Online Communications Plan for Dr. Katy Nelson

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CREATIVE DIRECTOR’S SUMMARY Dr. Katy Nelson is a veterinarian serving the Washington DC Metro Area. She has been a veterinarian since 2001, and is passionate about her position of providing the best care for all animals, primarily in domesticated animals, especially dogs and cats. She is a regular on Channel 8’s weekday show called Let’s Talk Live, where she hosts their pet care specialist segment. The following communications plan, provided by Ellsworth, a full service creative agency specializing in personality branding, will provide data and research driven opportunities, insights, strategies and tactics that will help address Dr. Nelson’s current challenges, provide goals and objectives and build her digital online presence. Dr. Nelson’s primary challenge is to provide consistent messages and branding that will differentiate her from the thousands of online resources and few key personalities related to pet care services all while expanding her fan base and building upon new and current partnerships. Also, there is a strong opportunity to build her online presence by using trending key words people are using when finding answers to their pet care needs. By following this plan, Dr. Katy Nelson has the opportunity to develop her relatable and memorable personality, provide an online source that will be easier to find, and raise her online profile and further establish her online and offline presence as a great source for finding answers worth listening that will be measureable and impactful regarding being a great pet parent. Best,


Ellsworth a full service creative agency


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BACKGROUND Since 2005, Dr. Katy Nelson has been an associate emergency veterinarian at the Alexandria Animal Hospital in Alexandria, Virginia where she works with a wide variety of pets and pet issues. She is the co-creator of the hospital’s Pawsitively Fit program, a fitness program for dogs and their owners. She is passionate about helping dogs and cats to live the longest, fullest life that they can lead by staying fit and trim. In addition to her own site, she gives advice to pet owners online, too, by serving as “Dr. Aarff” and by being a contributor to www. A native of Louisiana, Dr. Nelson was raised on a small farm in the heart of the state where her childhood was filled with many beloved pets. She earned her veterinary degree in 2001 from the Louisiana State University’s School of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Nelson has had some amazing opportunities in her career to hone her skills in both small animal practice and corporate veterinary medicine. Dr. Nelson is also Certified Veterinary Journalist (CVJ), accredited by the American Society of Veterinary Journalists (ASVJ). She is the immediate Past President of the District of Columbia Academy of Veterinary Medicine, the oldest and largest veterinary continuing education society in the United States. She is a member of The Iams Pet Wellness Council, and serves as a media spokesperson for P&G Pet Care’s The Iams Company.

She is a reporter for Veterinary News Network and a weekly guest on DC News Channel 8′s Let’s Talk Live. She is the veterinarian on Fox 5 DC’s newest “Ask the Vet” segment which airs monthly. Through her consulting business, KJN Veterinary Consulting, Dr. Nelson serves as a valuable source to reporters around the country. She lives in Northern Virginia with her husband, their son (and soon also to add a little daughter to the mix) and their two rambunctious dogs, Stanley, the 12 year old Schnauzer mix who Dr. Nelson adopted from the Animal Welfare League of Alexandria, and Papi, the 4 year old Labradoodle. Despite being a very busy wife, Mom, pet parent and doctor, Dr. Nelson still carves out time to serve on the Public Relations Board of her local shelter, The Animal Welfare League of Alexandria. She also is one of the visiting veterinarians to this shelter and volunteers her time there caring for the animals in need. Dr. Nelson is on the executive host committee for the Washington Humane Society‘s Fashion for Paws, the Washington DC area’s premier philanthropic fashion event. As a fundraising model for the event for the past two years, Dr. Nelson raised enough money each year to be classified as an “F4P Super Model” and is honored to be featured in the 2011 (and upcoming 2012) Fashion for Paws Calendar.

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Dr. Katy Nelson is a popular District personality, appearing in many local luxury publications, like DC Modern Luxury and Capitol File involving animal charity events. She is a runway model for Fashion for Paws, where she uses these social events to mention her recent appearances on Let’s Talk Live. Although she appears at constant outings, she does not take full advantage to further her personal brand. Although she is a regular on Let’s Talk Live, a local afternoon talk show based off the sister ABC channel, Channel 8, she does not mention her site, which has a confusing domain name ( When she is at social gatherings, Dr. Nelson is very memorable when she has one on one interaction with people. She is able to make that personal connection of being a proud parent and wife, and always has a good story about her family. She is personal and relatable. As she introduces herself, she does not request people to be fans or friends with her on her social media pages, nor does she give them a card to bring them to her site. People who are associated with her on her personal Facebook and Twitter, are a blend of actual friends and fans. What Dr. Nelson needs to do to better her communication, is to build a distinction of her online television persona and her real persona. Although not very different, but there needs to be tactical interaction with her friends and fans that will help foster interactivity to; leave comments on her site, submit questions and share her information through emails and social media. She is believable and memorable. She is a true animal lover and has a wealth of information regarding many animal species and their behaviors and diets. Although she can raises a lot of money for Fashion for Paws, she does not promote herself as a stand-alone brand. She had partnered with Iams to host a mobile truck vet service a few years ago, but she has not done any personal advertising. Katy’s one goal as of now is to land a television show from a major television network. However, a there is a strong recommendation to follow this communications plan that will provide insight to this client as to first build her digital presence and foster a loyal group of active fans that will then be used to prove to her key publics how unique she is with her strong, memorable and relatable mother-perspective personality. Dr. Nelson’s services are not clearly defined, as she does not have a team to help develop her personal brand. Katy is presented as a veterinarian who is also a proud mommy. She needs to be upgraded to be an authority on being a great Pet Parent.

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According to recent reports, viewing of YouTube has more than three billion views every day, an increase of more than 50 percent from 2010. Mobile devices such as iPads and smartphones are landing in the hands of individuals worldwide and the potential to reach an instant, global audience is now a reality. By engaging audiences using entertaining and fun mobile applications and games, online personalities, such as Dr. Nelson have the opportunity to build an even stronger base of devoted followers. There is certain criteria that can help Dr. Nelson stand out in the digital world. Her online presence must convey a strong sense of who she is and what she has to offer that is different than other online vet source. A media analysis was conducted on Dr. Katy Nelson by setting up daily monitoring of her use of social media and her current site content using Google Alerts, RSS feed on her site, and traditional search methods “Googling,” as she does not appear on Let’s Talk Live or update her site with new content regularly. However, mentions of her are positive, using This feedback of her current online presence is shown to be strictly informational and entertaining as it relates to her appearances on news segments on Channel 8 and Fox 5 in the Washington area. Recently for Katy, there is a real lack of digital space management. For instance, on Facebook, her Public Page has 127 fans and she updates her page rarely with only 54 posts from July 2010

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to July 2011. Dr. Nelson’s Twitter page has 41 Followers where her Facebook page is linked together, so the content is the same. Dr. Katy Nelson’s current website is: www.kjndjm. com, where it is Globally Ranked as 7,399,731 with only 1 site linking in. Lets Talk Live Page marked with “Katy Nelson” has 6 episodes. In Google Search, “Katy Nelson” yeilded 41,800 results with her website as top (good).

According to, “pets” is mentioned every 23 seconds on Facebook and Twitter. “Pet parent” is mentioned every 33 minutes. “Katy Nelson” (client) was mentioned 2 times over thirty days. It is very important to streamline Dr. Nelson’s social media outreach, as it is one of the most cost effective to engage with her publics who are online. Proper social media management helps with immediate feedback and provides communicators and clients another form of staying competitive.

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There are three major animal personalities who started primarily from television who have supplemental online sites that bridge their presence from television to online. There are many people who talk about animals. Comparatively in the pet care Industry, there are 8849 active links according to, an online aggregate of pet care resources. When searching for “Pet Parent,” Google provides a result of 684,000 matches, “Pet Owner” Google search provide: 7,140,000 results, “Site:Veterinarian” provide 12,100,000 results in Google, “Vet Expert” finds 58,100 results, and “Veterinary Expert” Google provides 336,000 results. For the sake of consistency, we will evaluate only top online personalities and not “faceless” online resources. Here are a few of them who are viewed as Competition. They are:


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Cesar Millan’s first three books, including Cesar’s Way, all became New York Times best sellers, have cumulatively sold two million copies in the United States and are available in 14 other countries. In 2009, Millan introduced a monthly magazine also titled Cesar’s Way — with the Wall Street Journal reporting at that time that half of American consumers recognized Millan. With Ilusión Millan, he founded the Cesar and Ilusión Millan Foundation — since re-named the Millan Foundation. He is working with Yale University to create a children’s curriculum based on his work. 34,091 is his Global Ranking on Alexa with 423 sites linking in.



Since 2005, Victoria Stilwell has worked with unruly dogs on her TV show, It’s Me or the Dog, which airs in over forty countries. The show features Victoria as she counsels families with problem pets and uses positive reinforcement training techniques to help them learn how to correct their dogs’ behavior. 335,738 is her Global Ranking from Alexa with 63 sites linking in.

“Animal Underworld” is a new show hosted by actor, author and snake lover Henry Rollins. “Animal Underworld” features people who own exotic animals as well as those who eat them. National Geographic Wild averages 114,000 viewers overall. Since it launched a little more than a year ago, its household ratings have grown 50 percent compared to Fox Reality, the network it replaced. 424,510 is his Global Ranking on Alexa with 435 sites linking in.

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From our finding of our external factors, we have found that overall, there are not many animal caretaker personalities online due to a new desire to watch more reality based tv shows. Although animals are conversation starters and center on a completion on the family unit, it is difficult to find the correlation that there are not more personable resources centered around one central person. However, people are constantly looking for resources online for solutions, tips and answers. Animal Planet made its debut with mostly repackaged series and specials from other networks and put them online. Take for example, Puppy Bowl VII. In 2011, Animal Planet network looped the two-hour telecast that created 12 full hours of viewing. The entire Puppy Bowl received a cumulative 9.2 million viewers. It was also hosted on the Animal Planet’s website, that brought 4.6 million page views of Puppy Bowl VII. That’s up 30% compared to the year before. Puppy Bowl VII also dominated the overall Twitter conversation on Super Bowl Sunday. The trending topic terms - Puppy Bowl and #Puppy Bowl - combined for a more than 16,000 mentions that reached an estimated 12 million Twitter users (USA TODAY). Persons who are watching are loyal and large level of interest and interaction.

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Dr. Katy Nelson has a few key external opportunities and challenges to achieve the goals of this plan. Dr. Nelson needs to share what makes her stand out among other online pet care resources, what makes her appealing to sponsors and agents and what will increase pet parents to be loyal participants of her site. This must be accomplished using clear and consistent messaging, all while providing a reliable and relatable persona that is memorable and authoritative in respect to “pet parenting.� In order to do this, Dr. Nelson must have a site and social media components that will compliment and amplify her unique messaging as a contemporary pet parent, and provide content that is searchable and sharable.

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There is an opportunity here by hosting a more aggressive website where thoughtful Search Engine Optimization (SEO) content along with Social Media will be successful in raising digital presence, foster the online Pet Parents, and ultimately provide Dr. Katy Nelson’s goal of getting an agent that will take her to the next level. Taking full advantage of social media and search engine opportunities, Ellsworth will present her as a person of influence and competition. Through this plan, Dr. Nelson will earn new audiences and prominence that directly align with the level of engagement. Along with the socialization of content, this will empower her personal brand as a veterinarian source and becoming the Nation’s Best Pet Parent.

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Build Dr. Nelson’s online presence as an authority to pet ownership in a way that is convincing, heartfelt and will build a followship that will ultimately get her a television show.

OBJECTIVES • Improve Katy Nelson’s Global Ranking digital presence by 1.2% in 5 months of plan execution from all key publics. Alexa current ranking is 7,399,731 Global Ranking. We would like to see that raise to at least 6,000,000 over the course of 5 months. (Cesar Milan’s Global Ranking is 34,091). • Build Search Engine Optimization content that is posted by at least 50 online pet parents on Facebook over 5 months of plan execution and Katy’s sites are relinked by 20 other sites. • Obtain $7,800 in Sponsorships in from 3 national pet food companies within five months of delivery of plan execution. • Obtain online endorsements from accredited veterinary science organizations with a goal of seven endorsements from and other highly viewed animal based websites over the course of 5 months of the plan execution. • Bring Katy’s Facebook fanpage from 127 to 1,000 in three weeks of plan execution of online pet parents. Build Katy’s Twitter follows who are online pet parents from 41 to 300 in three weeks of plan execution. • Find national representation from a top talent agency specializing in online personalities and brands.

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The key publics with which Dr. Katy Nelson must establish its credibility and ultimately build trusted online viewership are drawn from people who use the internet to find answers, that are more discerning to find the most credible and trustworthy. Key publics, therefore, are those people most likely to develop trust through demonstrated credibility. There are three main publics that Dr. Katy Nelson needs to engage with in order to achieve her strategic communications goals and objectives. Based on the evaluation of other online pet care personalities, below are the main key publics that Dr. Nelson needs to focus her communication efforts:

• • •


NATIONAL PET OWNERS WHO ARE ONLINE LOOKING FOR PET CARE ANSWERS Pet parents, or owners, are the most important public for Dr. Katy Nelson. They are the largest audience as well as a group that can provide the most instant feedback. Pet parents have taken a pledge to provide a lasting contribution to the quality of life for animals. They treat animals like people and peers and further can address animal public health and safety issues. Pet parents are a strong and growing constituency online who look at pet relations as a true member of their family. By focusing on core messaging, like “Caring for a pet is becoming just as important as raising a child,” then this public will be on board as large supporters of Dr. Nelson. CURRENT RELATIONSHIP Dr. Nelson is part of this online pet parent population. She has two dogs and a turtle that are all an integral part of her life. Her pets are fond of her son and husband and there is a communal quality that she shares with most pet owners. Pet ownership/adoption is on the rise according to the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association (APPMA, 2006 data). 88.3 million cats are in households (90.5 million in 2006/2006 and 77.7 million in 2003/2004), there are 74.8 million dogs (73.9 million in 2006/2006 and 65 million in 2003/2004), and 13.4 million retiles (11.0 million in 2006/2006 and 9 million in 2003/2004) in households. 72.9 millions homes have pets. In 1988, the first year the survey was conducted, 56% of U.S. households owned a pet as compared to 62% in 2008. SELF INTERESTS Pet perents are always curious to know what works best for other people’s pets. They also want to provide their pets with the best opportunities and by joining Dr. Nelson’s audience, they will be able to engage with another persona who is also a great online pet parent. 20 I Strategic Communications Plan

PERSONALITY AGENTS The primary role of an agent is to control all aspects of personality management, production and delivery. This ranges from branding development, casting, shoot supervision and fact-checking. This person is responsible for the personality’s overall quality and survivability, so there is a lot riding on agents to take on persons that will be successful. These people participate in activities such as screenwriting, appearances, casting, and even speech writing. These are people like; Liesl Copland of William Morris Endeavor, who represent Cesar Millian, Dan Steinman of Creative Artists Agency, Bec Smith of United Talent Agency, and Joanna Jordan of Central Talent Booking. CURRENT RELATIONSHIP As viewership of Channel 8 is dwindling, many opportunities to host her own show became unavailable. Dr. Nelson much reach out to new contact via her online presence, as she does not have many contacts to personality agents. SELF INTERESTS The main goal of an agent is to provide booking results. Their talent is to provide quality, innovative and personalized results that bolster the appeal of any type of media. These agents provide a strategic agenda about which personalities will best enhance their business contacts. Agents are well connected and are committed to service to get personalities to appear on a myriad of platforms, online and offline, television shows, magazine articles, or appear at live events including charity fundraisers.

MEDIA SPONSORS This group is the financial backbone of Dr. Katy Nelson’s communication efforts. By acquiring sponsors, it shares with our other two key publics that she is a credible and bankable personality online. Sponsors generally offer financial support in exchange for advertising rights. These targets are; Iams. Purina, Innova, Evo, and California Natural. CURRENT RELATIONSHIP She has a partnership with Iams. She is a member of The Iams Pet Wellness Council, and serves as a media spokesperson for P&G Pet Care’s The Iams Company. SELF INTERESTS When sponsors provide a financial endorsement of Dr. Katy Nelson, they will get high visibility, superior quality, corporate credibility, and an uncluttered environment that will make their message stand out. From this, sponsors increase their visibility before a regional and national audience, enhance their corporate image, and reach out to an influential and unique audience.

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Brand positioning for Dr. Katy Nelson is all about identifying the optimal location in our key publics’ minds for our brand and her competitors. Proper positioning makes it easier to facilitate understanding of Dr. Nelson. Taken to its’ logical conclusion, a proposed statement serves as an initial indicator of our brand’s position. The first step is to identify and establish brand positioning and brand values. Positioning is the foundation for creating and fostering the desired knowledge and perceptions of our key publics. Proper positioning clarifies what our brand is all about. How is Dr. Nelson both unique and similar to competitive brands? Why should our key publics use our brand as a trusted resource? In the first part of this plan, we have identified who are key publics are, who our competitors are, and what opportunities there are for Dr. Nelson. At this point, Dr. Nelson does not have a current brand position. The next page is a proposed statement.

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As the nation’s favorite pet parent, Dr. Katy Nelson shares her trusted insights of balancing being a mother of two children, caring for three pets and being a leading

Washington, DC veterinarian. With a focus on the home, Dr. Katy Nelson incorporates her ten years of veterinary services that foster meaningful relationships with your pets you love and the home you live in.

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Framing is bounding the scope of messaging of our brand. The goals of framing are to bring meaning of a message to gain positive feedback or favorable participation from our key publics. Framing provides context in key messaging to create importance for certain elements of the communication strategy while not focusing on other messages. Message framing provides information that will lead to favorable decision- making. Framing pinpoints messaging to one public, while other messaging is specific to others. Dr. Katy Nelson’s proposed framing is sharing her insights as a parent, being a leading Washington, DC veterinarian and incorporating her ten years of veterinary services. And beyond this, she would like to be appealing personality to agents that will provide her national branding beyond the scope of this plan.


The messages on the next page represent the main ideas that Dr. Katy Nelson needs to communicate to her key publics (online pet owners, agents and sponsors). These messages are directed toward Dr. Nelson’s publics and are related to achieving the desired objectives in this communication plan to build her online presence.

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PRIMARY MESSAGE: As the nation’s favorite pet parent, Dr. Katy Nelson shares her trusted insights of balancing being a mother of two children, caring for three pets and being a leading Washington, DC veterinarian. With a focus on the home, Dr. Katy Nelson incorporates her ten years of veterinary services that foster meaningful relationships with your pets you love and in the homes you live in.

SECONDARY MESSAGES: She is a trustworthy source being a mom and pet parent. She has been a leading veterinary source on television, as well as online and offline since 2001. She knows how to build meaningful relationships with pets and their owners through product recommendations, recipes and hints.

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Provide Dr. Katy Nelson with a platform that will streamline all of her offerings.

TACTICS • • • • • • • •

Build a new website. Buy her a new domain. Create a compelling “About me” page. Write in relatable ways addressed to pet owners. Her site should have a warmth-projecting photo of herself on the site. Incorporate all past communication efforts from television appearances. List all past partnerships. Give her a blog component


Research keywords related to veterinary services and pet parenting.


• Use a keyword research tool to find what people are searching for when looking for pet care answers • Use keyword research tool to find what pet owners search for when they are online • Collate this research in a rubric when writing and posting anything on Dr. Katy Nelson’s new website.


Discover how current fans and friends engage with Dr. Nelson


• Use Surveymonkey to develop a survey that will provide feedback on what her current fans talk about and what kind of content they are looking for • Purchase an email list of national pet owners of 10,000 and send out a similar survey with the incentive of an ipad • Purchase information from one of USAToday’s surveys related to pet care services.

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Webisode One Webisode Two Webisode Three Website

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Engage with potential agents to explore possibility of expanding online network

TACTICS • • • • •

Provide new press materials for Dr. Nelson Develop a distribution list of national agents with mailing and emailing contacts. Provide a Sizzle Reel of past and current appearances Provide a one sheet information and bio of Dr. Katy Nelson Create a photo tear sheet of updated photo shoots.


Engage with current and potential sponsors to become online supporters


• Develop a distribution list of national sponsors with mailing and emailing contacts. • Used newly created press materials for Dr. Nelson in mailing list with lists of potential sponsorship opportunities


Develop outreach materials for Dr. Nelson to increase online viewership


• In addition to a website, weekly episodes will be created to provide additional online presence that will be incorporated with her television appearances. • Use research to find what pet owners are looking for when they are online and use that information to develop themes of weekly webisodes.

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CALENDAR Ac#on item








Consult with client Discuss op4ons of service Talk to current publicist for goals Present goals to client Present objec4ves to client Present full communica4ons plan with budget Buy domain Build website Film, edite and create webisodes Reseach key words for SEO Present webisodes to client for addi4onal comments Photograph client Devise survey Buy list Distribute survey Create PR materials. Finalize webisodes Edit and approve PR materials. Print. Provide sizzle real from webisodes. Burn to DVD and put online on Youtube Create database of sponsors Create, write and distribute sponsor leJers with PR materials Brainstorm with client to create SEO related content for website Launch website Followup with sponsors Launch webisodes Provide blog topics based from SEO research Engage with social media to visit new site Help edit and post blog topcis bi-­‐ monthley Follow progress using Google alerts and analy4cs Provide followup and feedback to client

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Ellsworth Agency Ellsworth and client Ellsworth and client Ellsworth Agency Ellsworth Agency Ellsworth Agency Ellsworth Agency Ellsworth and client Ellsworth and client Ellsworth Agency Ellsworth and client

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BUDGET Category/Item Communica0ons materials Communica0on/PR materials Wri$ng Graphic Design Images Prin$ng Photography One sheet, prin$ng Tear sheet Cover leGer Envelopes Lists Media lists Na$onal pet owner lists DC pet owner list Agent lists


Quan0ty (over one year)


$30/hr $60/hr $680 $1,200 $459 $1,200 $1,200 $200 $238

10 40 1 1 2 1 1 1 1

300 2400 680 1200 918 1200 1200 200 238


1 1 1 1

290 290 290 500

20 6 1 20 20 14 6 14 3

1600 540 540 100 1600 1600 840 1680 840 597

$290 $290 $500

Webisodes (6) over the year Filming Hair Makeup Ma$erials, props Ligh$ng Sound Edi$ng Music Graphics DVD Online support/hos$ng




Website Domain Hos$ng Support Development Graphic design Addi$onal custom elements

$120 $20/mth $20/mth $1,200 $60/hr $40/hr

1 12 12 1 40 40

120 240 240 1200 2400 1600

Research Search Engine Op$miza$on Pet owners research Trending topics research Survey crea$on and design Feedback and followup

$30/hr $30/hr $30/hr $30/hr $30/hr

10 10 10 10 2

300 300 300 300 60

1 1

200 1800

$80/hr $90/hr $90/hr $100 $80/hr

$80/hr $60/hr $280 $60/hr $199

Travel Cabs Event costs (5 various events)

$200 $1,800


Total $28,943

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EVALUATION HOW WE WILL ACCOMPLISH OUR OBJECTIVES Improve Katy Nelson’s Global Ranking digital presence by 1.2% in 5 months of plan execution from all key publics. Alexa current ranking is 7,399,731 Global Ranking. We would like to see that raise to at least 6,000,000 over the course of 5 months. (Cesar Milan’s Global Ranking is 34,091). Ellsworth agency will provide quality search engine optimization, social media outreach and follow overall internet trending topics on the internet to achieve this goal. Build Search Engine Optimization content that is posted by at least 50 online pet parents on Facebook over 5 months of plan execution and Katy’s sites are relinked by 20 other sites. Engagement with Dr. Nelson’s audience is key here. As the content is valuable and relevant to our publics, we are optimistic that they will repost. Consistency will also play a crucial role in this. Most or all posts will come out on a routine schedule, so that our online viewers know that new content will be posted on a certain day. This is more search engine related to pet parent online looking for answers. People search for “Dog Whisperer” or “Pet Parent” or “Advantix” substantially more than Katy Nelson. Adding more content that is relatable to highly searched content will help her online ranking. Obtain $7,800 in Sponsorships in from 3 national pet food companies within five months of delivery of plan execution. From our PR materials, Ellsworth will create PR materials like a one page description of Dr. Katy Nelson, a photo tear sheet and a cover letter that will invite sponsors, through purchasing a sponsorship list related to pet care services, to be a part of Dr. Nelson’s new website and endorse her content. Ellsworth will provide the followup and phone calls. Obtain online endorsements from accredited veterinary science organizations with a goal of seven endorsements from and other highly viewed animal based websites over the course of 5 months of the plan execution. This objective is relevant because this will help in relinking her site to other credible pet care providers online. Along with a financial sponsorship ask, there will be another opportunity to provide a written endorsement that will be a reciprocal relinking exchange. This will help both Dr. Nelson and her new possibly endorsements that may later provide financial sponsorships. Bring Katy’s Facebook fanpage from 127 to 1,000 in three weeks of plan execution of online pet parents. Build Katy’s Twitter follows who are online pet parents from 41 to 300 in three weeks of plan execution. Engagement with Dr. Nelson’s audience is key here. As the content is valuable and relevant to our publics, we are optimistic that they will repost. Consistency will also play a crucial role in this. Most or all posts will come out on a routine schedule, so that our online viewers know that new content will be posted on a certain day. Find national representation from a top talent agency specializing in online personalities and brands. From our PR materials, Ellsworth will create PR materials like a one page description of Dr. Katy Nelson, a photo tear sheet and a cover letter that will invite agents, through purchasing a sponsorship list related to personality agents. Ellsworth will provide the followup and phone calls.

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APPENDICES • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

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36 I Strategic Communications Plan

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