Branding book

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Simply Scouting Simplement du Scoutisme

Our Brand

A participant comes to the camp and the camp site looks like the image in the brochure… Participant: They are telling the truth! Consequence: Yes, points for your brand. The buses are on time and everything runs smoothly… Participant: They are as well organised as they said! Consequence: Nice, more points for your brand. In the cafeteria the all rubbish is thrown into the same bin… Participant: Didn’t they say that they would be environmentally aware? Consequence: You lose points, your brand is not what it said it would be!

Welcome to our brand We will be hosting the 22nd World Scout Jamboree in Sweden. It’s not only a Jamboree, it’s SIMPLY SCOUTING. Why? It’s all about our brand and this handbook tells you the story of Simply Scouting. In this handbook we will give you the tools to understand, develop and communicate our brand. Through our communication and activities leading up to the Jamboree we will create expectations; an idea of what the Jamboree will be like for participants, leaders, IST and visitors. In this sense, every single thing we say and do is branding. We want the participants’ experience to live up the expectations we have created. This means that everything from transport, to food, or activities should reflect our brand. The brand will develop during planning and the latest development will be clearly documented in the communication department’s blogs on JNet.

A brand: Brand visuals and brand values The 22nd World Scout Jamboree brand consists of visuals of

A brand has various different functions and we have chosen

the brand and brand values. The visual part consists of:

to focus on these main ones:

• A multi-use logo • Three main colours

• The brand delivers identification. It identifies the product by referring to its main characteris- tics.

• Symbols • Jamboree fonts • Merchandising material.

• The brand is a reference point for everyone in touch with the product. The brand conveys the uniqueness of the product (in our case the 22nd World Scout Jamboree 2011 in Sweden)

The philosophy behind the brand is called the brand values.

and may differentiate it from competing products and offers.

It consists of our theme ‘Simply Scout- ing’ and the three key concepts - Meetings, Nature and Solidarity - that make our Jamboree unique. Both aspects of the brand are very important, but without the brand values, the brand is empty. Customers’ decisions are not based on a logo but on the values and feelings it conveys. Both the visible part of the brand and the brand values will develop over time.

• It conveys a guarantee of quality, performance and respect in regard to the overall brand.

What is our brand? The 22nd World Scout Jamboree brand is summarized by the main slogan and theme Simply Scout- ing. Every single brand element refers back to this theme. Our brand is embedded in the wider Scout-brand of WOSM and its key slogan “Creating a Better World”. No brand is a static concept; it is flexible and will be developed further along the way. Our vision is summarized in the key phrases that are to be used as internal guidelines: The 22nd World Scout Jamboree brings different people together in nature: • To meet new friends and share ideas • To have fun • To experience diversity and feel unity • To make personal progress • To stand prepared to make a difference

This is Simply Scouting

The Scout Method The Scout Method is the core of Simply Scouting. The Scout Method and our common Scout values are the building blocks for everything we do, from how we work in the Planning Team to how the activities of the participants are designed. The Scout Method as described here is based on the version of the World Organisation of the Scout Movement. Adapting to local circumstances, the description of the Scout Method varies slightly across the world. • The Scout law and promise is a code of values which can be applied to Scout life as well as daily life. With the promise, Scouts make a conscious but voluntary pledge to do their best to accept the Scout law and to live according to that code. • Learning by doing is the active way in which young people gain knowledge, skills and attitudes; it reflects Scouting’s practical approach to development, based on learning through the experiences that arise in the course of pursuing interests and dealing with everyday life. • The patrol system is the basic organisational structure of the local unit, which is composed of small groups of young people and the adult leadership. In a small group young people practice leadership

and experience that everyone has something valuable to contribute

• Nature refers to the natural environment such as the woods – as

with. During the Jamboree the patrol will consist of nine young

opposed to artificially created environments, such as the school


yard. Using nature as an element of the Scout Method involves the development of constructive contact with nature; making full use of

• Symbolic framework is a set of symbols which represent Scouting’s

all its unique learning opportunities.

programme for a particular age range. The purpose of the symbolic framework is to build on young people’s capacity for imagination,

• Adult support to young people involves adults in three different

adventure, creativity and inventiveness in a way which stimulates

roles: The activity leader, the trainer and the group facilitator. The

their development. Simply Scouting is part of the symbolic frame-

Jamboree leadership philosophy states that “the general leadership

work for the jamboree.

should be characterized by a listening, supporting and open attitude. Personal responsibility, initiative and action are encouraged

The Swedish version of the Scout Method also mentions ceremonies

on all levels.”

as one way of working with the Symbolic Framework.

In the Swedish Scout Method we also include Social com• Personal progression is the element concerned with helping each

mitment both locally and globally. The scouts will acquire

young person to develop the inner motivation to be consciously and

knowledge of fellow human beings and learn to take respon-

actively involved in his or her own development. This means that the

sibility for them and society as a whole.

Jamboree programme should include stimulating and varied activities based on the interests of the participants.

To find out more about the Scout Method please read Scouting: An Educational System by WOSM (download at JNet or

Scouts in Sweden work with personal progression by making the and if you speak Swedish, the book Ledaren

programme more challenging for each age group, even though it is

– gör dig redo (buy at

not mentioned as a part of the Swedish Scout Method.

The Theme “Simply Scouting” The 22nd World Scout Jamboree is Scouting in all its variety, from all across the world. Nothing more, nothing less. It reflects the cultural diversity of the Scout Movement; it is a modern programme based on the Scout method and our common Scout values. It means working in small groups and trusting the participants to create their own experience. When participants leave the Jamboree, we want them to think: • I’ve had the best two weeks of my life! • I’m proud to be me and to be a Scout • I’ve learnt so much about people and cultures from all over the world • I want to make a difference in the world today and I feel ready to take action

Sweden The World Scout Jamboree is an international event and will spread an international spirit. At the same time it takes place in Sweden, in the middle of the Swedish countryside. That means the Jamboree is also a platform to show something of Swedish culture, Swedish food, Swedish language, Swedish way of Scouting etc. This is also Simply Scouting! Sweden should be represented on the campsite as well, as a modern, culturally varied country with its own way of Scouting.

The Key Concept - Meetings Meetings - across cultures, characters, interests, religions, countries, continents and more. The 22nd World Scout Jamboree is organised to encourage meetings: across cultures, interests, religions, countries, continents and more. Everything at the Jamboree will take this into consideration; from module activities to subcamp life, from small campfires to huge arena events. As well as the programme, the actual Jamboree site will be designed to offer meeting places and the Jamboree schedule will include plenty of time for spontaneous meetings.

The Key Concept - Nature Nature - the challenge of living outdoors, vulnerability of our environment, practice sustainability. A World Scout Jamboree in Sweden means being close to nature. Outdoor life is very accessible in Sweden and it is an important part of Swedish culture. For Swedish Scouting, the challenge of living outdoors with nature is also a tool in the Scout Method. Closeness to nature also shows the vulner- ability of our environment. Wherever possible across the Jamboree, we will employ sustainable envi- ronmental practice. The programme will especially focus on giving young people tools to take action on the environment.

The Key Concept - Solidarity Solidarity – dependence on each other, including respect, equal rights and peace, regardless of personal skills or background. Solidarity means being a part of a global community, which is composed of people with different backgrounds but equal rights. At the Jamboree, we all share values and common goals: the development of young people for life. Solidarity means recognizing connections between peoples and how dependent we are on each other. The Jamboree will emphasize the common responsibility we have to our world and to each other. Solidarity encompasses how we treat other people, and includes respect, equal rights and peace. Solidarity not only means respect for others but equally important respect for oneself. At the World Scout Jamboree, everyone is equal, regardless of personal skills or background. These issues will also be explored in many of the Jamboree activities.

Why work with our brand? • By having a clear idea of what our brand is, we can make sure we convey a coherent message to our target groups. • By working with our brand we can ensure a sense of quality when communicating our message. A strong brand facilitates coherence in all the work of the Jamboree and makes all parts fit together like one organisation with one basic idea. We want to create an image that is consistent with what we want to project. A brand ensures that all parts of the organisation maintain the same high quality and that the organisation projects professionalism. Our brand is a planning tool to be used by the entire Planning Team. The World Scout Jamboree is a unique opportunity to: • Promote quality Scouting • Assume new responsibility for promoting peace • Celebrate the unity of the Scout Movement • Promote the image of a universal educational movement the public worldwide

Coherence Quality assurance

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Yes Not

The clouds The 22nd World Scout Jamboree cloud represents the ideas, the thoughts and



Music notes

Creativity, arena events


Astrology, mysticism


Peace, solidarity


The experience of living out in nature


Living in the woods


Faith and believes


To learn new things, challenges


Scouting activities, campfire-feeling

Boat, and fish

Bathing, water activity, camp near cost

the dreams of Simply Scouting. The clouds are directly developed out of the Jamboree theme and not the key concepts. However, the clouds certainly represent the key concepts as well. In conjunction with to the pictograms, there is a particular way in which the clouds should be used. They should: • Feel clean, airy, Scandinavian • Play with peoples’ expectations • Represent emotions, the non-real world and imagination • Not be used with photos • Not be used for common things of everyday life • Not be used as infrastructure symbols • Not contain text messages, just symbols Apart from these points, the clouds can be used in a very flexible way. New clouds can be developed (by the Factory Design team within the communication department) and existing clouds can be used in very different contexts. If you would like to design a cloud or another pictogram for a specific purpose, please contact the Design Factory Section in the Communication Department and they will help you. As examples you can find the logo clouds and a possible but not exclusive way of interpretation on this page. Internationally understood pictograms are a great way of communicating with the participants, as not everyone will necessarily understand written signs.

The colours Our colours - navy blue, sky blue and white - should be used for general and official purposes of overall planning, organisation and main communication. Other colours can be used for things that stand out, for instance information, hospitals, activities and subcamps. Anyone needing colours should be able to develop a concept by themselves. Branding is responsible for ensuring that different colours are used for different things and to ensure that there is a single, clear message behind each and every colour choice. Please contact the Design Factory Section in the Communication Department if you have any ideas about colours.

Navy blue PMS 289 C C:100 M:76 Y:12 K:68 R:0 G:35 B:68 HTML: #002244

Night Sky Stars Mystery Tales Adventure Deep water Life essential

Sky blue PMS 279 C C:68 M:34 Y:0 K:0 R:75 G:146 B:219 HTML: #4B92DB

Democracy Freedom of speech Clean air Sky Ideas Dreams Thoughts

White C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:0 R:255 G:255 B:255 HTML: #FFFFFF

Cloud Ideas Dreams Thoughts Unwritten paper Open mind Continuity Democracy Pure Non polluted

WOSM purple PMS 527 C C:77 M:99 Y:0 K:0 R:114 G:46 B:165 HTML: #722EA5

WOSM World scouting Scout movement

Françoise, 17, Québec Canada

The personas Think in a user perspective Personas are fictional characters with the characteristics of our target groups. The concept of personas is to be thought of as an internal planning tool which adds the user perspective when planning the Jamboree. They should only be used internally and not externally. Personas are all about user perspective. With every idea we develop, before we do or publish anything, we should pause and think about our users. What are our users expecting us to do? What are their needs? We are not playing with our brand and our interpretation of it but with the thoughts of our users. How can you use personas? Think about what you must take into account to create a Jamboree that fits the needs of the different personas. In your imagination, ask them questions and listen to their answers. This will help you to focus on the needs of the participants rather than your own wishes and preferences.

Niklas, 14, Sweden

“High cost, but hopefully worth it” Niklas, 14, from Sweden, is a bit concerned about the high cost of the Jamboree, he’s not sure his parents will let him go. But he is interested in other cultures, he likes big events with thousands of people, and he is looking for new, real-life challenges – Now I just need to convince my parents that this is the real deal. I am looking forward to meeting scout friends that I so far only have met online, he says. Niklas needs arguments to sell the Jamboree to his parents and leaders. He is trying to find out everything about the Jamboree programme and everything about the camp site including how to get Internet access and where to swap badges. Niklas is already a fan of the jamboree’s official Facebook fan page. Now he wants to demonstrate Sweden’s culture of being good hosts to others and learn about other cultures. He wants to share unforgettable experiences with as many people as possible. – My new friends will tell me that they want to come back to Sweden!

Mohinder, 15, India

“I’m diving into a new adventure” Mohinder, 15, from India, is a first time long distance traveler and first time Jamboree participant. He is an active explorer, looking for exotic adventures with new friends. – I have never been away from India before, so this will be a very exciting experience. I have also heard so much about nice European girls, so it will be so fun to meet them, he says. Mohinder is proud to be a scout and member of a worldwide organization. He especially likes his uniform, which he wears as often as possible. He is however a little worried that he will not be able to practice his religion at the jamboree site in the same way as at home. Mohinder also wants to explore the Swedish countryside and meet one of those famous elks. And of course, he wants to try Swedish food and to play football with his new international friends. – And I really hope I can make new friends from all around the world!

Joรฃo, 26, Moรงambique

Elizabeth, 19, Denmark

Helena, 16, Argentina

Abdallah, 27, UAE

Methods A branding workshop and department-specific consultancy will help members of the Planning Team in carrying out their work in the Simply Scouting way. The workshop will be held with Communication Officers of all departments. However, departments can still ask for department-specific support and advice whenever needed. This is done by contacting Branding. We can also organise department-specific workshops or you can invite a member of Branding to give a session at an ordinary depart- ment meeting.

Processes In the brand-process each department is responsible for its ideas and values that contribute to the collective brand,

1. The strategic branding of concepts

our brand. Your department can ask for support at the

A concept is an overall idea of how something will be.

design/conceptual stage and every department has a branding

It is very important that all concepts be based on the

contact. Departments decide on the final versions in

philosophy of Simply Scouting. Write down how your

consultation and collaboration with the branding experts

concept relates to Simply Scouting and what decisions you

within the communication department team.

take because of this. Branding supports you in thinking about your ideas from branding and persona perspectives.

There are two different types of branding issues.

Contact for help and support. 2. Design of text and visuals Every product that leaves the 22nd World Scout Jamboree to face the world (leaflets, roll-ups, website, registration system etc) must reflect the 22nd World Scout Jamboree. This includes the key visuals (logo, clouds, colours) as well as the language and images used. The official design guidelines have to be respected. Contact the Design Factory Section for all questions concerning design. They will help you.

Branding-related material Branding-related material is always embedded in a broader concept and connected to the theme Simply Scouting and the key concepts. All Jamboree departments should closely collaborate with the branding experts in the Communication Department team to decide how the Jamboree brand should be implemented in their area of the Jamboree experience. Departments may decide to give their communication officer special responsibility for contact and dialogue with the brand specialist. The




handbook examples

gives of



Module Activities: names of activities, concepts of activities Site: signs, names, design, concepts Sales: merchandising material Participant Food: cookbook etc, concepts Logistics: Policy decisions regarding transport HR: Adult Town, goodies, colours, designs, concepts




material is. Branding-related material includes for instance:

Safety: Attitudes Arena Events: Films, shows, concepts Common Areas: names, site design, logos, themes, concepts Administration: Cloud for registration, registration forms Camp in Camp: Names, logos Subcamp & Contingent support: names, logos, design, concepts

The pictograms represent feelings and ideas behind the 22nd World Scout Jamboree.

The slogan of the 22nd World Scout Jamboree in both English and French.

Simply Scouting Simplement du Scoutisme

The WOSM emblem symbolises that the 22nd World Scout Jamboree is an event of the World Organization of the Scout Movement.

The official name of the 22nd World Scout Jamboree in both English and French.

The logo All the key elements are brought together by the logo into one object. For more information please read the Design Guidlines. your Brand

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