of mug of hot cocoa as you browse through some spectacular shots of ice and snow from the National Geographic photo archive. In the picture above, from the 1920s, clouds of snow billow over a train of mountaineers as they trek through the Swiss Alps. —By Becky Little, photo gallery by Sarah Leen & Nicole Werbeck

It's only November, and half the U.S. is blanketed in snow— six feet deep and counting in and around Buffalo, New York—while parts of the Deep South have been waking up to temperatures that are just above freezing. Temperatures are expected to remain well below normal from the Great Plains to the eastern seaboard over the next few days, while snow will likely continue downwind of the Great Lakes, according to the National Weather Service. What's going on? Blame the so-called lake effect, the polar vortex, a kink in the jet stream—and an old super typhoon.

Why Is Record Cold and Epic Snow Hitting U.S. So Early? The lake-effect snow comes from west-southwesterly winds of a storm aligning neatly with the lengths of Lakes Erie and Ontario, which sit between the American Midwest and Canada. That alignment is "allowing the air to pick up large amounts of moisture," writes Jeff Masters, director of meteorology at Weather Underground, on his blog. Lake-effect snow tends to result from cold, dry winter winds sweeping from Canada across unfrozen lakes. As they cross open water, the winds pick up moisture and become warmer. When that moist air reaches the eastern sides of the lakes, it's forced to rise abruptly over the land and over the colder air above the land. The results are exceptional snowfalls in bands along the southeastern sides of the lakes, often accompanied by the unusual winter phenomena of thunder and lightning. But even by those standards, this week's snow stands out. "I can't remember and I don't think anyone else can remember this much snow falling in this short a period," Erie County, New York, executive Mark Poloncarz told CNN. The most dramatic effect normally extends up to 70 miles (113 kilometers) inland from the lakes, but bands of light snow and flurries can extend hundreds of miles inland.

“At Function Enhancing Physical Therapy Astoria, NY our top Physical Therapists are looking forward to helping you achieve a new and healthier you”. 27-10 Astoria Boulevard, Astoria, NY 11102 (718) 545-8877


Γλυκερία, Θανάσης Πολυκανδριώτης. Πίτσα Παπαδοπούλου, Θέμης Αδαμαντίδης , Σοφία Παπάζογλου, Δημήτρης Κοντολάζος, Μαρία Κώτη, Στέλιος Βαμβακάρης, Ζαφείρης Μελάς, Μπάμπης Τσέρτος, Εβελίνα Αγγέλου, Δημήτρης Κοντογιάννης, Σωτήρης Παπατραγιάννης Δημήτρης Μηταράκης, Βασίλης Σκούτας, Διαμαντής Χιώτης Μουσικοί: Νίκος Τατασόπουλος- μπουζούκι, Παναγιώτης Στεργίου- μπουζουκι, Γιώργος Αναγνώστουμπουζουκι, Μάνος Αχαλινωτόπουλοςκλαρίνο, Ηρακλής Βαβάτσικας- ακορντεόν , Μάνος Γρυσμπολάκης- ακορντεόν, Σοφία Μουλακάκη- ακορντεόν, Μπέτυ Φουτούληπιάνο, Τάνια Χρυσσου-Β’ Φωνή, Σοφία Λαμπροπούλου- κανονάκι, Μανώλης Κοντογιώργος- λαούτο, Μίλτος Παπαστάμουβιολί, Σωτήρης Μαργώνης βιολί , Κώστας Γεράκης- κιθάρα, Θανάσης Σοφράς- κόντρα μπάσο , Ανδρέας Παππάς- κρουστά Contact Ellopia Media Group at : (718) 710-7204522 infoellopia@aol.com www.ellopiatv.com


«Τζογάρουµε στο όνειρ



Τελική Σελίδ α


100 2 χρόνια

ΓΑΤΑδότη ς σας

Εργάζεται στην εταιρεία: Το ΧΩΝΙ Περιµένει και παρατηρεί Πόλη καταγωγής : Αθήνα, Ελλάδ α Τόπος εργασ ίας: Αθήνα, Γερµα νία Πληροφορίες (∆εν δίνουµε)

Ο χρήστης Αντώ νης Σαµαράς 23 Φεβρουαρι ενηµέρωσε την κατάστασή ου 2014 του

Ρε παιδιά, µα

είναι αλήθεια

Φίλοι (και γνωστοί)

ότι πάµε για

23 Φεβρουαρι

ου 2014 στις

ουαριου 2014

στις 22.41

ου 2014 στις

ογλου: Ποιον

23 Φεβρουαρι

ου 2014 στις

Αδωνις Γεωρ

23 Φεβρουαρι

γιάδης: Τον

Μου αρέσει . Σχολιά

ου 2014 στις

υπουργάρα µας;


Βερύκιο. Σε κάνα


Ο χαµένος τα παίρνει όλα

Μου αρέσει . Σχολιά

στε . Κοινοποιήστε

Αγιον Ορος. Το


Ο χρήστης ΓΑΤΑ δότης ενηµέ ρωσε την κατάσ 23 Φεβρουαρι ου 2014 τασή του

αρέσει . Σχολιά

στε . Κοινοποιήστε


Ο χρήστης

στε . Κοινοποιήστε


23 Φεβρουαρι

ου 2014

Ο χρήστης ΓΑΤΑδότης κοινο ποίησε µια φωτο 23 Φεβρουαρι ου 2014 γραφία


µια φωτογραφ


ΦΥΛΛΑ Η δικαίωση του Αδωνι

Εσύ τουλάχιστον θα µπεις στη Βουλή…

Μου αρέσει . Σχολιά

στε . Κοινοποιήστε

Μου αρέσει . Σχολιά

στε . Κοινοποιήστε

Ο χρήστης ΓΑΤΑ δότης ενηµέ ρωσε την κατάσ 23 Φεβρουαρι ου 2014 τασή του

Χαµός γινότα ν µε τις Μη Κυβερ Οργανώσεις τα πήγαν καλύτ νητικές Οργανώσεις. Αλλά µπας και οι… ερα; Μου αρέσει . Σχολιάστε . Κοινοπ





ΛΕΣ ΠΟΛΕΙΣ ΣΕΛ. 32-33 Στην πρώτη κατοχή, τα βράδια έβγαιν αν παιδιά στις γειτονιές, κρατώντας Το ΧΩΝΙ (µια ντουντούκα) για να φωνά ξουν την αλήθεια στον κόσµο, κόντρα στα ελεγχ όµενα από τους Ναζί ΜΜΕ. Εβδοµήντα χρόνια µετά, Το ΧΩΝΙ είναι πάλι εδώ.

«Με τον Σάκη , ήµασταν 40 χρόνια φίλοι. Εχασ α τον αδελφό µου»

ΣΕΛ. 31



κακό είναι που

∆εν λένε ότι αν ένας γιατρ ός αρχίζει να για τον ασθεν προσεύχεται ή που είναι στο στο Θεό, δεν χειρουργείο του; πουργό. είναι καλό σηµάδ Ε, το ίδιο ισχύε ι ι και για τον πρωθυΜου


«∆εν του είπ α ότι τον αγαπ ώ»

Mου αρέσει... Το σιτάρι

ότι δεν

έχω όλα τα φόντα



Αρχείο γραφ ικοτήτων

Το κακό δεν είναι που πήγε ο πρωθυπουρ γύρισε… γός στο


Αδώνις Γεωρ γιάδης: Μα τι λες; Εγώ προσω κερδίσω δήµο! πικά,

23 Φεβρουαρι

Σίµος Κεδίκ

Φωτογραφίες Μαϊµού


Το ΧΩΝΙ καταθ το δικό του στεφά έτει µνήµη του αξέχανι στη στου τραγουδιστή και φίλου.


Ο χρήστης ΓΑΤΑδότης ενηµέ 23 Φεβρουαρι ρωσε την κατάσ ου 2014 τασή του

φούντο στις εκλογές; Σίµος Κεδίκ ογλο Μην αγχώνεσαι υ: Μια χαρά θα πάµε πρωθ . υπουργέ µου.

Αντώνης Σαµα ράς: Μα, τι να θα κερδίσουµε µην αγχώνοµαι κανένα δήµο! ; Εδώ όλα δείχνο 23 Φεβρ υν

Ο Στέλιος Ποτη ράκης


I am killer... Σκοτώνω αξίες, ιδέες και ήθη Ανοίγω το δρόµο στη λήθη ∆ολοφονώ τον ύπνο των δικαίων Και πυρπολώ τα έργα των σπουδαίων



301 δισ. € µα Υ ΧΡΕΟΥΣ... ς χρωστά η Γερµανία µόνο για το κατοχικό δάνειο ΝΕΑ ΜΕΛ

ΕΤΗ: Χωρίς καν να συµπεριλ αµβά επανορθώσεις, νονται οι καταστροφές οι αρχαιολογικές και κλοπές.

ΣΕΛ. 28-29


Ασφαλιστικ ΚΗ ά για το πλαφ µέτρα όν συνταγογρά στη φηση! Στη

∆ικαιοσύνη του παράλογο τρεις γιατροί κατά υ µέτρου, που αφή τους ασθενείς χωρίς φάρµακα νει . ΣΕΛ. 22


Μνηµόνια παρ άνοµα και αποτυχη µένα ΣΕΛ. 10-11


Θα κάνω την Αθήνα πρωτεύουσα της Ευρώπη ς ∆ΙΟΓΕΝΗΣ ∆ΑΣΚΑΛΟΥ:

ΣΕΛ. 19

Ε.Σ.Π.Α.= Eχω Σε λέω Παράδες Αλλ ουνού ΣΕΛ. 5







Χρωστάς στην τράπεζα; Αν αποφασίσουν ότι πληρώνεις υψηλ ενοίκιο… ΣΕ ό ∆ΙΩ ΤΟ ΣΠΙΤΙ ΣΟΥ ΧΝΟΥΝ ΑΠΟ ! Αν µπορείς εξυπηρετηθείς να από τα Μέσα Μαζικής Μεταφορά ς… ΝΟΥΝ ΤΟ ΑΥΤ ΣΟΥ ΠΑΙΡΟΚΙΝΗΤΟ! ΚΑΙ ΣΟΥ ∆ΙΚ ΑΙΟ ΜΟΝΟ 57 ΕΥΡ ΛΟΓΟΥΝ Ω ΤΗΝ ΕΒ∆ΟΜΑ∆Α ΓΙΑ ΦΑΓΗΤΟ ! Oλα τα άλλα θα σου τα παίρ νουν γιατί τόλµησες να δανειστεί ς!


Α Ν Τ Ι ¤ Μ Ν Η Μ Ο Ν Ι Α Κ Η


// www.nerit.

Ε Φ Η Μ Ε Ρ Ι ∆ Α


Θα µας παίρν ο σπίτια και ΙΧυν !


Η ΔΙΑΙΤΑ ΧΑΤ ∆απάνη Τρόφιµα Υγεία / φάρµακα Οικιακά είδη Επικοινωνία Μεταφορές Ρεύµα / θέρµ ανση

€ / µήνα 228 31 31 50 137 105


16-18 Εχεις δάνεια; Υπάρχουν λύ Οι τρεις νόµο σεις! ι που

που παρουσιά ζει το έκτρωµα Χατζηδάκ η ως ευνοϊκή ρύθµιση, Το ΧΩΝ λύπτει την αλήθ Ι αποκαεια για το «ιρλανδικό µοντ έλο». Αυτό που δεν εφαρ µόστηκε στην Ιρλανδία, γιατί ξεσηκώθηκε ο κόσµος, εφαρ µόζεται πρώτη φορά στα πειραµατόζωα της Μέρκ ελ: Ελληνες… Ξανα στους ψηφίστε τους λοιπ όν…

περίπτωση, ανάλ προστατεύουν σήµερα τους δανειολήπτες. ογα µε τα συγκ Ποιος ταιριάζει τεύει, πότε µπορ εκριµένα χαρα κτηρι στη είτε να πετύχετε από Το ΧΩΝΙ διαγραφή χρέου στικά σας, σε ποιο βαθµό σας δική σας και διεκδικήστ ς και σε ποιο προσταε την καλύτερη δυνατή ρύθµιση βαθµό. Ενηµερωθείτε ΣΩΣΤ Α για τα δάνεια σας!


Ο∆ΗΓΟΣ για να ελαφρύνετ ε τα δανειακά

Ενωθείτε, ρε!

σας βάρη ΣΕΛ. 14-15

Οι πρώην «ορκ ισµένοι εχθρ οί», ΠΑΣΟΚ-Ν γροθιά. Κι εµείς ∆, ενώθηκαν ... σκόρπιοι, σα µια απογοητεύουµ τις καρέκλες πάτε, παλιο-βε ε τον κόσµο: «Ουστ, για ντέτες». Παίζ ώρα να ενωθ εται η πατρίδα ούµε µπρος στον κοινό εχθρ µας. εκλογές είναι ό για να τη σώσ Είναι η µεγάλη µάχη ουµε. Οι . ψηφοδέλτιο αντι-κατοχικώ Το ΧΩΝΙ θα στηρίξει κάθε ενωτικό ν, αντι-µνηµ ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΧΡΙΣ ονιακών φων ΤΟΦΟΡΙ∆ΗΣ ών. // ΜΑΝΟΣ ΚΑΚ ΛΑΜΑΝΟΣ ΚΑ

Τι σας ζητάµε; το

νί κρχω ατούν



ΣΕΛ. 6-7


Η μοναδικΗ κυριακατικΗ αντι-μνΗμονιακΗ εφΗμεριδα

the world

Every Parent Who Gives Their Kid an iPhone Should Make Their Kid Follow These 18 Rules And be old enough the be able to read them! 1. It is my phone. I bought it. I pay for it. I am loaning it to you. Aren’t I the greatest? 2. I will always know the password. 3. If it rings, answer it. It is a phone. Say hello, use your manners. Do not ever ignore a phone call if the screen reads “Mom” or “Dad”. Not ever. 4. Hand the phone to one of your parents promptly at 7:30pm every school night & every weekend night at 9:00pm. It will be shut off for the night and turned on again at 7:30am. If you would not make a call to someone’s land line, wherein their parents may answer first, then do not call or text. Listen to those instincts and respect other families like we would like to be respected. 5. It does not go to school with you. Have a conversation with the people you text in person. It’s a life skill. *Half days, field trips and after school activities will require special consideration. 6. If it falls into the toilet, smashes on the ground, or vanishes into thin air, you are responsible for the replacement costs or repairs. Mow a lawn, babysit, stash some birthday money. It will happen, you should be prepared. 7. Do not use this technology to lie, fool, or deceive another human being. Do not involve yourself in conversations that are hurtful to others. Be a good friend first or stay the hell out of the crossfire. 8. Do not text, email, or say anything through this device you would not say in person. 9. Do not text, email, or say anything to someone that you would not say out loud with their parents in the room. Censor yourself. 10. No porn. Search the web for information you would openly share with me. If you have a question about any-

thing, ask a person ? preferably me or your father. 11. Turn it off, silence it, put it away in public. Especially in a restaurant, at the movies, or while speaking with another human being. You are not a rude person; do not allow the iPhone to change that. 12. Do not send or receive pictures of your private parts or anyone else’s private parts. Don’t laugh. Someday you will be tempted to do this despite your high intelligence. It is risky and could ruin your teenage/college/adult life. It is always a bad idea. Cyberspace is vast and more powerful than you. And it is hard to make anything of this magnitude disappear — including a bad reputation. 13. Don’t take a zillion pictures and videos. There is no need to document everything. Live your experiences. They will be stored in your memory for eternity. 14. Leave your phone home sometimes and feel safe and secure in that decision. It is not alive or an extension of you. Learn to live without it. Be bigger and more powerful than FOMO — fear of missing out. 15. Download music that is new or classic or different than the millions of your peers that listen to the same exact stuff. Your generation has access to music like never before in history. Take advantage of that gift. Expand your horizons. 16. Play a game with words or puzzles or brain teasers every now and then. 17. Keep your eyes up. See the world happening around you. Stare out a window. Listen to the birds. Take a walk. Talk to a stranger. Wonder without googling. 18. You will mess up. I will take away your phone. We will sit down and talk about it. We will start over again. You & I, we are always learning. I am on your team. We are in this together.

αΝΟΙΧΤΑμΙΚΡοΦΩΝα στις μουσικές της πόλης ''Σκεφτείτε, κάποιο απόγευμα να σβήνονταν όλες οι ηχογραφημένες μουσικές πάνω στον πλανήτη Γη. Πώς θα ξανακούγαμε μουσική; Πώς θα ανασύραμε εποχές, μνήμες, πρόσωπα; Η άφθαρτη μουσική μνήμη είναι ο Ανθρωπος. Ο Μουσικός. Εχει αποθηκευμένα εκατομμύρια τραγούδια στη φωνή, στο μυαλό, στα δάκτυλά του''. Κώστας Κρικέλης



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Φυλακισμένος Αρχιεπίσκοπος στα Σκόπια επειδή φώναξε «η Μακεδονία είναι ελληνική» – Απειλούν τη ζωή του Φυλακισμένος στα Σκόπια επειδή φώναξε η Μακεδονία είναι ελληνική. Απαράδεκτες οι συνθήκες κράτησης. Απειλούν να τον σκοτώσουν αν δεν ανακαλέσει τα όσα υποστηρίζει για την ελληνικότητα της Μακεδονίας.

, οι φύλακες τον βασανίζουν και οι συνθήκες υγιεινής είναι απαράδεκτες. Η εκκλησία του Αρχιεπίσκοπου Αχρίδος, στα πλαίσια του Πατριαρχείου Σερβίας, είναι αναγνωρισμένη από όλα τα Ορθόδοξα Πατριαρχεία και τις κατά τόπους Εκκλησίες της Οικουμένης.

Ο μαρτυρικός Αρχιεπίσκοπος Αχρίδας Ιωάννης τόλμησε να πει την αλήθεια κι αμέσως οι Σκοπιανοί του πρόσαψαν τον χαρακτηρισμό προδότη του έθνους. Αν και τα τρία τελευταία χρόνια ταλαιπωρείται στην φυλακή δεν ήταν λίγα αυτά που πέρασε και τα προηγούμενα χρόνια. Συνεχείς φυλακίσεις, βασανισμοί, διώξεις, εξορίες. Όλα αυτά γιατί ο Αρχιεπίσκοπος δεν φοβόταν να πει στους Σκοπιανούς ότι δεν είχαν καμία δουλειά με τον Μέγα Αλέξανδρο και την Μακεδονία. Θέλουν να τον εξοντώσουν και αυτό φαίνεται και από τον τρόπο που του φέρονται στη φυλακή είπε η μητέρα του που της επέτρεψαν να τον δει μόνο δύο φορές. Κοιμάται σε κελί με 33 άτομα με μια τουαλέτα

Σήμερα ο μάρτυρας φιλέλληνας συμπληρώνει τρία χρόνια στις φυλακές των Σκοπίων, όπου λιώνει αβοήθητος από τους Σέρβους και από τους Έλληνες. Η Διεθνής κοινότητα μόνο λεκτικά συμπαρίστανται στο δράμα του Ιωάννη. Οι ομόδοξοι Σέρβοι δεν κάνουν καμία θεαματική ενέργεια για να τον αποφυλακίσουν. Ούτε οι Έλληνες έκαναν κάτι για αυτόν που έχουν ακόμη μεγαλύτερη υποχρέωση στον Ελληνομαθέστατο και φιλέλληνα Ιεράρχη, που υπερασπίστηκε τα Ελληνικά δίκαια της Μακεδονίας, φωνάζοντας κι αυτός μαζί με 10 εκατομμύρια Έλληνες, ότι η Μακεδονία είναι Ελληνική. Από τότε ο Ιωάννης πληρώνει ακόμη πολύ βαρύ τίμημα, αυτά τα 12 χρόνια.

the world

Φυλακισμένος Αρχιεπίσκοπος στα Σκόπια επειδή φώναξε «η Μακεδονία είναι ελληνική» – Απειλούν τη ζωή του The Macedonia naming dispute is a political dispute centered over the use of the name Macedonia between the Balkan countries of Greece and the Republic of Macedonia, formerly a federal unit of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Pertinent to its background is an early 20th century multifaceted dispute and armed conflict that formed part of the background to the Balkan Wars. The specific naming dispute, although an existing issue in Yugoslav-Greek relations since World War II, was reignited after the breakup of Yugoslavia and the newly gained independence of the former Socialist Republic of Macedonia in 1991. Since then, it has been an ongoing issue in bilateral and international relations. Citing historical and territorial concerns resulting from the ambiguity between the Republic of Macedonia, the adjacent Greek region of Macedonia and the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon which falls mostly within Greek Macedonia, Greece opposes the use of the name "Macedonia" by the Republic of Macedonia without a geographical qualifier, supporting a compound name such as "Northern Macedonia" for use by all and for all purposes.[1] As millions of ethnic Greeks identify themselves as Macedonians, unrelated to the Slavic people who are associated with the Republic of Macedonia, Greece further objects to the use of the term "Macedonian" for the neighboring country's largest ethnic group and its language. The Republic of Macedonia is accused of appropriating symbols and figures that are historically considered part of Greek culture such as the Vergina Sun and Alexander the Great, and of promoting the irredentist concept of a United Macedonia, which involves territorial claims on Greece, Bulgaria, Albania, and Serbia.

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