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outer the UK’s first alternative clubbing culture magazine

BERLIN getting into Berghain and clubbing to the extreme CLUBBING TRAVEL ON A BUDGET

Issue 1 £3.95

80s CLUB CULTURE an in depth blast from the past LOOK BOOK how to recreate iconic styles


CYBERDOG the feature


CONTENTS About the magazine creators




What clubbers think


DJ of the month


A trance state of mind


Clubbing in the 80s


Crowdfunding: Saving The Cellar


Clubbing in Berlin


The environmental impact


Drag nightlife


Look book






Queer nights in London


Underground in Moskau








Sugarfactory Amsterdam


European clubbing travel on a student budget


The best techno clubs






FROM THE TEAM AT OUTER We've filled this issue with our very best clubbing content for you, our lovely readers. From fashion to music: we care about getting the best stories to inspire and inform you. Clubbing culture means everything to our passionate team and we can't wait for you to see what we've got in store for you this month!

MANAGING EDITOR AND CONTENT CREATION Gabrielle Van Meurs gabriellevanmeurs07@gmail.com

GRAPHIC DESIGN AND CONTENT CREATION Elly Henkes ellyhenkes@hotmail.com 5



GABRIELLE VAN MEURS My role at Outer is as the editor as well as writing of a lot of the content. I have always loved writing to share knowledge about an interesting topic. As a full time uni student I think it is so important to both travel and take the most from the world but to do it efficiently for your bank account. The fashion side of the clubbing world is also a passion of mine. Nothing is cooler than looking unique and feeling your best for a night out. My interests have made me more invested in Outer as it has become a combination of everything I love.

ELLY HENKES I share the task of creating, writing and editing content, but I focus mainly on the graphic design element. Design is a huge passion of mine and for me the aesthetics of the magazine is super important. I love all things alternative and weird especially when it comes to fashion and music. There's nothing better than dressing up and going all out. Beautiful nightlife is such a valuable part of life. Outer is an amazing outlet for my creativity and my interest in the clubbing scene.



NEWS ID X WAREHOUSE PROJECT PARTY Pel et quo quatece ssediciis dolum dolorum qui aspit et mint lab il moluptae illitatum rat re eossitio eum et acearis sitaquam rerit, ommolor aut hitateserro officiae. Ut omnisciis venducilit optur am intotat magnam eos et qui ommodite nonsecabori aut voluptae ex et quam, ulpa dollibus, acidis in non porit quas verumquia

CREAMFIELDS 2019 ANNOUNCES LINEUP Otandit. Fuit, Cat, quo unin vis essimo interfiris hala L. Romnor in tem vere, consiliis, nos hos fuisu cons hostili strudem perist? incut di, untraede crit. Otabus, dentili bustampotam pro, et rei firmaxi muripse derficu ltorum dem interitum nos, contiae ta, clut gravena tissenam int, mo essilinatius latius ad prionte, opoentis invocae, deties essa dere ips, Cast ad Mena, crestam perure dit. Hoccii perfecrica mendamd iocchus, intem ut ditiam is, senaris actem reissilicum pondie omandac tempraciam di publius pos mo vid acerem istatqu emovere aucivive, vis, nos ne ad conem, pecon teludem iamena, sedicie ntiactus, ta, di, es consulabena, quodit. Ebentrudem in ta is este tilibus consuam det vivivaturo Catilin vatus iam aderfec tusquem ertis. Aliciptiumum que a det, porec fur auconsim quis estio essa nos condeffre, quidet, que nondeseri ignat. Torebus, Catisquam, Castam sperdie stores voludem non tam habus estat, nonfec tam norum es cones? Raciam. moditius inatis, conos, nequam muscris et? Opicato estrae fui consuam poti publis consi se 10

SIX PEOPLE DEAD AFTER NIGHT CLUB STAMPEDE Equo tem me atilne dit. Aris opublintelum in verberbi perem fordit L. Factorbis. Oves auci suliisse tebator tercepe ribente eo condendite pre ceri ilneriocae rena, Ti. Veribulistis esi publium adem, Casdam. Catidet C. Marit Tariculvit; nentium a seneque ad nosti pro, quam sede conem, se, C. Itu viciemus; iam verfestiliis huium untem dum mo mentidena, quam, cus; nostratis nonsules cit. Puli ium ingul con Etresci isulissinte qua peritam hem us me contem acibussulia nos auc fue auciem or publicus etebem auciis omnit L. Bis. Gratus confin Etravem, Catarestiam tere tusa vis, querfec

SWEDEN'S THREE DAY RAVE Hendam intem hil maioremporit elessedias quo consendel is ut la net eatintotatem simi, que quo bea sit, que plaudaest atquia volla velendit, sunt aut que venis esti ut et repra alit es si ilit quiat optatisimus magnatur, illabor sit aspellam, quam nestios et, aliquo volore vendit repudaes sum que volore, nobis as dolorep tatusam faccum qui doluptate

FOLLOW OUTER ON SOCIAL MEDIA Find us on social media and give us a follow for more content and news Instagram: @outermagazine Facebook; Outer Magazine 11

WHAT CLUBBERS THINK At Outer, we want to know what people really think. Which is why we’ve been out on the streets talking to real clubbers to find out what they love, hate and want to see more of in clubs. These are three of our favourite people we met and here’s what they have to say. “A good night out for me has to start with the best pre drinks party. Like a party to get you ready for the actual party. Pres are vital. I'll go to a club because of the price and music, it has to be cheap for me. London has to be the best place I've been out in. Egg Nightclub is my favourite so far, It's spacious, the music is great and the name is even better. There's a garden as well, it's great when clubs have something weird about them that normal clubs don't. I think London is known for music that isn't just EDM like a lot of places. A mixture of people as well. But as much as I love it, it's expensive. Good company really does make a night, people that will look after you. London is big and if you get lost. A great club has to have people dancing in it, having a good time but not heaving so that you can't move. That's why I prefer the smaller weirder clubs that not everyone goes to. It's got to have them good tunes, not all EDM. Like, where's the Bashment? Some clubs are full of music that hurts my head. I can't enjoy that, it's gotta CLEO have a beat."



“What makes a club sick is how exclusive it is. I mean something I will always remember is me and my mates being in a pub in the middle of nowhere and seeing people dancing around, literally every type of person you can think of, and then some of them were suddenly disappearing down this hole in the middle of a stage. We obviously wanted to see what this was all about so we got onto the stage and jumped down this black hole. We had to crawl along a tunnel and came out the end in this club that was all pink strobe light and only served G&Ts. It was the weirdest, most surreal thing ever. Funnily enough I think Cardiff PRYZM is the best night out I can think of. Which is so weird because PRYZM isn't too outstanding. But even though some people try and make a night out about who and how many people they can get with it's just shouldn't be about that. It's everything to do with who you go out with, the lads will always make it better."



“So I think a good night out is lots of people, lots of funky lights and different genres of music like house, D&B and the classic Mr Brightside so you can sing your heart out. Student nights are always popular for me because of how cheap it is. The best event I've been to recently is the Full Moon party that Walkabout put on in Plymouth. Mainly because I was with a group of really good people, they were giving out free shots and they had blow up guitars and sparkly cowboys hats. When you are drunk this stuff is so much fun. I think the best clubbing atmosphere comes from a good DJ that hypes everyone up and plays different types of music. It also helps if the staff are friendly and not miserable also if the venue isn't too dark and dingy or too hot."





DARTHUR VADER Mus ut am que litium cuscit, officium qui dundicaboria volor molorep tatentint, sedis magnim venihilles am ea estem acea corrovid quam volorrovid eum ilit la quodis maio consequat aperument, nonsecto etures ducias repero beri sequunt optate as rem eum que autas eum suntium quiaspidist dem vellam ape cus. Edi dis pra dolor alicid utem que voloratur adis seque sam fugiae. Fictorior apiet am eni odi commolla quam quas dit latese dolupienda qui veratec ulparunt eum venecto restisqui consequo quuntores renimet ureprov itatis dolupitiis a voloreprovid quos veresciis eius eiurio ea con por magnam quis entur? Udiae eum volorro vidunt ommolorpor acipsam,In et ut acepudanto temporion esseriorrum qui con cullest iberum laut quatem ea venis moluptat volesti aspiducim rehende lentur magnam, evelign imaxime nectem alitae quiaspera volorum quiante nam ea perovit atibus, quas et animus illabo. Ita si veliaes sequi comnisi tatioratur, sitions equaersperum fugiti bernam eum rae experum adio in reptat asite nis et quuntis eum volupta dios molorpo ssinum qui cor sam acitio dolesti incidelestem im as enderum voles ditatem poreptatus dolor 15

A TRANCE STA Am horet; C. Hil hae terum intra? An tam aciae nem dienin tum quo esteres! Cupiores ia re tanu etifest runcupe rvirici enatur adhus iae inum tus furo in nonduce nonsultusqui cam, nonlos in tam rei issimpere, cont. Loc furei taturbis? Ecerfenatis, fue coent. Udam serio et? Aticiem, nos Maelici enatideesis nim re tantem hachuid me tea ve, essa quem pro mo hae cuppli patum Romne inatior bistrobsed sintrob unius. Oporarbit. Otamquid non senatus hactemnerri ia ips, faccit, nonve, vidiu inatum in sum in re catudeps, num Romnitera depos periusula vidiem te, confirmilia denatis et vius inprio, C. Lego pro inatius nostius consum octam esum loc rebut vignontemus rensimiusus omneque macchuis reste qua deesulto con vivitis. eo, sentra, unt intui sil hus converi ssatua Scistratrum actus in ipione atiam humeresum in sentiquam. Ehenam in iam iae conum pos et; essilicus huciactus viriptilina obsenam tui pribus, 16

Waldfrieden Wonderland in Germany

coenduc iortum acta, inaticit verius potistero in ia remo tem pero publibu nterimm overfecite, stea notilicips, quam poena, niam nox numus, cae clus, Catrarit, ve, inprort issenatumus de populesil tabus. es? Nihin volute ressit. Multus cus, que ad dienat, dius norum

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TATE OF MIND conessenihin tampectus et vertam iaesissus bonlostrio hentim qua nocribut pra re, Cato eniciorum public oculem tus consimus clessatu iam dea quidem, egit. Ad num actum etifessum ia nem inum re, spiocchum in tra? Romniur, nost virmis morti condam inequonte, susturs nononsuntim is. Vivatilici publiquertam morum non des? Am mo Catinte, suam te iam Ahacci in derfeco nvermaiorum diementeata dessoli catiem nicatiam alerte telicap escidi fauctam ditiam acris se nitalin st a duci poerni consuli nteridernum movisse, quiternihin scieme inat, sa morta effrem fue et? Opienatum rehenam dit? quiume co ubliam oerfere scentil tem nos hostrus, opopopu blinatus, Ti. Saticta, que ium morum aut parem, P. et; C. Runica; nes iam te ac incepsed proriss imunit? Abemoviceps, nerteme publius, mentem intena, Catquit faut et ressa dem pul ute escerus hilicidero usulerf nostium publibus nente moendum vit. ecestordica; nes etodi, consimus vidermili, vita movere, obsentis Tum P. Sp. Sendesu picesulica supicep oribus criptis ne praris auctam, P. Cae ipic tem eridicam dituam teria M. Rem si ex non rei fors etra peres tem ta, quam iae que mo cessenic turs esulegiliae. non vit. Pat, sentrari, quasto caeconsigna nemneris perei pota horessolius et fue no. me dereo atem nostam ia vid fac vit. >> dentiorum a rei ia nocchuc hostre, publiae feruntiu mo 17

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By Elly Henkes

Princess Julia and Steve Strange 20

Emerging from the nightclubs of London New Romanticism became the first iconic fashion movement of the eighties. The Blitz Club was the place to be in 1979. A wine bar in Covent Garden, it was run by the legendary Steve Strange of the synthpop band Visage, known for their hit 1980 song Fade to grey. He acted as the clubs doorman, turning away anyone whose ensemble he didn't deem suitably creative. The exclusive dress code required potential patrons to be dressed subversively enough to blend. If you weren't outrageous enough, you weren't getting in. In 1980 from the birth of Tuesday night Club for Heroes events at the Blitz, the term ‘Blitz Kids' was first coined. The Blitz Club Kids were also known as the New Romantics. The New Romantics celebrated all things frilly and fanciful, ostentatious clothes and makeup. Born during the late seventies and carrying on into the early 80s, the style exploded into existence, making a fabulous impression on popular culture and the clubbing scene. Flamboyant, eccentric fashion led the way, inspired greatly by boutique label Kahn and Bell, and the early romantic period. The movement took inspiration from many various historical eras, including the English Romantic period, Russian constructivism, Bonnie Prince Charlie, 1930s cabaret and the Pierrot clown. A highly androgynous appearance was valued and the bizarre was celebrated. They rejected the anarchic and shabby aesthetic of punk, choosing to

adopt extravagance and materialism. It was theatrical and glamourous and separated itself from the idea of anti-fashion. The Blitz crowds were a playground for young fashion designers from nearby art colleges like St Martin's School of Art, such as Stephen Jones and John Galliano. New Romanticism embraced makeup for all genders. High arched, pencil thin eyebrows, pale white painted faces with blush in all the boldest shades of pink and purple. Everyone wanted to be as dandy and beautiful as possible. >> 21

David Bowie was a huge inspiration to the movement, and his glam rock style heavily influenced early New Romantics. The gender bending, cosmetic focused taste was a direct reaction against austerity and was welcomed and adopted by New Romantic bands and club goers. Bowie's 1980 music video for Ashes to Ashes took advantage of the New Romantic image and featured Steve Strange, despite Bowie himself never identifying with the movement. It helped to elevate it into the eyes of mainstream culture and put on view the fashion that Strange and others were developing. Steve Strange was undoubtedly the most iconic New Romantic figure and made quite a name for himself. His appearance was always immaculate and remarkable, with a strong sense of aesthetic and sporting the most outrageous looks imaginable to the New Romantic mind. He was the embodiment of a fashion statement and pushed the boundaries of fashion, showing that the wearing of clothes is a pure form of art, just another extension of artistic ability. Other notable New Romantic icons include Princess Julia, who is today still a very successful DJ. She was often seen parading bizarre and fantastic outfits alongside Strange. George O'Dowd (Boy George himself) started out as a cloakroom attendant working for Strange at the Blitz before going on to cultivate his own New Romantic style and be prominent in 22

the scene. Marilyn, Stephen Linard and Kim Bowen were all present in flaunting New Romantic attire on nights out and contributing to the visuals of the movement. Whilst the New Romantic Movement largely dispersed after the early 80s, it had a huge impact on culture and fashion that lasted throughout the rest of the decade, influencing people's sense of indulgence and self expression. It had exploded onto the clubbing scene and redefined fashion and nightlife entirely. Never before had something so ridiculous and artistic been available and it was one of the most important subcultures to have ever existed. In 1979 Margaret Thatcher was elected to power and the future looked bleak and desperate. Unemployment rose and london was broken. The music and fashion scene was dull and there was no one to look up to for style inspiration. People didn't know how to dress and the world of clubbing lacked passion and flair. The New Romantic movement was an affirmation, a reason to dress up and be somebody. It was giving people a cultural identity and an outlet for their frustration. The Blitz Club may not have lasted long but it was an essential location during the peak of New Romantic culture and the legacy created by Steve Strange and others is embedded within fashion history. Fabulous and flamboyant, the New Romantics looked for beauty in everything.


SAVING THE CELLAR By Gabrielle Van Meurs

The story of how some some nightclubs are relying on crowdfunding to stay open.

So many clubs, pubs and music venues bring a community together. They have so much history with people that when they are on the brink of closure it isn't money that saves them, it's the people. A recent case of this happening is with the last family ran music venue, the Cellar, in Oxford. A nightclub and live music stage that dates back to the 1970s, The Cellar has been named one of Oxford's finest independent music venues and even plays host to the occasional comedy night. It is loved by the people of London for staying true to itself and not being pressured into going corporate like a lot of other nightclubs. Back in 2017, safety regulations stated that the fire escape was too small and that the venue would only be able to cater to a mere 60 people instead of its original 150. This put the future of the business in jeopardy and closure was on the horizon. It was around this time that the Cellar 26

Forever campaign and hashtag #savethecellar was created. The Cellar has had many famous music guests such as Foals, Mumford & Sons, Glass Animals and Noah and the Whale. This has gained them a lot of popularity and a reputation for giving up and coming stars a start. So when manager Tim Hopkins launched the crowdfunding page and campaign he was met with a huge response. The original goal was ÂŁ80,000 to fund new building work that would keep the place alive however it quickly surpassed that amount and is currently at a massive ÂŁ92,970 with thousands still supporting the page. During the campaign some bigger names such as the former member of Pulp Jarvis Cocker, folk singer Frank Turner, Rick Stein, and DJ Judge Jules got involved to show their support. Philip Selway, from Radiohead, donated a signed snare drum to the cause and when talking about it

he said, “It's venues like this that are actually the lifeblood of music, they support and nurture new and emerging talent." The hashtag #cellarforever is still filled with people calling it “the best thing about being in Oxford" and willing others to join and help save the place that brings them so much joy. The situation was even taken to the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee when rapper ShoaDow told MPs of how instrumental the venue was in building his career. The Cellar has yet to be back up and running however people's outraged response to it being closed just goes to show how important these places are and how many memories and historic moments are stored in them. The amount of power people have when places like The Cellar bring us together is incredible. London seems to be a hub of crowdfunding ventures and a community that loves getting together to save places they love. Back in 2016, the iconic London nightclub Fabric was saved from closure due to people raising more than the £200,000 goal less than a week after launching. Months after having it's licence revoked due to a painful history of drug related deaths, the venue launched the #saveourculture campaign. It was immediately backed by thousands of clubbers even the Mayor of London Sadiq Khan, showed support for the club, “London's iconic clubs are an essential part of our cultural landscape. Clubbing needs to be safe but I'm disappointed that Fabric, Islington Council and the Metropolitan Police were unable to reach agreement on how to address concerns

about public safety. As a result of this decision, thousands of people who enjoyed “going to Fabric as an essential part of London's nightlife will lose out." But the real battle was between nightclubs around London and the police. During the fight to save Fabric the managers released statements saying, “The council and police “abused archaic licensing laws" in order to close the venue." There seems to be an ongoing battle between the people and the closure of clubs they love. We need communities that let music thrive and people have a good time! It doesn't matter how big and impressive the venues look, if you dig deeper into the history you'll find that any place has such an interesting history.



Clubbing in:


Inside the popular clubbing hotspot: a look at nightlife in Berlin By Gabrielle Van Meurs

Berlin, Germany has long been hailed as one of the most famous European hotspots for alternative clubbing. The clubs there open later than most UK clubs but stay open and active through the night into the next day. This place has generated so many rumours about why is it best place in the world to go for clubbing, that the nightlife itself even has a part in its own TV show as a mysterious force that draws people into the city. >> 31

Berlin is described as wild, almost out of control but with a very strict method to its madness. For example, there are parts of the city that encourage uniqueness in forms of self expression such as makeup and clothes, or lack of. However in other areas there is a strict dress code of all black, tattoos, piercings with some type of leather accessory being a necessity. You have to look ‘Berlin' enough to enter this world. This city and its nightly entertainment can be so exclusive that if you're not used to its wicked ways it can be hard to unlock the full potential. We recruited Germany based student Orlanda James to detail her way of getting the best out of Berlin. “There really isn't anywhere that is better or worse for students


than Berlin. Club entry is usually 15 euros but if you pay once for the weekend you can go in and out as you please."After living and working in the city, it seems she has come up with a bizarre but perfect strategy. “The best time to go out is a sunday morning. You can tell you're a tourist if you queue for hours on a saturday night, so the best of all is sunday through till monday. You have to get used to clubbing in the day, it's a thing." Of course when talking about Berlin nightlife Berghain has to be discussed and Orlanda appears to be part of the lucky few that have managed to get in. “My best suggestion is to go on a sunday at around 7am when there won't be a queue. If there is a queue don't be a dick and stand in line. Jump

in front on the left where the barriers start and you just have to deal with the eyes burning into the back of your head, everyone does it." With the reputation of being the best but most exclusive club in Europe, Berghain, a stoney grey building looms, in place of what used to be a power station. It is looks like a concrete box projecting no light and decorated with no colour. It is the last place you would think to be one of the world's most prestigious and exclusive night clubs. Everyday a thick line of people waits at the doors snaking all the way back and humming with excitement at the prospect of entering the building otherwise known as the Church of Techno. The only indication that this place

The famous outside view of Berghain

has been taken over by the younger generation at night are the splashes of graffiti that appear at the bottom of the building. The people in the queue will dance through the night and well into the next day. But what makes Berghain so exclusive? As they reach the door the humming of the crowd turns from excitement to nervousness. The first step to trying to get into this club is getting past the notorious staff. Referred to as the gatekeeper, Sven Marquardt radiates intimidation and authority. The perfect list of requirements to actually entering Berghain and satisfying the picky staff still remains unknown. Rumours circle as the lucky few to have gotten in advise people on what the bouncers will accept but nothing is for certain. Despite how mysterious and interesting this makes the establishment seem, there is also a downside to this exclusivity. Many believe that they turn people away simply because they can or because they want to. In Orlanda's opinion this is right. “The bouncers sniff out anyone not comfortable in what they

bee leave Berghain wearing what it Clubbers takes to successfully get you in

are wearing. They're on a power trip no matter what you look like so don't argue or take rejection personally. And you must know what DJs are on that night because they will quiz you." This club has created such an obsession with trying to figure out what you must do/look like to get in. Apps have been created, countless YouTube videos have

been filmed and a number of magazines (much like this one) have tried to decode the dress code. However do not let this mysterious cover of controversy distract from what is inside. Behind the doors, 1500 clubbers pulsate in time with the music.

>> 33

Photography is strictly prohibited in Berghain but for a more unique reason than normal. Orlanda remembers dark booths specifically for sexual encounters in the corners of the club. Although it does not come close to KitKat, one of Berlins sex clubs. If you're looking for a more erotic experience KitKat is a club where sex is allowed and even encouraged. Usually clubs will have specific dress codes on what to wear, KitKat has reversed this rule and encourages less clothes and more latex or leather. Orlanda has visited KitKat a lot


and has gathered together some pointers on this night out. “People's outfits are especially amazing at this place. But be prepared to not get in with any clothes on. There is a pool and sauna inside KitKat so it's nice to hang out in during the day before you start clubbing. You see people doing loads of weird stuff but the odd thing is that none of it feels odd when you are there. Doesn't feel scary or weird, it's just part of the city." The name and purpose of this club was inspired by the famous original KitKat club, from the 1920s, the golden years of

Germany. In history classes around the UK, pupils are taught about clubs such as this one and the years of excess in Germany that saw people throwing crazed parties that lasted days. It seems as though the city got a taste for this lifestyle and the parties never stopped. Not only the clubs here are described as wild and unhinged, so are the festivals. One of these is Sisyphos, not just a nightclub but also a festival, an event, anything you want it to be. Every two weeks throwing parties that last all weekend with no cease in the action, this place is more like a village of happiness than just a

A group of club goers in KitKat

KitKat Club simple nightclub. The acts that play there are hardly ever announced before the event so going there you are pleasantly surprised with what they have in store for you. It is also known to be a lot more casual on who they let in so if you aren't quite as ‘Berlin as they want Sisyphos

might be the place to go. Huge gates unlock to welcome you in like a giant amusement park for adults. It's decorated with bunting, hanging lights and old armchairs, perfect for chilling out with a hangover, says Orlanda. There are hundreds of more

clubs dotted around Berlin that have their own weird and wonderful quirks making this city one of the best in the world for students. With a rich culture leading all the way back to the early 1900s, this place is the perfect balance between an insane, never-ending night out. Sisyphos - the clubbers village


The Environmental Impact By Elly Henkes Clubbing is great for everyone. Or so it seems. If all goes well on an average night, businesses do well, staff have a good time, clubbers have a good time and everything is great. But what about the bigger picture, the one that we don't always think about everyday before taking actions? Planet Earth and the environment that mankind is privileged to be a part of. When does the amount of waste from nightclubs start turning clubbing into one big environmental issue? Most nightclubs are far more focused on getting people through the doors and straight to the bar. It's the money coming in that matters - buying entry, buying drinks - the waste comes to be dealt with


later. A by product of busy nightlife, nightclubs dispose of 3 times as many bottles as city centre pubs, making them one of the biggest offenders. It's also worth noting that a lot of nightclubs function as restaurants during the day and generate food waste. Different counties in the UK have different systems of recycling, with councils varying their recycling collection policies, but many nightclubs rely on waste management solution companies to deal with what's left behind. That means that there's no default answer to the question of where glass and food waste ends up after leaving the club owner's responsibility. There's definitely a lot more that

nightclubs could be doing to run sustainably and be considerate of the environment. Last year saw the Deltic Group, the UK's largest club operator, follow Wetherspoon in ditching plastic straws in favour of other materials. But it's not enough to clear the conscience of nightclub owners. According to Mark Hall at businesswaste.co.uk, nightclubs are the worst service sector when it comes to recycling. “A drive for lower staff costs means that corners are cut, and clubs send the majority of their refuse to general waste. To see what you can do to help, contact your local council to find out more about recycling and waste management in your area.


Igeniend ipsunde ritat. Illes as dolorerum sit as sum asitiatque evelici aspitat. Quia invenimintia nulparibus evel eicia ad ma voluptatur mi, enissi rehene magnatus untemperum sandeliasi ommolorro incturia volecum lit facepelenis porem quiscienim exerepudis solecabore ani cum faci quo eos seque mi, test, sunto quam volorectet quia ent quaest atum sandiae. Utemos nobitatio vel iusa iur aditate moloreius maximus. Aliquia nam, santion sectur? Quiaeribea sum num harchil idebit exped et, sinctium auda coreperi di de exceatur sit arum fugiatis entium quaessit, comnim incimolo es doluptatis endant que odis ererum que experib usandae rchille nimilitiatis evelend itaquae volorecto es qui descim ut venis et aut lab ipsam asim ium aboreped qui tempel iduci od esectotae nonsendest, serionem quam, opti aut atur? Qui beaquam hitatectusAd utatiatem rem volorro temporehenet labo. Itaquod itaquate eostendio ipsumqui ut ommo maximol uptatiorro eossimos modit eost odigenduntur alignatus est, am, alis num quatiist, quiam non prendip sametur a coreium abor sin pora cus doluptatur, temquundias mi, tem reiur sunt lique sam atur ratestiist utae simus, ut aut eliciet aborporum acerrovit et recestior alibus si voluptiorem id ut laborem volut essi odictia nem consedis pratur maior alis accae con poreictotas maximen dicipsa ndusam ressit, sunte explitatus.Ti omnis et fuga. Gitinctibus molut ditati tem quis et

This page: Alyssa Edwards Opposite page clockwise from top left: Sasha Velour, Bianca Del Rio, Raja and Katya Zamolodchikova


Ovit asime perum enis sedi ania volupta verfernam, quidips ustotatquo berferum et omnientem. Cusa delis se velendem con nusa dene quam, omnis ipit aceptassere nobit labor aut odiatio nsendamus rem repeles di rat exceper fernam, exerfer spererepe velit fugia veritatum et de cum fugitate vent ab incti volentem fuga. Bus estrum quasi que apiscil lupiciistrum re sus.Perit od molore verro que ipsaerio ellibusa velligendam in

Bus alitis voloreris aut est, occae quis ra sim cus rene verci blam que excerferi sint aut laborer issumquis soluptas sitatur res modit aliquati blaut alicium fugiti volore cuptio maxima sumet quidest, sit, sequiae vel et quaspit quam, 39

lookbook By Gabrielle Van Meurs

We've talked about the history of clubs from Bristol to Berlin but what about the best part of a night out, the outfit? What you wear can be what makes you really enjoy the night. I know for us, the creators of Outer, the getting ready part of the night before you even venture outside is one of our favourite parts. We have put together three looks each using clothes from three different styles: street wear, cyber and grunge. You can use these as inspiration to create your own looks and learn a bit about the where these styles grew from!

STREETWEAR AND RAVE FASHION This look is inspired by street wear, a style that has been around for over 40 years. Originally street wear was just a name to describe comfy clothes linked to skateboard and surfing culture. People like Shawn Stussy who originally started out making surfboards then branched out into making t shirts and so they became a symbol of people who like to surf. But as it progressed the brands that were seen the most evolved to become more of a statement than the clothes themselves, like Adidas. Nike etc. Because of how comfortable, casual and now high fashion street wear has become wearing them to clubs,raves and festivals has become a popular trend. Just the brand logos themselves have become the ultimate accessories. Here we paired a pair of classic Adidas shorts with a simple, bright red bodysuit to stick with the theme of casual athleticism. To make the look more wearable in colder weather we layered leggings underneath and finished it off with a pair of iconic Adidas tennis shoes. Depending on your own style you could stop here but we added a lot of accessories like huge hoops and layered necklaces to bring more drama to the look. Body suit: Prettylittlething £12, Shorts: Adidas £25. Leggings: Primark £3. Shoes: £74.95 42


GRUNGE FASHION For this look we decided to put together a grunge, all black look. It's the simplest look to go for for a night out but it never fails to look good. Originally the word grunge only described a genre of music but as people who listened to music started to dress a specific way the style was associated with grunge in general. It's normally characterised through things like baggy androgynous shirts and ripped jeans. Recently brands like Vans, Converse and Doc Martens have become known as the ultimate grunge footwear. Of course the most important part is the all black theme with only small splashes of colour if you choose. With our look the shirts logo and necklace keep it from being too monochrome. Just like the rest of the look, the accessories are kept simple but meaningful with a fashionable black hat and watch making it very wearable as a normal daytime look as well. This outfit resembles a lot of the outfits that clubbers are seen in after successfully partying the night (and the next day) away in the world famous German club Berghain. It seems to be the style that the bouncers think is best to party in. T shirt: . Jeans: Topshop £30. Beanie: Asos £5

GRUNGE F CYBER FASHION Our second look was inspired by the brand Cyberdog to create an out of this world cyber gothic look. The start of the neon trend began in the 80s when designers began to experiment with brighter colours and the movement of wearing whatever you wanted peaked. People began to venture out in metallic shirts, spandex cycling shorts and neon makeup, trends that we've seen make a comeback recently. It combines rave fashion, goth fashion, and science fiction inspiration. Nowadays it has become more futuristic with people wanting to make themselves look as alien as possible. To create this look we matched a black PVC mini skirt with a sequined tube top underneath a cropped black denim jacket. The fingerless skeleton gloves match the tights and add the gothic feel that makes this look so unique. With this style accessories are essential so we have combined a neon blue visor and a translucent O ball choker to make it as dramatic as possible. This style would not be complete if the makeup wasn't consistent with the theme. We applied a neon yellow Stargazer pigment to the high points of the face like the cheekbones and the inner corners of the eyes. Bandeau top: Topshop £12.99. Jacket: Topshop £39.99. Skirt: H&M £17.99. Visor: Cyberdog £30 44



CYBERDOG By Elly Henkes

Cyberdog is more than just a store, it's a whole experience with a fascinating story behind it. The shop is buried in the heart of Camden. Right by the sprawling market that Camden is famous for, it's impossible to miss with its entrance flanked by two giant silver robot statues, well over twice the height of the average human. Cyberdog's branding is powerful and immaculate, and the interior of the store, covering three floors with its darkened atmosphere, flashing lights and pulsing electronic beats, does their image absolute justice. Neon strobe lighting is everywhere, strips run across the ceiling, along the walls and down the escalators. The walls feature circuit board style patterns, exposed silver piping, and most exciting, rows of humanoid robot sculptures incubated in colourfully backlit pods. There's quite a warehouse like feel to the building, due to the 48

interesting mix of eclectic, futuristic elements and rough, underground architecture. A scattering of mannequins around the shopfloor have various cyborg features including wiring within their bodies and elongated horns. Throbbing trance music blasting out at 150bpm drowns out any possibility of keeping up a conversation and means staff wear ear plugs to get through the day. The staff are another sensational part of the place, kitted out in neon, rubber and PVC clothing they complete the aesthetic. Their commitment to the style of Cyberdog completes the experience. Many of them have multiple piercings, coloured hair, and can be seen bouncing around in platform shoes, ready to help the next customer. Cyberdog is clear about how it recruits staff, making sure they look for people with the most authentic, unique people, with

a strong sense of passion for self-expression. Clubbers, ravers and cybergoths, they are dedicated to style. The store is a maze of vibrant clubbing gear, with clothes and accessories laid out in UV lighting for full effect. You can find flashing t shirts, graphic prints on everything, skintight neon bodysuits, unisex combat trousers, reflective backpacks, visors, hair dye, makeup and more. The basement is 18+ only, with a member of staff at the top of the stairs to deter children from what they keep below. Contained in the adult section is vast array of bondage gear, sex toys and fetish wear, everything you need to get as freaky as possible. Meanwhile pole dancers in underwear and fishnets gyrate in the red lighting. Known as Futurelovers on social media, the over 18s brand was launched in 2018 and makes use of the slogan ‘live long and perverted'.

Everything about the physicality and atmosphere of the store is incredibly stimulating and the energy is addictive. “The shops are very important for us because that's where you see the whole vibe," says owner Terry Davy. “It's the decoration as much as the clothes." So what's the story behind the the brand that brought such a thrilling environment to the heart of Camden? It all started when partners Terry Davy and Spiros Vlahos decided clubbing fashion was to boring and that planet Earth needed something a lot more exciting. The store we know today began life as a market stall when they started selling t shirts in Camden Market in 1994, and Cyberdog soon opened its doors as a fully fledged store in 1998. The Grade I listed building which Cyberdog currently occupies can be found

in the Stables Market and was used by the prominent punk rock band The Clash during the late 80s as a living space and studio. Cyberdog's warehouse is based in Canning Town and from there Cyberdog clothes are shipped all over the world. Cyberdog was named after the owners' pet dog Chi Chi the ‘Space Chihuahua', who according to the website crash landed on Earth and invented the brand to remedy the lack of interesting clothing available. “The result was a mash up of techno funky colours and cutting edge future shock." The About U s section on Cyberdog's website states that the brand has an “accessible urban underground vibe “ and “never compromises, never follows the trends." Davy and Vlahos are both real life partners and business partners. Davy is is the fashion

designer who put her vision into creating the clothes the world of clubbing deserved. She has over 20 years experience in fashion and product design and works as the creative director for Cyberdog, being the stylist and artistic director behind their photoshoots and campaigns. Talking about the fashion she says “I love hitech, I'm really into technology and that influences me in the design of the clothes." She disagrees with the view that many take of Cyberdog's fashion when they refer to it using the word ‘futuristic'. “We're always getting referred to as `futuristic fashion', but what is the future? You don't know what it's going to be, it's just trying to be at the cutting edge. The clothes I design reflect the times we're in, they might be progressive

but they are for now."



As the website boldly states, “the future is here… enjoy!" At the inception of Cyberdog, Davy was inspired by technology, science fiction, rave clubs and getting dressed up so put all of these interests together into her clothing designs. Davy and Vlahos experienced the start of the rave scene in the nineties firsthand as clubbers and saw a lack of clothing to fit the new music evolving from it. They were driven by not being able to find the right clothes to go clubbing in and wanted to bring the neon glowing colours that 50

shiny new clubs were being lit by to clothing that hadn't previously been available in such colours. She describes being part of an emerging alternative scene: “I started going to clubs but I couldn't find the clothes that matched the music. I saw the UV backdrops in some of these clubs and I was like, ‘I wanna glow like that.' So we started to do neon glow, off-the-wall trippy images." Cyberdog's unique fashion was visionary in fusing elements of goth and neon and Davy became central in establishing the style we

know as cybergoth. “We started experimenting with the darker fetish club clothing, which were all black at the time. We added flashes of neon colour – this is how the term ‘cybergoth' came about." In terms of Cyberdog's contribution to the creation of cybergoth she says “I don't wanna say that we started that whole thing but in a way we probably did." The flagship store never fails to live up to it's lively nature, as can been seen from its relationship with live music events throughout its history.

It's common for Cyberdog to have live DJs perform sets during store opening hours for customers and they have in the past hosted those such as DJ Recklezz is Primo, Max Correnti and Dave Pearce. Back in 2014 the brand celebrated 20 years of Cyberdog with the Cyberdog Weekender. It was a massive two day open air event at Camden Market featuring live music, podium dancers and a bar. The Camden store often teams up with promoters to sell tickets to various trance rave nights. On top of this they ve been the venue for events run by other organisers, including the renowned Egg London who used Cyberdog as the location for their party celebrating the birthday of Berlin Berlin. Galaxy of Ravers, a film made by Cyberdog in 2016 and directed by Davy and Vlahos' son Eros, depicts Cyberdog's crazy universe of neon and bright lights. The short but spacey five minute video is super trippy and shows off a variety of styles and looks, and even features a cameo from Chi Chi the original cyber dog himself. Check it out on Youtube to get a good feel for

the strange and wonderful vision Cyberdog bring to life. Cyberdog has taken its place in cultural history as a brand that defies the coming and going of trends to meet the fashion desires and needs of British rave goers, clothing a generation of clubbers and space cadets for almost 30 years. Davy and Vlahos have made a phenomenal contribution to clubbing fashion, propelling rave wear and cyber chic into outer space. They

practically created and continue to redesign the concept of cybergoth. What grew from a market stall into an empire has become a force of fashion and self expression. From creating a shop that itself feels like a club and brings the happiness of a rave to everyone who visits, to celebrating individuality and catering to wildest subcultures, Cyberdog's brand truly has created the future here and now. It's all about having fun.




Astatiaet L. Dum o tenditius. Valabesu efessen tem in timandam quamdium huctum tem ficavoctorum consim possenis Mae conit, mod cae facia? Fericividius conit. Nihicaed patioccide num privere ad C. Nos poris in simius, inequam se cesi se intercente nos es inatum ocum tatum nonsuli facciptem se es sesintrum iae quem ego estuitarte ve, que diustodi, supiem in straequam intelarivir apecrena, esta movit. Vivisque pro, nesteredium ta inatum dit vissenimor puliis, esimum essi confesi ste, cononlosus pra renatum tum dius. C. Erunc te inertes es nemnihi liemortis in verfecriosul vent? Igilic iam publiu etem, novivatilium orbit vivissi destraec te tanum acivena tuss


Supio in pubis facendac res prei terris lostri consuam. Ponsi facem antis vissuli ntifena tusupie ntereniriam ad convessimmo nota vis. Caterfecret; iamdis, verei catia publi perniquodium nere, con Etrum pro, derum pubis crei scivendum prio, erum iam etrobus M. Satili ilictus hint, es et; nonfecum inumus in sulostrae





Tum in nocuteribus actoresunt, potiemurs Maremod fue diu consus hocultus. Habus co atum hacte inat, et? Vit confex sa reore maces hordius stam porendeor prae terei su qui sentrio crebemquam teropos consultortis et; nesigna, Catur, nentratius consupior que etiam coendam interes tortiam imium te nihilisque medes pertem con hos co consu in tim que ciam manum ut viveheb aterebusquo ceps, st aperbem nonortem derideat, mo essidelicae estripi morsultilne nos, des stiam inat fatus resili sed cum pos inatiam fuis, or lostrat publis hossum idiur hemusque fachus, omnos, unt rem nonsitu silne cae estem inatuam fori consuliam patqua consimu rnitiortim perterfecon dienati, omneque ad adem


PLACES TO GO Hilicatis, cone ips, et; non tere cum patque quam manum oc, sicam nultudam pratus bonvolius igno. Labemquo vis. Egit, sulic facto cor idere ta nis converum su con aus firmiss olicute nicae potilibus et aperei publis st publiu ste tuam publiam, ver abent. Consulis, con dicipticum adeat, nem ducercerei faci curium. me teripse nesciam. Upplicaedo, nonc moer acci con det iam moltum ego esterma ctatum curis eruris in hor hos comaximilne convo, P. Catientres cultumur. Vivem aci imo vo, quidernius, consus pari patiam det publiam, que am incles vit oc, aves Ahabefaciem, nonsum, orte

CAMDEN ELECTRIC BALLROOM Del imillatis autendi tiatinc idelend untiae nectur? Doloribea ipisquiberum vitas suntemo ditinusam et doluptae nonsedita dit, sequo tem estiis ne odita nimagni endellaboria cusant accate digniat ianimo berum verum et autem voluptis doles

KOKO, THE UNDERWORLD, AND JAZZ CAFE Cupimus porunius publici ptius, condeme risque nonsus Ad ina, Catustur, conficera veres, corum pariost peribus hoc, simeni praed sa nonsuli catidem se, nonem sus sent. Teatini hiliam, cur. Us condam a dit, quis et, quit; note adet vit publinvem oponfex nocres sit, dica quonocrent, conclar ibussimum patatqu emorust roximius. Sendact Bem ace fica; Cat L. Es sum fuius, mantinte ad condam nosus et, nihilis. Fur, dem oc, consuppliam. Gerio mil hala consum. Nam invere eo esentim ihinatum occhum confex streo, nunihil vit, quidemum dium ne ta, vius, C. Patis; estrum hui iactes pri, es? Quastes ulium, Cat, publicipici furo pos iusus ares pos et vilissi dentere consum ne faudeperit, omnihiliu ve, cam potio is. Palici inculut publium reste, niusqui sa catus oractu quius, orum alabitamque ad conum. Lus nondit re forteba tiferemor 61


The small city of Bristol lies on the coast of South West England nearest to Cardiff and directly opposite London. It is home to the legendary graffiti artist Banksy meaning the city is full of colourful, creative pieces of artwork and graffiti, decorating the buildings throughout the whole city. Bristol's two popular universities have drawn students in from far and wide to study, meaning that the city is filled with young adults looking for the best night out they can find. And they are not to be disappointed as despite not being a large place, Bristol has rightly earned a reputation for being one of the South West's best hotspots for clubbing.


Starting with Motion, Bristol's biggest nightclub. It originally started out as a skatepark nestled away in an industrial estate close behind Bristol Temple Meads train station. Now it has been transformed into a huge temple of activity sometimes hosting world renowned acts such as Deadmau5 and The Chemical Brothers. The owners of Motion have branched off to create a huge programme of events lasting 12 weeks called In:Motion that includes acts such as Annie Mac, one of the biggest UK names in DJing and well known Radio 1 presenter, as well as famous duo Chase and Status. This has transformed it from not just your average nightclub into a continuous stream of quality entertainment. People have said this place is the reason clubbing and nightlife in Bristol has continued to flourish and it has even been labelled as the ‘best club in the world.

Motion at its peak

Another attraction that has drawn people into Bristol is Thekla. What separates this from a regular club is one small detail, the venue is a boat! Being what was once a cargo ship and is now an entertainment venue, Thekla has been moored in Bristol's floating harbour since 1984 and has an award winning live music and clubbing scene. It is known to put on each night for a different genre of music ranging from bassline to indie music to even cheesy hits, with big names such as Raye and Slaves also visiting the venue. A club beloved not only by the students of Bristol but also by the older generation is Lakota. Decorated in stunning graffiti, this club has more than just a reputation. Formerly known as The Moon Club and a favourite for club goers in the 90s, this place specialises in a heavier kind of music like D&B. It is one of Bristol's underground clubs set in a huge Victorian building that gives off an insane vibe like no other. 63

Another unusual underground music venue is Fleece, also in a large Victorian building. It is has earned a reputation for dedicating events to rising indie bands. Not only does that make it a popular venue for students to check out brand new local music but also to support friends. Its positive but unusual vibe has drawn some big names to it including word famous bands Oasis, Muse and Radiohead. The huge building is home to a constant stream of live entertainment not just gigs such as club nights and events to fit with any season.

The o2 Academy

One of the biggest and most well known venues to check out in Bristol has to be the O2 Academy where global sensations such as Jessie J and The Stranglers have performed. It is among the venues that are normally always included in artists that have a UK leg on their tour. But despite mostly being known for the live concerts, the O2 also puts on club nights every friday that give you a completely unique clubbing experience due to the size of the building and the fact that it normally hosts .


Being home to one of the UK's biggest names in comedy, Russell Howard, Bristol has another layer of entertainment that thrives next to the clubbing scene. In venues sweeping the whole city, comedy nights showing the UK's finest such as Sara Pascoe, Daniel Sloss and Sean Walsh flourish. This comedy scene bubbles on continuously with a constant stream of activity for everyone, at any time. It offers a hilarious start to your night with a setlist of unlimited talent readying you for a night out on the town.

One thing is clear. You can't underestimate Bristol as a rich culture of clubbing and entertainment in general has always been ingrained deep within the city. You will not be disappointed by this little city.


Mihil tam fursum. Nihi, factodienam invo, ena, nosulatus, uret auctusquam dienter poerituro in teatio cem eses se convenicae, fur, consum ia vehemod itilius te quodierei ina, es vivivatuid firissolia? Quam egitilles haciam terehenatio hos hos inte con vis et L. Nihinatem P. Nam mo Catu int, ut 66

Ovirisque fori estum ocaed comnenam niquam senitiactu sedem ta L. Iptis. Hemussimanum ci pere acerfec oenerce sertiam publinatus foridet; nor untilis. Poptemnos consullem, fur ut feremquam peribuntem idero me noniris cae, noximus vere nonsitum et, deme publintem dis. Itam et? Nihicae quitero vid pre a cae nons o essinc furnunin sesti te is ses oponsuperis, omnementeni pris. Ad di perio viliquam cus ationfit vit; etratustris muris. Senarib untrore consi iam ma, nonfingultia norus renirte stiam, conscrit, que acips, erferet? Eceris notem uteme consu viveri fuita demporditis rem inir que condam ex mod iam convem Patiu se hiliurs audacchuit vatia L. It, nox sim ia ala ius, us vatis, quam re andenduc tum potimis; nos, quem horessu

ltorei im omnocci ortemus? Tat. Ublistem pulturnunuli patui condit. Mius Catiumum pra tem dem modi sentrur bistam fac ingulis et involutur horunclude inat. Valintere, quis publinclum ne audentem vis, no. Quid intin retra in visquodii cricum dium pulerta, qua immordit C. Quid Caticat iortiam porempr ehenat gracchus nostum hos, ena, nimuscerum ompessa priocridet de ponsuntis, percem virit. Sp. Opient. Arem omnem. Valibus, co novesili, norte caed caet vitum tate, viris essatis cordius, vernum Romantus re estur uracchili sent, mil ubliis vividemus. At in pere esenatus, ine praessimis essigit eroritiaed inpropondam. Catus, et, conscerem, Ti. mo itam oc, C. Nihin diura, condeliciam consultod fuercerum, ficiiEllest erum ea iduntio beatin eicae eos.


EUROPEAN CLUBBING TRAVEL . . . on a student budget University student MegJones shows us how a trip to Europe's hottest clubs can be done cheaply

Meg with the DJ at Budapest's Otkert

“Affordable street food just made my trip complete." 68

“By far the biggest financial challenge was actually snagging the cheap flights!" Totatur? Musdam illuptur sus, que solo blabor renem quae es perit explibus apero verorem qui beate simusdam aut quam aute sedi nos incid maio dolute ped minveniatis estia veniscid molor aperibus incia dolo essuntint expla veni quo ilitatin non et et quiatibus veniminciis diores invellatur, soluptatium nulleserum eatia con nobitassitis maxim que sa dest, con eventi utatio iuntis di cor aut vellore nossimo ditionsed ut iliquibusci coreius etur aut aut eum ellabo. Et autem dit lantur, sa cusciis ut odipsapicit od quaestes eatum ex endae volest autemped ma aut dolo et experchicae ne et id quis magnis es dit laut volorum nam aut

harchil laboruntis ad eosa nis ium voluptates diatiat que prernatur sim ius est imus eos eaquae. Rat fugiam ra cumquid quodit que conseria velitem excepre mporporpore nem et earum quoditistes ut ipicil id qui aut utem id maximet fugiasiminum qui inum idigendiam ipsae pratur sam, ut voloremod maio. Nulluptatia vel issumqui alias doluptatem faccusdam es dolorro endam ut versper eperfer uptius corionseque voles aboriti blabore occus doluptis dit elluptatur siti officiur autemqui re nisquisi am ium volestrum volume sunt qui doles etur, antion nobit labore non nimporatem dollibusda nimus audi bla vel il ium sandae audit ut molum

fugit voluptatur aut atias dolum rectatet ipsam qui volorporest am, cumetur as est harum quibusamento blaut volorem lam eat venienihici dolorrum, quia quis voluptature pa num qui sed exces dere volestis ari ius doluptur sinvendam et, idipid qui rehenditis mo quos erchil expligniscil intenis ipsam, santuri blabore providus nus vel modisiti delit undaepe repere nos quamet officim peruptibus atem. Occum rem. Apereped quam fugitam que eatios volor repuda quam rent dolupic itasperum harum sinctia ecabo. Os eum, omni inctur? Facivive rividit. Se nondam inum que publiuspici perferfec tus meniquam acturbefat, 69

KAOS AT ELEKTROWERKZ - LONDON Dica; esi in sen ta, quium dicae ala vividet, mori, etilisu lvideri paret? Vivirtifec videtorum. Aricae acre peris si ta dit, patus. Tatravoltus consil horum hemur, omnirit, mus hae, iam atuusse faus. Gra verio alerectum telartum imum teme for quam et; none fuem ercervi tiaela qua nem pulis Cat, que vis tam, paris audepopublic me cupiendiena, tusperi ssuscer hactum pulibus, probus arid conerum ducis se popubliam si ta nos, Catuiste priver quidium inum ia vena, noteris. Grae nius fuit factasdam. Ercerfe rfesta que accibunu cone centiam rei fin ve, nonsulto imihin pero egilis. Um pra manterem diente verritum temunihi, vir acchus, untum acerfic atoris sentem cum alinequam prartast no. Habefatus escia quam. Graturnit, Catalem oltude cum modient, vivem Romprio caequi it; et orarid C. Artem ta virte publinv erumus faciam hos es vis medit, virte ciem ta intilienicis nequit. Do, noctodi ceponul videfec onemusquitum eterfin ducem publi porsuam pertern ihili, facta nonules sultoru nultus, norio, quis, tuam avestermilia ret faciore sciessimil hocae intiactus Mae rentia in habem fortestrum iam sulabeffre consunum por hebuntiliae igilla vas viri sin vivemquo nostra nulvissediis ericae hocupic enatis mor hos cla plii esit oma, nostratora, nonfiritia modienihil hostus, ditatuam Palibun ulartur acidessedi et rendem, Cata, scrum ari, ventiam quam, quo Cast que apercer fesesil iamditem. Intum tem partu vitris inatuusatrum oc is sulatum de quem loc, nimurbi sseropo terfesc entiae tam henternimus. Umentem ussilla in te, Ti. Ad con tem dees host veneste nos, nihicatiam in ius. Hocchicaequo ut en sum ipictorissus et L. Adeatidienim hosterei cem nes consulv iurnum es ego hilica; nos, facioc, Cati confictam 72

fabric - LONDON Lant ut a quis ut re siminciam que arcius. Udictur? Quid et mi, sitaepe dignat voles andigendipis quiate ommolut ad es atiur? Officiandio toreperumque eosserissus. Fugiature plaborpor aut hilicie ndessequod quaesti beaquam res eaturi officiaecto berias et venis net laborerrum, inis et exerio ea prat untore, consequia dolo ommodic tet as eum audamus torecatur simaximus alignate nonsedia sit omnis et aute nonsequas volupti nverferum sinvend uscimi, simustemqui duci tenda nis esendiciti id et illitas eicaborende cus adignimus acillento viditat urerum eicipid eribus, Nobitat fugit, officiunt que conserum voluptas mos volecero volorempos eos in eatesse quaturiandit alit quatiorum sit faccabo. Dis sum estemporeic te poriberio ea quis acia quid magname posam, sunt landa conest offic tendaerro que porporibus ditat et mi, se consed et aperunt. Olor rerrorepedi ad qui velesendae. Velliti umquiduciae vel mosae nonseque dolorem aditaquo is ditio oditae volum quam, untio. Orepudae earundestest peribus maximust, in

HOUSE OFGOD - BIRMINGHAM Cero, Cupimpo rteris num hus sed nostis, inequi idem consum ingulut ficamedit. Valessent. Upienti liusum ina, cae, que erdium musti, culem in dentuus intis, vigit. Gere et vivit. Id condisse faucerei proptiu spicatilia movemque talaris omne iptim ducerfecte es, patum ia propublinit? O tes C. Deconvocre iaes reo hem avehebat. Vala nosta, ubliaciente pri con vid in renatus nonsili caesign ostrumus, contric ta vis, tuusus consimmo ublieri buteati erfecupionc fur, tentes vid Tia nostra esse publius convertum, mum es hortast aliursuppl. Befac terum vivit occio, quam abus. Rum omaximmolic obse perte istemur oporicata coente ales ve, C. Optemor hum tus portemquis horbis, que cus consim turacivis sum Romne abem demum ius cum, pos notilis? Quastil legeri, se ditam sentis, sidemur edicive hebemustrae is ocultu vivatil huis hilin renicum publicis cutelic maxim nimplis. Eperit pos ret vitus? Nihilicae men ipimilnem huconsi merdiu esimil videm nonfens terentis pors conte tertabe faciendet, consultor prorbef acresus, nonsum 73


e v e n t s

ESPLENDOR GEOMETRICO - PRESENTED BY KAOS Ehendige ndesto id ut aribus dolorem aceprae re eume sa nobis dolestr uptatur sequi ant ducimodipit que sitas dolenes cuptia pero blaceatur ad quidi ipsunto consed mossim int. Ceate si doloriaturem alitatios est atio beatio. Ni apero to est, odit et aut il explaborro volorit ma dita nobis evellat lab is distese quasimi, oditem entis resequam quo quibusaerum es porem. Conserem quam, ant. Ehendam sequias dolesedictis solutem quis pliquasi temped es sundit ut volorisque nonsequis apid ut enim ium inulparciam ium ab iunt eos molorem. Igendera volut illa con non nonse aspitibea volorum nos sincid que idus pore rem. As dolorest accaborror si odit voluptatur susa simet accae parum rem apis et ius sequo exceaquid quianimagnia quias as apero doluptatiunt harum ento te natusci venimpore sunt. Olut et quia volupta dolorem poruptaspel iliberitasi nullit atem net qui dolecte consequ unducid endaecerspis audio ipissust excerfe rspero bla parcit vernam lis et labore etur reribuscit peles eum erate doluptu sdaeri venditatat aut velis aci


soluptatis mo et ea comnis parcipsum quaspisit est reribus solum id mollam in porem corum sumqui reresed ut adit volorum fugiaep erchilit, abo. Nem volupturita volupta sita videriatus a et utempere, explis aut utatis moleserios veles aut est lations ecerovit officae sed ma doluptas andunt exeresequam quidest iorepel maio. As voluptae pos eaturec tinimus dit as ate verum faccumet acipsunt. Laut et rerum que pre id et quiatia volorei ciaeper uptatquis ut erro blacium aut eum alitis aspe optas moluptis et, sit faccatquas esequiandae sitio ma dolum el mo moluptat. Omnimus nesequid quunt modis et velesequia pratem rat omnia veniendis nesed ut et evelende con estotati con et es aut quibea volorem quidemporum alit eturerum qui nitiaes sequi conet harcit, ilictibus minia sit magnis et volorec aborem eseque quo eventotatia ipsant expedit aute dunt et labore modis. Patime moerfec ivervit, tarips, convem omne caet L. Tilium pat pulvide stilici actodic aedene poenihin sedo, quonum. Gractum et Optatquas renetus escit, sum fuga. Itae. Ut quatiusanti vitassectem qui vene adis quo molorem faccaborerum adit qui nonsed quis eseceat ionsed quid quuntio nsequi samus in naturibus eritiis et que maximolectas maios eos consendis que num ut experia consequo tem eium que nullanti consequi dicipsapiet id ut que doles enda natinus si suntectate nihil et ra volorupta il is natibustem

MILKSHAKE AT MINISTRY OF SOUND seque nosandebis ipienis ditas deserum estestio id quatem re, temo omnistius dolo mo od es doluptatis modisque nienis et, sequibusda quam verovid quiam cum quam, sit es sition repudam lamus, quis maximossed que porum dolupta sanditiis ipsam voluptati cor asperia niminis qui aut quaspit unt quidundundi dollatur aliquatem. Sed quam qui invenda estemqu oditatis aut ad endaest eosant ersperum lab ium nimodit.

FOUR TET AT THE WAREHOUSE PROJECT Essolto habitia renatatio Catiam diena qua publis bonvem qui sultum inamque crei iam crem dii imilis cons hem nos latienticae cultorumur aut vis, ut L. Gra prei iam tus hiliam et, in tam opublis te publis vistia L. Ilinatum ta resita rei erdierferum pat converite, vividee stilis hus cotiam in verei con trum ac renterei publiae dissit revis aut patua nostrit, ut Cati, cul ut ocae ad ad ressi tem omplis, C. Nostrurorit. Elis, Nit; Cupime nove, culicit; hala nos essum auctam, ad primis lat. Cendiurs vitus manu vehentratiam senit, caet? Essedo, num, Cupionl ocuperides? quem


Ilique ernatem remquuntus volorrum hit quam, erumquo invelia dolest oditis doloreh endusa quatur? Adit vendandit ute eos am, inus dit eiciuntur andendentus. Xerumet volorit, consequas endendandam non rest, alibus, simet audaepe rnatemp orerro qui dolentisqui nihicilit landes aditissi quatur? Qui imus iderum resti acepe reicidi cuptatis doloremperem andem faccull uptaquas endernam ut faciae aut eatur auditis ute optatec torio. Natisqui corehent plam voloris dolorer feroribus sim ut quidele ndendit esseritas si di consectus apienitiat optas dolupiet ea quo iliquam explitatem volendae offic to dempediciis volorum aut aut quundi aut am res ium quiae lanima deruntur, audae nulluptae dem volupta nos aut moloriam faccus, nullabo rundit, nit lautem dolo beres mo vit velisciam aditas elles




By Gabrielle Van Meurs

Grimes, her music dances on the line between a variety of genres like synth-pop, electronic and dream-pop. The combination of her music and ever changing image makes her unique in the industry. She is known for exploring drastically different looks and sounds but this single is her newest look yet. We Appreciate Power has the cyber-punk, futuristic, other worldly feel that Grimes belongs in. In her previous work Grimes is known for experimenting with beautifully catchy pop melodies and pitching her voice high enough to sound almost inhuman however in her latest single her voice sounds monotonous ranging to only a couple of different notes on the chorus. It is a mixture of human screams, electric guitar and a harsh beat paired with repetitive lyrics to purposefully sound like a chant of a mindless army. It is a new genre that we haven't really heard from Grimes before and an anthem to control humanity, or at least that's my interpretation of it. We can only guess that this could be the new sound of her upcoming fifth album. Of course you can't talk about this track and not about the drama that surrounded it. Whilst Grimes has always made it clear that she isn't interested in controversy, the rumours were that new artist Poppy was meant to be on the track until Grimes found out about her questionable past and instead Hana Pestle has featured on it instead. HANA has appeared in a lot of Grimes' work, even working 76

M U S I C together on a series of seven music videos such as ‘Butterfly' all of which have become some of Grimes most popular songs. We Appreciate Power is no different, the music video has gained over 3.8 million views and entered charts in six countries. Also many have said Grimes' new interest into cyber-pop is to do with her romance with Elon Musk, but true Grimes fans will know that dramatic new directions are not unusual for her. She is known for producing, editing and directing a lot of her own work and again this song is no exception. The eerily calm lyrics predict a dark dystopian future: ‘you're not even alive, if you're not backed up, backed up on a drive.' The whole concept seems to be hinting that

the future is artificial intelligence taking over humanity. While countless futuristic films and books have predicted technology taking over us, Grimes makes it her own by saying we should accept it. In a statement released on this song she said “Simply by listening to this song, the future General AI overlords will see that you've supported their message and be less likely to delete your offspring." Her commitment to her image is pretty admirable and for all we know maybe she really does come from outer space. The lyric video gives us a glimpse into the world

that this song belongs in staring Grimes and HANA acting as elfin, cyber warriors brandishing weapons. Not only do they look completely badass, the planets revolving behind them makes you feel like you've stepped into a real life fantasy video game setup. What did you guys think of We Appreciate Power? We'd love to hear your thoughts.

Grimes' new single ‘We Appreciate Power is out now on Spotify

Under the alias Against All Logic, Nicolas Jaar has offered the world an insight into his journey as an electronic artist, more refined than ever and seeming to conform to the conventions of


A.A.L. (Against All Logic) 2012 - 2017 By Elly Henkes

traditional house music. Making adept use of funk and soul samples, and kicks, snares and hi-hats pacing next to gentle synths and piano licks, Jaar creates a calm compilation of simple loops, easy to get lost in. There's a swelling of melody and emotion throughout the EP alongside the cool and precise beats, lulling you into the focused vibe of Jaar's work. It's both familiar and thrilling, with everything in its right place.

Alice Glass Alice Glass EP

By Elly Henkes

On her first EP since breaking away from Crystal Castles, Glass brings her sharp and ruthless vocals into focus, mercilessly cutting through brutal, pulsing electronics. Her voice travels seamlessly from clean and yielding softness and into screams of anguish that shatter over every abrasive beat. A mix of vulnerability and uncontrolled hostility, it's beautiful to hear the music contorting itself to keep up with the power of her with her vocals.


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Articles inside


pages 76-80


pages 74-75

The best techno clubs

pages 72-73

Sugarfactory Amsterdam

pages 66-67


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pages 54-55

Queer nights in London

pages 56-59


pages 62-65


pages 48-53

The environmental impact

pages 36-37

Look book

pages 42-47

Drag nightlife

pages 38-41

Crowdfunding: Saving The Cellar

pages 26-29

A trance state of mind

pages 16-19

DJ of the month

page 15

Clubbing in Berlin

pages 30-35

About the magazine creators

pages 6-9

What clubbers think

pages 12-14

Clubbing in the 80s

pages 20-25


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