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TECHNOLOGY WITH THE POSITIVE IMPACT ON SUSTAINABILITY DEVICE FOR AUTO-CHANGER DECORATIVE COLOR & LIGHTING VIA BLUETOOTH (SUSTAINABLE ENERGY & CARTRIDGE) Khaled A. Hamid Elnems THE EGYPTIAN SOCIETY FOR WOMEN & YOUTH R&D Inventor and (Q.C. & CAD Tec.) Abu Dhabi, UAE Alnems78@Hotmail, Yahoo & Abstract— Technology allows us to convert natural resources into the goods and services that we eat, drink, wear, live in, travel on, etc. It can make both positive and negative contributions to sustainability. Usually the technology is the source of main negative influence on the environment, energy and everything is the opposite of sustainability, but here we will prove that the technology will contribute directly to sustainability, energy-saving and environmental conservation. Human n is the maker of the new technology, which can be adapted in sustainability to maintain a clean and better future for us. The overall conclusion is that developing and using the best available technology will certainly help to reduce human impact on the environment, Key words — New Invented Technology with the positive impact on sustainability New Sustainable Energy & Cartridge Innovation and Control by Bluetooth. ——————————  ——————————

1. INTRODUCTION echnology allows us to convert natural resources into the goods and services that we eat, drink, wear, live in, travel on, etc. It can make both positive and negative contributions to sustainability.


Usually the technology is the source of main negative influence on the environment, energy and everything is the opposite of sustainability. But here we will prove that the technology will contribute directly to sustainability, energy-saving and environmental conservation. Human is the maker of the new technology, which can be adapted in sustainability to maintain a clean and better future for us. The overall conclusion is that developing and using the best available technology will certainly help to reduce human impact on the environment, Now I will explain my New Innovation to that the technology will contribute directly to sustainability, energy-saving and environmental conservation.

Technology with the positive impact on sustainability

2. NEW INNOVATION TITLE AND REGISTRATION: Title: “Device for Auto-changer Decorative Color & Lighting via Bluetooth (Sustainable Energy & Cartridge)”, (Registered Patent No.: 2012/ 414 (Egyptian Patent Office)).

2.1 Description: General idea of what the invention is about: Device for change decoration (Colors) for (Wall, Cover lampshades & Vases) with Control for lighting Degree & Preserve Electricity via Bluetooth. Main Parts of Decoration (Colors & lighting): Now Can Automatically Change via Mobile Bluetooth:  Color by free paint (the Recycle used Cartridges Color Printer)  Light by Adjust and Set light levels on an individual fixture basis & close automatically when Exit. 2.2. Presentation: It is Describe how the invention works, looks like (see Fig. 1):  Is a device that changes the decoration (color & lighting degree) as interacts with people by the psychological state and favourite of the person (as he setting it before), final Preserve Electrical Energy When Exit or far away from this device (Bluetooth range = 10 m), the device automatically switch (off) the power to preserve light Electricity?  When you Enter in the (living room) the Furniture like (Cover lampshades & Vases) or Wall Colors it will be Change Automatically (Adjust and Set light levels & Colors on an individual fixture basis) to your favourite Color & lighting by your Bluetooth mobile name as your setting it before. And when you Exit the device automatically switch (off) the power to preserve light Electricity  Can change totally basic colors by the Recycle used Cartridges Color Printer  When the device work automatically by Bluetooth mobile names (that is call a Decorative Interactive)  When the device work by change it manually direct from Mobile (that is call a Decorative Variable)

Fig. 1: Device Structure

Technology with the positive impact on sustainability

2.3. The Role of Software: It is Describe how the Mobile software works  It is Contact with the Control Device Automatically by Bluetooth when be near it and give order to (Adjust and Set light levels & Colors on an individual fixture basis) to your favourite Color & lighting by your Bluetooth mobile name as your setting it before  Final Preserve Electrical Energy When Exit or far away from this device (Bluetooth range = 10 m), the device automatically switch (off) the power to preserve light Electricity? 2.4. The Problems that Innovation will to Solve:  The consumption of electric power by forgot the lighting switch or air conditioning switch working (Consume electricity without take advantage) and indirectly, we increase the proportion of carbon emitted into the air by (That the more we consume has increased our consumption of electricity we use more fuel in power plants and lead to increased carbon emissions from these stations (about that it is Automatically switch (off) the power to preserve light Electricity by Bluetooth)  Usually we throw The Cartridge Color Printer and more than 20% color useless inside The Cartridge it will be losing money and negative impact on the environment  Of human nature that variable mood where it every (time to time) change the color of the surrounding decor causing cost and damage to the environment indirectly. 2.5. Advantages:  Control for a Decoration ( Color & Lighting)  Saving a Cost for Repainting wall or re-change Decoration  Sustainability for Preserve Lighting Energy & Recycle the Cartridge Color Printer

Fig. 2: Comparison

Technology with the positive impact on sustainability

3. ENVIRONMENTAL INVENTION (GREEN INVENTION):  The Technology by Sustainability, Repainting for Free by (Recycle the Cartridge Printer) and Preserve Electrical Energy by Mobile Bluetooth  The consumption of electric power by forgot the lighting switch or air conditioning switch working (Consume electricity without take advantage) and indirectly, we increase the proportion of carbon emitted into the air by (That the more we consume has increased our consumption of electricity we use more fuel in power plants and lead to increased carbon emissions from these stations (about that it is Automatically switch (off) the power to preserve light Electricity by Bluetooth)

4. METHOD OF STATEMENT (FIXED & WORKS): FOR (CONTROL & PUMP DEVICE) AND PROGRAM OPERATION: This device consists of: (see Fig. 3): (1) Main device (The Switch for lighting Unit control): it is Device for Preserve Electrical energy and control for lighting via Bluetooth and also (2) Also it wirelesses controls for other devices controlled for casing color cover: (Wall, lampshades & vases)

Fig. 3: Comparison

Technology with the positive impact on sustainability

4.1. Device Details (see Fig. 4): 1. Control Device 2. Liquid Color Sheets 3. Mobile Program 4. Color Pump Device (Recycle Cartridge)

Fig. 4: Comparison 4.3. How it works:  The lighting switch sense you via Bluetooth mobile and it will be controlled to (eased or increase control lighting) and Changes (Decoration colors) for another parts (Wall, Cover lampshades & Vases) it will be change by (Colored liquid pressure-Mechanical system) and can change totally Basic colors by Recycle the used Cartridges Color Printer by New Application (Colored liquid pressure into compressed Sheets) for sustainability energy and reduction expensive cost we unused materials like (Electrochromic film or Plastic flexible e-paper)

Fig. 5: Comparison

Technology with the positive impact on sustainability

 Began operating by (Bluetooth Mobile Names): How can the device know that the person entered the living room and this property is Merged for another device (my invention) in the field of sustainability (Device for Preserve Electrical energy via Bluetooth technology ) The integrating it with this Device (Decoration (change color)) further here to be have a two role first to knows the console that someone in the room (and determine the particular person of the family members) and secondly to control lighting and the separation device and lighting work when you get out of the room  It is different than other devices for controlled light because it use New technology for automatically sense you by Mobile Bluetooth 5. THIS INVENTION DEVICE PROVED ITS WORTH BY WON A LOT OF AWARDS (TO PROVE THE SOCIAL ACCEPTABILITY OF THE PROPOSAL):  Special Prize Awards from Asia Innovation Association (AIA) in The SEOUL INTERNATIONAL INVENTION FAIR (SIIF) Korea 2012  Diploma with Golden Medal from Association of Polish Inventors And Rationalizes (WARSAW) in The SEOUL INTERNATIONAL INVENTION FAIR (SIIF) Korea 2012  Golden Medal from World Invention and Industrial Property Association (WIIPA) in INTERNATIONALS EXHAIBITION OF INVENTIONS, SHOW “INOVA 2012.” ZAGREB 6. MARKET, PLAN & PROTOTYPE TO BE AVAILABLE AND ENJOY CONSIDERABLE COMMERCIAL SUCCESS 6.1. Market Characterizations of this Product (Type of Market):  (Targeted Users: All Public sustainability Human) 6. 2. Profitability: o Potential Demand of the Product: • Will be large sales because will purchased by Public o The Site / Place of the project: Factory inside or outside the city not require it big size would be an assembly factory initially. The electronic assembly factory will be simple, simply operation and ease of maintenance, the degree of safety in operation and the amount of pollution caused by 0%.

Fig.6: Logo

7. THE HISTORY OF MERGED DEVICE FOR PRESERVE ELECTRICAL ENERGY VIA BLUETOOTH TECHNOLOGY Registered No.: 00210 /2010 (A Sustainable UAE Program) This Device which was Merged it is patented with 11th Nos, of Awarded Internationals since 3 years ago from 2010 and it is different than other devices for controlled light because it use New technology for automatically sense you by Mobile:

Technology with the positive impact on sustainability

Only installed this device (It is working by Bluetooth) on the lighting switch or air conditioning switch and linked to any mobile via Bluetooth When far away from this device (Bluetooth range = 10 m), the device automatically switch (off) the power to provide Electricity (And No need every time when the same person enters this room to re-link with the device, it connects automatically because already linked before. Also be controlled by mobile (via Bluetooth) to this electrical switch (close and open it) or making timer for lighting Challenge: The consumption of electric power by forgot the lighting switch or air conditioning switch working (Consume electricity without take advantage) and indirectly, we increase the proportion of carbon emitted into the air by (That the more we consume has increased our consumption of electricity we use more fuel in power plants and lead to increased carbon emissions from these stations) Some device in existing counterparts cannot Solving the problems: It is different than other devices for controlled light because it use New technology for automatically sense you by Mobile Bluetooth Or Like Sensors infrared & Ultrasound Device: Must be the build area scanned open and clearsensitive (open areas) because the doors, wall, partitions and stairs, etc... It hampers Effectiveness of device system INTERNATIONAL AWARDS:  The international innovation Fourth Special Prize (Diploma No.2011-659) from (The Federation of Korean Industries) on SEOUL INTERNATIONAL INVENTION FAIR (SIIF) Korea -Under U.A.E  Win Golden Medals in on SEOUL INTERNATIONAL INVENTION FAIR (SIIF2011) (Korea)  Win of Golden Medal in The International Cyber Genius Inventor Fair CIGIF2010 (Korea)  Win Bronze Medal 3rd International Engineering Invention & Innovation Exhibition (i-ENVEX 2012) (Malaysia)  Win Bronze Medal in The International Invention (KIWIE2011) (Korea)  Got Evaluation Certificate in 3rd innovation and invention exhibition "Future Scientists 2010“(Egypt)  Win Golden Medal on Jul.2012 in The MACAU Comm. & International Innovation & Invention Expo. (Russia)  Win Silver Medal in The Third International Innovation and Invention Conference is "Environment and Health ". The 3rd IIIC Taipei, Taiwan (under UAE Section).  Win Golden Medal on Aug.2012 in "New Time" Innovation Exhibition (Ukraine)  The 7th International Exhibition of Inventions (Kunshan) from China Association of Invention 12  Win Bronze Medal Taipei lnt'l invention Show & Techno mart invention Contest 2012 (Taiwan) 7. SUMMARIES IN one sentence: (We create technology, and we adapted it to be a negative or sustainable product) REFERENCES [1] All References and Sources it is refer to the (Khaled Abdul Hmaid Elnems) Egyptian Inventor & Cad Tec, U.A.E. [2] Manuscript (Sustainable technology). © 2011 Population Matters [3] Supported Video for explanation the Project: Device for Auto-changer Decorative Color & Lighting via Bluetooth (Sustainable Energy & Cartridge) :

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