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Summer school opportunities are available for all Incoming Kindergarten and current Kindergarten students. The Kindergarten and 1st grade Momentum program will be held this year at Brookfield Elementary.
Classes will take place Monday, June 19 to Friday, July 21 for all students. There will be no classes on Monday, July 3rd or Tuesday, July 4th Summer Jumpstart Program will begin August 7th - Friday, August 11th. The Jumpstart program is offered to Incoming 4K and Incoming 5K students in their homeschool buildings.
Registration for summer school will open on Tuesday, March 14 and close on Thursday, March 21, 2023. Prior to registration you will need to complete the Districts Online Enrollment. Online enrollment link is located on the Elmbrookschools.org website. Please click the “Enrollment for New Students and Families” tab. You will receive an email with your personal Infinite Campus login, which will allow you to register for summer school.
Visit www.elmbrookschools.org/summerschool for all summer school related information. Please contact Monica Bianco at biancom@elmbrookschools.org with any questions.