Elmwood Identities
Elmwood Identities
Over the past 30 years we’ve created hundreds of brand identities, for clients of all shapes and sizes, in countries all over the world. We’ve come a long way since 1977, and shared the ride with some fantastic brands. From football clubs to law firms, charities to whole cities, huge retailers to small boutique businesses. We’ve also worked on many iconic FMCG brands from luxury aromatherapy oils to beer, and even condoms and sex toys! Identities play a fundamental role in telling brand stories. In fact, the best ones can say it all at a glance. Here’s a collection of just some that we’ve created to date.
过去30年,我们为遍布全球,各型各类, 大大小小的客户,创造了数百个品牌商标。 我们早于1977年成立,与一些奇妙、优越 的品牌一同破浪前进。 从足球会到律师行,慈善机构至整个城市, 庞大零售商至小规模精品店业务。我们亦曾 替许多类別的快速消費品创造不朽的品牌, 从奢华香薰油到啤酒,甚至安全套及性玩具! 在阐述品牌故事时,一个品牌设计具有基础性 的作用。事实上,最佳的能够让人一目了然。 以下是一些我们至今所创的代表作。
3i Venturelab
A school for entrepreneurs established as a joint venture between 3i and INSEAD in Fontainebleau, France. 一所由 3i 及位于法国枫丹白露的英士 (INSEAD) 国际商学院联营 ,专为企业家 而设的学校 。
The mark for Imperial Tobacco’s brand of pipe tobacco is based around the proposition of ‘profound sensory experiences’. The crafted style and historical elements underpin an emphasis of expertise. 帝国烟草公司的烟斗烟丝品牌徽标是围绕著深厚感官体验而创造 。 经琢磨的风格及历史悠久的要素 ,巩固了强调专业知识的特性 。
An iconic brand that is over 120 years old recrafted to accommodate new product developments and appeal to the modern consumer. 重新塑造一个逾120年的传统品牌去发展新产品及吸引现代顾客 。
Angus McDonald
The inspiration here is obvious; a camera on a stand. Take a closer look and you will see that Angus’ initials have been incorporated into the camera stand. Angus paid us the ultimate compliment by getting it tattooed on himself. 标志的灵感来源很明显 ,脚架上一部相机 。细看下 ,会看到脚架上刻了 Angus 名字的缩写 。当 Angus 在他自己身上也纹上这个图案 ,他给了我们最大的 赞美 。
Ann Summers Rampant Rabbit
The vibrating, bunny-like, upside-down ‘R’ mirrors the shape and action of this world-famous sex toy. 振动 ,兔形 ,倒转的〝R〞字母反映出世界闻名性玩具的形状及功能 。
Aromatherapy Associates
The identity for this luxury brand of aromatherapy treatments uses a ‘cult-like’ triangle of flowers to represent the precision of science combined with the power of nature. 这个奢华香薰治疗品牌采纳了类似祭礼的三角形花束去代表科学的精确与自然 力量的组合 。
Asda Wine
An overarching identity for a diverse range of Asda wines. A spiralling glass graphic with loose typography embodies the sensory pleasures of a good glass of wine. Asda 是一个代表多类美酒的企业总品牌 。一个螺旋形的玻璃杯绘图加上散放 的排印表达出一杯佳酿带来的感官之乐 。
Asquith Day Nurseries
The nursery group prides itself on providing children with individual attention, in a setting that suits their character. To reflect this personalised care, each nursery has its own identity, based on paintings by their children. 这个幼儿院集团以为儿童提供适合个别性格的环境及个人关注为荣 。为了反映 这项个人服务 ,每一所幼儿院都有自己的图象 ,根据儿童的绘画作设计 ,各有 特色 。
Bauer Media
Bringing new life and vibrancy to Bauer’s original blue square and grey triangle identity, the addition of a multi-coloured 3-D cube represents the Bauer world and all the cool and creative things that happen inside it. 为原有的蓝色四方形及灰色三角形标志加上了彩色三維立方体 ,代表世界与及 其品牌蕴藏的奇妙及创意 。
BBC Tree O’ Clock
A campaign to break the world record for the most trees planted around the globe in a single hour. The initiative left lasting benefits for native wildlife, people and the environment. 一项破世界纪录 ,在一小时内在全球植树最多的宣传活动 。这个构思为 自然界野生动物 、人类及环境带来了持久益处 。
Black Swan
A business transformation consultancy that helps companies be more cost effective and productive by revealing insights they couldn’t spot themselves. 一所商业转化顾问公司 ,协助公司找出他们未能察觉的地方 ,以减低成本 及加强生产力 。
The name and identity work together to reflect the notion of falling through the sky; appropriate branding for a previously anonymous parachute fabric. 「从天而降」 「从天而降」 是这个品牌的名字和标志设计共同反映的概念 是这个品牌的名字和标志设计共同反映的概念,, 洽当地替一种 洽当地替一种 以往不知名的降落伞布料建立品牌 以往不知名的降落伞布料建立品牌。。
Bob’s Bitters
Bitters are tiny bottles of concentrated extracts that elevate a cocktail from special to amazing. This identity reflects Bob’s New Zealand heritage, featuring a Kiwi bird whose bill doubles up as a pipette. Bitters 是小瓶的浓缩液 ,它将鸡美酒从特别提升到奇异 。一只奇異鸟 ,它的 咀巴同是一条吸液管 ,这样的标志设计反映品牌的新西兰传统 。
Bradford Council 2008 Capital of Culture
This multi-coloured ‘b’ identity was created as part of the city’s regeneration campaign. Formed from pixels, it echoes the composite photographic style of world famous artist and son of Bradford, David Hockney. 这个彩色〝b〞的设计是整个城市更生活动的一部分 ,由映象点组成 ,呼应著 在布拉福德市出生的世界知名艺术家 David Hockney 的合成摄影风格 。
The Breakfast Club Madame D’arblay
This ‘retro cool’ London-based café took its food on the road, touring the country in a branded bus named after the famous traveller and author of The Wanderer. Its identity utilises iconic ‘Bomber Belle’ style livery designs, as found on American warplanes of the 40s. 这间以伦敦为基地的〝复酷〞咖啡室 ,在路上售卖食物。以一部跟著名旅行家 及 The Wanderer (流浪者) 作者为名的巴士在国内穿梭 。其特色是使用了 40年代美国「战斗机的美女」图象作设计 。
The Breakfast Club Mayor of Scaredy Cat Town
A quirky London cocktail bar that is accessed through a secret door hidden at the back of a café. The brand embodies the venue’s air of mystique by using a key motif incorporating a hidden cat silhouette. 经由一间咖啡室后面 、秘密的隐蔽门口进入的古怪伦敦鸡美酒吧 ,其品牌的 锁匙图象隐藏了猫形的剪影 ,象征著地点的神秘感 。
The Breakfast Club The King of Ladies Man
What better way to capture the essence of a 70s-themed bar than with this cheeky reversible icon? A ladies’ man one way, but turn it upside down and it becomes a bearded king. 有什么较佳的方式较这个可倒转的肖像更能代表这间以70年代为主题的 酒吧的精粹 ,一面是美男子 ,但倒转便是一位蓄胡子的皇帝 。
A progressive telecommunications group that prided itself on the ease and simplicity of its services. The mark reflects the brand name by conveying a sense of freedom with a sky-themed identity. 一个进步的电讯集团 ,以其简易服务引以自豪 。商标以天空为主题带出自由 的感觉 。
A positive statement to act as a ‘modus operandi’ and a multicoloured identity to capture the multi-channel ambitions and energy of this media independent. 一句称赞的惊叹词及色彩缤纷的标志 ,表达了这个独立媒体的多渠道 抱负和活力 。
Bristol & Bath Science Park
A science and technology park that focuses on high-tech business success, and an identity which aptly combines the themes of brains and growth. 一个聚焦高科技商业成功的科技园 ,一个将智慧及增长合併的品牌 。
British Chambers of Commerce
This organisation works at a local level across the UK to help businesses flourish. Their redesigned identity evokes growth, positioning the BCC as ‘the ultimate business network’. 这个组织在英国各地提供地区性服务 ,推动商业发展 。其重新设计的商标 意味著喚起增长 ,把英国商会定位为〝首要商务网络〞。
An organisation that promotes good mental health and supports people through life’s lows. 一间推广精神健康及协助人们渡过人生低潮的机构 。
Burgess Supadog
Dog-lovers everywhere recognise the dog tag as a symbol of care and protection, so it also made a perfect icon for the pet food producer itself. 各地爱狗人士确认狗标签是爱心及保护的象征 ,因此它亦是这个宠物食品 生产商的最佳商标 。
This brand mark for Challs International, a manufacturer of draincleaning detergents, makes a feature of their unique problemspecific formulas, and utilised the U-bend within the name. 这个通渠水商标在其名称内利用了〝U〞形管管子來突显解决问题秘方 。
The Butterfly Experience
A business and a book title for life coach Karen Whitelaw-Smith, encapsulated by the apocryphal story of The Butterfly Experience. 生活教练 Karen Whitelaw-Smith 的著作及业务名称 , The Butterfly Experience 概述了蝴蝶经验的假设故事 。
Cable & Wireless
The famous ‘globe’ identity for this international telecoms brand is reinterpreted with flowing lines to represent cables that twine together to form an ampersand, making more of the union of ‘cable’ and ‘wireless’. 这个国际通讯品牌知名的「地球商标」重新用流动线条代表电线绕在一起 , 形成一个〝&〞符号 ,令〝电线〞及〝无线〞更融合 。
Captain’s Choice
Telling a story of ‘inspired moments’, this identity took Australia’s leading luxury travel brand to fresh new destinations. 这个澳大利亚领先豪华旅游品牌的标志以讲述〝鼓舞时刻〞的故事为业务 拓展新目的地 。
Central Office of Information Act on CO2
An interchangeable identity using a range of icons relevant to the ‘Act on CO2’ message, from hubcaps to bath plugs, to demonstrate how greenhouse gases can be eliminated and carbon footprints reduced in all aspects of daily life. 根据减碳法案的信息创作一系列可转换的图象 ,从毂盖至浴盘塞 ,表示在日常 生活中也可减碳及消除温室气体 。
Chatham Island Food Co.
East of New Zealand, the Chatham Islands are the first place on earth to see the sunrise. The windswept tree identity amplifies this remoteness and the special purity of their products ‘from the edge of the earth’. 查塔姆群岛位于新西兰以东 ,是全球最早见到日出的地方 。被风吹动的树 图象为品牌增强了遥远感及意味著产品源自〝地球边缘〞,特别纯净 。
Children’s Forest
An identity for Yorkshire Water’s tree-planting initiative that incorporates growth rings in the shape of a kid with a big heart. With an approachable typeface and tone to encourage children’s love of trees, and fire their enthusiasm to take part. 一个为约克郡水务署的植树计划设计的标志 。植树区昼成一个有大心的小孩 图象 ,配以适当字体和色调 ,鼓励儿童爱护树木及积极参予植树 。
City of Dubbo
Simple and optimistic. Using the curve of the ‘D’ to promote Dubbo as a truly happy and friendly place, this identity hopefully puts a smile on visitors’ faces too. 代表著简单及乐观 ,标志设计巧妙地利用了字母〝D〞的弧度去表迖 Dubbo 是 一个真正快乐及友善的地方 。希望这亦能为游客带来笑容 。
Coles You’ll Love Coles
The conversational tone and ‘tick’ of approval in this identity connected with consumers and improved perceptions of own-brand quality. 品牌以交谈的语调及认可符号〝4〞取得顾客的认同及改善了顾客对自家品牌 产品质素的感观 。
Colmar Brunton
Simple, no-nonsense graphics bring to life a prominent market research agency’s promise of ‘getting to the point’. 简单 、没废话的图象活现了这个杰出市场调查机构〝掌握重点〞的承诺 。
Common Purpose
Connecting people from diverse leadership backgrounds and drawing out their skills for the benefit of society is the focus of this organisation. The identity uses non-political colours to add contrast in a design that signifies sparks of inspiration. 连系来自不同领域的领导者及利用他们的才能造福社会是这个机构专注的事务 。 标志设计用了没政治色彩的对比颜色去表达灵感火花 。
Rio Tinto’s ‘coaching to lead’ programme uses the pattern of the star constellation of Cygnus to communicate concepts of inspiration, networks and the next generation of business leaders. 力拓的「训练成领袖」计划标识用了天鹅座星宿来传递灵感 、网络及下一代 商业领袖的概念 。
Danone Two-Hearts
Inspired by a parent cradling their baby, the two hearts connect with people wherever they are in the world. We created a unified global baby nutrition brand that embraces the local name to allow it to adapt to international markets. 灵感来自父母抱著婴儿在怀里 , 两颗心将世界的人连糸起来 。我们创造了一个 全球统一的婴儿营养品品牌 ,它有地方性的名称但也可配合国际市场 。
Debbie & Andrew’s
This husband and wife team put care, love and attention into the sausages they produce. The identity puts their names at the centre of the brand, joined by a heart in the ampersand to convey their message of ‘real people, real food’. 这对夫妻档将关怀 、爱心及专注放在制造香肠上 。他们的名字在品牌标志的 正中可见 ,还有在〝&〞符号上的一颗心 ,带出〝真心人 ,真食物〞的信念 。
Deliciously Yorkshire
An organisation whose remit is to promote Yorkshire-based food companies. Previously called Yorkshire Pantry this new name and mark changed perceptions from the old-sounding ‘pantry’ to show a brand that’s playful and passionate about food. 这个机构负责推进以约克郡为基地的食品公司 。以往称为 Yorkshire Pantry (约克郡食品室) ,现在更改了〝食品室〞这古老称谓 ,显示出一个好玩的 品牌及代表它对食物充满热诚 。
Design Spark
RS Components are a leading distributor of electronic and maintenance products. This icon for their online innovation network uses flying sparks and the electronics symbol for amplification to show this as the place where new ideas can ignite and grow. RS Components 是全球领先的电子及维修产品高端分销商 。这个代表他们 网上创新网络的图象 , 用飞跃火花及电子符号显示该公司是激发及发展创意 的地方 。
District of Easington
Well known as an ex-mining area, this town has so much more to offer. Its leaping, energetic identity conveys a truly welcoming and positive message, which sets the district apart from its neighbouring regeneration competitors. 以往是著名采矿区 ,这个市镇还有更多可贡献 。它跳跃 、精力充沛的特色 带出真心款待及正面的信息 ,与其邻近 、复兴中的竞争对手有所区别 。
District of Easington Paper Boy
Thanks to this cheeky chap, paper recycling tripled in Easington Council’s trial scheme. The friendly cartoon character encourages everyone to get involved. 要感谢这位滑稽小伙子 。他使区政府的回收试验计划跃升三倍 。这位友善的 卡通人物鼓厉大家参与 。
Part of a repositioning strategy from ‘safe sex’ to ‘better sex’, the refresh of this famous brand makes subtle but important changes, including closing a small gap which was under the ‘x’ in the previous identity; a wise move for a condom company. 为重新定位而定的策略 ,把〝安全性行为〞改为〝更佳性行为〞。这个著名 品牌作出微妙但重要的改变 ,令人感觉清新 。改变包括将〝x〞字母下的空隙 封闭 ,这是安全套公司聪明之举 。
Ebuyer Guru
Reflecting their extensive knowledge and supreme sourcing abilities, the use of the word ‘Guru’ creates a sense of experience and trust for this online electrical retailer’s own-brand products. 反映著他们广泛知识及极高的搜购能力 ,这间网上电子零售商用〝Guru〞(权威) 这个字为其品牌带出经验丰富和自有品牌产品是可靠的信息 。
Enterprise UK
‘Targeting the opportunity’ is the concept for this identity for an entrepreneur-supporting agency with a wide range of audiences, from school kids and businesses to policy makers. 这个企业家支援机构的品牌概念是〝瞄準机会〞。其目标受众广泛 ,包括 学生 、商人及制订政策者 。
Inspired by the concept of ‘growing together’, this identity turned one of Australia’s oldest superannuation funds toward the future. 由〝一同成长〞这个概念触发灵感 ,这个品牌让澳大利亚一个老牌强积金放眼 未来 。
Fay Clark
A brand identity for a clinical hypnotherapist, designed to literally represent ‘exploring the mind’, from phobias to nicotine addiction; all things that Fay can help people with. 一位临床催眠治疗师的品牌 ,设计简直 ,代表〝精神探索〞,从恐惧症至 , 尼古丁成瘾 ,什至任何需求 。
Federation Brewery
A brewery owned by a co-operative of club owners to enable them to make better margins on beer sales. The linking hands identity symbolises the nature of the various members working together. 一间由合作社东主们共同拥有的酿酒厂 ,它提高了售卖啤酒的利润 。手牵手的 标志图象代表会员们同心协力 。
This playful brand was created for a new range of indulgent chocolate treats. Its cheekily sexy tone and rule-breaking approach helps to position the brand as a wicked indulgence. 这个顽皮的品牌是为一个令人沉迷的新巧克力系列而创 。它的淘气 、性感 调子及出位的演译手法呼应著品牌〝鬼迷心窍〞的定位 。
First Republic*
This identity is all attitude; combining language and design to breathe life into this strategy and research agency’s crusade to ‘cut through the cr*p so you don’t have to’. 这个品牌就是有个性 。图象结合了语言及设计 ,为这间策略研究所注入活力及 表达了〝废话少说〞的改革态度 。
The name and fluid design illustrates the concept behind this super-smart dye technology, used by NCR to protect cash whilst in transit to their cash machines. 其品牌名字及液体图象展示了这超精明染色技术的特性 。NCR 公司把现金 送往提款机前 ,会用它去保护现金 。
A simple, witty identity, using the ‘D’ in the brand name to create an appropriate ‘steaming bowl’ icon for this restaurant and gastronomic events organisation. 一个简单 、聪明的标志 ,用品牌的〝D〞字母去创造一个〝蒸碗〞图象 ,恰当地 代表这家同是餐厅也举办美食活动的机构 。
The Football Association
The former brand marks of the England team and The FA were inconsistent and difficult to reproduce. This simplified design system refreshes the brand and works across all equities from the FA Cup to the England team. 旧有的英国队及足球协会标志不统一及难以翻制 。这个简化设计系统为品牌 带来新鲜感 ,可用于所有品牌资产 ,从足协杯至英国队 。
The Football Association England Fans
The identity for the England supporters club uses the ‘and’ from ‘England’ to help demonstrate the inclusive nature of the organisation. 在英国球迷会的标志设计上可看到英国的英文字〝England〞包含了〝和〞的 英文字〝and〞,展示该组织包罗万象 。
Frontier Agriculture
This identity for a collective of arable farmers plays on themes of rolling fields, seamless connections, new opportunities and new horizons. 这个标志代表了耕种的农民 ,主题包括田野 、无缝连系 、新机遇及眼界 。
A simple but strident identity for a global developer of warehouse and distribution logistics parks. 简单但响亮的品牌 ,它代表一家业务遍全球的仓库及分发物流场发展商 。
Gertrude Jekyll
This glassware range was inspired by the drawings of one of the 19th century’s most influential garden designers. The ‘G’ is repeated to form a flower-like identity that stays true to her original aesthetic. 这系列的玻璃用品源于19世纪一名具影响力的园芸设计师 。重覆的英文字母 〝G〞组成似花的图象 ,设计忠于原有的美感 。
An identity for a specialist geosciences company, based on contour maps. The design helps convey technology and geography in one distinctive icon, positioning them as ‘leaders in the world of natural resource location’. 一间专门的地球科学公司 ,它的商标根据等高线图而设计 。该突出的设计以 技术及地理将公司定位为「查找世界天然资源位置的领先者」。
Ginger Productions
The name of this TV production company echoes its original founder; red-haired media celebrity Chris Evans. The identity continues that theme with an appropriately fun typeface and that distinctive ginger colour. 这间电视制作公司的名字呼应其创办人 ,知名红发传媒人 Chris Evans 。 因此 ,标识连贯这个主题 ,采用独特的姜色和适合的趣致字体 。
The brand name and ‘railway line’ fork identity for train operator GNER’s on-board high quality food service. 品牌名字及〝铁路轨〞叉子 ,代表铁路营运商在列车上提供的优质食物 。
To appeal to all their world-wide markets, this online football news service adopts the universal and iconic shape of goal posts. 为吸引全球市场 ,这所网上足球新闻机构采用了通用的龙门柱形状图象 。
Good Cheer Beer
Elmwood designed our very own brand of beer to combat recession blues. Using lenticular printing, the ‘g’ smiles and winks at you on the pump clip as it’s drawn back when pouring the beer. Elmwood 为抗经济衰退 ,创了自有品牌的啤酒 。采用透镜印刷术制造夹在 啤酒泵上的徵章 ,当倒出啤酒时 ,章上的字母〝g〞会向你微笑及眨眼 。
In the conservative legal sector, this law firm needed a dynamic and vibrant mark to set them apart from the competition and convey their vision ‘to be the best kind of different’. 在保守的法律界 ,这间律师事务所需要一个有动感及活力的标志去区别于 竞争对手及传达他们〝成为最佳的不同〞的抱负 。
The Grammar School at Leeds
This brand unites two Leeds schools that merged to form one centre of excellence. Its spectrum of colours and fanning-out lines celebrate diversity and the myriad of opportunities pupils can expect from its high quality education. 这个品牌联合了英国利玆的两间学校 ,合并为一个卓越学习中心 。颜色糸列 及扇形散开的线条颂扬多元化及学生接受其高质教育后对无限机会的期望 。
Specially bred for succulence, this is no ordinary duck, and neither is the brand. The iconic initial and duck portrait formed in the ‘G’ celebrate Gressingham’s respect for the quality of their birds. 这个不普通的鸭品牌专门饲养鲜美多汁的鸭子 。抢眼的简写用英文字母〝G〞 组成了鸭图象来显示品牌对生产优质禽鸟的重视 。
Developed for a specialist range of kitchen utensils, the ‘handy’ mark, which forms the ‘G’ of Gripi, also helps the product stand out in the kitchen. 为一系列专门厨具设计的标志 ,它把手形图象形成了品牌名称的首字母〝G〞, 有助产品在厨房里显得突出 。
Haith’s Bill Oddie’s Bird Food Recipes
This bird food identity utilises famous ornithologist and comedian, Bill Oddie, to establish a tone of voice that was authoritative, and yet quirky and unique at the same time. 这个雀鸟饲料品牌用了著名鸟学家及喜剧演员 Bill Oddie 去建立有权威 , 但同时有点古怪及独突的形象 。
Hall & Rose
This company makes soft furnishings by hand. The identity neatly combines a cotton reel with a fine needle to create the letter ‘H’. 这间公司用人手制造室內装饰品 。图象结合了一个绵纱卷轴及一根幼针来 组成〝H〞字母 。
The Harley Gallery
The mark for this arts and craft exhibition space is sensitive to their role as a space for others’ creativity. 这个艺术及工艺品展览场地着重为别人的创作品提供空间 。
Created following the merger of Halifax and Bank of Scotland, this identity blends the two former identities by combining the ‘X’ icon of Halifax with the saltire of the Scottish flag, whilst also using an independent typeface for the new organisation’s name. 这个标志为哈利法克斯及苏格兰银行合并而设 。它糅合了两个旧图象 , 保留了哈利法克斯的〝X〞字母及苏格兰旗的圣安得鲁十字 ,但使用独立字体 写出新机构的名称 。
Heaven Made Foods
The plate helps communicate the heavenly tastes conjured up by this gourmet frozen dessert brand. 碟子图象显示上天恩赐这有如天堂美味的急冻甜品 。
Standing out in a crowded market of heritage sausages, this mark is built around the can-do motto of the family that makes them: “What the Heck!” 在一个拥挤的市场 ,这家人以〝何不! 〞的精神去制作传统香肠 。商标也是 根据家族格言〝我做得到! 〞而构思出来 。
A brand identity for one of Asia’s leading brands of halal-certified frozen meat positions it as ‘your everyday hero’. 亚洲一个伊斯兰教合法验证的冻肉领先品牌 ,定位为「你的日常英雄」。
Hen Tick
A dual-purpose identity for a company that specialises in blast-freezing. The icon communicates precision freezing, and introduces a subtle ‘tick’ device, which also acts as a seal of approval. 为一间鼓风冷冻公司创造的两用设计 ,图象显示精准冷冻及一个含蓄的〝4〞 符号 ,代表确认 。
Holts Fruits of the Forest
The brand mark for one of the UK’s longest-standing and biggestselling brands of car air fresheners. 英国历史最悠久及最畅销的汽车空气清新剂品牌 。
Homeowners Friendly Society
The right typeface can say everything, sometimes in a single letter. This one was designed with its own smiling ‘e’ to communicate the unique selling point for this financial services business. 适当字体能带出任何信息 ,有时一个字母也可以 。这个标识用了像笑容的字母 〝e〞去传达这个财务机构的服务特色 。
Hull City Council Wilberforce
An educational project on slavery, involving musicians, schools, refugees and academics from the city of Hull. The identity embodies the history and principles of campaigner William Wilberforce, reflecting the context of slavery today and the renaissance of the city.
一个有关奴隶的教育计划 ,参与者包括来自该市的音乐家 、学校 、难民及 学者 。计划体现了历史及英国抵抗奴隶制运动领袖 William Wilberforce 的 原则 ,反映现代城市的奴役生活及文艺复兴 。
ICI Perspex
It’s versatile, colourful and comes in any thickness. The identity revolves around a graduated, coloured bar that captured all of the material’s unique qualities. 它多方面适用 、多色及可切至任何厚度 。标志设计围绕著一条渐变颜条 , 捕捉了这物料所有的特色 。
Inca Runners
Identity for a Peruvian adventure company that specialises in running holidays along the Inca trails. 特为一间秘鲁探险公司设计 ,该公司专门办理沿印加小径的跑步假期 。
JB HiFi Yellowstone
Leveraging JB HiFi’s signature yellow and black palette, this own-brand identity tells a story of ‘moving at the speed of life’ for Australia’s largest discount music, DVD and electricals retailer. 以家族品牌 JB HiFi’s 支持下推出的产品品牌 ,使用了家族品牌的黄黑色调板 , 讲述〝以生命速度移动〞的故事 。该公司是澳大利亚最大的折扣音乐店及影碟 、 电器零售商 。
The John Murray Archive
This literature archive’s identity promotes the excellence of the collection by capturing the 18th and 19th century literary heroes, from George Eliot to Ghandi, within the ‘M’ of the name. 这间文学作品档案馆收藏了18世纪及19世纪伟大文学家的作品 ,在其标志的 英文字母〝M〞内藏有多个文学偶像的名字 ,从乔冶‧艾略特到甘地 。
A plus sign or a flattened box? The dual-purpose icon conveys the simplicity of the design-and-build system from this self-assembly kitchen company, whose mission is to make the whole DIY process as easy as possible. 是加号或是弄平了的合子? 这个双用意的设计传达简约信息及代表了这间自组 厨房公司的方便建造系统和简单的自组程序 。
Electrical solutions should be as simple as plug in and go. To form the ‘A’ we used the shape of a UK plug socket to get the message across in a crowded marketplace. 电气问题的解决办法应简单如插入或拔出插头 。为了帮助这个品牌在拥挤的市场 传达信息 ,我们采用了英国插头的形状去形成标志里的英文字母〝A〞。
A mark with hidden wit, created for an e-commerce and IT consultancy with an informal and friendly approach. Inspired by a computer mouse, its digitised ears create the shape of the ‘3’ turned on its side, to show their lateral approach. 采用不拘礼节及友善手法为电子贸易及资讯科技顾问公司设计的商标隐藏著 智慧 。由电脑滑鼠唤起的灵感 ,标志中的〝3〞字里可见到一对电子化的 鼠耳朵 ,侧放的〝3〞字表达了他们不依惯例的手法 。
This identity and tagline combine to embody the Celtic heritage and innovation-centred approach of this global importer, manufacturer and distributor of luxury alcoholic brands; from Remy Martin Cognac to Absolut Vodka. 这标志和标语代表凯尔特传统及集中创新模式 。企业是豪华烈酒的环球 入口商 ,也是酿酒商及批发商 ,从人头马干邑至绝对伏特加 。
Learning Light
A bright graphic in an illuminating yellow colour positions this e-learning organisation as a guiding light for its customers. 闪亮的黄色明灯绘图代表这间电子学习机构为顾客导航 。
Leeds Metropolitan University
The owl icon, both a symbol of wisdom and the city of Leeds, helped give this former polytechnic even greater visibility than its established counterparts. 猫头鹰图象是智慧及英国利玆市的象征 。它令这所前理工学院较其他对手更 受人注目 。
A brand created to unite London-based Lewisham and Southwark Colleges following their merger. The page-turn of the bold red ‘L’ follows the concept of ‘revealing the future’, and the name is inspired by the innovative New York areas of TriBeCa and SoHo. 为两间以伦敦为基地的学院合并后创造的品牌 。红色粗体〝L〞字母下的翻页 设计是随著〝展现未来〞的概念以创 ,而名字的灵感是来自富有革新精神的纽约 TriBeCa 及苏豪区 。
Longmoor Holsteins
A Duchy farm raising prize-winning dairy cattle in the UK wanted a mark to let the farm speak for itself. So we invited the herd along and simply put the ‘moo’ in Longmoor. 一家公国的农场 ,在英国饲养得奖乳牛 ,要求一个无庸赘述的商标 。因此 , 我们邀请了牛群参与 ,直接在品牌里突出了牛鸣声〝moo〞。
Low Associates
The wisdom of an owl, the horizon-scanning of a giraffe, the fortitude of an elephant. Stand them on top of each other and you have an eye-catching brand with personality that expresses exactly what this political strategy consultancy offers. 猫头鹰的智慧 、长颈鹿的高瞻远瞩 、大笨象的刚毅 ,把它们踏在一起便突显了 一个有个性的夺目品牌 ,也准确阐述了这所政治顾问公司所提供的服务 。
Low Carbon Australia
A simple motif of ‘C’s which gradually reduce, conveying a brighter, more energy-efficient future for the Australian government’s low carbon initiative. 简单的把字母〝C〞在图案中渐退便可传达节能的信息 ,为澳大利亚政府的低碳 倡议带来更光辉的未来 。
Derived from founders’ names ‘Martin’ and ‘Cawthray’ the tropical bird also evokes the colourful sodas and soft drinks produced by the company. 从创办人名字演变出来的标志 ,图象的亚热带雀鸟亦令人联想起该公司生产的 多种颜色的汽水及软饮料 。
Make Mine a Builders
Elmwood introduced some much needed innovation in the tea category by creating, launching and managing our very own brand. Using builders as our theme, this strong, no-nonsense brew is stocked in major retailers across the UK and USA. Elmwood 创作 、推出及管理自有品牌 ,为茶业引入极需的革新 。以建造 工人为商标主题 ,这浓厚 、实在的酿造品横跨英美零售店 。
When sales in the category dropped over health concerns of processed frozen food, this brand redesign re-established McCain as a healthy family favourite by focusing on the quality, simplicity and naturalness of their ingredients. 正当健康问题使急冻食品销路下降 ,这公司重新确立了品牌形象为健康家庭 食物 ,把聚焦放在他们优质 、简单和天然的原料上 。
Melbourne Heart
An ‘M’ and ‘H’ stand proudly inside a powerful heart-shaped shield, capturing this A-League Australian football club’s passion to make a difference. 这个心形盾图象内的〝M〞及〝H〞字母表达出这个澳大利亚顶级足球会追求 改进的热诚 。
Melbourne Street to Home
Playing with language and design to immediately engage with people, this identity represents a programme that helps people who are sleeping rough in Melbourne to get back on their feet. 品牌的用语和设计引人注目 ,它代表帮助墨尔本露宿人士重新站起来的 计划 。
The Merry Pig
Two farmers in Buckinghamshire raise pigs with 5-star treatment; fresh air, wholesome feed and room to root around. So what better way to sum up their brand than a healthy pink colour, a name formed into a contented smile, and a lovely snout? 两名在英国白金汉郡的农民用五星级的方法去饲养猪只 ,清新空气 、健康食物及 空间 。有什么好得过采用代表健美的粉红色 、一个形成满意笑容的名字和一个 可爱的猪鼻子图象来概括他们的品牌?
Morrisons Little Big
An identity for a range of own-brand products that take babies all the way from birth to childhood. 这个自家品牌提供一系列婴儿从出生到童年所需的产品 。
Morrisons Organic
This brand identity for the supermarket’s organic range aligns with the retailer’s values by being down-to-earth and accessible, as opposed to excessively premium. 这个超级市场的有机食物糸列 ,跟随零售商的踏实价值观 ,以大众化的 价格对抗暴利 。
National Sports Museum
A series of stars echo both the Australian flag and a scoreboard, helping Australia’s National Sports Museum share stories of ‘moments that made us’. 一列星星呼应澳大利亚国旗及记分牌 ,协助博物馆分享成功时刻 。
Nestlé Black Magic
The design for this iconic boxed chocolate brand is influenced by the Japanese philosophical approach to designing called Kansei, whereby emotions are translated into specific design parameters. 这个合装巧克力的品牌设计受到日本哲学式的感性设计 (Kansei) 影响 , 将感情演译为特别的设计因数 。
Nord Anglia Education
An organisation which runs British schools in Europe, the Middle East and China, Nord Anglia’s aim is to ‘help others thrive’. The identity is designed to communicate new learning and trusted heritage through a symbolic mark that’s part book, part crown. 一所在欧洲 、中东及中国开办英式学校的机构 ,Nord Anglia (诺德安达教育机构) 的目的是〝助人茁壮成长〞。品牌透过部分书本 、 部分皇冠的 设计代表了新学问 及可靠传统 。
An identity for a charity run by parents, pupils and teachers of Nord Anglia’s international schools around the world. The simple creative work enables groups to adapt the mark with their own colourful touches, giving a sense of local ownership. 这个标志代表著全球 Nord Anglia (诺德安达) 国际学校的家长 、学生及老师们 所参予的慈善工作 。品牌简单的设计让不同的小组可在标志上加入他们各自的 缤纷风格 ,也带出了地区观念 。
Ocean Ave. Pops
Culinary Cruisers wanted a cool and quirky new identity for their frozen popsicle brand. 制造商 Culinary Cruisers 要为棒冰自有品牌改一个〝酷〞和奇怪的新标志 。
Office for National Statistics Census 2011
It was important to make the general public appreciate that completing the UK Census helps influence decisions about public services and more. This identity uses Origami as a visual metaphor for how things can take shape from just one piece of paper. 为了令英国市民明白到完成全国统计有助影响公共服务及其他政策 ,代表著 这个项目的标志以日式折纸手工 (origami) 作为视觉隐喻 ,比喻项目有如一张 百变的纸 。
Officeworks A Brand Called Ed
A character who speaks in a cheeky, witty tone of voice took Officeworks’ school stationery in a fun, exciting and playful new direction. 图象的描繪人物以放肆 、醒目的格调 ,风趣地介绍这间校用文具公司的发展 新方向 ,既剌激又好玩 。
An identity that’s all about connectivity and networks. The letters in the mark of this telecoms brand form negative spaces that become positive connections, hinting at modular mobility. 与〝连系〞及〝网络〞紧密相关的设计 ,这个电讯品牌标志里的字母形成负空间 , 但透过 模式移动 ,成为正面连系 。
‘On the edge’ is the ethos of this range of energy gels and recovery drinks for athletes of all levels. Hence, a no-nonsense identity that promises to help improve performance. 〝在边缘〞是这个品牌的精神 。它为各级运动员提供一系列的活力胶及回复 体力饮料 。因此 ,它的标志也必須直接地表达〝能帮助改善表现〞的承诺 。
Peel’s Deli
Inspired by the distinctive shape of plastic knives, this mark simply arranges the cutlery to create the ‘P’ and the ‘d’ of the brand name, with the addition of a typewriter-like font as a tribute to the deli’s office worker clientele. 胶刀的独有形状所触发的灵感 ,让标志可以简单地以餐具放置作设计 ,形成 品牌名字里〝P〞及〝d〞的字母 ,再以类似打字机打出的字体向食店的办公室 顾客致谢 。
People Can
A charity that works to fight social poverty. They ask people what they can do, creating self-belief and motivation to help them rebuild their lives. 一个为改善社会贫穷的慈善机构 ,它问受益者他们能做什么 ,引发自救及重生 的推动力 。
Phyzog (slang for face) is a digital brand that broadcasts anti-establishment political and social satire. 〝Phyzog〞(面的俚语) 是一个数码品牌 ,广播反建制 、讽刺政治及讽刺社会 的节目 。
Pilmico Feeds
In general, the bigger the pig, the more it’s worth. So, to show a nice fat return on investment, this mark for a Philippines pig feed brand shows rapid porcine growth, enough to make any pig farmer happy. 一般来说 ,猪越重越值钱 。因此 ,要表示投资有丰厚回报 ,这间菲律宾 猪饲料公司的标志以猪图象表达似猪的快速增长 ,足以使猪农快乐 。
Pioneering Foods
Taking the ‘P’ from their name to create an icy mountain peak is a simple solution to explain the essence and nature of this frozen food company. 从名字中的字母〝P〞创造雪山山峰 ,直接说明了这间急冻食品公司的精粹 及性质 。
This plumber wanted people to appreciate that there’s more to him than just fixing leaks. The branding invents a new science, ‘pipeology’, reinforcing it with a brain icon formed from pipes. 这个管道工要别人多点欣赏他补漏以外的优点 ,所以发明了新科学 :「管道学」。 所以他的商标是一个以铅管组成脑的图象 。
Places Victoria Officer Town Centre
Bursting with colour and energy, this mark for the commercial and residential reinvigoration of a Melbourne suburb inspired people to celebrate Officer’s esteemed history and bright future. 爆发著色彩及精力 ,这个为墨尔本郊区进行商住振兴计划的标识启发居民去 歌颂这里的可贵历史及光明的未來 。
Places Victoria Twich
Lines of stitch-like thread weave in and out of one another, echoing the ethos of a sewing collective that brings South Sudanese and Australian women together to share skills and stories. 一行行看似针缝的线 ,互相穿插 ,呼唤著南苏丹和澳大利亚的妇女们去一起 缝纫 、分享技艺及分享故事 。
Places Victoria Wearhouse
A sticky name and twisted coat hanger combine to form the identity for this community fashion space for disadvantaged youths. 一个尴尬名称及一个扭曲的衣架组成的标志 ,代表为弱勢社群少年而設的社區 時裝空間 。
An organisation that helps develop management skills through a series of challenging role-play scenarios. 这个机构协助參加者透過一连串挑战戰性的角色扮演发展管理技能 。
PZ Cussons Radiant
A bold, gleaming ‘R’ creates a fresh and bright on-shelf presence, making this identity a fitting beacon of laundry excellence. 一个粗体 、闪亮的〝R〞字母形成的图象 ,使产品在架上显得清新亮丽 , 也突显了品牌的卓越洗衣技术 。
Radium creates audio for TV and film. But how do you show sound in an identity? The solution is a linear pattern based on sound waves that form an ‘r’ in the mark. Radium 为电视及电影製作声音 。怎么样用设计去表达声音呢? 答案是根据 音波去绘画线条图案 ,然后在标志上组成字母〝r〞的图象 。
Rangers Football Club
Football fans are notoriously resistant to change. A mark of success, then, when this redesigned Rangers FC’s monogram prompted thousands of pre-orders for the new away strip, and a £2million increase in revenue. 众所周知 ,球迷抗拒改变 ,但有一个例外的成功例子 。新设计的球会交织字母 带來数以千计的预订 ,为球会增加二百万英鎊的收入 。
Real World Marketing
Often what’s missing from the heart of marketing campaigns is a clear strategy based on accurate consumer insights. This consultancy provides that missing piece of the puzzle, and the design of the mark embodies that proposition. 通常市场推广都没做到准确洞察顾客看法去制定清晰策略 。这间顾问公司能 提供这欠缺的服务 ,它的品牌也以这作命题 。
Richardson Sheffield
A strident ‘r’ for this cutting-edge kitchen utensils brand. 一个夸张的字母〝r〞代表这尖端的厨具品牌 。
Russell Hobbs
The new lifestyle positioning developed for this well-known home appliances brand helped them to communicate moments of pleasure. 这名牌家用电器品牌以新颖生活方式作定位 ,传达欢乐时光 。
Sacred Spirits Co.
A crafted ‘boutique’ gin calls for a similarly detailed identity. The mark is full of meaning: the gates are a local landmark, the hearts reference the distiller’s last name, and the snake protects the Boswellia sacra tree where the ingredient Frankincense is grown. 一款精致的杜松子酒 ,应配于同樣细致的标志 。这个标志充滿含意 ,闸是 当地地标 、心代表蒸馏商的姓 、而蛇则保护乳香骶骨树 。这酒其中一种原料 便是采自这树的乳香 。
The Saucy Fish Co.
Bringing together chilled fish with delicious matching sauces created a category first for this seafood company. The brand reflects this innovation with a cheeky tone of voice, vivid colours and a black background to stand out in retailers’ white chiller cabinets. 将冷冻鱼配与美味酱汁一起包装 ,为这间海鮮公司创造第一 。标志以 怪语气 、生动的色彩和黑色背景去突出公司的白色冷冻柜 。
Schweppes Solo
This strong, masculine 3D mark takes the ‘soft’ out of soft drinks, refreshing the iconic, thirst-quenching choice of generations of Australian men. 这强烈 、男性化的立体图象把软饮料中的〝软〞性拿走 ,成为一代又一代 澳大利亚男士的首选解渴饮料 。
SEP Venture
The new image for this venture capital business uses a simple speech bubble at its core to attract younger, more entrepreneurial investors. 这间风险資本公司的新图象利用简单的对话泡泡去吸引较年轻 、 企业家形 的投资者 。
Waste management is not the sexiest business, but that doesn’t mean it has to be boring either. The idea came from the common phrase “That’s serious sh**”. Asterisks were used to avoid offence, and the colours were no mistake. 废物管理并非最性感的业务 ,但也不一定沉闷 。标志的构思來自一句公用短语 , 而顏色亦是蓄意的 。
Seven Four
A Scottish music agent wanted a distinctive mark to represent his eclectic range of music artists. 一名苏格兰音乐经理人要特別的标記去代表他旗下那群兼容并蓄的音乐艺人 。
Seven Seas
A recrafted typeface and vibrant halo breathe new life into this established health supplements brand. Supported by a new positioning, ‘the art of better health’. 采用重新设计的字体及活力光环为这保健品品牌给予生气 。新定位为 〝更好健康的艺术〞。
Seven Seas Ilumina
The proposition of ‘inner beauty’ lies at the core of this brand for Seven Seas’ new premium beauty supplement. Aimed at the female market, the name hints at outer radiant beauty from within. 內在美是 Seven Seas 新的美容保健品品牌的核心价值 。主攻女性市场 , 这个品牌的名称暗示著美丽是由內至外的 。
Sheffield Steelers
Strength. Determination. Ice hockey. It’s all here in this forthright identity for a team with roots in the city of steel. 力量 、決心 、冰上曲棍球 ,全都显现在这图象里 ,它是为植根于这钠铁之城的 队伍而设计的直率标志 。
Shot Up North Sun ’97
Weather symbols reflect the north of England’s famously wet weather, creating a theme and identity for this annual exhibition for photographers from the north. 英格兰北部著名的潮湿天气为这个标志提供了主题 。气象符号图象代表了这个 为来自北部的摄影师们而设的周年摄影展 。
A name and identity with a slot-like ‘l’ and coin-like ‘o’ providing an appropriately simple, fast and fun mark for this company of vending machine operators. 这个自动贩卖机营运商的简单 、有趣标志是以一个形似狭缝的〝l〞字母及似 钱币的〝o〞字母组成的设计 。
Snowdon Trust
This charity awards grants for students with disabilities, enabling them to get the equipment and help they need to fulfill their potential. The bold red ‘equals’ sign signifies the huge difference the trust makes. 这个慈善团体提供津贴予伤残学生 ,让他们购买器材及帮助他们发展潜质 。 粗体紅色的等号意味着这信托基金能起重要作用 。
An updated identity for a brand that’s a ‘national treasure’. Using a new tone of voice, the design helped reposition Soreen as a modern, energising breakfast snacking brand for school kids and energy-hungry athletes. 这个〝国宝级〞的品牌用了新的语调 、新的设计将 Soreen 定位为现代化 、 提供能量的早餐小吃 , 适合学童和需要体能的运动員 。
An icon-based identity that helps convey this printing company’s strengths, using bright colours and italic typeface to reinforce their rapid imaging credentials. 这标志展示了印刷公司的強项 ,以鮮色和斜体字加強公司在快速成像技术 的信誉 。
A manufacturer of high performance clothing for serious adventurers. The identity is packed with climbing cues, from the stepped icon to the ‘A’s in the brand name, which hint at tents, mountain peaks or simply a sign for ‘up’. 为探险家生产高质服装的生广商 ,它的商标设计用梯級代表攀登及用了名字里 的字母〝A〞去令人联想帐篷 、山顶或简单的向上符号 。
St James Shopping
Just one of a suite of five dynamic and colourful variations of this identity, developed for each of five bustling shopping malls to establish the east of Edinburgh as an exciting new leisure destination. 营造爱丁堡以东为刺激的新消闲地点 。这个有动感和色彩缤纷的图象是五款 各自代表不同商場的标志其中之一 。
Magnetism is the perfect analogy for this digital marketing agency’s knack for attracting clicks. The individual pieces also reflect their many services that work alone or joined together. 这间数码营销公司吸引客戶的能力有如磁石 ,标志利用了这个比喻作设计 。 磁块组成的图象代表公司提供的多项服务 ,可分开或一同执行 。
In a fast-changing media landscape, this identity represents the merging of two regional channels to serve Scotland as a whole. 在瞬色万变的传媒界 ,这商标代表了两个区域频道的合并及公同为苏格兰服务 。
Sunny D
This refreshed identity for a reformulated, additive-free drink repositioned the product by taking the brand back to its roots in Californian surf culture, where it had an authentic story to tell. 更新的标志 、重新的配方 ,把这个无添加饮料品牌带回它的根源文化 , 以加洲的冲浪文化细说它的权威故事 。
Suntec City
An iconic Singaporean integrated retail and commercial destination. Inspired by the site’s Fountain of Wealth, the idea of ‘eternal flow’ gave rise to a symbol with as many layers of meaning as the mall has choices, experiences and floors. 这个融合零售和商务的购物中心是新加坡的著名地标 。标志的设计以购物 中心的「財富之泉」作灵感 ,喻意川流不息 ,象征多重意义 ,有如商场 有选择 、体验 及层次 。
The stylish brand name for this carpet tile company encapsulates exactly what the product does. The icon, formed from a pair of tessellating ‘t’s, creates a neat tile square out of negative space to emphasise their stylish look and fit. 这间地毡瓷砖公司的名字很有品味 ,其产品亦如是 。图象由一对嵌装的〝t〞 字母组成 ,在负空间造成整洁的砖块 ,強调品味和无瑕的配称 。
Thammachart Seafood
A fish-tailed, salmon-pink ‘t’ creates ripples and brings the personality of this Thailand-based seafood company to life, adding on-pack appeal to everything from smoked salmon to sauces. 在三文鱼粉紅色的〝t〞字母下的一条鱼尾泛起涟漪 ,这个图象把这间泰国海鮮 公司个性化 ,也使从烟三文鱼到酱汁的包装更引人注目 。
That! Dairy Snack
A delicious, creamy type and playful name, which had kids in Australian school canteens pointing at the fridge and screaming “I want that!” 一款美味 、奶油般的字体及好玩的名字令澳大利亚学童在小食部指著冰箱叫嚷 〝我要吃! 〞。
Thirsty Planet
Bottles of water that raise money to bring clean water to sub-Saharan Africa. The ‘world water droplet’ acted as a visual totem of the brand name. 售卖的每一瓶水都是为了募集资金将干净的水带到撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲小国 。 品牌以「世界水滴」作形象化图腾 。
Tickety Boo
A company that gives advice on how design can reduce the environmental impact of services, products and packaging. The identity leaves no footprint at all, the words ‘Tickety Boo’ are simply die cut from all printed material. Tickety Boo indeed. 一间设计环保服务 、产品和包装的顾问公司 ,它的标志也不留「碳足迹」, 在标志里的品牌名称以印刷品冲切出來 。
Tom Devine
The initial letter of this property consultant’s name is filled with illustrations representing his diverse skills and experience. The identity shows customers at a glance how his different services work together. 这间地产顾问公司名字的首字母里的插图代表其多样技能及经验 , 让顾客对其 不同服务一目了然 。
Two Degrees
A snack bar that satisfies your hunger and also buys a third world child a meal. The nurturing theme is clearly shown in this simple, heart-warming identity. 一间小吃店 ,既可满足你的饥饿 ,同时去买餐給第三世界儿童 。标志简单 、 窝心的设计清楚带出营养主题 。
Two Men
Wine experts Dan Sims and Ben Edwards aim to make wine accessible. This fun and simple mark captures the spirit of their endeavours: to bottle their own wine and share knowledge with the world. 酒专家 Dan Sims 及 Ben Edwards 旨在提高美酒的易售性 , 把自酿的酒入樽 与世界分享 。这个有趣及简单的标志捕捉了他们的努力 。
Universities UK
The definitive voice for universities in the UK. An identity that unites stakeholders, while respecting the individual agendas of different regions. The mark is made up of elements that can be highlighted to reflect the appropriate country. 英国众大學的权威代表 ,将持分者团結一起 ,同时尊重不同地区的个別目标 。 标志以多元素组成 ,在不同用途下强调不同元素可反映适当的区域特性 。
University of Aberdeen The Hub
Hearts, birds, arrows. However you interpret the colourful segments in this mark, the idea is a warm, welcoming place that brings together staff, students and the local community. 心形 、雀乌 、箭 ,无论你怎样演译图象的色彩 ,它的概念是源自这个溫暖 、 凝聚员工 、学生和地区人士的地方 。
Vivien Sheriff
Elegance, delicate lines and a peacock’s plume come together in a ‘V’ to perfectly sum up the creations of this top British milliner and designer for royalty. 高雅 、精细线条及孔雀羽毛组成的字母〝V〞,它们概括了这个英国頂尖女帽 及皇室服装设计師特别之处 。
Walking the Dog
A playful identity that really captures the essence of this local dog-walking and home-help service. 一个好玩的标志 ,它真正掌握了这间当地溜狗及家政服务所的精粹 。
An identity rooted in the unique heritage and craftsmanship of this 120 year-old family-run bakery, helping them rise from regional baker to the UK’s market leader. 这个标志代表一家有120年历史的家族饼店 。靠著独一无二的传统及手艺 , 他们从区域饼店提升到英国的市场领导品牌 。
The Watch Gallery
The identity for this luxury watch retailer is inspired by art galleries, using a picture frame that can also be interpreted as watch hands. After all, selecting and wearing a watch is a form of exhibitionism in itself. 这个豪华手表零售商的标志设计概念來自艺术馆 ,用一个画框演译为手表的 指针 。毕竟 ,挑选及带上手表本身也是一种表演癖 。
Welcome to Yorkshire
This new name and identity for The Yorkshire Tourist Board shows a confident new approach that reflects the county’s hospitality, beauty, vibrancy and diversity. 约克郡旅游局的新名称和身分说明了这个郡是友善 、美丽 、生气勃勃及多元化 。
The home-shaped icons and friendly tone of voice communicate the ease and approachability of this challenger real estate business. 家的图象及友善的语调传达了这间二线地产公司的平易近人 。
Woolmark Australian Superfine Merino
This sub-brand is reserved for the finest wool from Australia. It’s inspired by the unique stamp on every bale of wool, to suggest the soft, natural fibres and the quality of fabrics woven from them. 这个附屬品牌是澳大利亚优质羊毛专用的 。商标的设计灵感來自每梱羊毛的 独有印章 ,代表著柔软天然纤维及编织质素 。
Works with Water
A range of pioneering natural products that ‘work with water’ to help solve skin, blood pressure and cholesterol problems. 一系列有助解決皮肤 、血压及胆固醇问题的首创天然产品 ,跟名称一样要 〝与水同服〞。
World Curry Festival
There are few more vibrant foods than curry. This identity for an annual festival of all things spicy creates a big burst of flavour and colour that feels energetic, spontaneous and is all about getting creative with exotic ingredients. 没多少食物比咖喱更多姿多彩 。这个标志为一年一度的香料节带出味道及 色彩 ,令人感到精力充沛及不自禁地想用一些奇异原料来创新口味 。
York MDM
The archer, poised with his arrow aiming towards the sky, captures the ambitions of this management consultancy, dedicated to encouraging the highest aspirations amongst their clients. 弓箭手把箭咀指向天空 ,这动作捕捉了这间管理顾问公司的抱負 ,专诚鼓励 顾客们达到最高期望 。
Created for PR consultant Zaria Pinchbeck, this strident identity represents her unique ability to view things from a different perspective. 这个刺目的品牌身分是为公关顾问 Zaria Pinchbeck 以创 ,代表著她与众不同的 观察能力 。
Our own identity
The world’s most effective brand design consultancy. 我们的身份 全球最有效的品牌设计顾问。
So there you have it: a selection of identities produced here at Elmwood over the last three decades. Some have served their initial purpose and then been honourably retired from service. Some have been tweaked as the product or business has developed over time. Others still stand strong as lasting totems of the brand. Our own identity has evolved four times since our journey began in 1977. The current Elmwood crest represents the evolution of our story as it is today. If you’re interested in finding out why it is the way it is, then take a look at our website where you’ll find a short animated movie that walks you through this story in a mere 90 seconds. The fundamental truth is that all businesses are taking part in a race; a race that they can never win because in business, there is no finish line. And it’s this truth that leads us to another mantra that we hold dear at Elmwood. Something once said by Jerry Garcia, the frontman of the rock band Grateful Dead…
“It’s no longer good enough to be the best of the best. You need to be the only people who do what you do.” In business, that difference is rarely physical for long; the real difference is more often an attitude, in essence a brand story, which is why Jerry’s wise words are echoed by a guitar in our own identity. Whilst it’s fun to look back, it’s more so to look forward to the future. Today’s brands are being brought to life in ways we never dreamt of when we started, and that’ll be even more true in thirty years’ time. Frankly, we can’t wait.
现在你看过了 Elmwood 在过去30年的精选 制作 。一些达到初步目标后 ,光荣引退 。 有些随着产品或企业的发展 ,已被修改 。 其他仍然稳如泰山成为品牌的持久图腾 。 自1977年我们展開旅程至今 ,我们的品牌 设计也曾進行4次演化 。现行的 Elmwood 「纹章」代表著我们演变至目前的故事 。 假如你有兴趣找出原因 ,请看我们的网页 , 可以找到一套动画短片 ,在短短90秒内看看 我们的故事 。 事实上 ,所有的商业都在竞赛 ,一个永远 不能赢的比赛 ,因为在商界没有终点 。这个 事实让我们領悟出另一个自明之理 ,是摇滚 乐队 Grateful Dead (感恩而死組) 成员 Jerry Garcia 曾说过的話 : “作为最佳中的最佳已不够好 ,你需要成为唯一 去做你所做的人 。” 在商界 ,分别不会永久存在 ,真正的分别在于 态度 。所以在我们的品牌故事裡 ,我们用了 一个结他来呼应 Jerry 的隽语 。 回顾有趣 ,展望将来更甚 ,今天我们会用一些 在我们開业時想也未想过的方法去处理現今的 品牌 。未来30年我们会有更多的创新 。老实说 , 我们自己也急不及待 。
The world’s most effective brand design consultancy. 全球最有效的品牌设计顾问。
Elmwood Identities