2000-01 Annual Report

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Our Mission The College of Our Lady of the Elms, founded in 1928 by the Sisters of St. Joseph, is a Catholic, liberal arts, coeducational college. The college affirms its original, comprehensive goal of combining education for life with education for a career. Founded to educate women and aware of the importance of this tradition, the college now opens all its programs and services to both men and women. The mission of the Elms proclaims the intellectual tradition of the

Catholic Church, and in a spirit of ecumenism, it welcomes students, faculty and staff of other traditions. The JudaeoChristian heritage enunciated in theological studies and celebrated in liturgical worship inspires, develops and fosters an understanding of scholarship through the liberal arts. Also from the common vision of the centrality of Christ and His Gospel teaching come value systems which are characterized by a commitment to the service of others, a service that seeks

just solutions to the many problems of today’s world. Education for life is accomplished through efforts to develop the capacity for critical thinking, the ability to communicate effectively, an appreciation of the arts and humanities, and an understanding of the technological basis of modern society. It encompasses recognition of the need to deal with the rapid pace of change and such global concerns as those related to technology,

environment, population, justice and peace. As an educational community committed to academic freedom, administration, faculty and students of the Elms interact in the common exploration of truth and the pursuit of academic excellence. Reaffirming its initial goal of integrating liberal learning with career preparation, the Elms aims to provide education for a career in courses of study designed to meet objective criteria of quality and

Dear Friend, The past year has been one of transition for Elms College. We said goodbye to Sister Kathleen Keating as president and welcomed Dr. Joachim Froehlich as new president; we kicked off a $5-7 million endowment campaign, the first in our 73-year history, to raise funds for program, faculty and staff development, physical facilities and technology, and scholarship assistance; and the accomplishments of the past year have positioned us well as we embark on a five-year strategic plan to insure our growth and success into the foreseeable future.

For more than seven decades, Elms College has been committed to the exploration of truth, the pursuit of academic excellence, and service to others. The dedicated work of each member of our team, each and every day, enables us to maintain this unique presence among institutions of higher education. We are proud of our recent accomplishments, which range from having 11 of our students spend spring break renovating flood damaged homes for Habitat for Humanity, to hosting 10 Japanese students from Kochi Women’s University as part of a cultural exchange agreement, to sponsoring the ninth annual Women in Math Day for high school girls. Many others are highlighted in this report. On behalf of the entire college community, I want to offer our deep appreciation for the hard work and support we have received from each of you as we continue to fulfill our mission and meet the educational needs of our students. Sincerely,

Daniel M. Melley Chair, Board of Trustees

excellence. It assists students in the choice of, and preparation for, careers, encourages performance to meet the highest standards, with emphasis on the potential for original contributions; provides students with opportunities for continuing education and professional enrichment. The college exists for the pursuit of truth; the accurate transmission of knowledge; the general wellbeing of society; and the personal, spiritual, and intellectual development of its

students. The College of Our Lady of the Elms aims to assist in the development of students rooted in faith, educated in mind, compassionate in heart, responsive to civic and social obligations, capable of adjusting to change without compromising principle, and able to respond creatively to the demands of their chosen careers.

$1 MILLION PLEDGE the largest in the school’s history - received in memory of Mary Wojciechowski Antroll from her family to establish a scholarship in her memory. Mrs. Antroll’s son William Frain is a member of the Elms Board of Trustees

The Elms College Annual Report is a chance for our alumni, friends, and faculty and staff to look back on the past fiscal year, July 1, 2000 to June 30, 2001. During that time, we enjoyed many successes and advanced our efforts to move the college forward into a 5-year strategic planning process. Through it all, as we have for more than seven decades, we continue to educate reflective, principled, and creative learners.


The College of Our Lady of the Elms is extremely grateful for the support and commitment from its diverse constituents. The following listing recognizes total giving of those who have contributed to all purposes. These gifts include support to the Alumnae Library, endowment, financial aid, capital improvements, and faculty, academic, athletic, and cultural development.

Miss Catherine Fitzgerald Fontaine Brothers Mr. William F. Frain Mr. Ernest F. Fritz Hampden Engineering, Inc. Miss Teresa Harris Conrad Hilton Fund for Sisters Ms. Regina N. Hitchery Mrs. Antoinette B. Hurst† Mr. Paul Jacob Patricia H. and William Jolicoeur Lincoln Financial Group Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mahar Eileen and James Mendrek Msgr. Rosario Montcalm Miss Lucille T. Morin National Science Foundation Nellie Mae Fund for Education Mrs. Catherine T. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Partyka Amelia Peabody Foundation Pride Convenience Inc. Mr. Edward J. Pryzbyla† Dr. Kathleen M. Riordan Miss Margaret R. Scanlon Mr. Frederick J. Sirard Mr. and Mrs. James F. Sullivan Ms. Jeannette Tetreault† The Vincent Foundation Westfield Bank

Grand Benefactors Anonymous L.G. Balfour Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Berry Class of 1951 Class of 1955 Class of 1971 Mr. and Mrs. William A. Collins Commonwealth of Massachusetts Mrs. Helen Sheehan D’Amour Davis Educational Foundation Diocese of Springfield Most Rev. Thomas L. Dupre Marilyn and Gerard Doherty Elms College General Alumni

O’Leary Society Ms. Fleurette Bassilakis Mr. John W. Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bossidy Class of 1952 Class of 1956 Class of 1961 Class of 1966 Community Foundation of Western MA Dana Corporation Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dewey Mrs. Barbara Doherty Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Dooley Mr. William E. Fritz Mrs. Sheila Keator

Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Knight Anne and Neil Mara The McGinty Foundation Joseph Napolitan Associates Mrs. Mary Napolitan Sr. Judith O’Connell Mr. Russell Omer Peoples Savings Bank Mr. Michael Pise Joan and Charles Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Soja Westbank President’s Circle Mrs. Nancy K. Agostini Ms. Elizabeth Aidicon Mrs. Nancy Anzilotti Archdiocese of Boston Miss Marie C. Auth Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Balakier Mrs. Kathleen Bardsley-Crawley Frances and Roy Barr Mary C. and Sam Belluardo Mrs. Sheila T. Boyle Ms. M. Constance Breck Mrs. Helen Brundage Mrs. Mary W. Burke Ms. Marjorie Burns Buxton, Inc. Mrs. Margaret F. Cheney Mrs. Mary Chester Chicopee Savings Bank Raymond and Mildred Clark Foundation Class of 1941 Class of 1946 Class of 1960 Class of 1976 Class of 1981 Class of 1991 Rev. Christopher D. Connelly Mr. John H. Davis Mrs. Irene Donelan Dr. and Mrs. Robert Donohue Sr. Eleanor Dooley DOS Concrete Service, Inc. Miss Mildred M. Finn


First Union Fleet Mrs. Sharon Fowlston Foxboro Company Dr. Joachim W. Froehlich Mr. Michael P. Fritz Mr. Robert J. Fritz Mrs. Sally Fugere Mrs. Therese Gardner GE Fund Ms. Nancy Gilbert Mrs. Elva Marion Gleason Hasbro, Inc. Hampden Savings Bank Sr. Nora Harrington Mrs. Molly Hosman Mrs. Barbara Howard The Honorable Mary HurleyMarks Instrument Technology, Inc. Dr. Celeste T. Budd-Jackson Mrs. Sophie Jarek Estate of William F. Julian Mr. John Karalekas Sr. Kathleen Keating Knights of Columbus Elder Council #69 Mrs. Margaret Koelemij Mrs. Lucille T. Kolish The Kosciuszko Foundation KPMG Peat Marwick Mrs. Therese Laporte Mrs. Mary LaTronica Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Lenart Miss Marie A. Lococo Miss Mary G. Manning Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. Mrs. Mary Ellen Massmann Mrs. Maria May Miss Jane McCaffrey Mr. and Mrs. C.J. McCarthy Miss Mary E. McCarthy Mrs. Barbara Medcalf Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Melley Merck Company Foundation Mrs. Barbara F. Moriarty

Jacqueline and John Moriarty Rev. Joseph A. MoynahanDeceased Miss M. Eleanor Murphy Mrs. Mary Murphy Nan & Matilda Heydt Fund Mr. Michael Niziolek Mrs. Margaret O’Day Pearson Systems, Inc. Mr. Robert R. Peck Ms. Viola I. Phelan Mrs. Rita Prevoznik Mr. John B. Quinn Mr. Andrezj Z. Radosh Mr. Leo A. Riendeau Mrs. Margaret M. Robillard Miss Rita D. Rodden Rocky’s Hardware Russell Realty Group LLC Mrs. Ann Ryan Miss Clare E. Ryan Mrs. Brenda Schofield Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Sears Ann and David Southworth Southworth Company SSJ Team for Apostolic Ministry State Farm Companies Foundation Miss Mary W. Sullivan Ms. Lesley Visser Mrs. Mary Visser Mrs. Alice Wales Blanche M. Walsh Foundation Mrs. Kathryn Walters Westvaco Envelope Division Patricia E. and William White The Women’s Fund of Western Mass Mrs. Lorraine K. Young

NURSING BACCALAUREATE program gets 10-year approval from Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, the maximum length that is granted. Nursing professor Thomas Connelly named chairman of the Ethics Committee for the National Association of Catholic Nurses

Other Contributions Alumni

Total Giving

Corporations/Foundations Alumni


Individuals (including parents $29,450)

Diocesan Drive

464,899 2,005,973

Diocesan Drive




Other Contributions


Grand Total

$ 3,138,082


Berchmans Associates Aramark Corporation Bank of Western Massachusetts Mrs. Marilyn Barry Boeing Matching Gift Program Bordeaux Printing Company Mrs. Constance Bowler Miss Jean M. Brigham Mrs. Susan B. Condiloro Atty. Michael V. Caplette Dr. Marcel Claude Cartier Mr. And Mrs. Paul K. Casey Mr. and Mrs. William R. Cass Catholic Community Foundation The Catholic Woman’s Club Mrs. Beverly A. Cavanaugh Center Auto Repair Class of 1936 Class of 1953 Class of 1970 Class of 1996 Miss Sally Collins Collins Electric Company Community Counseling Service Carolyn O. and Robert Connelly Mr. James P. Connor Ms. Jill K. Conway Cooperating Colleges of Greater Springfield Mrs. Anna May Courchene Ms. Susan Crawford Rev. Hugh Crean Mrs. Margaret Diggins Atty. Timothy Diggins Doherty, Wallace, Pillsbury & Murphy P.C. Mrs. Lucille Dufault Mr. Donald R. Dupre Mr. and Mrs. John Dyjak Mrs. Noreen Farrell Sr. Patricia Feeley Rev. Daniel R. Foley Foreign Language Teachers

Mrs. Barbara Garvey Mrs. Elinor Glynn Miss Barbara Gregory Miss Patricia Hogan Sr. Marion Hurley Mrs. Virginia Hurley Mrs. Sally Karnasiewicz Mrs. Patricia Kennedy Laporte, Shea & Borys Insurance Sr. Helen Elizabeth Lavin Miss Elizabeth Leahey Miss Lois C. Lynch Mac-Gray Company, Inc. Mrs. Julie Kennedy MacKeil Ms. Stacey Waite MacPhetres Mrs. Linda Mansfield Mass Mutual Blue Chip Company Mr. Edward Masztal Miss Constance J. McCarthy Mrs. Dorothy McHugh Mrs. Marguerite M. McTeague Mrs. Joan E. Meehan Miss F. Noreen Moriarty Mr. Edward Murphy Mrs. Rose Marie Nathan O’Connell Consulting LLC Mrs. Deborah O’Neil Sr. Catherine Ormond Ms. JoAnne Palmer Palmer Goodell Ins. Agency, Inc. Dr. Anita M. Pampusch Miss Carmen M. Pelissier Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Mrs. Catherine Pitoniak Polish Woman’s Alliance Reilly Foundation Mrs. Marie Roddy Mrs. Martha Ross Mrs. Joann Rossi Mrs. Rita Rowley Sacred Heart Parish of Springfield Mr. Nicholas J. Scobbo, Jr.

Contributions: Current Operations

Miss Marianne Shea Mrs. Marilyn Shepardson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stamant Mrs. Mary Jane Sullivan Miss Kathleen A. Sweeney Mrs. Marion R. Sweeney Mrs. Alison Tom Miss Dorothy Tuttle Universal Plastics Corp. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Viamari Miss Joan Vincent Miss Helen T. Vollinger Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. Welch, Jr. Mrs. Marilyn Wilkins Mr. Roger B. Wojcik Mrs. Elizabeth Zyra

(Annual Fund)




293,502 15,420







Religious Organizations


Other Organizations


Grand Total



Other Organizations Alumni Religious Organizations Corporations


Foundations Individuals

32% of Elms alumni contributed to the college.



Alumni Giving During Reunion time, many class representatives helped organize their class. They are listed with their class.

1925 *** Lucy Jacobs Rodhouse Deceased

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$3,000 1 4 29 25%

1927 Mary Butler

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$50 1 9 20 11%

1929 * Mary Crampton Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$150 1 5 18 20%

1930 * Margaret Cahalan Sigda Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$100 1 2 8 50%

1932 Sr. Helen Benard

* Katherine Daly **** Katherine Donaldson -



* Margaret Clifford Dwyer Mildred Clarke Marr

*** Marie Gillis Shea -Deceased ***** Oranier Diamont Tonoli Deceased Mary Dalton Toomey Deceased

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$69,157 8 11 30 73%

1933 * Alice Hallein Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$150 1 10 40 10%

Class of 1933 Representative: Claire McLaughlin Kirby

1934 Gertrude Downey Cotter * Sr. Peter Maria Picknelly *** Mary Sullivan - Deceased

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$1,150 3 8 26 38%

1935 Sr. Angela Bisol Mary Giblin Letellier * Rita McInnis-Graham * Kathleen Mungiven O’Connell * Cecelia Ford O’Laughlin * Elmeda Harty Paquette

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$475 6 16 37 38%

Helen Meagher Stocks


Rita Buckley Blair Sr. Elizabeth Conway, SP Marion McCracken Ruth Quinn Meaney * Philomene Gagne Proctor

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$555 5 12 30 42%

1937 Sr. Mary Bisol * H. Roberta Decker Kirby * Helen Lichwell * Mary Lalor Ryan ** Marion Kennedy Sweeney * Barbara Gately Tierney

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$1,325 6 15 29 40%

Class of 1937 Representative: Louise Welch Arnold

1938 Helen Auth Katherine Toole Contant * Virginia Campbell Fox * Helen Currier Hutzler * Louise McCann Keenan Sr. Mary Ellen Quilty Miriam Donovan Shea

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$851 7 14 32 50%

Class of 1938 Representative: Rita Corridan

Gertrude Footit Britton Frances Mulholland Cellucci * Margaret Garvey Lynch * Elizabeth McKenna * Lillian Moggio Mary O’Shea Sweeney

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$580 6 21 39 29%

Class of 1939 Representatives: Gertrude Footit Britton Margaret Garvey Lynch Eleanor O’Herron

1940 * Margaret Meehan Alinskas * Rita Burke * Mary Maguire Carney * Virginia Adams Cunningham Mary Dolan Darcy

***** Catherine Fitzgerald Dorothy Clifford Flanagan Annette Laliberte Macon Aniceta Decker Manning * Catherine Dougherty Wodicka

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$11,140 10 21 32 48%

Class of 1940 Representatives: Virginia Adams Cunningham Catherine Fitzgerald Catherine Dougherty Wodicka

1941 * Mary O’Connor Austin ** Constance Stiles Bowler * Rita Mulcahy Doyle * Catherine Joseph Drudi * Helena Butler McCue *** Margaret Riley O’Day Helen Pratt

* Mary O’Donnell Roberts ** Marie Callahan Roddy

Class of 1935 Representative: Mary Giblin Letellier


* Eileen Shea Walsh *** Kathryn Gibbons Walters Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$4,910 12 21 33 57%

Class of 1941 Representatives: Mary O’Donnell Roberts

1942 Katherine Walsh Duby

** Elinor Somers Glynn Mary Jane Nesbit Gonia

*** Sr. Nora Harrington Ann Stone Hayden Sr. Mary Frances Honnen Mary Toole Hoyt * Sr. Martina Anne Larkin Frances Wood Link *** Mary Manning Mary Cavanaugh Mariani * Irma Padilla Nevares * Eileen Heffernon Vanasse * Alice Van Keuren Webber

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$7,819 14 21 31 67%

Class of 1942 Representative: Catherine Kelly Salem

1943 *** Kathleen Bardsley-Crawley * Theresa Campbell *** Sr. Mary Durkan - Deceased * Mildred Hourihan Hughes *** Barbara Houlihan Medcalf Elinor White O’Malley Elizabeth Sheehan Pope Claire Ouimette Sullivan * Elizabeth Sullivan - Deceased * Gertrude O’Connor Swords * Betty Hayes Tetreault Dorothy Heffernan Watterson * M. Connie Dudley Watterson * Mildred Clarke White

Public phase of ENVISION ELMS Endowment for Excellence campaign launched. Funds will be used for facility and technology

***** Grand Benefactors ($10,000 or more)

improvement; faculty,

**** Bishop O’Leary Society ($5,000 - $9,999)

staff and program development; and

*** President’s Circle ($1,000 - $4,999)

scholarship aid.

** Berchmans Associates ($500 - $999) * Veritas Club ($100 - $499) † Trustee Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$4,774 14 22 37 64%

Class of 1943 Representatives: Mildred Hourihan Hughes Elizabeth Sheehan Pope

1944 * Sr. Catherine Adams *** Marie Auth Margaret Donahue Boyle

*** Helen Prendergast Brundage *** Marjorie Smith Burns * Marie McKenna Davey * Sr. Mary Dooley * Elizabeth Huller Mary Harty Kelley

* Cecilia Ogozalek Kilfoil * Esther Lach *** Mary McCarthy * Dorothy Savoit McDowell * Sr. Margaret McGrath * Margaret Sausville Munns *** Mary McDonnell Murphy * Claire Fitzpatrick O’Connell * Anne Rowley Olsen Mary Shaughnessy Ram *** Rita Rodden *** Mary Coughlin Visser

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$13,310 21 27 36 78%

Class of 1944 Representatives: Elizabeth Huller Esther Lach Mary E. McCarthy Dorothy Savoit McDowell Mary McDonnell Murphy Rita Rodden

1945 * M. Martha Quinlan Barry * Elizabeth McDonnell Brady * Elizabeth O’Brien Cahill Elizabeth Quirk Campion

* Dorothy Flynn Caswell Eugenia Scanlon DeCarli * Rita May Chapdelaine Des Rosiers Marjorie Bugbee Flint Catherine Dower Gold * Joan Eisenmann Hassett * Florence Iaconi Lombardi * Mary Mahoney McCarthy Ann Clancy Meder * M. Ruth Martin Moran * Eris Tio Nevin * Imelda Nugent * Catherine Durnin Palmer Rosemary Donahue Pomeroy * Helen Mulligan Roberti Claire Brunelle Schmidt * Alice Prendergast Sullivan Sr. Patricia Sweeney Aileen Dupree Varnum

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$2,500 23 33 52 70%

Class of 1945 Representatives: M. Martha Quinlan Barry Elizabeth McDonnell Brady Mary Mahoney McCarthy Alice Prendergast Sullivan

1946 Marianne Street Barber Sr. Evelyn Brault * Esther Dillon * Ruth Kennedy Geanacopoulos * Claire Geddes ** Virginia Murphy Hurley * Leona Lachat Mangione * Bertha Stone McGill ** Dorothy Kelly McHugh Annette Stanton Merrill * Alice Murray * H. Patricia Bardsley O’Neill Mary Jane Flood Pignatelli * Lois Boland Quinn * Marie Senecal Mary Donohue Shaughnessy * Catherine Quinn Shea * Helen Fitzgibbons Shea

Mary Lou Fanning Shea

* Sr. Katherine Sullivan * Margaret Swords *** Patricia Brophy White ** Elizabeth Sullivan Zyra Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$5,741 23 27 54 85%

Class of 1946 Representatives: Margaret Swords Patricia Brophy White

1947 * Theresa Amiot Jean Shea Brush

* Jane Durkan * Margaret Galleshaw Halacy Mary Mara Hogan Ellen Martone Jordan Hedwig Wolochowicz Kush Rosemary Tower Maloney * Katherine Moriarty Barbara Parnell ** Catherine McDonnell Pitoniak Joan McCaffrey Richards Dorothy Manion Saunders Maureen Smith Mary Tyer * Betty Moynihan Vanderwolk * Mary Vittengl

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$2,190 17 33 50 52%

Class of 1947 Representatives: Theresa Amiot Jean Shea Brush Rosemary Gallagher Curtin Mary Mara Hogan Phyllis Hoar Jerusik Sr. Carolyn King Katherine Moriarty Barbara Parnell CatherineMcDonnell Pitoniak Jeanne McDermott Ryan Betty Moynihan Vanderwolk Mary Vittengl


1948 * Patricia Fehily Bilodeau Frances Boratyn Bonaparte Ann Heaphy Congdon ** Anna May Bousquet Courchene Patricia Kelly Ellis *** Mildred Finn * Sheila Madden Fitzpatrick * Ann Martin Gibbons Mary Scannell Graw ** Barbara Gregory Irene Mochak Hobert Sr. Barbara Huller * Elizabeth Murphy Kehoe *** Margaret Urbon Koelemij Mary Jane O’Malley LaRocque Clare Fitzgerald Langer Marion Mercier Loughman Sr. Ann Marshall **** Mary Nelen Napolitan Rosemary Cotter Naughton * Mary Kleindeinst Phelan Mary Anne Dowd Phelan * Sarah Eisenmann Seger * Margaret Sullivan Sheehan Sr. Mary Richard Tyrrell *** Alice Moriarty Wales * Mary Diggins Woods

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$12,198 27 49 77 55%

Class of 1948 Representatives: Jeanne Bourque Kathleen Metcalfe Durepo Barbara Gregory Elizabeth Murphy Kehoe Marion Mercier Loughman Mary Nelen Napolitan Sarah Eisenmann Seger

1949 *** Elizabeth Aidicon *** Marie Lawler Aquadro * Marion Meehan Armstrong Beatrice Barrett

* Barbara Hurley Barry * Ruth Murphy Burton * Sr. Anna Carey

* Elizabeth Carlisle Carey Nancy Black Dooley

* Eleanor Barron Edwards * Mary Maloy Ferris Sr. Mary James Galliher

* Mary Goggin Grant * Clara Sawtelle Hawley * Nadine Mangan Henderson * Shirley Cummings Kane * Sr. Alice Kenney Sr. Gertrude Kiely

* Louise Hanna Lord ** Rose Marie La Mountain Nathan * Maureen Keating Pooler Irene Morin Remillard

* Michaelyn Moynihan Richardson *** Clare Ryan * Roberta Morrier Soliwoda Frances Haley Souliere Sr. Marie Daniel Taylor * Shirley Leroy Tremblay * Mary Martin Walsh - Deceased

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$13,355 29 53 97 55%

Class of 1949 Representatives: Beatrice Barrett Ruth Murphy Burton Sr. Alice Kenney Sr. Marilyn Logan Louise Hanna Lord K. Marie Murphy Rose Marie La Mountain Nathan Mary Martin Walsh

1950 Mary O’Hearn Bolduc Gertrude Donovan Bushey * Patricia Tierney Campbell *** Margaret Shea Cheney * Jean Miner Cook Sr. Anne Corbett Sr. Dominic Cormier * Mary Jean Davis Crowley *** Sr. Eleanor Dooley * Mary Costa Efthimion * Marguerite Manning Egan * Joan Roy Footit

Sponsored MARY DOOLEY LECTURE SERIES, 5 lectures on “The Church at the Year 2000: Unity and Diversity/Mission and Message.”

Mary O’Malley Hayes

*** Barbara Albano Howard * Ann McNamee Jarrett Sr. Anna Kilfeather

** Sr. Helen Elizabeth Lavin Sr. Ann McCaffrey Marietta Shea McCormick Virginia Jette McDeed Clare McDonnell * Elizabeth Shaw McGrory * Theresa Ash Medzerian * Frances Posco Mercadante * Gertrude O’Connell Moriarty * Jacqueline Dent Ott Roberta Nodurf Savage Elaine Davis Stubbs * Violette Cartier Sweeney Sr. Christine Swords * Grace Ayers Terfera

Total Donated $8,835 Contributors 31 Living Members 59 Total Members 91 Participation 53% Class of 1950 Representatives: Jean Miner Cook Marguerite Manning Egan Mary Connelly Kegelman Violette Cartier Sweeney

1951 *** Nancy Reed Anzilotti ** Marilyn Burns Barry * Arlene Lynch Blake * Jeanne Pepin Brault * Sr. Veronica Brown * Ruth Healy Buckley ** Beverly Roy Cavanaugh * Anne Finnegan Conlon * Mary Trainor Cronin ** Margaret Bowen Diggins **** Barbara Millea Doherty * Ruth Vigeant Donovan * Ellen Baker Doyle ** Lucille Desrochers Dufault Sr. Mary Dorothy Durett

* Florence Nagle Flynn * Kathleen Frank

* Barbara Eichorn Gagnon * Kathleen Ziter Galanes ** Barbara Garde Garvey Teresa Corley Giardina

* Helen Kelly Gill * Irene Mickelson Gill * Dorothy Prendergast Goggins * Marianne Lynch Griffin Jean Tanner Habig * Joan Williston Hall * Elizabeth O’Brien Harmon Ruth Conlin Karpeles ** Patricia O’Keefe Kennedy *** Therese Bourdeau La Porte *** Mary Scaffidi LaTronica * Dorothea Kuhar Ladd * Grace Syner Land * Mary Bresnahan Lavelle **** Anne Sullivan Mara ** Marguerite Murphy McTeague *** Barbara Finn Moriarty * Helene Brady Moriarty Sr. Alice Morway * Catherine Moylan * Margaret Dooling O’Connor Sr. Patricia Anne O’Donnell * Mary O’Neil * Sr. Jeanne O’Shea Elizabeth Clark Perry *** Rita Kellett Prevoznik * Eileen Doherty Redmond * Cathleen Cronin Regan * Beatrice Duval Rioux ** Joann Akey Rossi Margaret Riordan Roussos *** Ann Larkin Ryan Eileen Kattar Ryan **** Joan McCarthy Ryan Elizabeth Hennessay Schube * Joan Vaughan Seander * Sr. Michael Joanne Shea * Helen Caporale Sullivan Deceased Sr. Mary Joan Sullivan Sr. Maria Patrick Tierney ** Helen Vollinger * Bernice Donnelly Welter Teresa Lobley Williamson

Total Donated $37,061 Contributors 64 Living Members 82 Total Members 98 Participation 78% Class of 1951 Representatives: Barbara Garde Garvey Theresa Bourdeau La Porte Helene Brady Moriarty Joan McCarthy Ryan

1952 *** Frances Donelan Barr * Helen Baceski Brinkman III * Mary Crane * Sr. Ann Teresa Creamer * Kathleen Lynch Culver * Claire Cartier Daigneault * Teresa Paquette Donahue * Jean Baillargeon Egan * Mary Mahoney Erard-Zwicker * Theresa Maney Florek *** Theresa Sponske Gardner * Mary Danis Garvey Sr. William Agnes Gillet Sr. Margaret Griffin * Rosemary Dwyer Guiltinan Madelyn Harte Grace Hayden ** Patricia Hogan * Maureen Splaine Holscher ** Sr. Marion Hurley * Clairanne Lucas Hurst *** Sr. Kathleen Keating ** Elizabeth Leahey Mary Healy Maher * Mary Kennedy Masuck ** Constance McCarthy * Catherine Murphy * Mary Murphy * Therese Quinlan Nesbit * Barbara Sullivan O’Keefe * Emily Blair Pruzynski * Ann McElroy Quinlan * Annette Rafferty *** Margaret Bouyea Robillard ***** Margaret Scanlon


* Margaret Doyle Schmidt * Theresa Ondrick Stotz * Marguerite Slattery Strain * Marie Tangney ** Alison Chunn Tom * Anne Marie Donley Toole * Alma Uriarte * Virginia Bajorin White * Joan Holleran Wood Total Donated $26,793 Contributors 44 Living Members 74 Total Members 106 Participation 59% Class of 1952 Representatives: Frances Donelan Barr Mary Crane Jean Baillargeon Egan Elizabeth Leahey Mary Kennedy Masuck Constance McCarthy Catherine Murphy Mary Murphy Therese Quinlan Nesbit Ann McElroy Quinlan Margaret Scanlon Theresa Ondrick Stotz Marie Tangney

1953 * Patricia Byrnes Alger * Kathryn Larrow Auclair Veronica Butrymowiz Avalle

* Grace Hanley Barnett * Jeanne Goulet Bartley * Ruth Crowley Conway Helen Murphy Curran

***** Marilyn Dillon Doherty * Jean Fournier Digan Mary Danaher Digan Deceased Margaret Griffin Dunlop Norma Erickson * Karen Boden Essex * Elaine Vanasse Foley Rosemary Fields Hatch Sr. Elizabeth Anna Kane * Barbara Maloney Kirby * Margaret Lynch

* Ellen Dalgleish Marino Carmen Chiara Marrin

* Kathleen Kennedy Mullins Mary Nai Oster Joan McKenna Percy Laurie Stearns Pieterse * Julie Maranville Shore Nancy Dunphy Stallmer

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$3,285 25 47 55 53%

Class of 1953 Representatives: Patricia Byrnes Alger Marilyn Dillon Doherty Jean Hogan Doyle Karen Boden Essex Nancy Dunphy Stallmer

1954 * Margaret Sullivan Ahearn Rosemary Tierney Brennan Mary Ellen Shea Cadieux Sr. Helen Callahan * Therese O’Connell Colleran * Eleanor McFadden Fournier * Mary Long Franz Betty May Gracey * Eileen Fenton Jacques * Ann Marie Smyth LeBel * Virginia Hunt Lewis * Elizabeth Ferry MacDonald * Sr. Rita Morey ***** Lucille Morin Sr. Patricia Thomas O’Connor * Elizabeth Cahill Pappas * Mary Hroszowy Provost * Maureen Bryson Rawding * Lillian Finn Stapleton * Margaret Harris Stasiowski * Helen Twigg Sullivan Joan Tovani Ellen Verchot Vanszl * Wanda Wojtaszek

Total Donated $20,280 Contributors 24 Living Members 59

Total Members Participation

74 41%

Class of 1954 Representatives: Rosemarie Flanagan Cronin Eileen Fenton Jacques Lucille Morin Elizabeth Cahill Pappas Lillian Finn Stapleton

1955 Helen Madden Callahan Mercedes Santos Coulombe * Sr. Mary Courtney * Eleanor Bissonette Cunningham Joyce Doyle Marilyn Erickson * Sr. Rose Maurice Harrington Barbara Shevlin Kiely * Carole Brissette Korkosz * Claire St. Onge La Pierre * Patricia Boyle Lucey * Clare Connor Mathews * Arlene Holmes McCoy * Patricia Hanifin Nelen * Mary O’Malley Nielsen Eileen Kelly Nikosey ***** Catherine McCarthy O’Brien * Sarah Goonan O’Brien Barbara Reilly Otto Mary McDonnell Petropulos * Sr. Mary Power * Alice Buxton Preece Joan Monaghan Reid * Marie Hanlon Riley Sr. Helen Catherine Shine * Elaine Hoar Stover * Margo Deitner Sullivan * Maureen Kennedy Swierzewski * Elizabeth McMahon Thomas Carol Tully Varanka

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$3,663 30 60 75 50%

Class of 1955 Representatives: Marilyn Abare Joyce Doyle Patricia Hanifin Nelen

1956 * Joan Brunet Barnett * Sr. Agnes Maria Brennan * Sr. Gertrude Brown JoAnne Marie Griffin Cavallo * Barbara Conlin Sr. Miriam Donoghue Peggy O’Melia Eident Sr. Imelda Maria Fallon * Ethel Wilder Farrington * Sr. Mary Gallagher * Helen Fleming Girard * Joan Marby Goddeau * Joan McCabe Grant ***** Teresa Harris * Joan Doyle Hart Claire Tefft Hatfield * Joan Benedict Hill * Therese Dowd Houlares Constance Brunet Jabbar Sr. James Bernard Laughnane * Christine Sullivan Lima Sr. M. Bernadette Lunney Sr. Norma MacDonald Mary MacDonnell Lois Anne Eisenmann Maharne Sr. Kathleen McGurk

* Mary Hoar Moore ** F. Noreen Moriarty * Sr. Ann Mungovan * Mary Crowley Pikiell Sr. Vivian Pyne Elizabeth Ann Wrenn Quinn * Ellen Moore Reardon * Joan Rogers Reinhagen Mary Lou Griffin Rubino Barbara Britt Ryan * Louise Champagne Savoie Sr. Edward Maria Sharron Jean Meloche Sheary Elizabeth Sheehan * Mary Fitzgerald Simonich Marguerite Cote Spitzak * Barbara Congram Sullivan Sr. Elizabeth Sullivan * Shirley Chamberlain Sweeney * Honore Wynne Taylor ** Dorothy Tuttle ** Marilyn McClernon Wilkins *** Lorraine Kelly Young

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$18,228 50 81 97 62%

Class of 1956 Representatives: Dot Tuttle Mary MacDonnell Lois Anne Maharne Noreen Moriarty Joan Carney

1957 Sr. Catherine Alaimo Lucy Mae Nowakowski Ashe Sr. John Brigid Barrett * Mary Lou Burke Sr. James Marion Butler * Margaret Collins Kathleen Cowles * Guerdline Curran * Lorita Calderella Decorie Helen Kelley Dillon * Mary Carroll Downey * Ann Dryden * Lorraine McMahon Dube Sr. Claire Dugan * Ann Farrell ** Sr. Patricia Feeley * Maureen Fitzgerald * Marjorie Fitzpatrick * Elizabeth Graham * Constance Corr Grippo * Jacquelyn Lyons Keating * Rosanne Verchot Lorigan * Jane McKenna McAuliffe * Mary Murphy McMahon Barbara Fritz Meier Sr. Elizabeth Molloy Sr. Roberta Mulcahy Sr. Mary Ellen Murphy Diane Bartoszek Murray * Sr. Helene Michael Nihill Joanne Pasterczyk Pitoniak * Nancy O’Donnell Re Barbara Burke Richardson Sr. Eileen Ryan Sr. Patricia Sharron * Alice Weldon Teixeira * Anonymous

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members

$4,493 37 69 78

Participation 54% Class of 1957 Representatives: Mary Lou Burke Lorraine McMahon Dube Constance Corr Grippo Anne Turnan Hurley Jacquelyn Lyons Keating Jane McKenna McAuliffe Mary Murphy McMahon

1958 Judith Griffin Barnes Sr. Frances Barry * Claudette Molleur Cancilla * Mary Rae Thompson D’Anieri * Frances Finn Delahanty Margaret Curran Dowd Mary Martin Foley Mary Lincoln Gibbons Jo-Anne MacDonald Grenier * Barbara Guardione Guerra Dorene Janes Sr. Judith Kappenman Mary Spencer Keating Ann Keenan * Mary Hunt Keenan Sr. Joseph Michael LaFontaine * Sr. Mary Lou Lacey Lois Lambert * Sr. Mary Frances Lavelle Barbara Majewski Louison * Nancy Keegan Mackson Marie De Meola Maffucci * Sr. Mildred Marengo * Therese Saccavino Marsh * Kathleen Barry May Sr. Louise Thomas McIsaac * Sr. Mary Lou McKinstrie Kathleen Meenaghan Sr. Mildred Morway Sr. Eileen O’Neill Barbara Collins O’Toole Sr. Constance Quinlan Barbara Crochiere Roberts ** Marilyn Deignan Shepardson Virginia Weeks Speight * Mary Lamphere Spencer Evelyn Lachut Sullivan Rose-Ellen Keenan Sweeney Isabelle Rogers Travaglini * Mary Smith Turnberg * Faith Ethier Visconti * Mary Collins Vivaldi * Margaret Wallace * Mary McGrath Woods

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$4,700 44 103 116 43%

Class of 1958 Representatives: Mary Coffey Girr Barbara Guardione Guerra Kathleen Meenaghan Barbara Collins O’Toole

1959 Sally MacNeil Bell

* Frances Laferriere Bigda Kathleen Fenton Bourn

* Mary O’Brien Brennan Barbara Bacchiocchi Cappello

* Dorothy Crowley Chekas * Sheila Sullivan Cookson * Joan Dinardo Cumming Louise Glesmann Curtin

*** Irene Rosenbeck Donelan Sr. Virginia Duross Mary Brown Ellison


* Sandra Fitzgerald


Elizabeth Fitzgerald Foley Ellen O’Brien Geanacopoulos * Claire Goyette * Carol Celetti Hausamann * Joanne Darcy Hewes Gail Cicio Ireland Sr. Patricia Johnson Shirley Furman Joly Martha Joseph Sr. Patricia Kane **** Sheila Nesbit Keator * Judith Kennedy Paula Murray Kove * Estelle Guillet LaBarre * Rosanne Lappin * Jane Shea Logan Sr. Mary Regina Lynch * Florence Nadolski Lyons Theresa Satkowski Marion * Margaret Cavanaugh McCarthy Sr. Mary Thomas McKenna * Genevieve Masterson McLaughlin Mary Hogan McMahon * Barbara Letourneau McQuaid * Leatrice Wyne Morrison * Elizabeth Gallagher Moylan Janet Bourdeau Murphy **** Sr. Judith O’Connell Mary Lou Batchelder O’Connell Eileen Murphy Patnaude * Janet Rogan Pedlow * Lois Salome Mary Talmadge Shumway * Anna Frigo Spellacy * Beverly Alexander Valentine * Elizabeth McDermott Walsh Florence Wright

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$17,257 50 107 118 47%

Class of 1959 Representatives: Barbara Letourneau McQuaid Sr. Judith O’Connell Lois Salome

Theresa Vinisko Alamed Cecilia Joy Alexander * Mary Ellen Mallory Aycock * Lorraine Pelletier Barfield * Edna Beattie * Carol Gilboy Boivin * Carol McKenna Burke * Mary Julian Burke ** Carolyn O’Connor Connelly * Judeth Crowley Regina Archey Decker Joyce Gelinas Denault Judith Finn Desfosses Sr. Catherine Doherty * Nancy Manning Fitzgerald Mary Lynch Flaherty * Marcia Wright Flanagan * Eileen Carroll Foley * Sylvia Blouin Glynn * Theresa Moruzzi Herman Frances Dragon Hoginski Janet Pradella Kelly Marie Gravel Lombardi * Marsha Macary *** Mary Ellen McCarthy Massmann Sr. Rita McCauley Sr. Paula McCrea * Mary McDonough * Constance McGovern * Mary O’Brien McMahon * Marjorie Coon Moraes * Mary Hayes Morrissey * John Murphy * Patricia Fogarty Nylin * Rosemary Broderick O’Connor James O’Neil * Jean Kasuba Paddock Joyce Perosino Anita Lussier Perry Maureen O’Neil Phillips Maureen Bercury Quinlan Maureen Ambrose Regan * Jill Fitzgerald Ridge * Judith Riordan * Mary Murphy Riordan ** Rita Mortellite Rowley Mary Scannell Signet Margaret Maybury Springer * Maureen Sullivan * Margaret Toomey * Karen Tierney Vollinger Audrey O’Flynn Walther Mary Brennan Young

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$7,820 53 111 122 48%

Class of 1960 Representatives: Carolyn O’Connor Connelly Mary Hayes Morrissey Rosemary Broderick O’Connor Judith Riordan

1961 * Elizabeth Ashe * Sr. Claire Belforti * Susan Bell * Natalie Basile Bixby * Therese Chapdelaine Bonacquisti

* Stephanie Stefanik Bossert * Mary Fitzgerald Brown Joanne Donovan Calderigi

*** Mary Cunningham Chester Mary Reagan Collins

John Curtin

* Mildred LaFerriere Czelusniak Diane Guilmet Daniels * Joan McMahon Desmarais Mary Praetz Devlin * Mary Dupuis Juliette Binette Elias Alice Toomey Fay * Sandra Shaw Finerty *** Sally McCormick Fugere * Margaret Yerrick Gallagher * Susan Musante Golden Joyce Douville Gorman Anna Flasinski Grein * Marylou Dunn Haas * Maureen McDonald Haller * Kathleen Hamel Carol Young Hanlon * Mary Wynn Harney * Jane Campbell Harrigan Kathleen Worthley Holland Cecilia Joyce Joy * Kathleen Dwyer Joyal * Sarah Scordato Keenan * Nancy Borysewick Latham Livia Menin Lawlor * Dora Morrissey Maxey * Eileen Collins McEleney * Elizabeth Brisson McKay * Anne Morgan ** Edward Murphy * Teresa Lincoln Murray Maryanne LaFond Noone Anne Brown O’Donnell Diane Gallese Parsons Beverlyan Pasternak * Kathleen Weldon Penter * Sylvia Ready * Jean Zdon Rinaldi * Gertrude Dowd Rodin Marie-Anita Hout Rose * Sheila McCarthy Sakomoto Judith Brodeur Sasmore *** Brenda Borden Schofield Mary Jane Cameron Sheehan * Mary Furey Sloan * Julie Gosselin Stout * Victoria Swistro Jacqueline Croughwell Viljanen ** Joan Vincent * Mary Austin Whitmore Patricia Fradet Williams * Libbie Harris Wills

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$12,164 63 104 117 61%

Class of 1961 Representatives: Joan Desmarais Kathleen Joyal Mary Jane Sheehan

1962 Pauline Borsari Angermann

* Maureen McCool Bail *** Mary Herring Belluardo Lorraine Meunier Benoit Lillian Perrault Bisson Mary Jane Eichorn Black * Patricia Thompson Burden * Patricia Bozek Campagnari Marylou Griffin Cauley Patricia White Clark Carmelina DiMaria * Judith Lambert Drinkwater Eileen O’Flynn Duffy * Rosalie Ford

Catherine Petropulos Foster Sr. Doris Graves Elizabeth Kirby Griffin * Maureen Moriarty Hannam Margaret Fahey Henson * Barbara Ciszek Jendrysik * Jeanne Joyal * Sharon Fressola Knickle Judith Lavelle Ann O’Shaughnessy Lawrence K. Evadine O’Connor Lennon Joan Fitzgerald Lundy ** Lois Lynch * Margaret Donohue McMenemy * Joan Brunelle Montana * Sr. Jane Morrissey Julie Ferrero Nichols * Nancy Smith O’Brien Carol Wojnar Osinski Beverly Thorne Perry Mary Williams Peters Carol Barry Powell * Mary Ellen Reilly Mary Lou Liucci Smith * Anne Meagher Sparks Joan Talbot * Clare Burrows Tozeski * Marjorie Fiorentino Van Houten Sr. Mary Magdalen Ward Gail Albertine Wrobel

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$4,520 44 105 114 42%

Class of 1962 Representatives: Nancy O’Donnell Holland Barbara Ciszek Jendrysik Mary Lou Liucci Smith

1963 Mary Donohue Agnew Susan Gelinas Agnew * Margaret Begley Anderson * Katherine Balakier Ann Dassatti Bolognani * Mary Ann Leary Boon Lucie LaFlamme Brumer Miriam Pratt Chaput Louise Chereski * Phyllis Wilson Connelly * Barbara Trzcinka Conway * Kathleen Donnellan Jane Dunne * Gail Furman Patricia Hart Gabree * Polly Shea Gavin * Carroll Auth Goethe Maryalice Dignan Halloran Joan St Clair Hayes * Barbara Landers Hood Christine Lynch Keaney * Virginia Koonz Patricia Lavin Julie Sittard Leonard * Jane Regan Levesque * Rosemary Kelly Marczewski Carolyn Accorsi McKelvie ** Joan Hansen Meehan Karen Kern Moriarty ** Sr. Catherine Ormond Diane Peters * Catherine Benoit Pokorny * Kathleen Griffin Pultorak Jean Pellizzaro Sible * Patricia Smith Barbara Sokolowski Sr. Eleanor Spring

Regina Stachowicz Sullivan Mary Belanger Traversa * Judy Bottone White

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$4,447 40 110 115 36%

Class of 1963 Representatives: Margaret Begley Anderson Barbara Landers Hood

1964 Maureen O’Shea Abbot Virginia O’Hara Buhl * Eileen Fitzgerald Burns Judith Piotrowski Bushey Marcia Percy Cecchini * Lucille Krock Cercone * Elizabeth Aldrich Closson Joann Kelly Cronnell * Mary Borselli Cullen Lillian Young Dearden * Patricia Cooley Doyle * Kathleen Izzo Dyer * Beverly Belisle Galego Nancy Mazza Gaudette Elizabeth Moriarty Giles * Susan Talbot Gillis * Sandra Fanelli Ginley Anne Faulkner Hallahan Robert Hendry Gail Rainault Herting * Barbara Powers Hoppin ***** Patricia Harty Jolicoeur Maryanne Chevrier King * Mary O’Toole Kowalczyk * Beatrice Szetela Lawson Sharon Sullivan Leary Eileen McDonald Maloney * Dolores Martin * Kathleen Scannell Masi ***** Eileen Mazza Mendrek Patricia Michalak Midura * Barbara Brown Miner Linda Frigon Moriarty Geraldine Fennessey Muldoon * Mary Ann Manning Muska Marguerite Mallory O’Brien Susan Goodrow O’Dea * Patricia Shea O’Leary Eileen Laramie O’Neill Kathleen Baker Olbrych Eugenie Norman Persivale * Priscilla Wilczak Plasse * Irene Rahilly * M. Carmen Bilodeau Richards Rosalie Gowdz Rogers * Jeanne Chick Rose Pauline Labelle Sawyer Ann Garvey Schettino Aniela Marcinczyk St. Peter Maureen Walsh Sullivan * Virginia Karlon Sutula Margaret Assenza Trella Sandra Hodge Turban Ann Caron Walden Susan Dwyer Wallace Carolyn Wolejko Wikar * Ellen Larkin Woodruff Nancy Bilek Wright

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$38,925 58 165 177 35%

Class of 1964 Representatives: Christine Cimini Hoeske


Barbara Brown Miner Kathleen Baker Olbrych

1965 Judith Sheard Agnew

* Judith Rudd Allen * Noreen Boucher Allen * Judith Domingos Alonzo Sheila McCormick Arsenault Ann Minkler Ayotte * Kathryn Gura Beary Mary Ellen Benoit * Barbara Bouley Boos * Maureen Cahill Borski Geraldine Buendo Cain Joan Cierpial * Margaret Dwyer Clark * Marylynn Kennedy Clune Sr. Bette-Jean Coderre * Mary Connolly Mary Cullinane * Rosemary Shrude Davidson Elizabeth Collins Davis Barbara Lehrbach De Santis * Constance Cain Decelles Marita Hanley Devine * Carol Acus Donovan Jeanette McMahon Falcon ** Noreen Burke Farrell * Edith Ferrero * Albina Szala Forys * Clare Reynolds Frigo Mary Gorman * Eileen Bragiel Gosselin * Frances Ziemba Hauck Phyllis Kizzle Havel * Rae Holland-Long Rina Macri Howard Regina Hickson Jackson * Maureen Glynn Kester Ann Britton Kotfila * Susan Lavoie Joan Gostel Leser Ellen Sewall Mara * Patricia Deane Morton Mary Krawczyk Peck Barbara Pellan Mary Ann Christofori Piffarerio Susan Driscoll Plummer Marie Daponti Ross Anne Donohue Russo Michele Gagne Scanlon Susan Letendre Schmidt Sr. Maxyne Schneider * Carolyn Vose Scibelli Margaret Culloo Scully ** Marianne Shea * Madelyn Ferrero Sheehan Susan Watkins Simon * Barbara Heubach Snyder Catherine Turnan AnneMarie Spagnola Welch Nancy Noonan Woitkowski Ann Gibbons Wyllie

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$5,875 60 190 199 32%

Class of 1965 Representatives: Patricia McCallion Bassett Margaret Dwyer Clark Michele Gagne Dempsey

1966 * Patricia Pietras Aki Sandra Drzyzga Ashton Francine Dillon Babachicos Anne Topor Baugh * Alicia Rura Belanger

* Anne Biedrzycki Elizabeth Carter Blozie Martha Kennedy Bowler *** Sheila Boyle * Mary Bachand Brand Sr. Maureen Broughan * Rosemary Cupillo Brown * Mariellen Carlon * Kathleen Cournoyer Chlapowski Margaret Keane Delaney Paulette Meunier Duquette Sr. Helen Egan * Anne Fleming * Jean Furnelli Foley Carole Krol Frappier Sr. Ann Frost * Anne Kelley Goguen * Kathleen Murphy Gregoire * Patricia Frappier Hallisey Marie Arnold Hallman * Mary Ellen Hogan Sheila Moriarty Kelly Sr. Kathleen Kirley Sr. Catherine Leary Adelle Stonina Love Sr. Joan Magnani Betsey Dore Massey ** Edward Masztal * Theresa O’Connor Maurer *** Jane McCaffrey Elizabeth McCarthy * Anne McTiernan McLaughlin Noreen Britton Minkler * Kathleen Moriarty Catherine Sullivan Nelson Allen * Eleanor Sweeney Nield Frances Moynihan O’Connell * Joanna Tatara O’Connor * Patricia O’Donnell * Marie Connolly O’Shaughnessy * Elaine Partyka Kathleen Pollard-Haskell * Lois Valley Rinaldi Elaine Kostka Robinson Virginia Foley Rogers Catherine Warren Rozzen * Kathleen Austin Scherpa * M. Virginia Burke Sloan M. Kathryn McGinity Stratton Eileen Boretti Sullivan Sr. Julia Sullivan * Kathleen Tudryn Kathleen Vosburgh Regina Chechette Wingard * Rose Yesu

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$9,461 60 173 184 35%

Class of 1966 Representatives: Anne Fleming Kathy Austin Scherpa Mary Ellen Hogan

1967 * Barbara Pettine Barnes Sandra O’Brien Bassette Frances Kowalski Bieda * Theresa Bimbane * Patricia Moran Bombardier * Loretta Contonio Campbell * Lucille Gagnon Cargill Mary Carr Lee Murray Casey Susan Ripa Cathro Elizabeth Marr Collins

The following is a comprehensive listing of total class gifts and pledges made by honor classes during reunion year. Class

Class Project

Total Class Giving (Class Project and Annual Fund)

1936 1941 1946 1951 1956 1961 1966 1971 1976 1981 1986 1991 1996

Computer station for the new Career and Advising Center . . . . . . . . . . . . .$555 Two computer stations for the new Career and Advising Center . . . . . . . .$4,910 New lighting for biology lab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4,585 The Class of 1951 endowed scholarship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$42,232 Fourth workstation for the C/W Mars in Alumnae Library . . . . . . . . . . .$19,933 Renovations of the Blue Room in O’Leary Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$11,464 Backboards and basketball equipment for the Maguire Center . . . . . . . .$9,461 and a bench in memory of the deceased members Equipment for the new Career and Advising Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$14,041 Technology for better communication via web . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3,886 TV, VCR, screen and brackets for Alumnae Room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2,060 Slide and Film Scanner Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$635 Slide and Film Scanner Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3,778 Digital camera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,349 Total

Maureen Babachicos Corron Carolyn Shea Couture Mary Lovett Cyranowski Judith Tyminski Czelusniak Sandra Dawson M. Agnes Dowd * Julie Dupuis * Marnee Brochu Grace Rene Harnois * Margaret Kennedy Hrabchak Robert Loughrey Joanne Coppola Lyons Carolyn Kowalski Malinowski * Margaret Adams Martin * William McDonough * Carol Hanson Moylan Judith Sarat Quinlan Patricia Kirwin Rabbitt * Susan Jockel Ramsay ***** Dr. Kathleen Riordan Sr. Paula Robillard * Doris Laperle Rogers-Dreibelbis * Mary Rossiter Ann Basile Scagel Ellen Crouse Siddell Anne Sullivan * Sr. Elizabeth Sullivan Barbara Kane Taylor * Kathleen Hryniewicz Trudeau Sandra Vella Mary Patterson Viamari

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$13,806 42 157 167 27%

Class of 1967 Representatives: Patricia Moran Bombardier Barbara Britton Moran

1968 * Theresa Airoldi Constance Kareta Barre

* Susan Bocchino Behl Cornelia Spring Bueker Catherine Fitzgerald Buendo Patricia Lapan Carbone Suzanne Haughey Carroll Sr. Constance Cawley

Awilda Chaban-Colon

* Marcia Maloney Chalker * Sr. Maureen Charest Ellen Lahert Coopee Judith Cross Gail Fitzgerald Cruise Kathleen Corridan Culloo Ellen Deane Antonietta Scibelli Di Michele * Doreen Harrison Dooley * Sheila Knightly Downey Monica Lukasik Egan * Ellen Moriarty Ezold Nancy Menard Gadbois Marion Wood Giacomelli Normand Girouard Carole Ann Caprarella Goulding Mary Ellen McDermott Gray Margaret Jugler Grezlikowski Sr. Maryanne Guertin * Carol Carriere Hassett Eileen Carmell Hoar Carol Swiatlowski Holden * Elizabeth Flathers Howarth Marilyn Golas Janes Sr. Arlene Kalin Carol Erickson Kaput ** Sally Quinn Karnasiewicz Terry Lingua Kelly Sr. Maureen Kervick Elaine Brosseau Lachapelle Ruth Camyre Langlois Martha Bergin Liddy * Kaethe O’Keefe Maguire * Kathleen Lewis Malysz Diane Zimmer McKain Joan Newman Michalski * Janice Fleming Minot * Martha Noonan Murtaugh Joanne Cyr Pasquini Jean O’Brien Paulhus Julia Cameron Powers Georgianna Desbien Provost Gail Zimmer Rusiecki Geraldine Burrows Tasker Linda Ferris Tyberghein * Kathryn Riley Whitman * Mary McGarry Wile Maryanne O’Brien Woods

Total Donated $3,963

Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation


57 178 188 32%

Class of 1968 Representatives: Patricia Lapan Carbone Ellen Moriarty Ezold Mary Mackley

1969 Rosemary Austin

* Kathleen Chesner Barkasy Elizabeth Varrone Barrachina Mary Quinlan Bartholomew Mary McMahon Blaser Mary Muldoon Bragiel ** Jean Brigham Sr. Elizabeth Broughan Barbara Brunelle * Judith Cadden Barbara Gallagher Callahan Christine Tietgens Delisle Mary Riordan Dempsey Susan Bishop Duffney * Kathleen Evans Dvorchak * Margaret McNally Ferman Regina Cormier Fife *** Sharon Brady Fowlston * Margaret Shea Francis * Suzanne Frennier * Eleanor Gifford Katherine Barry Glascock * Phyllis Gracki Joan McGough Gravelin * Donna Gunning Noreen Moriarty Harrigan Nancy Sighinolfi Hendry Maureen Dwyer Howard Jane Michalik Kane * Maureen Toomey Kane * Nancy Kelly Sr. Kathleen Keough * Dorothy Goggins Lecours Ellen O’Herron Leonard * Patricia Loftus Patricia Harris Lusnia * Miriam MacFarlane Sr. Elizabeth Matuszek Margaret Williams McDermott Sr. Mary McGeer


Mary Ann O’Day McGovern Mary Sitka Miecznikowski Marsha Mikuszewski Sr. Eileen Murphy * Kathleen Nicklaw Murphy * Andrea Murray Kathryn Berestka O’Brien Wilhelmina Pianowski Ostrowski Elizabeth Bayon Parnell * Mary Scott Patterson Lynda Kelly Pellissier Marlene Bongiove Pepin Judith Gulomb Pettini Linda Tombor Richards * Virginia Drzyzga Robak Rosemary Kibbe Robb Lynn Lehrmitt Ronalter * Marilyn Rondeau Jacquelyn Rosa Elizabeth Roy Rossmeisl Judith Allaire Ryan Patricia Bouchard Scanlin * June Serra Schoppe Teresa Marchese Sergentanis Janice Nowak Sheaff H. Diane Sorton *** Ann McCarthy Southworth * Sr. Susan Swasey * Eleanor Tremblay Suzanne Carriere Urban Sr. Kathleen Wallace * Linda Greco Wayne Alice Acus Zedonis

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$12,783 73 246 253 30%

Class of 1969 Representatives: Jean Brigham Elizabeth Bayon Parnell Sr. Susan Swasey

1970 Catherine Carter Adams Rosalie Devine Allen Catherine Murphy Banner Christine Suydam Bonaventura Ann Gowdey Callahan

* Catherine Cavallo Agnita Clark Linda Bartlett Connery Patricia Kelliher Cosgriff Sr. Margaret Crowley Joan Doyle Curtiss Carol Dalbec JoAnn Di Rico-Trautmann Ann Marie Houle Dougherty Donna Corley Duncan Sr. Kathryn Flanagan * Mary Rigazio Ghidoni Sr. Mary Lou Gillon * Kathleen Fay Grant * Charlotte Harvey Sally Martin Heneghan Mary Ann Malinowski Holmes Cynthia Small Hosmer * Jeanne Mathieu Hunter Phyllis Tomasiello Iadarola Mary Barry Johnson * Lynn Maloney Johnston Maureen Ruperto Kashkin Sr. Margaret Kenney Marguerite Kirchner Kirby * Mary Shaughnessey Klein Elaine Pudlo Lampron Sr. Carol Lareau Sharon Van Kamerik Lawrence * Margaret Camuso Lombardi Elizabeth Fernandes Maresca Windella Harvey Marion * Theresa Willemain Marr Sheila McGough Martinelli * Joyce Plasse McCarthy Janice Desmarais McDonald Mary Neffinger McGuire * Patricia McKiernan * Sharon Mella Jeannine Walsh Milos Sr. Paula Misitano Sandra Baceski Mitchell * Christine Welch Mitowski Jo-Ann De Maria Morgan Janice Welch Olds * Louise Lacoste Osetek * Theresa Krasniewcz Paddock Barbara Paul Pastie Sr. Mary Petisce Sr. Patricia Ritchie Sr. Winifred Roulier

Parents $29,450 The Parent Support Group, now in its seventeenth year of organization, is an important resource to the Elms. The involvement and support of parents enhance the Elms family spirit and are testament to their high esteem for the college. Many continue their generosity long after their children have graduated. To all parents of Elms students and alumni, the college extends its sincere gratitude. Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. Ancora Sheriff Michael Ashe Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bedard * Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Bresnahan ***** Mr. and Mrs. William A. Collins **** Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dewey **** Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Dooley Mr. Robert Dooley ** Mr. and Mrs. John Dyjak Mr. and Mrs. David Fontaine Mr. and Mrs. Romano Frattarola Mr. and Mrs. Dino Frigo Mr. and Mrs. Victor J. Garatti Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Gomes Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Haley Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoffner Mr. and Mrs. Francis Keating **** Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Knight Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Kulig Mrs. Ann F. Lowe * Mr. and Mrs. James V. Masi * Mr. and Mrs. David Moore Mr. and Mrs. James R. Moriarty Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mulvaney Mr. and Mrs. John J. Schmitz Mr. and Mrs. Edward Soverow * Ms. Gail Szetela Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wielgosz * Mr. Frank Wojnicki

* Cheryl Lanzoni Ryan Mary Turmel Sacenti Lillian Battisti Sansalone Elizabeth Braman Schenck Paula Ahearn Schur Donna Calzone Shaw * Michele Taylor Shepard Anne Silvestri Sweeney Deborah Cronin Sweeney * Nancy Healey Tessier Joan Sullivan Tondera Kathryn Ruda Vallon Carol Casullo Waddington Rosemary McCarthy Welch Carol Vachon Wing * Jane Malinowski Zawrotnak

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$4,005 72 205 210 35%

Class of 1970 Representatives: Mary Rigazio Ghidoni Theresa Willemain Marr Nancy Healey Tessier Carol Wren

1971 Nora Austin Rosalie Genest Boutin * Marybeth Chrzan Boynton * Roberta Kelly Cassidy * Angelica Darasz-Kelley Patricia Charbonneau David * Anne Foley DeFilippo Gail Perrault Diberto Mary Lyons Doyle * Teresa Dubuque Sr. Mary Dutko Sr. Mary Ferguson Marie Fitzgerald Flahive Nancy Donovan Gooding Diane LaPorte Gosselin Patricia Doyle Gregory Patricia Vivian Gregory Marilyn Griffin Susan Flanagan Heffner ***** Regina Noonan Hitchery * Jo Ann McDermott Holm Sr. Patricia Hottin Judith Johnson * Linda Kaczmarczyk * Jane Kwapick Kearns Mary Keenan Margaret Grant LaFlamme Julie Deane Lewandowski Deceased ** Julie Kennedy MacKeil * Irene Duff Marsh * Maria Santos Mazzei * Dorothy Landers McCarthy Susan Menanson * Patricia Kelly Monfet Maria Halacy Murphy Susan Murphy Jean MacIver O’Brien Moira Brown O’Brien Christine Langone O’Connor Ellen O’Connor Borowski * Sheila O’Neill * Linda Tassinari Ouimet Margaret Lareau Peltola Claire Geoffroy Perry Catherine Reynolds Philpott * Katharine Keyes Reardon * Pamela Chute Reponen Sr. Joan Ryzewicz Barbara Scott * Kathleen Thomas Sollitto ** Mary Jane McCarthy Sullivan

Maryann Stahovish Sullivan Christine Lane Tracey Margaret Ryan Tudryn Kathleen Burke Warchol Charlene Partyka Wax * Joan Keating Wheeler * Kathleen Greer Witalisz * Charlene Zagrodnik Rosemarie Petrucci Zbikowski

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$15,566 60 165 168 36%

Class of 1971 Representatives: Charlene Zagrodnik Sheila O’Neill Pamela Chute Reopen

1972 Christine Donoghue Anderson - Deceased Karen Simone Angelo Barbara Gross Carnate Leslie Clark-Yvon Mary Ann Kane Cleland Mary Ellen Sector Colfer * Donna Dowd Cullen Patricia Goodrow Devlin Virginia Phelps Duval * Mary Ellis Patricia Lukasik Fitzgerald Barbara Furtek Elizabeth Frost Gazda Ann Gilhooly Sr. Denise Granger * Carolyn Harris * Anne Hart Kathleen Harvey Sr. Kathleen Hinga *** Mary Hurley-Marks Mary Jean Wynne Kagan Francine Kulis Kulig Mary Sferrazza Leblanc * Patricia Mitchell Leveille *** Marie Lococo Sr. Virginia Maitland * Gail McCormack Margaret Beglane Merrill ** Deborah Fournier O’Neil * Maryhelene Skiba Phelan Berta Walsh Pinzino Kathleen Augustinowitz Rodowicz Alice Vaccari Schroeder Linda Shea-Harrington Donna Mercier Slaughter June Slozak * Julianne Da Silva Smist Susan Foster Steele Constance Vasques Sullivan * Wendy Woods * Mildred Zweir

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$6,175 41 147 149 28%

Class of 1972 Representatives: Mary Cove Higgins Berta Walsh Pinzino

1973 Geraldine Branca Atkins Doreen Rodrigues Bourdeau * Mary Varanka Calabrese Hedy Wieckowski Cavanaugh * Patricia Chmiel Ellen Healey Conlon


Donna Corridan

Participation 30%

* Judith Cotter Mary Morrissey Cressotti

* Caryn DaLoia * Joanne Murphy Dooley Christine Connery Fitzgerald Marguerite Genest Patricia Moran Graves * Bernice Chmiel Hoyt Linda Mackie Johnson Jean Borowski Jonker Shirley Kusek Klett Ellen Santaniello Liebel Patricia Donoghue Minkler Ellen O’Heir Moskal Marguerite Noga * Nancy Foster Parrott Mary Jane Harvey Plouffe Nancy McCabe Russell Carol Rakowski Sansum Eva Gentile Sarage Sr. Joan Schneider Susan Sheehan-Pallatino * Kathryn Spring Donna Serafino Vitulano

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$1,695 31 113 114 27%

Class of 1973 Representatives: Doreen Rodrigues Bourdeau Carole Schulte Janine Wierzbicki Skorupski Donna Serafino Vitulano

1974 * Susan Amenta Hooper Christine Ferioli Archambault Mary Neal Bednarz Carol Ann Klinkowski Cartier * Judith Walsh Casey Ann Matyszczyk Cote Sabra Moon Dickson * Catherine Van Blarcom Gee Kathleen Gilhooly * Ellen Hurley Charlene Doherty Jayamanne * Linda Jeneski Maureen Downing Laramee Jeana Bachinski Livingstone * Margaret Lynch Toni-Marie Mendes Mancuso Debra Pelletier Maynard * Brenda Bagley McCormick * Mary Creighton McDowell * Patricia McGrath Kathleen Raufeisen McKenna Susan Wyzik Miele * Sandra Noonan * Mary Rose Ryan O’Connell * Cornelia O’Hare Elaine Paquet Olive ** JoAnne Grenier Palmer ** Carmen Pelissier * Anne Archambault Proctor Patricia Beaudry Redfern Mary Johnson Rogers Patricia Logan Sawyer Nancy Konieczny Stahelek Judith Sczepanski Sturgis Irene Brisebois Tetreault Elaine Waskiewicz Tudryn Susan Urban Helen Zukowski Woznakewicz

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members

$3,985 38 128 130

Class of 1974 Representatives: Pamela Cooke Bombardier Margaret Lynch Mary Creighton McDowell Elaine Waskiewicz Tudryn

1975 Gail Link Armata Sandra Moreau Blais Pamela Dowd Copeman * Linda Gualtieri Corsones * Maria Filomena DeCarvalho Helen Boliski Elmes Carla Everson Cathy Frye Laizer * Alison Aquadro Gleason * Mary Walsh Harrington Rosemary Hurley Herberger Mary Hough * Patricia Moran Iandoli * Mary Beth Kwasnowski Krohel Mary Leclair Nancy Ruel Liberti Deborah Ackerman Maagero Marita Mariani Patricia Kulig Meade * Geraldine O’Connor Fix * Donna Quitadamo Mary Ellen Banagan Riley Janet Settembro * Jenny Sun * Eileen Zajchowski Walczak * Susan Conrad Wells Karen Sliwa Wolak Sandra Woodburn-Blocker

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$2,240 28 98 99 29%

Class of 1975 Representatives: Maria Filomena DeCarvalho Susan Mester Dickson Andreana Palomba

1976 Kathleen O’Malley Adamczyk

*** Nancy Kuta Agostini * Clare Lewis Ashe Suzanne Boulay Balicki Lenore O’Connell Boles Jane Bruce Bresnahan * Catherine Quinn Clark Kathleen Sullivan Collins * Darlene Czapla Dewhurst Mary Ellen Sullivan DiBlasi Sr. Peter Lillian DiMaria Kathleen Mahoney Ferreira Sandra Haynes Ginalski * Mary Hufnagle-Murray * Theresa Nicklaw Kane Ellen Leahy Karr Maureen Kelly Kopach * Mary Barron Landry Wesley Zyla Laskowski Carol Gallagher Lincoln *** Maria Correia May Maureen Hogan McCartney Jennie Shaker McGiverin Mary Spring McMahon Nancy Raufeisen Miller Linda Moggio Joanne Odato-Staeb * Mary Beth Pniak-Costello Maureen Rooney-Murray * Ann Marie Lebeau Sicard Karen Powers Williams

Total Donated $4,286

Total Alumni Donations


Total Alumni Contributors


Percentage of Alumni Giving

Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

31 106 107 29%

Class of 1976 Representatives: Theresa Nicklaw Kane Sandy Haynes Ginalski

1977 Michelle Dupont Bareiss Diana Dolan Bazyk Patricia Kennedy Bell * Nancy Padykula Bianchi Dona Thompson Breen * Mary Anne McAfee Deer Barbara Egan-Cromwell * Margaret Fitzgerald Kathleen Keefe Halbach Catherine Fenton Hayden Jane Zwiercan Jachym Susan Amell LaFlamme Anna Basile Lassow ** Linda Coughtry Mansfield Marianne Carney McCauley * Susan Breault Napolitano Mary Beth Pircio Richardson Kathleen Pula Rivet * Maria Rodriguez-Maleck Kathleen Doherty Sargent Mary Ellen Scavone Doris Kennedy Schuh Nancy O’Brien Slade * Charlene Soverow * Joanne Toomey Spigarelli Sharon Szady Deborah Valentine Helen Valentine Halina Wierzbicki Wilkes * Sherril Ann Willis

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$2,420 30 98 98 31%

Class of 1977 Representative: Diana Dolan Bazyk

1978 Melonie Gamache Babich Mary Starr Berselli Cheryl Stromberg Berube Mary Brunault Cochran * Louise Boucher Croll Karen Mickle Filiault * Cynthia Forsythe * Cheryl Gobeille Lisa Hodnicki Ann Irvine Kathleen Hoar Leary Lynn Anne Leone * Barbara Courchesne Looney * Susan Lukas Beverly Triplett Mackey Elizabeth Dusza Matrow *** Jacqueline Lemelin Moriarty Elizabeth Sicbaldi Ott * Gayle Pula Kathleen Loveridge Rallis Lucille Scott * Therese Leary Stearns Katherine Driscoll Stratton Diane Trela * Pauline Auclair Wright

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$4,493 25 103 104 24%

Class of 1978 Representatives: Lisa Hodnicki Lynn Anne Leone Susan Lukas Diane Trela

1979 * Patricia Pike Anderson Francine Bobinski Bigda Vivian Blanchette Linda Raufeisen Costin Kathleen O’Connor Duquette Mary Griffin Edwards * Sophie Swiatek Ferron Diane Handerek-LaPointe * Jill Hodnicki * Nadine McCarthy Hull Linda Dyka Kloss

Lisa Maheux-Garvey Colleen Moran Murphy Anne Pellan-Shea Debra Salva Rezendes * Marianne Sypek

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$1,040 16 86 89 19%

Class of 1979 Representative: Lydia Bieski Magill

1980 Carlene Kleeberg Bannish Rosemarie Plourde Buxton * Karen Jendrysik Dwyer * Ann Finn Detlefs Barbara Jean Goodrich-Mancari * Mary Nesi Grande Leslie Seander Hamilton Susan Freitag Hauschild * Jeanne Laflamme Holmberg Eileen Kirk Deborah Rix Maloney * Kathleen Finn Malynoski *** M. Eleanor Murphy * Jean Dickson Preuss Andrea Hale Riendeau Joanne Bourke Spagna Joan Anderson Tomasiello * Janice Vassar

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$3,475 18 91 91 20%

Class of 1980 Representatives: Eileen Quinlan Cook Eileen Kirk Jean Dickson Preuss

1981 Hope Armstrong

* Sandra Belanger Maura Egan Callaghan

* Claudia Chiapuzzi * Ellen Keating Collins


Theresa Wilcox Drivdahl Jo-Ellen Yadach Eckel Barbara Alletson Fontaine * Darlene Kowal Fucci Alice Lanier Lamothe * Louise Langlois Joan Flynn Linnehan * Nancy Davin MacPherson Alejandrina Rivera Micket Linda Mock Theresa O’Connor Rita Zalenski Oleksak Lynn Ruell Paul Annie Pennant Catherine Ryan Marion Schmidt Paula Dubiel Smith ** Kathleen Sweeney Maria Craven Sypek Sondra Walpurgis

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$1,950 25 74 75 34%

Class of 1981 Representative: Kelley Harrington Snoddy

1982 Denise Lampron Aberdale Nicole Joseph Andrews Nathel Baulding Lynne Kelly Biegel ** Susan Vachereau Candiloro Ann Dougal Cynthia Lapadula Feliu Kathleen Fitzsimmons Felton Marianne Rewinski Kelly * Patricia Kennedy Diane Strycharz Kraich Almaneta Lee Lorenda Lewis Carmen Kathleen Lonergan * Coreen Majka Sunde Nancy Fagerstrom O’Leary Donna Ridgway-Skibel Anne Robichaud Michele Lapierre Snizek Debra Paquette Terry * Eileen Collamore Trznadel


Patricia Goggin Wynne

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$1,240 22 124 125 18%

Class of 1982 Representatives: Cheryl Pybas Barghout Marjorie Silveira Crogan Lisa Frigo Krach Maryann Ostrout Mary Ellen Lawler Slefinger Susan Wilkie Kearney

1983 * Kathleen Austin France Debra Bartlett Laurel Moore Beaulieu Elizabeth DellaGuistina Bonafilia * Patricia Broderick Ingrid Driscoll Burke Amy Sazama Calvo Lillian Carmel Debra Fitzgerald Casey ** Susan McCarthy Crawford * Patricia Devine Kimberly Graves Durfee Paula Signet Fitzgerald Martha Fitzgerald-Huebner Ann Snarsky Flynn Lynn Soverow Heisler Laura Canedi Lareau Linda Hawley Marvaso Elizabeth Skibel Miele * Leokadia Nowak-Cheng * Doreen O’Brien Betsy Petrie Sandra Mainville Prewett Deborah Danahy Provost Mary Willemain Reed Kathleen Manferdini Reid Cynthia Girotti Schultz Kathryn Pekala Service Kathryn Moriarty Sicbaldi Donna Landauer Stasiowski

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members

$2,208 30 140 141

Held RELIGIOUS STUDIES LEARNING FESTIVAL: “Many Faces, One Church: Cultural Diversity and the American Catholic Experience.”

DR. JOACHIM FROEHLICH named eighth president of Elms College, effective 7/1/01.

Participation 21% Class of 1983 Representatives: Maureen McDonald Burger Patricia Devine Paula Signet Fitzgerald Sandra Newett Spiewak

1984 Margaret Doyle Barry Ann Bermingham * Lisa Cahillane Siddall Denise Caputo Sharon Cohen-Gorczyca Lisa Sheffield Devenish Colleen Joy Erickson Suzanne Rose Frazer Janice Fuller Sr. Senga Fulton Debra Gomes M. Edwina Karpells Maureen O’Hare Mary Nolan Paquette Elizabeth Plante Nancy Reilly-Wohl Donna Skutnik Rivest Rosemary Rossi Mary Cawley Shea Marguerite Tonelli

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$760 20 116 121 17%

Class of 1984 Representatives: Maria-Filipa DeCarvalho Debra Gomes Cynthia Porter McMahon Jennifer Poole Stebbins

1985 Carolyn Wall Adams

Alumni Group Giving ** Class of 1936 *** Class of 1941 *** Class of 1946 ***** Class of 1951 **** Class of 1952 ** Class of 1953 ***** Class of 1955 **** Class of 1956 *** Class of 1960 **** Class of 1961 Class of 1965 **** Class of 1966 * Class of 1969 ** Class of 1970 ***** Class of 1971 * Class of 1975 *** Class of 1976 Class of 1980 *** Class of 1981 Class of 1985 * Class of 1986 *** Class of 1991 Class of 1995 ** Class of 1996 Elms College Alumni Berkshire Elms College Alumni Association ***** Elms College General Alumni

* Hope Brown Amell * Amy Andrews * Mary Pat Ashe

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$655 10 147 148 7%

Christine Halloran Teresa Benedetti

Class of 1985 Representatives: Elizabeth Hawley Catherine McDonagh

1986 Susan Sullivan Camus Ruth DeRubeis Capone Patricia Crotty Mary Ryan Dowd * Christine Halloran

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

1987 * Margaret Bowler Mary Cavallo

* Marjorie Childers Elaine Daley Consolati Kathleen Dubreuil Charette Janice Healey Fitzgerald Ruthann Halpin *** Joanne Julian - Deceased Susan Belanger Keenan Arlene Dygon Kruzel Linda McCoart * Ann Pratt Georgia Coney Robinson ** Martha Ryan Ross Renita Satchell Jean Hominski Sobon Theresa Lemanski Szczebak Mary-Eileen Tulloch Zayas Maria Zobbi

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$2,290 19 174 178 11%

Class of 1987 Representative:

Alvira Mokrzecki Balut Paula Bouchard Sheila Dowd Byrne Colleen Feeley Patricia Rapone Green Mary Sparks Killiard Lynn Daigle Korza Susan Muzrim Mary Ann Kaufman O’Shea Sheila McShea Plifka * Jeanne Brault Rosol Kimberly Schwalm Margaret Sheehan

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$570 13 158 159 8%

Class of 1988 Representative: Carla Pompi-Lussier

1989 Carole Tarnawa Aberdale Debra Fil Baronas Mary-Frances Maffucci Eager * Mary O’Connor Gelinas Darcy Dalrymple Janowski Joanne Jablonski Liptak Claire Sullivan MacDonnell Meg Mastriana Theresa Nallett Loralee Nelson Laurie Demers Niemiec Denise Perry Ninneman Bernadette Morawiec Nowakowski


$503 15 137 138 11%

Class of 1989 Representatives: Darcy Fernandes Bernadette Morawiec Nowakowski

1990 * Robin Beauchesne


$1,480 25 167 168 15%

Patricia Regan Leslie Vincent

Class of 1986 Representatives:

Corinne Estelle Nevers

Mary Ann Charland Susan Singley Cohen Kathleen Curran Monica Daena * Anita Frattarola Farley * Elizabeth Hawley * Ann Marie Jurek Mary-Beth Szelewicki Kennedy Eileen Allen Lutat Patricia Dowd Lutch Pauline Marney Mary Lavelle McAndrew Laura McGaughey McLean Maura Morrissey Coleen Nauman Maryann Kulig Poe * Mary Prehoden Irma Roy Joyce Londraville Suchy Suzanne Barrett Whitman * Margaret Wynne

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

Jayne Gralinski Heede Carolyn Moriarty Constance Rogers-Fritsch * Mary Ann Slaga * Kathleen Maloney Sullivan

Donna Bird Emily Halkett Bourgeois Judith Lawler Brennan Lisa Ouimet Burke Kimberly St.John Ferris Susan Gloster Forys Julie Smiarowski Hanieski Robina Barrie Hartig Cheryl Baker Laneve * Sarah Claughton Miller * Deana Maffucci Shirley Mary Hardiman Stawarz Elizabeth Smiarowski Tudryn

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$877 14 188 188 7%

Class of 1990 Representatives: Lynn Brooks Kimberly St.John Ferris

1991 Nancy Lacedonia Adams * Lisa Wilson Bakowski Susana Ricardo Baltazar Ellen Barrett Elaine Staten Bernash Kathleen Bishop Kathleen Dunn Bonneau Maureen Brady * Paula Dickson Carr Irene Kreczko Coppola Norma Cosgrove Caroline Dempsey-Donsbough Victoria Skower Doty Andrea Repsys Enos Ellen Faszewski Kristie Fredette-Sargent * Ann Claffey Gervais Diane Tremblay Gonyea Theresa Frattarola Hreschuk Margaret Jahn Susan Jerz Renee Mason Kaley Carol Keddy Sheri Jeserski Knowlton Eileen Vanasse Lagasse Lauren Lazzari Kelly Lowe * Susan Goldy MacKay Rudika Frank Martin Patricia Masse McAlinden Karen Dyer O’Leary Laura Pease Padilla Francesca Frigo Pellegrino David Pepin Kelly Cocrane Phillips Marilou Jurga Pirog Julie Blais Quink Sandra Martinelli Reissour Martha Klassanos Richard Denise Cronin Schoen Susan Schwartz Dorothy Congdon St. Germain * Patricia Theberge-Hinch * Diane Balboni Wadsworth

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$1,958 44 196 198 22%

Class of 1991 Representatives: Sheri Jeserski Knowlton Kara Evans-Scott

1992 Frances Picard Bernier Marybeth Boczon Suzanne Johnson Chagnon Gloria Costello Barbara Rock Hendrickson Helen Stierle James Mary Beth Alaimo Kennedy Diane Kieras-Ciolkos C.Pamela Laurie Long * Mary Ann Cleary Lucia Elizabeth Dunn O’Reilly Grace Otta-Gray Denise Cawley Rock Geraldine Moylan Ryan * Elsie Salli Kelly Sanders * Susan Rokosz Stack Caroline O’Neill Tallis Christine Thompson Lisa Boutiette Trottier Cheryl Wagner

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$920 21 291 293 7%

Class of 1992 Representatives: Amy Rezendes Del Torto Ellen Miller-Riggio Susan Rokosz Stack

1993 Claudette Turcotte Burque Rosemary Carney * Candice Haynes Djanna Hill * Judith DiSantis King Michelle Leas * Jacqueline Mashia * Helen Plante McDonald * Catherine Rourke * Margaret Sherrit Deborah Lutkins Vitale

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$1,115 11 246 246 4%

Class of 1993 Representatives: Shelley Bradley Kimberly George

1994 Helen O’Connor Arnold Janice Bassett DiFilippo Johanna Dube Ellyn Nettleton Dupont * Jean Murray Landry Tina Landry

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$300 6 228 230 3%

Class of 1994 Representatives: Suzanne Crowley Bunszel April Brown Chase

Elms College Endowment Fund Some of the most meaningful gifts we have received are made in honor or in memory of beloved friends, colleagues, and family members. Many such gifts are designated as endowed scholarships, awards, and library memorials. In 2000-2001 the endowment fund has been increased by $2,149,236 for tuition and annual awards. We are honored to accept these special gifts. During fiscal year 2001, twenty-five new scholarship endowments were established. This list reflects new and increased endowment. Laura Smith Corliss Kathleen Dow-Webster Ellyn Nettleton Dupont Heather Lowe

1995 Elizabeth Ashe Sean Crane Cami Elbow Constance Couture Kennedy Kataryna Kuliga Patricia Kuzmeski Rebecca Martin Lescarbeau Laura Hajdas Morey Kristen Bellucci Murphy Christine O’Brien

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$292 10 243 243 4%

Class of 1995 Representatives: Suzanne Ayotte Marcie McGowan Aimee Morrison-Hefron Christine O’Brien Kimberley Thayer

1996 Mary Lee Ames Stephanie Angelini Laurie Galavotti Anti Alita Frazier Barnes Luz Benitez Marie Bienvenue Lisa Sikorski Broer Maryann Brunton Aimee Bullett-Smith Sherri Hooper Cava Deanna Robare Chelte Carole Vogel DiStefano Patrice Fagnant-MacArthur Sally Nichols Fenton Shirleen Gallerani Deborah Johnson Green Judith DesForges Haley Donna Harlan Gia Hexter Mary Hunter * Thea Katsounakis Linda Kieras Kenny

Kyle Kohlrusch Marilyn Kostanski Denise Riedel Lynch Bernard MacArthur Terriann Polumbo * Joan Morris Reilly Suzanne Robinson Judy Slowinski Judith Connolly Smith Lesa Morytko Smithies Susan Vollrath Jean Drees Walachy Sheila Lowry Williams Corinne Woods * Andrea Cousing Zern

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$1,159 37 245 248 15%

Class of 1996 Representatives: Patrice Fagnant-MacArthur Bernard MacArthur

1997 Katherine Chang Michelle Drapeau Heidi Bachli Hevey Sheryl Columbus Rivard Tatyana Korniyenko Safonov * Phyllis Sapowsky Susan Thibault

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$620 7 249 249 3%

1998 Mary Beth Norton Berrien

* Beth Cimini * Genny Funtal Fansmith * Karen Mahoney Fletcher * Jill Golden Gagne Kara Gelinas Brenda Jablonski * Ekaterina Berezovskaya Magee Gina Ottomaniello Jennifer Perreault

Eva Szulc Dawn Zabek

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$920 12 237 237 5%

1999 Karen Adams

* Margaret Beturne Mary Breda Elena DiVenuto Karen Giard * Daphne Humber Andrea James Rebecca Merriel Margaret Olbrych * Diane Raucher Josephine Smith

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation

$590 11 210 211 5%

2000 Glenna Chernoff Mary Jane Giard Davis * Janice Fitzgerald Kozub Gail Grant, McCrae Perrin Alda Plante Eileen Johnson Ratkiewicz * Jolanta Stryjczak * Richard Talbot * Cynthia Cohen Williams

Total Donated Contributors Living Members Total Members Participation 2001 John Amaral


$670 9 180 180 5%

Barbara Albano Scholarship Mary Wojciechowski Antroll Endowed Scholarship The Auth Family Scholarship Beglane Family Memorial Scholarship Mary Killeen Bennett Endowed Scholarship Burke Family Scholarship The Cartier Family Scholarship The Catholic Woman’s Club of Springfield Endowed Scholarship Class of 1949 Endowed Scholarship Class of 1951 Endowed Scholarship Class of 1960 Endowed Scholarship Cheryl Condon Leadership Award Rosalie C. Cotter Scholarship The Diggins Scholarship Sister Mary Durkan Scholarship Envision Elms Faculty, Staff and Program Development Endowment Envision Elms Facility and Technology Endowment Envision Elms General Endowment Financial Aid Endowment Margaret Finn Scholarship Anne Marie Fitzgerald Scholarship Mary and John Fitzgerald Scholarship Thomas and Mary Smith Fitzgerald Scholarship Eva S. Fortier Scholarship Maureen Moynihan Fritz Endowed Scholarship Katherine Guider Award Harrison Family Endowed Scholarship Edward and Mary Hurley Endowed Scholarship Hurst Scholarship Frank A. and Sophie T. Jarek Endowed Scholarship Joanne C. Julian Endowed Scholarship Sr. Kathleen Keating Endowed Scholarship Sr. Kathleen Kirley Endowed Scholarship Kolish Family Scholarship Mary Lou Lacey Library Memorial for Humanities Lyne-Murphy Award Grace and Edward Manning Endowed Scholarship Mary Ann McDonald Endowed Scholarship St. Thomas More Endowed Scholarship O’Neil Family Endowed Scholarship Rita Prevoznik Journalism Fund Margaret R. Scanlon Endowed Scholarship Estelle P. Sirard ’89 Endowed Scholarship James and Sally Sullivan Endowed Scholarship T.A. Tetreault Family Endowed Scholarship Mary Connors Viamari Scholarship Mary Martin Walsh Endowed Scholarship Westbank Business Endowed Scholarship

Elms student JACQUELINE LUNA, accounting major in the class of 2001, wins one of 21 National Achievement Accounting Awards for Hispanic Men and Women. She is the only New England recipient of this national honor.


Individuals The Elms is fortunate to have many supporters. In 2000-2001 Elms College received a number of gifts from generous individuals or groups of individuals. They share a genuine appreciation for the role the Elms plays in the lives of our students. They contribute to sustain and advance that role. We are especially grateful for the support of these friends. Ms. Ellen Abbott Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Adornato Ms. Edna Allen Ms. Irene Allen Mr. Tim Allen Mr. John Amaral Mrs. Rosetta Angelica-Adornato ***** Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Gary Antaya Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Antaya Ms. Virginia Antaya Mr. and Mrs. William M. Antil Mr. and Mrs. Edward Arnold Ms. Margaret Aurnhammer Ms. Rose Marian Auth Ms. Louise P. Babiarz * Ms. Norma Baker *** Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Balakier Mr. and Mrs. Frederyk Balicki Ms. Susan Bankoski Ms. Katherine Bardzik Mr. Gilbert Barrett

Ms. Gina Barry

***** Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Barry **** Ms. Fleurette Bassilakis -

Deceased Mr. and Mrs. H. Philip Baush, Jr Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Bean Ms. Nancy L. Beaulieu Mr. and Mrs. William Bell Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Belliveau Ms. Eileen M. Bello Ms. Kathleen Benanati **** Mr. John W. Bennett Sr. Blanche Benoit * Mrs. Barbara C. Bernard Mr. Frank Bernini * Dr. Kevin Berry Ms. Laura Bessette Ms. Carol Bevan-Bogart Joanne Bibeau, RSM * Dr. and Mrs. Olen Bielski, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Blanchard Mrs. Frances Bliss Mrs. Carol A. Boardway Ms. Valerie Bonatakis Ms. Ellen Borowski Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Borys **** Mr. Lawrence Bossidy Mrs. Joyce Boucher Mr. Daniel E. Bowler, Jr. * Atty. and Mrs. Peter Brady * Ms. Mary Brainerd Dr. Walter Breau *** Ms. M. Constance Breck Rev. John J. Brennan * Mr. and Mrs. George Bresnahan Mr. and Mrs. L. Squire Bressor Mr. John P. Brett Ms. Kathleen P. Britten Mr. Jason Brown Ms. Melissa Brown Ms. Tami A. Brunelle Rev. Daniel B. Brunton * Mr. Kenneth Burgess *** Mrs. Mary W. Burke * Mr. Stephen Burke Mr. Daniel C. Burns Chris Collins Burrage Ms. Ann Butova Mr. James H. Byrnes * Mrs. Cecilia Cabana Ms. Mary Rosalind Cadigan

Mr. Raymond Cahill Mr. Robert P. Cahillane Mr. Sean F. Cahillane * Ms. Catherine S. Callaghan Mr. Donald F. Callahan * Rev. Edward M. Callahan Mr. James Callahan Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cameron Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O. Campbell Dr. Maria Canales Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Candon Mr. Gene Caouette ** Atty. Michael V. Caplette Sr. Mary Caritas Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Carlin * Mr. William Carlin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Carney, Jr. Ms. Mary P. Carr Ms. Mary M. Carsten ** Dr. Marcel Claude Cartier ** Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Casey ** Mr. William R. Cass Mr. and Mrs. John Cavanaugh Mr. and Mrs. William Cavanaugh Ms. Sue Ellen Cesarz * Ms. Mary Chagnon Ms. Theresa Chang Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Charles * Mr. Ray Chelte Mrs. Mely Cheng Ms. AngelJean Chiaramida Ms. Stasia Chwalek Mr. Edward Ciosek Mr. John D. Clarke * Dr. Peter Clement Ms. Sheila Coderre Mrs. Donald F. Collins Ms. Eileen Collins Ms. Louise Collins ** Miss Sally Collins Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Condella Ms. Cheryl Condon Mr. John Conlon *** Rev. Christopher D. Connelly ** Mr. James P. Connor ** Ms. Jill K. Conway Mr. Peter W. Coscore * Ms. Mary Costa Ms. Dolores A. Costello Mr. Gerald Costello


Ms. Christine Hynes Coughlan Ms. Mary Courtney Rev. Thomas Courtney Mr. Richard B. Covell Ms. Sarah D. Crawford Mrs. Claire L. Crean ** Rev. Hugh Crean Mr. Roger Croteau * Mr. Michael O. Crowley Ms. Anne Cullinan * Ms. Elizabeth A. Cullinan Ms. Jane Cullinan Mr. Michael Cullinan Mr. James Curran * Mr. Mark F. Curto Ms. Theresa M. Daley Ms. Anne H. Dalrymple Ms. Eloise Dalrymple Mr. and Mrs. John Dalrymple Ms. Nancy J. Dalrymple Sr. Ann Daly * Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D’Amour ***** Mrs. Helen D’Amour Ms. Patricia D’Arcy Mr. and Mrs. Donald Davenport *** Mr. John H. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Davis * Ms. Sylvia Davis Micheal de Mordha Ms. Geraldine Dearden * Mr. and Mrs. William A. Dempsey * Ms. Carolyn DePalma Dr. and Mrs. R. Deslauriers Mr. and Mrs. Francis Desmarais Mr. Alan Desrosiers Mr. Alex Devillier Mr. Michael Dialessi Ms. Patricia J. DiBenedetto ** Atty. Timothy Diggins Mr. and Mrs. Philip Dillaber * Atty. Elizabeth Dineen Ms. Jamie Dionne Mr. Thomas DiRico Mrs. Ellen M. Donoghue Mr. Thomas Donoghue * Mr. Timothy Donoghue *** Dr. and Mrs. Robert Donohue Ms. Helen Donovan Ms. Jane Donovan Mr. William Donovan Mrs. Eleanor M. Dowd Mr. Dennis Dowling

Dr. Dennis Drake

* Dr. and Mrs. Fredrick Driftmier Ms. Patricia Dubiel

* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Dudley Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dugan Ms. Paula Dugan ** Mr. Donald R. Dupre ***** Most Rev. Thomas L. Dupre Sr. Lorraine Durand * Mr. James Dusza Mrs. Mildred Dwyer Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dzielenski Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Dzuris Ms. Marcia J. Eagleson Dr. and Mrs. James F. X. Egan Ms. Dawn Ellinwood Mr. Robert Ellinwood Mr. Francis Elliot Mr. Brian R. Elliott Ms. Joanne Engelbrecht Mr. Gary R. Enright Ms. Claire M. Evans * Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Evans * Mr. and Mrs. Scott Farrelly Mr. Ralph K. Farrick Mr. Frank Faulkner Mr. Roland Fawthrop Ms. Christine Fay Mr. Michael J. Feeley Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Feeley Ms. Dorothy Fenton * Mr. Peter Ferguson Atty. John J. Ferriter Mr. Carl Fetteroll Mr. and Mrs. Russell Finer Mr. and Mrs. John F. Fitzell Mr. Thomas J. Fitzell, Jr. Ms. Carolyn T. Fitzgerald * Mr.and Mrs. Edward J. Fitzgerald * Mr. Frank Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. James G. Fitzgerald Mr. Joseph Fitzgerald Ms. Kathleen Fitzgerald Ms. Mary A. Fitzgerald Ms. Meghan Fitzgerald * Mr. and Mrs. William Fitzgerald Rev. James Flahive * Atty. William C. Flanagan Mrs. Barbara N. Fleming * Ms. Mary E. Fleming Mr. Frank E. Florek

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Flynn

** Rev. Daniel R. Foley Ms. Geraldine Foley Mr. Stephen N. Foley Mr. Richard E. Ford Ms. Eileen P. Forgue Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Foss Ms. Gretchen G. Fox *****† Mr. William F. Frain Mrs. Jean R. Fraser Ms. Emilia Frigo * Mr. Bernie Fritsch Jr. ***** Mr. Ernest F. Fritz *** Mr. Michael P. Fritz *** Mr. Robert J. Fritz **** Mr. William E. Fritz *** Dr. Joachim W. Froehlich * Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gagne Ms. Alice P. Gallagher * Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gallagher Dr. James Gallant * Mr. and Mrs. John Gallup Mrs. Mary T. Garde * Mr. David Garvey * Mr. Richard Garvey Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred A. Genereux Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gentile * Ms. E. Shirley Getz Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ghareeb Ms. Marie Ghareeb Ms. Ann M. Gibbons Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Gibowicz *** Ms. Nancy Gilbert Ms. Anna Ginley *** Mrs. Elva Marion Gleason * Mr. Gary Godin Mr. Jack Golden Ms. Maria Golkar Ms. Roberta D. Gordenstein Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gould Ms. Lorraine Goyette Ms. Coralie Gray Ms. Catherine Gregoire Ms. Jennifer Gregorski Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gregorski Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Grenier * The Honorable Eileen Griffin * Ms. Linda Grip Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Grip Mr. and Mrs. George P. Gromacki * Ms. Jessica Gruszkos Mr. Clem Gryzwacz Ms. Thomasine D. Guberski Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haggerty Mrs. Evelyn Haley Dr. Jasmin Hall * Ms. Marion Halpern Ms. Linda Hammarstrom Mrs. Joyce Hampton Mr. Michael J. Harrigan Mrs. Elizabeth Harrington * Msgr. John Harrington * Dr. Anne Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hart Mr. Scott Hartblay Ms. Catherine Ann Hartley Ms. Diane Hartmann Ms. Susan Hartmann Ms. Jacqueline Haskins Mr. Charles M. Healey, III * Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Healy Ms. Gail Hebert Mr. and Mrs. John S. Hennessey Ms. Catherine Higgins Ms. Florence Hobaica * Mr. and Mrs. James P. Hobert

Ms. Julia C. Hogan Ms. Mary R. Hogan Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hogan Mr. Fred Holt Ms. Marcia Horne *** Mrs. Molly Hosman Ms. Emily Hosta * Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hottin Ms. Sandra A. Hottin Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hough Ms. Lisa Houlihan Ms. Maureen R. Houlihan Ms. Frances Howlett Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hoyt Mr. James G. Huffmire * Mrs. Elizabeth Hukowicz Mr. Edward Hurley, Jr. ***** Mrs. Antoinette B. Hurst Deceased Mr. Thomas Hurst Ms. Susan Hyland Mrs. Jessie Ingersoll * Ms. Mariann Ingraham Mr. David Ives ***† Dr. Celeste T. Budd-Jackson ***** Mr. Paul Jacob Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Jacobs Ms. Adele K. Jacobson Mr. Simon R. James Dr. Mary Janeczek Mr. Chester Janis *** Mrs. Sophie Jarek * Ms. Frances Jensen Mr. and Mrs. David Jez Ms. Josephine Jez * Ms. Cindy Johnson * Rev. John J. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jordan Rev. David J. Joyce, Jr. Ms. Margaret Ann Judd *** Estate of William F. Julian Deceased Mr. Thomas Kane *** Mr. John Karalekas Ms. Meri M. Kassanos Mrs. Linda Kay * Hon. and Mrs. George Keady Ms. Helen Keane Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kearney * Mr. Edmund D. Keating * Mr. Michael Keating Mr. and Mrs. William Kelleher Ms. Mary M. Kelley Rev. Edward M. Kennedy Mr. Edward M. Kennedy, Jr. Mr. George M. Kennedy * Ms. Bernadette Kenney * Ms. Mary Kenney Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Kenny * Atty. and Mrs. William F. Kern * Atty. and Mrs. Daniel Keyes Mr. Raymond M. Killoran * Mr. Douglas W. Kimball Dr. Robert L. King Mr. Arthur F. Kinney Miss Patricia A. Kirby Ms. Mary K. Kitson Mr. and Mrs. George M. Kloster Ms. Joanne E. Kluza * Senator Michael R. Knapik ***† Mrs. Lucille T. Kolish * Mayor Richard Kos Ms. Stasia Kozak Mr. Peter Krawczyk Mrs. James B. Krumsiek Mr. and Mrs. John J. Krupczak Ms. Margaret Wallace Krzystofik Mr. Raymond Labbee * Rev. Gerard A. Lafleur Mrs. Evelyn E. Lak * Dr. John Lambdin

Ms. Laura Lander Ms. Christine Landers Ms. Juneann D. Landers Ms. Dawn Lapierre Ms. Margaret Laselle * Ms. Helen Lazure Dr. Carol A. Leary * Msgr. Leo A. Leclerc * Senator Brian P. Lees Ms. Patricia Lenaghan *** Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Lenart Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lewis * Ms. Diana Lewis Mr. and Mrs. James F. Lewis Ms. Doris C. Lin Ms. Theresa Lind Ms. Mary Linnehan Ms. Chris Liquori Ms. Josephine Lizak * Dr. Anne Lombard Ms. Mary Ellen Long Ms. Kathryn H. Lucey Padraigh Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Lynch Mr. Robert B. Lynch * Mr. George Lynes Ms. Barbara Lyon Ms. Joan Benson MacDonnell ** Ms. Stacey Waite MacPhetres Mr. Gino Maggi Mr. and Mrs. Leo Magri * Most Rev. Joseph F. Maguire Ms. Maureen Mahar * Ms. Patricia Mahar *****† Mr. Robert Mahar Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Maher Mr. Thomas P. Mangan * Mr. John Marciniak Ms. Susan Marciniak * Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mariani * Mr. Joseph A. Marois Mrs. K. Elizabeth Marshall Ms. Anna Martin * Rev. John B. Martin Mrs. Kathleen P. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Martin Mrs. June E. Martino Mr. William Masi Ms. Margaret M. Mathers Mr. and Mrs. William Mathison Mrs. Theresa Matrango Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Maziarz Sr. Edith McAlice Mr. Thomas D. Mcandrew Mr. and Mrs. Peter McAvoy Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McCarthy *** Mr. and Mrs. C. J. McCarthy *† Atty. John J. McCarthy Ms. Margaret McCarthy Mr. Timothy P. McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. McCavick Mr. Stephen G. McCormick Ms. Christine A. McCoubrey Ms. Catherine McDonnell Ms. Margaret McDonnell Mr. Paul J. McDonnell Sr. Ruth McGoldrick Mr. Howard F. McGrath Miss Mary R. McGrath Mr. and Mrs. John P. McGuinness Mr. and Mrs. Stephen McKeever Dr. Paul J. McKenna Mrs. Eileen McKenney Mrs. Mary A. McLaurin * Ms. Helen M. McNally Ms. Sara McNally Mr. Thomas P. McNamara * Ms. Doris McNeil Mr. Daniel Meder Ms. Jean A. Medrek


Ms. Carol L. Mehr Ms. Tracy Mehr * The Honorable Linda Melconian ***† Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Melley Mr. James Mendrek Mr. and Mrs. John Mentor Ms. Eve H. Millar Ms. Carol Dee Miller Mr. J. Wesley Miller Ms. Christina W. Millot Mrs. Claudette Miner Ms. Jane Miner * Mrs. Estelle Mitchell Ms. Margaret Mitchell Ms. Mary Ann Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moakler Dr. Dorothy Molnar Mr. and Mrs. Michael Monaghan ***** Msgr. Rosario Montcalm Ms. Susan Montmeny Ms. Janet Moore Ms. Kelly Ann Moore Ms. Ann Moran Mr. Dennis Moran * Mrs. Helen Moran Ms. Ellen Moriarty

Ms. Janet M. Moriarty John Moriarty * Ms. Mary E. Moriarty * Miss Mary L. Moriarty Ms. Mary P. Moriarty * Dr. Thomas Moriarty Mr. William Moriarty * Ms. Kathleen Morris Ms. Maryalyce Morrissey Ms. Eileen Morrow Mr. Art Moses *** Rev. Joseph A. Moynahan Deceased Mr. Donald E. Mruk Ms. Kate Mullen Mr. Peter Murphy Mr. Robert S. Murphy Thomas and Christine Murphy * Dr. Martin B. Murray Mr. Wayne Nauman Ms. Edna Neill * Mr. and Mrs. John Nelen Ms. Trish Nelsen Ms. Mary Newton Ms. Debra Niezgoda Lovett ***† Mr. Michael Niziolek Mr. and Mrs. William Nolan Ms. Carey Noonan Ms. Laurie J. Novak Mr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Nowacki Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Nowak Mr. and Mrs. Francis O’Brien * Mr. Edward O’Brien * Rev. Joseph J. O’Brien * Ms. Mary Ellen O’Brien Ms. Dorothy O’Connell Ms. Elizabeth M. O’Connell Mr. and Mrs. James F. O’Connell

Ms. Maureen O’Connell

* Mrs. John O’Connor Atty. Roderick B. O’Connor

* Rev. Vincent O’Connor Mr. Eugene O’Donnell

* Mr. James T. O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. James B. O’Donnell Mr. Frank O’Gorman Ms. Mary O’Keefe * Sr. Carla Oleska ****† Mr. Russell Omer *** Alice M. O’Neil - Deceased Rev. W.L. O’Neil Mr. John T. O’Neill Ms. Tracy Osgood Ms. Mary Ellen O’Shea Mr. Timothy O’Shea Ms. Genevieve Ostrowski Sr. Therese Ouellette ** Dr. Anita M. Pampusch Ms. Theresa Panetti Mr. Richard Parkin ***** Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Partyka Judge and Mrs. Edward Peck, Jr. ***† Mr. Robert R. Peck Mr. and Mrs. Richard Perry

* Mrs. Teresa E. Pfeifer *** Ms. Viola I. Phelan Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Philbin Ms. Renee Pike Ms. Elaine Pinkos Dr. Martin Pion Mr. Donald Piotrowski Ms. Theresa Pisarek **** Mr. Michael Pise Mrs. Nellie Pise Mr. and Mrs. William J. Ploran * Ms. Catherine Pooler Ms. Elizabeth A. Porada * Ms. Anne Powers Mr. John Powers Ms. Barbara Prackneck ***** Mr. Edward J. Pryzbyla Deceased Ms. Irene S. Pula Mrs. Mary A. Quigley *** Mr. John B. Quinn Ms. Mary E. Quirk *** Mr. Andrzej Z. Radosh Ms. Helen Raleigh Ms. Kelly Rapp Ms. Marie Raucher * Sr. Kathleen Reagan Ms. Mary Reardon Ms. Patricia A. Reardon Mr. and Mrs. John J. Regan * Ms. Margaret Mary Reher Ms. C. Gay Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Reopel Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Rice *** Mr. Leo A. Riendeau Mrs. Roland Rivest * Rev. John A. Roach Mr. Ed Robbins * Ms. Kathleen Halpin Robbins Ms. Cathleen Robinson

Holocaust survivor and Israeli Medal of Honor recipient IRENA GUT OPDYKE speaks at Elms College, sponsored by the Polish Center. Ms. Opdyke received a commendation by the Vatican for her efforts to protect 12 Jews she hid in the home of a German officer for whom she was enslaved as a domestic worker during WWII.

Ms. Eva P. Roccisano

* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rockwell Mr. John Rodick Ms. Dana Roe Mr. James Rood Mr. and Mrs. Alan K. Root Ms. Jean Ross Mr. and Mrs. Stanislaw Rowinski Rev. Richard M. Runte Mr. Matthew J. Ryan Mr. W. Michael Ryan Ms. Ruth E. Rybak *† Mr. Ziter Saloomey Mr. and Mrs. Paul Salvage Mrs. Agnes Samson Michael and Kimberly Sarnacki * Rev. Warren J. Savage Mrs. Margaret Scagliarini * Mr. Alfred Scaia Mr. and Mrs. David Scanlin Mr. Jeremiah Scannell * Dr. Kevin E. Schmidt * Mr. Stephen Schwartz ** Mr. Nicholas J. Scobbo Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Richard W. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sears Mr. John F. Sears *** Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Sears Mr. and Mrs. David M. Shannon Ms. Betty Shea Ms. Cynthia Shea Dr. and Mrs. Cyril Shea Mr. Daniel M. Shea Ms. Frances Shea * Atty. and Mrs. Francis J. Shea Ms. Helen Shea Mr. John Shea Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shea * Mr. Paul Shea * Rev. Thomas Shea Mr. Thomas Shea Mr. and Mrs. James J. Sheehan Mr. and Mrs. John F. Sheehan Mr. Pete Sheehan Mr. John Shuman ***** Mr. Frederick J. Sirard * Mrs. James Skehan Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Skehan Mr. Brian D. Skelly * Dr. Edmond Skinski Mrs. Beatrice Sloan * Ms. Ann Marie Smith Ms. Arlene Smith Miss Mary A. Smith **** Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Soja Ms. Ruth Solie Mr. and Mrs. Richard Southard Ms. Christine Soverow Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sowa Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Speakman Mr. Edward Speight Mrs. Patricia A. Speight ** Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stamant Ms. Gertrude Staples * Mrs. Richard Stebbins * Rev. Mark S. Stelzer * Dr. Janet K. Stetson Mr. and Mrs. David H. Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Clarissa Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Stoddard, Sr. * Mr. Carl S. Stoy, Jr. * Mrs. Rhea C. Strepka Ms. Ann Sullivan * Mr. David C. Sullivan Mr. Edward C. Sullivan Rev. Francis X. Sullivan *****† Mr. James F. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. James R. Sullivan Mr. John Sullivan * Mr. John J. Sullivan Ms. Kathleen E. Sullivan

Ms. Mary R. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sullivan * Mr. and Mrs. William C. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Charles Suprenant Ms. Balbina Szalkucki Mr. Frank Szalkucki Mr. James P. Szczebak Ms. Beth Szemela Mr. Albert F. Szymonik Mr. Stanley A. Szymonik Ms. Sandra Talbot Mr. Stanley Taylor, Jr. Mr. Al Tedeschi Ms. Jeannean Terlik Dr. Adrienne Terrizzi ***** Ms. Jeannette Tetreault Deceased Ms. Joyce Thielen Mrs. Annette Thomas Sr. Louise Thomas Ms. Jean Tierney Mr. and Mrs. William E. Tierney Mr. Frank Tobin Mr. William Toller Ms. Mary C. Toohey Atty. and Mrs. James Tourtelotte Ms. Judith Tremble Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Robert Triggs Ms. Judith Tully Ms. Ellen Turnamian Ms. Marilyn N. Turnamian Ms. Catherine Turner * Rev. Michael J. Twohig Ms. Meredith Twombly Anonymous Maire Ui Shithigh * Mr. and Mrs. John F. Vaughn Ms. P. Terry Vazquez Mr. and Mrs. Robert Veilleux ** Mr. Robert J. Viamari *** Ms. Lesley Visser Ms. Elizabeth Wadden Mr. Daniel Walsh Mr. Edmund Walsh Mr. Joseph Walsh Patricia and Everett Walsh Mrs. Marguerite H. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wark Ms. Ellen Warriner Mr. Daniel Warwick Ms. Loretta A. Wawrzyniak Ms. Florence Webb Mr. Robert Weiss ** Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. Welch, Jr * Mr. Paul R. Welch Dr. Cecilia Welna Ms. Irene Westbrook *** Atty. William White Ms. June Marie Whitney Ms. Inez Williams Ms. Janet B. Williams Mr. and Mrs. James Williamson Ms. Nancy Willis Ms. Amy Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wing Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Wittenberg * Mrs. Helen V. Wojcik ** Mr. Roger B. Wojcik Ms. Ruth Wolk Mr. Brian Wyckoff Mr. and Mrs. Garabed Yazidjian Ms. Beth Young * Ms. Pamela Young Ms. Patricia Zalewski Ms. Sandi Zanetti Mr. and Mrs. Victor Zwirko


Estate Planning $1,139,722 The following lists those benefactors now deceased, who included the Elms in their estate plans, and from whose estate funds were received during the 2000-2001 fiscal year. Ms. Fleurette Bassilakis Miss Katherine Donaldson Mrs. Antoinette B. Hurst Rev. Joseph A. Moynahan Miss Alice M. O’Neil Miss Mary W. Sullivan Ms. Jeannette Tetreault Mrs. Oranier Tonoli

Diocesan Collection $83,938 The College of Our Lady of the Elms is most grateful to Bishop Thomas L. Dupre, the priests and parishioners of the diocese, and the volunteer speakers for their extraordinary support. The College expresses its gratitude for their substantial gift for financial aid obtained through this collection.

SR. KATHLEEN KEATING, president of Elms College, named Chicopee Citizen of the Year and Marshall of the St. Patrick’s Day Parade.

$531,270 Corporations and Foundations

Several corporations, corporate foundations, and other organizations have contributed a total of $493,418 to the college in 20002001. In addition, many corporations have matched the donations of their employees, making a grand total of $531,270. The college is deeply grateful for their confidence in our institution as well as for their financial assistance. * 3M Foundation, Inc. * Aetna Foundation, Inc. * Albemarle Corporation * American Express Foundation ***** Amelia Peabody Foundation ** Aramark Corporation * Ashland, Inc. * AT & T Foundation * Bacon & Wilson, P.C. ***** L.G. Balfour Foundation ** Bank of Western Massachusetts Barnes Group Foundation, Inc. BASF Corporation * BayState Monument * Baystate Medical Center Blodgett’s Musical Instruments ** Boeing Matching Gift Program ** Bordeaux Printing Company ***** The Boston Foundation * Burke Beverage,Inc.

*** Buxton, Inc. * Cabot Liquor Store, Inc. * Cabotville Industrial Park * Caolo & Bieniek Associates ** Catholic Community Foundation

** Center Auto Repair * Chicopee Chamber of Commerce Chicopee Eyecare * Chicopee Industrial Contractors *** Chicopee Savings Bank Chris’ Styling Corner Cigna Foundation *** Raymond and Mildred Clark Foundation * Colgate Palmolive ** Collins Electric Company ***** Commonwealth of Massachusetts ** Community Counseling Service **** Community Foundation of Western Mass. ***** Conrad Hilton Fund for Sisters * Rene L. Cote Sons, Inc. **** Dana Corporation Foundation ***** Davis Educational Foundation Distinctive Marketing Co., Inc. ** Doherty, Wallace, Pillsbury, et * Don Roy’s Auto Body *** DOS Concrete Service, Inc. * Downey Sweeney Fitzgerald * Dream Catcher Eastern States Exposition * Erin World Travel * Family Ford *** First Union *** Fleet ***** Fontaine Brothers *** Foxboro Company * Foxwoods Resort * F.M. Global Foundation *** GE Fund Gosselin-Deady Insurance Agency Green Mountain Variety * Greenough Paper Co., Inc. * GTE Matching Contributions to Ed ***** Hampden Engineering

* Hampden Papers, Inc. *** Hampden Savings Bank

The Hartford Insurance Group

** Hasbro, Inc. *** Nan & Matilda Heydt Fund Holyoke Auto Parts Holyoke Dental Associates The Home Depot * IBM Corporation * Ingersoll-Rand Company *** Instrument Technology, Inc. * International Paper Co. Foundation * ITT Industries, Inc. * John Hancock Mutual Life Ins. * Johnson Controls Foundation * Kavanaugh’s Furniture * Kemper Insurance Companies *** The Kosciuszko Foundation * Labrie and Pouliot ** Laporte, Shea & Borys Insurance LeBel Insurance Agency, Inc. ***** Lincoln Financial Group Lockheed Martin Corporation * The Log Cabin * Lucia Lumber Co., Inc. * John R. Lyman Co. ** Mac-Gray Company, Inc. Marcus Printing Co. * Marion Excavating *** Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. ** Massachusetts Mutual Blue Chip Company * McConnell and Associates **** The McGinty Foundation *** Merck Company Foundation * Meyers Brothers, P.C. Minerals Technologies Inc. * Mobil Foundation, Incorporated * Mutual of America **** Joseph Napolitan Associates ***** National Science Foundation ***** Nellie Mae Fund for Education * Noonan Energy Corporation * Northeast Utilities * Norton Company ** O’Connell Consulting LLC PaineWebber


** Palmer Goodell Ins. Agency,

Inc. *** Pearson Systems, Inc. *** KPMG Peat Marwick **** Peoples Savings Bank ** Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts * Pinnacle Raceway * Polish National Credit Union * PPG Industries Foundation * Pricewaterhouse Coopers ***** Pride Convenience Inc. Professional Medical Staff, Inc. * Raytheon Company * Realty World Reno Lovison Advertising ** Reilly Foundation * Riverdale Street Citgo *** Rocky’s Hardware *** Russell Realty Group LLC *** Southworth Company * Sovereign Bank * Atty. Jack F. St. Clair *** State Farm Companies Foundation Strawberry Productions, Inc. * Sunshine Village Tarnow Landscape Design Toomey-O’Brien Funeral Home * Topor Motor Sales * United Cooperative Bank * United Technologies ** Universal Plastics Corp. * Valley Communications Systems * Verizon Foundation ***** The Vincent Foundation *** Blanche M. Walsh Foundation * West Springfield Auto Parts **** Westbank ***** Westfield Bank *** Westvaco Envelope Division * Williams Distributing Corp. *** The Women’s Fund of Western Mass

Groups and Organizations $52,002 The Carousel Guild, Inc.

** Cooperating Colleges of Greater Spfld.

* Emmanuel College * First Church Winthrop, Trustees

** Foreign Language Teachers Friends at BMC East Holyoke District Court * Irish Cultural Center Kelly Middle School * Merrimack College N.A.R.F.E Chapter 48 Polish Junior League of Mass. ** Polish Women’s Alliance * Catherine Pooler Campaign Acct. P.O.S.H. Shop * Regional Employment Board * Sigma Theta Tau, Lambda Xi Chap. * Springfield Technical Community College Ursuline Community *** Archdiocese of Boston ** The Catholic Woman’s Club ***** Diocese of Springfield * First Church of Winthrop * Holyoke Catholic Convent *** Knights of Columbus Elder Council #69 * Mont Marie Health Care Center * Our Lady of The Valley Church ** Sacred Heart Parish * Sisters of Providence * Sisters of St. Joseph *** SSJ Team for Apostolic Ministry South Hadley Education Association St. Agnes School * St. Ann’s Church * St. Stanislaus Basilica St. Thomas The Apostle Church Students of Elms College

Gifts in Kind Many benefactors choose to make their commitment to Elms College by donating in-kind products, services, and/or equipment. These gifts sometimes include rare anthologies, books, documents, or periodicals. Many volunteer hours of service and others choose to donate equipment for college use. The following benefactors’ gifts are valued at $100 or more.

Matching Gifts In 2000-2001 alumni, parents, and friends designated $37,852 in matching gifts to the Elms from corporations, in some cases doubling or tripling their gifts. The Elms appreciates the generosity of the companies listed below which have participated in supporting the college by matching gifts of their employees. Our sincere thanks to those corporate donors. The college also commends those individuals who have diligently sought to pursue these gifts. We are listing individual donors with their employer’s name. These matches were paid between July 1, 2000 - June 30, 2001. If you feel that your name should be included, please check with your employer regarding the status of your match.

DONOR-SCHOLAR RECEPTION 87 students receive scholarships, Donald D’Amour, CEO of Big Y Foods, speaks from a donor’s perspective

Theresa Amiot Thomas Bedford John W. Bennett Jane Bielski Joyce Boucher Karen Brault Cabotville Liquor Catholic Library Association Center Auto Repair Chicopee Glass Chicopee Industrial Contractors Thomas Connolly Helen D’Amour Elizabeth Dowhan Edward Dzielenski Elms College Sr. Barbara Farrell Sr. Patricia Feeley Gretchen Fox James Gallant Ann C. Gervais Paul E. Giguere John Giorgi Family Barbara Gregory

* 3M Foundation, Inc. Noreen Burke Farrell ’65 * AT & T Foundation Doris McNeil Violette Cartier Sweeney ’50 * Aetna Foundation, Inc. Marcia Maloney Chalker ’68 Cecilia Ogozalek Kilfoil ’44 Deana Maffucci Shirley ’90 * Albemarle Corporation Patricia Hogan ’52 * American Express Foundation Janice Vassar ’80 Rev. Roger Wojcik * Ashland, Inc. Ann Farrell ’57 BASF Corporation Joan Monaghan Reid ’55 Barnes Group Foundation, Inc. Kathleen Loveridge Rallis ’78 ** Boeing Matching Gift Program Mary Ellen McCarthy Massmann ’60 * Colgate Palmolive Priscilla Wilczak Plasse ’64 **** Dana Corporation Foundation Lucille Morin ’54 * F.M. Global Foundation Mary Collins Vivaldi ’58 *** First Union Sheila Nesbit Keator ’59 *** Fleet M. Martha Quinlan Barry ’45 Thea Katsounakis ’96 Lucille Kolish Kathleen Scannell Masi ’64 *** Foxboro Company Regina Noonan Hitchery ’71 *** GE Fund Patricia Pike Anderson ’79 Patricia Tierney Campbell ’50 Mary Rae Thompson D’Anieri ’58 Helen Currier Hutzler ’38 Dorothea Kuhar Ladd ’51 Margaret Bouyea Robillard ’52

about endowing a scholarship in honor of Marie Couilliard D’Amour. 18

Rev. Msgr. John Harrington Sr. Nora Harrington Sr. Kathleen Hinga Elizabeth Huller Michael Janeczek William Kern Kochi Women’s University Lucille T. Kolish Jean LaPolice Laporte, Shea & Borys Insurance Michael and Rebecca Lescarbeau Rev. Peter Loughran Bishop Joseph Maguire Ellen Mantolsky Noreen Moran John Morawiec Helene Brady Moriarty Edward Murphy Sr. Mary Ellen Murphy Alice Murray Alan Navitski Peoples Bank Joan McKenna Percy Sr. Kathleen Popko

** Hasbro, Inc. Windella Harvey Marion ’70 Michael Niziolek * IBM Corporation Mary Danaher Digan ’53 Jean Tanner Habig ’51 Stacey MacPhetres Alfred Scaia * ITT Industries, Inc. Barbara Powers Hoppin ’64 * Ingersoll-Rand Company Sally McCormick Fugere ’61 * International Paper Co. Foundation Susan Bocchino Behl ’68 * John Hancock Mutual Life Ins. Francis Maitland Wanda Wojtaszek ’54 * Johnson Controls Foundation Roberta Kelly Cassidy ’71 *** KPMG Peat Marwick John and Jacqueline Lemelin Moriarty ’78 * Kemper Insurance Companies Barbara Congram Sullivan ’56 *** Lincoln Financial Group Michael Pise Lockheed Martin Corporation Doris Lin *** Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. William Fritz ** Massachusetts Mutual Blue Chip Company Gerald Costello Joanne Murphy Dooley ’73 Louise Langlois ’81 Susan Rokosz Stack ’92 Susan Sheehan-Pallatino ’73 Robert and Jeanne Stamant Marianne Sypek ’79 *** Merck Company Foundation Lawrence and Nancy Bossidy Minerals Technologies Inc. Nancy Foster Parrott ’73

Potgold Jewelers Sr. Constance Quinlan Rev. Lucien Richard Rita and Lewis Rielle Sr. Ruth Virginia Margaret Scanlon William Schmidt Richard Scioli Mary Lou Fanning Shea Sisters of Providence Health Systems Socha Signs Spalding Sports Worldwide Star Press Topor Sales UMass / Paul Bys Union News Universal Plastics Western New England College Westfield Bank Williamson Clothier WMAS Sr. Mary Lou Wright

* Mobil Foundation, Incorporated Joseph Dudley

* Mutual of America Margaret Yerrick Gallagher ’61

*** Nellie Mae Fund for Education Richard Dooley * Northeast Utilities Eileen Carroll Foley ’60 Barbara Garde Garvey ’51 * Norton Company Karen Boden Essex ’53 Maureen Bryson Rawding ’54 * PPG Industries Foundation Clairanne Lucas Hurst ’52 ** Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Mary Cunningham Chester ’61 Kathleen Worthley Holland ’61 Judith Gulomb Pettini ’69 Brenda Borden Schofield ’61 * PricewaterhouseCoopers Foundation Deana Maffucci Shirley ’90 * Raytheon Company Maureen Moriarty Hannam ’62 ** Reilly Foundation Maria Correia May ’76 *** State Farm Companies Foundation Irene Rosenbeck Donelan ’59 The Hartford Insurance Group Theresa Chang The Home Depot Joanne Coppola Lyons ’67 * United Technologies Carolyn Kowalski Malinowski ’67 Christina Millot Mary Ann Manning Muska ’64 Susan Jockel Ramsay ’67 * Verizon Foundation Mary Fitzgerald Edward Gallagher Joan Eisenmann Hassett ’45 Francis Keating Julie Kennedy MacKeil ’71 Jean Murray Landry ’94

Polish Center of Discovery and Learning The Polish Center of Discovery and Learning at the Elms College is grateful to all the people who endorsed the work of the center. Their donations provide the Polish Center with the resources needed to fulfill its mission.

Members of the Living Legacy Society The Living Legacy Society was established in 1994 to honor alumni and friends of the College of Our Lady of the Elms who have established a charitable gift annuity or trust; included the college in their bequest; established a named endowed scholarship; or named Elms College as beneficiary of an insurance policy. The Living Legacy Tree, designed by Theresa Amiot ’47, was constructed in 1997 and hung in the Rotunda. The name of each member of the Living Legacy Society is located on a leaf of the tree, which symbolizes the shade and security provided by alumni and friends.

Helen Auth ’38 * Mary Herring Belluardo ’62 Barbara Bernard * Patricia Moran Bombardier ’67 Sr. Margaret Bowen * Jean Brigham ’69 Mr. and Mr. Clifford Brockmyre * Patricia Thompson Burden ’62 Mary Lou Burke ’57 Rita Burke ’40 * Lillian Carmel ’83 Mr. and Mrs. William Cass Carolyn O’Connor Connelly ’60 Judith Cotter ’73 Kathleen Bardsley Crawley ’43 Gerald and Jeanne D’Amour Helen Sheehan D’Amour John and Stephen Davis Joan McMahon Desmarais ’61 Joyce Lynch Desorcy ’94 Margaret Bowen Diggins ’51 Atty. and Mrs. Timothy Diggins Dr. and Mrs. Robert Donohue Sr. Eleanor Dooley ’50 Sr. Mary Dooley ’44 Ann Dryden ’57 Donna Corley Duncan ’70 Mildred Finn ’48 Catherine Fitzgerald ’40 Mr. and Mrs. William Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. E. Joseph Fontaine William Frain * Barbara Garde Garvey ’51 Richard C. Garvey Sr. Nora Harrington ’42 Teresa Harris ’56 * Barbara Albano Howard ’50 Elizabeth Huller ’44 Hon. Mary Hurley-Marks ’72 William and Patricia Jolicoeur Jeanne Joyal ’62 Atty. Michael Julian Sr. Kathleen Keating ’52 Sarah Keenan Sr. Kathleen Kirley ’66

Lucille T. Kolish Dorothy Lakoma ’70 James Long Edwin Love * Mary Manning ’42 MassMutual Blue Chip Company Theresa O’Connor Maurer ’66 * Mary McCarthy ’44 Helen McDonald ’93 Constance McGovern ’60 * Barbara Houlihan Medcalf ’43 * Flora Millette ’41 Nancy Mirto ’63 Joan Brunelle Montana ’62 Patricia Tetrault Morgan Sr. Jane Morrissey Sr. Judith O’Connell ’59 Atty. and Mrs. Bernard T. O’Connor Mary Brassard Pellegrin ’24 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Perreault Atty. Michael Pise Rita Kellett Prevoznik ’51 Edward and Helen Pryzbyla Carmel Quinn * Margaret Riley ’39 * Kathleen Riordan ’67 Rita Rodden ’44 Dr. Marilyn Rondeau ’69 Lillian Ross Mary Lou Griffin Rubino ’56 * L. Stella Shaughness ’35 Mary Lou Fanning Shea ’46 M. Virginia Burke Sloan ’56 Julianne DaSilva Smist ’72 Elizabeth Sullivan ’43 Mr. and Mrs. James Sullivan Violette Sweeney ’50 Martha Sponske Talbot ’56 Barbara Gately Tierney ’37 William and Estelle Tierney Robert Viamari * Mary Vittengl ’47 Carol Casullo Waddington ’70 17 Anonymous Members * Charter Member


Ms. Louise P. Babiarz Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Balakier Mrs. Alvira Balut Ms. Katherine Bardzik Ms. Laura Bessette Mrs. Frances Bliss Mrs. Carol A. Boardway Mr. and Mrs. L. Squire Bressor Chicopee Cultural Council Mr. and Mrs. Donald Davenport Mr. Ralph K. Farrick Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Gibowicz Green Mountain Variety Ms. Marcia Horne Mrs. Barbara A. Jendrysik Mr. Arthur F. Kinney Ms. Joanne E. Kluza Mr. and Mrs. John J. Krupczak Mrs. Evelyn E. Lak Mrs. Adelle Love Mr. Donald E. Mruk Mr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Nowacki Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Nowak Mr. Donald Piotrowski Polish Junior League of Mass. Polish Women’s Alliance Ms. Barbara Prackneck Mr. Andrzej Z. Radosh Reno Lovison Advertising Mrs. Aniela St. Peter Dr. Kevin E. Schmidt Mr. Carl S. Stoy, Jr. Mr. James P. Szczebak Ms. Gail Szetela Mrs. Helen V. Wojcik

Elms College and the IRISH CULTURAL CENTER host a talk on the peace process facing Northern Ireland by Martin McGuinness, member of Parliament for the Mid-Ulster constituency and Sinn Fein Chief Negotiator with the British Government.

Cairde of the Irish Cultural Center Dr. Thomas Moriarty, Director of the Irish Cultural Center at Elms College, and the Center’s Board of Directors wish to express their appreciation and thanks to the following individuals who have supported our organization. Ms. Ellen Abbott Miss Theresa M. Amiot Sr. John Brigid Barrett Mr. and Mrs. William Bell Ms. Carol Bevan-Bogart Mr. Daniel E. Bowler, Jr. Rev. John J. Brennan Mr. and Mrs. George Bresnahan Mr. John P. Brett Ms. Kathleen P. Britten Burke Beverage,Inc. Mr. Daniel C. Burns Mr. Raymond Cahill Mr. Sean F. Cahillane Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O. Campbell Sr. Mary Caritas Mr. and Mrs. William Cavanaugh Mrs. Mary Ann Cleland Ms. Louise Collins Ms. Dolores A. Costello Ms. Christine Hynes Coughlan Ms. Anne Cullinan Ms. Jane Cullinan Mr. James Curran Mr. and Mrs. John H. Davis Micheal de Mordha Mr. and Mrs. William A. Dempsey Miss Kathleen Donnellan Mr. William Donovan Ms. Johanna Dube Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dugan Eastern States Exposition Mrs. Ellen M. Ezold Ms. Christine Fay

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Feeley Miss Catherine Fitzgerald Mr. Joseph Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. William Fitzgerald Mrs. Elaine Foley Mr. Stephen N. Foley Mrs. Mary Ellen Franz Ms. Alice P. Gallagher Judge Ann M. Gibbons Miss Kathleen A. Gilhooly The Honorable Eileen Griffin Mrs. Constance Grippo Mrs. Evelyn Haley Sr. Nora Harrington S.S.J. Mr. Charles M. Healey, III Ms. Gail Hebert Ms. Lisa Houlihan Mrs. Elizabeth Hukowicz The Honorable Mary Hurley Marks Rev. David J. Joyce, Jr. Mr. Thomas Kane Ms. Helen Keane Sr. Kathleen Keating Rev. Edward M. Kennedy Miss Judith E. Kennedy Atty. and Mrs. William F. Kern Sr. Kathleen Kirley Ms. Margaret Wallace Krzystofik Ms. Christine Landers Ms. Patricia Lenaghan Mr. and Mrs. Robert Loughrey Ms. Kathryn H. Lucey Padraigh Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Maher Mr. Thomas P. Mangan Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Martin Ms. Margaret M. Mathers Mr. and Mrs. Peter McAvoy Mr. Timothy P. McCarthy Ms. Catherine McDonnell Mr. William McDonough Mr. Howard F. McGrath Ms. Sara McNally Mrs. Ann Meder Ms. Carol L. Mehr Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Melley Ms. Jane Miner Mr. and Mrs. Michael Monaghan Mr. Dennis Moran Miss F. Noreen Moriarty Ms. Janet M. Moriarty Miss Mary L. Moriarty Mr. William Moriarty Ms. Maryalyce Morrissey Mr. Donald E. Mruk

Mrs. Kathleen Mullins Sr. Eileen Murphy Mr. Peter Murphy Atty. Roderick B. O'Connor Rev. Vincent O'Connor Mr. James T. O'Donnell Ms. Mary O'Keefe Miss Sheila O'Neill Mr. Timothy O'Shea Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Philbin Mr. John Powers Ms. Marie Raucher Ms. Patricia A. Reardon Mrs. Joan Reilly Mrs. Roland Rivest Ms. Jean Ross Mr. W. Michael Ryan Mrs. Margaret Scagliarini Mr. Jeremiah Scannell Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sears Ms. Betty Shea Dr. and Mrs. Cyril Shea Ms. Helen Shea Mr. and Mrs. James J. Sheehan Ms. Ann Marie Smith Mrs. Patricia A. Speight Ms. Ann Sullivan Rev. Francis X. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sullivan Ms. Gail Szetela Mr. Frank Tobin Ms. Catherine Turner Maire Ui Shithigh Mrs. Alice Wales Mr. Joseph Walsh Mr. Daniel Warwick Mr. Tim Allen Ms. Kathleen Arduini Mrs. Mary L. Bednarz Ms. Eileen M. Bello Ms. Ellen Borowski Ms. Mary Brainerd Mrs. Judith Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Bresnahan Miss Jean M. Brigham Ms. Melissa Brown Mrs. Carol K. Burke Chris Collins Burrage Mr. Robert P. Cahillane Mr. Donald F. Callahan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Candon Mr. and Mrs. John Carney, Jr. Mr. John D. Clarke Ms. Sheila Coderre Mrs. Carolyn O. Connelly


Mr. Gerald Costello Mr. Sean Patrick Crane Ms. Elizabeth A. Cullinan Mr. Michael Cullinan Ms. Patricia D'Arcy Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Davis Ms. Geraldine Dearden Dr. and Mrs. R. Deslauriers Mr. Timothy Donoghue Miss Joyce A. Doyle Ms. Patricia Dubiel Ms. Paula Dugan Mr. Francis Elliot Mr. Frank Faulkner Mr. Michael J. Feeley Atty. John J. Ferriter Mr. and Mrs. James G. Fitzgerald Ms. Kathleen Fitzgerald Mr. John M. Flynn Ms. Geraldine Foley Ms. Gretchen G. Fox Miss Ann Frost Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gallagher Miss Ann Gilhooly Dr. Catherine A. Gold Mr. and Mrs. William Grimes Ms. Thomasine D. Guberski Msgr. John Harrington Miss Teresa Harris Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Healy Ms. Sandra A. Hottin Ms. Maureen R. Houlihan Sr. Marion Hurley Mr. Thomas Hurst Ms. Margaret Ann Judd Sr. Judith Kappenman Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kearney Ms. Mary M. Kelley Mr. George M. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Kenny Mr. Raymond M. Killoran Mr. and Mrs. George M. Kloster Sr. Mary Lou Lacey Ms. Juneann D. Landers Ms. Mary Ellen Long Mrs. Ann F. Lowe Sr. Mary R. Lynch Mr. Robert B. Lynch Mrs. Eileen M. Maloney Mrs. Margaret Martin Massachusetts Mutual Blue Chip Company Mr. Thomas D. Mcandrew Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McCarthy Ms. Christine A. McCoubrey

Mr. Paul J. McDonnell Sr. Ruth McGoldrick Mr. and Mrs. John P. McGuinness Mr. Thomas P. McNamara Mr. Daniel Meder The Honorable Linda Melconian Mr. J. Wesley Miller Ms. Mary Ann Mitchell Ms. Kelly Ann Moore Ms. Ellen Moriarty Mrs. Helene Moriarty John Moriarty Dr. Thomas Moriarty Miss Lucille T. Morin Ms. Eileen Morrow Mrs. Geraldine Muldoon Mr. Edward Murphy Mrs. Mary Murphy Ms. Mary Ellen O'Brien Mrs. Rosemary T. O'Connor Mr. Eugene O'Donnell Mr. Frank O'Gorman Mr. John T. O'Neill Ms. Mary Ellen O'Shea Judge and Mrs. Edward Peck, Jr. Mrs. Maureen Pooler Mrs. Mary A. Quigley Sr. Kathleen Reagan Ms. C. Gay Reilly Dr. Kathleen M. Riordan Mr. James Rood Mrs. Joan Ryan Michael and Kimberly Sarnacki Mr. and Mrs. David Scanlin Mrs. Margaret Scully Mr. John F. Sears Ms. Cynthia Shea Mr. Daniel M. Shea Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shea Mr. and Mrs. John F. Sheehan Ms. Ruth Solie Dr. Janet K. Stetson Mr. Edward C. Sullivan Mr. John Sullivan Mrs. Marion R. Sweeney Mr. Stanley Taylor, Jr. Ms. Judith Tremble Murphy Miss Dorothy Tuttle Ms. Elizabeth Wadden Mr. Edmund Walsh Patricia and Everett Walsh Mr. Robert Weiss

Board of Trustees

Daniel M. Melley Chair, Board of Trustees


Kathleen Keating, SSJ President

Edgar Alejandro Robert Bolduc Celeste T. Budd-Jackson James P. Connor Brian Corridan Mary Downey Costello Rev. Hugh F. Crean, S.T.D. William Frain Denise Granger, SSJ Mary E. Hurley-Marks

Paul G. Kelliher Lucille T. Kolish N. Bruce Landon Robert Mahar James V. Masi John J. McCarthy Eileen T. Mendrek Jane Morrissey, SSJ Michael Niziolek Russell Omer

The Annual Report of Giving 2000/2001 is published for alumni and supporters of the College of Our Lady of the Elms.

Robert R. Peck Ziter Saloomey Ann Southworth Eleanor Spring, SSJ Elizabeth T. Sullivan, SSJ James F. Sullivan Susan Swasey, SSJ Lorraine Villemaire, SSJ Mary Martin Walsh Donald Williams

Faculty Representatives Elizabeth Hukowicz Francis Jensen Student Representatives Chris Lockwood Tara Shea Treasurer to the Board: Ann Gervais Secretary to the Board: Sandra C. Talbot

Additional copies are available from: Development Office Elms College 291 Springfield Street Chicopee, MA 01013 413-594-6123 development@elms.edu Dr. Joachim Froehlich President Patricia Burden Director of Development John M. Guimond Director of Institutional Marketing Margaret Clark Director of Alumni Relations

This report has been prepared by the development office and the office of institutional marketing. The list of donors reflects gifts to the college during the fiscal year 2000-2001. Donations made since July 1, 2001 will appear in the next annual report. We have taken great care to ensure that complete and accurate listings appear. However, due to the large number of donors, to whom we are most grateful, a mistake may have gone unnoticed. Should you find an error or omission, please bring it to the attention of the alumni office or the development office. Please note that an individual’s name may appear on several lists, and also that some donors have requested that their gifts be anonymous. Š2002, Elms College

College of Our Lady of the Elms Statement of Activities

Year ending June 30, 2001 (with summarized information for the year ended June 30, 2000) 2000 (as restated)

2001 Unrestricted

Tuition and fees Residence and dining Less: scholarships and awards Net tuition and fees Revenue, gains and other support: Governmental appropriations Gifts and grants Other auxiliary Investments income Realized gains on investments Contributed services Other income Net assets released from restrictions Total revenue gains and other support Expenses: Programs: Student instruction Student services Auxiliary services Supporting services: Management and general Fundraising Total expenses Other changes: Net change on investments held in trust by others Unrealized gains (losses) on investments Total other changes Change in net assets Net assets at beginning of year, as restated Net Assets at end of year


8,269,221 1,096,943 (2,151,322) 7,214,842 354,259 492,991 236,349 23,381 24,013 226,033 381,424 911,563

Temporarily Restricted


Permanently restricted




8,269,221 1,096,943 (2,151,322) 7,214,842

8,368,799 1,094,355 (2,190,254) 7,272,900

736,741 162,734 43,472 (911,563)

3,428,194 -

354,259 4,657,926 236,349 186,115 67,485 226,033 381,424 -

353,614 2,394,671 444,338 233,075 354,530 292,423 358,838 -






3,835,632 1,634,721 1,370,517



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