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Ellopia Press NY - April 2016 Issue 99





I Hope Humanity finds a cure for Visas

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Watch a miracle unfold before your eyes.

Discover the art of belief. PISTEVO “I Believe” depicts the journey of a Greek Orthodox Christian community to bring iconography to their church.

This beautiful documentary short on Greek Iconography is airing now during Holy Week on 3 major Greek TV broadcasters around the world. “Anyone who walks into our church for the first time is literally mesmerized by the beauty of what we have done here.” REV. FR. ELIAS G. VILLIS PARISH PRIEST




ELIMINATE GREECE IF YOU DARE... Home ICONS GALLERY : 1.Jesus Christ The icon painter BLOG: 1.Panagia Soumela How to contact Break down all over Greece at a depth of 100 meters. Empty all your museums from around the world. Break down everything...Greek from around the world... Then turn off the Greek language from everywhere. From your Medicine...Your medication. From your Math (geometry, algebra). From your Physical. From your Astronomical. From your policy. From your everyday life. Delete Mathematics, delete each figure, make the triangle -octagon and the straight-curve, turn off the Geometry of the buildings, your streets, your games,your cars. Turn off the name of any disease with any drug. Delete the Democracy, Political. Delete gravity and bring it up and down, change the Satellites you have square orbit, Change all your books because everywhere there will be a Greek word. Turn from your daily routine every Greek word. Change Gospels, change the name of Christ, and this comes from the Greek and means one who has the anointing, and change the shape of each temple (to do not have the Greek geometry). Turn off Alexander the Great. Turn off all the mythical and historical heroes. Change your Culture. Change the name of the History. Change the names of the Universities. Change your way of writing, please use Arabic. Delete Philosophy. Delete, delete, delete... Robert Elias Najemy Writer

Monthly magazine, publishe by Ellopia Media Group in New York City Established 2002 Publisher ATHINA KRIKELI Chief Editor ANASTASIA KASIMATIS Contributors Arkas (Greece) G. Kalaras, (Chicago) Titos Christodoulou, (England) Writers G. Skabardonis (Greece) Costas Krikelis (Greece) Maria Christina Baklava Kostas Mpliatkas (Hellas) Fanoula Argyrou (London) Music Editors NIKOS TATASOPOULOS CHRISTOS ALEXANDROU

Business Consultant Maria Christina Baklava Creative Art Director Hellas Kostas Krikeli Anna Papakonstantinou Advertising Director LIA DELKOTZAKI Ellopia Media Group Ltd. USA KAUFMAN ASTORIA STUDIOS 22-63 26th street Astoria NY 11105 (718) 312-8590 www.ellopiatv.com Youtube/ellopia Facebook: Ellopia Media group


2016: The Year the Americans Found out Our Elections 2016 election caricature, via Flick Now it’s just an oligarchy, with unlimited political bribery Are Rigged being the essence of getting the nominations for president or to elect the president. And the same thing applies to governors, and U.S. senators and congress members.” — Former President Jimmy Carter Here’s why millions of people in 2016 are discovering that America’s elections are rigged. Denver, CO — The 2016 election has been a wild ride, with two insurgent grassroots campaigns literally giving the political establishment a run for its money. But as the events of this presidential primary season play out, it’s becoming clear the U.S. election — and even more so, the presidential race — is a big scam being perpetrated on the American people. Events from the last week have exposed the system as an illusion of choice and a farce. They have reinforced at least one study showing the U.S. is an oligarchy rather than a democratic republic. The Wyoming democratic caucus took place on Saturday, purportedly to allow voters to have their voices heard in the race between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. Sanders lost the Wyoming caucus by winning it with a 12 percent margin. Wait, what?

Op-Ed by Nick Bernabe

How does one lose by winning 56 percent of the votes? This happens when the political process is, according to the New York Post, “rigged” by superdelegates. The Post summed up this “strange” phenomenon: “[U]nder the Democratic Party’s oddball delegate system, Sanders’ winning streak — he has won seven out of the past eight contests — counts for little. “In fact, despite his win, he splits Wyoming’s 14 pledged delegates 7 to 7 under the caucus calculus. “Clinton, meanwhile, also gets the state’s four superdelegates — who had already pledged their allegiance to her in January. So despite ‘losing,’ she triumphs 11-7 in the delegate tally.” Even media pundits on MSNBC openly called the process rigged: Don’t believe me? Here’s a video of Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz explaining superdelegates:


Adding insult to injury, even when Sanders does win states (despite Hillary’s advantage in superdelegates), the media can be reliably counted on to discount Sanders’s wins asnothing more than prolonging the electoral process, which will inevitably elect the presumptive nominee, Hillary Clinton. This pervasive commentary continues despite the fact Sanders only trails her by several hundred pledged delegates. Meanwhile, according to the same media, the non-establishment Trump campaign is threatened every time Ted Cruz beats him — even though Trump leads by a larger percentage of pledged delegates than Clinton does. When Clinton loses, it doesn’t matter because she already has the nomination locked up. When Trump loses, his campaign is in big trouble. Starting to see the problem with the media coverage? When you examine these media narratives, a troubling pattern emerges that goes beyond the political establishment’s self-interest. You begin to see that American corporate media also functions as an arm of the political machine, protecting establishment candidates while attacking — or dismissing — candidates who seem non-establishment. This brings us to the events that transpired during the Republican nomination process in Colorado on Saturday. The Republican Party of Colorado didn’t even bother letting people vote before using arcane rules to

strip the democratic process of its democracy. According to the Denver Post: “Colorado GOP leaders canceled the party’s presidential straw poll in August to avoid binding its delegates to a candidate who may not survive until the Republican National Convention in July. “Instead, Republicans selected national delegates through the caucus process, a move that put the election of national delegates in the hands of party insiders and activists — leaving roughly 90 percent of the more than 1 million Republican voters on the sidelines.” Unsurprisingly, Trump’s non-establishment campaign walked away with zero delegates. They were all “awarded” to Ted Cruz. “How is it possible that the people of the great State of Colorado never got to vote in the Republican Primary? Great anger — totally unfair!” Trump said on Twitter. “The people of Colorado had their vote taken away from them by the phony politicians. Biggest story in politics. This will not be allowed!” In an interview on Monday, Trump was even more frank. “The system is rigged, it’s crooked,” he said. The Colorado GOP didn’t even bother hiding its intentions, tweeting — then quickly removing — what was possibly the most honest insight into the back-door dealing so far this election season:


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On the 30th Anniversary of Chernobyl, Here’s What We Are Still Not Being Told By Claire Bernish On the 30th anniversary of the world’s worst nuclear catastrophe yet, a new report shows radioactive contamination from the 1986 explosion at Chernobyl in Ukraine still lingers in startlingly large amounts across the border in neighboring Belarus. In an exclusive report by the Associated Press, fresh milk from a Belarusian dairy farm contained a radioactive isotope, traceable to the Chernobyl disaster, at “levels 10 times higher than the nation’s food safety limits” — thirty years after the accident occurred.

tors and scientists paint the landscape in a vastly different light. Belarusian milk, though indicative, is inadequate in illustrating the astronomical devastation of the Chernobyl legacy.

In 1996, ten years after the explosions, meltdown, and raging nuclear fires at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) estimated the disaster had spewed “400 times more radioactive material into the Earth’s atmosphere than the atomic bomb Though the AP turned to a laboratory to test the dropped on Hiroshima.” milk, dairy farmer Nikolai Chubenok called the results “impossible.” “There is no danger,” Chubenok asserted to AP journalists at his farm, just 28 miles from the site of the 1986 explosion and meltdown. “How can you be afraid of radiation?” Though Chubenok and the Belarusian government — itself notoriously authoritarian and intent on denying the dangers still present — might insist on the area’s safety, other reports from doc-

Lichens and mushrooms so thoroughly absorbed this radioactivity, in particular radioactive cesium, that reindeer over 1,000 miles away in Norway — where the meat is eaten — remain unfit for human consumption. Wormwood Forest, near the accident site, stands as an eerie monument of contamination with dead trees turned ginger-colored. Mass evacuations of humans from the areas surrounding Chernobyl naturally


led to an explosion in wildlife numbers in species such as boars and wolves. And, as scientists discovered in 2011, birds displayed 5 percent smaller brains than average due to radioactivity lingering in the atmosphere. Estimating the total number of human casualties resulting from the spectacularly failed foray into nuclear energy has largely been an exercise in futility. Greenpeace estimated ten years ago the total number of cancer cases resulting from Chernobyl would top 250,000 — with around 93,000 of those being fatal. Based on a Belarusian study, Greenpeace surmised 60,000 people had perished in Russia and potentially an additional 140,000 in the Ukraine and Belarus would die directly as a result of Chernobyl radioactive contamination. That study challenged the lowball estimate of 4,000 total deaths proffered by the United Nations in 2005 — a figure eventually abandoned once it realized “unacceptable uncertainties” made quantifying fatalities too tricky. As Timothy A. Mousseau wrote for U.S. News & World Report, “in the past decade population biologists have made considerable progress in documenting how radioactivity affects plants, animals, and microbes […] “Our studies provide new fundamental insights about consequences of chronic, multigenerational exposure to low-dose ionizing radiation … The cumulative effects of these injuries result in lower population sizes and reduced biodiversity in high-radiation areas. “Radiation exposure has caused genetic damage

and increased mutation rates in many organisms in the Chernobyl region. So far, we have found little convincing evidence that many organisms there are evolving to become more resistant to radiation.” In myriad ways, the Chernobyl catastrophe earned the distinction of being a darkly pivotal moment in history — not only did world perception of nuclear power drastically change, but an unsuccessful attempt by government to downplay the extent of the accident is widely believed to have cemented the downfall of the Soviet regime. Though the devastation at Fukushima often earns comparisons to Chernobyl, the latter still stands dubiously as the worst civic nuclear calamity in history. Thirty years after Chernobyl became a household name, its impacts are still experienced on an eye-opening scale. Perhaps, when considering both Chernobyl and Fukushima, it’s imperative we ask whether risks of potentially devastating consequences resultant of human error or technical failure could possibly be worth our continued attempts to harness nuclear energy — particularly when advances in solar and wind could make the long-term ‘experiment’ technologically and critically obsolete. This article (On the 30th Anniversary of Chernobyl, Here’s What We Are Still Not Being Told) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Claire Bernish and theAntiMedia.org.

HAPPY EASTER Nikos & Carol Mouyiaris


usa Treasury Department sends founding father to the ‘back of the bus’ on new money

Athina Krikeli – From New York to Pantheon Mt. Olympus Hellas By Kenneth Schortgen Jr Political correctness has gone full circle in America’s monetary system as on April 20, the Treasury Department announced that Andrew Jackson will either be removed from, or moved to the back of, the $20 bill. And in his place will be Harriet Tubman, a black woman who was involved deeply in the abolitionist movement. Additionally, the Treasury Department has said it is expected to replace other founding fathers from the currency with images of other women and non-white historical figures. However, Secretary Lew announced that they would not remove Alexander Hamilton from the $10, perhaps with the knowledge that he was the father of the central bank in colonial times. Moments ago Politico reported that the U.S. Treasury will announce that it plans to replace former President Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill with Harriet Tubman, the sources said. There will also be changes to the $5 bill to depict civil rights era leaders. Not every dead president is being scraped however:

treasury Secretary Jack Lew on Wednesday will announce a decision to keep Alexander Hamilton on the front of the $10 bill and put leaders of the movement to give women the right to vote on the back of the bill. Lew’s decision comes after he announced last summer that he was considering replacing Hamilton on the $10 bill with a woman. The announcement drew swift rebukes from fans of Hamilton, who helped create the Treasury Department and the modern American financial system. Critics immediately suggested Hamilton take Jackson off the $20 bill given the former president’s role in moving native Americans off their land. Jackson may remain on the $20 bill in some capacity, but will clearly be demoted. Lew told POLITICO last July that Treasury was exploring ways to respond to critics. “There are a number of options of how we can resolve this,” Lew said. “We’re not taking Alexander Hamilton off our currency.” – Zerohedge In all honesty, Andrew Jackson is probably sleeping


Treasury Department sends founding father to the ‘back of the bus’ on new money

better in his grave now that he is being removed from the $20, especially since he is most known for ending America’s 2nd charter of the central bank. And in fact, Jackson has as his epitaph the words, “I killed the bank’ on his tombstone. Most nations have images of important leaders on their currencies, with some even having symbols that represent their culture and national heritage. But in few of these instances do nations put pictures of lessor known people on their money to appease political correctness or periodic social change, which then makes one wonder if the next person to replace a founding father on America’s currency will be the reality show celebrity who most represents the direction America is going. Kenneth Schortgen Jr is a writer for Secretsofthefed. com, Examiner.com,Roguemoney.net, and To the Death Media, and hosts the popular web blog, The Daily Economist. Ken can also be heard Wednesday afternoons giving an weekly economic report on the Angel Clark radio show.

The first types of national bank notes ever printed are called first charter notes. Five dollar bills were the most popular denomination to issue. Many $5 notes from the first charter period say Series of 1875 on them. However, other earlier and later issues can also have a date between 1862 and 1883. The design of such notes is rather plain. There is not a lot of white space and these five dollar bills tend to look old and worn before their time. These issues are quite old now and not many new examples are being found.


Κύπρος 1880: Ένα μικρό δώρο στην Μητέρα Ελλάδα…

Γράφει η Φανουλα Αργυρού

Ο αγώνας της ΕΟΚΑ 1955-59, μια επανάσταση και ένας αγώνας για Ένωση της Κύπρου με την Ελλάδα δεν ήταν μια ξαφνική απαίτηση των Ελλήνων της Κύπρου. ΄Ηταν ένας πόθος του Ελληνισμού της νήσου που διατηρήθηκε δια μέσου των αιώνων και στηριζόταν στην ελληνικότητα της νήσου δια μέσου χιλιετηρίδων.

ΕΟΚΑ 1955-59 για Ένωση της Κύπρου με την Ελλάδα Αυτό το επισημοποίησε, ειρωνικά (σε αντίθετη με την πολιτική του αδελφού υπουργείου – του Φόρειν ΄Οφις) το ίδιο το Βρετανικό Υπουργείο Άμυνας (που ηγείται σήμερα ο κ. Michael Fallon), το οποίο για χρόνια είχε αναρτημένη στην ιστοσελίδα του την ιστορία της Κύπρου ως ένα ελληνικότατο νησί για 8,000 και πλέον χρόνια. Τα τελευταία λίγα χρόνια, το ιστορικό αυτό σημείωμα, μεταφέρθηκε στο Βρετανικό Κρατικό Αρχείο. Το παραθέτουμε τόσο για τους διάφορους ξένους διπλωμάτες στην Κύπρο, τον Νορβηγό εγκάθετο κ. Eide, όσο και για όσους δικούς μας και ξένους επεξεργάζονται ενσυνείδητα τα τελευταία χρόνια, είτε πολιτικούς, είτε λεγόμενους ακαδημαϊκούς είτε ξενο-πληρωμένα κέντρα αλλαγής της ιστορίας, τον αφελληνισμό της νήσου, Την διαστρέβλωση και παραποίηση της ιστορίας της Κύπρου για να προωθήσουν την τουρκοποίησή της με την τουρκο-βρετανική ρατσιστική δι-κοινοτική, δι-ζωνική ομοσπονδία και όχι μόνον. Ελληνικότατη η νήσος Κύπρος «Ιστορία της Κύπρου Λίγες χώρες έχουν ιστορία πάνω από 10,000 χρόνια, όμως σχεδόν 8,000 χρόνια προ Χριστού η νήσος Κύπρος ήταν ήδη κατοικημένη και διένυε την Νεολιθική εποχή της. Μία από τις πλέον σημαντικές ανασκαφές που έγιναν στην χώρα αυτή μέσα από τις επόμενες χιλιάδες χρόνια, ήταν η ανακάλυψη του χαλκού, copper, ή Kuprum στα Λατινικά, από το οποίο και πήρε το όνομα


Κύπρος 1880: Ένα μικρό δώρο στην Μητέρα Ελλάδα… Κύπρος, η ελληνική ονομασία της Κύπρου.

Ένας αριθμός κατοίκων της Κύπρου ενδιαφέρθηκε να καταταγεί εθελοντικώς στον ελληνικό στρατό της Ελλάδας, αλλά δεν τους δέχθηκαν, ούτε άλλους που ζήτησαν να καταταγούν από άλλες περιοχές της Λεβαντίνης…

Η στρατηγική θέση της νήσου, τα αποθέματα χαλκού και η ξυλεία της ήσαν εκείνα που έφεραν τους πρώτους Έλληνες στο νησί πριν 3,000 και τόσα χρόνια προς το τέλος των Τρωικών πολέμων. Εγκαταστάθηκαν στο νησί, φέρνοντας μαζί τους και δημιουργώντας την Η κυβέρνηση, προσβλημένη για τα έξοδα που Ελληνική ταυτότητα. συνεπάγονται αυτές οι προσφορές, έστειλε εγκύκλιο στα προξενεία της να αποθαρρύνουν, όσο μπορούν, να Δια μέσου των αιώνων η Κύπρος πέρασε από πολλούς στέλλουν αυτούς τους ετερογενή λάτρεις στην Ελλάδα, δυνάστες, περιλαμβανομένων των Αιγυπτίων, καθώς, ανά την άφιξή τους εδώ, και αφού δεν γίνουν Ασσύριων, Περσών, που αντικατέστησαν τον Μέγα δεκτές οι υπηρεσίες τους, αναμένουν (από την Ελλάδα) Αλέξανδρο και τους Ρωμαίους, προτού η Κύπρος γίνει να τους συντηρεί και να τους στείλει πίσω με έξοδα του μέρος της Βυζαντινής αυτοκρατορίας. Αργότερα ήλθαν δημοσίου». οι σταυροφόροι, οι Φράγκοι, Λουσινιανοί και Ενετοί, οι Την δε 1 Δεκεμβρίου 1880, ο Edwin Corbett έστειλε στο Οθωμανοί και οι Βρετανοί. Λονδίνο σε αγγλική μετάφραση την επιστολή του τότε Η Κύπρος κέρδισε την ανεξαρτησία της το 1960, Αρχιεπισκόπου Κύπρου Σωφρονίου προς τον Βασιλέα για πρώτη φορά μετά από 3,500 χρόνια, όμως η Γεώργιο της Ελλάδος εν ονόματι των κατοίκων της ελληνική ταυτότητα της γλώσσας και πολιτισμού έχει Κύπρου για το δώρο προς την Ελλάδα. διατηρηθεί.» (Μετάφραση Φ.Α) «Προς την Αυτού Μεγαλειότητα Γεώργιο Βασιλέα των http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/+/http:/ Ελλήνων, www.mod.uk:80/DefenceInternet/DefenceFor/Service- Μεγαλειότατε, αυτή τη στιγμή που το Ελληνικό έθνος Community/ACyprusPosting/Background/ προσπαθεί να διεκδικήσει τα αναφαίρετα δικαιώματα του Κύπρος, ένα μικρό δώρο στην Μητέρα Ελλάδα Ελληνισμού, η Ελληνική νήσος της Κύπρου με συνείδηση την ενωμένη ευθύνη του καθήκοντος προς την Μητέρα Δύο χρόνια, λοιπόν, μετά που πάτησαν το πόδι τους Ελλάδα, προσφέρει μια μικρή συνεισφορά προς την οι Βρετανοί στην Κύπρο, στις 24 Νοεμβρίου 1880, ο προώθηση του εθνικού σκοπού. διπλωμάτης Edwin Corbett ενημέρωνε από την Αθήνα το Προς αυτό το σκοπό ο Ελληνικός πληθυσμός της νήσου Λονδίνο ότι οι κάτοικοι της Κύπρου έστειλαν ένα δώρο με εξουσιοδότησε να στείλω μέσω του Συνταγματάρχη στον Ελληνικό λαό. Η αναφορά είχε ως εξής: Χατζηιωάννου, ένα γιό της Κύπρου, 107 μουλάρια…

The Necessity of Art

«Στο ατμόπλοιο, που η κυβέρνηση (ελληνική) ενοικίασε Με τις εγκάρδιες μου ευχές για την εκπλήρωση των παν για να μεταφέρει μουλάρια από την Κύπρο, υπήρχαν ελληνικών προσδοκιών, και 107 μουλάρια, (επιπλέον) τα οποία οι κάτοικοι της Κύπρου έστειλαν ως δώρο στον Ελληνικό λαό. Αρχιεπίσκοπος Κύπρου Υπογραφή Σωφρόνιος» Με το ίδιο ατμόπλοιο έφθασε και μια μεγάλη μεταξωτή Ελληνική σημαία, που κέντησαν κορίτσια στην Κύπρο, (Ο διπλωμάτης Edwin Corbett πέθανε το 1888). η οποία παρουσιάστηκε επίσης ως δώρο στην Ελλάδα. Φέρει την επιγραφή « Κύπρος, ένα μικρό δώρο στην Φανούλα Αργυρού Μητέρα Ελλάδα». Ερευνήτρια/δημοσιογράφος – Λονδίνο 3.4.2016


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Mt Olympus: The Creation’ a new documentary by Film Festival USA) award winner documentarian Athina Krikeli - a pro- Under the auspices of Municipality of Dion Olympus, duction of Ellopia Films USA. Directed by Athina Olympus Marathon and Olympus Festival Krikeli and Dimitris Zisopoulos WORLD PREMIERE JUNE 24,2016 Ancient Theater of Dion Greece People around the world will “meet”not only the greatness of the Mountain of the Gods but the significant Στους πρόποδες του Ολύμπου, στο Αρχαίο Δίον birth - creation of it. With a the geological help we travel στις 24 Ιουνίου 2016, πρόκειται να προβληθεί, σε 250 million years ago t meet the first shape of Olympus. παγκόσμια πρεμιέρα, το ντοκιμαντέρ της Ellopia Films Modern approach in the filming-making art - with the USA “Mt Olympus the Creation” σε σκηνοθεσία και main contribution of Athina Krikeli - the director of the σενάριο της βραβευμένης δημοσιογράφου/σκηνοθέτη Olympus documentary series - is making this project Αθηνάς Κρικέλη, και συν σκηνοθέτη τον Δημήτρη more promising! Ζησόπουλο. Παραγωγή Ellopia Films USA The 1st documentary about Mt Olympus, titled ‘ElasΗ προβολή του ντοκιμαντέρ στο αρχαίο θέατρο του sona - the Secret Path to Mt Olympus’, has already been Δίου, που συμπίπτει με τη διεξαγωγή του Μαραθώνιου awarded twice in 2015 with international recognition in short films making. (Best shorts competition and Inde Ολύμπου και την έναρξη του Φεστιβάλ Ολύμπου.


NYU Summer in Athens Program 2016

A kind reminder that we are still accepting applications on a rolling basis for the NYU Summer in Athens Program 2016, held this year June 18th through July 30th. NYU in Athens is a six-week summer study abroad program, designed for both undergraduate and graduate students from all U.S. Universities. Students can take up to 8 transferable credits and fully immerse themselves in the culture, society, and history of Greece and the Mediterranean. We are very happy to offer university students the opportunity to be a part of the rapid developments that are undeniably shaping the current sociopolitical landscape of Europe. Now, more than ever, there is rich opportunity for study. Courses include The City of Athens, Greek Drama, and the Archaeology of Greece, all of which are taught in English, with Modern Greek language courses at the Elementary and Intermediate level available, as well. The program is open to students of any background including students of anthropology, archaeology, politics, history, comparative literature, philosophy, photography, journalism, classics, economics, visual arts, theater and Hellenic Studies. Approaching modern Hellenic society and culture from an interdisciplinary perspective, the program provides students with an appreciation of the history of modern Greek language and literature and an understanding of how the Greeks have borne their classical, Byzantine, and Ottoman historical and political experiences, even as they translate them into the modern era. Students participate in site visits of archaeological sites and museums including Mycenae and Delphi, as well as cultural activities, concerts, Greek tragedies performed in ancient theaters, and dance performanc-

es, under the auspices of the Greek Ministry of Culture. Program trip highlights include excursions to the magnificent islands of Crete and Santorini. Program costs include housing, where students stay at the five star boutique hotel, St. George Lycabettus, in the beautiful Athenian neighborhood of Kolonaki. Courses are held at the Al Andar center. The surrounding neighborhood is active, with many cafes, restaurants, cinemas, stores, and opportunities to enjoy one of the most vibrant cities in the world. The program is filling quickly so please encourage your students to Apply Now! Rolling applications will continue until April 15th, and beyond that only if spots remain available. Included you will find some promotional materials to share here: http://tinyurl.com/NYUAthens2016OnlineMaterials PDFs of our brochure, postcards, and fliers for you to spread via e-mail or print and post in your offices are available at the above link. For more information regarding the program and the online application, visit: www.nyu.edu/summer/ abroad/athens. And, be sure to check out our video on that page. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Program Administrator, Malvina Kefalas, at mhk367@nyu.edu or (212)-998-3979. Check out photos from the past few summers on our Facebook, at http://facebook.com/NYUAthens, and on Instagram at NYUAthens.

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Γράφει ο Ηλίας Ηλιόπουλος Ένας από τους πιο αγαπητούς και χρήσιμους Έλληνες της Νέας Υόρκης και όχι μόνον, ο Βασίλης Μιστάρας-Τουαρέκ, δεν είναι πια στη ζωή, από το βράδυ της 20ής Απριλίου. Άφησε την τελευταία του πνοή στο ΜΙΝΕΟΛΑ. Ο Βασίλης γεννήθηκε στη Λάρισα το 1947. Σε ηλικία 16 ετών βρέθηκε στην Αθήνα και σχεδόν αμέσως, αεράτος χορευτής σε πολλά θέατρα και κυρίως στο «Ακροπόλ» το μεγαλύτερο επιθεωρησιακό θέατρο. Έδειχνε ταλέντο, εργατικότητα, προθυμία και μέλλον. Το 1971 βρέθηκε να χορεύει στη Νέα Υόρκη, με τον θίασο του Φώτη Μεταξόπουλου. Και όταν οι άλλοι καλλιτέχνες επέστρεφαν στην Αθήνα, ο Βασίλης έλειπε. Είχε ειδοποιήσει τον Μεταξόπουλο ότι θα παραμείνει στην Αμερική,

ΕΦΥΓΕ Ο ΒΑΣΙΛΗΣ ΜΙΣΤΑΡΑΣ-ΤΟΥΑΡΕΚ του άρεσαν τα πάντα εκεί. Εκεί παντρεύτηκε μια Ελληνοπούλα και απέκτησαν και ένα άξιο γιο, τον Γιώργο, που σήμερα θρηνεί τον πρόωρο χαμό του πατέρα του. Ο Βασίλης ήταν Άν θ ρ ω π ο ς . Κ α λ λ ι τ έ χ ν η ς , μεθοδικός, φιλόδοξος, πολυμήχανος, επιχειρηματίας, ευγνώμων, φιλόξενος και όσα άλλα καλά μπορεί να έχει ένας αγνός άνθρωπος που ενδιαφέρεται για τους γύρω του. τανάπαλιν. Τα μεγαλύτερα ονόματα μετεκλήθηκαν από τον Βασίλη. Φωτογράφος σε εφημερίδες, περιοδικά, προσωπικοτήτων, ακούραστος, ευθύς, δίκαιος και τελειομανής. Ήρθε στη ζωή για να προσφέρει την καρδιά του και έφυγε παίρνοντας μαζί του και την δική μας μας.

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THE WORLD Trump and Hillary Refuse to Explain Why They Both Share the Same Address in Delaware (ANTIMEDIA) Wilmington, DE — As it turns out, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump share something pertinent in common, after all — a tax haven cozily nested inside the United States. This brick-and-mortar, nondescript two-story building in Wilmington, Delaware would be awfully crowded if its registered occupants — 285,000 companies — actually resided there. What’s come to be known as the “Delaware loophole” — the unassuming building at 1209 North Orange Street — has become, as the Guardian described, “famous for helping tens of thousands of companies avoid hundreds of millions of dollars in tax.” Reportedly dozens of Fortune 500 companies — Coca-Cola, Walmart, American Airlines, and Apple, to name a few — use Delaware’s strict corporate secrecy laws and legal tax loopholes by registering the North Orange Street address for official business. “Big corporations, small-time businesses, rogues, scoundrels, and worse — all have turned up at the Delaware address in hopes of minimizing taxes, skirting regulations, plying friendly courts or, when needed, covering their tracks,” the New York Times’ Leslie Wayne described in 2012. “It’s easy to set up shell companies here, no questions asked.” While the legitimacy of taxes as a concept may be up to personal interpretation, what matters in Clinton’s use of the so-called Delaware loophole, in particular, is her constant harping on the need for corporations and elite individuals to pay their fair share. In other words, Clinton’s employment of North Orange Street amounts to a telling, Do As I Say, Not As I Do. And, as the Guardian notes, both of “the leading candidates for president – Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump – have companies registered at 1209 North Orange, and have refused to explain why.” As Rupert Neate explained for the Guardian, being registered in the tiny state allows “companies to legally shift earnings from other states to Delaware, where they are not taxed on non-physical incomes generated outside of state.” In fact, some have claimed — all revelations of Panamanian

documents aside — the use of tax-friendly locations inside the U.S. makes it the biggest tax haven in the world, with Delaware, alone, costing other states some $9 billion in lost taxes over the past decade. Clinton has repeatedly touted the needs for tax transparency and to shut down foreign havens with similar loopholes. “Some of you may have just heard about these disclosures about outrageous tax havens and loopholes and superrich people across the world are exploiting in Panama and elsewhere,” Clinton told the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO annual Constitutional Convention earlier this month. “We are going after all these scams and make sure everyone pays their fair share here in America.” Oh, the irony. According to Neate, a Clinton spokesman explained, “ZFS [Holdings, LLC] was set up when Secretary Clinton left the State Department as an entity to manage her book and speaking income. No federal, state, or local taxes were saved by the Clintons as a result of this structure.” Why, if what the spokesman claims to be true, would Clinton bother using an address in Delaware? Of the 515 companies Trump officially registered with the Federal Election Commission, “We have 378 entities registered in the state of Delaware,” the billionaire told the Guardian, “meaning I pay you a lot of money, folks. I don’t feel guilty at all, OK?” Delaware’s incredibly business-friendly structure that allows for such a crowded address is completely legal, though the ability to create shell corporations lends to shady dealings and is “a magnet … which individuals and corporations can use to evade an inestimable amount in federal and foreign taxes,” as a report by the Institute on Taxation and Foreign Policy has described. Still, Clinton’s constant moralizing on tax transparency —

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NASA�s Astronomy Picture of the Day

The Milky Way over the Temple of Poseidon Image Credit & Copyright: Alexandros Maragos; Rollover Annotation: Judy Schmidt Explanation: What's that glowing in the distance? Although it may look like a lighthouse, the rays of light near the horizon actually emanate from the Temple of Poseidon at Cape Sounion, Greece. Some temple lights are even reflected in the Aegean Sea in the foreground. Although meant to be a monument to the sea, in this image, the temple's lights seem to be pointing out locations on the sky. For example, the wide ray toward the right fortuitously points toward the Lagoon Nebula in the central band of our Milky Way, which runs diagonally down the image from the upper left. Also, the nearly vertical beam seems to point toward the star clouds near the direction of the Wild Duck open cluster of stars. The featured image was taken in 2015 June 8

Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.


Authors & editors: Robert Nemiroff (MTU) & Jerry Bonnell (UMCP) NASA Official: Phillip Newman Specific rights apply. NASA Web Privacy Policy and Important Notices A service of: ASD at NASA / GSFC & Michigan Tech. U.


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