Elmhurst University Department of Nursing and Health Sciences Nursing Con vocation Wednesday, May 19, 2021 6:00 P.M. Hammerschmidt Memorial Chapel Elmhurst, Illinois
Elmhurst University Mission Elmhurst University inspires intellectual and personal growth in our students, preparing them for meaningful and ethical contributions to a diverse, global society.
Department of Nursing Mission The Department of Nursing and Health Sciences prepares nurses for professional practice and leadership to meet the needs of a diverse society.
Department of Nursing Vision The Department of Nursing and Health Sciences continues to evolve as an innovative program of academic and professional excellence in nursing.
Department of Nursing History The nursing program at Elmhurst University was the first baccalaureate nursing program in DuPage County, admitting the first class of nursing students in 1971. The Department of Nursing at Elmhurst University was originally named after Edwin F. Deicke, a prominent DuPage County philanthropist who founded Suburban Auto Insurance Company. The Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Master of Science in Nursing degree programs at Elmhurst University are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education
NURSING CONVOCATION Presiding Dr. Diane Salvador Executive Director and Professor Department of Nursing and Health Sciences Ringing of the Hash Bell The Reverend H. Scott Matheney University Chaplain Invocation Chaplain Matheney Opening of the Convocation Dr. Diane Salvador Welcome Remarks Dr. Troy D. VanAken President, Elmhurst University Keynote Speaker Fran Roberts, RN, Ph.D., FAAN Director, Gerontology/Geriatrics, Integrated Care, and Professor University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix Class of 2021 Graduate Speakers Kaitlyn Kunde (BSN) Kira Olivares (MENP) Class of 2021 Recognition Awards† Golden Apple Award† Presenters: Cassidy Feddersen and Jessica Hess Daisy Faculty Award† Presenters: Donnika Bean and Pravleen Sidhu Nursing Alumni Welcome Jeanne Burda ’82 Presentation of the Class of 2021 Dr. Diane Salvador Presentation of Nursing Master’s Entry Candidates Dr. Laury Westbury 3
Awarding of the Pins Dr. Elizabeth Davis Presentation of Baccalaureate Candidates Kathy Scanlon Awarding of the Pins Laura Brennan Presentation of Alumni Rose Jeanne Burda ’82 Blessing of the Hands Chaplain Matheney Spirit of Nightingale Candle Lighting and Pledge Kaitlyn Kunde and Juana Bedolla Closing Dr. Diane Salvador Benediction Chaplain Matheney Recessional
DEPARTMENT OF NURSING AND HEALTH SCIENCES Class of 2021 Master’s Entry in Nursing Practice Donnika Bean* Kristine Carlson* Lindsey Cherry* Holly Furwa* Kimberly Gladden*n
Abby Larson* Daniella Luikey* Roy Mauri* Jacob Mills* Kira Olivares*
Pravleen Sidhu* Michael Trapp* Jordan Urbanick*
Carli Johnson* Kaitlyn Jordan* Kristin Kent* Nicole Kim* Holland Kosiek* Kaitlyn Kunde* Emaan Lakhani Taylor Latanski* Sabrina Ludvigsen* Iana Mamalat* Sarah Marion Stacy Martinez* Sophie Miller* Andrew Mink* Danielle Montella*◊ Jessica Moran Itzel Munoz* Anusha Noor Ali* Megan Ohlen* Kaliana Onita*
Marisol Ornelas* Christopher Owens Katie Pacetti Sonia Panicker* Emily Ramirez* Islaruby Rodriguez* Cynthia Rodriguez-Huspen Elizabeth Rojas-Serna* Lessly Salas Zachary Schwarz Milena Sogura Jaclyn Stears* Joanna Szustek Kayla Terry* Grace Velez* McKenna Walsh Michael Wood*
Bachelor of Science Consuelo Aguilera* Justine Balousek* Juana Bedolla* Mathew Brod Sandra Carrillo Karen Castaneda Karolina Cepukaite Alyssa Danegelis* Victoria Dominick* Cassidy Feddersen* Alexis Galvez* David Garcia Theresa Giordano Yvonne Govea* Taylor Hand* Andrew Hawkins* Paulina Hernandez* Esthefany Hernandez Jessica Hess* Elise Jakubowski*w
2021 Virginia Wenk Recipient
* Member of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society, Zeta Beta Chapter n
Master’s Entry Linda K. Niedringhaus Clinical Leadership Award
◊ Elsevier Student Award
THE SPIRIT OF NIGHTINGALE PLEDGE I solemnly pledge in the presence of this assembly, to live my life with integrity and to practice my profession faithfully. I will uphold the ethical, scientific, and legal standards of my profession, and devote myself to the welfare of those committed to my care. I will collaborate with patients, families and health care providers to conserve life, alleviate suffering, and promote health. I will refrain from any action, which might be harmful to the quality of life or health for whom I care. I will respect, at all times, the dignity and beliefs of patients, families and communities under my care, and hold in professional confidence all the personal information entrusted to me. I will endeavor to keep my professional knowledge and skills at the highest level and give my support and cooperation to all members of the health care team. With full knowledge of my qualifications and responsibilities, I will do my utmost to support the potential of my profession and to uphold and advance its standards.
PIN DESCRIPTION The tradition of pinning began in 1860 when Florence Nightingale was awarded the Red Cross of St. George by Queen Victoria for her service in the Crimean War. Nightingale shared this honor with her nursing school students. In keeping with the tradition, pins are presented to graduate nurses by the faculty as a symbolic welcome into the profession and represent history and meaning of the nursing profession. The pin awarded by Elmhurst University Department of Nursing consists of three interlocking rings that represent the three components of health: physical, social and mental well-being. Like the three components of health, each interlocking ring requires the support of the other rings. Where all three rings join, a solid is formed, representing total patient care, which is essential for optimal physical, mental and social well-being. Updated in 2020 to reflect the institution’s name change, the Elmhurst University seal incorporates the image on an open book. The open book is intended to symbolize the Bible and bears the legend from Psalm 36:9 – In Lumine Tuo Videbimus Lumen (“In Thy Light We
Shall See Light”). The torch behind the Bible symbolizes leadership in imparting knowledge, truth, and inspiration. In the outer ring, the institution’s new name is on full display, as is the University’s founding year of 1871. Blue and white, the school colors, signify the graduate nurse’s continued relationship with their alma mater, the Department of Nursing and Health Sciences.
DEPARTMENT OF NURSING AND HEALTH SCIENCES Faculty Diane Salvador, Ph.D., RN, NEA-BC Executive Director and Professor
Laura Minarich, DNP, CNL, FNP-C Assistant Professor
Laura Rice Brennan, MS, RN Director of Pre-licensure UG Program and Assistant Professor
Sara Mulka, MSN, RN Lecturer
Jeanne Burda, MSN, RN Assistant Professor Elizabeth Davis, DNP, CNL, RN-C, MNN Director of Masters in Nursing Entry Program and Associate Professor Cynthia Hinojosa, DNP, APN, ANP-BC, AGACNP-BC, CCRN Assistant Professor Becky Hulett, DNP, RN, CNL Director of MSN Program and Assistant Professor Sarah Katula, Ph.D., APRN Associate Professor Sandra McCormick, Ph.D., RN Assistant Professor
Penny Reiss, Ph.D., RN Director of RN-BS Partnerships and Associate Professor Kathleen Scanlon, MSN, RN, CNE Associate Professor Ruth Schumacher, DNP, RN-C, CNL, CPN Assistant Professor Laury Westbury, Ed.D., RN, CHSE, CNOR, RNFA Director of Simulation Lab and Assistant Professor Mary E. Weyer, Ed.D., APN, CSN-BC, CNL Professor
Adjunct Faculty Elias Alanis, MSN, RN, CPN
Deborah Martin, MSN, RN, CNL, LPC
Catherine Anelli, CNL, MSN
Adriana McCarthy, MSN, RN
Nicolette Apostolos, MSN, RN, CPNP
Gina Mellace, MSN, RN-C
Victoria Blum, MSN, RN
Yolanda Moreno, MSN, RN, CNL, MLS
Barb Bostelmann, MSN, RN
Sara Mulka, MSN, RN
Kathy Bruno, MSN, RN, CMSRN
Clare Murphy, MSN, RN
Samson Campbell IV, MSN, CMSRN
Katherine Murzanski, MSN, RN, CNL
Samantha Cerqua, DNP, APRN,
Kelly Nelson, MSN, RN, CPN
Alyssa Newsome, MSN, RNC-OB
Christina Chhe, MSN, RN, TNCC
Kaitlyn Olsick, MSN, RN
Derel Clayton, MSN, RN
Scott Padolina, MSN, RN
Rachel Cortez, MSN, RN, CCRN
Katarzyna Para, MSN, RN
Sara DePaul, MSN, RN
Colleen Pospishil, MSN, RN, CNL,
Tim Dunham, MSN, RN, CCRN, CNL,
Jamie Prioletti, MSN, RN, CPN
Breanne Fisher, MSN, APN, CPNP-PC
Janis Quinn, MSN, APN, CPNP-AC
Nicole Frisbie, MSN, RN
Kimberly Reese, MSN, RN, CEN
Julie Glendenning, MSN, APN-BC,
Erin Riddell, MSN, MBA, RNC-OB
Cynthia Rusnak, MSN, APRN,
Nicole Guyer, MSN, RN
Rachel Hunnewell, MSN, RN
Kristin Sciutto, MSN, RN
Kirby Jarzeboski, MSN, RN, CNL
Stephanie Size, DNP, APRN, AGPCNP-
Phillippa Leon-Thompson, MSN, RN
Rebecca Lipton, Ph.D., RN
Ewelina Skupien, MSN, RN-BC
Danielle Littrell, DMSc, MMS, PA-C,
Barbara Songaila, BSN, RNC-OB
Alexandra Stankus, MSN, RN
Mary LoGalbo, DNP, APRN, CPNP-PC
Carole Sullivan, MSN, RN
Ana Marie Loiacono, MSN, RN
Rosemary Uy-Palmer, MSN, APRN
Visir Loida Manuel, MSN, RN-CMSRN
A NOTE FROM THE NURSING CLASS OF 2021 The Elmhurst University Nursing Class of 2021 would like to extend a big thank you to our family, friends, faculty and staff for always supporting us and helping to make possible our dreams of becoming nurses. It has been a long journey to this day as we receive our nursing pins, and we could not have done it without your support. Thank you.
Nursing Master’s Entry
Jeanne Burda
Donnika Bean
Dr. Diane Salvador
Kira Olivares Lindsey Cherry
Administrative Assistants
Pravleen Sidhu
Cheryl O’Sullivan Donna Steiner
Undergraduate Jess Hess Cassidy Fedderson Kristin Kent Juana Bedolla Kaitlyn Kunde Jessica Moran
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” — Leo Buscaglia
Elmhurst University is committed to making the Elmhurst Experience accessible to every student. Over 95 percent of the student body receive some form of financial assistance from the University. The nursing program alone receives nearly $63,000 in annual scholarship support thanks to the generosity of many wonderful alumni, parents and friends. Given the ever-increasing needs of Elmhurst students, your help is greatly needed and appreciated. For more information on how you can support scholarships, please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement at (630) 617-3031. Thank you.
190 Prospect Avenue Elmhurst, Illinois 60126